Commit fefb86b1 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Orthography fixes for new castNode() macro.

Clean up hastily-composed comment.  Normalize whitespace.

Erik Rijkers and myself
parent 7afd56c3
......@@ -559,23 +559,23 @@ extern PGDLLIMPORT Node *newNodeMacroHolder;
#define IsA(nodeptr,_type_) (nodeTag(nodeptr) == T_##_type_)
* castNode(type, ptr) casts ptr to type and, if cassert is enabled, verifies
* that the the c actually has the appropriate type (using it's nodeTag()).
* castNode(type, ptr) casts ptr to "type *", and if assertions are enabled,
* verifies that the node has the appropriate type (using its nodeTag()).
* Use an inline function when assertions are enabled, to avoid multiple
* evaluations of the ptr argument (which could e.g. be a function call).
static inline Node*
castNodeImpl(enum NodeTag type, void *ptr)
static inline Node *
castNodeImpl(NodeTag type, void *ptr)
Assert(ptr == NULL || nodeTag(ptr) == type);
return ptr;
return (Node *) ptr;
#define castNode(_type_, nodeptr) ((_type_ *) castNodeImpl(T_##_type_, nodeptr))
#define castNode(_type_,nodeptr) ((_type_ *)(nodeptr))
#define castNode(_type_, nodeptr) ((_type_ *) (nodeptr))
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