Commit f24cf960 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Fix test for subplans in force-parallel mode.

We mustn't force parallel mode if the query has any subplans, since
ExecSerializePlan doesn't transmit them to workers.  Testing
top_plan->initPlan is inadequate because (1) there might be initPlans
attached to lower plan nodes, and (2) non-initPlan subplans don't
work either.  There's certainly room for improvement in those
restrictions, but for the moment that's what we've got.

Amit Kapila, per report from Andreas Seltenreich

Discussion: <>
parent c5f365f3
......@@ -342,11 +342,11 @@ standard_planner(Query *parse, int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams)
* actually a safe thing to do. (Note: we assume adding a Material node
* above did not change the parallel safety of the plan, so we can still
* rely on best_path->parallel_safe. However, that flag doesn't account
* for initPlans, which render the plan parallel-unsafe.)
* for subplans, which we are unable to transmit to workers presently.)
if (force_parallel_mode != FORCE_PARALLEL_OFF &&
best_path->parallel_safe &&
top_plan->initPlan == NIL)
glob->subplans == NIL)
Gather *gather = makeNode(Gather);
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