Commit f04d4ac9 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Reindent Perl files with perltidy version 20170521.

parent 46cda5bf
......@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ while (<$feat>)
$is_supported eq $yesno || next;
$feature_name =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$feature_name =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$feature_name =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$feature_name =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$subfeature_name =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$subfeature_name =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
......@@ -33,185 +33,186 @@ sub ParseHeader
'TransactionId' => 'xid',
'XLogRecPtr' => 'pg_lsn');
my %catalog;
my $declaring_attributes = 0;
my $is_varlen = 0;
my $is_client_code = 0;
my %catalog;
my $declaring_attributes = 0;
my $is_varlen = 0;
my $is_client_code = 0;
$catalog{columns} = [];
$catalog{toasting} = [];
$catalog{indexing} = [];
$catalog{client_code} = [];
$catalog{columns} = [];
$catalog{toasting} = [];
$catalog{indexing} = [];
$catalog{client_code} = [];
open(my $ifh, '<', $input_file) || die "$input_file: $!";
open(my $ifh, '<', $input_file) || die "$input_file: $!";
# Scan the input file.
while (<$ifh>)
# Scan the input file.
while (<$ifh>)
# Set appropriate flag when we're in certain code sections.
if (/^#/)
# Set appropriate flag when we're in certain code sections.
if (/^#/)
$is_varlen = 1 if /^#ifdef\s+CATALOG_VARLEN/;
if (/^#ifdef\s+EXPOSE_TO_CLIENT_CODE/)
$is_varlen = 1 if /^#ifdef\s+CATALOG_VARLEN/;
if (/^#ifdef\s+EXPOSE_TO_CLIENT_CODE/)
$is_client_code = 1;
next if !$is_client_code;
$is_client_code = 1;
next if !$is_client_code;
if (!$is_client_code)
if (!$is_client_code)
# Strip C-style comments.
if (m;/\*;)
# Strip C-style comments.
if (m;/\*;)
# handle multi-line comments properly.
my $next_line = <$ifh>;
die "$input_file: ends within C-style comment\n"
if !defined $next_line;
$_ .= $next_line;
# Strip useless whitespace and trailing semicolons.
s/\s+/ /g;
# handle multi-line comments properly.
my $next_line = <$ifh>;
die "$input_file: ends within C-style comment\n"
if !defined $next_line;
$_ .= $next_line;
# Push the data into the appropriate data structure.
if (/^DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/)
# Strip useless whitespace and trailing semicolons.
s/\s+/ /g;
# Push the data into the appropriate data structure.
if (/^DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/)
my ($toast_name, $toast_oid, $index_oid) = ($1, $2, $3);
push @{ $catalog{toasting} },
"declare toast $toast_oid $index_oid on $toast_name\n";
elsif (/^DECLARE_(UNIQUE_)?INDEX\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(.+)\)/)
my ($is_unique, $index_name, $index_oid, $using) =
($1, $2, $3, $4);
push @{ $catalog{indexing} },
"declare %sindex %s %s %s\n",
$is_unique ? 'unique ' : '',
$index_name, $index_oid, $using);
elsif (/^BUILD_INDICES/)
push @{ $catalog{indexing} }, "build indices\n";
elsif (/^CATALOG\((\w+),(\d+),(\w+)\)/)
$catalog{catname} = $1;
$catalog{relation_oid} = $2;
$catalog{relation_oid_macro} = $3;
$catalog{bootstrap} = /BKI_BOOTSTRAP/ ? ' bootstrap' : '';
$catalog{shared_relation} =
/BKI_SHARED_RELATION/ ? ' shared_relation' : '';
$catalog{without_oids} =
/BKI_WITHOUT_OIDS/ ? ' without_oids' : '';
if (/BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\((\d+),(\w+)\)/)
my ($toast_name, $toast_oid, $index_oid) = ($1, $2, $3);
push @{ $catalog{toasting} },
"declare toast $toast_oid $index_oid on $toast_name\n";
$catalog{rowtype_oid} = $1;
$catalog{rowtype_oid_clause} = " rowtype_oid $1";
$catalog{rowtype_oid_macro} = $2;
elsif (/^DECLARE_(UNIQUE_)?INDEX\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(.+)\)/)
my ($is_unique, $index_name, $index_oid, $using) =
($1, $2, $3, $4);
push @{ $catalog{indexing} },
"declare %sindex %s %s %s\n",
$is_unique ? 'unique ' : '',
$index_name, $index_oid, $using);
$catalog{rowtype_oid} = '';
$catalog{rowtype_oid_clause} = '';
$catalog{rowtype_oid_macro} = '';
elsif (/^BUILD_INDICES/)
$catalog{schema_macro} = /BKI_SCHEMA_MACRO/ ? 1 : 0;
$declaring_attributes = 1;
elsif ($is_client_code)
if (/^#endif/)
push @{ $catalog{indexing} }, "build indices\n";
$is_client_code = 0;
elsif (/^CATALOG\((\w+),(\d+),(\w+)\)/)
$catalog{catname} = $1;
$catalog{relation_oid} = $2;
$catalog{relation_oid_macro} = $3;
$catalog{bootstrap} = /BKI_BOOTSTRAP/ ? ' bootstrap' : '';
$catalog{shared_relation} =
/BKI_SHARED_RELATION/ ? ' shared_relation' : '';
$catalog{without_oids} =
/BKI_WITHOUT_OIDS/ ? ' without_oids' : '';
if (/BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\((\d+),(\w+)\)/)
$catalog{rowtype_oid} = $1;
$catalog{rowtype_oid_clause} = " rowtype_oid $1";
$catalog{rowtype_oid_macro} = $2;
$catalog{rowtype_oid} = '';
$catalog{rowtype_oid_clause} = '';
$catalog{rowtype_oid_macro} = '';
$catalog{schema_macro} = /BKI_SCHEMA_MACRO/ ? 1 : 0;
$declaring_attributes = 1;
push @{ $catalog{client_code} }, $_;
elsif ($is_client_code)
elsif ($declaring_attributes)
next if (/^{|^$/);
if (/^}/)
if (/^#endif/)
$is_client_code = 0;
push @{ $catalog{client_code} }, $_;
$declaring_attributes = 0;
elsif ($declaring_attributes)
next if (/^{|^$/);
if (/^}/)
my %column;
my @attopts = split /\s+/, $_;
my $atttype = shift @attopts;
my $attname = shift @attopts;
die "parse error ($input_file)"
unless ($attname and $atttype);
if (exists $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype})
$declaring_attributes = 0;
$atttype = $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype};
# If the C name ends with '[]' or '[digits]', we have
# an array type, so we discard that from the name and
# prepend '_' to the type.
if ($attname =~ /(\w+)\[\d*\]/)
my %column;
my @attopts = split /\s+/, $_;
my $atttype = shift @attopts;
my $attname = shift @attopts;
die "parse error ($input_file)"
unless ($attname and $atttype);
if (exists $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype})
$attname = $1;
$atttype = '_' . $atttype;
$column{type} = $atttype;
$column{name} = $attname;
$column{is_varlen} = 1 if $is_varlen;
foreach my $attopt (@attopts)
if ($attopt eq 'BKI_FORCE_NULL')
$atttype = $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype};
$column{forcenull} = 1;
# If the C name ends with '[]' or '[digits]', we have
# an array type, so we discard that from the name and
# prepend '_' to the type.
if ($attname =~ /(\w+)\[\d*\]/)
elsif ($attopt eq 'BKI_FORCE_NOT_NULL')
$attname = $1;
$atttype = '_' . $atttype;
$column{forcenotnull} = 1;
$column{type} = $atttype;
$column{name} = $attname;
$column{is_varlen} = 1 if $is_varlen;
# We use quotes for values like \0 and \054, to
# make sure all compilers and syntax highlighters
# can recognize them properly.
elsif ($attopt =~ /BKI_DEFAULT\(['"]?([^'"]+)['"]?\)/)
$column{default} = $1;
elsif ($attopt =~ /BKI_LOOKUP\((\w+)\)/)
$column{lookup} = $1;
"unknown column option $attopt on column $attname";
foreach my $attopt (@attopts)
if ($column{forcenull} and $column{forcenotnull})
if ($attopt eq 'BKI_FORCE_NULL')
$column{forcenull} = 1;
elsif ($attopt eq 'BKI_FORCE_NOT_NULL')
$column{forcenotnull} = 1;
# We use quotes for values like \0 and \054, to
# make sure all compilers and syntax highlighters
# can recognize them properly.
elsif ($attopt =~ /BKI_DEFAULT\(['"]?([^'"]+)['"]?\)/)
$column{default} = $1;
elsif ($attopt =~ /BKI_LOOKUP\((\w+)\)/)
$column{lookup} = $1;
"unknown column option $attopt on column $attname";
if ($column{forcenull} and $column{forcenotnull})
die "$attname is forced both null and not null";
die "$attname is forced both null and not null";
push @{ $catalog{columns} }, \%column;
push @{ $catalog{columns} }, \%column;
close $ifh;
close $ifh;
return \%catalog;
......@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ sub ParseData
$input_file =~ /(\w+)\.dat$/
or die "Input file $input_file needs to be a .dat file.\n";
my $catname = $1;
my $data = [];
my $data = [];
# Scan the input file.
while (<$ifd>)
......@@ -311,8 +312,9 @@ sub AddDefaultValues
$row->{$attname} = $column->{default};
elsif ($catname eq 'pg_proc' && $attname eq 'pronargs' &&
elsif ($catname eq 'pg_proc'
&& $attname eq 'pronargs'
&& defined($row->{proargtypes}))
# pg_proc.pronargs can be derived from proargtypes.
my @proargtypes = split /\s+/, $row->{proargtypes};
......@@ -328,7 +330,7 @@ sub AddDefaultValues
if (@missing_fields)
die sprintf "missing values for field(s) %s in %s.dat line %s\n",
join(', ', @missing_fields), $catname, $row->{line_number};
join(', ', @missing_fields), $catname, $row->{line_number};
......@@ -379,7 +381,7 @@ sub FindDefinedSymbol
sub FindDefinedSymbolFromData
my ($data, $symbol) = @_;
foreach my $row (@{ $data })
foreach my $row (@{$data})
if ($row->{oid_symbol} eq $symbol)
......@@ -116,10 +116,12 @@ foreach my $header (@input_files)
# within a given Postgres release, such as fixed OIDs. Do not substitute
# anything that could depend on platform or configuration. (The right place
# to handle those sorts of things is in initdb.c's bootstrap_template1().)
my $BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID = Catalog::FindDefinedSymbolFromData(
$catalog_data{pg_authid}, 'BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID');
my $PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE = Catalog::FindDefinedSymbolFromData(
$catalog_data{pg_namespace}, 'PG_CATALOG_NAMESPACE');
# Build lookup tables for OID macro substitutions and for pg_attribute
......@@ -138,8 +140,7 @@ foreach my $row (@{ $catalog_data{pg_opclass} })
# There is no unique name, so we need to combine access method
# and opclass name.
my $key = sprintf "%s/%s",
$row->{opcmethod}, $row->{opcname};
my $key = sprintf "%s/%s", $row->{opcmethod}, $row->{opcname};
$opcoids{$key} = $row->{oid};
......@@ -160,8 +161,7 @@ foreach my $row (@{ $catalog_data{pg_opfamily} })
# There is no unique name, so we need to combine access method
# and opfamily name.
my $key = sprintf "%s/%s",
$row->{opfmethod}, $row->{opfname};
my $key = sprintf "%s/%s", $row->{opfmethod}, $row->{opfname};
$opfoids{$key} = $row->{oid};
......@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ foreach my $row (@{ $catalog_data{pg_proc} })
$procoids{$prokey} = $row->{oid};
# Also generate an entry using proname(proargtypes). This is not quite
# identical to regprocedure lookup because we don't worry much about
# special SQL names for types etc; we just use the names in the source
......@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ my %types;
foreach my $row (@{ $catalog_data{pg_type} })
$typeoids{ $row->{typname} } = $row->{oid};
$types{ $row->{typname} } = $row;
$types{ $row->{typname} } = $row;
# Map catalog name to OID lookup.
......@@ -211,8 +212,7 @@ my %lookup_kind = (
pg_operator => \%operoids,
pg_opfamily => \%opfoids,
pg_proc => \%procoids,
pg_type => \%typeoids
pg_type => \%typeoids);
# Generate postgres.bki, postgres.description, postgres.shdescription,
......@@ -345,11 +345,14 @@ EOM
# Complain about unrecognized keys; they are presumably misspelled
foreach my $key (keys %bki_values)
next if $key eq "oid" || $key eq "oid_symbol" || $key eq "descr"
|| $key eq "line_number";
if $key eq "oid"
|| $key eq "oid_symbol"
|| $key eq "descr"
|| $key eq "line_number";
die sprintf "unrecognized field name \"%s\" in %s.dat line %s\n",
$key, $catname, $bki_values{line_number}
if (!exists($attnames{$key}));
$key, $catname, $bki_values{line_number}
if (!exists($attnames{$key}));
# Perform required substitutions on fields
......@@ -379,8 +382,8 @@ EOM
if ($atttype eq 'oidvector')
@lookupnames = split /\s+/, $bki_values{$attname};
@lookupoids = lookup_oids($lookup, $catname,
\%bki_values, @lookupnames);
@lookupoids = lookup_oids($lookup, $catname, \%bki_values,
$bki_values{$attname} = join(' ', @lookupoids);
elsif ($atttype eq '_oid')
......@@ -389,17 +392,18 @@ EOM
$bki_values{$attname} =~ s/[{}]//g;
@lookupnames = split /,/, $bki_values{$attname};
@lookupoids = lookup_oids($lookup, $catname,
\%bki_values, @lookupnames);
$bki_values{$attname} =
sprintf "{%s}", join(',', @lookupoids);
@lookupoids =
lookup_oids($lookup, $catname, \%bki_values,
$bki_values{$attname} = sprintf "{%s}",
join(',', @lookupoids);
$lookupnames[0] = $bki_values{$attname};
@lookupoids = lookup_oids($lookup, $catname,
\%bki_values, @lookupnames);
@lookupoids = lookup_oids($lookup, $catname, \%bki_values,
$bki_values{$attname} = $lookupoids[0];
......@@ -562,7 +566,7 @@ sub gen_pg_attribute
morph_row_for_schemapg(\%row, $schema);
push @{ $schemapg_entries{$table_name} },
sprintf "{ %s }",
join(', ', grep { defined $_ } @row{@attnames});
join(', ', grep { defined $_ } @row{@attnames});
# Generate entries for system attributes.
......@@ -589,7 +593,7 @@ sub gen_pg_attribute
# Omit the oid column if the catalog doesn't have them
if $table->{without_oids}
&& $attr->{name} eq 'oid';
&& $attr->{name} eq 'oid';
morph_row_for_pgattr(\%row, $schema, $attr, 1);
print_bki_insert(\%row, $schema);
......@@ -641,11 +645,11 @@ sub morph_row_for_pgattr
# compare DefineAttr in bootstrap.c. oidvector and
# int2vector are also treated as not-nullable.
$row->{attnotnull} =
$type->{typname} eq 'oidvector' ? 't'
: $type->{typname} eq 'int2vector' ? 't'
: $type->{typlen} eq 'NAMEDATALEN' ? 't'
: $type->{typlen} > 0 ? 't'
: 'f';
$type->{typname} eq 'oidvector' ? 't'
: $type->{typname} eq 'int2vector' ? 't'
: $type->{typlen} eq 'NAMEDATALEN' ? 't'
: $type->{typlen} > 0 ? 't'
: 'f';
......@@ -686,7 +690,7 @@ sub print_bki_insert
# the "id" pattern in bootscanner.l, currently "[-A-Za-z0-9_]+".
$bki_value = sprintf(qq'"%s"', $bki_value)
if length($bki_value) == 0
or $bki_value =~ /[^-A-Za-z0-9_]/;
or $bki_value =~ /[^-A-Za-z0-9_]/;
push @bki_values, $bki_value;
......@@ -725,7 +729,7 @@ sub morph_row_for_schemapg
# don't change.
elsif ($atttype eq 'bool')
$row->{$attname} = 'true' if $row->{$attname} eq 't';
$row->{$attname} = 'true' if $row->{$attname} eq 't';
$row->{$attname} = 'false' if $row->{$attname} eq 'f';
......@@ -756,9 +760,10 @@ sub lookup_oids
push @lookupoids, $lookupname;
warn sprintf "unresolved OID reference \"%s\" in %s.dat line %s\n",
$lookupname, $catname, $bki_values->{line_number}
if $lookupname ne '-' and $lookupname ne '0';
warn sprintf
"unresolved OID reference \"%s\" in %s.dat line %s\n",
$lookupname, $catname, $bki_values->{line_number}
if $lookupname ne '-' and $lookupname ne '0';
return @lookupoids;
......@@ -772,10 +777,10 @@ sub form_pg_type_symbol
# Skip for rowtypes of bootstrap catalogs, since they have their
# own naming convention defined elsewhere.
if $typename eq 'pg_type'
or $typename eq 'pg_proc'
or $typename eq 'pg_attribute'
or $typename eq 'pg_class';
if $typename eq 'pg_type'
or $typename eq 'pg_proc'
or $typename eq 'pg_attribute'
or $typename eq 'pg_class';
# Transform like so:
# foo_bar -> FOO_BAROID
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ foreach my $datfile (@input_files)
my $header = "$1.h";
die "There in no header file corresponding to $datfile"
if ! -e $header;
if !-e $header;
my $catalog = Catalog::ParseHeader($header);
my $catname = $catalog->{catname};
......@@ -79,10 +79,12 @@ foreach my $datfile (@input_files)
# Fetch some values for later.
my $FirstBootstrapObjectId = Catalog::FindDefinedSymbol(
'access/transam.h', \@include_path, 'FirstBootstrapObjectId');
my $INTERNALlanguageId = Catalog::FindDefinedSymbolFromData(
$catalog_data{pg_language}, 'INTERNALlanguageId');
my $FirstBootstrapObjectId =
Catalog::FindDefinedSymbol('access/transam.h', \@include_path,
my $INTERNALlanguageId =
print "Generating fmgrtab.c, fmgroids.h, and fmgrprotos.h...\n";
......@@ -230,7 +232,7 @@ foreach my $s (sort { $a->{oid} <=> $b->{oid} } @fmgr)
print $tfh
" { $s->{oid}, \"$s->{prosrc}\", $s->{nargs}, $bmap{$s->{strict}}, $bmap{$s->{retset}}, $s->{prosrc} }";
$fmgr_builtin_oid_index[$s->{oid}] = $fmgr_count++;
$fmgr_builtin_oid_index[ $s->{oid} ] = $fmgr_count++;
if ($fmgr_count <= $#fmgr)
......@@ -49,12 +49,13 @@ mkdir $datadir;
'successful creation');
# Permissions on PGDATA should be default
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os);
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1
if ($windows_os);
ok(check_mode_recursive($datadir, 0700, 0600),
"check PGDATA permissions");
"check PGDATA permissions");
command_ok([ 'initdb', '-S', $datadir ], 'sync only');
......@@ -63,7 +64,8 @@ command_fails([ 'initdb', $datadir ], 'existing data directory');
# Check group access on PGDATA
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 2 if ($windows_os);
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 2
if ($windows_os);
# Init a new db with group access
my $datadir_group = "$tempdir/data_group";
......@@ -10,11 +10,8 @@ program_options_handling_ok('pg_archivecleanup');
my $tempdir = TestLib::tempdir;
my @walfiles = (
'00000001000000370000000C.gz', '00000001000000370000000D',
'00000001000000370000000E', '00000001000000370000000F.partial',);
sub create_files
......@@ -28,32 +25,41 @@ sub create_files
qr/must specify archive location/,
'fails if archive location is not specified');
qr/must specify archive location/,
'fails if archive location is not specified');
command_fails_like(['pg_archivecleanup', $tempdir],
qr/must specify oldest kept WAL file/,
'fails if oldest kept WAL file name is not specified');
[ 'pg_archivecleanup', $tempdir ],
qr/must specify oldest kept WAL file/,
'fails if oldest kept WAL file name is not specified');
command_fails_like(['pg_archivecleanup', 'notexist', 'foo'],
qr/archive location .* does not exist/,
'fails if archive location does not exist');
[ 'pg_archivecleanup', 'notexist', 'foo' ],
qr/archive location .* does not exist/,
'fails if archive location does not exist');
command_fails_like(['pg_archivecleanup', $tempdir, 'foo', 'bar'],
qr/too many command-line arguments/,
'fails with too many command-line arguments');
[ 'pg_archivecleanup', $tempdir, 'foo', 'bar' ],
qr/too many command-line arguments/,
'fails with too many command-line arguments');
command_fails_like(['pg_archivecleanup', $tempdir, 'foo'],
qr/invalid file name argument/,
'fails with invalid restart file name');
[ 'pg_archivecleanup', $tempdir, 'foo' ],
qr/invalid file name argument/,
'fails with invalid restart file name');
# like command_like but checking stderr
my $stderr;
my $result = IPC::Run::run ['pg_archivecleanup', '-d', '-n', $tempdir, $walfiles[2]], '2>', \$stderr;
my $result = IPC::Run::run [ 'pg_archivecleanup', '-d', '-n', $tempdir,
$walfiles[2] ], '2>', \$stderr;
ok($result, "pg_archivecleanup dry run: exit code 0");
like($stderr, qr/$walfiles[1].*would be removed/, "pg_archivecleanup dry run: matches");
qr/$walfiles[1].*would be removed/,
"pg_archivecleanup dry run: matches");
foreach my $fn (@walfiles)
ok(-f "$tempdir/$fn", "$fn not removed");
......@@ -66,16 +72,23 @@ sub run_check
command_ok(['pg_archivecleanup', '-x', '.gz', $tempdir, $walfiles[2] . $suffix],
"$test_name: runs");
ok(! -f "$tempdir/$walfiles[0]", "$test_name: first older WAL file was cleaned up");
ok(! -f "$tempdir/$walfiles[1]", "$test_name: second older WAL file was cleaned up");
ok(-f "$tempdir/$walfiles[2]", "$test_name: restartfile was not cleaned up");
ok(-f "$tempdir/$walfiles[3]", "$test_name: newer WAL file was not cleaned up");
ok(-f "$tempdir/unrelated_file", "$test_name: unrelated file was not cleaned up");
[ 'pg_archivecleanup', '-x', '.gz', $tempdir,
$walfiles[2] . $suffix ],
"$test_name: runs");
ok(!-f "$tempdir/$walfiles[0]",
"$test_name: first older WAL file was cleaned up");
ok(!-f "$tempdir/$walfiles[1]",
"$test_name: second older WAL file was cleaned up");
ok(-f "$tempdir/$walfiles[2]",
"$test_name: restartfile was not cleaned up");
ok(-f "$tempdir/$walfiles[3]",
"$test_name: newer WAL file was not cleaned up");
ok(-f "$tempdir/unrelated_file",
"$test_name: unrelated file was not cleaned up");
run_check('', 'pg_archivecleanup');
run_check('.partial', 'pg_archivecleanup with .partial file');
run_check('', 'pg_archivecleanup');
run_check('.partial', 'pg_archivecleanup with .partial file');
run_check('.00000020.backup', 'pg_archivecleanup with .backup file');
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ my $node = get_new_node('main');
# Initialize node without replication settings
$node->init(extra => [ '--data-checksums' ]);
$node->init(extra => ['--data-checksums']);
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ ok(!-d "$tempdir/backup", 'backup directory was cleaned up');
# Create a backup directory that is not empty so the next commnd will fail
# but leave the data directory behind
or BAIL_OUT("unable to create $tempdir/backup");
or BAIL_OUT("unable to create $tempdir/backup");
append_to_file("$tempdir/backup/dir-not-empty.txt", "Some data");
$node->command_fails([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup", '-n' ],
......@@ -86,13 +86,14 @@ my $baseUnloggedPath = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
# Make sure main and init forks exist
ok(-f "$pgdata/${baseUnloggedPath}_init", 'unlogged init fork in base');
ok(-f "$pgdata/$baseUnloggedPath", 'unlogged main fork in base');
ok(-f "$pgdata/$baseUnloggedPath", 'unlogged main fork in base');
# Create files that look like temporary relations to ensure they are ignored.
my $postgresOid = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{select oid from pg_database where datname = 'postgres'});
my @tempRelationFiles = qw(t999_999 t9999_999.1 t999_9999_vm t99999_99999_vm.1);
my @tempRelationFiles =
qw(t999_999 t9999_999.1 t999_9999_vm t99999_99999_vm.1);
foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles)
......@@ -107,10 +108,11 @@ ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/PG_VERSION", 'backup was created');
# Permissions on backup should be default
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os);
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1
if ($windows_os);
ok(check_mode_recursive("$tempdir/backup", 0700, 0600),
"check backup dir permissions");
"check backup dir permissions");
# Only archive_status directory should be copied in pg_wal/.
......@@ -133,8 +135,7 @@ foreach my $dirname (
# These files should not be copied.
foreach my $filename (
qw( postmaster.opts tablespace_map current_logfiles.tmp
ok(!-f "$tempdir/backup/$filename", "$filename not copied");
......@@ -142,14 +143,14 @@ foreach my $filename (
# Unlogged relation forks other than init should not be copied
ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/${baseUnloggedPath}_init",
'unlogged init fork in backup');
ok(!-f "$tempdir/backup/$baseUnloggedPath",
ok( !-f "$tempdir/backup/$baseUnloggedPath",
'unlogged main fork not in backup');
# Temp relations should not be copied.
foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles)
ok(!-f "$tempdir/backup/base/$postgresOid/$filename",
"base/$postgresOid/$filename not copied");
ok( !-f "$tempdir/backup/base/$postgresOid/$filename",
"base/$postgresOid/$filename not copied");
# Make sure existing backup_label was ignored.
......@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ SKIP:
# Move pg_replslot out of $pgdata and create a symlink to it.
# Set umask so test directories and files are created with group permissions
# Set umask so test directories and files are created with group permissions
# Enable group permissions on PGDATA
......@@ -244,24 +245,27 @@ SKIP:
is(scalar(@tblspc_tars), 1, 'one tablespace tar was created');
# Create an unlogged table to test that forks other than init are not copied.
# Create an unlogged table to test that forks other than init are not copied.
'CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE tblspc1_unlogged (id int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;');
'CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE tblspc1_unlogged (id int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;'
my $tblspc1UnloggedPath = $node->safe_psql(
'postgres', q{select pg_relation_filepath('tblspc1_unlogged')});
my $tblspc1UnloggedPath = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{select pg_relation_filepath('tblspc1_unlogged')});
# Make sure main and init forks exist
ok(-f "$pgdata/${tblspc1UnloggedPath}_init",
ok( -f "$pgdata/${tblspc1UnloggedPath}_init",
'unlogged init fork in tablespace');
ok(-f "$pgdata/$tblspc1UnloggedPath",
'unlogged main fork in tablespace');
ok(-f "$pgdata/$tblspc1UnloggedPath", 'unlogged main fork in tablespace');
# Create files that look like temporary relations to ensure they are ignored
# in a tablespace.
# Create files that look like temporary relations to ensure they are ignored
# in a tablespace.
my @tempRelationFiles = qw(t888_888 t888888_888888_vm.1);
my $tblSpc1Id = basename(dirname(dirname($node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{select pg_relation_filepath('test1')}))));
my $tblSpc1Id = basename(
'postgres', q{select pg_relation_filepath('test1')}))));
foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles)
......@@ -284,16 +288,17 @@ SKIP:
-l "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_"
and readlink "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_" eq
} readdir($dh)),
} readdir($dh)),
"tablespace symlink was updated");
closedir $dh;
# Group access should be enabled on all backup files
ok(check_mode_recursive("$tempdir/backup1", 0750, 0640),
"check backup dir permissions");
"check backup dir permissions");
# Unlogged relation forks other than init should not be copied
my ($tblspc1UnloggedBackupPath) = $tblspc1UnloggedPath =~ /[^\/]*\/[^\/]*\/[^\/]*$/g;
my ($tblspc1UnloggedBackupPath) =
$tblspc1UnloggedPath =~ /[^\/]*\/[^\/]*\/[^\/]*$/g;
ok(-f "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1/${tblspc1UnloggedBackupPath}_init",
'unlogged init fork in tablespace backup');
......@@ -303,15 +308,15 @@ SKIP:
# Temp relations should not be copied.
foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles)
ok(!-f "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1/$tblSpc1Id/$postgresOid/$filename",
"[tblspc1]/$postgresOid/$filename not copied");
ok( !-f "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1/$tblSpc1Id/$postgresOid/$filename",
"[tblspc1]/$postgresOid/$filename not copied");
# Also remove temp relation files or tablespace drop will fail.
my $filepath =
or BAIL_OUT("unable to unlink $filepath");
or BAIL_OUT("unable to unlink $filepath");
ok( -d "$tempdir/backup1/pg_replslot",
......@@ -398,27 +403,35 @@ $node->command_fails(
'pg_basebackup fails with nonexistent replication slot');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C' ],
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C' ],
'pg_basebackup -C fails without slot name');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C', '-S', 'slot0', '--no-slot' ],
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D',
"$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C',
'-S', 'slot0',
'--no-slot' ],
'pg_basebackup fails with -C -S --no-slot');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C', '-S', 'slot0' ],
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C', '-S', 'slot0' ],
'pg_basebackup -C runs');
is($node->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT slot_name FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot0'}),
'replication slot was created');
isnt($node->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot0'}),
'restart LSN of new slot is not null');
is( $node->safe_psql(
q{SELECT slot_name FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot0'}),
'replication slot was created');
q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot0'}),
'restart LSN of new slot is not null');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot1", '-C', '-S', 'slot0' ],
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot1", '-C', '-S', 'slot0' ],
'pg_basebackup fails with -C -S and a previously existing slot');
......@@ -455,10 +468,10 @@ rmtree("$tempdir/backupxs_sl_R");
# create tables to corrupt and get their relfilenodes
my $file_corrupt1 = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{SELECT a INTO corrupt1 FROM generate_series(1,10000) AS a; ALTER TABLE corrupt1 SET (autovacuum_enabled=false); SELECT pg_relation_filepath('corrupt1')}
q{SELECT a INTO corrupt1 FROM generate_series(1,10000) AS a; ALTER TABLE corrupt1 SET (autovacuum_enabled=false); SELECT pg_relation_filepath('corrupt1')}
my $file_corrupt2 = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{SELECT b INTO corrupt2 FROM generate_series(1,2) AS b; ALTER TABLE corrupt2 SET (autovacuum_enabled=false); SELECT pg_relation_filepath('corrupt2')}
q{SELECT b INTO corrupt2 FROM generate_series(1,2) AS b; ALTER TABLE corrupt2 SET (autovacuum_enabled=false); SELECT pg_relation_filepath('corrupt2')}
# set page header and block sizes
......@@ -473,31 +486,32 @@ syswrite($file, '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0');
close $file;
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'start';
$node->command_checks_all([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt"],
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt" ],
[qr/^WARNING.*checksum verification failed/s],
'pg_basebackup reports checksum mismatch'
'pg_basebackup reports checksum mismatch');
# induce further corruption in 5 more blocks
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'stop';
open $file, '+<', "$pgdata/$file_corrupt1";
for my $i ( 1..5 ) {
my $offset = $pageheader_size + $i * $block_size;
seek($file, $offset, 0);
syswrite($file, '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0');
for my $i (1 .. 5)
my $offset = $pageheader_size + $i * $block_size;
seek($file, $offset, 0);
syswrite($file, '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0');
close $file;
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'start';
$node->command_checks_all([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt2"],
'pg_basebackup does not report more than 5 checksum mismatches'
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt2" ],
'pg_basebackup does not report more than 5 checksum mismatches');
# induce corruption in a second file
......@@ -508,17 +522,17 @@ syswrite($file, '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0');
close $file;
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'start';
$node->command_checks_all([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt3"],
[qr/^WARNING.*7 total checksum verification failures/s],
'pg_basebackup correctly report the total number of checksum mismatches'
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt3" ],
[qr/^WARNING.*7 total checksum verification failures/s],
'pg_basebackup correctly report the total number of checksum mismatches');
# do not verify checksums, should return ok
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt4", '-k' ],
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt4", '-k' ],
'pg_basebackup with -k does not report checksum mismatch');
......@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ is($slot->{'slot_type'}, 'physical', 'physical replication slot was created');
is($slot->{'restart_lsn'}, '', 'restart LSN of new slot is null');
$primary->command_ok([ 'pg_receivewal', '--slot', $slot_name, '--drop-slot' ],
'dropping a replication slot');
is($primary->slot($slot_name)->{'slot_type'}, '', 'replication slot was removed');
'', 'replication slot was removed');
# Generate some WAL. Use --synchronous at the same time to add more
# code coverage. Switch to the next segment first so that subsequent
......@@ -63,8 +64,9 @@ $primary->command_ok(
# Permissions on WAL files should be default
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os);
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1
if ($windows_os);
ok(check_mode_recursive($stream_dir, 0700, 0600),
"check stream dir permissions");
"check stream dir permissions");
......@@ -21,17 +21,20 @@ command_like([ 'pg_controldata', $node->data_dir ],
# check with a corrupted pg_control
my $pg_control = $node->data_dir . '/global/pg_control';
my $size = (stat($pg_control))[7];
my $size = (stat($pg_control))[7];
open my $fh, '>', $pg_control or BAIL_OUT($!);
binmode $fh;
# fill file with zeros
print $fh pack("x[$size]");
close $fh;
command_checks_all([ 'pg_controldata', $node->data_dir ],
[ qr/WARNING: Calculated CRC checksum does not match value stored in file/,
qr/WARNING: invalid WAL segment size/ ],
[ qr/^$/ ],
'pg_controldata with corrupted pg_control');
[ 'pg_controldata', $node->data_dir ],
qr/WARNING: Calculated CRC checksum does not match value stored in file/,
qr/WARNING: invalid WAL segment size/ ],
'pg_controldata with corrupted pg_control');
......@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ command_fails([ 'pg_ctl', 'stop', '-D', "$tempdir/data" ],
# Windows but we still want to do the restart test.
my $logFileName = "$tempdir/data/perm-test-600.log";
[ 'pg_ctl', 'restart', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-l', $logFileName ],
command_ok([ 'pg_ctl', 'restart', '-D', "$tempdir/data", '-l', $logFileName ],
'pg_ctl restart with server not running');
# Permissions on log file should be default
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 2 if ($windows_os);
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 2
if ($windows_os);
ok(-f $logFileName);
ok(check_mode_recursive("$tempdir/data", 0700, 0600));
......@@ -301,28 +301,26 @@ my %pgdump_runs = (
# Tests which target the 'dump_test' schema, specifically.
my %dump_test_schema_runs = (
only_dump_test_schema => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1,
only_dump_test_schema => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1,);
# Tests which are considered 'full' dumps by pg_dump, but there
# are flags used to exclude specific items (ACLs, blobs, etc).
my %full_runs = (
binary_upgrade => 1,
clean => 1,
clean_if_exists => 1,
createdb => 1,
defaults => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
clean => 1,
clean_if_exists => 1,
createdb => 1,
defaults => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1,
exclude_test_table_data => 1,
no_blobs => 1,
no_owner => 1,
no_privs => 1,
pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1,
schema_only => 1,
with_oids => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1,
exclude_test_table_data => 1,
no_blobs => 1,
no_owner => 1,
no_privs => 1,
pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1,
schema_only => 1,
with_oids => 1,);
# This is where the actual tests are defined.
my %tests = (
......@@ -336,13 +334,11 @@ my %tests = (
\QFOR ROLE regress_dump_test_role IN SCHEMA dump_test \E
\QGRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_privs => 1, }, },
no_privs => 1, }, },
'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE regress_dump_test_role REVOKE' => {
create_order => 55,
......@@ -354,11 +350,8 @@ my %tests = (
\QFOR ROLE regress_dump_test_role \E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
=> {
......@@ -374,14 +367,11 @@ my %tests = (
\QFOR ROLE regress_dump_test_role \E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'ALTER ROLE regress_dump_test_role' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER ROLE regress_dump_test_role WITH \E
......@@ -394,54 +384,40 @@ my %tests = (
regexp => qr/^ALTER COLLATION public.test0 OWNER TO .*;/m,
collation => 1,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_owner => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { %dump_test_schema_runs, no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER FUNCTION dump_test.pltestlang_call_handler() OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER FUNCTION dump_test.pltestlang_call_handler() \E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY dump_test.op_family OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER OPERATOR FAMILY dump_test.op_family USING btree \E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY dump_test.op_family USING btree' => {
create_order => 75,
......@@ -464,109 +440,95 @@ my %tests = (
\QFUNCTION 1 (integer, integer) btint4cmp(integer,integer) ,\E\n\s+
\QFUNCTION 2 (integer, integer) btint4sortsupport(internal);\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'ALTER OPERATOR CLASS dump_test.op_class OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER OPERATOR CLASS dump_test.op_class USING btree \E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER PUBLICATION pub1 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER PUBLICATION pub1 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER LARGE OBJECT \d+ OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER LARGE OBJECT \d+ OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
unlike => {
no_blobs => 1,
no_owner => 1,
no_blobs => 1,
no_owner => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE pltestlang OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE pltestlang OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER SCHEMA dump_test OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER SCHEMA dump_test OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER SCHEMA dump_test OWNER TO .*;/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER SCHEMA dump_test_second_schema OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER SCHEMA dump_test_second_schema OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER SCHEMA dump_test_second_schema OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_owner => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER SEQUENCE test_table_col1_seq' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER SEQUENCE dump_test.test_table_col1_seq OWNED BY dump_test.test_table.col1;\E
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'ALTER SEQUENCE test_third_table_col1_seq' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER SEQUENCE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table_col1_seq OWNED BY dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table.col1;\E
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER TABLE ONLY dump_test.test_table\E \n^\s+
\QADD CONSTRAINT test_table_pkey PRIMARY KEY (col1);\E
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
create_order => 93,
......@@ -578,11 +540,11 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
create_order => 94,
......@@ -594,11 +556,11 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
create_order => 95,
......@@ -610,11 +572,11 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'ALTER TABLE ONLY test_table ALTER COLUMN col4 SET n_distinct' => {
create_order => 95,
......@@ -626,19 +588,19 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'ALTER TABLE ONLY dump_test.measurement ATTACH PARTITION measurement_y2006m2'
=> {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER TABLE ONLY dump_test.measurement ATTACH PARTITION dump_test_second_schema.measurement_y2006m2 \E
\QFOR VALUES FROM ('2006-02-01') TO ('2006-03-01');\E\n
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'ALTER TABLE test_table CLUSTER ON test_table_pkey' => {
create_order => 96,
......@@ -650,126 +612,115 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QSET SESSION AUTHORIZATION 'test_superuser';\E\n\n
\QALTER TABLE dump_test.test_table DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;\E\n\n
\QCOPY dump_test.test_table (col1, col2, col3, col4) FROM stdin;\E
\QALTER TABLE dump_test.test_table ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;\E/xm,
like => { data_only => 1, }, },
like => { data_only => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER FOREIGN TABLE dump_test.foreign_table ALTER COLUMN c1 OPTIONS (\E\n
\s+\Qcolumn_name 'col1'\E\n
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'ALTER TABLE test_table OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test.test_table OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test.test_table OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
create_order => 23,
create_sql => 'ALTER TABLE dump_test.test_table
regexp => qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test.test_table ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY;/m,
like => {
regexp =>
qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test.test_table ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY;/m,
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'ALTER TABLE test_second_table OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test.test_second_table OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test.test_second_table OWNER TO .*;/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER TABLE test_third_table OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
regexp =>
qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_owner => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER TABLE measurement OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test.measurement OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
regexp => qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test.measurement OWNER TO .*;/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER TABLE measurement_y2006m2 OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test_second_schema.measurement_y2006m2 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
regexp =>
qr/^ALTER TABLE dump_test_second_schema.measurement_y2006m2 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_owner => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_owner => 1, }, },
'ALTER FOREIGN TABLE foreign_table OWNER TO' => {
regexp => qr/^ALTER FOREIGN TABLE dump_test.foreign_table OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
regexp =>
qr/^ALTER FOREIGN TABLE dump_test.foreign_table OWNER TO .*;/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp =>
qr/^ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION dump_test.alt_ts_conf1 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
qr/^ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION dump_test.alt_ts_conf1 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_owner => 1, }, },
no_owner => 1, }, },
regexp =>
qr/^ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY dump_test.alt_ts_dict1 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
qr/^ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY dump_test.alt_ts_dict1 OWNER TO .*;/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
only_dump_test_table => 1,
......@@ -783,16 +734,16 @@ my %tests = (
regexp => qr/^SELECT pg_catalog\.lo_create\('\d+'\);/m,
like => {
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
unlike => {
schema_only => 1,
no_blobs => 1, }, },
no_blobs => 1, }, },
'BLOB load (using lo_from_bytea)' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QSELECT pg_catalog.lo_open\E \('\d+',\ \d+\);\n
\QSELECT pg_catalog.lowrite(0, \E
......@@ -800,38 +751,41 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
no_blobs => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
no_blobs => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON DATABASE postgres' => {
regexp => qr/^COMMENT ON DATABASE postgres IS .*;/m,
regexp => qr/^COMMENT ON DATABASE postgres IS .*;/m,
# Should appear in the same tests as "CREATE DATABASE postgres"
like => { createdb => 1, }, },
like => { createdb => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS .*;/m,
regexp => qr/^COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS .*;/m,
# this shouldn't ever get emitted anymore
like => {}, },
like => {}, },
'COMMENT ON TABLE dump_test.test_table' => {
create_order => 36,
create_sql => 'COMMENT ON TABLE dump_test.test_table
IS \'comment on table\';',
regexp => qr/^COMMENT ON TABLE dump_test.test_table IS 'comment on table';/m,
like => {
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON TABLE dump_test.test_table IS 'comment on table';/m,
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON COLUMN dump_test.test_table.col1' => {
create_order => 36,
......@@ -843,11 +797,11 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON COLUMN dump_test.composite.f1' => {
create_order => 44,
......@@ -856,12 +810,9 @@ my %tests = (
regexp => qr/^
\QCOMMENT ON COLUMN dump_test.composite.f1 IS 'comment on column of type';\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON COLUMN dump_test.test_second_table.col1' => {
create_order => 63,
......@@ -870,12 +821,9 @@ my %tests = (
regexp => qr/^
\QCOMMENT ON COLUMN dump_test.test_second_table.col1 IS 'comment on column col1';\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON COLUMN dump_test.test_second_table.col2' => {
create_order => 64,
......@@ -884,12 +832,9 @@ my %tests = (
regexp => qr/^
\QCOMMENT ON COLUMN dump_test.test_second_table.col2 IS 'comment on column col2';\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion' => {
create_order => 79,
......@@ -897,23 +842,18 @@ my %tests = (
IS \'comment on test conversion\';',
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion IS 'comment on test conversion';/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
create_order => 77,
create_sql => 'COMMENT ON COLLATION test0
IS \'comment on test0 collation\';',
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON COLLATION public.test0 IS 'comment on test0 collation';/m,
qr/^COMMENT ON COLLATION public.test0 IS 'comment on test0 collation';/m,
collation => 1,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, }, },
create_order => 65,
......@@ -929,12 +869,12 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion IS 'comment on test conversi
like => {
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
unlike => {
no_blobs => 1,
no_blobs => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
......@@ -943,9 +883,7 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion IS 'comment on test conversi
IS \'comment on publication\';',
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON PUBLICATION pub1 IS 'comment on publication';/m,
like => {
section_post_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, }, },
create_order => 55,
......@@ -953,9 +891,7 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion IS 'comment on test conversi
IS \'comment on subscription\';',
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON SUBSCRIPTION sub1 IS 'comment on subscription';/m,
like => {
section_post_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION dump_test.alt_ts_conf1' => {
create_order => 84,
......@@ -964,12 +900,9 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion IS 'comment on test conversi
IS \'comment on text search configuration\';',
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION dump_test.alt_ts_conf1 IS 'comment on text search configuration';/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY dump_test.alt_ts_dict1' => {
create_order => 84,
......@@ -978,12 +911,9 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION dump_test.alt_ts_conf1 IS 'comment on t
IS \'comment on text search dictionary\';',
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY dump_test.alt_ts_dict1 IS 'comment on text search dictionary';/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH PARSER dump_test.alt_ts_prs1' => {
create_order => 84,
......@@ -991,12 +921,9 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY dump_test.alt_ts_dict1 IS 'comment on text
IS \'comment on text search parser\';',
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH PARSER dump_test.alt_ts_prs1 IS 'comment on text search parser';/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1' => {
create_order => 84,
......@@ -1004,61 +931,49 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH PARSER dump_test.alt_ts_prs1 IS 'comment on text sear
IS \'comment on text search template\';',
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1 IS 'comment on text search template';/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.planets - ENUM' => {
create_order => 68,
create_sql => 'COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.planets
IS \'comment on enum type\';',
regexp => qr/^COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.planets IS 'comment on enum type';/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.planets IS 'comment on enum type';/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.textrange - RANGE' => {
create_order => 69,
create_sql => 'COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.textrange
IS \'comment on range type\';',
regexp => qr/^COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.textrange IS 'comment on range type';/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.textrange IS 'comment on range type';/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.int42 - Regular' => {
create_order => 70,
create_sql => 'COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.int42
IS \'comment on regular type\';',
regexp => qr/^COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.int42 IS 'comment on regular type';/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.int42 IS 'comment on regular type';/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.undefined - Undefined' => {
create_order => 71,
create_sql => 'COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.undefined
IS \'comment on undefined type\';',
regexp =>
qr/^COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.undefined IS 'comment on undefined type';/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
qr/^COMMENT ON TYPE dump_test.undefined IS 'comment on undefined type';/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'COPY test_table' => {
create_order => 4,
......@@ -1071,15 +986,15 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1 IS 'comment on text s
like => {
data_only => 1,
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_data => 1, },
data_only => 1,
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1,
exclude_test_table_data => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1,
exclude_test_table_data => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
'COPY fk_reference_test_table' => {
create_order => 22,
......@@ -1097,21 +1012,21 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1 IS 'comment on text s
exclude_test_table_data => 1,
section_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
schema_only => 1, }, },
# In a data-only dump, we try to actually order according to FKs,
# so this check is just making sure that the referring table comes after
# the referred-to table.
'COPY fk_reference_test_table second' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QCOPY dump_test.test_table (col1, col2, col3, col4) FROM stdin;\E
\QCOPY dump_test.fk_reference_test_table (col1) FROM stdin;\E
like => { data_only => 1, }, },
like => { data_only => 1, }, },
'COPY test_second_table' => {
create_order => 7,
......@@ -1125,12 +1040,12 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1 IS 'comment on text s
like => {
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1, },
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
schema_only => 1, }, },
'COPY test_third_table' => {
create_order => 12,
......@@ -1143,21 +1058,21 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1 IS 'comment on text s
like => {
data_only => 1,
role => 1,
section_data => 1, },
data_only => 1,
role => 1,
section_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_test_table_data => 1,
schema_only => 1,
with_oids => 1, }, },
schema_only => 1,
with_oids => 1, }, },
'COPY test_third_table WITH OIDS' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QCOPY dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table (col1) WITH OIDS FROM stdin;\E
like => { with_oids => 1, }, },
like => { with_oids => 1, }, },
'COPY test_fourth_table' => {
create_order => 7,
......@@ -1170,12 +1085,12 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1 IS 'comment on text s
like => {
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1, },
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
schema_only => 1, }, },
'COPY test_fifth_table' => {
create_order => 54,
......@@ -1188,12 +1103,12 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1 IS 'comment on text s
like => {
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1, },
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
schema_only => 1, }, },
'COPY test_table_identity' => {
create_order => 54,
......@@ -1206,44 +1121,45 @@ qr/^COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1 IS 'comment on text s
like => {
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1, },
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
schema_only => 1, }, },
'INSERT INTO test_table' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
(?:INSERT\ INTO\ dump_test.test_table\ \(col1,\ col2,\ col3,\ col4\)\ VALUES\ \(\d,\ NULL,\ NULL,\ NULL\);\n){9}
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
'INSERT INTO test_second_table' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
(?:INSERT\ INTO\ dump_test.test_second_table\ \(col1,\ col2\)
\ VALUES\ \(\d,\ '\d'\);\n){9}/xm,
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
'INSERT INTO test_third_table' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
(?:INSERT\ INTO\ dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table\ \(col1\)
\ VALUES\ \(\d\);\n){9}/xm,
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
'INSERT INTO test_fourth_table' => {
regexp => qr/^\QINSERT INTO dump_test.test_fourth_table DEFAULT VALUES;\E/m,
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
regexp =>
qr/^\QINSERT INTO dump_test.test_fourth_table DEFAULT VALUES;\E/m,
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
'INSERT INTO test_fifth_table' => {
regexp =>
qr/^\QINSERT INTO dump_test.test_fifth_table (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5) VALUES (NULL, true, false, B'11001', 'NaN');\E/m,
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
'INSERT INTO test_table_identity' => {
regexp =>
qr/^\QINSERT INTO dump_test.test_table_identity (col1, col2) OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE VALUES (1, 'test');\E/m,
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
like => { column_inserts => 1, }, },
'CREATE ROLE regress_dump_test_role' => {
create_order => 1,
......@@ -1260,9 +1176,7 @@ qr/^\QINSERT INTO dump_test.test_table_identity (col1, col2) OVERRIDING SYSTEM V
regexp =>
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, }, },
create_order => 76,
......@@ -1270,9 +1184,7 @@ qr/^\QINSERT INTO dump_test.test_table_identity (col1, col2) OVERRIDING SYSTEM V
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE COLLATION public.test0 (provider = libc, locale = 'C');\E/xm,
collation => 1,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, }, },
'CREATE CAST FOR timestamptz' => {
create_order => 51,
......@@ -1280,15 +1192,13 @@ qr/^\QINSERT INTO dump_test.test_table_identity (col1, col2) OVERRIDING SYSTEM V
'CREATE CAST (timestamptz AS interval) WITH FUNCTION age(timestamptz) AS ASSIGNMENT;',
regexp =>
qr/CREATE CAST \(timestamp with time zone AS interval\) WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog\.age\(timestamp with time zone\) AS ASSIGNMENT;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, }, },
'CREATE DATABASE postgres' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
like => { createdb => 1, }, },
like => { createdb => 1, }, },
'CREATE DATABASE dump_test' => {
create_order => 47,
......@@ -1296,12 +1206,13 @@ qr/CREATE CAST \(timestamp with time zone AS interval\) WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE DATABASE dump_test WITH TEMPLATE = template0 \E
like => { pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1, }, },
like => { pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1, }, },
'CREATE EXTENSION ... plpgsql' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
# this shouldn't ever get emitted anymore
like => {}, },
......@@ -1326,10 +1237,9 @@ qr/CREATE CAST \(timestamp with time zone AS interval\) WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
exclude_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion' => {
create_order => 78,
......@@ -1337,12 +1247,9 @@ qr/CREATE CAST \(timestamp with time zone AS interval\) WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
'CREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR \'LATIN1\' TO \'UTF8\' FROM iso8859_1_to_utf8;',
regexp =>
qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8' FROM iso8859_1_to_utf8;\E/xm,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE DOMAIN dump_test.us_postal_code' => {
create_order => 29,
......@@ -1358,12 +1265,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\$\Q'::text) OR (VALUE ~ '^\d{5}-\d{4}\E\$
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE FUNCTION dump_test.pltestlang_call_handler' => {
create_order => 17,
......@@ -1377,12 +1281,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\n\s+AS\ \'\$
\Qlibdir\/plpgsql', 'plpgsql_call_handler';\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE FUNCTION dump_test.trigger_func' => {
create_order => 30,
......@@ -1395,12 +1296,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\n\s+AS\ \$\$
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE FUNCTION dump_test.event_trigger_func' => {
create_order => 32,
......@@ -1413,12 +1311,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\n\s+AS\ \$\$
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE OPERATOR FAMILY dump_test.op_family' => {
create_order => 73,
......@@ -1427,12 +1322,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE OPERATOR FAMILY dump_test.op_family USING btree;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE OPERATOR CLASS dump_test.op_class' => {
create_order => 74,
......@@ -1457,12 +1349,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\QFUNCTION 1 (bigint, bigint) btint8cmp(bigint,bigint) ,\E\n\s+
\QFUNCTION 2 (bigint, bigint) btint8sortsupport(internal);\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE EVENT TRIGGER test_event_trigger' => {
create_order => 33,
......@@ -1474,9 +1363,7 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\QON ddl_command_start\E
\n\s+\QEXECUTE PROCEDURE dump_test.event_trigger_func();\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, }, },
'CREATE TRIGGER test_trigger' => {
create_order => 31,
......@@ -1492,10 +1379,10 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_test_table => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TYPE dump_test.planets AS ENUM' => {
......@@ -1508,16 +1395,14 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TYPE dump_test.planets AS ENUM pg_upgrade' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE TYPE dump_test.planets AS ENUM (\E
\QALTER TYPE dump_test.planets ADD VALUE 'venus';\E
......@@ -1526,7 +1411,7 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\QALTER TYPE dump_test.planets ADD VALUE 'mars';\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE TYPE dump_test.textrange AS RANGE' => {
create_order => 38,
......@@ -1537,23 +1422,17 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\n\s+\Qsubtype = text,\E
\n\s+\Qcollation = pg_catalog."C"\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TYPE dump_test.int42' => {
create_order => 39,
create_sql => 'CREATE TYPE dump_test.int42;',
regexp => qr/^CREATE TYPE dump_test.int42;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION dump_test.alt_ts_conf1' => {
create_order => 80,
......@@ -1562,15 +1441,12 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION dump_test.alt_ts_conf1 (\E\n
\s+\QPARSER = pg_catalog."default" );\E/xm,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION dump_test.alt_ts_conf1 ...' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION dump_test.alt_ts_conf1\E\n
\s+\QADD MAPPING FOR asciiword WITH english_stem;\E\n
......@@ -1629,12 +1505,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\s+\QADD MAPPING FOR uint WITH simple;\E\n
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1' => {
create_order => 81,
......@@ -1643,12 +1516,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE dump_test.alt_ts_temp1 (\E\n
\s+\QLEXIZE = dsimple_lexize );\E/xm,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TEXT SEARCH PARSER dump_test.alt_ts_prs1' => {
create_order => 82,
......@@ -1661,12 +1531,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\s+\QEND = prsd_end,\E\n
\s+\QLEXTYPES = prsd_lextype );\E\n
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY dump_test.alt_ts_dict1' => {
create_order => 83,
......@@ -1676,12 +1543,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\QCREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY dump_test.alt_ts_dict1 (\E\n
\s+\QTEMPLATE = pg_catalog.simple );\E\n
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE FUNCTION dump_test.int42_in' => {
create_order => 40,
......@@ -1693,12 +1557,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\n\s+AS\ \$\$int4in\$\$;
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE FUNCTION dump_test.int42_out' => {
create_order => 41,
......@@ -1710,12 +1571,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\n\s+AS\ \$\$int4out\$\$;
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE PROCEDURE dump_test.ptest1' => {
create_order => 41,
......@@ -1726,12 +1584,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\n\s+\QLANGUAGE sql\E
\n\s+AS\ \$\$\Q INSERT INTO dump_test.test_table (col1) VALUES (a) \E\$\$;
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TYPE dump_test.int42 populated' => {
create_order => 42,
......@@ -1752,12 +1607,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\n\s+\QSTORAGE = plain,\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TYPE dump_test.composite' => {
create_order => 43,
......@@ -1771,39 +1623,29 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\n\s+\Qf2 dump_test.int42\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TYPE dump_test.undefined' => {
create_order => 39,
create_sql => 'CREATE TYPE dump_test.undefined;',
regexp => qr/^CREATE TYPE dump_test.undefined;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
create_order => 35,
create_sql => 'CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;',
regexp => qr/CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, }, },
create_order => 36,
create_sql => 'CREATE SERVER s1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;',
regexp => qr/CREATE SERVER s1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, }, },
'CREATE FOREIGN TABLE dump_test.foreign_table SERVER s1' => {
create_order => 88,
......@@ -1819,12 +1661,9 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
\s+\Qschema_name 'x1'\E\n
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE USER MAPPING FOR regress_dump_test_role SERVER s1' => {
create_order => 86,
......@@ -1832,9 +1671,7 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
'CREATE USER MAPPING FOR regress_dump_test_role SERVER s1;',
regexp =>
qr/CREATE USER MAPPING FOR regress_dump_test_role SERVER s1;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, }, },
create_order => 34,
......@@ -1842,9 +1679,7 @@ qr/^\QCREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION dump_test.test_conversion FOR 'LATIN1' TO 'UTF8'
'CREATE TRANSFORM FOR int LANGUAGE SQL (FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION varchar_transform(internal), TO SQL WITH FUNCTION int4recv(internal));',
regexp =>
qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog\.varchar_transform\(internal\), TO SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog\.int4recv\(internal\)\);/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, }, },
'CREATE LANGUAGE pltestlang' => {
create_order => 18,
......@@ -1853,12 +1688,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QHANDLER dump_test.pltestlang_call_handler;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
create_order => 20,
......@@ -1870,12 +1702,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\n\s+\QFROM dump_test.test_table\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW matview_second' => {
create_order => 21,
......@@ -1888,12 +1717,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\n\s+\QFROM dump_test.matview\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW matview_third' => {
create_order => 58,
......@@ -1906,12 +1732,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\n\s+\QFROM dump_test.matview_second\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW matview_fourth' => {
create_order => 59,
......@@ -1924,12 +1747,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\n\s+\QFROM dump_test.matview_third\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE POLICY p1 ON test_table' => {
create_order => 22,
......@@ -1943,11 +1763,11 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'CREATE POLICY p2 ON test_table FOR SELECT' => {
create_order => 24,
......@@ -1960,11 +1780,11 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'CREATE POLICY p3 ON test_table FOR INSERT' => {
create_order => 25,
......@@ -1977,11 +1797,11 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'CREATE POLICY p4 ON test_table FOR UPDATE' => {
create_order => 26,
......@@ -1994,11 +1814,11 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'CREATE POLICY p5 ON test_table FOR DELETE' => {
create_order => 27,
......@@ -2011,11 +1831,11 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
create_order => 27,
......@@ -2028,11 +1848,11 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
create_order => 50,
......@@ -2040,9 +1860,7 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE PUBLICATION pub1 WITH (publish = 'insert, update, delete, truncate');\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, }, },
create_order => 50,
......@@ -2052,9 +1870,7 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
like => {
section_post_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, }, },
create_order => 50,
......@@ -2064,9 +1880,7 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub1 CONNECTION 'dbname=doesnotexist' PUBLICATION pub1 WITH (connect = false, slot_name = 'sub1');\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, }, },
'ALTER PUBLICATION pub1 ADD TABLE test_table' => {
create_order => 51,
......@@ -2075,12 +1889,10 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER PUBLICATION pub1 ADD TABLE ONLY dump_test.test_table;\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'ALTER PUBLICATION pub1 ADD TABLE test_second_table' => {
create_order => 52,
......@@ -2089,27 +1901,22 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER PUBLICATION pub1 ADD TABLE ONLY dump_test.test_second_table;\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE SCHEMA public' => {
regexp => qr/^CREATE SCHEMA public;/m,
regexp => qr/^CREATE SCHEMA public;/m,
# this shouldn't ever get emitted anymore
like => {}, },
like => {}, },
'CREATE SCHEMA dump_test' => {
create_order => 2,
create_sql => 'CREATE SCHEMA dump_test;',
regexp => qr/^CREATE SCHEMA dump_test;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE SCHEMA dump_test_second_schema' => {
create_order => 9,
......@@ -2117,8 +1924,8 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^CREATE SCHEMA dump_test_second_schema;/m,
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
'CREATE TABLE test_table' => {
create_order => 3,
......@@ -2141,11 +1948,11 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1, }, },
'CREATE TABLE fk_reference_test_table' => {
create_order => 21,
......@@ -2157,12 +1964,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\n\s+\Qcol1 integer NOT NULL\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TABLE test_second_table' => {
create_order => 6,
......@@ -2176,12 +1980,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\n\s+\Qcol2 text\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE test_third_table WITH OIDS' => {
create_order => 11,
......@@ -2201,9 +2002,10 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
# FIXME figure out why/how binary upgrade drops OIDs.
binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
......@@ -2226,12 +2028,10 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TABLE measurement_y2006m2 PARTITION OF' => {
......@@ -2248,10 +2048,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE TABLE test_fourth_table_zero_col' => {
create_order => 6,
......@@ -2261,12 +2060,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\QCREATE TABLE dump_test.test_fourth_table (\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TABLE test_fifth_table' => {
create_order => 53,
......@@ -2286,12 +2082,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\n\s+\Qcol5 double precision\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE TABLE test_table_identity' => {
create_order => 3,
......@@ -2314,12 +2107,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\s+\QCACHE 1\E\n
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE STATISTICS extended_stats_no_options' => {
create_order => 97,
......@@ -2328,12 +2118,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE STATISTICS dump_test.test_ext_stats_no_options ON col1, col2 FROM dump_test.test_fifth_table;\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE STATISTICS extended_stats_options' => {
create_order => 97,
......@@ -2342,15 +2129,12 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE STATISTICS dump_test.test_ext_stats_opts (ndistinct) ON col1, col2 FROM dump_test.test_fifth_table;\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE SEQUENCE test_table_col1_seq' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE SEQUENCE dump_test.test_table_col1_seq\E
\n\s+\QAS integer\E
......@@ -2362,13 +2146,12 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE SEQUENCE test_third_table_col1_seq' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE SEQUENCE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table_col1_seq\E
\n\s+\QAS integer\E
......@@ -2379,8 +2162,8 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_third_table_idx ON test_third_table' => {
create_order => 13,
......@@ -2392,32 +2175,33 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
role => 1,
section_post_data => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_post_data => 1, }, },
'CREATE INDEX ON ONLY measurement' => {
create_order => 92,
create_sql => 'CREATE INDEX ON dump_test.measurement (city_id, logdate);',
create_sql =>
'CREATE INDEX ON dump_test.measurement (city_id, logdate);',
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE INDEX measurement_city_id_logdate_idx ON ONLY dump_test.measurement USING\E
like => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
clean => 1,
clean_if_exists => 1,
createdb => 1,
defaults => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1,
exclude_test_table_data => 1,
no_blobs => 1,
no_privs => 1,
no_owner => 1,
only_dump_test_schema => 1,
pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1,
schema_only => 1,
section_post_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1,
with_oids => 1, },
binary_upgrade => 1,
clean => 1,
clean_if_exists => 1,
createdb => 1,
defaults => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1,
exclude_test_table_data => 1,
no_blobs => 1,
no_privs => 1,
no_owner => 1,
only_dump_test_schema => 1,
pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1,
schema_only => 1,
section_post_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1,
with_oids => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
only_dump_test_table => 1,
......@@ -2430,40 +2214,38 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
all_runs => 1,
catch_all => 'CREATE ... commands',
create_order => 93,
create_sql => 'ALTER TABLE dump_test.measurement ADD PRIMARY KEY (city_id, logdate);',
create_sql =>
'ALTER TABLE dump_test.measurement ADD PRIMARY KEY (city_id, logdate);',
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER TABLE ONLY dump_test.measurement\E \n^\s+
\QADD CONSTRAINT measurement_pkey PRIMARY KEY (city_id, logdate);\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'CREATE INDEX ... ON measurement_y2006_m2' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE INDEX measurement_y2006m2_city_id_logdate_idx ON dump_test_second_schema.measurement_y2006m2 \E
like => {
role => 1,
section_post_data => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_post_data => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER INDEX dump_test.measurement_city_id_logdate_idx ATTACH PARTITION dump_test_second_schema.measurement_y2006m2_city_id_logdate_idx\E
like => {
role => 1,
section_post_data => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_post_data => 1, }, },
'ALTER INDEX ... ATTACH PARTITION (primary key)' => {
all_runs => 1,
catch_all => 'CREATE ... commands',
regexp => qr/^
all_runs => 1,
catch_all => 'CREATE ... commands',
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER INDEX dump_test.measurement_pkey ATTACH PARTITION dump_test_second_schema.measurement_y2006m2_pkey\E
like => {
......@@ -2501,12 +2283,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
\n\s+\QSELECT test_table.col1\E
\n\s+\QFROM dump_test.test_table\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'ALTER VIEW test_view SET DEFAULT' => {
create_order => 62,
......@@ -2514,12 +2293,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
'ALTER VIEW dump_test.test_view ALTER COLUMN col1 SET DEFAULT 1;',
regexp => qr/^
\QALTER TABLE ONLY dump_test.test_view ALTER COLUMN col1 SET DEFAULT 1;\E/xm,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { exclude_dump_test_schema => 1, }, },
'DROP SCHEMA public (for testing without public schema)' => {
......@@ -2530,101 +2306,106 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {}, },
'DROP SCHEMA public' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA public;/m,
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA public;/m,
# this shouldn't ever get emitted anymore
like => {}, },
like => {}, },
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS public;/m,
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS public;/m,
# this shouldn't ever get emitted anymore
like => {}, },
like => {}, },
'DROP EXTENSION plpgsql' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP EXTENSION plpgsql;/m,
regexp => qr/^DROP EXTENSION plpgsql;/m,
# this shouldn't ever get emitted anymore
like => {}, },
like => {}, },
'DROP FUNCTION dump_test.pltestlang_call_handler()' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP FUNCTION dump_test\.pltestlang_call_handler\(\);/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
'DROP LANGUAGE pltestlang' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE pltestlang;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE pltestlang;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
'DROP SCHEMA dump_test' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA dump_test;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA dump_test;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
'DROP SCHEMA dump_test_second_schema' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA dump_test_second_schema;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA dump_test_second_schema;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
'DROP TABLE test_table' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE dump_test\.test_table;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE dump_test\.test_table;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
'DROP TABLE fk_reference_test_table' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE dump_test\.fk_reference_test_table;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE dump_test\.fk_reference_test_table;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
'DROP TABLE test_second_table' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE dump_test\.test_second_table;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE dump_test\.test_second_table;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
'DROP TABLE test_third_table' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE dump_test_second_schema\.test_third_table;/m,
like => { clean => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS plpgsql;/m,
regexp => qr/^DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS plpgsql;/m,
# this shouldn't ever get emitted anymore
like => {}, },
like => {}, },
'DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dump_test.pltestlang_call_handler()' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QDROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dump_test.pltestlang_call_handler();\E
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
'DROP LANGUAGE IF EXISTS pltestlang' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE IF EXISTS pltestlang;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE IF EXISTS pltestlang;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
'DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS dump_test' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS dump_test;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS dump_test;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
'DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS dump_test_second_schema' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS dump_test_second_schema;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS dump_test_second_schema;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dump_test\.test_table;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dump_test\.test_table;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_second_table' => {
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dump_test\.test_second_table;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
regexp => qr/^DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dump_test\.test_second_table;/m,
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_third_table' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QDROP TABLE IF EXISTS dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table;\E
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
like => { clean_if_exists => 1, }, },
'DROP ROLE regress_dump_test_role' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QDROP ROLE regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => { pg_dumpall_globals_clean => 1, }, },
like => { pg_dumpall_globals_clean => 1, }, },
'DROP ROLE pg_' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QDROP ROLE pg_\E.*;
# this shouldn't ever get emitted anywhere
like => {}, },
like => {}, },
'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA dump_test_second_schema' => {
create_order => 10,
......@@ -2635,10 +2416,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
create_order => 85,
......@@ -2647,11 +2427,8 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT ALL ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
create_order => 85,
......@@ -2660,11 +2437,8 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT ALL ON FOREIGN SERVER s1 TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT USAGE ON DOMAIN dump_test.us_postal_code' => {
create_order => 72,
......@@ -2673,13 +2447,11 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT ALL ON TYPE dump_test.us_postal_code TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_privs => 1, }, },
no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT USAGE ON TYPE dump_test.int42' => {
create_order => 87,
......@@ -2688,13 +2460,11 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT ALL ON TYPE dump_test.int42 TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_privs => 1, }, },
no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT USAGE ON TYPE dump_test.planets - ENUM' => {
create_order => 66,
......@@ -2703,27 +2473,24 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT ALL ON TYPE dump_test.planets TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_privs => 1, }, },
no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT USAGE ON TYPE dump_test.textrange - RANGE' => {
create_order => 67,
create_sql => 'GRANT USAGE ON TYPE dump_test.textrange TO regress_dump_test_role;',
create_sql =>
'GRANT USAGE ON TYPE dump_test.textrange TO regress_dump_test_role;',
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT ALL ON TYPE dump_test.textrange TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_privs => 1, }, },
no_privs => 1, }, },
create_order => 48,
......@@ -2732,23 +2499,23 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT CREATE ON DATABASE dump_test TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => { pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1, }, },
like => { pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1, }, },
'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_table' => {
create_order => 5,
create_sql => 'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test.test_table
TO regress_dump_test_role;',
regexp =>
qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test.test_table TO regress_dump_test_role;/m,
qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test.test_table TO regress_dump_test_role;/m,
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
exclude_test_table => 1,
no_privs => 1, }, },
exclude_test_table => 1,
no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_third_table' => {
create_order => 19,
......@@ -2759,10 +2526,9 @@ qr/CREATE TRANSFORM FOR integer LANGUAGE sql \(FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog
qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_dump_test_role;/m,
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCE test_third_table_col1_seq' => {
create_order => 28,
......@@ -2774,10 +2540,9 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE measurement' => {
create_order => 91,
......@@ -2785,27 +2550,25 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
TABLE dump_test.measurement
TO regress_dump_test_role;',
regexp =>
qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test.measurement TO regress_dump_test_role;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test.measurement TO regress_dump_test_role;/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_privs => 1, }, },
no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE measurement_y2006m2' => {
create_order => 92,
create_sql => 'GRANT SELECT ON
TABLE dump_test_second_schema.measurement_y2006m2
TO regress_dump_test_role;',
regexp => qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.measurement_y2006m2 TO regress_dump_test_role;/m,
regexp =>
qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.measurement_y2006m2 TO regress_dump_test_role;/m,
like => {
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
create_order => 60,
......@@ -2821,15 +2584,15 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
like => {
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
column_inserts => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1,
test_schema_plus_blobs => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
no_blobs => 1,
no_privs => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
no_blobs => 1,
no_privs => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
'GRANT INSERT(col1) ON TABLE test_second_table' => {
create_order => 8,
......@@ -2839,13 +2602,11 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT INSERT(col1) ON TABLE dump_test.test_second_table TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
no_privs => 1, }, },
no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_sleep() TO regress_dump_test_role' => {
create_order => 16,
......@@ -2854,11 +2615,8 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_sleep(double precision) TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT SELECT (proname ...) ON TABLE pg_proc TO public' => {
create_order => 46,
......@@ -2925,59 +2683,53 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
\QGRANT SELECT(probin) ON TABLE pg_catalog.pg_proc TO PUBLIC;\E\n.*
\QGRANT SELECT(proconfig) ON TABLE pg_catalog.pg_proc TO PUBLIC;\E\n.*
\QGRANT SELECT(proacl) ON TABLE pg_catalog.pg_proc TO PUBLIC;\E/xms,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO public' => {
regexp => qr/^
# this shouldn't ever get emitted anymore
like => {}, },
regexp => qr/^REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW dump_test.matview;/m,
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
regexp => qr/^REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW dump_test.matview;/m,
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
schema_only => 1, }, },
'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW matview_second' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QREFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW dump_test.matview_second;\E
like => {
section_post_data => 1, },
like =>
{ %full_runs, %dump_test_schema_runs, section_post_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
exclude_dump_test_schema => 1,
schema_only => 1, }, },
schema_only => 1, }, },
'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW matview_third' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QREFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW dump_test.matview_third;\E
like => {}, },
like => {}, },
'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW matview_fourth' => {
regexp => qr/^
regexp => qr/^
\QREFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW dump_test.matview_fourth;\E
like => {}, },
like => {}, },
'REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE dump_test FROM public' => {
create_order => 49,
......@@ -2987,7 +2739,7 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
\QGRANT CREATE ON DATABASE dump_test TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => { pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1, }, },
like => { pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1, }, },
'REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_sleep() FROM public' => {
create_order => 15,
......@@ -2996,21 +2748,16 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
regexp => qr/^
\QREVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_sleep(double precision) FROM PUBLIC;\E
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE pg_proc FROM public' => {
create_order => 45,
create_sql => 'REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE pg_proc FROM public;',
regexp => qr/^REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE pg_catalog.pg_proc FROM PUBLIC;/m,
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
regexp =>
qr/^REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE pg_catalog.pg_proc FROM PUBLIC;/m,
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM public' => {
create_order => 16,
......@@ -3019,11 +2766,8 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
like => {
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'REVOKE USAGE ON LANGUAGE plpgsql FROM public' => {
create_order => 16,
......@@ -3032,11 +2776,10 @@ qr/^GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dump_test_second_schema.test_third_table TO regress_du
like => {
only_dump_test_table => 1,
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
only_dump_test_table => 1,
role => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
......@@ -3121,8 +2864,9 @@ foreach my $run (sort keys %pgdump_runs)
# If there is a like entry, but no unlike entry, then we will test the like case
if ($tests{$test}->{like}->{$test_key} && !defined($tests{$test}->{unlike}->{$test_key}))
# If there is a like entry, but no unlike entry, then we will test the like case
if ($tests{$test}->{like}->{$test_key}
&& !defined($tests{$test}->{unlike}->{$test_key}))
......@@ -3283,19 +3027,19 @@ foreach my $run (sort keys %pgdump_runs)
# Run the test listed as a like, unless it is specifically noted
# as an unlike (generally due to an explicit exclusion or similar).
if ($tests{$test}->{like}->{$test_key} && !defined($tests{$test}->{unlike}->{$test_key}))
if ($tests{$test}->{like}->{$test_key}
&& !defined($tests{$test}->{unlike}->{$test_key}))
if (!ok($output_file =~ $tests{$test}->{regexp}, "$run: should dump $test"))
if (!ok($output_file =~ $tests{$test}->{regexp},
"$run: should dump $test"))
diag("Review $run results in $tempdir");
if (!ok(
$output_file !~
"$run: should not dump $test"))
if (!ok($output_file !~ $tests{$test}->{regexp},
"$run: should not dump $test"))
diag("Review $run results in $tempdir");
......@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ my $node = get_new_node('main');
command_like([ 'pg_resetwal', '-n', $node->data_dir ],
'pg_resetwal -n produces output');
qr/checkpoint/, 'pg_resetwal -n produces output');
# Permissions on PGDATA should be default
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os);
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1
if ($windows_os);
ok(check_mode_recursive($node->data_dir, 0700, 0600),
'check PGDATA permissions');
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ my $node = get_new_node('main');
my $pg_control = $node->data_dir . '/global/pg_control';
my $size = (stat($pg_control))[7];
my $size = (stat($pg_control))[7];
# Read out the head of the file to get PG_CONTROL_VERSION in
# particular.
......@@ -27,11 +27,14 @@ binmode $fh;
print $fh pack("x[$size]");
close $fh;
command_checks_all([ 'pg_resetwal', '-n', $node->data_dir ],
[ qr/pg_control version number/ ],
[ qr/pg_resetwal: pg_control exists but is broken or wrong version; ignoring it/ ],
'processes corrupted pg_control all zeroes');
[ 'pg_resetwal', '-n', $node->data_dir ],
[qr/pg_control version number/],
qr/pg_resetwal: pg_control exists but is broken or wrong version; ignoring it/
'processes corrupted pg_control all zeroes');
# Put in the previously saved header data. This uses a different code
# path internally, allowing us to process a zero WAL segment size.
......@@ -40,8 +43,11 @@ binmode $fh;
print $fh $data, pack("x[" . ($size - 16) . "]");
close $fh;
command_checks_all([ 'pg_resetwal', '-n', $node->data_dir ],
[ qr/pg_control version number/ ],
[ qr/\Qpg_resetwal: pg_control specifies invalid WAL segment size (0 bytes); proceed with caution\E/ ],
'processes zero WAL segment size');
[ 'pg_resetwal', '-n', $node->data_dir ],
[qr/pg_control version number/],
qr/\Qpg_resetwal: pg_control specifies invalid WAL segment size (0 bytes); proceed with caution\E/
'processes zero WAL segment size');
......@@ -115,16 +115,18 @@ sub check_query
sub setup_cluster
my $extra_name = shift; # Used to differentiate clusters
my $extra = shift; # Extra params for initdb
my $extra_name = shift; # Used to differentiate clusters
my $extra = shift; # Extra params for initdb
# Initialize master, data checksums are mandatory
$node_master = get_new_node('master' . ($extra_name ? "_${extra_name}" : ''));
allows_streaming => 1, extra => $extra);
$node_master =
get_new_node('master' . ($extra_name ? "_${extra_name}" : ''));
$node_master->init(allows_streaming => 1, extra => $extra);
# Set wal_keep_segments to prevent WAL segment recycling after enforced
# checkpoints in the tests.
$node_master->append_conf('postgresql.conf', qq(
'postgresql.conf', qq(
wal_keep_segments = 20
......@@ -141,7 +143,8 @@ sub create_standby
my $extra_name = shift;
$node_standby = get_new_node('standby' . ($extra_name ? "_${extra_name}" : ''));
$node_standby =
get_new_node('standby' . ($extra_name ? "_${extra_name}" : ''));
$node_standby->init_from_backup($node_master, 'my_backup');
my $connstr_master = $node_master->connstr();
......@@ -239,10 +242,11 @@ sub run_pg_rewind
chmod($node_master->group_access() ? 0640 : 0600,
"unable to set permissions for $master_pgdata/postgresql.conf");
$node_master->group_access() ? 0640 : 0600,
"unable to set permissions for $master_pgdata/postgresql.conf");
# Plug-in rewound node to the now-promoted standby node
my $port_standby = $node_standby->port;
......@@ -87,9 +87,10 @@ in master, before promotion
# Permissions on PGDATA should be default
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os);
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1
if ($windows_os);
ok(check_mode_recursive($node_master->data_dir(), 0700, 0600),
'check PGDATA permissions');
......@@ -43,9 +43,10 @@ template1
'database names');
# Permissions on PGDATA should have group permissions
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os);
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1
if ($windows_os);
ok(check_mode_recursive($node_master->data_dir(), 0750, 0640),
'check PGDATA permissions');
......@@ -81,8 +81,10 @@ pgbench(
# Initialize pgbench tables scale 1
'-i', 0, [qr{^$}],
[ qr{creating tables}, qr{vacuuming}, qr{creating primary keys}, qr{done\.} ],
'-i', 0,
[ qr{creating tables}, qr{vacuuming},
qr{creating primary keys}, qr{done\.} ],
'pgbench scale 1 initialization',);
# Again, with all possible options
......@@ -100,8 +102,9 @@ pgbench(
# Test interaction of --init-steps with legacy step-selection options
'--initialize --init-steps=dtpvgvv --no-vacuum --foreign-keys --unlogged-tables',
0, [qr{^$}],
'--initialize --init-steps=dtpvgvv --no-vacuum --foreign-keys --unlogged-tables',
[ qr{dropping old tables},
qr{creating tables},
qr{creating primary keys},
......@@ -218,15 +221,16 @@ COMMIT;
# test expressions
# command 1..3 and 23 depend on random seed which is used to call srandom.
'--random-seed=5432 -t 1 -Dfoo=-10.1 -Dbla=false -Di=+3 -Dminint=-9223372036854775808 -Dn=null -Dt=t -Df=of -Dd=1.0',
'--random-seed=5432 -t 1 -Dfoo=-10.1 -Dbla=false -Di=+3 -Dminint=-9223372036854775808 -Dn=null -Dt=t -Df=of -Dd=1.0',
[ qr{type: .*/001_pgbench_expressions}, qr{processed: 1/1} ],
[ qr{setting random seed to 5432\b},
# After explicit seeding, the four * random checks (1-3,20) should be
# deterministic, but not necessarily portable.
qr{command=1.: int 1\d\b}, # uniform random: 12 on linux
qr{command=2.: int 1\d\d\b}, # exponential random: 106 on linux
qr{command=3.: int 1\d\d\d\b}, # gaussian random: 1462 on linux
qr{command=1.: int 1\d\b}, # uniform random: 12 on linux
qr{command=2.: int 1\d\d\b}, # exponential random: 106 on linux
qr{command=3.: int 1\d\d\d\b}, # gaussian random: 1462 on linux
qr{command=4.: int 4\b},
qr{command=5.: int 5\b},
qr{command=6.: int 6\b},
......@@ -240,7 +244,7 @@ pgbench(
qr{command=16.: double 16\b},
qr{command=17.: double 17\b},
qr{command=18.: int 9223372036854775807\b},
qr{command=20.: int \d\b}, # zipfian random: 1 on linux
qr{command=20.: int \d\b}, # zipfian random: 1 on linux
qr{command=21.: double -27\b},
qr{command=22.: double 1024\b},
qr{command=23.: double 1\b},
......@@ -280,9 +284,9 @@ pgbench(
qr{command=86.: int 86\b},
qr{command=93.: int 93\b},
qr{command=95.: int 0\b},
qr{command=96.: int 1\b}, # :scale
qr{command=97.: int 0\b}, # :client_id
qr{command=98.: int 5432\b}, # :random_seed
qr{command=96.: int 1\b}, # :scale
qr{command=97.: int 0\b}, # :client_id
qr{command=98.: int 5432\b}, # :random_seed
'pgbench expressions',
{ '001_pgbench_expressions' => q{-- integer functions
......@@ -411,18 +415,20 @@ SELECT :v0, :v1, :v2, :v3;
# random determinism when seeded
# same value to check for determinism
my $seed = int(rand(1000000000));
for my $i (1, 2)
pgbench("--random-seed=$seed -t 1",
[qr{processed: 1/1}],
[qr{setting random seed to $seed\b}],
"random seeded with $seed",
{ "001_pgbench_random_seed_$i" => q{-- test random functions
"--random-seed=$seed -t 1",
[qr{processed: 1/1}],
[qr{setting random seed to $seed\b}],
"random seeded with $seed",
{ "001_pgbench_random_seed_$i" => q{-- test random functions
\set ur random(1000, 1999)
\set er random_exponential(2000, 2999, 2.0)
\set gr random_gaussian(3000, 3999, 3.0)
......@@ -436,16 +442,20 @@ INSERT INTO seeded_random(seed, rand, val) VALUES
# check that all runs generated the same 4 values
my ($ret, $out, $err) =
'SELECT seed, rand, val, COUNT(*) FROM seeded_random GROUP BY seed, rand, val');
my ($ret, $out, $err) = $node->psql('postgres',
'SELECT seed, rand, val, COUNT(*) FROM seeded_random GROUP BY seed, rand, val'
ok($ret == 0, "psql seeded_random count ok");
ok($ret == 0, "psql seeded_random count ok");
ok($err eq '', "psql seeded_random count stderr is empty");
ok($out =~ /\b$seed\|uniform\|1\d\d\d\|2/, "psql seeded_random count uniform");
ok($out =~ /\b$seed\|exponential\|2\d\d\d\|2/, "psql seeded_random count exponential");
ok($out =~ /\b$seed\|gaussian\|3\d\d\d\|2/, "psql seeded_random count gaussian");
ok($out =~ /\b$seed\|zipfian\|4\d\d\d\|2/, "psql seeded_random count zipfian");
ok($out =~ /\b$seed\|uniform\|1\d\d\d\|2/,
"psql seeded_random count uniform");
ok( $out =~ /\b$seed\|exponential\|2\d\d\d\|2/,
"psql seeded_random count exponential");
ok( $out =~ /\b$seed\|gaussian\|3\d\d\d\|2/,
"psql seeded_random count gaussian");
ok($out =~ /\b$seed\|zipfian\|4\d\d\d\|2/,
"psql seeded_random count zipfian");
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'DROP TABLE seeded_random;');
......@@ -481,8 +491,8 @@ my @errors = (
[ 'sql syntax error',
[ qr{ERROR: syntax error}, qr{prepared statement .* does not exist}
[ qr{ERROR: syntax error},
qr{prepared statement .* does not exist} ],
q{-- SQL syntax error
SELECT 1 + ;
} ],
......@@ -493,7 +503,7 @@ SELECT LEAST(:i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i);
} ],
[ 'shell bad command', 0,
[ 'shell bad command', 0,
[qr{\(shell\) .* meta-command failed}], q{\shell no-such-command} ],
[ 'shell undefined variable', 0,
[qr{undefined variable ":nosuchvariable"}],
......@@ -557,52 +567,34 @@ SELECT LEAST(:i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i);
[qr{exponential parameter must be greater }],
q{\set i random_exponential(0, 10, 0.0)} ],
[ 'set zipfian param to 1',
[ 'set zipfian param to 1',
[qr{zipfian parameter must be in range \(0, 1\) U \(1, \d+\]}],
q{\set i random_zipfian(0, 10, 1)} ],
[ 'set zipfian param too large',
[ 'set zipfian param too large',
[qr{zipfian parameter must be in range \(0, 1\) U \(1, \d+\]}],
q{\set i random_zipfian(0, 10, 1000000)} ],
[ 'set non numeric value', 0,
[qr{malformed variable "foo" value: "bla"}], q{\set i :foo + 1} ],
[ 'set no expression',
[qr{syntax error}],
q{\set i} ],
[ 'set missing argument',
[ 'set no expression', 1, [qr{syntax error}], q{\set i} ],
[ 'set missing argument', 1, [qr{missing argument}i], q{\set} ],
[ 'set not a bool', 0,
[qr{cannot coerce double to boolean}], q{\set b NOT 0.0} ],
[ 'set not an int', 0,
[qr{cannot coerce boolean to int}], q{\set i TRUE + 2} ],
[ 'set not a double', 0,
[qr{cannot coerce boolean to double}], q{\set d ln(TRUE)} ],
[ 'set case error',
[qr{missing argument}i],
q{\set} ],
[ 'set not a bool',
[ qr{cannot coerce double to boolean} ],
q{\set b NOT 0.0} ],
[ 'set not an int',
[ qr{cannot coerce boolean to int} ],
q{\set i TRUE + 2} ],
[ 'set not a double',
[ qr{cannot coerce boolean to double} ],
q{\set d ln(TRUE)} ],
[ 'set case error',
[ qr{syntax error in command "set"} ],
[qr{syntax error in command "set"}],
q{\set i CASE TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END} ],
[ 'set random error',
[ qr{cannot coerce boolean to int} ],
q{\set b random(FALSE, TRUE)} ],
[ 'set number of args mismatch',
[ qr{unexpected number of arguments} ],
q{\set d ln(1.0, 2.0))} ],
[ 'set at least one arg',
[ qr{at least one argument expected} ],
q{\set i greatest())} ],
[ 'set random error', 0,
[qr{cannot coerce boolean to int}], q{\set b random(FALSE, TRUE)} ],
[ 'set number of args mismatch', 1,
[qr{unexpected number of arguments}], q{\set d ln(1.0, 2.0))} ],
[ 'set at least one arg', 1,
[qr{at least one argument expected}], q{\set i greatest())} ],
[ 'setshell not an int', 0,
......@@ -625,8 +617,8 @@ SELECT LEAST(:i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i, :i);
[ 'misc invalid backslash command', 1,
[qr{invalid command .* "nosuchcommand"}], q{\nosuchcommand} ],
[ 'misc empty script', 1, [qr{empty command list for script}], q{} ],
[ 'bad boolean', 0, [qr{malformed variable.*trueXXX}], q{\set b :badtrue or true} ],
[ 'bad boolean', 0,
[qr{malformed variable.*trueXXX}], q{\set b :badtrue or true} ],);
for my $e (@errors)
......@@ -635,7 +627,7 @@ for my $e (@errors)
my $n = '001_pgbench_error_' . $name;
$n =~ s/ /_/g;
'-n -t 1 -Dfoo=bla -Dnull=null -Dtrue=true -Done=1 -Dzero=0.0 -Dbadtrue=trueXXX -M prepared',
'-n -t 1 -Dfoo=bla -Dnull=null -Dtrue=true -Done=1 -Dzero=0.0 -Dbadtrue=trueXXX -M prepared',
[ $status ? qr{^$} : qr{processed: 0/1} ],
......@@ -647,7 +639,7 @@ for my $e (@errors)
'-t 1', 0,
[ qr{processed: 1/1}, qr{zipfian cache array overflowed 1 time\(s\)} ],
[ qr{^} ],
'pgbench zipfian array overflow on random_zipfian',
{ '001_pgbench_random_zipfian' => q{
\set i random_zipfian(1, 100, 0.5)
......@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ $testname =~ s/\.pl$//;
my $testdir = "$TestLib::tmp_check/t_${testname}_stuff";
mkdir $testdir
BAIL_OUT("could not create test directory \"${testdir}\": $!");
or BAIL_OUT("could not create test directory \"${testdir}\": $!");
# invoke pgbench
sub pgbench
......@@ -38,8 +37,10 @@ sub pgbench_scripts
for my $fn (sort keys %$files)
my $filename = $testdir . '/' . $fn;
# cleanup file weight if any
$filename =~ s/\@\d+$//;
# cleanup from prior runs
unlink $filename;
append_to_file($filename, $$files{$fn});
......@@ -105,14 +106,17 @@ my @options = (
[ 'ambiguous builtin', '-b s', [qr{ambiguous}] ],
[ '--progress-timestamp => --progress', '--progress-timestamp',
[qr{allowed only under}] ],
[ '-I without init option', '-I dtg',
[ '-I without init option',
'-I dtg',
[qr{cannot be used in benchmarking mode}] ],
[ 'invalid init step', '-i -I dta',
[qr{unrecognized initialization step},
qr{allowed steps are} ] ],
[ 'bad random seed', '--random-seed=one',
[qr{unrecognized random seed option "one": expecting an unsigned integer, "time" or "rand"},
qr{error while setting random seed from --random-seed option} ] ],
[ 'invalid init step',
'-i -I dta',
[ qr{unrecognized initialization step}, qr{allowed steps are} ] ],
[ 'bad random seed',
qr{unrecognized random seed option "one": expecting an unsigned integer, "time" or "rand"},
qr{error while setting random seed from --random-seed option} ] ],
# loging sub-options
[ 'sampling => log', '--sampling-rate=0.01',
......@@ -161,23 +165,44 @@ pgbench(
'pgbench builtin list');
my @script_tests = (
# name, err, { file => contents }
[ 'missing endif', [qr{\\if without matching \\endif}], {'if-noendif.sql' => '\if 1'} ],
[ 'missing if on elif', [qr{\\elif without matching \\if}], {'elif-noif.sql' => '\elif 1'} ],
[ 'missing if on else', [qr{\\else without matching \\if}], {'else-noif.sql' => '\else'} ],
[ 'missing if on endif', [qr{\\endif without matching \\if}], {'endif-noif.sql' => '\endif'} ],
[ 'elif after else', [qr{\\elif after \\else}], {'else-elif.sql' => "\\if 1\n\\else\n\\elif 0\n\\endif"} ],
[ 'else after else', [qr{\\else after \\else}], {'else-else.sql' => "\\if 1\n\\else\n\\else\n\\endif"} ],
[ 'if syntax error', [qr{syntax error in command "if"}], {'if-bad.sql' => "\\if\n\\endif\n"} ],
[ 'elif syntax error', [qr{syntax error in command "elif"}], {'elif-bad.sql' => "\\if 0\n\\elif +\n\\endif\n"} ],
[ 'else syntax error', [qr{unexpected argument in command "else"}], {'else-bad.sql' => "\\if 0\n\\else BAD\n\\endif\n"} ],
[ 'endif syntax error', [qr{unexpected argument in command "endif"}], {'endif-bad.sql' => "\\if 0\n\\endif BAD\n"} ],
[ 'missing endif',
[qr{\\if without matching \\endif}],
{ 'if-noendif.sql' => '\if 1' } ],
[ 'missing if on elif',
[qr{\\elif without matching \\if}],
{ 'elif-noif.sql' => '\elif 1' } ],
[ 'missing if on else',
[qr{\\else without matching \\if}],
{ 'else-noif.sql' => '\else' } ],
[ 'missing if on endif',
[qr{\\endif without matching \\if}],
{ 'endif-noif.sql' => '\endif' } ],
[ 'elif after else',
[qr{\\elif after \\else}],
{ 'else-elif.sql' => "\\if 1\n\\else\n\\elif 0\n\\endif" } ],
[ 'else after else',
[qr{\\else after \\else}],
{ 'else-else.sql' => "\\if 1\n\\else\n\\else\n\\endif" } ],
[ 'if syntax error',
[qr{syntax error in command "if"}],
{ 'if-bad.sql' => "\\if\n\\endif\n" } ],
[ 'elif syntax error',
[qr{syntax error in command "elif"}],
{ 'elif-bad.sql' => "\\if 0\n\\elif +\n\\endif\n" } ],
[ 'else syntax error',
[qr{unexpected argument in command "else"}],
{ 'else-bad.sql' => "\\if 0\n\\else BAD\n\\endif\n" } ],
[ 'endif syntax error',
[qr{unexpected argument in command "endif"}],
{ 'endif-bad.sql' => "\\if 0\n\\endif BAD\n" } ],);
for my $t (@script_tests)
my ($name, $err, $files) = @$t;
pgbench_scripts('', 1, [qr{^$}], $err, 'pgbench option error: ' . $name, $files);
pgbench_scripts('', 1, [qr{^$}], $err, 'pgbench option error: ' . $name,
......@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ $node->init;
# use a long timeout for the benefit of very slow buildfarm machines
$node->command_ok([qw(pg_isready --timeout=60)], 'succeeds with server running');
$node->command_ok([qw(pg_isready --timeout=60)],
'succeeds with server running');
......@@ -36,13 +36,17 @@ $node->issues_sql_like(
$node->command_ok([qw(vacuumdb -Z --table=pg_am dbname=template1)],
'vacuumdb with connection string');
$node->command_fails([qw(vacuumdb -Zt pg_am;ABORT postgres)],
[qw(vacuumdb -Zt pg_am;ABORT postgres)],
'trailing command in "-t", without COLUMNS');
# Unwanted; better if it failed.
$node->command_ok([qw(vacuumdb -Zt pg_am(amname);ABORT postgres)],
[qw(vacuumdb -Zt pg_am(amname);ABORT postgres)],
'trailing command in "-t", with COLUMNS');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', q|
'postgres', q|
CREATE TABLE "need""q(uot" (")x" text);
......@@ -53,5 +57,6 @@ $node->safe_psql('postgres', q|
$node->command_ok([qw|vacuumdb -Z --table="need""q(uot"(")x") postgres|],
'column list');
$node->command_fails([qw|vacuumdb -Zt funcidx postgres|],
[qw|vacuumdb -Zt funcidx postgres|],
'unqualifed name via functional index');
......@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ while (<>)
unless /\boid *=> *'(\d+)'/
|| /^CATALOG\([^,]*, *(\d+).*BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\((\d+),/
|| /^CATALOG\([^,]*, *(\d+)/
|| /^DECLARE_INDEX\([^,]*, *(\d+)/
|| /^DECLARE_UNIQUE_INDEX\([^,]*, *(\d+)/
|| /^DECLARE_TOAST\([^,]*, *(\d+), *(\d+)/;
|| /^CATALOG\([^,]*, *(\d+).*BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\((\d+),/
|| /^CATALOG\([^,]*, *(\d+)/
|| /^DECLARE_INDEX\([^,]*, *(\d+)/
|| /^DECLARE_UNIQUE_INDEX\([^,]*, *(\d+)/
|| /^DECLARE_TOAST\([^,]*, *(\d+), *(\d+)/;
$oidcounts{$2}++ if $2;
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ foreach my $datfile (@input_files)
my $header = "$1.h";
die "There in no header file corresponding to $datfile"
if ! -e $header;
if !-e $header;
my $catalog = Catalog::ParseHeader($header);
my $catname = $catalog->{catname};
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ sub strip_default_values
my $attname = $column->{name};
die "strip_default_values: $catname.$attname undefined\n"
if ! defined $row->{$attname};
if !defined $row->{$attname};
# Delete values that match defaults.
if (defined $column->{default}
......@@ -196,8 +196,9 @@ sub strip_default_values
# Also delete pg_proc.pronargs, since that can be recomputed.
if ($catname eq 'pg_proc' && $attname eq 'pronargs' &&
if ( $catname eq 'pg_proc'
&& $attname eq 'pronargs'
&& defined($row->{proargtypes}))
delete $row->{$attname};
......@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ sub strip_default_values
# data files.
sub format_hash
my $data = shift;
my $data = shift;
my @orig_attnames = @_;
# Copy attname to new array if it has a value, so we can determine
......@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ sub format_hash
my $char_count = 1;
my $threshold;
my $hash_str = '';
my $hash_str = '';
my $element_count = 0;
foreach my $attname (@attnames)
......@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ sub format_hash
# Include a leading space in the key-value pair, since this will
# always go after either a comma or an additional padding space on
# the next line.
my $element = " $attname => '$value'";
my $element = " $attname => '$value'";
my $element_length = length($element);
# If adding the element to the current line would expand the line
......@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ my ($krb5_bin_dir, $krb5_sbin_dir);
if ($^O eq 'darwin')
$krb5_bin_dir = '/usr/local/opt/krb5/bin';
$krb5_bin_dir = '/usr/local/opt/krb5/bin';
$krb5_sbin_dir = '/usr/local/opt/krb5/sbin';
elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd')
$krb5_bin_dir = '/usr/local/bin';
$krb5_bin_dir = '/usr/local/bin';
$krb5_sbin_dir = '/usr/local/sbin';
elsif ($^O eq 'linux')
......@@ -30,45 +30,48 @@ elsif ($^O eq 'linux')
$krb5_sbin_dir = '/usr/sbin';
my $krb5_config = 'krb5-config';
my $kinit = 'kinit';
my $kdb5_util = 'kdb5_util';
my $krb5_config = 'krb5-config';
my $kinit = 'kinit';
my $kdb5_util = 'kdb5_util';
my $kadmin_local = 'kadmin.local';
my $krb5kdc = 'krb5kdc';
my $krb5kdc = 'krb5kdc';
if ($krb5_bin_dir && -d $krb5_bin_dir)
$krb5_config = $krb5_bin_dir . '/' . $krb5_config;
$kinit = $krb5_bin_dir . '/' . $kinit;
$kinit = $krb5_bin_dir . '/' . $kinit;
if ($krb5_sbin_dir && -d $krb5_sbin_dir)
$kdb5_util = $krb5_sbin_dir . '/' . $kdb5_util;
$kdb5_util = $krb5_sbin_dir . '/' . $kdb5_util;
$kadmin_local = $krb5_sbin_dir . '/' . $kadmin_local;
$krb5kdc = $krb5_sbin_dir . '/' . $krb5kdc;
$krb5kdc = $krb5_sbin_dir . '/' . $krb5kdc;
my $realm = 'EXAMPLE.COM';
my $krb5_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/krb5.conf";
my $kdc_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/kdc.conf";
my $krb5_log = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/krb5libs.log";
my $kdc_log = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/krb5kdc.log";
my $kdc_port = int(rand() * 16384) + 49152;
my $krb5_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/krb5.conf";
my $kdc_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/kdc.conf";
my $krb5_log = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/krb5libs.log";
my $kdc_log = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/krb5kdc.log";
my $kdc_port = int(rand() * 16384) + 49152;
my $kdc_datadir = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/krb5kdc";
my $kdc_pidfile = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/";
my $keytab = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/krb5.keytab";
my $keytab = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/krb5.keytab";
note "setting up Kerberos";
my ($stdout, $krb5_version);
run_log [ $krb5_config, '--version' ], '>', \$stdout or BAIL_OUT("could not execute krb5-config");
run_log [ $krb5_config, '--version' ], '>', \$stdout
or BAIL_OUT("could not execute krb5-config");
BAIL_OUT("Heimdal is not supported") if $stdout =~ m/heimdal/;
$stdout =~ m/Kerberos 5 release ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ or BAIL_OUT("could not get Kerberos version");
$stdout =~ m/Kerberos 5 release ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/
or BAIL_OUT("could not get Kerberos version");
$krb5_version = $1;
default = FILE:$krb5_log
kdc = FILE:$kdc_log
......@@ -80,27 +83,32 @@ $realm = {
kdc = localhost:$kdc_port
# For new-enough versions of krb5, use the _listen settings rather
# than the _ports settings so that we can bind to localhost only.
if ($krb5_version >= 1.15)
qq!kdc_listen = localhost:$kdc_port
qq!kdc_listen = localhost:$kdc_port
kdc_tcp_listen = localhost:$kdc_port
qq!kdc_ports = $kdc_port
qq!kdc_ports = $kdc_port
kdc_tcp_ports = $kdc_port
$realm = {
database_name = $kdc_datadir/principal
......@@ -111,7 +119,7 @@ $realm = {
mkdir $kdc_datadir or die;
$ENV{'KRB5_CONFIG'} = $krb5_conf;
$ENV{'KRB5_CONFIG'} = $krb5_conf;
$ENV{'KRB5_KDC_PROFILE'} = $kdc_conf;
my $service_principal = "$ENV{with_krb_srvnam}/localhost";
......@@ -128,7 +136,7 @@ system_or_bail $krb5kdc, '-P', $kdc_pidfile;
kill 'INT', `cat $kdc_pidfile` if -f $kdc_pidfile;
kill 'INT', `cat $kdc_pidfile` if -f $kdc_pidfile;
note "setting up PostgreSQL instance";
......@@ -148,9 +156,12 @@ sub test_access
my ($node, $role, $expected_res, $test_name) = @_;
# need to connect over TCP/IP for Kerberos
my $res = $node->psql('postgres', 'SELECT 1',
extra_params => [ '-d', $node->connstr('postgres').' host=localhost',
'-U', $role ]);
my $res = $node->psql(
extra_params => [
'-d', $node->connstr('postgres') . ' host=localhost',
'-U', $role ]);
is($res, $expected_res, $test_name);
......@@ -171,7 +182,8 @@ test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'succeeds with mapping');
truncate($node->data_dir . '/pg_ident.conf', 0);
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{host all all localhost gss include_realm=0});
qq{host all all localhost gss include_realm=0});
test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'succeeds with include_realm=0');
......@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ else
my ($slapd, $ldap_bin_dir, $ldap_schema_dir);
$ldap_bin_dir = undef; # usually in PATH
$ldap_bin_dir = undef; # usually in PATH
if ($^O eq 'darwin')
$slapd = '/usr/local/opt/openldap/libexec/slapd';
$slapd = '/usr/local/opt/openldap/libexec/slapd';
$ldap_schema_dir = '/usr/local/etc/openldap/schema';
elsif ($^O eq 'linux')
$slapd = '/usr/sbin/slapd';
$slapd = '/usr/sbin/slapd';
$ldap_schema_dir = '/etc/ldap/schema' if -d '/etc/ldap/schema';
$ldap_schema_dir = '/etc/openldap/schema' if -d '/etc/openldap/schema';
elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd')
$slapd = '/usr/local/libexec/slapd';
$slapd = '/usr/local/libexec/slapd';
$ldap_schema_dir = '/usr/local/etc/openldap/schema';
......@@ -41,26 +41,27 @@ elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd')
$ENV{PATH} = "$ldap_bin_dir:$ENV{PATH}" if $ldap_bin_dir;
my $ldap_datadir = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/openldap-data";
my $slapd_certs = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/slapd-certs";
my $slapd_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/slapd.conf";
my $ldap_datadir = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/openldap-data";
my $slapd_certs = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/slapd-certs";
my $slapd_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/slapd.conf";
my $slapd_pidfile = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/";
my $slapd_logfile = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/slapd.log";
my $ldap_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/ldap.conf";
my $ldap_server = 'localhost';
my $ldap_port = int(rand() * 16384) + 49152;
my $ldaps_port = $ldap_port + 1;
my $ldap_url = "ldap://$ldap_server:$ldap_port";
my $ldaps_url = "ldaps://$ldap_server:$ldaps_port";
my $ldap_basedn = 'dc=example,dc=net';
my $ldap_rootdn = 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=net';
my $ldap_rootpw = 'secret';
my $ldap_pwfile = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/ldappassword";
my $ldap_conf = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/ldap.conf";
my $ldap_server = 'localhost';
my $ldap_port = int(rand() * 16384) + 49152;
my $ldaps_port = $ldap_port + 1;
my $ldap_url = "ldap://$ldap_server:$ldap_port";
my $ldaps_url = "ldaps://$ldap_server:$ldaps_port";
my $ldap_basedn = 'dc=example,dc=net';
my $ldap_rootdn = 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=net';
my $ldap_rootpw = 'secret';
my $ldap_pwfile = "${TestLib::tmp_check}/ldappassword";
note "setting up slapd";
qq{include $ldap_schema_dir/core.schema
qq{include $ldap_schema_dir/core.schema
include $ldap_schema_dir/cosine.schema
include $ldap_schema_dir/nis.schema
include $ldap_schema_dir/inetorgperson.schema
......@@ -84,16 +85,23 @@ rootdn "$ldap_rootdn"
rootpw $ldap_rootpw});
# don't bother to check the server's cert (though perhaps we should)
qq{TLS_REQCERT never
qq{TLS_REQCERT never
mkdir $ldap_datadir or die;
mkdir $slapd_certs or die;
system_or_bail "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-keyout", "$slapd_certs/ca.key", "-x509", "-out", "$slapd_certs/ca.crt", "-subj", "/cn=CA";
system_or_bail "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-keyout", "$slapd_certs/server.key", "-out", "$slapd_certs/server.csr", "-subj", "/cn=server";
system_or_bail "openssl", "x509", "-req", "-in", "$slapd_certs/server.csr", "-CA", "$slapd_certs/ca.crt", "-CAkey", "$slapd_certs/ca.key", "-CAcreateserial", "-out", "$slapd_certs/server.crt";
mkdir $slapd_certs or die;
system_or_bail "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-keyout",
"$slapd_certs/ca.key", "-x509", "-out", "$slapd_certs/ca.crt", "-subj",
system_or_bail "openssl", "req", "-new", "-nodes", "-keyout",
"$slapd_certs/server.key", "-out", "$slapd_certs/server.csr", "-subj",
system_or_bail "openssl", "x509", "-req", "-in", "$slapd_certs/server.csr",
"-CA", "$slapd_certs/ca.crt", "-CAkey", "$slapd_certs/ca.key",
"-CAcreateserial", "-out", "$slapd_certs/server.crt";
system_or_bail $slapd, '-f', $slapd_conf, '-h', "$ldap_url $ldaps_url";
......@@ -105,15 +113,17 @@ END
append_to_file($ldap_pwfile, $ldap_rootpw);
chmod 0600, $ldap_pwfile or die;
$ENV{'LDAPURI'} = $ldap_url;
$ENV{'LDAPURI'} = $ldap_url;
$ENV{'LDAPBINDDN'} = $ldap_rootdn;
$ENV{'LDAPCONF'} = $ldap_conf;
$ENV{'LDAPCONF'} = $ldap_conf;
note "loading LDAP data";
system_or_bail 'ldapadd', '-x', '-y', $ldap_pwfile, '-f', 'authdata.ldif';
system_or_bail 'ldappasswd', '-x', '-y', $ldap_pwfile, '-s', 'secret1', 'uid=test1,dc=example,dc=net';
system_or_bail 'ldappasswd', '-x', '-y', $ldap_pwfile, '-s', 'secret2', 'uid=test2,dc=example,dc=net';
system_or_bail 'ldapadd', '-x', '-y', $ldap_pwfile, '-f', 'authdata.ldif';
system_or_bail 'ldappasswd', '-x', '-y', $ldap_pwfile, '-s', 'secret1',
system_or_bail 'ldappasswd', '-x', '-y', $ldap_pwfile, '-s', 'secret2',
note "setting up PostgreSQL instance";
......@@ -131,50 +141,66 @@ sub test_access
my ($node, $role, $expected_res, $test_name) = @_;
my $res = $node->psql('postgres', 'SELECT 1', extra_params => [ '-U', $role ]);
is($res, $expected_res, $test_name);
my $res =
$node->psql('postgres', 'SELECT 1', extra_params => [ '-U', $role ]);
is($res, $expected_res, $test_name);
note "simple bind";
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapprefix="uid=" ldapsuffix=",dc=example,dc=net"});
qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapprefix="uid=" ldapsuffix=",dc=example,dc=net"}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'wrong';
test_access($node, 'test0', 2, 'simple bind authentication fails if user not found in LDAP');
test_access($node, 'test1', 2, 'simple bind authentication fails with wrong password');
test_access($node, 'test0', 2,
'simple bind authentication fails if user not found in LDAP');
test_access($node, 'test1', 2,
'simple bind authentication fails with wrong password');
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'simple bind authentication succeeds');
note "search+bind";
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn"});
qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn"}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'wrong';
test_access($node, 'test0', 2, 'search+bind authentication fails if user not found in LDAP');
test_access($node, 'test1', 2, 'search+bind authentication fails with wrong password');
test_access($node, 'test0', 2,
'search+bind authentication fails if user not found in LDAP');
test_access($node, 'test1', 2,
'search+bind authentication fails with wrong password');
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'search+bind authentication succeeds');
note "LDAP URLs";
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldap_url/$ldap_basedn?uid?sub"});
qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldap_url/$ldap_basedn?uid?sub"});
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'wrong';
test_access($node, 'test0', 2, 'search+bind with LDAP URL authentication fails if user not found in LDAP');
test_access($node, 'test1', 2, 'search+bind with LDAP URL authentication fails with wrong password');
test_access($node, 'test0', 2,
'search+bind with LDAP URL authentication fails if user not found in LDAP'
test_access($node, 'test1', 2,
'search+bind with LDAP URL authentication fails with wrong password');
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'search+bind with LDAP URL authentication succeeds');
test_access($node, 'test1', 0,
'search+bind with LDAP URL authentication succeeds');
note "search filters";
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn" ldapsearchfilter="(|(uid=\$username)(mail=\$username))"});
qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn" ldapsearchfilter="(|(uid=\$username)(mail=\$username))"}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
......@@ -185,7 +211,9 @@ test_access($node, '', 0, 'search filter finds by mail');
note "search filters in LDAP URLs";
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldap_url/$ldap_basedn??sub?(|(uid=\$username)(mail=\$username))"});
qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldap_url/$ldap_basedn??sub?(|(uid=\$username)(mail=\$username))"}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
......@@ -197,7 +225,9 @@ test_access($node, '', 0, 'search filter finds by mail');
# settings. ldapurl is always parsed first, then the other settings
# override. It might be useful in a case like this.
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldap_url/$ldap_basedn??sub" ldapsearchfilter="(|(uid=\$username)(mail=\$username))"});
qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldap_url/$ldap_basedn??sub" ldapsearchfilter="(|(uid=\$username)(mail=\$username))"}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
......@@ -207,7 +237,9 @@ note "diagnostic message";
# note bad ldapprefix with a question mark that triggers a diagnostic message
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapprefix="?uid=" ldapsuffix=""});
qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapprefix="?uid=" ldapsuffix=""}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
......@@ -217,7 +249,9 @@ note "TLS";
# request StartTLS with ldaptls=1
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn" ldapsearchfilter="(uid=\$username)" ldaptls=1});
qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapport=$ldap_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn" ldapsearchfilter="(uid=\$username)" ldaptls=1}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
......@@ -225,7 +259,9 @@ test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'StartTLS');
# request LDAPS with ldapscheme=ldaps
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapscheme=ldaps ldapport=$ldaps_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn" ldapsearchfilter="(uid=\$username)"});
qq{local all all ldap ldapserver=$ldap_server ldapscheme=ldaps ldapport=$ldaps_port ldapbasedn="$ldap_basedn" ldapsearchfilter="(uid=\$username)"}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
......@@ -233,7 +269,9 @@ test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'LDAPS');
# request LDAPS with ldapurl=ldaps://...
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldaps_url/$ldap_basedn??sub?(uid=\$username)"});
qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldaps_url/$ldap_basedn??sub?(uid=\$username)"}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
......@@ -241,7 +279,9 @@ test_access($node, 'test1', 0, 'LDAPS with URL');
# bad combination of LDAPS and StartTLS
unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf');
$node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf', qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldaps_url/$ldap_basedn??sub?(uid=\$username)" ldaptls=1});
qq{local all all ldap ldapurl="$ldaps_url/$ldap_basedn??sub?(uid=\$username)" ldaptls=1}
$ENV{"PGPASSWORD"} = 'secret1';
......@@ -15,25 +15,27 @@ $node->start;
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'create extension pageinspect');
# Create a table with an autosummarizing BRIN index
'create table brin_wi (a int) with (fillfactor = 10);
create index brin_wi_idx on brin_wi using brin (a) with (pages_per_range=1, autosummarize=on);
my $count = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
"select count(*) from brin_page_items(get_raw_page('brin_wi_idx', 2), 'brin_wi_idx'::regclass)"
"select count(*) from brin_page_items(get_raw_page('brin_wi_idx', 2), 'brin_wi_idx'::regclass)"
is($count, '1', "initial index state is correct");
'insert into brin_wi select * from generate_series(1, 100)');
"select count(*) > 1 from brin_page_items(get_raw_page('brin_wi_idx', 2), 'brin_wi_idx'::regclass)",
"select count(*) > 1 from brin_page_items(get_raw_page('brin_wi_idx', 2), 'brin_wi_idx'::regclass)",
$count = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
"select count(*) > 1 from brin_page_items(get_raw_page('brin_wi_idx', 2), 'brin_wi_idx'::regclass)"
"select count(*) > 1 from brin_page_items(get_raw_page('brin_wi_idx', 2), 'brin_wi_idx'::regclass)"
is($count, 't', "index got summarized");
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ my %pgdump_runs = (
'-R', # no-op, just for testing
'-R', # no-op, just for testing
'postgres', ], },
data_only => {
dump_cmd => [
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ my %pgdump_runs = (
'-v', # no-op, just make sure it works
'-v', # no-op, just make sure it works
'postgres', ], },
defaults => {
dump_cmd => [ 'pg_dump', '-f', "$tempdir/defaults.sql", 'postgres', ],
......@@ -178,14 +178,13 @@ my %pgdump_runs = (
# Tests which are considered 'full' dumps by pg_dump, but there
# are flags used to exclude specific items (ACLs, blobs, etc).
my %full_runs = (
binary_upgrade => 1,
clean => 1,
clean_if_exists => 1,
createdb => 1,
defaults => 1,
no_privs => 1,
no_owner => 1,
binary_upgrade => 1,
clean => 1,
clean_if_exists => 1,
createdb => 1,
defaults => 1,
no_privs => 1,
no_owner => 1,);
my %tests = (
'ALTER EXTENSION test_pg_dump' => {
......@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ my %tests = (
\n\s+\Qcol1 integer NOT NULL,\E
\n\s+\Qcol2 integer\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE EXTENSION test_pg_dump' => {
create_order => 2,
......@@ -207,10 +206,9 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
schema_only => 1,
schema_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
unlike => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE ROLE regress_dump_test_role' => {
create_order => 1,
......@@ -228,7 +226,7 @@ my %tests = (
\n\s+\QCACHE 1;\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_table_added' => {
create_order => 7,
......@@ -239,7 +237,7 @@ my %tests = (
\n\s+\Qcol1 integer NOT NULL,\E
\n\s+\Qcol2 integer\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE SEQUENCE regress_pg_dump_seq' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -250,7 +248,7 @@ my %tests = (
\n\s+\QCACHE 1;\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'SETVAL SEQUENCE regress_seq_dumpable' => {
create_order => 6,
......@@ -260,7 +258,7 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
data_only => 1,
data_only => 1,
section_data => 1, }, },
'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_table' => {
......@@ -269,13 +267,13 @@ my %tests = (
\n\s+\Qcol1 integer NOT NULL,\E
\n\s+\Qcol2 integer\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE ACCESS METHOD regress_test_am' => {
regexp => qr/^
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'COMMENT ON EXTENSION test_pg_dump' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -294,7 +292,7 @@ my %tests = (
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table_added TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'REVOKE SELECT regress_pg_dump_table_added post-ALTER EXTENSION' => {
create_order => 10,
......@@ -307,8 +305,7 @@ my %tests = (
schema_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE regress_pg_dump_table' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -316,7 +313,7 @@ my %tests = (
\QGRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n
\QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'GRANT SELECT(col1) ON regress_pg_dump_table' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -324,10 +321,11 @@ my %tests = (
\QGRANT SELECT(col1) ON TABLE public.regress_pg_dump_table TO PUBLIC;\E\n
\QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'GRANT SELECT(col2) ON regress_pg_dump_table TO regress_dump_test_role' =>
{ create_order => 4,
'GRANT SELECT(col2) ON regress_pg_dump_table TO regress_dump_test_role'
=> {
create_order => 4,
create_sql => 'GRANT SELECT(col2) ON regress_pg_dump_table
TO regress_dump_test_role;',
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -337,8 +335,7 @@ my %tests = (
schema_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT USAGE ON regress_pg_dump_table_col1_seq TO regress_dump_test_role'
=> {
......@@ -352,14 +349,13 @@ my %tests = (
schema_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
'GRANT USAGE ON regress_pg_dump_seq TO regress_dump_test_role' => {
regexp => qr/^
\QGRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE public.regress_pg_dump_seq TO regress_dump_test_role;\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'REVOKE SELECT(col1) ON regress_pg_dump_table' => {
create_order => 3,
......@@ -372,8 +368,7 @@ my %tests = (
schema_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, },
unlike => {
no_privs => 1, }, },
unlike => { no_privs => 1, }, },
# Objects included in extension part of a schema created by this extension */
'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_table' => {
......@@ -382,7 +377,7 @@ my %tests = (
\n\s+\Qcol1 integer,\E
\n\s+\Qcol2 integer\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'GRANT SELECT ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_table' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -390,7 +385,7 @@ my %tests = (
\QGRANT SELECT ON TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_table TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n
\QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE SEQUENCE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_seq' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -401,7 +396,7 @@ my %tests = (
\n\s+\QCACHE 1;\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'GRANT USAGE ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_seq' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -409,14 +404,14 @@ my %tests = (
\QGRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_seq TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n
\QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE TYPE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_type' => {
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE TYPE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_type AS (\E
\n\s+\Qcol1 integer\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'GRANT USAGE ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_type' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -424,14 +419,14 @@ my %tests = (
\QGRANT ALL ON TYPE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_type TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n
\QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE FUNCTION regress_pg_dump_schema.test_func' => {
regexp => qr/^
\QCREATE FUNCTION regress_pg_dump_schema.test_func() RETURNS integer\E
\n\s+\QLANGUAGE sql\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'GRANT ALL ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_func' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -439,7 +434,7 @@ my %tests = (
\QGRANT ALL ON FUNCTION regress_pg_dump_schema.test_func() TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n
\QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'CREATE AGGREGATE regress_pg_dump_schema.test_agg' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -447,7 +442,7 @@ my %tests = (
\n\s+\QSFUNC = int2_sum,\E
\n\s+\QSTYPE = bigint\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
'GRANT ALL ON regress_pg_dump_schema.test_agg' => {
regexp => qr/^
......@@ -455,7 +450,7 @@ my %tests = (
\QGRANT ALL ON FUNCTION regress_pg_dump_schema.test_agg(smallint) TO regress_dump_test_role;\E\n
\QSELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\E
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
like => { binary_upgrade => 1, }, },
# Objects not included in extension, part of schema created by extension
'CREATE TABLE regress_pg_dump_schema.external_tab' => {
......@@ -468,9 +463,8 @@ my %tests = (
like => {
schema_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, }, },
schema_only => 1,
section_pre_data => 1, }, },);
# Create a PG instance to test actually dumping from
......@@ -504,8 +498,9 @@ foreach my $run (sort keys %pgdump_runs)
# Then count all the tests run against each run
foreach my $test (sort keys %tests)
# If there is a like entry, but no unlike entry, then we will test the like case
if ($tests{$test}->{like}->{$test_key} && !defined($tests{$test}->{unlike}->{$test_key}))
# If there is a like entry, but no unlike entry, then we will test the like case
if ($tests{$test}->{like}->{$test_key}
&& !defined($tests{$test}->{unlike}->{$test_key}))
......@@ -585,18 +580,18 @@ foreach my $run (sort keys %pgdump_runs)
# Run the test listed as a like, unless it is specifically noted
# as an unlike (generally due to an explicit exclusion or similar).
if ($tests{$test}->{like}->{$test_key} && !defined($tests{$test}->{unlike}->{$test_key}))
if ($tests{$test}->{like}->{$test_key}
&& !defined($tests{$test}->{unlike}->{$test_key}))
if (!ok($output_file =~ $tests{$test}->{regexp}, "$run: should dump $test"))
if (!ok($output_file =~ $tests{$test}->{regexp},
"$run: should dump $test"))
diag("Review $run results in $tempdir");
if (!ok(
$output_file !~
if (!ok($output_file !~ $tests{$test}->{regexp},
"$run: should not dump $test"))
diag("Review $run results in $tempdir");
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ sub group_access
my $dir_stat = stat($self->data_dir);
or die('unable to stat ' . $self->data_dir);
or die('unable to stat ' . $self->data_dir);
return (S_IMODE($dir_stat->mode) == 0750);
......@@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ sub init
close $conf;
chmod($self->group_access ? 0640 : 0600, "$pgdata/postgresql.conf")
or die("unable to set permissions for $pgdata/postgresql.conf");
chmod($self->group_access ? 0640 : 0600, "$pgdata/postgresql.conf")
or die("unable to set permissions for $pgdata/postgresql.conf");
$self->set_replication_conf if $params{allows_streaming};
$self->enable_archiving if $params{has_archiving};
......@@ -510,8 +510,8 @@ sub append_conf
TestLib::append_to_file($conffile, $str . "\n");
chmod($self->group_access() ? 0640 : 0600, $conffile)
or die("unable to set permissions for $conffile");
chmod($self->group_access() ? 0640 : 0600, $conffile)
or die("unable to set permissions for $conffile");
......@@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@ sub wait_for_catchup
$lsn_expr = 'pg_current_wal_lsn()'
$lsn_expr = 'pg_current_wal_lsn()';
print "Waiting for replication conn "
. $standby_name . "'s "
......@@ -1686,8 +1686,8 @@ to check for timeout. retval is undef on timeout.
sub pg_recvlogical_upto
my ($self, $dbname, $slot_name, $endpos, $timeout_secs, %plugin_options) =
my ($self, $dbname, $slot_name, $endpos, $timeout_secs, %plugin_options)
= @_;
my ($stdout, $stderr);
my $timeout_exception = 'pg_recvlogical timed out';
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ sub copypath
croak "if specified, filterfn must be a subroutine reference"
unless defined(ref $params{filterfn})
and (ref $params{filterfn} eq 'CODE');
and (ref $params{filterfn} eq 'CODE');
$filterfn = $params{filterfn};
......@@ -169,16 +169,17 @@ sub tempdir_short
# not under msys, return the input argument unchanged.
sub real_dir
my $dir = "$_[0]";
return $dir unless -d $dir;
return $dir unless $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
my $here = cwd;
chdir $dir;
my $dir = "$_[0]";
return $dir unless -d $dir;
return $dir unless $Config{osname} eq 'msys';
my $here = cwd;
chdir $dir;
# this odd way of calling 'pwd -W' is the only way that seems to work.
$dir = qx{sh -c "pwd -W"};
chomp $dir;
chdir $here;
return $dir;
$dir = qx{sh -c "pwd -W"};
chomp $dir;
chdir $here;
return $dir;
sub system_log
......@@ -254,12 +255,9 @@ sub check_mode_recursive
# Result defaults to true
my $result = 1;
{follow_fast => 1,
wanted =>
{ follow_fast => 1,
wanted => sub {
my $file_stat = stat($File::Find::name);
# Is file in the ignore list?
......@@ -272,7 +270,7 @@ sub check_mode_recursive
or die("unable to stat $File::Find::name");
or die("unable to stat $File::Find::name");
my $file_mode = S_IMODE($file_stat->mode);
......@@ -281,35 +279,39 @@ sub check_mode_recursive
if ($file_mode != $expected_file_mode)
sprintf("$File::Find::name mode must be %04o\n",
$result = 0;
# Else a directory?
elsif (S_ISDIR($file_stat->mode))
if ($file_mode != $expected_dir_mode)
sprintf("$File::Find::name mode must be %04o\n",
$result = 0;
# Else something we can't handle
die "unknown file type for $File::Find::name";
return $result;
......@@ -319,23 +321,21 @@ sub chmod_recursive
my ($dir, $dir_mode, $file_mode) = @_;
{follow_fast => 1,
wanted =>
{ follow_fast => 1,
wanted => sub {
my $file_stat = stat($File::Find::name);
if (defined($file_stat))
chmod(S_ISDIR($file_stat->mode) ? $dir_mode : $file_mode,
or die "unable to chmod $File::Find::name";
S_ISDIR($file_stat->mode) ? $dir_mode : $file_mode,
) or die "unable to chmod $File::Find::name";
# Check presence of a given regexp within pg_config.h for the installation
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ sub check_pg_config
open my $pg_config_h, '<', "$stdout/pg_config.h" or die "$!";
my $match = (grep {/^$regexp/} <$pg_config_h>);
my $match = (grep { /^$regexp/ } <$pg_config_h>);
close $pg_config_h;
return $match;
......@@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ is($stdout_recv, $expected,
"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'test_slot' AND active_pid IS NULL)"
or die "slot never became inactive";
) or die "slot never became inactive";
$stdout_recv = $node_master->pg_recvlogical_upto(
'postgres', 'test_slot', $endpos, 10,
......@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ $cur_master->psql(
# Ensure that last transaction is replayed on standby.
my $cur_master_lsn =
$cur_master->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_current_wal_lsn()");
$cur_master->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_current_wal_lsn()");
my $caughtup_query =
"SELECT '$cur_master_lsn'::pg_lsn <= pg_last_wal_replay_lsn()";
"SELECT '$cur_master_lsn'::pg_lsn <= pg_last_wal_replay_lsn()";
$cur_standby->poll_query_until('postgres', $caughtup_query)
or die "Timed out while waiting for standby to catch up";
......@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ $node->init(allows_streaming => 1);
# by default PostgresNode doesn't doesn't restart after a crash
q[ALTER SYSTEM SET restart_after_crash = 1;
q[ALTER SYSTEM SET restart_after_crash = 1;
ALTER SYSTEM SET log_connections = 1;
SELECT pg_reload_conf();]);
......@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ INSERT INTO alive VALUES($$committed-before-sigquit$$);
SELECT pg_backend_pid();
ok(pump_until($killme, \$killme_stdout, qr/[[:digit:]]+[\r\n]$/m),
'acquired pid for SIGQUIT');
'acquired pid for SIGQUIT');
my $pid = $killme_stdout;
$killme_stdout = '';
......@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ BEGIN;
INSERT INTO alive VALUES($$in-progress-before-sigquit$$) RETURNING status;
ok(pump_until($killme, \$killme_stdout, qr/in-progress-before-sigquit/m),
'inserted in-progress-before-sigquit');
'inserted in-progress-before-sigquit');
$killme_stdout = '';
$killme_stderr = '';
......@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ SELECT $$psql-connected$$;
SELECT pg_sleep(3600);
ok(pump_until($monitor, \$monitor_stdout, qr/psql-connected/m),
'monitor connected');
'monitor connected');
$monitor_stdout = '';
$monitor_stderr = '';
......@@ -107,8 +108,12 @@ is($ret, 0, "killed process with SIGQUIT");
$killme_stdin .= q[
ok(pump_until($killme, \$killme_stderr, qr/WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process|server closed the connection unexpectedly/m),
"psql query died successfully after SIGQUIT");
ok( pump_until(
qr/WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process|server closed the connection unexpectedly/m
"psql query died successfully after SIGQUIT");
$killme_stderr = '';
$killme_stdout = '';
......@@ -116,13 +121,21 @@ $killme->finish;
# Wait till server restarts - we should get the WARNING here, but
# sometimes the server is unable to send that, if interrupted while
# sending.
ok(pump_until($monitor, \$monitor_stderr, qr/WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process|server closed the connection unexpectedly/m),
"psql monitor died successfully after SIGQUIT");
ok( pump_until(
qr/WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process|server closed the connection unexpectedly/m
"psql monitor died successfully after SIGQUIT");
# Wait till server restarts
is($node->poll_query_until('postgres', 'SELECT $$restarted after sigquit$$;', 'restarted after sigquit'),
"1", "reconnected after SIGQUIT");
is( $node->poll_query_until(
'SELECT $$restarted after sigquit$$;',
'restarted after sigquit'),
"reconnected after SIGQUIT");
# restart psql processes, now that the crash cycle finished
......@@ -137,10 +150,10 @@ $killme_stdin .= q[
SELECT pg_backend_pid();
ok(pump_until($killme, \$killme_stdout, qr/[[:digit:]]+[\r\n]$/m),
"acquired pid for SIGKILL");
"acquired pid for SIGKILL");
$pid = $killme_stdout;
$pid = $killme_stdout;
$pid = $killme_stdout;
$killme_stdout = '';
$killme_stderr = '';
......@@ -151,7 +164,7 @@ BEGIN;
INSERT INTO alive VALUES($$in-progress-before-sigkill$$) RETURNING status;
ok(pump_until($killme, \$killme_stdout, qr/in-progress-before-sigkill/m),
'inserted in-progress-before-sigkill');
'inserted in-progress-before-sigkill');
$killme_stdout = '';
$killme_stderr = '';
......@@ -164,7 +177,7 @@ SELECT $$psql-connected$$;
SELECT pg_sleep(3600);
ok(pump_until($monitor, \$monitor_stdout, qr/psql-connected/m),
'monitor connected');
'monitor connected');
$monitor_stdout = '';
$monitor_stderr = '';
......@@ -179,35 +192,51 @@ is($ret, 0, "killed process with KILL");
$killme_stdin .= q[
ok(pump_until($killme, \$killme_stderr, qr/server closed the connection unexpectedly/m),
"psql query died successfully after SIGKILL");
ok( pump_until(
$killme, \$killme_stderr,
qr/server closed the connection unexpectedly/m),
"psql query died successfully after SIGKILL");
# Wait till server restarts - we should get the WARNING here, but
# sometimes the server is unable to send that, if interrupted while
# sending.
ok(pump_until($monitor, \$monitor_stderr, qr/WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process|server closed the connection unexpectedly/m),
"psql monitor died successfully after SIGKILL");
ok( pump_until(
qr/WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process|server closed the connection unexpectedly/m
"psql monitor died successfully after SIGKILL");
# Wait till server restarts
is($node->poll_query_until('postgres', 'SELECT 1', '1'), "1", "reconnected after SIGKILL");
is($node->poll_query_until('postgres', 'SELECT 1', '1'),
"1", "reconnected after SIGKILL");
# Make sure the committed rows survived, in-progress ones not
is($node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT * FROM alive'),
"committed-before-sigquit\ncommitted-before-sigkill", 'data survived');
is( $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT * FROM alive'),
'data survived');
is($node->safe_psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO alive VALUES($$before-orderly-restart$$) RETURNING status'),
'before-orderly-restart', 'can still write after crash restart');
is( $node->safe_psql(
'INSERT INTO alive VALUES($$before-orderly-restart$$) RETURNING status'),
'can still write after crash restart');
# Just to be sure, check that an orderly restart now still works
is($node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT * FROM alive'),
"committed-before-sigquit\ncommitted-before-sigkill\nbefore-orderly-restart", 'data survived');
is( $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT * FROM alive'),
'data survived');
is($node->safe_psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO alive VALUES($$after-orderly-restart$$) RETURNING status'),
'after-orderly-restart', 'can still write after orderly restart');
is( $node->safe_psql(
'INSERT INTO alive VALUES($$after-orderly-restart$$) RETURNING status'
'can still write after orderly restart');
......@@ -221,7 +250,7 @@ sub pump_until
if ($psql_timeout->is_expired)
diag("aborting wait: program timed out");
diag("stream contents: >>", $$stream,"<<");
diag("stream contents: >>", $$stream, "<<");
diag("pattern searched for: ", $untl);
return 0;
......@@ -229,7 +258,7 @@ sub pump_until
if (not $proc->pumpable())
diag("aborting wait: program died");
diag("stream contents: >>", $$stream,"<<");
diag("stream contents: >>", $$stream, "<<");
diag("pattern searched for: ", $untl);
return 0;
......@@ -239,4 +268,4 @@ sub pump_until
return 1;
......@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ my $tablespaceDir = TestLib::tempdir;
my $realTSDir = TestLib::real_dir($tablespaceDir);
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLESPACE ts1 LOCATION '$realTSDir'");
'CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE ts1_unlogged (id int) TABLESPACE ts1');
......@@ -64,11 +63,9 @@ unlink("$pgdata/${ts1UnloggedPath}")
# check unlogged table in base
ok(-f "$pgdata/${baseUnloggedPath}_init",
'init fork in base still exists');
ok(-f "$pgdata/$baseUnloggedPath",
'main fork in base recreated at startup');
ok( !-f "$pgdata/${baseUnloggedPath}_vm",
ok(-f "$pgdata/${baseUnloggedPath}_init", 'init fork in base still exists');
ok(-f "$pgdata/$baseUnloggedPath", 'main fork in base recreated at startup');
ok(!-f "$pgdata/${baseUnloggedPath}_vm",
'vm fork in base removed at startup');
ok( !-f "$pgdata/${baseUnloggedPath}_fsm",
'fsm fork in base removed at startup');
......@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ sub test_connect_ok
my ($common_connstr, $connstr, $test_name) = @_;
my $cmd = [
'psql', '-X', '-A', '-t', '-c', "SELECT \$\$connected with $connstr\$\$",
'psql', '-X', '-A', '-t', '-c',
"SELECT \$\$connected with $connstr\$\$",
'-d', "$common_connstr $connstr" ];
command_ok($cmd, $test_name);
......@@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ sub test_connect_fails
my ($common_connstr, $connstr, $expected_stderr, $test_name) = @_;
my $cmd = [
'psql', '-X', '-A', '-t', '-c', "SELECT \$\$connected with $connstr\$\$",
'psql', '-X', '-A', '-t', '-c',
"SELECT \$\$connected with $connstr\$\$",
'-d', "$common_connstr $connstr" ];
command_fails_like($cmd, $expected_stderr, $test_name);
......@@ -89,9 +91,11 @@ sub configure_test_server_for_ssl
if (defined($password))
"SET password_encryption='$password_enc'; ALTER USER ssltestuser PASSWORD '$password';");
"SET password_encryption='$password_enc'; ALTER USER ssltestuser PASSWORD '$password';"
"SET password_encryption='$password_enc'; ALTER USER anotheruser PASSWORD '$password';");
"SET password_encryption='$password_enc'; ALTER USER anotheruser PASSWORD '$password';"
# enable logging etc.
......@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ sub switch_server_cert
sub configure_hba_for_ssl
my ($node, $serverhost, $authmethod) = @_;
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
# Only accept SSL connections from localhost. Our tests don't depend on this
# but seems best to keep it as narrow as possible for security reasons.
......@@ -53,26 +53,28 @@ configure_test_server_for_ssl($node, $SERVERHOSTADDR, 'trust');
note "testing password-protected keys";
open my $sslconf, '>', $node->data_dir."/sslconfig.conf";
open my $sslconf, '>', $node->data_dir . "/sslconfig.conf";
print $sslconf "ssl=on\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_cert_file='server-cn-only.crt'\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_key_file='server-password.key'\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_passphrase_command='echo wrongpassword'\n";
close $sslconf;
command_fails(['pg_ctl', '-D', $node->data_dir, '-l', $node->logfile, 'restart'],
'restart fails with password-protected key file with wrong password');
[ 'pg_ctl', '-D', $node->data_dir, '-l', $node->logfile, 'restart' ],
'restart fails with password-protected key file with wrong password');
open $sslconf, '>', $node->data_dir."/sslconfig.conf";
open $sslconf, '>', $node->data_dir . "/sslconfig.conf";
print $sslconf "ssl=on\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_cert_file='server-cn-only.crt'\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_key_file='server-password.key'\n";
print $sslconf "ssl_passphrase_command='echo secret1'\n";
close $sslconf;
command_ok(['pg_ctl', '-D', $node->data_dir, '-l', $node->logfile, 'restart'],
'restart succeeds with password-protected key file');
[ 'pg_ctl', '-D', $node->data_dir, '-l', $node->logfile, 'restart' ],
'restart succeeds with password-protected key file');
### Run client-side tests.
......@@ -89,93 +91,110 @@ $common_connstr =
"user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslcert=invalid hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR";
# The server should not accept non-SSL connections.
test_connect_fails($common_connstr, "sslmode=disable",
qr/\Qno pg_hba.conf entry\E/,
"server doesn't accept non-SSL connections");
$common_connstr, "sslmode=disable",
qr/\Qno pg_hba.conf entry\E/,
"server doesn't accept non-SSL connections");
# Try without a root cert. In sslmode=require, this should work. In verify-ca
# or verify-full mode it should fail.
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "sslrootcert=invalid sslmode=require",
"connect without server root cert sslmode=require");
test_connect_fails($common_connstr, "sslrootcert=invalid sslmode=verify-ca",
qr/root certificate file "invalid" does not exist/,
"connect without server root cert sslmode=verify-ca");
test_connect_fails($common_connstr, "sslrootcert=invalid sslmode=verify-full",
qr/root certificate file "invalid" does not exist/,
"connect without server root cert sslmode=verify-full");
"sslrootcert=invalid sslmode=require",
"connect without server root cert sslmode=require");
"sslrootcert=invalid sslmode=verify-ca",
qr/root certificate file "invalid" does not exist/,
"connect without server root cert sslmode=verify-ca");
"sslrootcert=invalid sslmode=verify-full",
qr/root certificate file "invalid" does not exist/,
"connect without server root cert sslmode=verify-full");
# Try with wrong root cert, should fail. (We're using the client CA as the
# root, but the server's key is signed by the server CA.)
"sslrootcert=ssl/client_ca.crt sslmode=require",
qr/SSL error/,
"connect with wrong server root cert sslmode=require");
"sslrootcert=ssl/client_ca.crt sslmode=require",
qr/SSL error/, "connect with wrong server root cert sslmode=require");
"sslrootcert=ssl/client_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
qr/SSL error/,
"connect with wrong server root cert sslmode=verify-ca");
"sslrootcert=ssl/client_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
qr/SSL error/, "connect with wrong server root cert sslmode=verify-ca");
"sslrootcert=ssl/client_ca.crt sslmode=verify-full",
qr/SSL error/,
"connect with wrong server root cert sslmode=verify-full");
"sslrootcert=ssl/client_ca.crt sslmode=verify-full",
qr/SSL error/, "connect with wrong server root cert sslmode=verify-full");
# Try with just the server CA's cert. This fails because the root file
# must contain the whole chain up to the root CA.
"sslrootcert=ssl/server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
qr/SSL error/,
"connect with server CA cert, without root CA");
"sslrootcert=ssl/server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
qr/SSL error/, "connect with server CA cert, without root CA");
# And finally, with the correct root cert.
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=require",
"connect with correct server CA cert file sslmode=require");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
"connect with correct server CA cert file sslmode=verify-ca");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-full",
"connect with correct server CA cert file sslmode=verify-full");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=require",
"connect with correct server CA cert file sslmode=require");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
"connect with correct server CA cert file sslmode=verify-ca");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-full",
"connect with correct server CA cert file sslmode=verify-full");
# Test with cert root file that contains two certificates. The client should
# be able to pick the right one, regardless of the order in the file.
"sslrootcert=ssl/both-cas-1.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
"cert root file that contains two certificates, order 1");
"sslrootcert=ssl/both-cas-2.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
"cert root file that contains two certificates, order 2");
"sslrootcert=ssl/both-cas-1.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
"cert root file that contains two certificates, order 1");
"sslrootcert=ssl/both-cas-2.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
"cert root file that contains two certificates, order 2");
# CRL tests
# Invalid CRL filename is the same as no CRL, succeeds
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca sslcrl=invalid",
"sslcrl option with invalid file name");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca sslcrl=invalid",
"sslcrl option with invalid file name");
# A CRL belonging to a different CA is not accepted, fails
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca sslcrl=ssl/client.crl",
qr/SSL error/,
"CRL belonging to a different CA");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca sslcrl=ssl/client.crl",
qr/SSL error/,
"CRL belonging to a different CA");
# With the correct CRL, succeeds (this cert is not revoked)
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca sslcrl=ssl/root+server.crl",
"CRL with a non-revoked cert");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca sslcrl=ssl/root+server.crl",
"CRL with a non-revoked cert");
# Check that connecting with verify-full fails, when the hostname doesn't
# match the hostname in the server's certificate.
$common_connstr =
"user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslcert=invalid sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR";
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "sslmode=require host=wronghost.test",
"mismatch between host name and server certificate sslmode=require");
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "sslmode=verify-ca host=wronghost.test",
"mismatch between host name and server certificate sslmode=verify-ca");
test_connect_fails($common_connstr, "sslmode=verify-full host=wronghost.test",
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" does not match host name "wronghost.test"\E/,
"mismatch between host name and server certificate sslmode=verify-full");
"sslmode=require host=wronghost.test",
"mismatch between host name and server certificate sslmode=require");
"sslmode=verify-ca host=wronghost.test",
"mismatch between host name and server certificate sslmode=verify-ca");
"sslmode=verify-full host=wronghost.test",
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" does not match host name "wronghost.test"\E/,
"mismatch between host name and server certificate sslmode=verify-full");
# Test Subject Alternative Names.
switch_server_cert($node, 'server-multiple-alt-names');
......@@ -183,20 +202,29 @@ switch_server_cert($node, 'server-multiple-alt-names');
$common_connstr =
"user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslcert=invalid sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR sslmode=verify-full";
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "",
"host name matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names 1");
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "",
"host name matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names 2");
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "",
"host name matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names wildcard");
test_connect_fails($common_connstr, "",
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" (and 2 other names) does not match host name ""\E/,
"host name not matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names");
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" (and 2 other names) does not match host name ""\E/,
"host name not matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names wildcard");
"host name matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names 1");
"host name matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names 2");
"host name matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names wildcard");
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" (and 2 other names) does not match host name ""\E/,
"host name not matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names");
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" (and 2 other names) does not match host name ""\E/,
"host name not matching with X.509 Subject Alternative Names wildcard");
# Test certificate with a single Subject Alternative Name. (this gives a
# slightly different error message, that's all)
......@@ -205,16 +233,22 @@ switch_server_cert($node, 'server-single-alt-name');
$common_connstr =
"user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslcert=invalid sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR sslmode=verify-full";
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "",
"host name matching with a single X.509 Subject Alternative Name");
test_connect_fails($common_connstr, "",
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" does not match host name ""\E/,
"host name not matching with a single X.509 Subject Alternative Name");
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" does not match host name ""\E/,
"host name not matching with a single X.509 Subject Alternative Name wildcard");
"host name matching with a single X.509 Subject Alternative Name");
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" does not match host name ""\E/,
"host name not matching with a single X.509 Subject Alternative Name");
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" does not match host name ""\E/,
"host name not matching with a single X.509 Subject Alternative Name wildcard"
# Test server certificate with a CN and SANs. Per RFCs 2818 and 6125, the CN
# should be ignored when the certificate has both.
......@@ -223,13 +257,19 @@ switch_server_cert($node, 'server-cn-and-alt-names');
$common_connstr =
"user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslcert=invalid sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR sslmode=verify-full";
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "",
"certificate with both a CN and SANs 1");
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "",
"certificate with both a CN and SANs 2");
test_connect_fails($common_connstr, "",
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" (and 1 other name) does not match host name ""\E/,
"certificate with both a CN and SANs ignores CN");
"certificate with both a CN and SANs 1");
"certificate with both a CN and SANs 2");
qr/\Qserver certificate for "" (and 1 other name) does not match host name ""\E/,
"certificate with both a CN and SANs ignores CN");
# Finally, test a server certificate that has no CN or SANs. Of course, that's
# not a very sensible certificate, but libpq should handle it gracefully.
......@@ -237,13 +277,15 @@ switch_server_cert($node, 'server-no-names');
$common_connstr =
"user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslcert=invalid sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR";
"server certificate without CN or SANs sslmode=verify-ca");
qr/could not get server's host name from server certificate/,
"server certificate without CN or SANs sslmode=verify-full");
"server certificate without CN or SANs sslmode=verify-ca");
qr/could not get server's host name from server certificate/,
"server certificate without CN or SANs sslmode=verify-full");
# Test that the CRL works
switch_server_cert($node, 'server-revoked');
......@@ -252,13 +294,15 @@ $common_connstr =
"user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslcert=invalid hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR";
# Without the CRL, succeeds. With it, fails.
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
"connects without client-side CRL");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca sslcrl=ssl/root+server.crl",
qr/SSL error/,
"does not connect with client-side CRL");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca",
"connects without client-side CRL");
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=verify-ca sslcrl=ssl/root+server.crl",
qr/SSL error/,
"does not connect with client-side CRL");
### Server-side tests.
......@@ -270,47 +314,51 @@ $common_connstr =
"sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=require dbname=certdb hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR";
# no client cert
"user=ssltestuser sslcert=invalid",
qr/connection requires a valid client certificate/,
"certificate authorization fails without client cert");
"user=ssltestuser sslcert=invalid",
qr/connection requires a valid client certificate/,
"certificate authorization fails without client cert");
# correct client cert
"user=ssltestuser sslcert=ssl/client.crt sslkey=ssl/client_tmp.key",
"certificate authorization succeeds with correct client cert");
"user=ssltestuser sslcert=ssl/client.crt sslkey=ssl/client_tmp.key",
"certificate authorization succeeds with correct client cert");
# client key with wrong permissions
"user=ssltestuser sslcert=ssl/client.crt sslkey=ssl/client_wrongperms_tmp.key",
qr!\Qprivate key file "ssl/client_wrongperms_tmp.key" has group or world access\E!,
"certificate authorization fails because of file permissions");
"user=ssltestuser sslcert=ssl/client.crt sslkey=ssl/client_wrongperms_tmp.key",
qr!\Qprivate key file "ssl/client_wrongperms_tmp.key" has group or world access\E!,
"certificate authorization fails because of file permissions");
# client cert belonging to another user
"user=anotheruser sslcert=ssl/client.crt sslkey=ssl/client_tmp.key",
qr/certificate authentication failed for user "anotheruser"/,
"certificate authorization fails with client cert belonging to another user");
"user=anotheruser sslcert=ssl/client.crt sslkey=ssl/client_tmp.key",
qr/certificate authentication failed for user "anotheruser"/,
"certificate authorization fails with client cert belonging to another user");
# revoked client cert
"user=ssltestuser sslcert=ssl/client-revoked.crt sslkey=ssl/client-revoked_tmp.key",
qr/SSL error/,
"certificate authorization fails with revoked client cert");
"user=ssltestuser sslcert=ssl/client-revoked.crt sslkey=ssl/client-revoked_tmp.key",
qr/SSL error/,
"certificate authorization fails with revoked client cert");
# intermediate client_ca.crt is provided by client, and isn't in server's ssl_ca_file
switch_server_cert($node, 'server-cn-only', 'root_ca');
$common_connstr =
"user=ssltestuser dbname=certdb sslkey=ssl/client_tmp.key sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR";
"sslmode=require sslcert=ssl/client+client_ca.crt",
"intermediate client certificate is provided by client");
"sslmode=require sslcert=ssl/client+client_ca.crt",
"intermediate client certificate is provided by client");
test_connect_fails($common_connstr, "sslmode=require sslcert=ssl/client.crt",
qr/SSL error/,
"intermediate client certificate is missing");
qr/SSL error/, "intermediate client certificate is missing");
# clean up
unlink("ssl/client_tmp.key", "ssl/client_wrongperms_tmp.key",
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ my $SERVERHOSTADDR = '';
# Determine whether build supports tls-server-end-point.
my $supports_tls_server_end_point =
check_pg_config("#define HAVE_X509_GET_SIGNATURE_NID 1");
check_pg_config("#define HAVE_X509_GET_SIGNATURE_NID 1");
# Allocation of base connection string shared among multiple tests.
my $common_connstr;
......@@ -39,38 +39,41 @@ $node->start;
# Configure server for SSL connections, with password handling.
configure_test_server_for_ssl($node, $SERVERHOSTADDR, "scram-sha-256",
"pass", "scram-sha-256");
"pass", "scram-sha-256");
switch_server_cert($node, 'server-cn-only');
$ENV{PGPASSWORD} = "pass";
$common_connstr =
"user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslmode=require hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR";
"user=ssltestuser dbname=trustdb sslmode=require hostaddr=$SERVERHOSTADDR";
# Default settings
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, '',
"SCRAM authentication with default channel binding");
"SCRAM authentication with default channel binding");
# Channel binding settings
"SCRAM authentication with tls-unique as channel binding");
"SCRAM authentication without channel binding");
test_connect_ok($common_connstr, "scram_channel_binding=''",
"SCRAM authentication without channel binding");
if ($supports_tls_server_end_point)
"SCRAM authentication with tls-server-end-point as channel binding");
"SCRAM authentication with tls-server-end-point as channel binding");
qr/channel binding type "tls-server-end-point" is not supported by this build/,
"SCRAM authentication with tls-server-end-point as channel binding");
qr/channel binding type "tls-server-end-point" is not supported by this build/,
"SCRAM authentication with tls-server-end-point as channel binding");
qr/unsupported SCRAM channel-binding type/,
"SCRAM authentication with invalid channel binding");
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres',
"INSERT INTO tab_mixed (a, b) VALUES (1, 'foo')");
"CREATE TABLE tab_include (a int, b text, CONSTRAINT covering PRIMARY KEY(a) INCLUDE(b))");
"CREATE TABLE tab_include (a int, b text, CONSTRAINT covering PRIMARY KEY(a) INCLUDE(b))"
# Setup structure on subscriber
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE tab_notrep (a int)");
......@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
# replication of the table with included index
"CREATE TABLE tab_include (a int, b text, CONSTRAINT covering PRIMARY KEY(a) INCLUDE(b))");
"CREATE TABLE tab_include (a int, b text, CONSTRAINT covering PRIMARY KEY(a) INCLUDE(b))"
# Setup logical replication
my $publisher_connstr = $node_publisher->connstr . ' dbname=postgres';
......@@ -97,7 +99,8 @@ $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres',
"INSERT INTO tab_include SELECT generate_series(1,50)");
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "DELETE FROM tab_include WHERE a > 20");
"DELETE FROM tab_include WHERE a > 20");
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "UPDATE tab_include SET a = -a");
......@@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ is( $result, qq(|foo|1
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), min(a), max(a) FROM tab_include");
is($result, qq(20|-20|-1), 'check replicated changes with primary key index with included columns');
is($result, qq(20|-20|-1),
'check replicated changes with primary key index with included columns');
# insert some duplicate rows
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $node_publisher->wait_for_catchup($appname);
# Wait for initial sync to finish as well
my $synced_query =
"SELECT count(1) = 0 FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE srsubstate NOT IN ('s', 'r');";
"SELECT count(1) = 0 FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE srsubstate NOT IN ('s', 'r');";
$node_subscriber->poll_query_until('postgres', $synced_query)
or die "Timed out while waiting for subscriber to synchronize data";
......@@ -30,18 +30,19 @@ $node_publisher->wait_for_catchup($appname);
# Wait for initial sync to finish as well
my $synced_query =
"SELECT count(1) = 0 FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE srsubstate NOT IN ('s', 'r');";
"SELECT count(1) = 0 FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE srsubstate NOT IN ('s', 'r');";
$node_subscriber->poll_query_until('postgres', $synced_query)
or die "Timed out while waiting for subscriber to synchronize data";
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', q{INSERT INTO test1 (a, b) VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two');});
q{INSERT INTO test1 (a, b) VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two');});
is($node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT a, b FROM test1}),
is( $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT a, b FROM test1}),
'initial data replicated to subscriber');
'initial data replicated to subscriber');
# DDL that causes a heap rewrite
my $ddl2 = "ALTER TABLE test1 ADD c int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;";
......@@ -50,15 +51,16 @@ $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', $ddl2);
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', q{INSERT INTO test1 (a, b, c) VALUES (3, 'three', 33);});
q{INSERT INTO test1 (a, b, c) VALUES (3, 'three', 33);});
is($node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT a, b, c FROM test1}),
is( $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT a, b, c FROM test1}),
'data replicated to subscriber');
'data replicated to subscriber');
......@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{
'postgres', q{
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION mysub SET (slot_name = NONE);
......@@ -22,11 +22,14 @@ $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres',
"INSERT INTO test_tab VALUES (1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar')");
# Setup structure on subscriber
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE test_tab (a int primary key, b text, c timestamptz DEFAULT now(), d bigint DEFAULT 999, e int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY)");
"CREATE TABLE test_tab (a int primary key, b text, c timestamptz DEFAULT now(), d bigint DEFAULT 999, e int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY)"
# Setup logical replication
my $publisher_connstr = $node_publisher->connstr . ' dbname=postgres';
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE PUBLICATION tap_pub FOR TABLE test_tab");
my $appname = 'tap_sub';
......@@ -42,7 +45,8 @@ $node_subscriber->poll_query_until('postgres', $synced_query)
or die "Timed out while waiting for subscriber to synchronize data";
my $result =
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*), count(c), count(d = 999) FROM test_tab");
"SELECT count(*), count(c), count(d = 999) FROM test_tab");
is($result, qq(2|2|2), 'check initial data was copied to subscriber');
# Update the rows on the publisher and check the additional columns on
......@@ -52,19 +56,25 @@ $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "UPDATE test_tab SET b = md5(b)");
$result =
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*), count(c), count(d = 999), count(e) FROM test_tab");
is($result, qq(2|2|2|2), 'check extra columns contain local defaults after copy');
"SELECT count(*), count(c), count(d = 999), count(e) FROM test_tab");
is($result, qq(2|2|2|2),
'check extra columns contain local defaults after copy');
# Change the local values of the extra columns on the subscriber,
# update publisher, and check that subscriber retains the expected
# values
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "UPDATE test_tab SET c = 'epoch'::timestamptz + 987654321 * interval '1s'");
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "UPDATE test_tab SET b = md5(a::text)");
"UPDATE test_tab SET c = 'epoch'::timestamptz + 987654321 * interval '1s'"
"UPDATE test_tab SET b = md5(a::text)");
$result =
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*), count(extract(epoch from c) = 987654321), count(d = 999) FROM test_tab");
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), count(extract(epoch from c) = 987654321), count(d = 999) FROM test_tab"
is($result, qq(2|2|2), 'check extra columns contain locally changed data');
# Another insert
......@@ -74,8 +84,10 @@ $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres',
$result =
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*), count(c), count(d = 999), count(e) FROM test_tab");
is($result, qq(3|3|3|3), 'check extra columns contain local defaults after apply');
"SELECT count(*), count(c), count(d = 999), count(e) FROM test_tab");
is($result, qq(3|3|3|3),
'check extra columns contain local defaults after apply');
......@@ -22,10 +22,13 @@ $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr application_name=$appname' PUBLICATION mypub;"
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', q{CREATE TABLE test1 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b text)});
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', q{INSERT INTO test1 (a, b) VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two');});
q{CREATE TABLE test1 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b text)});
q{INSERT INTO test1 (a, b) VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two');});
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{CREATE TABLE test1 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b text);});
q{CREATE TABLE test1 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b text);});
......@@ -34,8 +37,10 @@ $node_publisher->wait_for_catchup($appname);
# need to make sure they are properly ignored. (bug #15044)
# create a MV with some data
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', q{CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW testmv1 AS SELECT * FROM test1;});
# There is no equivalent relation on the subscriber, but MV data is
# not replicated, so this does not hang.
......@@ -42,11 +42,8 @@ $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"CREATE TABLE tab4 (x int PRIMARY KEY, y int REFERENCES tab3)");
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "ALTER SEQUENCE seq1 START 101");
......@@ -55,11 +52,14 @@ $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres',
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub1 CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr application_name=sub1' PUBLICATION pub1");
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub1 CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr application_name=sub1' PUBLICATION pub1"
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub2 CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr application_name=sub2' PUBLICATION pub2");
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub2 CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr application_name=sub2' PUBLICATION pub2"
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub3 CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr application_name=sub3' PUBLICATION pub3");
"CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub3 CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr application_name=sub3' PUBLICATION pub3"
# Wait for initial sync of all subscriptions
my $synced_query =
......@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ $node_subscriber->poll_query_until('postgres', $synced_query)
# insert data to truncate
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
"INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
......@@ -81,13 +82,10 @@ $node_publisher->wait_for_catchup('sub1');
my $result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), min(a), max(a) FROM tab1");
is($result, qq(0||),
'truncate replicated');
is($result, qq(0||), 'truncate replicated');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT nextval('seq1')");
is($result, qq(1),
'sequence not restarted');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT nextval('seq1')");
is($result, qq(1), 'sequence not restarted');
# truncate with restart identity
......@@ -95,14 +93,13 @@ $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "TRUNCATE tab1 RESTART IDENTITY");
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT nextval('seq1')");
is($result, qq(101),
'truncate restarted identities');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT nextval('seq1')");
is($result, qq(101), 'truncate restarted identities');
# test publication that does not replicate truncate
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
"INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "TRUNCATE tab2");
......@@ -110,8 +107,7 @@ $node_publisher->wait_for_catchup('sub2');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), min(a), max(a) FROM tab2");
is($result, qq(3|1|3),
'truncate not replicated');
is($result, qq(3|1|3), 'truncate not replicated');
"ALTER PUBLICATION pub2 SET (publish = 'insert, truncate')");
......@@ -122,13 +118,14 @@ $node_publisher->wait_for_catchup('sub2');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), min(a), max(a) FROM tab2");
is($result, qq(0||),
'truncate replicated after publication change');
is($result, qq(0||), 'truncate replicated after publication change');
# test multiple tables connected by foreign keys
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO tab3 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO tab4 VALUES (11, 1), (111, 1), (22, 2)");
"INSERT INTO tab3 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
"INSERT INTO tab4 VALUES (11, 1), (111, 1), (22, 2)");
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "TRUNCATE tab3, tab4");
......@@ -136,20 +133,20 @@ $node_publisher->wait_for_catchup('sub3');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), min(a), max(a) FROM tab3");
is($result, qq(0||),
'truncate of multiple tables replicated');
is($result, qq(0||), 'truncate of multiple tables replicated');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), min(x), max(x) FROM tab4");
is($result, qq(0||),
'truncate of multiple tables replicated');
is($result, qq(0||), 'truncate of multiple tables replicated');
# test truncate of multiple tables, some of which are not published
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP SUBSCRIPTION sub2");
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP PUBLICATION pub2");
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
"INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
"INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES (1), (2), (3)");
$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "TRUNCATE tab1, tab2");
......@@ -157,9 +154,7 @@ $node_publisher->wait_for_catchup('sub1');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), min(a), max(a) FROM tab1");
is($result, qq(0||),
'truncate of multiple tables some not published');
is($result, qq(0||), 'truncate of multiple tables some not published');
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT count(*), min(a), max(a) FROM tab2");
is($result, qq(3|1|3),
'truncate of multiple tables some not published');
is($result, qq(3|1|3), 'truncate of multiple tables some not published');
......@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ my %rel_tags;
my $commit = $1;
my $tag = $2;
if ($tag =~ /^REL_\d+_\d+$/
|| $tag =~ /^REL\d+_\d+$/
|| $tag =~ /^REL\d+_\d+_\d+$/)
if ( $tag =~ /^REL_\d+_\d+$/
|| $tag =~ /^REL\d+_\d+$/
|| $tag =~ /^REL\d+_\d+_\d+$/)
$rel_tags{$commit} = $tag;
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ sub Install
# Don't find files of in-tree temporary installations.
$_ eq 'share' and $File::Find::prune = 1;
CopySetOfFiles('config files', $sample_files, $target . '/share/');
......@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ sub Install
'Information schema data', $target . '/share/',
'src/backend/catalog/', 'sql_features.txt');
'Error code data', $target . '/share/',
'src/backend/utils/', 'errcodes.txt');
'Error code data', $target . '/share/',
'src/backend/utils/', 'errcodes.txt');
GenerateTimezoneFiles($target, $conf);
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ sub Install
# Don't find files of in-tree temporary installations.
$_ eq 'share' and $File::Find::prune = 1;
CopySetOfFiles('PL Extension files',
......@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ sub GenerateNLSFiles
{ wanted => sub {
&& !push(@flist, $File::Find::name);
foreach (@flist)
......@@ -530,11 +530,12 @@ sub mkvcbuild
my $perl_path = $solution->{options}->{perl} . '\lib\CORE\*perl*';
# ActivePerl 5.16 provided perl516.lib; 5.18 provided libperl518.a
# Starting with ActivePerl 5.24, both perlnn.lib and libperlnn.a are provided.
# In this case, prefer .lib.
# ActivePerl 5.16 provided perl516.lib; 5.18 provided libperl518.a
# Starting with ActivePerl 5.24, both perlnn.lib and libperlnn.a are provided.
# In this case, prefer .lib.
my @perl_libs =
reverse sort grep { /perl\d+\.lib$|libperl\d+\.a$/ } glob($perl_path);
reverse sort grep { /perl\d+\.lib$|libperl\d+\.a$/ }
if (@perl_libs > 0)
......@@ -753,7 +754,7 @@ sub mkvcbuild
'hstore', 'contrib/hstore');
my $jsonb_plperl = AddTransformModule(
'jsonb_plperl', 'contrib/jsonb_plperl',
'plperl', 'src/pl/plperl');
'plperl', 'src/pl/plperl');
foreach my $f (@perl_embed_ccflags)
......@@ -856,12 +857,12 @@ sub AddSimpleFrontend
# Add a simple transform module
sub AddTransformModule
my $n = shift;
my $n_src = shift;
my $pl_proj_name = shift;
my $pl_src = shift;
my $type_name = shift;
my $type_src = shift;
my $n = shift;
my $n_src = shift;
my $pl_proj_name = shift;
my $pl_src = shift;
my $type_name = shift;
my $type_src = shift;
my $type_proj = undef;
if ($type_name)
......@@ -995,7 +996,7 @@ sub GenerateContribSqlFiles
print "Building $out from $in (contrib/$n)...\n";
my $cont = Project::read_file("contrib/$n/$in");
my $dn = $out;
$dn =~ s/\.sql$//;
$dn =~ s/\.sql$//;
$cont =~ s/MODULE_PATHNAME/\$libdir\/$dn/g;
my $o;
open($o, '>', "contrib/$n/$out")
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ sub AddDir
if $subdir eq "\$(top_builddir)/src/timezone"
; #special case for non-standard include
; #special case for non-standard include
if $reldir . "/" . $subdir eq "src/backend/port/darwin";
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ sub _new
unless $options->{wal_blocksize}; # undef or 0 means default
die "Bad wal_blocksize $options->{wal_blocksize}"
unless grep { $_ == $options->{wal_blocksize} }
(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64);
(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64);
$options->{wal_segsize} = 16
unless $options->{wal_segsize}; # undef or 0 means default
die "Bad wal_segsize $options->{wal_segsize}"
......@@ -176,8 +176,7 @@ s{PG_VERSION_STR "[^"]+"}{PG_VERSION_STR "PostgreSQL $self->{strver}$extraver, c
print $o "#define RELSEG_SIZE ",
(1024 / $self->{options}->{blocksize}) *
$self->{options}->{segsize} *
1024, "\n";
$self->{options}->{segsize} * 1024, "\n";
print $o "#define XLOG_BLCKSZ ",
1024 * $self->{options}->{wal_blocksize}, "\n";
......@@ -266,17 +265,14 @@ s{PG_VERSION_STR "[^"]+"}{PG_VERSION_STR "PostgreSQL $self->{strver}$extraver, c
my $pg_language_dat = '../../../src/include/catalog/pg_language.dat';
my $pg_proc_dat = '../../../src/include/catalog/pg_proc.dat';
if (IsNewer(
'fmgrtab.c', $pg_language_dat)
|| IsNewer(
'fmgrtab.c', $pg_proc_dat)
|| IsNewer(
'fmgrtab.c', '../../../src/include/access/transam.h')
my $pg_proc_dat = '../../../src/include/catalog/pg_proc.dat';
if ( IsNewer('fmgrtab.c', $pg_language_dat)
|| IsNewer('fmgrtab.c', $pg_proc_dat)
|| IsNewer('fmgrtab.c', '../../../src/include/access/transam.h'))
"perl -I ../catalog -I../../../src/include/ $pg_language_dat $pg_proc_dat");
"perl -I ../catalog -I../../../src/include/ $pg_language_dat $pg_proc_dat"
......@@ -471,6 +467,7 @@ EOF
$mf =~ /^POSTGRES_BKI_DATA\s*:?=[^,]+,(.*)\)$/gm
|| croak "Could not find POSTGRES_BKI_DATA in Makefile\n";
my @bki_data = split /\s+/, $1;
foreach my $bki (@bki_srcs, @bki_data)
next if $bki eq "";
......@@ -480,19 +477,20 @@ EOF
my $bki_srcs = join(' ../../../src/include/catalog/', @bki_srcs);
system("perl --set-version=$self->{majorver} $bki_srcs");
"perl --set-version=$self->{majorver} $bki_srcs");
# Copy generated headers to include directory.
opendir(my $dh, 'src/backend/catalog/')
|| die "Can't opendir src/backend/catalog/ $!";
my @def_headers = grep { /pg_\w+_d\.h$/ } readdir($dh);
my @def_headers = grep { /pg_\w+_d\.h$/ } readdir($dh);
closedir $dh;
foreach my $def_header (@def_headers)
......@@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ sub CreateSolution
return new VS2015Solution(@_);
# visual 2017 hasn't changed the nmake version to 15, so adjust the check to support it.
elsif (($visualStudioVersion ge '14.10') or ($visualStudioVersion eq '15.00'))
# visual 2017 hasn't changed the nmake version to 15, so adjust the check to support it.
elsif (($visualStudioVersion ge '14.10')
or ($visualStudioVersion eq '15.00'))
return new VS2017Solution(@_);
......@@ -98,8 +100,10 @@ sub CreateProject
return new VC2015Project(@_);
# visual 2017 hasn't changed the nmake version to 15, so adjust the check to support it.
elsif (($visualStudioVersion ge '14.10') or ($visualStudioVersion eq '15.00'))
# visual 2017 hasn't changed the nmake version to 15, so adjust the check to support it.
elsif (($visualStudioVersion ge '14.10')
or ($visualStudioVersion eq '15.00'))
return new VC2017Project(@_);
......@@ -132,7 +136,8 @@ sub DetermineVisualStudioVersion
sub _GetVisualStudioVersion
my ($major, $minor) = @_;
# visual 2017 hasn't changed the nmake version to 15, so still using the older version for comparison.
# visual 2017 hasn't changed the nmake version to 15, so still using the older version for comparison.
if ($major > 14)
......@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ sub usage
unless scalar(@ARGV) == 2
&& ( ($ARGV[0] =~ /\\([^\\]+$)/)
&& ($ARGV[1] eq 'Win32' || $ARGV[1] eq 'x64'));
&& ( ($ARGV[0] =~ /\\([^\\]+$)/)
&& ($ARGV[1] eq 'Win32' || $ARGV[1] eq 'x64'));
my $defname = uc $1;
my $deffile = "$ARGV[0]/$defname.def";
my $platform = $ARGV[1];
......@@ -254,13 +254,16 @@ sub plcheck
next unless -d "$dir/sql" && -d "$dir/expected";
my $lang;
if ($dir eq 'plpgsql/src') {
if ($dir eq 'plpgsql/src')
$lang = 'plpgsql';
elsif ($dir eq 'tcl') {
elsif ($dir eq 'tcl')
$lang = 'pltcl';
else {
$lang = $dir;
if ($lang eq 'plpython')
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ while (<$pipe>)
push @hfiles, $_
unless m|^src/include/port/|
|| m|^src/backend/port/\w+/|;
|| m|^src/backend/port/\w+/|;
close $pipe or die "$FIND failed: $!";
......@@ -59,9 +59,8 @@ $excludes ||= "$code_base/src/tools/pgindent/exclude_file_patterns"
# easier to configure. Note that the typedefs need trailing newlines.
my @whitelist = ("bool\n");
my %blacklist = map { +"$_\n" => 1 }
qw( FD_SET date interval timestamp ANY
abs allocfunc iterator other pointer printfunc reference string type );
my %blacklist = map { +"$_\n" => 1 } qw( FD_SET date interval timestamp ANY
abs allocfunc iterator other pointer printfunc reference string type );
# globals
my @files;
......@@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ sub load_typedefs
push(@typedefs, @whitelist);
# remove blacklisted entries
@typedefs = grep { ! $blacklist{$_} } @typedefs;
@typedefs = grep { !$blacklist{$_} } @typedefs;
# write filtered typedefs
my $filter_typedefs_fh = new File::Temp(TEMPLATE => "pgtypedefXXXXX");
......@@ -394,7 +393,7 @@ File::Find::find(
&& -f _
&& /^.*\.[ch]\z/s
&& push(@files, $File::Find::name);
$code_base) if $code_base;
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