Commit f5e8bfb4 authored by Teodor Sigaev's avatar Teodor Sigaev

Utility for convert myspell dictionaries to ispell, full README will be later

parent 43f77c06
UNZIP=unzip -o
all: $(LANGUAGE).dict $(LANGUAGE).aff
$(ZIPFILE).aff: $(ZIPFILE).zip
$(UNZIP) $? $@
touch $@
# 1 Cleanup dictionary
# 2 remove " symbol
# 3 add compoundwords controlled flag to word which hasn't it, but
# has compound only suffixes
$(LANGUAGE).dict: $(ZIPFILE).zip
$(UNZIP) $? $(ZIPFILE).dic
grep -v -E '^[[:digit:]]+$$' < $(ZIPFILE).dic \
| grep -v '\.' \
| sed -e 's/"//g' \
| perl -pi -e 's|/(\S+)| $$q=$$1; ( $$q=~/[\\_`]/ && $$q!~/z/ ) ? "/$${q}z" : "/$${q}"|e' \
| sort \
> $@
#just convert affix file
$(LANGUAGE).aff: $(ZIPFILE).aff
grep -v -i zyzyzy $(ZIPFILE).aff \
| grep -v -i zyzyzy \
| perl -pi \
-e 's/^COMPOUNDFLAG\s+(\S+)/compoundwords controlled $$1/;' \
-e 's/^COMPOUNDMIN\s+(\d+)/compoundmin $$1/;' \
-e 's/^PFX\s+(\S+)\s+Y\s+\d+.*$$/ if ( !$$wasprf ) { $$wasprf=1; "prefixes\n\nflag $$1:" } else { "flag $$1:" } /e;' \
-e 's/^PFX\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ uc(" $$3 > $$2")/e;' \
-e 's/^(.*)SFX\s+(\S+)\s+([YN])\s+\d+.*$$/ $$flg=($$3 eq "Y") ? "*" : ""; $$flg="~$$flg" if length $$1; $$q=$$2; $$q="\\$$q" if $$q!~m#[a-zA-Z]#; if ( !$$wassfx ) { $$wassfx=1; "suffixes\n\nflag $$flg$$q:" } else { "flag $$flg$$q:" } /e;' \
-e 's/^.*SFX\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ uc(" $$3 > ".( ($$1 eq "0") ? "" : "-$$1,").( ($$2 eq "0") ? "" : "$$2") )/e;' \
-e 's/^(SET|TRY)/#$$1/' \
> $@
rm -rf $(ZIPFILE).aff $(ZIPFILE).dic $(LANGUAGE).dict $(LANGUAGE).aff
Utility for convert MySpell dictionary and affix from
myspell to ispell format.
Utility tested on and from
OpenOffice (
For example, make norwegian dictionary and affix:
% cp my2ispell
% cd my2ispell
% gmake ZIPFILE=nb_NO LANGUAGE=norsk
Author: Teodor Sigaev <>
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