Commit ea55aec0 authored by Peter Eisentraut's avatar Peter Eisentraut

doc: Add some images

Add infrastructure for having images in the documentation, in SVG
format.  Add two images to start with.  See the included README file
for instructions.

Author: Jürgen Purtz <>
Author: Peter Eisentraut <>
parent 477422c9
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ README.* conflict-marker-size=32
# Certain data files that contain special whitespace, and other special cases
*.data -whitespace
*.svg whitespace=-blank-at-eol
contrib/pgcrypto/sql/pgp-armor.sql whitespace=-blank-at-eol
doc/bug.template whitespace=space-before-tab,-blank-at-eof,blank-at-eol
src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt whitespace=space-before-tab,blank-at-eof,-blank-at-eol
......@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ GENERATED_SGML = version.sgml \
ALLSGML := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.sgml $(srcdir)/ref/*.sgml) $(GENERATED_SGML)
ALL_IMAGES := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/images/*.svg)
## Man pages
......@@ -125,22 +127,24 @@ endif
html: html-stamp
html-stamp: stylesheet.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
html-stamp: stylesheet.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) $(ALL_IMAGES)
$(XMLLINT) $(XMLINCLUDE) --noout --valid $(word 2,$^)
cp $(ALL_IMAGES) html/
cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css html/
touch $@
htmlhelp: htmlhelp-stamp
htmlhelp-stamp: stylesheet-hh.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
htmlhelp-stamp: stylesheet-hh.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) $(ALL_IMAGES)
$(XMLLINT) $(XMLINCLUDE) --noout --valid $(word 2,$^)
cp $(ALL_IMAGES) htmlhelp/
cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css htmlhelp/
touch $@
# single-page HTML
postgres.html: stylesheet-html-nochunk.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
postgres.html: stylesheet-html-nochunk.xsl postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) $(ALL_IMAGES)
$(XMLLINT) $(XMLINCLUDE) --noout --valid $(word 2,$^)
......@@ -164,7 +168,7 @@ postgres.pdf:
$(XMLLINT) $(XMLINCLUDE) --noout --valid $(word 2,$^)
$(XSLTPROC) $(XMLINCLUDE) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) --stringparam paper.type USletter -o $@ $(wordlist 1,2,$^)
%.pdf: $(ALL_IMAGES)
$(FOP) -fo $< -pdf $@
......@@ -173,7 +177,7 @@ postgres.pdf:
epub: postgres.epub
postgres.epub: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML)
postgres.epub: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) $(ALL_IMAGES)
$(XMLLINT) --noout --valid $<
$(DBTOEPUB) -o $@ $<
......@@ -436,7 +436,8 @@
page contains either a pointer to a B-tree of heap pointers (a
<quote>posting tree</quote>), or a simple list of heap pointers (a <quote>posting
list</quote>) when the list is small enough to fit into a single index tuple along
with the key value.
with the key value. <xref linkend="gin-internals-figure"/> illustrates
these components of a GIN index.
......@@ -453,6 +454,15 @@
key values for different columns can be of different types.
<figure id="gin-internals-figure">
<title>GIN Internals</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/gin.svg" format="SVG" width="100%"/>
<sect2 id="gin-fast-update">
<title>GIN Fast Update Technique</title>
# doc/src/sgml/images/Makefile
# see README in this directory about image handling
gin.svg \
DITAA = ditaa
DOT = dot
all: $(ALL_IMAGES)
$(DOT) -T svg -o $@ $<
%.svg: %.txt
$(DITAA) -E -S --svg $< $@
This directory contains images for use in the documentation.
Creating an image
A variety of tools can be used to create an image. The appropriate
choice depends on the nature of the image. We prefer workflows that
involve diffable source files.
These tools are acceptable:
- Graphviz (
- Ditaa (
We use SVG as the format for integrating the image into the ultimate
output formats of the documentation, that is, HTML, PDF, and others.
Therefore, any tool used needs to be able to produce SVG.
This directory contains makefile rules to build SVG from common input
formats, using some common styling.
Both the source and the SVG output file are committed in this
directory. That way, we don't need all developers to have all the
tools installed. While we accept that there could be some gratuitous
diffs in the SVG output depending the specific tool, let's keep an eye
on that and keep it to a minimum.
Using an image in DocBook
Here is an example for using an image in DocBook:
<figure id="gin-internals-figure">
<title>GIN Internals</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/gin.svg" format="SVG" width="100%"/>
- The real action is in the <mediaobject> element, but typically a
<figure> should be wrapped around it and an <xref> to the figure
should be put into the text somewhere. Don't just put an image into
the documentation without a link to it and an explanation of it.
- Things are set up so that we only need one <imagedata> element, even
with different output formats.
- The attribute format="SVG" is required. If you omit it, it will
still appear to work, but the stylesheets do a better job if the
image is declared as SVG explicitly.
- The width should be set to something. This ensures that the image
is scaled to fit the page in PDF output. (Other widths than 100%
might be appropriate.)
digraph "gin" {
node [label="", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=gray, width=1.4];
m1 [label="meta page"];
subgraph cluster01 {
label="entry tree";
subgraph egroup1 {
subgraph egroup2 {
e2 -> e3 -> e4;
subgraph egroup3 {
e5 -> e6 -> e7 -> e8 -> e9;
e1 -> e4;
e1 -> e3;
e1 -> e2;
e2 -> e5;
e2 -> e6;
e3 -> e7;
e4 -> e8;
e4 -> e9;
e6 [fillcolor=green, label="posting list"];
e8 [fillcolor=green, label="posting list"];
e9 [fillcolor=green, label="posting list"];
subgraph cluster02 {
label="posting tree";
subgraph pgroup1 {
subgraph pgroup2 {
p2 -> p3;
p1 -> p2;
p1 -> p3;
p2 [fillcolor=green, label="heap ptr"];
p3 [fillcolor=green, label="heap ptr"];
subgraph cluster03 {
label="posting tree";
subgraph pgroup3 {
p4 [fillcolor=green, label="heap ptr"];
subgraph cluster04 {
label="posting tree";
subgraph pgroup4 {
subgraph pgroup5 {
p6 -> p7;
p5 -> p6;
p5 -> p7;
p6 [fillcolor=green, label="heap ptr"];
p7 [fillcolor=green, label="heap ptr"];
subgraph cluster05 {
label="pending list";
node [style=filled, fillcolor=red];
n1 -> n2 -> n3 -> n4;
m1 -> e1;
e5 -> p1;
e7 -> p4;
e7 -> p5;
m1 -> n1;
e5 [style=filled, fillcolor=green4];
e7 [style=filled, fillcolor=green4];
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.40.1 (20161225.0304)
<!-- Title: gin Pages: 1 -->
<svg width="836pt" height="432pt"
viewBox="0.00 0.00 836.00 432.00" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g id="graph0" class="graph" transform="scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 428)">
<polygon fill="#ffffff" stroke="transparent" points="-4,4 -4,-428 832,-428 832,4 -4,4"/>
<g id="clust1" class="cluster">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="#000000" points="100,-162 100,-380 694,-380 694,-162 100,-162"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="397" y="-364.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">entry tree</text>
<g id="clust5" class="cluster">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="#000000" points="8,-8 8,-154 245,-154 245,-8 8,-8"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="126.5" y="-138.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">posting tree</text>
<g id="clust8" class="cluster">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="#000000" points="279,-80 279,-154 397,-154 397,-80 279,-80"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="338" y="-138.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">posting tree</text>
<g id="clust10" class="cluster">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="#000000" points="405,-8 405,-154 642,-154 642,-8 405,-8"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="523.5" y="-138.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">posting tree</text>
<g id="clust13" class="cluster">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="#000000" points="702,-80 702,-380 820,-380 820,-80 702,-80"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="761" y="-364.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">pending list</text>
<!-- m1 -->
<g id="node1" class="node">
<polygon fill="#c0c0c0" stroke="#000000" points="688.5,-424 587.5,-424 587.5,-388 688.5,-388 688.5,-424"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="638" y="-401.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">meta page</text>
<!-- e1 -->
<g id="node2" class="node">
<polygon fill="#c0c0c0" stroke="#000000" points="506.5,-350 405.5,-350 405.5,-314 506.5,-314 506.5,-350"/>
<!-- m1&#45;&gt;e1 -->
<g id="edge24" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M593.4778,-387.8976C568.2655,-377.6464 536.5468,-364.7498 509.931,-353.928"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="510.9595,-350.568 500.3776,-350.0436 508.3229,-357.0525 510.9595,-350.568"/>
<!-- n1 -->
<g id="node18" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ff0000" stroke="#000000" points="811.5,-350 710.5,-350 710.5,-314 811.5,-314 811.5,-350"/>
<!-- m1&#45;&gt;n1 -->
<g id="edge28" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M683.1514,-387.8551C688.2504,-385.3905 693.2983,-382.7547 698,-380 709.7018,-373.1438 721.7385,-364.4455 732.115,-356.3423"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="734.4083,-358.9902 740.0427,-350.0178 730.0428,-353.5181 734.4083,-358.9902"/>
<!-- e2 -->
<g id="node3" class="node">
<polygon fill="#c0c0c0" stroke="#000000" points="328.5,-278 227.5,-278 227.5,-242 328.5,-242 328.5,-278"/>
<!-- e1&#45;&gt;e2 -->
<g id="edge9" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M411.0831,-313.8314C387.065,-304.1162 357.3166,-292.0831 332.0408,-281.8592"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="333.1767,-278.5432 322.5939,-278.038 330.5518,-285.0325 333.1767,-278.5432"/>
<!-- e3 -->
<g id="node4" class="node">
<polygon fill="#c0c0c0" stroke="#000000" points="447.5,-278 346.5,-278 346.5,-242 447.5,-242 447.5,-278"/>
<!-- e1&#45;&gt;e3 -->
<g id="edge8" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M441.1118,-313.8314C434.247,-305.454 425.9699,-295.3531 418.4489,-286.1749"/>
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<!-- e4 -->
<g id="node5" class="node">
<polygon fill="#c0c0c0" stroke="#000000" points="566.5,-278 465.5,-278 465.5,-242 566.5,-242 566.5,-278"/>
<!-- e1&#45;&gt;e4 -->
<g id="edge7" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M471.1405,-313.8314C478.1217,-305.454 486.5391,-295.3531 494.1876,-286.1749"/>
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<!-- e2&#45;&gt;e3 -->
<g id="edge1" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M328.668,-260C331.1453,-260 333.6227,-260 336.1001,-260"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="336.2849,-263.5001 346.2848,-260 336.2848,-256.5001 336.2849,-263.5001"/>
<!-- e5 -->
<g id="node6" class="node">
<polygon fill="#008b00" stroke="#000000" points="209.5,-206 108.5,-206 108.5,-170 209.5,-170 209.5,-206"/>
<!-- e2&#45;&gt;e5 -->
<g id="edge10" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M247.9713,-241.8314C232.7504,-232.6221 214.0872,-221.3301 197.7917,-211.4706"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="199.3868,-208.345 189.0191,-206.1628 195.7631,-214.3341 199.3868,-208.345"/>
<!-- e6 -->
<g id="node7" class="node">
<polygon fill="#00ff00" stroke="#000000" points="328.5,-206 227.5,-206 227.5,-170 328.5,-170 328.5,-206"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="278" y="-183.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">posting list</text>
<!-- e2&#45;&gt;e6 -->
<g id="edge11" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M278,-241.8314C278,-234.131 278,-224.9743 278,-216.4166"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="281.5001,-216.4132 278,-206.4133 274.5001,-216.4133 281.5001,-216.4132"/>
<!-- e3&#45;&gt;e4 -->
<g id="edge2" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M447.668,-260C450.1453,-260 452.6227,-260 455.1001,-260"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="455.2849,-263.5001 465.2848,-260 455.2848,-256.5001 455.2849,-263.5001"/>
<!-- e7 -->
<g id="node8" class="node">
<polygon fill="#008b00" stroke="#000000" points="447.5,-206 346.5,-206 346.5,-170 447.5,-170 447.5,-206"/>
<!-- e3&#45;&gt;e7 -->
<g id="edge12" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M397,-241.8314C397,-234.131 397,-224.9743 397,-216.4166"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="400.5001,-216.4132 397,-206.4133 393.5001,-216.4133 400.5001,-216.4132"/>
<!-- e8 -->
<g id="node9" class="node">
<polygon fill="#00ff00" stroke="#000000" points="566.5,-206 465.5,-206 465.5,-170 566.5,-170 566.5,-206"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="516" y="-183.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">posting list</text>
<!-- e4&#45;&gt;e8 -->
<g id="edge13" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M516,-241.8314C516,-234.131 516,-224.9743 516,-216.4166"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="519.5001,-216.4132 516,-206.4133 512.5001,-216.4133 519.5001,-216.4132"/>
<!-- e9 -->
<g id="node10" class="node">
<polygon fill="#00ff00" stroke="#000000" points="685.5,-206 584.5,-206 584.5,-170 685.5,-170 685.5,-206"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="635" y="-183.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">posting list</text>
<!-- e4&#45;&gt;e9 -->
<g id="edge14" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M546.0287,-241.8314C561.2496,-232.6221 579.9128,-221.3301 596.2083,-211.4706"/>
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<!-- e5&#45;&gt;e6 -->
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<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M209.668,-188C212.1453,-188 214.6227,-188 217.1001,-188"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="217.2849,-191.5001 227.2848,-188 217.2848,-184.5001 217.2849,-191.5001"/>
<!-- p1 -->
<g id="node11" class="node">
<polygon fill="#c0c0c0" stroke="#000000" points="209.5,-124 108.5,-124 108.5,-88 209.5,-88 209.5,-124"/>
<!-- e5&#45;&gt;p1 -->
<g id="edge25" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M159,-169.8015C159,-159.3976 159,-146.1215 159,-134.3768"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="162.5001,-134.1476 159,-124.1476 155.5001,-134.1476 162.5001,-134.1476"/>
<!-- e6&#45;&gt;e7 -->
<g id="edge4" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M328.668,-188C331.1453,-188 333.6227,-188 336.1001,-188"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="336.2849,-191.5001 346.2848,-188 336.2848,-184.5001 336.2849,-191.5001"/>
<!-- e7&#45;&gt;e8 -->
<g id="edge5" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M447.668,-188C450.1453,-188 452.6227,-188 455.1001,-188"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="455.2849,-191.5001 465.2848,-188 455.2848,-184.5001 455.2849,-191.5001"/>
<!-- p4 -->
<g id="node14" class="node">
<polygon fill="#00ff00" stroke="#000000" points="388.5,-124 287.5,-124 287.5,-88 388.5,-88 388.5,-124"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="338" y="-101.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">heap ptr</text>
<!-- e7&#45;&gt;p4 -->
<g id="edge26" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M383.906,-169.8015C376.0383,-158.8668 365.8878,-144.7593 357.133,-132.5916"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="359.7389,-130.2207 351.0574,-124.1476 354.0569,-134.309 359.7389,-130.2207"/>
<!-- p5 -->
<g id="node15" class="node">
<polygon fill="#c0c0c0" stroke="#000000" points="514.5,-124 413.5,-124 413.5,-88 514.5,-88 514.5,-124"/>
<!-- e7&#45;&gt;p5 -->
<g id="edge27" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M411.8695,-169.8015C420.8907,-158.7606 432.5549,-144.4851 442.5618,-132.2378"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="445.5552,-134.1059 449.1721,-124.1476 440.1345,-129.6768 445.5552,-134.1059"/>
<!-- e8&#45;&gt;e9 -->
<g id="edge6" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M566.668,-188C569.1453,-188 571.6227,-188 574.1001,-188"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="574.2849,-191.5001 584.2848,-188 574.2848,-184.5001 574.2849,-191.5001"/>
<!-- p2 -->
<g id="node12" class="node">
<polygon fill="#00ff00" stroke="#000000" points="117.5,-52 16.5,-52 16.5,-16 117.5,-16 117.5,-52"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="67" y="-29.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">heap ptr</text>
<!-- p1&#45;&gt;p2 -->
<g id="edge16" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M135.7845,-87.8314C124.453,-78.9632 110.6536,-68.1637 98.3973,-58.5718"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="100.2402,-55.5697 90.2081,-52.1628 95.926,-61.0822 100.2402,-55.5697"/>
<!-- p3 -->
<g id="node13" class="node">
<polygon fill="#00ff00" stroke="#000000" points="236.5,-52 135.5,-52 135.5,-16 236.5,-16 236.5,-52"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="186" y="-29.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">heap ptr</text>
<!-- p1&#45;&gt;p3 -->
<g id="edge17" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M165.8132,-87.8314C168.7644,-79.9617 172.2858,-70.5712 175.555,-61.8533"/>
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<!-- p2&#45;&gt;p3 -->
<g id="edge15" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M117.668,-34C120.1453,-34 122.6227,-34 125.1001,-34"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="125.2849,-37.5001 135.2848,-34 125.2848,-30.5001 125.2849,-37.5001"/>
<!-- p6 -->
<g id="node16" class="node">
<polygon fill="#00ff00" stroke="#000000" points="514.5,-52 413.5,-52 413.5,-16 514.5,-16 514.5,-52"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="464" y="-29.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">heap ptr</text>
<!-- p5&#45;&gt;p6 -->
<g id="edge19" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M464,-87.8314C464,-80.131 464,-70.9743 464,-62.4166"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="467.5001,-62.4132 464,-52.4133 460.5001,-62.4133 467.5001,-62.4132"/>
<!-- p7 -->
<g id="node17" class="node">
<polygon fill="#00ff00" stroke="#000000" points="633.5,-52 532.5,-52 532.5,-16 633.5,-16 633.5,-52"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="583" y="-29.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">heap ptr</text>
<!-- p5&#45;&gt;p7 -->
<g id="edge20" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M494.0287,-87.8314C509.2496,-78.6221 527.9128,-67.3301 544.2083,-57.4706"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="546.2369,-60.3341 552.9809,-52.1628 542.6132,-54.345 546.2369,-60.3341"/>
<!-- p6&#45;&gt;p7 -->
<g id="edge18" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M514.668,-34C517.1453,-34 519.6227,-34 522.1001,-34"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="522.2849,-37.5001 532.2848,-34 522.2848,-30.5001 522.2849,-37.5001"/>
<!-- n2 -->
<g id="node19" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ff0000" stroke="#000000" points="811.5,-278 710.5,-278 710.5,-242 811.5,-242 811.5,-278"/>
<!-- n1&#45;&gt;n2 -->
<g id="edge21" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M761,-313.8314C761,-306.131 761,-296.9743 761,-288.4166"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="764.5001,-288.4132 761,-278.4133 757.5001,-288.4133 764.5001,-288.4132"/>
<!-- n3 -->
<g id="node20" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ff0000" stroke="#000000" points="811.5,-206 710.5,-206 710.5,-170 811.5,-170 811.5,-206"/>
<!-- n2&#45;&gt;n3 -->
<g id="edge22" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M761,-241.8314C761,-234.131 761,-224.9743 761,-216.4166"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="764.5001,-216.4132 761,-206.4133 757.5001,-216.4133 764.5001,-216.4132"/>
<!-- n4 -->
<g id="node21" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ff0000" stroke="#000000" points="811.5,-124 710.5,-124 710.5,-88 811.5,-88 811.5,-124"/>
<!-- n3&#45;&gt;n4 -->
<g id="edge23" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M761,-169.8015C761,-159.3976 761,-146.1215 761,-134.3768"/>
<polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="764.5001,-134.1476 761,-124.1476 757.5001,-134.1476 764.5001,-134.1476"/>
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\ No newline at end of file
| PageHeaderData | ItemId | ItemId +=--------> |
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......@@ -917,6 +917,20 @@ data. Empty in ordinary tables.</entry>
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layed out in a page.
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<title>Table Row Layout</title>
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......@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@
<!-- strip directory name from image filerefs -->
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