Commit fc3459d7 authored by Alvaro Herrera's avatar Alvaro Herrera

Uppercase <!ENTITY> and <!DOCTYPE> tags in SGML source

This improves compatibility with external toolchains, such as those used
by some documentation translation tools.

Gabriele Bartolini
parent 595a441a
......@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ bookindex.sgml: HTML.index
# changes.
version.sgml: $(top_srcdir)/configure
{ \
echo "<!entity version \"$(VERSION)\">"; \
echo "<!entity majorversion \"$(MAJORVERSION)\">"; \
echo "<!ENTITY version \"$(VERSION)\">"; \
echo "<!ENTITY majorversion \"$(MAJORVERSION)\">"; \
} > $@
features-supported.sgml: $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/catalog/sql_feature_packages.txt $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt
......@@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ HISTORY.html: $(wildcard $(srcdir)/release*.sgml)
rm tempfile_HISTORY.sgml
regress_README.html: regress.sgml
( echo '<!doctype chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" ['; \
echo '<!entity % standalone-ignore "IGNORE">'; \
echo '<!entity % standalone-include "INCLUDE"> ]>'; \
( echo '<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" ['; \
echo '<!ENTITY % standalone-ignore "IGNORE">'; \
echo '<!ENTITY % standalone-include "INCLUDE"> ]>'; \
cat $< ) >tempfile_regress_README.sgml
$(JADE.text) -V nochunks tempfile_regress_README.sgml > $@
rm tempfile_regress_README.sgml
<!-- doc/src/sgml/filelist.sgml -->
<!entity history SYSTEM "history.sgml">
<!entity info SYSTEM "info.sgml">
<!entity intro SYSTEM "intro.sgml">
<!entity legal SYSTEM "legal.sgml">
<!entity notation SYSTEM "notation.sgml">
<!entity problems SYSTEM "problems.sgml">
<!ENTITY history SYSTEM "history.sgml">
<!ENTITY info SYSTEM "info.sgml">
<!ENTITY intro SYSTEM "intro.sgml">
<!ENTITY legal SYSTEM "legal.sgml">
<!ENTITY notation SYSTEM "notation.sgml">
<!ENTITY problems SYSTEM "problems.sgml">
<!-- tutorial -->
<!entity advanced SYSTEM "advanced.sgml">
<!entity query SYSTEM "query.sgml">
<!entity start SYSTEM "start.sgml">
<!ENTITY advanced SYSTEM "advanced.sgml">
<!ENTITY query SYSTEM "query.sgml">
<!ENTITY start SYSTEM "start.sgml">
<!-- currently unused, but contains some interesting information -->
<!entity sql SYSTEM "sql.sgml">
<!ENTITY sql SYSTEM "sql.sgml">
<!-- user's guide -->
<!entity array SYSTEM "array.sgml">
<!entity datatype SYSTEM "datatype.sgml">
<!entity ddl SYSTEM "ddl.sgml">
<!entity dml SYSTEM "dml.sgml">
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<!ENTITY dml SYSTEM "dml.sgml">
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<!ENTITY rowtypes SYSTEM "rowtypes.sgml">
<!ENTITY syntax SYSTEM "syntax.sgml">
<!ENTITY textsearch SYSTEM "textsearch.sgml">
<!ENTITY typeconv SYSTEM "typeconv.sgml">
<!-- administrator's guide -->
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<!entity client-auth SYSTEM "client-auth.sgml">
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<!entity manage-ag SYSTEM "manage-ag.sgml">
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<!entity runtime SYSTEM "runtime.sgml">
<!entity config SYSTEM "config.sgml">
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<!ENTITY backup SYSTEM "backup.sgml">
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<!ENTITY client-auth SYSTEM "client-auth.sgml">
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<!ENTITY high-availability SYSTEM "high-availability.sgml">
<!ENTITY installation SYSTEM "installation.sgml">
<!ENTITY installw SYSTEM "install-windows.sgml">
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<!ENTITY manage-ag SYSTEM "manage-ag.sgml">
<!ENTITY monitoring SYSTEM "monitoring.sgml">
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<!ENTITY runtime SYSTEM "runtime.sgml">
<!ENTITY config SYSTEM "config.sgml">
<!ENTITY user-manag SYSTEM "user-manag.sgml">
<!ENTITY wal SYSTEM "wal.sgml">
<!-- programmer's guide -->
<!entity dfunc SYSTEM "dfunc.sgml">
<!entity ecpg SYSTEM "ecpg.sgml">
<!entity extend SYSTEM "extend.sgml">
<!entity external-projects SYSTEM "external-projects.sgml">
<!entity func-ref SYSTEM "func-ref.sgml">
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<!entity pltcl SYSTEM "pltcl.sgml">
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<!ENTITY ecpg SYSTEM "ecpg.sgml">
<!ENTITY extend SYSTEM "extend.sgml">
<!ENTITY external-projects SYSTEM "external-projects.sgml">
<!ENTITY func-ref SYSTEM "func-ref.sgml">
<!ENTITY infoschema SYSTEM "information_schema.sgml">
<!ENTITY libpq SYSTEM "libpq.sgml">
<!ENTITY lobj SYSTEM "lobj.sgml">
<!ENTITY rules SYSTEM "rules.sgml">
<!ENTITY spi SYSTEM "spi.sgml">
<!ENTITY trigger SYSTEM "trigger.sgml">
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<!ENTITY xfunc SYSTEM "xfunc.sgml">
<!ENTITY xindex SYSTEM "xindex.sgml">
<!ENTITY xplang SYSTEM "xplang.sgml">
<!ENTITY xoper SYSTEM "xoper.sgml">
<!ENTITY xtypes SYSTEM "xtypes.sgml">
<!ENTITY plperl SYSTEM "plperl.sgml">
<!ENTITY plpython SYSTEM "plpython.sgml">
<!ENTITY plsql SYSTEM "plpgsql.sgml">
<!ENTITY pltcl SYSTEM "pltcl.sgml">
<!-- reference pages -->
<!entity % allfiles SYSTEM "ref/allfiles.sgml">
<!ENTITY % allfiles SYSTEM "ref/allfiles.sgml">
<!-- developer's guide -->
<!entity arch-dev SYSTEM "arch-dev.sgml">
<!entity bki SYSTEM "bki.sgml">
<!entity catalogs SYSTEM "catalogs.sgml">
<!entity geqo SYSTEM "geqo.sgml">
<!entity gist SYSTEM "gist.sgml">
<!entity gin SYSTEM "gin.sgml">
<!entity planstats SYSTEM "planstats.sgml">
<!entity indexam SYSTEM "indexam.sgml">
<!entity nls SYSTEM "nls.sgml">
<!entity plhandler SYSTEM "plhandler.sgml">
<!entity fdwhandler SYSTEM "fdwhandler.sgml">
<!entity protocol SYSTEM "protocol.sgml">
<!entity sources SYSTEM "sources.sgml">
<!entity storage SYSTEM "storage.sgml">
<!ENTITY arch-dev SYSTEM "arch-dev.sgml">
<!ENTITY bki SYSTEM "bki.sgml">
<!ENTITY catalogs SYSTEM "catalogs.sgml">
<!ENTITY geqo SYSTEM "geqo.sgml">
<!ENTITY gist SYSTEM "gist.sgml">
<!ENTITY gin SYSTEM "gin.sgml">
<!ENTITY planstats SYSTEM "planstats.sgml">
<!ENTITY indexam SYSTEM "indexam.sgml">
<!ENTITY nls SYSTEM "nls.sgml">
<!ENTITY plhandler SYSTEM "plhandler.sgml">
<!ENTITY fdwhandler SYSTEM "fdwhandler.sgml">
<!ENTITY protocol SYSTEM "protocol.sgml">
<!ENTITY sources SYSTEM "sources.sgml">
<!ENTITY storage SYSTEM "storage.sgml">
<!-- contrib information -->
<!entity contrib SYSTEM "contrib.sgml">
<!entity adminpack SYSTEM "adminpack.sgml">
<!entity auth-delay SYSTEM "auth-delay.sgml">
<!entity auto-explain SYSTEM "auto-explain.sgml">
<!entity btree-gin SYSTEM "btree-gin.sgml">
<!entity btree-gist SYSTEM "btree-gist.sgml">
<!entity chkpass SYSTEM "chkpass.sgml">
<!entity citext SYSTEM "citext.sgml">
<!entity cube SYSTEM "cube.sgml">
<!entity dblink SYSTEM "dblink.sgml">
<!entity dict-int SYSTEM "dict-int.sgml">
<!entity dict-xsyn SYSTEM "dict-xsyn.sgml">
<!entity dummy-seclabel SYSTEM "dummy-seclabel.sgml">
<!entity earthdistance SYSTEM "earthdistance.sgml">
<!entity file-fdw SYSTEM "file-fdw.sgml">
<!entity fuzzystrmatch SYSTEM "fuzzystrmatch.sgml">
<!entity hstore SYSTEM "hstore.sgml">
<!entity intagg SYSTEM "intagg.sgml">
<!entity intarray SYSTEM "intarray.sgml">
<!entity isn SYSTEM "isn.sgml">
<!entity lo SYSTEM "lo.sgml">
<!entity ltree SYSTEM "ltree.sgml">
<!entity oid2name SYSTEM "oid2name.sgml">
<!entity pageinspect SYSTEM "pageinspect.sgml">
<!entity passwordcheck SYSTEM "passwordcheck.sgml">
<!entity pgbench SYSTEM "pgbench.sgml">
<!entity pgarchivecleanup SYSTEM "pgarchivecleanup.sgml">
<!entity pgbuffercache SYSTEM "pgbuffercache.sgml">
<!entity pgcrypto SYSTEM "pgcrypto.sgml">
<!entity pgfreespacemap SYSTEM "pgfreespacemap.sgml">
<!entity pgrowlocks SYSTEM "pgrowlocks.sgml">
<!entity pgstandby SYSTEM "pgstandby.sgml">
<!entity pgstatstatements SYSTEM "pgstatstatements.sgml">
<!entity pgstattuple SYSTEM "pgstattuple.sgml">
<!entity pgtestfsync SYSTEM "pgtestfsync.sgml">
<!entity pgtrgm SYSTEM "pgtrgm.sgml">
<!entity pgupgrade SYSTEM "pgupgrade.sgml">
<!entity seg SYSTEM "seg.sgml">
<!entity contrib-spi SYSTEM "contrib-spi.sgml">
<!entity sepgsql SYSTEM "sepgsql.sgml">
<!entity sslinfo SYSTEM "sslinfo.sgml">
<!entity tablefunc SYSTEM "tablefunc.sgml">
<!entity test-parser SYSTEM "test-parser.sgml">
<!entity tsearch2 SYSTEM "tsearch2.sgml">
<!entity unaccent SYSTEM "unaccent.sgml">
<!entity uuid-ossp SYSTEM "uuid-ossp.sgml">
<!entity vacuumlo SYSTEM "vacuumlo.sgml">
<!entity xml2 SYSTEM "xml2.sgml">
<!ENTITY contrib SYSTEM "contrib.sgml">
<!ENTITY adminpack SYSTEM "adminpack.sgml">
<!ENTITY auth-delay SYSTEM "auth-delay.sgml">
<!ENTITY auto-explain SYSTEM "auto-explain.sgml">
<!ENTITY btree-gin SYSTEM "btree-gin.sgml">
<!ENTITY btree-gist SYSTEM "btree-gist.sgml">
<!ENTITY chkpass SYSTEM "chkpass.sgml">
<!ENTITY citext SYSTEM "citext.sgml">
<!ENTITY cube SYSTEM "cube.sgml">
<!ENTITY dblink SYSTEM "dblink.sgml">
<!ENTITY dict-int SYSTEM "dict-int.sgml">
<!ENTITY dict-xsyn SYSTEM "dict-xsyn.sgml">
<!ENTITY dummy-seclabel SYSTEM "dummy-seclabel.sgml">
<!ENTITY earthdistance SYSTEM "earthdistance.sgml">
<!ENTITY file-fdw SYSTEM "file-fdw.sgml">
<!ENTITY fuzzystrmatch SYSTEM "fuzzystrmatch.sgml">
<!ENTITY hstore SYSTEM "hstore.sgml">
<!ENTITY intagg SYSTEM "intagg.sgml">
<!ENTITY intarray SYSTEM "intarray.sgml">
<!ENTITY isn SYSTEM "isn.sgml">
<!ENTITY lo SYSTEM "lo.sgml">
<!ENTITY ltree SYSTEM "ltree.sgml">
<!ENTITY oid2name SYSTEM "oid2name.sgml">
<!ENTITY pageinspect SYSTEM "pageinspect.sgml">
<!ENTITY passwordcheck SYSTEM "passwordcheck.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgbench SYSTEM "pgbench.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgarchivecleanup SYSTEM "pgarchivecleanup.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgbuffercache SYSTEM "pgbuffercache.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgcrypto SYSTEM "pgcrypto.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgfreespacemap SYSTEM "pgfreespacemap.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgrowlocks SYSTEM "pgrowlocks.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgstandby SYSTEM "pgstandby.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgstatstatements SYSTEM "pgstatstatements.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgstattuple SYSTEM "pgstattuple.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgtestfsync SYSTEM "pgtestfsync.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgtrgm SYSTEM "pgtrgm.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgupgrade SYSTEM "pgupgrade.sgml">
<!ENTITY seg SYSTEM "seg.sgml">
<!ENTITY contrib-spi SYSTEM "contrib-spi.sgml">
<!ENTITY sepgsql SYSTEM "sepgsql.sgml">
<!ENTITY sslinfo SYSTEM "sslinfo.sgml">
<!ENTITY tablefunc SYSTEM "tablefunc.sgml">
<!ENTITY test-parser SYSTEM "test-parser.sgml">
<!ENTITY tsearch2 SYSTEM "tsearch2.sgml">
<!ENTITY unaccent SYSTEM "unaccent.sgml">
<!ENTITY uuid-ossp SYSTEM "uuid-ossp.sgml">
<!ENTITY vacuumlo SYSTEM "vacuumlo.sgml">
<!ENTITY xml2 SYSTEM "xml2.sgml">
<!-- appendixes -->
<!entity contacts SYSTEM "contacts.sgml">
<!entity datetime SYSTEM "datetime.sgml">
<!entity docguide SYSTEM "docguide.sgml">
<!entity errcodes SYSTEM "errcodes.sgml">
<!entity features SYSTEM "features.sgml">
<!entity keywords SYSTEM "keywords.sgml">
<!entity sourcerepo SYSTEM "sourcerepo.sgml">
<!entity release SYSTEM "release.sgml">
<!entity release-9.1 SYSTEM "release-9.1.sgml">
<!entity release-9.0 SYSTEM "release-9.0.sgml">
<!entity release-8.4 SYSTEM "release-8.4.sgml">
<!entity release-8.3 SYSTEM "release-8.3.sgml">
<!entity release-8.2 SYSTEM "release-8.2.sgml">
<!entity release-8.1 SYSTEM "release-8.1.sgml">
<!entity release-8.0 SYSTEM "release-8.0.sgml">
<!entity release-7.4 SYSTEM "release-7.4.sgml">
<!entity release-old SYSTEM "release-old.sgml">
<!entity acronyms SYSTEM "acronyms.sgml">
<!entity features-supported SYSTEM "features-supported.sgml">
<!entity features-unsupported SYSTEM "features-unsupported.sgml">
<!entity errcodes-table SYSTEM "errcodes-table.sgml">
<!ENTITY contacts SYSTEM "contacts.sgml">
<!ENTITY datetime SYSTEM "datetime.sgml">
<!ENTITY docguide SYSTEM "docguide.sgml">
<!ENTITY errcodes SYSTEM "errcodes.sgml">
<!ENTITY features SYSTEM "features.sgml">
<!ENTITY keywords SYSTEM "keywords.sgml">
<!ENTITY sourcerepo SYSTEM "sourcerepo.sgml">
<!ENTITY release SYSTEM "release.sgml">
<!ENTITY release-9.1 SYSTEM "release-9.1.sgml">
<!ENTITY release-9.0 SYSTEM "release-9.0.sgml">
<!ENTITY release-8.4 SYSTEM "release-8.4.sgml">
<!ENTITY release-8.3 SYSTEM "release-8.3.sgml">
<!ENTITY release-8.2 SYSTEM "release-8.2.sgml">
<!ENTITY release-8.1 SYSTEM "release-8.1.sgml">
<!ENTITY release-8.0 SYSTEM "release-8.0.sgml">
<!ENTITY release-7.4 SYSTEM "release-7.4.sgml">
<!ENTITY release-old SYSTEM "release-old.sgml">
<!ENTITY acronyms SYSTEM "acronyms.sgml">
<!ENTITY features-supported SYSTEM "features-supported.sgml">
<!ENTITY features-unsupported SYSTEM "features-unsupported.sgml">
<!ENTITY errcodes-table SYSTEM "errcodes-table.sgml">
<!-- back matter -->
<!entity biblio SYSTEM "biblio.sgml">
<!entity bookindex SYSTEM "bookindex.sgml">
<!ENTITY biblio SYSTEM "biblio.sgml">
<!ENTITY bookindex SYSTEM "bookindex.sgml">
Some parts of the documentation are also source for some plain-text
......@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@
some parts (e.g., external xref's) when generating these files we use
these parameter entities. See also standalone-install.sgml.
<!entity % standalone-ignore "INCLUDE">
<!entity % standalone-include "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % standalone-ignore "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % standalone-include "IGNORE">
By default, no index is included. Use -i include-index on the command line
to include it.
<!entity % include-index "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % include-index "IGNORE">
......@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" [
<!entity % version SYSTEM "version.sgml">
<!ENTITY % version SYSTEM "version.sgml">
<!entity % filelist SYSTEM "filelist.sgml">
<!ENTITY % filelist SYSTEM "filelist.sgml">
<!entity reference SYSTEM "reference.sgml">
<!ENTITY reference SYSTEM "reference.sgml">
......@@ -5,177 +5,177 @@ Complete list of usable sgml source files in this directory.
<!-- SQL commands -->
<!entity abort system "abort.sgml">
<!entity alterAggregate system "alter_aggregate.sgml">
<!entity alterCollation system "alter_collation.sgml">
<!entity alterConversion system "alter_conversion.sgml">
<!entity alterDatabase system "alter_database.sgml">
<!entity alterDefaultPrivileges system "alter_default_privileges.sgml">
<!entity alterDomain system "alter_domain.sgml">
<!entity alterExtension system "alter_extension.sgml">
<!entity alterForeignDataWrapper system "alter_foreign_data_wrapper.sgml">
<!entity alterForeignTable system "alter_foreign_table.sgml">
<!entity alterFunction system "alter_function.sgml">
<!entity alterGroup system "alter_group.sgml">
<!entity alterIndex system "alter_index.sgml">
<!entity alterLanguage system "alter_language.sgml">
<!entity alterLargeObject system "alter_large_object.sgml">
<!entity alterOperator system "alter_operator.sgml">
<!entity alterOperatorClass system "alter_opclass.sgml">
<!entity alterOperatorFamily system "alter_opfamily.sgml">
<!entity alterRole system "alter_role.sgml">
<!entity alterSchema system "alter_schema.sgml">
<!entity alterServer system "alter_server.sgml">
<!entity alterSequence system "alter_sequence.sgml">
<!entity alterTable system "alter_table.sgml">
<!entity alterTableSpace system "alter_tablespace.sgml">
<!entity alterTSConfig system "alter_tsconfig.sgml">
<!entity alterTSDictionary system "alter_tsdictionary.sgml">
<!entity alterTSParser system "alter_tsparser.sgml">
<!entity alterTSTemplate system "alter_tstemplate.sgml">
<!entity alterTrigger system "alter_trigger.sgml">
<!entity alterType system "alter_type.sgml">
<!entity alterUser system "alter_user.sgml">
<!entity alterUserMapping system "alter_user_mapping.sgml">
<!entity alterView system "alter_view.sgml">
<!entity analyze system "analyze.sgml">
<!entity begin system "begin.sgml">
<!entity checkpoint system "checkpoint.sgml">
<!entity close system "close.sgml">
<!entity cluster system "cluster.sgml">
<!entity commentOn system "comment.sgml">
<!entity commit system "commit.sgml">
<!entity commitPrepared system "commit_prepared.sgml">
<!entity copyTable system "copy.sgml">
<!entity createAggregate system "create_aggregate.sgml">
<!entity createCast system "create_cast.sgml">
<!entity createCollation system "create_collation.sgml">
<!entity createConversion system "create_conversion.sgml">
<!entity createDatabase system "create_database.sgml">
<!entity createDomain system "create_domain.sgml">
<!entity createExtension system "create_extension.sgml">
<!entity createForeignDataWrapper system "create_foreign_data_wrapper.sgml">
<!entity createForeignTable system "create_foreign_table.sgml">
<!entity createFunction system "create_function.sgml">
<!entity createGroup system "create_group.sgml">
<!entity createIndex system "create_index.sgml">
<!entity createLanguage system "create_language.sgml">
<!entity createOperator system "create_operator.sgml">
<!entity createOperatorClass system "create_opclass.sgml">
<!entity createOperatorFamily system "create_opfamily.sgml">
<!entity createRole system "create_role.sgml">
<!entity createRule system "create_rule.sgml">
<!entity createSchema system "create_schema.sgml">
<!entity createSequence system "create_sequence.sgml">
<!entity createServer system "create_server.sgml">
<!entity createTable system "create_table.sgml">
<!entity createTableAs system "create_table_as.sgml">
<!entity createTableSpace system "create_tablespace.sgml">
<!entity createTrigger system "create_trigger.sgml">
<!entity createTSConfig system "create_tsconfig.sgml">
<!entity createTSDictionary system "create_tsdictionary.sgml">
<!entity createTSParser system "create_tsparser.sgml">
<!entity createTSTemplate system "create_tstemplate.sgml">
<!entity createType system "create_type.sgml">
<!entity createUser system "create_user.sgml">
<!entity createUserMapping system "create_user_mapping.sgml">
<!entity createView system "create_view.sgml">
<!entity deallocate system "deallocate.sgml">
<!entity declare system "declare.sgml">
<!entity delete system "delete.sgml">
<!entity discard system "discard.sgml">
<!entity do system "do.sgml">
<!entity dropAggregate system "drop_aggregate.sgml">
<!entity dropCast system "drop_cast.sgml">
<!entity dropCollation system "drop_collation.sgml">
<!entity dropConversion system "drop_conversion.sgml">
<!entity dropDatabase system "drop_database.sgml">
<!entity dropDomain system "drop_domain.sgml">
<!entity dropExtension system "drop_extension.sgml">
<!entity dropForeignDataWrapper system "drop_foreign_data_wrapper.sgml">
<!entity dropForeignTable system "drop_foreign_table.sgml">
<!entity dropFunction system "drop_function.sgml">
<!entity dropGroup system "drop_group.sgml">
<!entity dropIndex system "drop_index.sgml">
<!entity dropLanguage system "drop_language.sgml">
<!entity dropOperator system "drop_operator.sgml">
<!entity dropOperatorClass system "drop_opclass.sgml">
<!entity dropOperatorFamily system "drop_opfamily.sgml">
<!entity dropOwned system "drop_owned.sgml">
<!entity dropRole system "drop_role.sgml">
<!entity dropRule system "drop_rule.sgml">
<!entity dropSchema system "drop_schema.sgml">
<!entity dropSequence system "drop_sequence.sgml">
<!entity dropServer system "drop_server.sgml">
<!entity dropTable system "drop_table.sgml">
<!entity dropTableSpace system "drop_tablespace.sgml">
<!entity dropTrigger system "drop_trigger.sgml">
<!entity dropTSConfig system "drop_tsconfig.sgml">
<!entity dropTSDictionary system "drop_tsdictionary.sgml">
<!entity dropTSParser system "drop_tsparser.sgml">
<!entity dropTSTemplate system "drop_tstemplate.sgml">
<!entity dropType system "drop_type.sgml">
<!entity dropUser system "drop_user.sgml">
<!entity dropUserMapping system "drop_user_mapping.sgml">
<!entity dropView system "drop_view.sgml">
<!entity end system "end.sgml">
<!entity execute system "execute.sgml">
<!entity explain system "explain.sgml">
<!entity fetch system "fetch.sgml">
<!entity grant system "grant.sgml">
<!entity insert system "insert.sgml">
<!entity listen system "listen.sgml">
<!entity load system "load.sgml">
<!entity lock system "lock.sgml">
<!entity move system "move.sgml">
<!entity notify system "notify.sgml">
<!entity prepare system "prepare.sgml">
<!entity prepareTransaction system "prepare_transaction.sgml">
<!entity reassignOwned system "reassign_owned.sgml">
<!entity reindex system "reindex.sgml">
<!entity releaseSavepoint system "release_savepoint.sgml">
<!entity reset system "reset.sgml">
<!entity revoke system "revoke.sgml">
<!entity rollback system "rollback.sgml">
<!entity rollbackPrepared system "rollback_prepared.sgml">
<!entity rollbackTo system "rollback_to.sgml">
<!entity savepoint system "savepoint.sgml">
<!entity securityLabel system "security_label.sgml">
<!entity select system "select.sgml">
<!entity selectInto system "select_into.sgml">
<!entity set system "set.sgml">
<!entity setConstraints system "set_constraints.sgml">
<!entity setRole system "set_role.sgml">
<!entity setSessionAuth system "set_session_auth.sgml">
<!entity setTransaction system "set_transaction.sgml">
<!entity show system "show.sgml">
<!entity startTransaction system "start_transaction.sgml">
<!entity truncate system "truncate.sgml">
<!entity unlisten system "unlisten.sgml">
<!entity update system "update.sgml">
<!entity vacuum system "vacuum.sgml">
<!entity values system "values.sgml">
<!ENTITY abort SYSTEM "abort.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterAggregate SYSTEM "alter_aggregate.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterCollation SYSTEM "alter_collation.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterConversion SYSTEM "alter_conversion.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterDatabase SYSTEM "alter_database.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterDefaultPrivileges SYSTEM "alter_default_privileges.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterDomain SYSTEM "alter_domain.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterExtension SYSTEM "alter_extension.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterForeignDataWrapper SYSTEM "alter_foreign_data_wrapper.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterForeignTable SYSTEM "alter_foreign_table.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterFunction SYSTEM "alter_function.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterGroup SYSTEM "alter_group.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterIndex SYSTEM "alter_index.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterLanguage SYSTEM "alter_language.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterLargeObject SYSTEM "alter_large_object.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterOperator SYSTEM "alter_operator.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterOperatorClass SYSTEM "alter_opclass.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterOperatorFamily SYSTEM "alter_opfamily.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterRole SYSTEM "alter_role.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterSchema SYSTEM "alter_schema.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterServer SYSTEM "alter_server.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterSequence SYSTEM "alter_sequence.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterTable SYSTEM "alter_table.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterTableSpace SYSTEM "alter_tablespace.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterTSConfig SYSTEM "alter_tsconfig.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterTSDictionary SYSTEM "alter_tsdictionary.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterTSParser SYSTEM "alter_tsparser.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterTSTemplate SYSTEM "alter_tstemplate.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterTrigger SYSTEM "alter_trigger.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterType SYSTEM "alter_type.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterUser SYSTEM "alter_user.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterUserMapping SYSTEM "alter_user_mapping.sgml">
<!ENTITY alterView SYSTEM "alter_view.sgml">
<!ENTITY analyze SYSTEM "analyze.sgml">
<!ENTITY begin SYSTEM "begin.sgml">
<!ENTITY checkpoint SYSTEM "checkpoint.sgml">
<!ENTITY close SYSTEM "close.sgml">
<!ENTITY cluster SYSTEM "cluster.sgml">
<!ENTITY commentOn SYSTEM "comment.sgml">
<!ENTITY commit SYSTEM "commit.sgml">
<!ENTITY commitPrepared SYSTEM "commit_prepared.sgml">
<!ENTITY copyTable SYSTEM "copy.sgml">
<!ENTITY createAggregate SYSTEM "create_aggregate.sgml">
<!ENTITY createCast SYSTEM "create_cast.sgml">
<!ENTITY createCollation SYSTEM "create_collation.sgml">
<!ENTITY createConversion SYSTEM "create_conversion.sgml">
<!ENTITY createDatabase SYSTEM "create_database.sgml">
<!ENTITY createDomain SYSTEM "create_domain.sgml">
<!ENTITY createExtension SYSTEM "create_extension.sgml">
<!ENTITY createForeignDataWrapper SYSTEM "create_foreign_data_wrapper.sgml">
<!ENTITY createForeignTable SYSTEM "create_foreign_table.sgml">
<!ENTITY createFunction SYSTEM "create_function.sgml">
<!ENTITY createGroup SYSTEM "create_group.sgml">
<!ENTITY createIndex SYSTEM "create_index.sgml">
<!ENTITY createLanguage SYSTEM "create_language.sgml">
<!ENTITY createOperator SYSTEM "create_operator.sgml">
<!ENTITY createOperatorClass SYSTEM "create_opclass.sgml">
<!ENTITY createOperatorFamily SYSTEM "create_opfamily.sgml">
<!ENTITY createRole SYSTEM "create_role.sgml">
<!ENTITY createRule SYSTEM "create_rule.sgml">
<!ENTITY createSchema SYSTEM "create_schema.sgml">
<!ENTITY createSequence SYSTEM "create_sequence.sgml">
<!ENTITY createServer SYSTEM "create_server.sgml">
<!ENTITY createTable SYSTEM "create_table.sgml">
<!ENTITY createTableAs SYSTEM "create_table_as.sgml">
<!ENTITY createTableSpace SYSTEM "create_tablespace.sgml">
<!ENTITY createTrigger SYSTEM "create_trigger.sgml">
<!ENTITY createTSConfig SYSTEM "create_tsconfig.sgml">
<!ENTITY createTSDictionary SYSTEM "create_tsdictionary.sgml">
<!ENTITY createTSParser SYSTEM "create_tsparser.sgml">
<!ENTITY createTSTemplate SYSTEM "create_tstemplate.sgml">
<!ENTITY createType SYSTEM "create_type.sgml">
<!ENTITY createUser SYSTEM "create_user.sgml">
<!ENTITY createUserMapping SYSTEM "create_user_mapping.sgml">
<!ENTITY createView SYSTEM "create_view.sgml">
<!ENTITY deallocate SYSTEM "deallocate.sgml">
<!ENTITY declare SYSTEM "declare.sgml">
<!ENTITY delete SYSTEM "delete.sgml">
<!ENTITY discard SYSTEM "discard.sgml">
<!ENTITY do SYSTEM "do.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropAggregate SYSTEM "drop_aggregate.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropCast SYSTEM "drop_cast.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropCollation SYSTEM "drop_collation.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropConversion SYSTEM "drop_conversion.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropDatabase SYSTEM "drop_database.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropDomain SYSTEM "drop_domain.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropExtension SYSTEM "drop_extension.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropForeignDataWrapper SYSTEM "drop_foreign_data_wrapper.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropForeignTable SYSTEM "drop_foreign_table.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropFunction SYSTEM "drop_function.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropGroup SYSTEM "drop_group.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropIndex SYSTEM "drop_index.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropLanguage SYSTEM "drop_language.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropOperator SYSTEM "drop_operator.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropOperatorClass SYSTEM "drop_opclass.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropOperatorFamily SYSTEM "drop_opfamily.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropOwned SYSTEM "drop_owned.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropRole SYSTEM "drop_role.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropRule SYSTEM "drop_rule.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropSchema SYSTEM "drop_schema.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropSequence SYSTEM "drop_sequence.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropServer SYSTEM "drop_server.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropTable SYSTEM "drop_table.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropTableSpace SYSTEM "drop_tablespace.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropTrigger SYSTEM "drop_trigger.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropTSConfig SYSTEM "drop_tsconfig.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropTSDictionary SYSTEM "drop_tsdictionary.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropTSParser SYSTEM "drop_tsparser.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropTSTemplate SYSTEM "drop_tstemplate.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropType SYSTEM "drop_type.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropUser SYSTEM "drop_user.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropUserMapping SYSTEM "drop_user_mapping.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropView SYSTEM "drop_view.sgml">
<!ENTITY end SYSTEM "end.sgml">
<!ENTITY execute SYSTEM "execute.sgml">
<!ENTITY explain SYSTEM "explain.sgml">
<!ENTITY fetch SYSTEM "fetch.sgml">
<!ENTITY grant SYSTEM "grant.sgml">
<!ENTITY insert SYSTEM "insert.sgml">
<!ENTITY listen SYSTEM "listen.sgml">
<!ENTITY load SYSTEM "load.sgml">
<!ENTITY lock SYSTEM "lock.sgml">
<!ENTITY move SYSTEM "move.sgml">
<!ENTITY notify SYSTEM "notify.sgml">
<!ENTITY prepare SYSTEM "prepare.sgml">
<!ENTITY prepareTransaction SYSTEM "prepare_transaction.sgml">
<!ENTITY reassignOwned SYSTEM "reassign_owned.sgml">
<!ENTITY reindex SYSTEM "reindex.sgml">
<!ENTITY releaseSavepoint SYSTEM "release_savepoint.sgml">
<!ENTITY reset SYSTEM "reset.sgml">
<!ENTITY revoke SYSTEM "revoke.sgml">
<!ENTITY rollback SYSTEM "rollback.sgml">
<!ENTITY rollbackPrepared SYSTEM "rollback_prepared.sgml">
<!ENTITY rollbackTo SYSTEM "rollback_to.sgml">
<!ENTITY savepoint SYSTEM "savepoint.sgml">
<!ENTITY securityLabel SYSTEM "security_label.sgml">
<!ENTITY select SYSTEM "select.sgml">
<!ENTITY selectInto SYSTEM "select_into.sgml">
<!ENTITY set SYSTEM "set.sgml">
<!ENTITY setConstraints SYSTEM "set_constraints.sgml">
<!ENTITY setRole SYSTEM "set_role.sgml">
<!ENTITY setSessionAuth SYSTEM "set_session_auth.sgml">
<!ENTITY setTransaction SYSTEM "set_transaction.sgml">
<!ENTITY show SYSTEM "show.sgml">
<!ENTITY startTransaction SYSTEM "start_transaction.sgml">
<!ENTITY truncate SYSTEM "truncate.sgml">
<!ENTITY unlisten SYSTEM "unlisten.sgml">
<!ENTITY update SYSTEM "update.sgml">
<!ENTITY vacuum SYSTEM "vacuum.sgml">
<!ENTITY values SYSTEM "values.sgml">
<!-- applications and utilities -->
<!entity clusterdb system "clusterdb.sgml">
<!entity createdb system "createdb.sgml">
<!entity createlang system "createlang.sgml">
<!entity createuser system "createuser.sgml">
<!entity dropdb system "dropdb.sgml">
<!entity droplang system "droplang.sgml">
<!entity dropuser system "dropuser.sgml">
<!entity ecpgRef system "ecpg-ref.sgml">
<!entity initdb system "initdb.sgml">
<!entity pgBasebackup system "pg_basebackup.sgml">
<!entity pgConfig system "pg_config-ref.sgml">
<!entity pgControldata system "pg_controldata.sgml">
<!entity pgCtl system "pg_ctl-ref.sgml">
<!entity pgDump system "pg_dump.sgml">
<!entity pgDumpall system "pg_dumpall.sgml">
<!entity pgResetxlog system "pg_resetxlog.sgml">
<!entity pgRestore system "pg_restore.sgml">
<!entity postgres system "postgres-ref.sgml">
<!entity postmaster system "postmaster.sgml">
<!entity psqlRef system "psql-ref.sgml">
<!entity reindexdb system "reindexdb.sgml">
<!entity vacuumdb system "vacuumdb.sgml">
<!ENTITY clusterdb SYSTEM "clusterdb.sgml">
<!ENTITY createdb SYSTEM "createdb.sgml">
<!ENTITY createlang SYSTEM "createlang.sgml">
<!ENTITY createuser SYSTEM "createuser.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropdb SYSTEM "dropdb.sgml">
<!ENTITY droplang SYSTEM "droplang.sgml">
<!ENTITY dropuser SYSTEM "dropuser.sgml">
<!ENTITY ecpgRef SYSTEM "ecpg-ref.sgml">
<!ENTITY initdb SYSTEM "initdb.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgBasebackup SYSTEM "pg_basebackup.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgConfig SYSTEM "pg_config-ref.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgControldata SYSTEM "pg_controldata.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgCtl SYSTEM "pg_ctl-ref.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgDump SYSTEM "pg_dump.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgDumpall SYSTEM "pg_dumpall.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgResetxlog SYSTEM "pg_resetxlog.sgml">
<!ENTITY pgRestore SYSTEM "pg_restore.sgml">
<!ENTITY postgres SYSTEM "postgres-ref.sgml">
<!ENTITY postmaster SYSTEM "postmaster.sgml">
<!ENTITY psqlRef SYSTEM "psql-ref.sgml">
<!ENTITY reindexdb SYSTEM "reindexdb.sgml">
<!ENTITY vacuumdb SYSTEM "vacuumdb.sgml">
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Running 'make INSTALL' in the doc/src/sgml directory will do 1 through
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" [
<!entity % version SYSTEM "version.sgml">
<!ENTITY % version SYSTEM "version.sgml">
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ equivalent of C's #ifdef and friends. The other end of this is in
<!entity % standalone-ignore "IGNORE">
<!entity % standalone-include "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % standalone-ignore "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % standalone-include "INCLUDE">
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