Commit e8f69be0 authored by Philip Warner's avatar Philip Warner

- Support for BLOB output from pg_dump and input via pg_restore

- Support for direct DB connection in pg_restore
- Fixes in support for --insert flag
- pg_dump now outputs in modified OID order
- various other bug fixes
parent 0143d391
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/Makefile,v 1.19 2000/07/04 19:52:00 petere Exp $
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/Makefile,v 1.20 2000/07/21 11:40:08 pjw Exp $
......@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ subdir = src/bin/pg_dump
top_builddir = ../../..
include ../../
OBJS= pg_backup_archiver.o pg_backup_custom.o pg_backup_files.o \
pg_backup_plain_text.o $(STRDUP)
OBJS= pg_backup_archiver.o pg_backup_db.o pg_backup_custom.o pg_backup_files.o \
pg_backup_null.o pg_backup_tar.o $(STRDUP)
LIBS+= -lz
Notes on pg_dump
pg_dump, by default, still outputs text files.
1. pg_dump, by default, still outputs text files.
pg_dumpall forces all pg_dump output to be text, since it also outputs text into the same output stream.
2. pg_dumpall forces all pg_dump output to be text, since it also outputs text into the same output stream.
The plain text output format can not be used as input into pg_restore.
3. The plain text output format can not be used as input into pg_restore.
4. pg_dump now dumps the items in a modified OID order to try to improve relaibility of default restores.
To dump a database into the next custom format, type:
pg_dump <db-name> -Fc > <backup-file>
or, in TAR format
pg_dump <db-name> -Ft > <backup-file>
To restore, try
To list contents:
......@@ -53,7 +59,37 @@ or, simply:
pg_restore backup.bck --use=toc.lis | psql newdbname
Philip Warner, 3-Jul-2000
To dump blobs you must use the custom archive format (-Fc) or TAR format (-Ft), and specify the
--blobs qualifier to the pg_dump command.
To restore blobs you must use a direct database connection (--db=db-to-restore-to).
pg_dump --blob -Fc db-to-backup -f backup.bck
pg_restore backup.bck --db=db-to-restore-into
The TAR archive that pg_dump creates currently has a blank username & group for the files,
but should be otherwise valid. It also includes a 'restore.sql' script which is there for
the benefit of humans. It is never used by pg_restore.
Note: the TAR format archive can only be used as input into pg_restore if it is in TAR form.
(ie. you should not extract the files then expect pg_restore to work).
You can extract, edit, and tar the files again, and it should work, but the 'toc'
file should go at the start, the data files be in the order they are used, and
the BLOB files at the end.
Philip Warner, 16-Jul-2000
* pg_backup.h
* Public interface to the pg_dump archiver routines.
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version.
#ifndef PG_BACKUP__
#include "config.h"
#include "c.h"
#define PG_BACKUP__
typedef enum _archiveFormat {
archUnknown = 0,
archCustom = 1,
archFiles = 2,
archTar = 3,
archPlainText = 4
} ArchiveFormat;
* We may want to have so user-readbale data, but in the mean
* time this gives us some abstraction and type checking.
typedef struct _Archive {
/* Nothing here */
} Archive;
typedef int (*DataDumperPtr)(Archive* AH, char* oid, void* userArg);
typedef struct _restoreOptions {
int dataOnly;
int dropSchema;
char *filename;
int schemaOnly;
int verbose;
int aclsSkip;
int tocSummary;
char *tocFile;
int oidOrder;
int origOrder;
int rearrange;
int format;
char *formatName;
int selTypes;
int selIndex;
int selFunction;
int selTrigger;
int selTable;
char *indexNames;
char *functionNames;
char *tableNames;
char *triggerNames;
int *idWanted;
int limitToList;
int compression;
} RestoreOptions;
* Main archiver interface.
/* Called to add a TOC entry */
extern void ArchiveEntry(Archive* AH, const char* oid, const char* name,
const char* desc, const char* (deps[]), const char* defn,
const char* dropStmt, const char* owner,
DataDumperPtr dumpFn, void* dumpArg);
/* Called to write *data* to the archive */
extern int WriteData(Archive* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
extern void CloseArchive(Archive* AH);
extern void RestoreArchive(Archive* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
/* Open an existing archive */
extern Archive* OpenArchive(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt);
/* Create a new archive */
extern Archive* CreateArchive(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt, int compression);
/* The --list option */
extern void PrintTOCSummary(Archive* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
extern RestoreOptions* NewRestoreOptions(void);
/* Rearrange TOC entries */
extern void MoveToStart(Archive* AH, char *oType);
extern void MoveToEnd(Archive* AH, char *oType);
extern void SortTocByOID(Archive* AH);
extern void SortTocByID(Archive* AH);
extern void SortTocFromFile(Archive* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
/* Convenience functions used only when writing DATA */
extern int archputs(const char *s, Archive* AH);
extern int archputc(const char c, Archive* AH);
extern int archprintf(Archive* AH, const char *fmt, ...);
* pg_backup.h
* Public interface to the pg_dump archiver routines.
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version.
#ifndef PG_BACKUP__
#include "config.h"
#include "c.h"
#define PG_BACKUP__
#include "postgres.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
typedef enum _archiveFormat {
archUnknown = 0,
archCustom = 1,
archFiles = 2,
archTar = 3,
archNull = 4
} ArchiveFormat;
* We may want to have so user-readbale data, but in the mean
* time this gives us some abstraction and type checking.
typedef struct _Archive {
int verbose;
/* The rest is private */
} Archive;
typedef int (*DataDumperPtr)(Archive* AH, char* oid, void* userArg);
typedef struct _restoreOptions {
int dataOnly;
int dropSchema;
char *filename;
int schemaOnly;
int verbose;
int aclsSkip;
int tocSummary;
char *tocFile;
int oidOrder;
int origOrder;
int rearrange;
int format;
char *formatName;
int selTypes;
int selIndex;
int selFunction;
int selTrigger;
int selTable;
char *indexNames;
char *functionNames;
char *tableNames;
char *triggerNames;
int useDB;
char *dbname;
char *pgport;
char *pghost;
int ignoreVersion;
int requirePassword;
int *idWanted;
int limitToList;
int compression;
} RestoreOptions;
* Main archiver interface.
extern void exit_horribly(Archive *AH, const char *fmt, ...);
/* Lets the archibe know we have a DB connection to shutdown if it dies */
PGconn* ConnectDatabase(Archive *AH,
const char* dbname,
const char* pghost,
const char* pgport,
const int reqPwd,
const int ignoreVersion);
/* Called to add a TOC entry */
extern void ArchiveEntry(Archive* AH, const char* oid, const char* name,
const char* desc, const char* (deps[]), const char* defn,
const char* dropStmt, const char* copyStmt, const char* owner,
DataDumperPtr dumpFn, void* dumpArg);
/* Called to write *data* to the archive */
extern int WriteData(Archive* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
//extern int StartBlobs(Archive* AH);
//extern int EndBlobs(Archive* AH);
extern int StartBlob(Archive* AH, int oid);
extern int EndBlob(Archive* AH, int oid);
extern void CloseArchive(Archive* AH);
extern void RestoreArchive(Archive* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
/* Open an existing archive */
extern Archive* OpenArchive(const char* FileSpec, const ArchiveFormat fmt);
/* Create a new archive */
extern Archive* CreateArchive(const char* FileSpec, const ArchiveFormat fmt,
const int compression);
/* The --list option */
extern void PrintTOCSummary(Archive* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
extern RestoreOptions* NewRestoreOptions(void);
/* Rearrange TOC entries */
extern void MoveToStart(Archive* AH, char *oType);
extern void MoveToEnd(Archive* AH, char *oType);
extern void SortTocByOID(Archive* AH);
extern void SortTocByID(Archive* AH);
extern void SortTocFromFile(Archive* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
/* Convenience functions used only when writing DATA */
extern int archputs(const char *s, Archive* AH);
extern int archputc(const char c, Archive* AH);
extern int archprintf(Archive* AH, const char *fmt, ...);
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
#include "pg_backup_db.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* for dup */
......@@ -32,10 +34,13 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "pqexpbuffer.h"
#include "libpq/libpq-fs.h"
static void _SortToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocSortCompareFn fn);
static int _tocSortCompareByOIDNum(const void *p1, const void *p2);
static int _tocSortCompareByIDNum(const void *p1, const void *p2);
static ArchiveHandle* _allocAH(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt,
static ArchiveHandle* _allocAH(const char* FileSpec, const ArchiveFormat fmt,
int compression, ArchiveMode mode);
static int _printTocEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt);
static int _tocEntryRequired(TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt);
......@@ -45,8 +50,14 @@ static TocEntry* _getTocEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, int id);
static void _moveAfter(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* pos, TocEntry* te);
static void _moveBefore(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* pos, TocEntry* te);
static int _discoverArchiveFormat(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static char *progname = "Archiver";
static void _die_horribly(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
static int _canRestoreBlobs(ArchiveHandle *AH);
* Wrapper functions.
......@@ -58,7 +69,9 @@ static char *progname = "Archiver";
/* Create a new archive */
/* Public */
Archive* CreateArchive(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt, int compression)
Archive* CreateArchive(const char* FileSpec, const ArchiveFormat fmt,
const int compression)
ArchiveHandle* AH = _allocAH(FileSpec, fmt, compression, archModeWrite);
return (Archive*)AH;
......@@ -66,7 +79,7 @@ Archive* CreateArchive(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt, int compression)
/* Open an existing archive */
/* Public */
Archive* OpenArchive(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt)
Archive* OpenArchive(const char* FileSpec, const ArchiveFormat fmt)
ArchiveHandle* AH = _allocAH(FileSpec, fmt, 0, archModeRead);
return (Archive*)AH;
......@@ -80,9 +93,9 @@ void CloseArchive(Archive* AHX)
/* Close the output */
if (AH->gzOut)
else if (AH->OF != stdout)
/* Public */
......@@ -93,47 +106,155 @@ void RestoreArchive(Archive* AHX, RestoreOptions *ropt)
int reqs;
OutputContext sav;
AH->ropt = ropt;
* If we're using a DB connection, then connect it.
if (ropt->useDB)
ahlog(AH, 1, "Connecting to database for restore\n");
if (AH->version < K_VERS_1_3)
die_horribly(AH, "Direct database connections are not supported in pre-1.3 archives");
ConnectDatabase(AHX, ropt->dbname, ropt->pghost, ropt->pgport,
ropt->requirePassword, ropt->ignoreVersion);
* Setup the output file if necessary.
if (ropt->filename || ropt->compression)
sav = SetOutput(AH, ropt->filename, ropt->compression);
sav = SetOutput(AH, ropt->filename, ropt->compression);
ahprintf(AH, "--\n-- Selected TOC Entries:\n--\n");
/* Drop the items at the start, in reverse order */
* Drop the items at the start, in reverse order
if (ropt->dropSchema) {
te = AH->toc->prev;
while (te != AH->toc) {
reqs = _tocEntryRequired(te, ropt);
if ( (reqs & 1) && te->dropStmt) { /* We want the schema */
ahprintf(AH, "%s", te->dropStmt);
te = te->prev;
te = AH->toc->prev;
while (te != AH->toc) {
reqs = _tocEntryRequired(te, ropt);
if ( ( (reqs & 1) != 0) && te->dropStmt) { /* We want the schema */
ahlog(AH, 1, "Dropping %s %s\n", te->desc, te->name);
ahprintf(AH, "%s", te->dropStmt);
te = te->prev;
* Now process each TOC entry
te = AH->toc->next;
while (te != AH->toc) {
reqs = _tocEntryRequired(te, ropt);
if (reqs & 1) /* We want the schema */
_printTocEntry(AH, te, ropt);
/* Work out what, if anything, we want from this entry */
reqs = _tocEntryRequired(te, ropt);
if ( (reqs & 1) != 0) /* We want the schema */
ahlog(AH, 1, "Creating %s %s\n", te->desc, te->name);
_printTocEntry(AH, te, ropt);
if (AH->PrintTocDataPtr != NULL && (reqs & 2) != 0) {
* If we want data, and it has data, then restore that too
if (AH->PrintTocDataPtr != NULL && (reqs & 2) != 0) {
#ifndef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression != 0)
die_horribly("%s: Unable to restore data from a compressed archive\n", progname);
if (AH->compression != 0)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: Unable to restore data from a compressed archive\n", progname);
_disableTriggers(AH, te, ropt);
(*AH->PrintTocDataPtr)(AH, te, ropt);
_enableTriggers(AH, te, ropt);
te = te->next;
ahlog(AH, 1, "Restoring data for %s \n", te->name);
ahprintf(AH, "--\n-- Data for TOC Entry ID %d (OID %s) %s %s\n--\n\n",
te->id, te->oid, te->desc, te->name);
* Maybe we can't do BLOBS, so check if this node is for BLOBS
if ((strcmp(te->desc,"BLOBS") == 0) && !_canRestoreBlobs(AH))
ahprintf(AH, "--\n-- SKIPPED \n--\n\n");
* This is a bit nasty - we assume, for the moment, that if a custom
* output is used, then we don't want warnings.
if (!AH->CustomOutPtr)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING - skipping BLOB restoration\n", progname);
} else {
_disableTriggers(AH, te, ropt);
/* If we have a copy statement, use it. As of V1.3, these are separate
* to allow easy import from withing a database connection. Pre 1.3
* archives can not use DB connections and are sent to output only.
* For V1.3+, the table data MUST have a copy statement so that
* we can go into appropriate mode with libpq.
if (te->copyStmt && strlen(te->copyStmt) > 0)
ahprintf(AH, te->copyStmt);
(*AH->PrintTocDataPtr)(AH, te, ropt);
_enableTriggers(AH, te, ropt);
te = te->next;
* Now use blobs_xref (if used) to fixup any refs for tables that we loaded
if (_canRestoreBlobs(AH) && AH->createdBlobXref)
te = AH->toc->next;
while (te != AH->toc) {
/* Is it table data? */
if (strcmp(te->desc, "TABLE DATA") == 0) {
ahlog(AH, 2, "Checking if we loaded %s\n", te->name);
reqs = _tocEntryRequired(te, ropt);
if ( (reqs & 2) != 0) /* We loaded the data */
ahlog(AH, 1, "Fixing up BLOB ref for %s\n", te->name);
FixupBlobRefs(AH, te->name);
ahlog(AH, 2, "Ignoring BLOB xrefs for %s %s\n", te->desc, te->name);
te = te->next;
* Clean up & we're done.
if (ropt->filename)
ResetOutput(AH, sav);
ResetOutput(AH, sav);
if (ropt->useDB)
AH->connection = NULL;
* Allocate a new RestoreOptions block.
* This is mainly so we can initialize it, but also for future expansion,
RestoreOptions* NewRestoreOptions(void)
RestoreOptions* opts;
......@@ -145,6 +266,11 @@ RestoreOptions* NewRestoreOptions(void)
return opts;
static int _canRestoreBlobs(ArchiveHandle *AH)
return (AH->ropt->useDB && AH->connection);
static void _disableTriggers(ArchiveHandle *AH, TocEntry *te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
ahprintf(AH, "-- Disable triggers\n");
......@@ -168,7 +294,7 @@ static void _enableTriggers(ArchiveHandle *AH, TocEntry *te, RestoreOptions *rop
* This is a routine that is available to pg_dump, hence the 'Archive*' parameter.
* This is a routine that is part of the dumper interface, hence the 'Archive*' parameter.
/* Public */
......@@ -176,6 +302,10 @@ int WriteData(Archive* AHX, const void* data, int dLen)
ArchiveHandle* AH = (ArchiveHandle*)AHX;
if (!AH->currToc)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: WriteData can not be called outside the context of "
"a DataDumper routine\n", progname);
return (*AH->WriteDataPtr)(AH, data, dLen);
......@@ -187,7 +317,7 @@ int WriteData(Archive* AHX, const void* data, int dLen)
/* Public */
void ArchiveEntry(Archive* AHX, const char* oid, const char* name,
const char* desc, const char* (deps[]), const char* defn,
const char* dropStmt, const char* owner,
const char* dropStmt, const char* copyStmt, const char* owner,
DataDumperPtr dumpFn, void* dumpArg)
ArchiveHandle* AH = (ArchiveHandle*)AHX;
......@@ -196,9 +326,9 @@ void ArchiveEntry(Archive* AHX, const char* oid, const char* name,
newToc = (TocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(TocEntry));
newToc = (TocEntry*)calloc(1, sizeof(TocEntry));
if (!newToc)
die_horribly("Archiver: unable to allocate memory for TOC entry\n");
die_horribly(AH, "Archiver: unable to allocate memory for TOC entry\n");
newToc->prev = AH->toc->prev;
newToc->next = AH->toc;
......@@ -212,6 +342,7 @@ void ArchiveEntry(Archive* AHX, const char* oid, const char* name,
newToc->desc = strdup(desc);
newToc->defn = strdup(defn);
newToc->dropStmt = strdup(dropStmt);
newToc->copyStmt = copyStmt ? strdup(copyStmt) : NULL;
newToc->owner = strdup(owner);
newToc->printed = 0;
newToc->formatData = NULL;
......@@ -233,10 +364,30 @@ void PrintTOCSummary(Archive* AHX, RestoreOptions *ropt)
ArchiveHandle* AH = (ArchiveHandle*) AHX;
TocEntry *te = AH->toc->next;
OutputContext sav;
char *fmtName;
if (ropt->filename)
sav = SetOutput(AH, ropt->filename, ropt->compression);
ahprintf(AH, ";\n; Archive created at %s", ctime(&AH->createDate));
ahprintf(AH, "; dbname: %s\n; TOC Entries: %d\n; Compression: %d\n",
AH->archdbname, AH->tocCount, AH->compression);
switch (AH->format) {
case archFiles:
fmtName = "FILES";
case archCustom:
fmtName = "CUSTOM";
case archTar:
fmtName = "TAR";
fmtName = "UNKNOWN";
ahprintf(AH, "; Format: %s\n;\n", fmtName);
ahprintf(AH, ";\n; Selected TOC Entries:\n;\n");
while (te != AH->toc) {
......@@ -249,6 +400,79 @@ void PrintTOCSummary(Archive* AHX, RestoreOptions *ropt)
ResetOutput(AH, sav);
* BLOB Archival
/* Called by a dumper to signal start of a BLOB */
int StartBlob(Archive* AHX, int oid)
ArchiveHandle* AH = (ArchiveHandle*)AHX;
if (!AH->StartBlobPtr)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: BLOB output not supported in chosen format\n", progname);
(*AH->StartBlobPtr)(AH, AH->currToc, oid);
return 1;
/* Called by a dumper to signal end of a BLOB */
int EndBlob(Archive* AHX, int oid)
ArchiveHandle* AH = (ArchiveHandle*)AHX;
if (AH->EndBlobPtr)
(*AH->EndBlobPtr)(AH, AH->currToc, oid);
return 1;
* BLOB Restoration
* Called by a format handler to initiate restoration of a blob
void StartRestoreBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, int oid)
int loOid;
if (!AH->createdBlobXref)
if (!AH->connection)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: can not restore BLOBs without a database connection", progname);
AH->createdBlobXref = 1;
loOid = lo_creat(AH->connection, INV_READ | INV_WRITE);
if (loOid == 0)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unable to create BLOB\n", progname);
ahlog(AH, 1, "Restoring BLOB oid %d as %d\n", oid, loOid);
InsertBlobXref(AH, oid, loOid);
AH->loFd = lo_open(AH->connection, loOid, INV_WRITE);
if (AH->loFd == -1)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unable to open BLOB\n", progname);
AH->writingBlob = 1;
void EndRestoreBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, int oid)
lo_close(AH->connection, AH->loFd);
AH->writingBlob = 0;
* Sorting and Reordering
......@@ -256,6 +480,7 @@ void PrintTOCSummary(Archive* AHX, RestoreOptions *ropt)
* Move TOC entries of the specified type to the START of the TOC.
/* Public */
void MoveToStart(Archive* AHX, char *oType)
......@@ -356,7 +581,7 @@ void SortTocFromFile(Archive* AHX, RestoreOptions *ropt)
/* Setup the file */
fh = fopen(ropt->tocFile, PG_BINARY_R);
if (!fh)
die_horribly("%s: could not open TOC file\n", progname);
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not open TOC file\n", progname);
while (fgets(buf, 1024, fh) != NULL)
......@@ -377,14 +602,14 @@ void SortTocFromFile(Archive* AHX, RestoreOptions *ropt)
id = strtol(buf, &endptr, 10);
if (endptr == buf)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - line ignored: %s\n", progname, buf);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING - line ignored: %s\n", progname, buf);
/* Find TOC entry */
te = _getTocEntry(AH, id);
if (!te)
die_horribly("%s: could not find entry for id %d\n",progname, id);
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not find entry for id %d\n",progname, id);
ropt->idWanted[id-1] = 1;
......@@ -428,7 +653,7 @@ int archprintf(Archive* AH, const char *fmt, ...)
if ((p = malloc(bSize)) == NULL)
die_horribly("%s: could not allocate buffer for archprintf\n", progname);
exit_horribly(AH, "%s: could not allocate buffer for archprintf\n", progname);
cnt = vsnprintf(p, bSize, fmt, ap);
......@@ -519,15 +744,15 @@ int ahprintf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const char *fmt, ...)
/* This is paranoid: deal with the possibility that vsnprintf is willing to ignore trailing null */
/* or returns > 0 even if string does not fit. It may be the case that it returns cnt = bufsize */
while (cnt < 0 || cnt >= (bSize - 1) ) {
if (p != NULL) free(p);
bSize *= 2;
p = (char*)malloc(bSize);
if (p == NULL)
die_horribly("%s: could not allocate buffer for ahprintf\n", progname);
cnt = vsnprintf(p, bSize, fmt, ap);
if (p != NULL) free(p);
bSize *= 2;
p = (char*)malloc(bSize);
if (p == NULL)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not allocate buffer for ahprintf\n", progname);
cnt = vsnprintf(p, bSize, fmt, ap);
ahwrite(p, 1, cnt, AH);
......@@ -535,28 +760,82 @@ int ahprintf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const char *fmt, ...)
return cnt;
void ahlog(ArchiveHandle* AH, int level, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
if (AH->debugLevel < level && (!AH->public.verbose || level > 1))
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
* Write buffer to the output file (usually stdout).
* Write buffer to the output file (usually stdout). This is user for
* outputting 'restore' scripts etc. It is even possible for an archive
* format to create a custom output routine to 'fake' a restore if it
* wants to generate a script (see TAR output).
int ahwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, ArchiveHandle* AH)
if (AH->gzOut)
return GZWRITE((void*)ptr, size, nmemb, AH->OF);
return fwrite((void*)ptr, size, nmemb, AH->OF);
int res;
if (AH->writingBlob)
res = lo_write(AH->connection, AH->loFd, (void*)ptr, size * nmemb);
ahlog(AH, 5, "Wrote %d bytes of BLOB data (result = %d)\n", size * nmemb, res);
return res;
else if (AH->gzOut)
return GZWRITE((void*)ptr, size, nmemb, AH->OF);
else if (AH->CustomOutPtr)
return AH->CustomOutPtr(AH, ptr, size * nmemb);
* If we're doing a restore, and it's direct to DB, and we're connected
* then send it to the DB.
if (AH->ropt && AH->ropt->useDB && AH->connection)
return ExecuteSqlCommandBuf(AH, (void*)ptr, size*nmemb);
return fwrite((void*)ptr, size, nmemb, AH->OF);
/* Common exit code */
static void _die_horribly(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
if (AH)
if (AH->connection)
/* External use */
void exit_horribly(Archive *AH, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
_die_horribly((ArchiveHandle*)AH, fmt, ap);
void die_horribly(const char *fmt, ...)
/* Archiver use (just different arg declaration) */
void die_horribly(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
_die_horribly(AH, fmt, ap);
static void _moveAfter(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* pos, TocEntry* te)
te->prev->next = te->next;
......@@ -622,9 +901,9 @@ int WriteInt(ArchiveHandle* AH, int i)
/* SIGN byte */
if (i < 0) {
(*AH->WriteBytePtr)(AH, 1);
i = -i;
i = -i;
} else {
(*AH->WriteBytePtr)(AH, 0);
(*AH->WriteBytePtr)(AH, 0);
for(b = 0 ; b < AH->intSize ; b++) {
......@@ -638,30 +917,40 @@ int WriteInt(ArchiveHandle* AH, int i)
int ReadInt(ArchiveHandle* AH)
int res = 0;
int shft = 1;
int bv, b;
int sign = 0; /* Default positive */
int bitShift = 0;
if (AH->version > K_VERS_1_0)
/* Read a sign byte */
sign = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
/* Read a sign byte */
sign = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
for( b = 0 ; b < AH->intSize ; b++) {
bv = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
res = res + shft * bv;
shft *= 256;
bv = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH) & 0xFF;
if (bv != 0)
res = res + (bv << bitShift);
bitShift += 8;
if (sign)
res = - res;
res = - res;
return res;
int WriteStr(ArchiveHandle* AH, char* c)
int l = WriteInt(AH, strlen(c));
return (*AH->WriteBufPtr)(AH, c, strlen(c)) + l;
int res;
if (c)
res = WriteInt(AH, strlen(c));
res += (*AH->WriteBufPtr)(AH, c, strlen(c));
res = WriteInt(AH, -1);
return res;
char* ReadStr(ArchiveHandle* AH)
......@@ -670,12 +959,18 @@ char* ReadStr(ArchiveHandle* AH)
int l;
l = ReadInt(AH);
buf = (char*)malloc(l+1);
if (!buf)
die_horribly("Archiver: Unable to allocate sufficient memory in ReadStr\n");
if (l == -1)
buf = NULL;
buf = (char*)malloc(l+1);
if (!buf)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: Unable to allocate sufficient memory in ReadStr - " "requested %d (0x%x) bytes\n", progname, l, l);
(*AH->ReadBufPtr)(AH, (void*)buf, l);
buf[l] = '\0';
(*AH->ReadBufPtr)(AH, (void*)buf, l);
buf[l] = '\0';
return buf;
......@@ -686,138 +981,188 @@ int _discoverArchiveFormat(ArchiveHandle* AH)
int cnt;
int wantClose = 0;
* fprintf(stderr, "%s: Attempting to ascertain archive format\n", progname);
if (AH->lookahead)
AH->lookaheadSize = 512;
AH->lookahead = calloc(1, 512);
AH->lookaheadLen = 0;
AH->lookaheadPos = 0;
if (AH->fSpec) {
wantClose = 1;
fh = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_R);
wantClose = 1;
fh = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_R);
} else {
fh = stdin;
fh = stdin;
if (!fh)
die_horribly("Archiver: could not open input file\n");
die_horribly(AH, "Archiver: could not open input file\n");
cnt = fread(sig, 1, 5, fh);
if (cnt != 5)
die_horribly("%s: input file is too short, or is unreadable\n", progname);
die_horribly(AH, "%s: input file is too short, or is unreadable\n", progname);
if (strncmp(sig, "PGDMP", 5) != 0)
die_horribly("%s: input file does not appear to be a valid archive\n", progname);
/* Save it, just in case we need it later*/
strncpy(&AH->lookahead[0], sig, 5);
AH->lookaheadLen = 5;
AH->vmaj = fgetc(fh);
AH->vmin = fgetc(fh);
if (strncmp(sig, "PGDMP", 5) == 0)
AH->vmaj = fgetc(fh);
AH->vmin = fgetc(fh);
/* Save these too... */
AH->lookahead[AH->lookaheadLen++] = AH->vmaj;
AH->lookahead[AH->lookaheadLen++] = AH->vmin;
/* Check header version; varies from V1.0 */
if (AH->vmaj > 1 || ( (AH->vmaj == 1) && (AH->vmin > 0) ) ) /* Version > 1.0 */
AH->vrev = fgetc(fh);
AH->lookahead[AH->lookaheadLen++] = AH->vrev;
AH->vrev = 0;
AH->intSize = fgetc(fh);
AH->lookahead[AH->lookaheadLen++] = AH->intSize;
AH->format = fgetc(fh);
AH->lookahead[AH->lookaheadLen++] = AH->format;
/* Make a convenient integer <maj><min><rev>00 */
AH->version = ( (AH->vmaj * 256 + AH->vmin) * 256 + AH->vrev ) * 256 + 0;
} else {
* *Maybe* we have a tar archive format file...
* So, read first 512 byte header...
cnt = fread(&AH->lookahead[AH->lookaheadLen], 1, 512 - AH->lookaheadLen, fh);
AH->lookaheadLen += cnt;
/* Check header version; varies from V1.0 */
if (AH->vmaj > 1 || ( (AH->vmaj == 1) && (AH->vmin > 0) ) ) /* Version > 1.0 */
AH->vrev = fgetc(fh);
AH->vrev = 0;
if (AH->lookaheadLen != 512)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: input file does not appear to be a valid archive (too short?)\n",
AH->intSize = fgetc(fh);
AH->format = fgetc(fh);
if (!isValidTarHeader(AH->lookahead))
die_horribly(AH, "%s: input file does not appear to be a valid archive\n", progname);
/* Make a convenient integer <maj><min><rev>00 */
AH->version = ( (AH->vmaj * 256 + AH->vmin) * 256 + AH->vrev ) * 256 + 0;
AH->format = archTar;
/* If we can't seek, then mark the header as read */
if (fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
AH->readHeader = 1;
* NOTE: Formats that use the looahead buffer can unset this in their Init routine.
AH->readHeader = 1;
AH->lookaheadLen = 0; /* Don't bother since we've reset the file */
*fprintf(stderr, "%s: read %d bytes into lookahead buffer\n", progname, AH->lookaheadLen);
/* Close the file */
if (wantClose)
return AH->format;
* Allocate an archive handle
static ArchiveHandle* _allocAH(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt,
int compression, ArchiveMode mode) {
static ArchiveHandle* _allocAH(const char* FileSpec, const ArchiveFormat fmt,
const int compression, ArchiveMode mode)
ArchiveHandle* AH;
*fprintf(stderr, "%s: allocating AH for %s, format %d\n", progname, FileSpec, fmt);
AH = (ArchiveHandle*)calloc(1, sizeof(ArchiveHandle));
if (!AH)
die_horribly("Archiver: Could not allocate archive handle\n");
die_horribly(AH, "Archiver: Could not allocate archive handle\n");
AH->vmaj = K_VERS_MAJOR;
AH->vmin = K_VERS_MINOR;
AH->createDate = time(NULL);
AH->intSize = sizeof(int);
AH->lastID = 0;
if (FileSpec) {
AH->fSpec = strdup(FileSpec);
AH->fSpec = strdup(FileSpec);
* Not used; maybe later....
* AH->workDir = strdup(FileSpec);
* for(i=strlen(FileSpec) ; i > 0 ; i--)
* if (AH->workDir[i-1] == '/')
} else {
AH->fSpec = NULL;
AH->formatData = NULL;
AH->fSpec = NULL;
AH->currToc = NULL;
AH->currUser = "";
AH->toc = (TocEntry*)calloc(1, sizeof(TocEntry));
if (!AH->toc)
die_horribly("Archiver: Could not allocate TOC header\n");
die_horribly(AH, "Archiver: Could not allocate TOC header\n");
AH->tocCount = 0;
AH->toc->next = AH->toc;
AH->toc->prev = AH->toc;
AH->toc->id = 0;
AH->toc->oid = NULL;
AH->toc->name = NULL; /* eg. MY_SPECIAL_FUNCTION */
AH->toc->desc = NULL; /* eg. FUNCTION */
AH->toc->defn = NULL; /* ie. sql to define it */
AH->toc->depOid = NULL;
AH->mode = mode;
AH->format = fmt;
AH->compression = compression;
AH->ArchiveEntryPtr = NULL;
AH->StartDataPtr = NULL;
AH->WriteDataPtr = NULL;
AH->EndDataPtr = NULL;
AH->WriteBytePtr = NULL;
AH->ReadBytePtr = NULL;
AH->WriteBufPtr = NULL;
AH->ReadBufPtr = NULL;
AH->ClosePtr = NULL;
AH->WriteExtraTocPtr = NULL;
AH->ReadExtraTocPtr = NULL;
AH->PrintExtraTocPtr = NULL;
AH->readHeader = 0;
AH->pgCopyBuf = createPQExpBuffer();
AH->sqlBuf = createPQExpBuffer();
/* Open stdout with no compression for AH output handle */
AH->gzOut = 0;
AH->OF = stdout;
*fprintf(stderr, "%s: archive format is %d\n", progname, fmt);
if (fmt == archUnknown)
fmt = _discoverArchiveFormat(AH);
AH->format = _discoverArchiveFormat(AH);
AH->format = fmt;
switch (fmt) {
switch (AH->format) {
case archCustom:
case archCustom:
case archFiles:
case archFiles:
case archPlainText:
case archNull:
die_horribly("Archiver: Unrecognized file format '%d'\n", fmt);
case archTar:
die_horribly(AH, "Archiver: Unrecognized file format '%d'\n", fmt);
return AH;
......@@ -827,13 +1172,25 @@ static ArchiveHandle* _allocAH(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt,
void WriteDataChunks(ArchiveHandle* AH)
TocEntry *te = AH->toc->next;
StartDataPtr startPtr;
EndDataPtr endPtr;
while (te != AH->toc) {
if (te->dataDumper != NULL) {
AH->currToc = te;
/* printf("Writing data for %d (%x)\n", te->id, te); */
if (AH->StartDataPtr != NULL) {
(*AH->StartDataPtr)(AH, te);
if (strcmp(te->desc, "BLOBS") == 0)
startPtr = AH->StartBlobsPtr;
endPtr = AH->EndBlobsPtr;
} else {
startPtr = AH->StartDataPtr;
endPtr = AH->EndDataPtr;
if (startPtr != NULL) {
(*startPtr)(AH, te);
/* printf("Dumper arg for %d is %x\n", te->id, te->dataDumperArg); */
......@@ -842,12 +1199,12 @@ void WriteDataChunks(ArchiveHandle* AH)
(*te->dataDumper)((Archive*)AH, te->oid, te->dataDumperArg);
if (AH->EndDataPtr != NULL) {
(*AH->EndDataPtr)(AH, te);
if (endPtr != NULL) {
(*endPtr)(AH, te);
AH->currToc = NULL;
te = te->next;
te = te->next;
......@@ -866,6 +1223,7 @@ void WriteToc(ArchiveHandle* AH)
WriteStr(AH, te->desc);
WriteStr(AH, te->defn);
WriteStr(AH, te->dropStmt);
WriteStr(AH, te->copyStmt);
WriteStr(AH, te->owner);
if (AH->WriteExtraTocPtr) {
(*AH->WriteExtraTocPtr)(AH, te);
......@@ -884,71 +1242,79 @@ void ReadToc(ArchiveHandle* AH)
for( i = 0 ; i < AH->tocCount ; i++) {
te = (TocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(TocEntry));
te->id = ReadInt(AH);
/* Sanity check */
if (te->id <= 0 || te->id > AH->tocCount)
die_horribly("Archiver: failed sanity check (bad entry id) - perhaps a corrupt TOC\n");
te->hadDumper = ReadInt(AH);
te->oid = ReadStr(AH);
te->oidVal = atoi(te->oid);
te->name = ReadStr(AH);
te->desc = ReadStr(AH);
te->defn = ReadStr(AH);
te->dropStmt = ReadStr(AH);
te->owner = ReadStr(AH);
if (AH->ReadExtraTocPtr) {
(*AH->ReadExtraTocPtr)(AH, te);
te->prev = AH->toc->prev;
AH->toc->prev->next = te;
AH->toc->prev = te;
te->next = AH->toc;
te = (TocEntry*)calloc(1, sizeof(TocEntry));
te->id = ReadInt(AH);
/* Sanity check */
if (te->id <= 0 || te->id > AH->tocCount)
die_horribly(AH, "Archiver: failed sanity check (bad entry id) - perhaps a corrupt TOC\n");
te->hadDumper = ReadInt(AH);
te->oid = ReadStr(AH);
te->oidVal = atoi(te->oid);
te->name = ReadStr(AH);
te->desc = ReadStr(AH);
te->defn = ReadStr(AH);
te->dropStmt = ReadStr(AH);
if (AH->version >= K_VERS_1_3)
te->copyStmt = ReadStr(AH);
te->owner = ReadStr(AH);
if (AH->ReadExtraTocPtr) {
(*AH->ReadExtraTocPtr)(AH, te);
ahlog(AH, 3, "Read TOC entry %d (id %d) for %s %s\n", i, te->id, te->desc, te->name);
te->prev = AH->toc->prev;
AH->toc->prev->next = te;
AH->toc->prev = te;
te->next = AH->toc;
static int _tocEntryRequired(TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
int res = 3; /* Data and Schema */
int res = 3; /* Schema = 1, Data = 2, Both = 3 */
/* If it's an ACL, maybe ignore it */
if (ropt->aclsSkip && strcmp(te->desc,"ACL") == 0)
return 0;
return 0;
/* Check if tablename only is wanted */
if (ropt->selTypes)
if ( (strcmp(te->desc, "TABLE") == 0) || (strcmp(te->desc, "TABLE DATA") == 0) )
if (!ropt->selTable)
return 0;
if (ropt->tableNames && strcmp(ropt->tableNames, te->name) != 0)
return 0;
} else if (strcmp(te->desc, "INDEX") == 0) {
if (!ropt->selIndex)
return 0;
if (ropt->indexNames && strcmp(ropt->indexNames, te->name) != 0)
return 0;
} else if (strcmp(te->desc, "FUNCTION") == 0) {
if (!ropt->selFunction)
return 0;
if (ropt->functionNames && strcmp(ropt->functionNames, te->name) != 0)
return 0;
} else if (strcmp(te->desc, "TRIGGER") == 0) {
if (!ropt->selTrigger)
return 0;
if (ropt->triggerNames && strcmp(ropt->triggerNames, te->name) != 0)
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
if ( (strcmp(te->desc, "TABLE") == 0) || (strcmp(te->desc, "TABLE DATA") == 0) )
if (!ropt->selTable)
return 0;
if (ropt->tableNames && strcmp(ropt->tableNames, te->name) != 0)
return 0;
} else if (strcmp(te->desc, "INDEX") == 0) {
if (!ropt->selIndex)
return 0;
if (ropt->indexNames && strcmp(ropt->indexNames, te->name) != 0)
return 0;
} else if (strcmp(te->desc, "FUNCTION") == 0) {
if (!ropt->selFunction)
return 0;
if (ropt->functionNames && strcmp(ropt->functionNames, te->name) != 0)
return 0;
} else if (strcmp(te->desc, "TRIGGER") == 0) {
if (!ropt->selTrigger)
return 0;
if (ropt->triggerNames && strcmp(ropt->triggerNames, te->name) != 0)
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
/* Mask it if we only want schema */
if (ropt->schemaOnly)
res = res & 1;
res = res & 1;
/* Mask it we only want data */
if (ropt->dataOnly)
......@@ -956,15 +1322,15 @@ static int _tocEntryRequired(TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
/* Mask it if we don't have a schema contribition */
if (!te->defn || strlen(te->defn) == 0)
res = res & 2;
res = res & 2;
/* Mask it if we don't have a possible data contribition */
if (!te->hadDumper)
res = res & 1;
res = res & 1;
/* Finally, if we used a list, limit based on that as well */
if (ropt->limitToList && !ropt->idWanted[te->id - 1])
return 0;
return 0;
return res;
......@@ -979,8 +1345,9 @@ static int _printTocEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
ahprintf(AH, "--\n\n");
if (te->owner && strlen(te->owner) != 0 && strcmp(AH->currUser, te->owner) != 0) {
ahprintf(AH, "\\connect - %s\n", te->owner);
AH->currUser = te->owner;
//todo pjw - fix for db connection...
//ahprintf(AH, "\\connect - %s\n", te->owner);
AH->currUser = te->owner;
ahprintf(AH, "%s\n", te->defn);
......@@ -990,6 +1357,8 @@ static int _printTocEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
void WriteHead(ArchiveHandle* AH)
struct tm crtm;
(*AH->WriteBufPtr)(AH, "PGDMP", 5); /* Magic code */
(*AH->WriteBytePtr)(AH, AH->vmaj);
(*AH->WriteBytePtr)(AH, AH->vmin);
......@@ -1003,70 +1372,102 @@ void WriteHead(ArchiveHandle* AH)
"archive will be uncompressed \n", progname);
AH->compression = 0;
(*AH->WriteBytePtr)(AH, 0);
(*AH->WriteBytePtr)(AH, AH->compression);
WriteInt(AH, AH->compression);
crtm = *localtime(&AH->createDate);
WriteInt(AH, crtm.tm_sec);
WriteInt(AH, crtm.tm_min);
WriteInt(AH, crtm.tm_hour);
WriteInt(AH, crtm.tm_mday);
WriteInt(AH, crtm.tm_mon);
WriteInt(AH, crtm.tm_year);
WriteInt(AH, crtm.tm_isdst);
WriteStr(AH, AH->dbname);
void ReadHead(ArchiveHandle* AH)
char tmpMag[7];
int fmt;
char tmpMag[7];
int fmt;
struct tm crtm;
/* If we haven't already read the header... */
if (!AH->readHeader) {
(*AH->ReadBufPtr)(AH, tmpMag, 5);
(*AH->ReadBufPtr)(AH, tmpMag, 5);
if (strncmp(tmpMag,"PGDMP", 5) != 0)
die_horribly("Archiver: Did not fing magic PGDMP in file header\n");
if (strncmp(tmpMag,"PGDMP", 5) != 0)
die_horribly(AH, "Archiver: Did not fing magic PGDMP in file header\n");
AH->vmaj = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
AH->vmin = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
AH->vmaj = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
AH->vmin = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
if (AH->vmaj > 1 || ( (AH->vmaj == 1) && (AH->vmin > 0) ) ) /* Version > 1.0 */
AH->vrev = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
} else {
AH->vrev = 0;
if (AH->vmaj > 1 || ( (AH->vmaj == 1) && (AH->vmin > 0) ) ) /* Version > 1.0 */
AH->vrev = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
} else {
AH->vrev = 0;
AH->version = ( (AH->vmaj * 256 + AH->vmin) * 256 + AH->vrev ) * 256 + 0;
AH->version = ( (AH->vmaj * 256 + AH->vmin) * 256 + AH->vrev ) * 256 + 0;
if (AH->version < K_VERS_1_0 || AH->version > K_VERS_MAX)
die_horribly("Archiver: unsupported version (%d.%d) in file header\n", AH->vmaj, AH->vmin);
if (AH->version < K_VERS_1_0 || AH->version > K_VERS_MAX)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unsupported version (%d.%d) in file header\n",
progname, AH->vmaj, AH->vmin);
AH->intSize = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
if (AH->intSize > 32)
die_horribly("Archiver: sanity check on integer size (%d) failes\n", AH->intSize);
AH->intSize = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
if (AH->intSize > 32)
die_horribly(AH, "Archiver: sanity check on integer size (%d) failes\n", AH->intSize);
if (AH->intSize > sizeof(int))
fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: Backup file was made on a machine with larger integers, "
"some operations may fail\n");
if (AH->intSize > sizeof(int))
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: WARNING - archive was made on a machine with larger integers, "
"some operations may fail\n", progname);
fmt = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
fmt = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
if (AH->format != fmt)
die_horribly("Archiver: expected format (%d) differs from format found in file (%d)\n",
AH->format, fmt);
if (AH->format != fmt)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: expected format (%d) differs from format found in file (%d)\n",
progname, AH->format, fmt);
if (AH->version >= K_VERS_1_2)
AH->compression = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
if (AH->version < K_VERS_1_4)
AH->compression = (*AH->ReadBytePtr)(AH);
AH->compression = ReadInt(AH);
} else {
#ifndef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING - archive is compressed - any data will not be available\n", progname);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING - archive is compressed - any data will not be available\n",
if (AH->version >= K_VERS_1_4)
crtm.tm_sec = ReadInt(AH);
crtm.tm_min = ReadInt(AH);
crtm.tm_hour = ReadInt(AH);
crtm.tm_mday = ReadInt(AH);
crtm.tm_mon = ReadInt(AH);
crtm.tm_year = ReadInt(AH);
crtm.tm_isdst = ReadInt(AH);
AH->archdbname = ReadStr(AH);
AH->createDate = mktime(&crtm);
if (AH->createDate == (time_t)-1)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING - bad creation date in header\n", progname);
......@@ -1144,5 +1545,12 @@ static int _tocSortCompareByIDNum(const void* p1, const void* p2)
* Maybe I can use this somewhere...
*create table pgdump_blob_path(p text);
*insert into pgdump_blob_path values('/home/pjw/work/postgresql-cvs/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump_140');
*insert into dump_blob_xref select 12345,lo_import(p || '/q.q') from pgdump_blob_path;
......@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "postgres.h"
#include "pqexpbuffer.h"
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
#include <zlib.h>
......@@ -51,15 +55,23 @@ typedef z_stream *z_streamp;
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#define K_VERS_MAJOR 1
#define K_VERS_MINOR 2
#define K_VERS_REV 2
#define K_VERS_MINOR 4
#define K_VERS_REV 3
/* Data block types */
#define BLK_DATA 1
#define BLK_BLOB 2
#define BLK_BLOBS 3
/* Some important version numbers (checked in code) */
#define K_VERS_1_0 (( (1 * 256 + 0) * 256 + 0) * 256 + 0)
#define K_VERS_1_2 (( (1 * 256 + 2) * 256 + 0) * 256 + 0)
#define K_VERS_MAX (( (1 * 256 + 2) * 256 + 255) * 256 + 0)
#define K_VERS_1_2 (( (1 * 256 + 2) * 256 + 0) * 256 + 0) /* Allow No ZLIB */
#define K_VERS_1_3 (( (1 * 256 + 3) * 256 + 0) * 256 + 0) /* BLOBs */
#define K_VERS_1_4 (( (1 * 256 + 4) * 256 + 0) * 256 + 0) /* Date & name in header */
#define K_VERS_MAX (( (1 * 256 + 4) * 256 + 255) * 256 + 0)
struct _archiveHandle;
struct _tocEntry;
......@@ -72,10 +84,15 @@ typedef void (*StartDataPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef int (*WriteDataPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
typedef void (*EndDataPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef int (*WriteBytePtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, const int i);
typedef void (*StartBlobsPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef void (*StartBlobPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te, int oid);
typedef void (*EndBlobPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te, int oid);
typedef void (*EndBlobsPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef int (*WriteBytePtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, const int i);
typedef int (*ReadBytePtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH);
typedef int (*WriteBufPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, const void* c, int len);
typedef int (*ReadBufPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len);
typedef int (*WriteBufPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, const void* c, int len);
typedef int (*ReadBufPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len);
typedef void (*SaveArchivePtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH);
typedef void (*WriteExtraTocPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef void (*ReadExtraTocPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
......@@ -83,6 +100,8 @@ typedef void (*PrintExtraTocPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* t
typedef void (*PrintTocDataPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te,
RestoreOptions *ropt);
typedef int (*CustomOutPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len);
typedef int (*TocSortCompareFn) (const void* te1, const void *te2);
typedef enum _archiveMode {
......@@ -95,16 +114,44 @@ typedef struct _outputContext {
int gzOut;
} OutputContext;
typedef enum {
SQL_IN_QUOTE} sqlparseState;
typedef struct {
int backSlash;
sqlparseState state;
char lastChar;
char quoteChar;
} sqlparseInfo;
typedef struct _archiveHandle {
Archive public; /* Public part of archive */
char vmaj; /* Version of file */
char vmin;
char vrev;
int version; /* Conveniently formatted version */
int debugLevel; /* Not used. Intended for logging */
int intSize; /* Size of an integer in the archive */
ArchiveFormat format; /* Archive format */
sqlparseInfo sqlparse;
PQExpBuffer sqlBuf;
time_t createDate; /* Date archive created */
* Fields used when discovering header.
* A format can always get the previous read bytes from here...
int readHeader; /* Used if file header has been read already */
char *lookahead; /* Buffer used when reading header to discover format */
int lookaheadSize; /* Size of allocated buffer */
int lookaheadLen; /* Length of data in lookahead */
int lookaheadPos; /* Current read position in lookahead buffer */
ArchiveEntryPtr ArchiveEntryPtr; /* Called for each metadata object */
StartDataPtr StartDataPtr; /* Called when table data is about to be dumped */
......@@ -121,11 +168,33 @@ typedef struct _archiveHandle {
PrintExtraTocPtr PrintExtraTocPtr; /* Extra TOC info for format */
PrintTocDataPtr PrintTocDataPtr;
int lastID; /* Last internal ID for a TOC entry */
char* fSpec; /* Archive File Spec */
FILE *FH; /* General purpose file handle */
void *OF;
int gzOut; /* Output file */
StartBlobsPtr StartBlobsPtr;
EndBlobsPtr EndBlobsPtr;
StartBlobPtr StartBlobPtr;
EndBlobPtr EndBlobPtr;
CustomOutPtr CustomOutPtr; /* Alternate script output routine */
/* Stuff for direct DB connection */
char username[100];
char *dbname; /* Name of db for connection */
char *archdbname; /* DB name *read* from archive */
char *pghost;
char *pgport;
PGconn *connection;
int connectToDB; /* Flag to indicate if direct DB connection is required */
int pgCopyIn; /* Currently in libpq 'COPY IN' mode. */
PQExpBuffer pgCopyBuf; /* Left-over data from incomplete lines in COPY IN */
int loFd; /* BLOB fd */
int writingBlob; /* Flag */
int createdBlobXref; /* Flag */
int lastID; /* Last internal ID for a TOC entry */
char* fSpec; /* Archive File Spec */
FILE *FH; /* General purpose file handle */
void *OF;
int gzOut; /* Output file */
struct _tocEntry* toc; /* List of TOC entries */
int tocCount; /* Number of TOC entries */
......@@ -135,6 +204,7 @@ typedef struct _archiveHandle {
ArchiveMode mode; /* File mode - r or w */
void* formatData; /* Header data specific to file format */
RestoreOptions *ropt; /* Used to check restore options in ahwrite etc */
} ArchiveHandle;
typedef struct _tocEntry {
......@@ -148,6 +218,7 @@ typedef struct _tocEntry {
char* desc;
char* defn;
char* dropStmt;
char* copyStmt;
char* owner;
char** depOid;
int printed; /* Indicates if entry defn has been dumped */
......@@ -159,7 +230,8 @@ typedef struct _tocEntry {
} TocEntry;
extern void die_horribly(const char *fmt, ...);
/* Used everywhere */
extern void die_horribly(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *fmt, ...);
extern void WriteTOC(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void ReadTOC(ArchiveHandle* AH);
......@@ -175,19 +247,27 @@ extern int TocIDRequired(ArchiveHandle* AH, int id, RestoreOptions *ropt);
* Mandatory routines for each supported format
extern int WriteInt(ArchiveHandle* AH, int i);
extern int ReadInt(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern char* ReadStr(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern int WriteStr(ArchiveHandle* AH, char* s);
extern int WriteInt(ArchiveHandle* AH, int i);
extern int ReadInt(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern char* ReadStr(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern int WriteStr(ArchiveHandle* AH, char* s);
extern void StartRestoreBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, int oid);
extern void EndRestoreBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, int oid);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_Custom(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_Files(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_PlainText(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_Custom(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_Files(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_Null(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_Tar(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern int isValidTarHeader(char *header);
extern OutputContext SetOutput(ArchiveHandle* AH, char *filename, int compression);
extern void ResetOutput(ArchiveHandle* AH, OutputContext savedContext);
extern void ResetOutput(ArchiveHandle* AH, OutputContext savedContext);
int ahwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, ArchiveHandle* AH);
int ahprintf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const char *fmt, ...);
void ahlog(ArchiveHandle* AH, int level, const char *fmt, ...);
* pg_backup_custom.c
* Implements the custom output format.
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
extern int errno;
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i);
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* );
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len);
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len);
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt);
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _PrintData(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _skipData(ArchiveHandle* AH);
#define zlibOutSize 4096
#define zlibInSize 4096
typedef struct {
z_streamp zp;
char* zlibOut;
char* zlibIn;
int inSize;
int hasSeek;
int filePos;
int dataStart;
} lclContext;
typedef struct {
int dataPos;
int dataLen;
} lclTocEntry;
static int _getFilePos(ArchiveHandle* AH, lclContext* ctx);
static char* progname = "Archiver(custom)";
* Handler functions.
void InitArchiveFmt_Custom(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx;
/* Assuming static functions, this can be copied for each format. */
AH->ArchiveEntryPtr = _ArchiveEntry;
AH->StartDataPtr = _StartData;
AH->WriteDataPtr = _WriteData;
AH->EndDataPtr = _EndData;
AH->WriteBytePtr = _WriteByte;
AH->ReadBytePtr = _ReadByte;
AH->WriteBufPtr = _WriteBuf;
AH->ReadBufPtr = _ReadBuf;
AH->ClosePtr = _CloseArchive;
AH->PrintTocDataPtr = _PrintTocData;
AH->ReadExtraTocPtr = _ReadExtraToc;
AH->WriteExtraTocPtr = _WriteExtraToc;
AH->PrintExtraTocPtr = _PrintExtraToc;
* Set up some special context used in compressing data.
ctx = (lclContext*)malloc(sizeof(lclContext));
if (ctx == NULL)
die_horribly("%s: Unable to allocate archive context",progname);
AH->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->zp = (z_streamp)malloc(sizeof(z_stream));
if (ctx->zp == NULL)
die_horribly("%s: unable to allocate zlib stream archive context",progname);
ctx->zlibOut = (char*)malloc(zlibOutSize);
ctx->zlibIn = (char*)malloc(zlibInSize);
ctx->inSize = zlibInSize;
ctx->filePos = 0;
if (ctx->zlibOut == NULL || ctx->zlibIn == NULL)
die_horribly("%s: unable to allocate buffers in archive context",progname);
* Now open the file
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_W);
} else {
AH->FH = stdout;
if (!AH)
die_horribly("%s: unable to open archive file %s",progname, AH->fSpec);
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
} else {
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_R);
} else {
AH->FH = stdin;
if (!AH)
die_horribly("%s: unable to open archive file %s",progname, AH->fSpec);
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
ctx->dataStart = _getFilePos(AH, ctx);
* - Start a new TOC entry
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx;
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(lclTocEntry));
if (te->dataDumper) {
ctx->dataPos = -1;
} else {
ctx->dataPos = 0;
ctx->dataLen = 0;
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
WriteInt(AH, ctx->dataPos);
WriteInt(AH, ctx->dataLen);
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
if (ctx == NULL) {
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(lclTocEntry));
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->dataPos = ReadInt( AH );
ctx->dataLen = ReadInt( AH );
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
ahprintf(AH, "-- Data Pos: %d (Length %d)\n", ctx->dataPos, ctx->dataLen);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
tctx->dataPos = _getFilePos(AH, ctx);
WriteInt(AH, te->id); /* For sanity check */
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression < 0 || AH->compression > 9) {
if (AH->compression != 0) {
zp->zalloc = Z_NULL;
zp->zfree = Z_NULL;
zp->opaque = Z_NULL;
if (deflateInit(zp, AH->compression) != Z_OK)
die_horribly("%s: could not initialize compression library - %s\n",progname, zp->msg);
AH->compression = 0;
/* Just be paranoid - maye End is called after Start, with no Write */
zp->next_out = ctx->zlibOut;
zp->avail_out = zlibOutSize;
static int _DoDeflate(ArchiveHandle* AH, lclContext* ctx, int flush)
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
char* out = ctx->zlibOut;
int res = Z_OK;
if (AH->compression != 0)
res = deflate(zp, flush);
if (res == Z_STREAM_ERROR)
die_horribly("%s: could not compress data - %s\n",progname, zp->msg);
if ( ( (flush == Z_FINISH) && (zp->avail_out < zlibOutSize) )
|| (zp->avail_out == 0)
|| (zp->avail_in != 0)
* Extra paranoia: avoid zero-length chunks since a zero
* length chunk is the EOF marker. This should never happen
* but...
if (zp->avail_out < zlibOutSize) {
/* printf("Wrote %d byte deflated chunk\n", zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out); */
WriteInt(AH, zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out);
fwrite(out, 1, zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out;
zp->next_out = out;
zp->avail_out = zlibOutSize;
} else {
if (zp->avail_in > 0)
WriteInt(AH, zp->avail_in);
fwrite(zp->next_in, 1, zp->avail_in, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += zp->avail_in;
zp->avail_in = 0;
} else {
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (flush == Z_FINISH)
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
return res;
return 1;
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
zp->next_in = (void*)data;
zp->avail_in = dLen;
while (zp->avail_in != 0) {
/* printf("Deflating %d bytes\n", dLen); */
_DoDeflate(AH, ctx, 0);
return dLen;
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
int res;
if (AH->compression != 0)
zp->next_in = NULL;
zp->avail_in = 0;
do {
/* printf("Ending data output\n"); */
res = _DoDeflate(AH, ctx, Z_FINISH);
} while (res != Z_STREAM_END);
if (deflateEnd(zp) != Z_OK)
die_horribly("%s: error closing compression stream - %s\n", progname, zp->msg);
/* Send the end marker */
WriteInt(AH, 0);
tctx->dataLen = _getFilePos(AH, ctx) - tctx->dataPos;
* Print data for a gievn TOC entry
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int id;
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
if (tctx->dataPos == 0)
if (!ctx->hasSeek || tctx->dataPos < 0) {
id = ReadInt(AH);
while (id != te->id) {
if (TocIDRequired(AH, id, ropt) & 2)
die_horribly("%s: Dumping a specific TOC data block out of order is not supported"
" without on this input stream (fseek required)\n", progname);
id = ReadInt(AH);
} else {
if (fseek(AH->FH, tctx->dataPos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
die_horribly("%s: error %d in file seek\n",progname, errno);
id = ReadInt(AH);
if (id != te->id)
die_horribly("%s: Found unexpected block ID (%d) when reading data - expected %d\n",
progname, id, te->id);
ahprintf(AH, "--\n-- Data for TOC Entry ID %d (OID %s) %s %s\n--\n\n",
te->id, te->oid, te->desc, te->name);
ahprintf(AH, "\n\n");
* Print data from current file position.
static void _PrintData(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
int blkLen;
char* in = ctx->zlibIn;
int cnt;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
int res;
char* out = ctx->zlibOut;
res = Z_OK;
if (AH->compression != 0) {
zp->zalloc = Z_NULL;
zp->zfree = Z_NULL;
zp->opaque = Z_NULL;
if (inflateInit(zp) != Z_OK)
die_horribly("%s: could not initialize compression library - %s\n", progname, zp->msg);
blkLen = ReadInt(AH);
while (blkLen != 0) {
if (blkLen > ctx->inSize) {
ctx->zlibIn = NULL;
ctx->zlibIn = (char*)malloc(blkLen);
if (!ctx->zlibIn)
die_horribly("%s: failed to allocate decompression buffer\n", progname);
ctx->inSize = blkLen;
in = ctx->zlibIn;
cnt = fread(in, 1, blkLen, AH->FH);
if (cnt != blkLen)
die_horribly("%s: could not read data block - expected %d, got %d\n", progname, blkLen, cnt);
ctx->filePos += blkLen;
zp->next_in = in;
zp->avail_in = blkLen;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression != 0) {
while (zp->avail_in != 0) {
zp->next_out = out;
zp->avail_out = zlibOutSize;
res = inflate(zp, 0);
if (res != Z_OK && res != Z_STREAM_END)
die_horribly("%s: unable to uncompress data - %s\n", progname, zp->msg);
out[zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out] = '\0';
ahwrite(out, 1, zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out, AH);
} else {
ahwrite(in, 1, zp->avail_in, AH);
zp->avail_in = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
blkLen = ReadInt(AH);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression != 0)
zp->next_in = NULL;
zp->avail_in = 0;
while (res != Z_STREAM_END) {
zp->next_out = out;
zp->avail_out = zlibOutSize;
res = inflate(zp, 0);
if (res != Z_OK && res != Z_STREAM_END)
die_horribly("%s: unable to uncompress data - %s\n", progname, zp->msg);
out[zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out] = '\0';
ahwrite(out, 1, zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out, AH);
* Skip data from current file position.
static void _skipData(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int blkLen;
char* in = ctx->zlibIn;
int cnt;
blkLen = ReadInt(AH);
while (blkLen != 0) {
if (blkLen > ctx->inSize) {
ctx->zlibIn = (char*)malloc(blkLen);
ctx->inSize = blkLen;
in = ctx->zlibIn;
cnt = fread(in, 1, blkLen, AH->FH);
if (cnt != blkLen)
die_horribly("%s: could not read data block - expected %d, got %d\n", progname, blkLen, cnt);
ctx->filePos += blkLen;
blkLen = ReadInt(AH);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fputc(i, AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fgetc(AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fwrite(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fread(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int tpos;
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
tpos = ftell(AH->FH);
ctx->dataStart = _getFilePos(AH, ctx);
/* This is not an essential operation - it is really only
* needed if we expect to be doing seeks to read the data back
* - it may be ok to just use the existing self-consistent block
* formatting.
if (ctx->hasSeek) {
fseek(AH->FH, tpos, SEEK_SET);
static int _getFilePos(ArchiveHandle* AH, lclContext* ctx)
int pos;
if (ctx->hasSeek) {
pos = ftell(AH->FH);
if (pos != ctx->filePos) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: ftell mismatch with filePos\n");
} else {
pos = ctx->filePos;
return pos;
* pg_backup_custom.c
* Implements the custom output format.
* The comments with the routined in this code are a good place to
* understand how to write a new format.
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* and any liability will be limited to the time taken to fix any
* related bug.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
#include <errno.h>
* Routines in the format interface
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i);
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* );
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len);
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len);
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt);
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _PrintData(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _skipData(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _skipBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _StartBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _StartBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, int oid);
static void _EndBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, int oid);
static void _EndBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _LoadBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH);
* Buffers used in zlib compression and extra data stored in archive and
* in TOC entries.
#define zlibOutSize 4096
#define zlibInSize 4096
typedef struct {
z_streamp zp;
char* zlibOut;
char* zlibIn;
int inSize;
int hasSeek;
int filePos;
int dataStart;
} lclContext;
typedef struct {
int dataPos;
int dataLen;
} lclTocEntry;
* Static declarations
static void _readBlockHeader(ArchiveHandle *AH, int *type, int *id);
static void _StartDataCompressor(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _EndDataCompressor(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _getFilePos(ArchiveHandle* AH, lclContext* ctx);
static int _DoDeflate(ArchiveHandle* AH, lclContext* ctx, int flush);
static char* progname = "Archiver(custom)";
* Init routine required by ALL formats. This is a global routine
* and should be declared in pg_backup_archiver.h
* It's task is to create any extra archive context (using AH->formatData),
* and to initialize the supported function pointers.
* It should also prepare whatever it's input source is for reading/writing,
* and in the case of a read mode connection, it should load the Header & TOC.
void InitArchiveFmt_Custom(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx;
/* Assuming static functions, this can be copied for each format. */
AH->ArchiveEntryPtr = _ArchiveEntry;
AH->StartDataPtr = _StartData;
AH->WriteDataPtr = _WriteData;
AH->EndDataPtr = _EndData;
AH->WriteBytePtr = _WriteByte;
AH->ReadBytePtr = _ReadByte;
AH->WriteBufPtr = _WriteBuf;
AH->ReadBufPtr = _ReadBuf;
AH->ClosePtr = _CloseArchive;
AH->PrintTocDataPtr = _PrintTocData;
AH->ReadExtraTocPtr = _ReadExtraToc;
AH->WriteExtraTocPtr = _WriteExtraToc;
AH->PrintExtraTocPtr = _PrintExtraToc;
AH->StartBlobsPtr = _StartBlobs;
AH->StartBlobPtr = _StartBlob;
AH->EndBlobPtr = _EndBlob;
AH->EndBlobsPtr = _EndBlobs;
* Set up some special context used in compressing data.
ctx = (lclContext*)malloc(sizeof(lclContext));
if (ctx == NULL)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: Unable to allocate archive context",progname);
AH->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->zp = (z_streamp)malloc(sizeof(z_stream));
if (ctx->zp == NULL)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unable to allocate zlib stream archive context",progname);
ctx->zlibOut = (char*)malloc(zlibOutSize);
ctx->zlibIn = (char*)malloc(zlibInSize);
ctx->inSize = zlibInSize;
ctx->filePos = 0;
if (ctx->zlibOut == NULL || ctx->zlibIn == NULL)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unable to allocate buffers in archive context",progname);
* Now open the file
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_W);
} else {
AH->FH = stdout;
if (!AH)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unable to open archive file %s",progname, AH->fSpec);
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
} else {
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_R);
} else {
AH->FH = stdin;
if (!AH)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unable to open archive file %s",progname, AH->fSpec);
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
ctx->dataStart = _getFilePos(AH, ctx);
* Called by the Archiver when the dumper creates a new TOC entry.
* Optional.
* Set up extrac format-related TOC data.
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx;
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)calloc(1, sizeof(lclTocEntry));
if (te->dataDumper) {
ctx->dataPos = -1;
} else {
ctx->dataPos = 0;
ctx->dataLen = 0;
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
* Called by the Archiver to save any extra format-related TOC entry
* data.
* Optional.
* Use the Archiver routines to write data - they are non-endian, and
* maintain other important file information.
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
WriteInt(AH, ctx->dataPos);
WriteInt(AH, ctx->dataLen);
* Called by the Archiver to read any extra format-related TOC data.
* Optional.
* Needs to match the order defined in _WriteExtraToc, and sould also
* use the Archiver input routines.
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
if (ctx == NULL) {
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(lclTocEntry));
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->dataPos = ReadInt( AH );
ctx->dataLen = ReadInt( AH );
* Called by the Archiver when restoring an archive to output a comment
* that includes useful information about the TOC entry.
* Optional.
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
ahprintf(AH, "-- Data Pos: %d (Length %d)\n", ctx->dataPos, ctx->dataLen);
* Called by the archiver when saving TABLE DATA (not schema). This routine
* should save whatever format-specific information is needed to read
* the archive back.
* It is called just prior to the dumper's 'DataDumper' routine being called.
* Optional, but strongly recommended.
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
tctx->dataPos = _getFilePos(AH, ctx);
_WriteByte(AH, BLK_DATA); /* Block type */
WriteInt(AH, te->id); /* For sanity check */
_StartDataCompressor(AH, te);
* Called by archiver when dumper calls WriteData. This routine is
* called for both BLOB and TABLE data; it is the responsibility of
* the format to manage each kind of data using StartBlob/StartData.
* It should only be called from withing a DataDumper routine.
* Mandatory.
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
zp->next_in = (void*)data;
zp->avail_in = dLen;
while (zp->avail_in != 0) {
/* printf("Deflating %d bytes\n", dLen); */
_DoDeflate(AH, ctx, 0);
return dLen;
* Called by the archiver when a dumper's 'DataDumper' routine has
* finished.
* Optional.
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
_EndDataCompressor(AH, te);
tctx->dataLen = _getFilePos(AH, ctx) - tctx->dataPos;
* Called by the archiver when starting to save all BLOB DATA (not schema).
* This routine should save whatever format-specific information is needed
* to read the BLOBs back into memory.
* It is called just prior to the dumper's DataDumper routine.
* Optional, but strongly recommended.
static void _StartBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
tctx->dataPos = _getFilePos(AH, ctx);
_WriteByte(AH, BLK_BLOBS); /* Block type */
WriteInt(AH, te->id); /* For sanity check */
* Called by the archiver when the dumper calls StartBlob.
* Mandatory.
* Must save the passed OID for retrieval at restore-time.
static void _StartBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, int oid)
if (oid == 0)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: illegal OID for BLOB (%d)\n", progname, oid);
WriteInt(AH, oid);
_StartDataCompressor(AH, te);
* Called by the archiver when the dumper calls EndBlob.
* Optional.
static void _EndBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, int oid)
_EndDataCompressor(AH, te);
* Called by the archiver when finishing saving all BLOB DATA.
* Optional.
static void _EndBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
/* Write out a fake zero OID to mark end-of-blobs. */
WriteInt(AH, 0);
* Print data for a gievn TOC entry
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int id;
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
int blkType;
int found = 0;
if (tctx->dataPos == 0)
if (!ctx->hasSeek || tctx->dataPos < 0) {
/* Skip over unnecessary blocks until we get the one we want. */
found = 0;
_readBlockHeader(AH, &blkType, &id);
while (id != te->id) {
if ( (TocIDRequired(AH, id, ropt) & 2) != 0)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: Dumping a specific TOC data block out of order is not supported"
" without on this input stream (fseek required)\n", progname);
switch (blkType) {
case BLK_DATA:
default: /* Always have a default */
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unrecognized data block type while searching archive %d\n",
progname, blkType);
_readBlockHeader(AH, &blkType, &id);
} else {
/* Grab it */
if (fseek(AH->FH, tctx->dataPos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: error %d in file seek\n",progname, errno);
_readBlockHeader(AH, &blkType, &id);
/* Are we sane? */
if (id != te->id)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: Found unexpected block ID (%d) when reading data - expected %d\n",
progname, id, te->id);
switch (blkType) {
case BLK_DATA:
if (!AH->connection)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: BLOBs can not be loaded without a database connection\n", progname);
default: /* Always have a default */
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unrecognized data block type %d while restoring archive\n",
progname, blkType);
ahprintf(AH, "\n\n");
* Print data from current file position.
static void _PrintData(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
int blkLen;
char* in = ctx->zlibIn;
int cnt;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
int res;
char* out = ctx->zlibOut;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
res = Z_OK;
if (AH->compression != 0) {
zp->zalloc = Z_NULL;
zp->zfree = Z_NULL;
zp->opaque = Z_NULL;
if (inflateInit(zp) != Z_OK)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not initialize compression library - %s\n", progname, zp->msg);
blkLen = ReadInt(AH);
while (blkLen != 0) {
if (blkLen > (ctx->inSize - 1)) {
ctx->zlibIn = NULL;
ctx->zlibIn = (char*)malloc(blkLen);
if (!ctx->zlibIn)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: failed to allocate decompression buffer\n", progname);
ctx->inSize = blkLen;
in = ctx->zlibIn;
cnt = fread(in, 1, blkLen, AH->FH);
if (cnt != blkLen)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not read data block - expected %d, got %d\n", progname, blkLen, cnt);
ctx->filePos += blkLen;
zp->next_in = in;
zp->avail_in = blkLen;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression != 0) {
while (zp->avail_in != 0) {
zp->next_out = out;
zp->avail_out = zlibOutSize;
res = inflate(zp, 0);
if (res != Z_OK && res != Z_STREAM_END)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unable to uncompress data - %s\n", progname, zp->msg);
out[zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out] = '\0';
ahwrite(out, 1, zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out, AH);
} else {
in[zp->avail_in] = '\0';
ahwrite(in, 1, zp->avail_in, AH);
zp->avail_in = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
blkLen = ReadInt(AH);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression != 0)
zp->next_in = NULL;
zp->avail_in = 0;
while (res != Z_STREAM_END) {
zp->next_out = out;
zp->avail_out = zlibOutSize;
res = inflate(zp, 0);
if (res != Z_OK && res != Z_STREAM_END)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: unable to uncompress data - %s\n", progname, zp->msg);
out[zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out] = '\0';
ahwrite(out, 1, zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out, AH);
static void _LoadBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH)
int oid;
oid = ReadInt(AH);
while(oid != 0)
StartRestoreBlob(AH, oid);
EndRestoreBlob(AH, oid);
oid = ReadInt(AH);
* Skip the BLOBs from the current file position.
* BLOBS are written sequentially as data blocks (see below).
* Each BLOB is preceded by it's original OID.
* A zero OID indicated the end of the BLOBS
static void _skipBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH)
int oid;
oid = ReadInt(AH);
while(oid != 0)
oid = ReadInt(AH);
* Skip data from current file position.
* Data blocks are formatted as an integer length, followed by data.
* A zero length denoted the end of the block.
static void _skipData(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int blkLen;
char* in = ctx->zlibIn;
int cnt;
blkLen = ReadInt(AH);
while (blkLen != 0) {
if (blkLen > ctx->inSize) {
ctx->zlibIn = (char*)malloc(blkLen);
ctx->inSize = blkLen;
in = ctx->zlibIn;
cnt = fread(in, 1, blkLen, AH->FH);
if (cnt != blkLen)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not read data block - expected %d, got %d\n", progname, blkLen, cnt);
ctx->filePos += blkLen;
blkLen = ReadInt(AH);
* Write a byte of data to the archive.
* Mandatory.
* Called by the archiver to do integer & byte output to the archive.
* These routines are only used to read & write headers & TOC.
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fputc(i, AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
* Read a byte of data from the archive.
* Mandatory
* Called by the archiver to read bytes & integers from the archive.
* These routines are only used to read & write headers & TOC.
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fgetc(AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
* Write a buffer of data to the archive.
* Mandatory.
* Called by the archiver to write a block of bytes to the archive.
* These routines are only used to read & write headers & TOC.
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fwrite(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
* Read a block of bytes from the archive.
* Mandatory.
* Called by the archiver to read a block of bytes from the archive
* These routines are only used to read & write headers & TOC.
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fread(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
* Close the archive.
* Mandatory.
* When writing the archive, this is the routine that actually starts
* the process of saving it to files. No data should be written prior
* to this point, since the user could sort the TOC after creating it.
* If an archive is to be written, this toutine must call:
* WriteHead to save the archive header
* WriteToc to save the TOC entries
* WriteDataChunks to save all DATA & BLOBs.
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int tpos;
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
tpos = ftell(AH->FH);
ctx->dataStart = _getFilePos(AH, ctx);
/* This is not an essential operation - it is really only
* needed if we expect to be doing seeks to read the data back
* - it may be ok to just use the existing self-consistent block
* formatting.
if (ctx->hasSeek) {
fseek(AH->FH, tpos, SEEK_SET);
* Get the current position in the archive file.
static int _getFilePos(ArchiveHandle* AH, lclContext* ctx)
int pos;
if (ctx->hasSeek) {
pos = ftell(AH->FH);
if (pos != ctx->filePos) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: ftell mismatch with filePos\n");
} else {
pos = ctx->filePos;
return pos;
* Read a data block header. The format changed in V1.3, so we
* put the code here for simplicity.
static void _readBlockHeader(ArchiveHandle *AH, int *type, int *id)
if (AH->version < K_VERS_1_3)
*type = BLK_DATA;
*type = _ReadByte(AH);;
*id = ReadInt(AH);
* If zlib is available, then startit up. This is called from
* StartData & StartBlob. The buffers are setup in the Init routine.
static void _StartDataCompressor(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression < 0 || AH->compression > 9) {
if (AH->compression != 0) {
zp->zalloc = Z_NULL;
zp->zfree = Z_NULL;
zp->opaque = Z_NULL;
if (deflateInit(zp, AH->compression) != Z_OK)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not initialize compression library - %s\n",progname, zp->msg);
AH->compression = 0;
/* Just be paranoid - maye End is called after Start, with no Write */
zp->next_out = ctx->zlibOut;
zp->avail_out = zlibOutSize;
* Send compressed data to the output stream (via ahwrite).
* Each data chunk is preceded by it's length.
* In the case of Z0, or no zlib, just write the raw data.
static int _DoDeflate(ArchiveHandle* AH, lclContext* ctx, int flush)
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
char* out = ctx->zlibOut;
int res = Z_OK;
if (AH->compression != 0)
res = deflate(zp, flush);
if (res == Z_STREAM_ERROR)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not compress data - %s\n",progname, zp->msg);
if ( ( (flush == Z_FINISH) && (zp->avail_out < zlibOutSize) )
|| (zp->avail_out == 0)
|| (zp->avail_in != 0)
* Extra paranoia: avoid zero-length chunks since a zero
* length chunk is the EOF marker. This should never happen
* but...
if (zp->avail_out < zlibOutSize) {
/* printf("Wrote %d byte deflated chunk\n", zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out); */
WriteInt(AH, zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out);
fwrite(out, 1, zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += zlibOutSize - zp->avail_out;
zp->next_out = out;
zp->avail_out = zlibOutSize;
} else {
if (zp->avail_in > 0)
WriteInt(AH, zp->avail_in);
fwrite(zp->next_in, 1, zp->avail_in, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += zp->avail_in;
zp->avail_in = 0;
} else {
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (flush == Z_FINISH)
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
return res;
return 1;
* Terminate zlib context and flush it's buffers. If no zlib
* then just return.
static void _EndDataCompressor(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
z_streamp zp = ctx->zp;
int res;
if (AH->compression != 0)
zp->next_in = NULL;
zp->avail_in = 0;
do {
/* printf("Ending data output\n"); */
res = _DoDeflate(AH, ctx, Z_FINISH);
} while (res != Z_STREAM_END);
if (deflateEnd(zp) != Z_OK)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: error closing compression stream - %s\n", progname, zp->msg);
/* Send the end marker */
WriteInt(AH, 0);
* pg_backup_files.c
* This file is copied from the 'custom' format file, but dumps data into
* separate files, and the TOC into the 'main' file.
* (and could probably be used as a basis for writing a tar file)
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i);
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* );
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len);
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len);
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt);
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
typedef struct {
int hasSeek;
int filePos;
} lclContext;
typedef struct {
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
gzFile *FH;
char *filename;
} lclTocEntry;
* Initializer
void InitArchiveFmt_Files(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx;
/* Assuming static functions, this can be copied for each format. */
AH->ArchiveEntryPtr = _ArchiveEntry;
AH->StartDataPtr = _StartData;
AH->WriteDataPtr = _WriteData;
AH->EndDataPtr = _EndData;
AH->WriteBytePtr = _WriteByte;
AH->ReadBytePtr = _ReadByte;
AH->WriteBufPtr = _WriteBuf;
AH->ReadBufPtr = _ReadBuf;
AH->ClosePtr = _CloseArchive;
AH->PrintTocDataPtr = _PrintTocData;
AH->ReadExtraTocPtr = _ReadExtraToc;
AH->WriteExtraTocPtr = _WriteExtraToc;
AH->PrintExtraTocPtr = _PrintExtraToc;
* Set up some special context used in compressing data.
ctx = (lclContext*)malloc(sizeof(lclContext));
AH->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->filePos = 0;
* Now open the TOC file
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_W);
} else {
AH->FH = stdout;
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
if (AH->compression < 0 || AH->compression > 9) {
} else {
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_R);
} else {
AH->FH = stdin;
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
fclose(AH->FH); /* Nothing else in the file... */
* - Start a new TOC entry
* Setup the output file name.
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx;
char fn[1024];
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(lclTocEntry));
if (te->dataDumper) {
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression == 0) {
sprintf(fn, "%d.dat", te->id);
} else {
sprintf(fn, "%d.dat.gz", te->id);
sprintf(fn, "%d.dat", te->id);
ctx->filename = strdup(fn);
} else {
ctx->filename = NULL;
ctx->FH = NULL;
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
if (ctx->filename) {
WriteStr(AH, ctx->filename);
} else {
WriteStr(AH, "");
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
if (ctx == NULL) {
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(lclTocEntry));
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->filename = ReadStr(AH);
if (strlen(ctx->filename) == 0) {
ctx->filename = NULL;
ctx->FH = NULL;
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
ahprintf(AH, "-- File: %s\n", ctx->filename);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
char fmode[10];
sprintf(fmode, "wb%d", AH->compression);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
tctx->FH = gzopen(tctx->filename, fmode);
tctx->FH = fopen(tctx->filename, PG_BINARY_W);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)AH->currToc->formatData;
GZWRITE((void*)data, 1, dLen, tctx->FH);
return dLen;
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
/* Close the file */
tctx->FH = NULL;
* Print data for a given TOC entry
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
char buf[4096];
int cnt;
if (!tctx->filename)
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
AH->FH = gzopen(tctx->filename,"rb");
AH->FH = fopen(tctx->filename,PG_BINARY_R);
ahprintf(AH, "--\n-- Data for TOC Entry ID %d (OID %s) %s %s\n--\n\n",
te->id, te->oid, te->desc, te->name);
while ( (cnt = GZREAD(buf, 1, 4096, AH->FH)) > 0) {
ahwrite(buf, 1, cnt, AH);
ahprintf(AH, "\n\n");
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fputc(i, AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fgetc(AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fwrite(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fread(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH)
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
* pg_backup_files.c
* This file is copied from the 'custom' format file, but dumps data into
* separate files, and the TOC into the 'main' file.
* (and could probably be used as a basis for writing a tar file)
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i);
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* );
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len);
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len);
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt);
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _StartBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _StartBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, int oid);
static void _EndBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, int oid);
static void _EndBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
#define K_STD_BUF_SIZE 1024
typedef struct {
int hasSeek;
int filePos;
FILE *blobToc;
} lclContext;
typedef struct {
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
gzFile *FH;
char *filename;
} lclTocEntry;
static char* progname = "Archiver(files)";
static void _LoadBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
static void _getBlobTocEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, int *oid, char *fname);
* Initializer
void InitArchiveFmt_Files(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx;
/* Assuming static functions, this can be copied for each format. */
AH->ArchiveEntryPtr = _ArchiveEntry;
AH->StartDataPtr = _StartData;
AH->WriteDataPtr = _WriteData;
AH->EndDataPtr = _EndData;
AH->WriteBytePtr = _WriteByte;
AH->ReadBytePtr = _ReadByte;
AH->WriteBufPtr = _WriteBuf;
AH->ReadBufPtr = _ReadBuf;
AH->ClosePtr = _CloseArchive;
AH->PrintTocDataPtr = _PrintTocData;
AH->ReadExtraTocPtr = _ReadExtraToc;
AH->WriteExtraTocPtr = _WriteExtraToc;
AH->PrintExtraTocPtr = _PrintExtraToc;
AH->StartBlobsPtr = _StartBlobs;
AH->StartBlobPtr = _StartBlob;
AH->EndBlobPtr = _EndBlob;
AH->EndBlobsPtr = _EndBlobs;
* Set up some special context used in compressing data.
ctx = (lclContext*)malloc(sizeof(lclContext));
AH->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->filePos = 0;
* Now open the TOC file
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n*************************************************************\n"
"* WARNING: This format is for demonstration purposes. It is *\n"
"* not intended for general use. Files will be dumped *\n"
"* into the current working directory. *\n"
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_W);
} else {
AH->FH = stdout;
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
if (AH->compression < 0 || AH->compression > 9) {
} else { /* Read Mode */
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_R);
} else {
AH->FH = stdin;
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
fclose(AH->FH); /* Nothing else in the file... */
* - Start a new TOC entry
* Setup the output file name.
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx;
char fn[K_STD_BUF_SIZE];
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(lclTocEntry));
if (te->dataDumper) {
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (AH->compression == 0) {
sprintf(fn, "%d.dat", te->id);
} else {
sprintf(fn, "%d.dat.gz", te->id);
sprintf(fn, "%d.dat", te->id);
ctx->filename = strdup(fn);
} else {
ctx->filename = NULL;
ctx->FH = NULL;
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
if (ctx->filename) {
WriteStr(AH, ctx->filename);
} else {
WriteStr(AH, "");
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
if (ctx == NULL) {
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(lclTocEntry));
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->filename = ReadStr(AH);
if (strlen(ctx->filename) == 0) {
ctx->filename = NULL;
ctx->FH = NULL;
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
ahprintf(AH, "-- File: %s\n", ctx->filename);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
char fmode[10];
sprintf(fmode, "wb%d", AH->compression);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
tctx->FH = gzopen(tctx->filename, fmode);
tctx->FH = fopen(tctx->filename, PG_BINARY_W);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)AH->currToc->formatData;
GZWRITE((void*)data, 1, dLen, tctx->FH);
return dLen;
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
/* Close the file */
tctx->FH = NULL;
* Print data for a given file
static void _PrintFileData(ArchiveHandle* AH, char *filename, RestoreOptions *ropt)
char buf[4096];
int cnt;
if (!filename)
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
AH->FH = gzopen(filename,"rb");
AH->FH = fopen(filename,PG_BINARY_R);
while ( (cnt = GZREAD(buf, 1, 4095, AH->FH)) > 0) {
buf[cnt] = '\0';
ahwrite(buf, 1, cnt, AH);
* Print data for a given TOC entry
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
if (!tctx->filename)
if (strcmp(te->desc, "BLOBS") == 0)
_LoadBlobs(AH, ropt);
_PrintFileData(AH, tctx->filename, ropt);
static void _getBlobTocEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, int *oid, char fname[K_STD_BUF_SIZE])
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
char blobTe[K_STD_BUF_SIZE];
int fpos;
int eos;
if (fgets(&blobTe[0], K_STD_BUF_SIZE - 1, ctx->blobToc) != NULL)
*oid = atoi(blobTe);
fpos = strcspn(blobTe, " ");
strncpy(fname, &blobTe[fpos+1], K_STD_BUF_SIZE - 1);
eos = strlen(fname)-1;
if (fname[eos] == '\n')
fname[eos] = '\0';
} else {
*oid = 0;
fname[0] = '\0';
static void _LoadBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt)
int oid;
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
char fname[K_STD_BUF_SIZE];
ctx->blobToc = fopen("blobs.toc", PG_BINARY_R);
_getBlobTocEntry(AH, &oid, fname);
while(oid != 0)
StartRestoreBlob(AH, oid);
_PrintFileData(AH, fname, ropt);
EndRestoreBlob(AH, oid);
_getBlobTocEntry(AH, &oid, fname);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fputc(i, AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fgetc(AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fwrite(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fread(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH)
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
* BLOB support
* Called by the archiver when starting to save all BLOB DATA (not schema).
* This routine should save whatever format-specific information is needed
* to read the BLOBs back into memory.
* It is called just prior to the dumper's DataDumper routine.
* Optional, but strongly recommended.
static void _StartBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
char fname[K_STD_BUF_SIZE];
sprintf(fname, "blobs.toc");
ctx->blobToc = fopen(fname, PG_BINARY_W);
* Called by the archiver when the dumper calls StartBlob.
* Mandatory.
* Must save the passed OID for retrieval at restore-time.
static void _StartBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, int oid)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
char fmode[10];
char fname[255];
char *sfx;
if (oid == 0)
die_horribly(AH, "%s: illegal OID for BLOB (%d)\n", progname, oid);
if (AH->compression != 0)
sfx = ".gz";
sfx = "";
sprintf(fmode, "wb%d", AH->compression);
sprintf(fname, "blob_%d.dat%s", oid, sfx);
fprintf(ctx->blobToc, "%d %s\n", oid, fname);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
tctx->FH = gzopen(fname, fmode);
tctx->FH = fopen(fname, PG_BINARY_W);
* Called by the archiver when the dumper calls EndBlob.
* Optional.
static void _EndBlob(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, int oid)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
* Called by the archiver when finishing saving all BLOB DATA.
* Optional.
static void _EndBlobs(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
/* Write out a fake zero OID to mark end-of-blobs. */
/* WriteInt(AH, 0); */
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c,v 1.159 2000/07/17 03:05:20 tgl Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c,v 1.160 2000/07/21 11:40:08 pjw Exp $
* Modifications - 6/10/96 - - version 1.13.dhb
......@@ -61,12 +61,19 @@
* - Added a -Z option for compression level on compressed formats
* - Restored '-f' in usage output
* Modifications - 17-Jul-2000 - Philip Warner
* - Support for BLOB output.
* - Sort archive by OID, put some items at end (out of OID order)
#include <unistd.h> /* for getopt() */
#include <ctype.h>
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "postgres.h"
......@@ -84,6 +91,7 @@
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include <libpq/libpq-fs.h>
#include "strdup.h"
......@@ -109,6 +117,9 @@ static void setMaxOid(Archive *fout);
static void AddAcl(char *aclbuf, const char *keyword);
static char *GetPrivileges(const char *s);
static int dumpBlobs(Archive *AH, char*, void*);
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind,
......@@ -268,14 +279,26 @@ dumpClasses_nodumpData(Archive *fout, char* oid, void *dctxv)
if (oids == true)
archprintf(fout, "COPY %s WITH OIDS FROM stdin;\n",
fmtId(classname, force_quotes));
* archprintf(fout, "COPY %s WITH OIDS FROM stdin;\n",
* fmtId(classname, force_quotes));
* - Not used as of V1.3 (needs to be in ArchiveEntry call)
sprintf(query, "COPY %s WITH OIDS TO stdout;\n",
fmtId(classname, force_quotes));
archprintf(fout, "COPY %s FROM stdin;\n", fmtId(classname, force_quotes));
*archprintf(fout, "COPY %s FROM stdin;\n", fmtId(classname, force_quotes));
* - Not used as of V1.3 (needs to be in ArchiveEntry call)
sprintf(query, "COPY %s TO stdout;\n", fmtId(classname, force_quotes));
res = PQexec(g_conn, query);
......@@ -452,19 +475,28 @@ dumpClasses_dumpData(Archive *fout, char* oid, void *dctxv)
static void
dumpClasses(const TableInfo *tblinfo, const int numTables, Archive *fout,
const char *onlytable, const bool oids)
const char *onlytable, const bool oids, const bool force_quotes)
int i;
char *all_only;
DataDumperPtr dumpFn;
DumpContext *dumpCtx;
char *oidsPart;
char copyBuf[512];
char *copyStmt;
if (onlytable == NULL)
all_only = "all";
all_only = "only";
if (oids == true)
oidsPart = "WITH OIDS ";
oidsPart = "";
if (g_verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out the contents of %s %d table%s/sequence%s %s\n",
g_comment_start, all_only,
......@@ -514,112 +546,28 @@ dumpClasses(const TableInfo *tblinfo, const int numTables, Archive *fout,
dumpCtx->tblidx = i;
dumpCtx->oids = oids;
if (!dumpData)
if (!dumpData) /* Dump/restore using COPY */
dumpFn = dumpClasses_nodumpData;
/* dumpClasses_nodumpData(fout, classname, oids); */
sprintf(copyBuf, "COPY %s %s FROM stdin;\n", fmtId(tblinfo[i].relname, force_quotes),
copyStmt = copyBuf;
else /* Restore using INSERT */
dumpFn = dumpClasses_dumpData;
/* dumpClasses_dumpData(fout, classname); */
copyStmt = NULL;
ArchiveEntry(fout, tblinfo[i].oid, fmtId(tblinfo[i].relname, false),
"TABLE DATA", NULL, "", "", tblinfo[i].usename,
"TABLE DATA", NULL, "", "", copyStmt, tblinfo[i].usename,
dumpFn, dumpCtx);
static void
prompt_for_password(char *username, char *password)
char buf[512];
int length;
struct termios t_orig,
fprintf(stderr, "Username: ");
fgets(username, 100, stdin);
length = strlen(username);
/* skip rest of the line */
if (length > 0 && username[length - 1] != '\n')
fgets(buf, 512, stdin);
} while (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n');
if (length > 0 && username[length - 1] == '\n')
username[length - 1] = '\0';
tcgetattr(0, &t);
t_orig = t;
t.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &t);
fprintf(stderr, "Password: ");
fgets(password, 100, stdin);
tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &t_orig);
length = strlen(password);
/* skip rest of the line */
if (length > 0 && password[length - 1] != '\n')
fgets(buf, 512, stdin);
} while (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n');
if (length > 0 && password[length - 1] == '\n')
password[length - 1] = '\0';
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
static void
check_database_version(bool ignoreVersion)
PGresult *res;
double myversion;
const char *remoteversion_str;
double remoteversion;
myversion = strtod(PG_VERSION, NULL);
res = PQexec(g_conn, "SELECT version()");
if (!res ||
PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK ||
PQntuples(res) != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "check_database_version(): command failed. Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
remoteversion_str = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0);
remoteversion = strtod(remoteversion_str + 11, NULL);
if (myversion != remoteversion)
fprintf(stderr, "Database version: %s\npg_dump version: %s\n",
remoteversion_str, PG_VERSION);
if (ignoreVersion)
fprintf(stderr, "Proceeding despite version mismatch.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Aborting because of version mismatch.\n"
"Use --ignore-version if you think it's safe to proceed anyway.\n");
main(int argc, char **argv)
......@@ -634,20 +582,19 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
bool oids = false;
TableInfo *tblinfo;
int numTables;
char connect_string[512] = "";
char tmp_string[128];
char username[100];
char password[100];
bool use_password = false;
int compressLevel = -1;
bool ignore_version = false;
int plainText = 0;
int outputClean = 0;
int plainText = 0;
int outputClean = 0;
int outputBlobs = 0;
RestoreOptions *ropt;
static struct option long_options[] = {
{"data-only", no_argument, NULL, 'a'},
{"blobs", no_argument, NULL, 'b' },
{"clean", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
{"file", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"format", required_argument, NULL, 'F'},
......@@ -686,6 +633,12 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
progname = strrchr(argv[0], SEP_CHAR) + 1;
/* Set defaulty options based on progname */
if (strcmp(progname, "pg_backup") == 0)
format = "c";
outputBlobs = 1;
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "acdDf:F:h:inNop:st:uvxzZ:V?", long_options, &optindex)) != -1)
......@@ -698,6 +651,10 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
case 'a': /* Dump data only */
dataOnly = true;
case 'b': /* Dump blobs */
outputBlobs = true;
case 'c': /* clean (i.e., drop) schema prior to
* create */
outputClean = 1;
......@@ -843,7 +800,12 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
case 'p':
case 'P':
plainText = 1;
g_fout = CreateArchive(filename, archPlainText, 0);
g_fout = CreateArchive(filename, archNull, 0);
case 't':
case 'T':
g_fout = CreateArchive(filename, archTar, compressLevel);
......@@ -860,53 +822,13 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
/* find database */
if (!(dbname = argv[optind]) &&
!(dbname = getenv("PGDATABASE")))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: no database name specified\n", progname);
/* Let the archiver know how noisy to be */
g_fout->verbose = g_verbose;
/* g_conn = PQsetdb(pghost, pgport, NULL, NULL, dbname); */
if (pghost != NULL)
sprintf(tmp_string, "host=%s ", pghost);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
if (pgport != NULL)
sprintf(tmp_string, "port=%s ", pgport);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
if (dbname != NULL)
sprintf(tmp_string, "dbname=%s ", dbname);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
if (use_password)
prompt_for_password(username, password);
strcat(connect_string, "authtype=password ");
sprintf(tmp_string, "user=%s ", username);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
sprintf(tmp_string, "password=%s ", password);
strcat(connect_string, tmp_string);
MemSet(tmp_string, 0, sizeof(tmp_string));
MemSet(password, 0, sizeof(password));
g_conn = PQconnectdb(connect_string);
MemSet(connect_string, 0, sizeof(connect_string));
/* check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
if (PQstatus(g_conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
fprintf(stderr, "Connection to database '%s' failed.\n", dbname);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
dbname = argv[optind];
/* check for version mismatch */
/* Open the database using the Archiver, so it knows about it. Errors mean death */
g_conn = ConnectDatabase(g_fout, dbname, pghost, pgport, use_password, ignore_version);
* Start serializable transaction to dump consistent data
......@@ -916,17 +838,15 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
res = PQexec(g_conn, "begin");
if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN command failed. Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
exit_horribly(g_fout, "BEGIN command failed. Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n",
res = PQexec(g_conn, "set transaction isolation level serializable");
if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "SET TRANSACTION command failed. Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
exit_horribly(g_fout, "SET TRANSACTION command failed. Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n",
......@@ -941,7 +861,12 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
tblinfo = dumpSchema(g_fout, &numTables, tablename, aclsSkip, oids, schemaOnly, dataOnly);
if (!schemaOnly)
dumpClasses(tblinfo, numTables, g_fout, tablename, oids);
dumpClasses(tblinfo, numTables, g_fout, tablename, oids, force_quotes);
if (outputBlobs)
ArchiveEntry(g_fout, "0", "BLOBS", "BLOBS", NULL, "", "", "", "", dumpBlobs, 0);
if (!dataOnly) /* dump indexes and triggers at the end
* for performance */
......@@ -951,6 +876,15 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
dumpRules(g_fout, tablename, tblinfo, numTables);
/* Now sort the output nicely */
MoveToEnd(g_fout, "TABLE DATA");
MoveToEnd(g_fout, "BLOBS");
MoveToEnd(g_fout, "INDEX");
MoveToEnd(g_fout, "TRIGGER");
MoveToEnd(g_fout, "RULE");
MoveToEnd(g_fout, "ACL");
if (plainText)
ropt = NewRestoreOptions();
......@@ -973,6 +907,92 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
* dumpBlobs:
* dump all blobs
#define loBufSize 16384
#define loFetchSize 1000
static int
dumpBlobs(Archive *AH, char* junkOid, void *junkVal)
PQExpBuffer oidQry = createPQExpBuffer();
PQExpBuffer oidFetchQry = createPQExpBuffer();
PGresult *res;
int i;
int loFd;
char buf[loBufSize];
int cnt;
int blobOid;
if (g_verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s saving BLOBs\n", g_comment_start);
/* Cursor to get all BLOB tables */
appendPQExpBuffer(oidQry, "Declare blobOid Cursor for SELECT oid from pg_class where relkind = 'l'");
res = PQexec(g_conn, oidQry->data);
if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "dumpBlobs(): Declare Cursor failed. Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
/* Fetch for cursor */
appendPQExpBuffer(oidFetchQry, "Fetch %d in blobOid", loFetchSize);
do {
/* Do a fetch */
res = PQexec(g_conn, oidFetchQry->data);
if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "dumpBlobs(): Fetch Cursor failed. Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
/* Process the tuples, if any */
for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
blobOid = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0));
/* Open the BLOB */
loFd = lo_open(g_conn, blobOid, INV_READ);
if (loFd == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "dumpBlobs(): Could not open large object. "
"Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
StartBlob(AH, blobOid);
/* Now read it in chunks, sending data to archive */
do {
cnt = lo_read(g_conn, loFd, buf, loBufSize);
if (cnt < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "dumpBlobs(): Error reading large object. "
" Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
WriteData(AH, buf, cnt);
} while (cnt > 0);
lo_close(g_conn, loFd);
EndBlob(AH, blobOid);
} while (PQntuples(res) > 0);
return 1;
* getTypes:
* read all base types in the system catalogs and return them in the
......@@ -2409,7 +2429,7 @@ dumpComment(Archive *fout, const char *target, const char *oid)
target, checkForQuote(PQgetvalue(res, 0, i_description)));
ArchiveEntry(fout, oid, target, "COMMENT", NULL, query->data, "" /*Del*/,
"" /*Owner*/, NULL, NULL);
"" /* Copy */, "" /*Owner*/, NULL, NULL);
......@@ -2542,7 +2562,7 @@ dumpTypes(Archive *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs,
appendPQExpBuffer(q, ");\n");
ArchiveEntry(fout, tinfo[i].oid, fmtId(tinfo[i].typname, force_quotes), "TYPE", NULL,
q->data, delq->data, tinfo[i].usename, NULL, NULL);
q->data, delq->data, "", tinfo[i].usename, NULL, NULL);
/*** Dump Type Comments ***/
......@@ -2629,7 +2649,7 @@ dumpProcLangs(Archive *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs,
ArchiveEntry(fout, PQgetvalue(res, i, i_oid), lanname, "PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE",
NULL, defqry->data, delqry->data, "", NULL, NULL);
NULL, defqry->data, delqry->data, "", "", NULL, NULL);
......@@ -2669,8 +2689,8 @@ dumpOneFunc(Archive *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int i,
PQExpBuffer fn = createPQExpBuffer();
PQExpBuffer delqry = createPQExpBuffer();
PQExpBuffer fnlist = createPQExpBuffer();
PQExpBuffer asPart = createPQExpBuffer();
int j;
PQExpBuffer asPart = createPQExpBuffer();
char func_lang[NAMEDATALEN + 1];
PGresult *res;
int nlangs;
......@@ -2703,7 +2723,7 @@ dumpOneFunc(Archive *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int i,
i_lanname = PQfnumber(res, "lanname");
* See backend/commands/define.c for details of how the 'AS' clause
* is used.
......@@ -2751,7 +2771,7 @@ dumpOneFunc(Archive *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int i,
asPart->data, func_lang);
ArchiveEntry(fout, finfo[i].oid, fn->data, "FUNCTION", NULL, q->data, delqry->data,
finfo[i].usename, NULL, NULL);
"", finfo[i].usename, NULL, NULL);
/*** Dump Function Comments ***/
......@@ -2870,7 +2890,7 @@ dumpOprs(Archive *fout, OprInfo *oprinfo, int numOperators,
ArchiveEntry(fout, oprinfo[i].oid, oprinfo[i].oprname, "OPERATOR", NULL,
q->data, delq->data, oprinfo[i].usename, NULL, NULL);
q->data, delq->data, "", oprinfo[i].usename, NULL, NULL);
......@@ -2927,7 +2947,7 @@ dumpAggs(Archive *fout, AggInfo *agginfo, int numAggs,
ArchiveEntry(fout, agginfo[i].oid, aggSig->data, "AGGREGATE", NULL,
q->data, delq->data, agginfo[i].usename, NULL, NULL);
q->data, delq->data, "", agginfo[i].usename, NULL, NULL);
/*** Dump Aggregate Comments ***/
......@@ -3096,7 +3116,7 @@ dumpACL(Archive *fout, TableInfo tbinfo)
ArchiveEntry(fout, tbinfo.oid, tbinfo.relname, "ACL", NULL, sql, "", "", NULL, NULL);
ArchiveEntry(fout, tbinfo.oid, tbinfo.relname, "ACL", NULL, sql, "", "", "", NULL, NULL);
......@@ -3274,7 +3294,7 @@ dumpTables(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables,
if (!dataOnly) {
ArchiveEntry(fout, tblinfo[i].oid, fmtId(tblinfo[i].relname, false),
"TABLE", NULL, q->data, delq->data, tblinfo[i].usename,
"TABLE", NULL, q->data, delq->data, "", tblinfo[i].usename,
......@@ -3468,7 +3488,7 @@ dumpIndices(Archive *fout, IndInfo *indinfo, int numIndices,
/* Dump Index Comments */
ArchiveEntry(fout, tblinfo[tableInd].oid, id1->data, "INDEX", NULL, q->data, delq->data,
tblinfo[tableInd].usename, NULL, NULL);
"", tblinfo[tableInd].usename, NULL, NULL);
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "INDEX %s", id1->data);
......@@ -3599,7 +3619,7 @@ setMaxOid(Archive *fout)
pos = pos + snprintf(sql+pos, 1024-pos, "\\.\n");
pos = pos + snprintf(sql+pos, 1024-pos, "DROP TABLE pg_dump_oid;\n");
ArchiveEntry(fout, "0", "Max OID", "<Init>", NULL, sql, "","", NULL, NULL);
ArchiveEntry(fout, "0", "Max OID", "<Init>", NULL, sql, "", "", "", NULL, NULL);
......@@ -3750,7 +3770,7 @@ dumpSequence(Archive *fout, TableInfo tbinfo)
ArchiveEntry(fout, tbinfo.oid, fmtId(tbinfo.relname, force_quotes), "SEQUENCE", NULL,
query->data, delqry->data, tbinfo.usename, NULL, NULL);
query->data, delqry->data, "", tbinfo.usename, NULL, NULL);
/* Dump Sequence Comments */
......@@ -3779,7 +3799,7 @@ dumpTriggers(Archive *fout, const char *tablename,
for (j = 0; j < tblinfo[i].ntrig; j++)
ArchiveEntry(fout, tblinfo[i].triggers[j].oid, tblinfo[i].triggers[j].tgname,
"TRIGGER", NULL, tblinfo[i].triggers[j].tgsrc, "",
"TRIGGER", NULL, tblinfo[i].triggers[j].tgsrc, "", "",
tblinfo[i].usename, NULL, NULL);
dumpComment(fout, tblinfo[i].triggers[j].tgcomment, tblinfo[i].triggers[j].oid);
......@@ -3846,7 +3866,7 @@ dumpRules(Archive *fout, const char *tablename,
ArchiveEntry(fout, PQgetvalue(res, i, i_oid), PQgetvalue(res, i, i_rulename),
"RULE", NULL, PQgetvalue(res, i, i_definition),
"", "", NULL, NULL);
"", "", "", NULL, NULL);
/* Dump rule comments */
* pg_restore.c
* pg_restore is an utility extracting postgres database definitions
* from a backup archive created by pg_dump using the archiver
* interface.
* pg_restore will read the backup archive and
* dump out a script that reproduces
* the schema of the database in terms of
* user-defined types
* user-defined functions
* tables
* indices
* aggregates
* operators
* ACL - grant/revoke
* the output script is SQL that is understood by PostgreSQL
* Basic process in a restore operation is:
* Open the Archive and read the TOC.
* Set flags in TOC entries, and *maybe* reorder them.
* Generate script to stdout
* Exit
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version. Command processing taken from original pg_dump.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "catalog/pg_language.h"
#include "catalog/pg_index.h"
#include "catalog/pg_trigger.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "strdup.h"
#include <termios.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* Forward decls */
static void usage(const char *progname);
static char* _cleanupName(char* name);
typedef struct option optType;
struct option cmdopts[] = {
{ "clean", 0, NULL, 'c' },
{ "data-only", 0, NULL, 'a' },
{ "file", 1, NULL, 'f' },
{ "format", 1, NULL, 'F' },
{ "function", 2, NULL, 'p' },
{ "index", 2, NULL, 'i'},
{ "list", 0, NULL, 'l'},
{ "no-acl", 0, NULL, 'x' },
{ "oid-order", 0, NULL, 'o'},
{ "orig-order", 0, NULL, 'O' },
{ "rearrange", 0, NULL, 'r'},
{ "schema-only", 0, NULL, 's' },
{ "table", 2, NULL, 't'},
{ "trigger", 2, NULL, 'T' },
{ "use-list", 1, NULL, 'u'},
{ "verbose", 0, NULL, 'v' },
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
int main(int argc, char **argv)
RestoreOptions *opts;
char *progname;
int c;
Archive* AH;
char *fileSpec = NULL;
opts = NewRestoreOptions();
progname = *argv;
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "acf:F:i:loOp:st:T:u:vx", cmdopts, NULL)) != EOF)
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "acf:F:i:loOp:st:T:u:vx")) != -1)
switch (c)
case 'a': /* Dump data only */
opts->dataOnly = 1;
case 'c': /* clean (i.e., drop) schema prior to
* create */
opts->dropSchema = 1;
case 'f': /* output file name */
opts->filename = strdup(optarg);
case 'F':
if (strlen(optarg) != 0)
opts->formatName = strdup(optarg);
case 'o':
opts->oidOrder = 1;
case 'O':
opts->origOrder = 1;
case 'r':
opts->rearrange = 1;
case 'p': /* Function */
opts->selTypes = 1;
opts->selFunction = 1;
opts->functionNames = _cleanupName(optarg);
case 'i': /* Index */
opts->selTypes = 1;
opts->selIndex = 1;
opts->indexNames = _cleanupName(optarg);
case 'T': /* Trigger */
opts->selTypes = 1;
opts->selTrigger = 1;
opts->triggerNames = _cleanupName(optarg);
case 's': /* dump schema only */
opts->schemaOnly = 1;
case 't': /* Dump data for this table only */
opts->selTypes = 1;
opts->selTable = 1;
opts->tableNames = _cleanupName(optarg);
case 'l': /* Dump the TOC summary */
opts->tocSummary = 1;
case 'u': /* input TOC summary file name */
opts->tocFile = strdup(optarg);
case 'v': /* verbose */
opts->verbose = 1;
case 'x': /* skip ACL dump */
opts->aclsSkip = 1;
if (optind < argc) {
fileSpec = argv[optind];
} else {
fileSpec = NULL;
if (opts->formatName) {
switch (opts->formatName[0]) {
case 'c':
case 'C':
opts->format = archCustom;
case 'f':
case 'F':
opts->format = archFiles;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown archive format '%s', please specify 'f' or 'c'\n", progname, opts->formatName);
exit (1);
AH = OpenArchive(fileSpec, opts->format);
if (opts->tocFile)
SortTocFromFile(AH, opts);
if (opts->oidOrder)
else if (opts->origOrder)
if (opts->rearrange) {
MoveToEnd(AH, "TABLE DATA");
MoveToEnd(AH, "INDEX");
MoveToEnd(AH, "TRIGGER");
MoveToEnd(AH, "RULE");
MoveToEnd(AH, "ACL");
if (opts->tocSummary) {
PrintTOCSummary(AH, opts);
} else {
RestoreArchive(AH, opts);
return 1;
static void usage(const char *progname)
"usage: %s [options] [backup file]\n"
" -a, --data-only \t dump out only the data, no schema\n"
" -c, --clean \t clean(drop) schema prior to create\n"
" -f filename \t script output filename\n"
" -F, --format {c|f} \t specify backup file format\n"
" -p, --function[=name] \t dump functions or named function\n"
" -i, --index[=name] \t dump indexes or named index\n"
" -l, --list \t dump summarized TOC for this file\n"
" -o, --oid-order \t dump in oid order\n"
" -O, --orig-order \t dump in original dump order\n"
" -r, --rearrange \t rearrange output to put indexes etc at end\n"
" -s, --schema-only \t dump out only the schema, no data\n"
" -t [table], --table[=table] \t dump for this table only\n"
" -T, --trigger[=name] \t dump triggers or named trigger\n"
" -u, --use-list filename \t use specified TOC for ordering output from this file\n"
" -v \t verbose\n"
" -x, --no-acl \t skip dumping of ACLs (grant/revoke)\n"
, progname);
"usage: %s [options] [backup file]\n"
" -a \t dump out only the data, no schema\n"
" -c \t clean(drop) schema prior to create\n"
" -f filename NOT IMPLEMENTED \t script output filename\n"
" -F {c|f} \t specify backup file format\n"
" -p name \t dump functions or named function\n"
" -i name \t dump indexes or named index\n"
" -l \t dump summarized TOC for this file\n"
" -o \t dump in oid order\n"
" -O \t dump in original dump order\n"
" -r \t rearrange output to put indexes etc at end\n"
" -s \t dump out only the schema, no data\n"
" -t name \t dump for this table only\n"
" -T name \t dump triggers or named trigger\n"
" -u filename \t use specified TOC for ordering output from this file\n"
" -v \t verbose\n"
" -x \t skip dumping of ACLs (grant/revoke)\n"
, progname);
"\nIf [backup file] is not supplied, then standard input "
"is used.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static char* _cleanupName(char* name)
int i;
if (!name)
return NULL;
if (strlen(name) == 0)
return NULL;
name = strdup(name);
if (name[0] == '"')
strcpy(name, &name[1]);
if (*(name + strlen(name) - 1) == '"')
*(name + strlen(name) - 1) = '\0';
/* otherwise, convert table name to lowercase... */
for (i = 0; name[i]; i++)
if (isascii((unsigned char) name[i]) && isupper(name[i]))
name[i] = tolower(name[i]);
return name;
* pg_restore.c
* pg_restore is an utility extracting postgres database definitions
* from a backup archive created by pg_dump using the archiver
* interface.
* pg_restore will read the backup archive and
* dump out a script that reproduces
* the schema of the database in terms of
* user-defined types
* user-defined functions
* tables
* indices
* aggregates
* operators
* ACL - grant/revoke
* the output script is SQL that is understood by PostgreSQL
* Basic process in a restore operation is:
* Open the Archive and read the TOC.
* Set flags in TOC entries, and *maybe* reorder them.
* Generate script to stdout
* Exit
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version. Command processing taken from original pg_dump.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "catalog/pg_language.h"
#include "catalog/pg_index.h"
#include "catalog/pg_trigger.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "strdup.h"
#include <termios.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* Forward decls */
static void usage(const char *progname);
static char* _cleanupName(char* name);
typedef struct option optType;
struct option cmdopts[] = {
{ "clean", 0, NULL, 'c' },
{ "data-only", 0, NULL, 'a' },
{ "dbname", 1, NULL, 'd' },
{ "file", 1, NULL, 'f' },
{ "format", 1, NULL, 'F' },
{ "function", 2, NULL, 'P' },
{ "host", 1, NULL, 'h' },
{ "ignore-version", 0, NULL, 'i'},
{ "index", 2, NULL, 'I'},
{ "list", 0, NULL, 'l'},
{ "no-acl", 0, NULL, 'x' },
{ "port", 1, NULL, 'p' },
{ "oid-order", 0, NULL, 'o'},
{ "orig-order", 0, NULL, 'O' },
{ "password", 0, NULL, 'u' },
{ "rearrange", 0, NULL, 'r'},
{ "schema-only", 0, NULL, 's' },
{ "table", 2, NULL, 't'},
{ "trigger", 2, NULL, 'T' },
{ "use-list", 1, NULL, 'U'},
{ "verbose", 0, NULL, 'v' },
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
int main(int argc, char **argv)
RestoreOptions *opts;
char *progname;
int c;
Archive* AH;
char *fileSpec = NULL;
opts = NewRestoreOptions();
progname = *argv;
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "acd:f:F:h:i:loOp:st:T:u:U:vx", cmdopts, NULL)) != EOF)
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "acd:f:F:h:i:loOp:st:T:u:U:vx")) != -1)
switch (c)
case 'a': /* Dump data only */
opts->dataOnly = 1;
case 'c': /* clean (i.e., drop) schema prior to
* create */
opts->dropSchema = 1;
case 'd':
if (strlen(optarg) != 0)
opts->dbname = strdup(optarg);
opts->useDB = 1;
case 'f': /* output file name */
opts->filename = strdup(optarg);
case 'F':
if (strlen(optarg) != 0)
opts->formatName = strdup(optarg);
case 'h':
if (strlen(optarg) != 0)
opts->pghost = strdup(optarg);
case 'i':
opts->ignoreVersion = 1;
case 'o':
opts->oidOrder = 1;
case 'O':
opts->origOrder = 1;
case 'p':
if (strlen(optarg) != 0)
opts->pgport = strdup(optarg);
case 'r':
opts->rearrange = 1;
case 'P': /* Function */
opts->selTypes = 1;
opts->selFunction = 1;
opts->functionNames = _cleanupName(optarg);
case 'I': /* Index */
opts->selTypes = 1;
opts->selIndex = 1;
opts->indexNames = _cleanupName(optarg);
case 'T': /* Trigger */
opts->selTypes = 1;
opts->selTrigger = 1;
opts->triggerNames = _cleanupName(optarg);
case 's': /* dump schema only */
opts->schemaOnly = 1;
case 't': /* Dump data for this table only */
opts->selTypes = 1;
opts->selTable = 1;
opts->tableNames = _cleanupName(optarg);
case 'l': /* Dump the TOC summary */
opts->tocSummary = 1;
case 'u':
opts->requirePassword = 1;
case 'U': /* input TOC summary file name */
opts->tocFile = strdup(optarg);
case 'v': /* verbose */
opts->verbose = 1;
case 'x': /* skip ACL dump */
opts->aclsSkip = 1;
if (optind < argc) {
fileSpec = argv[optind];
} else {
fileSpec = NULL;
if (opts->formatName) {
switch (opts->formatName[0]) {
case 'c':
case 'C':
opts->format = archCustom;
case 'f':
case 'F':
opts->format = archFiles;
case 't':
case 'T':
opts->format = archTar;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown archive format '%s', please specify 't' or 'c'\n",
progname, opts->formatName);
exit (1);
AH = OpenArchive(fileSpec, opts->format);
/* Let the archiver know how noisy to be */
AH->verbose = opts->verbose;
if (opts->tocFile)
SortTocFromFile(AH, opts);
if (opts->oidOrder)
else if (opts->origOrder)
if (opts->rearrange) {
MoveToStart(AH, "<Init>");
MoveToEnd(AH, "TABLE DATA");
MoveToEnd(AH, "BLOBS");
MoveToEnd(AH, "INDEX");
MoveToEnd(AH, "TRIGGER");
MoveToEnd(AH, "RULE");
MoveToEnd(AH, "ACL");
if (opts->tocSummary) {
PrintTOCSummary(AH, opts);
} else {
RestoreArchive(AH, opts);
return 1;
static void usage(const char *progname)
"usage: %s [options] [backup file]\n"
" -a, --data-only \t dump out only the data, no schema\n"
" -d, --dbname <name> \t specify database name\n"
" -c, --clean \t clean(drop) schema prior to create\n"
" -f filename \t script output filename\n"
" -F, --format {c|f} \t specify backup file format\n"
" -h, --host <hostname> \t server host name\n"
" -i, --index[=name] \t dump indexes or named index\n"
" -l, --list \t dump summarized TOC for this file\n"
" -o, --oid-order \t dump in oid order\n"
" -O, --orig-order \t dump in original dump order\n"
" -p, --port <port> \t server port number\n"
" -P, --function[=name] \t dump functions or named function\n"
" -r, --rearrange \t rearrange output to put indexes etc at end\n"
" -s, --schema-only \t dump out only the schema, no data\n"
" -t [table], --table[=table] \t dump for this table only\n"
" -T, --trigger[=name] \t dump triggers or named trigger\n"
" -u, --password \t use password authentication\n"
" -U, --use-list filename \t use specified TOC for ordering output from this file\n"
" -v, --verbose \t verbose\n"
" -x, --no-acl \t skip dumping of ACLs (grant/revoke)\n"
, progname);
"usage: %s [options] [backup file]\n"
" -a \t dump out only the data, no schema\n"
" -d, <name> \t specify database name\n"
" -c \t clean(drop) schema prior to create\n"
" -f filename NOT IMPLEMENTED \t script output filename\n"
" -F {c|f} \t specify backup file format\n"
" -h, <hostname> \t server host name\n"
" -i name \t dump indexes or named index\n"
" -l \t dump summarized TOC for this file\n"
" -o \t dump in oid order\n"
" -O \t dump in original dump order\n"
" -p <port> \t server port number\n"
" -P name \t dump functions or named function\n"
" -r \t rearrange output to put indexes etc at end\n"
" -s \t dump out only the schema, no data\n"
" -t name \t dump for this table only\n"
" -T name \t dump triggers or named trigger\n"
" -u \t use password authentication\n"
" -U filename \t use specified TOC for ordering output from this file\n"
" -v \t verbose\n"
" -x \t skip dumping of ACLs (grant/revoke)\n"
, progname);
"\nIf [backup file] is not supplied, then standard input "
"is used.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static char* _cleanupName(char* name)
int i;
if (!name)
return NULL;
if (strlen(name) == 0)
return NULL;
name = strdup(name);
if (name[0] == '"')
strcpy(name, &name[1]);
if (*(name + strlen(name) - 1) == '"')
*(name + strlen(name) - 1) = '\0';
/* otherwise, convert table name to lowercase... */
for (i = 0; name[i]; i++)
if (isascii((unsigned char) name[i]) && isupper(name[i]))
name[i] = tolower(name[i]);
return name;
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