Commit e6c63bf6 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Refactor ecpg grammar so that it uses the core grammar's unreserved_keyword

list, minus a few specific words that have to be treated specially.  This
replaces a hard-wired list of keywords that would have needed manual
maintenance, and was not getting it.  The 8.4 coding was already missing
these words, causing ecpg to incorrectly treat them as reserved words:
Per gripe from Bosco Rama.
parent 7fc0f062
/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.trailer,v 1.14 2009/11/11 20:31:26 alvherre Exp $ */
/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.trailer,v 1.15 2009/11/21 05:44:05 tgl Exp $ */
statements: /*EMPTY*/
| statements statement
......@@ -1433,40 +1433,73 @@ symbol: ColLabel { $$ = $1; }
ECPGColId: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; }
| unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| col_name_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGunreserved_interval { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGunreserved_con { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGKeywords { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; }
| CHAR_P { $$ = make_str("char"); }
| VALUES { $$ = make_str("values"); }
* Name classification hierarchy.
* These productions should match those in the core grammar, except that
* we use all_unreserved_keyword instead of unreserved_keyword, and
* where possible include ECPG keywords as well as core keywords.
/* Column identifier --- names that can be column, table, etc names.
ColId: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; }
| all_unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| col_name_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGKeywords { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; }
| CHAR_P { $$ = make_str("char"); }
| VALUES { $$ = make_str("values"); }
/* Type/function identifier --- names that can be type or function names.
type_function_name: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; }
| all_unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| type_func_name_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGKeywords { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGTypeName { $$ = $1; }
/* Column label --- allowed labels in "AS" clauses.
* This presently includes *all* Postgres keywords.
ColLabel: ECPGColLabel { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGTypeName { $$ = $1; }
| CHAR_P { $$ = make_str("char"); }
| CURRENT_P { $$ = make_str("current"); }
| INPUT_P { $$ = make_str("input"); }
| INT_P { $$ = make_str("int"); }
| UNION { $$ = make_str("union"); }
| TO { $$ = make_str("to"); }
| UNION { $$ = make_str("union"); }
| VALUES { $$ = make_str("values"); }
| ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGunreserved_interval { $$ = $1; }
ECPGColLabel: ECPGColLabelCommon { $$ = $1; }
| unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| reserved_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGKeywords_rest { $$ = $1; }
| CONNECTION { $$ = make_str("connection"); }
ECPGColLabelCommon: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; }
| col_name_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| type_func_name_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGKeywords_vanames { $$ = $1; }
ECPGColLabel: ECPGColLabelCommon { $$ = $1; }
| reserved_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGunreserved { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGKeywords_rest { $$ = $1; }
ECPGCKeywords: S_AUTO { $$ = make_str("auto"); }
| S_CONST { $$ = make_str("const"); }
| S_EXTERN { $$ = make_str("extern"); }
......@@ -1476,22 +1509,24 @@ ECPGCKeywords: S_AUTO { $$ = make_str("auto"); }
| S_VOLATILE { $$ = make_str("volatile"); }
* Keyword classification lists. Generally, every keyword present in
* the Postgres grammar should appear in exactly one of these lists.
* Put a new keyword into the first list that it can go into without causing
* shift or reduce conflicts. The earlier lists define "less reserved"
* categories of keywords.
/* "Unreserved" keywords --- available for use as any kind of name.
/* The following symbols must be excluded from ECPGColLabel and directly included into ColLabel
to enable C variables to get names from ECPGColLabel:
* The following symbols must be excluded from ECPGColLabel and directly
* included into ColLabel to enable C variables to get names from ECPGColLabel:
* We also have to exclude CONNECTION, CURRENT, and INPUT for various reasons.
* CONNECTION can be added back in all_unreserved_keyword, but CURRENT and
* INPUT are reserved for ecpg purposes.
* The mentioned exclusions are done by $replace_line settings in
unreserved_keyword: ECPGunreserved_interval | ECPGunreserved;
all_unreserved_keyword: unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; }
| ECPGunreserved_interval { $$ = $1; }
| CONNECTION { $$ = make_str("connection"); }
ECPGunreserved_interval: DAY_P { $$ = make_str("day"); }
| HOUR_P { $$ = make_str("hour"); }
......@@ -1501,246 +1536,6 @@ ECPGunreserved_interval: DAY_P { $$ = make_str("day"); }
| YEAR_P { $$ = make_str("year"); }
/* The following symbol must be excluded from var_name but still included in ColId
to enable ecpg special postgresql variables with this name: CONNECTION
ECPGunreserved: ECPGunreserved_con { $$ = $1; }
| CONNECTION { $$ = make_str("connection"); }
ECPGunreserved_con: ABORT_P { $$ = make_str("abort"); }
| ABSOLUTE_P { $$ = make_str("absolute"); }
| ACCESS { $$ = make_str("access"); }
| ACTION { $$ = make_str("action"); }
| ADD_P { $$ = make_str("add"); }
| ADMIN { $$ = make_str("admin"); }
| AFTER { $$ = make_str("after"); }
| AGGREGATE { $$ = make_str("aggregate"); }
| ALSO { $$ = make_str("also"); }
| ALTER { $$ = make_str("alter"); }
| ALWAYS { $$ = make_str("always"); }
| ASSERTION { $$ = make_str("assertion"); }
| ASSIGNMENT { $$ = make_str("assignment"); }
| AT { $$ = make_str("at"); }
| BACKWARD { $$ = make_str("backward"); }
| BEFORE { $$ = make_str("before"); }
| BEGIN_P { $$ = make_str("begin"); }
| BY { $$ = make_str("by"); }
| CACHE { $$ = make_str("cache"); }
| CASCADE { $$ = make_str("cascade"); }
| CASCADED { $$ = make_str("cascaded"); }
| CHAIN { $$ = make_str("chain"); }
| CHARACTERISTICS { $$ = make_str("characteristics"); }
| CHECKPOINT { $$ = make_str("checkpoint"); }
| CLASS { $$ = make_str("class"); }
| CLOSE { $$ = make_str("close"); }
| CLUSTER { $$ = make_str("cluster"); }
| COMMENT { $$ = make_str("comment"); }
| COMMIT { $$ = make_str("commit"); }
| COMMITTED { $$ = make_str("committed"); }
| CONCURRENTLY { $$ = make_str("concurrently"); }
| CONFIGURATION { $$ = make_str("configuration"); }
/* | CONNECTION { $$ = make_str("connection"); }*/
| CONSTRAINTS { $$ = make_str("constraints"); }
| CONTENT_P { $$ = make_str("content"); }
| CONTINUE_P { $$ = make_str("continue"); }
| CONVERSION_P { $$ = make_str("conversion"); }
| COPY { $$ = make_str("copy"); }
| COST { $$ = make_str("cost"); }
| CREATEDB { $$ = make_str("createdb"); }
| CREATEROLE { $$ = make_str("createrole"); }
| CREATEUSER { $$ = make_str("createuser"); }
| CSV { $$ = make_str("csv"); }
| CURSOR { $$ = make_str("cursor"); }
| CYCLE { $$ = make_str("cycle"); }
| DATA_P { $$ = make_str("data"); }
| DATABASE { $$ = make_str("database"); }
/* | DAY_P { $$ = make_str("day"); }*/
| DEALLOCATE { $$ = make_str("deallocate"); }
| DECLARE { $$ = make_str("declare"); }
| DEFAULTS { $$ = make_str("defaults"); }
| DEFERRED { $$ = make_str("deferred"); }
| DELETE_P { $$ = make_str("delete"); }
| DELIMITER { $$ = make_str("delimiter"); }
| DELIMITERS { $$ = make_str("delimiters"); }
| DICTIONARY { $$ = make_str("dictionary"); }
| DISABLE_P { $$ = make_str("disable"); }
| DISCARD { $$ = make_str("discard"); }
| DOCUMENT_P { $$ = make_str("document"); }
| DOMAIN_P { $$ = make_str("domain"); }
| DOUBLE_P { $$ = make_str("double"); }
| DROP { $$ = make_str("drop"); }
| EACH { $$ = make_str("each"); }
| ENABLE_P { $$ = make_str("enable"); }
| ENCODING { $$ = make_str("encoding"); }
| ENCRYPTED { $$ = make_str("encrypted"); }
/* | ENUM_P { $$ = make_str("enum"); }*/
| ESCAPE { $$ = make_str("escape"); }
| EXCLUDING { $$ = make_str("excluding"); }
| EXCLUSIVE { $$ = make_str("exclusive"); }
| EXECUTE { $$ = make_str("execute"); }
| EXPLAIN { $$ = make_str("explain"); }
| EXTERNAL { $$ = make_str("external"); }
| FAMILY { $$ = make_str("family"); }
/* | FETCH { $$ = make_str("fetch"); }*/
| FIRST_P { $$ = make_str("first"); }
| FORCE { $$ = make_str("force"); }
| FORWARD { $$ = make_str("forward"); }
| FUNCTION { $$ = make_str("function"); }
| GLOBAL { $$ = make_str("global"); }
| GRANTED { $$ = make_str("granted"); }
| HANDLER { $$ = make_str("handler"); }
| HEADER_P { $$ = make_str("header"); }
| HOLD { $$ = make_str("hold"); }
/* | HOUR_P { $$ = make_str("hour"); }*/
| IDENTITY_P { $$ = make_str("identity"); }
| IF_P { $$ = make_str("if"); }
| IMMEDIATE { $$ = make_str("immediate"); }
| IMMUTABLE { $$ = make_str("immutable"); }
| IMPLICIT_P { $$ = make_str("implicit"); }
| INCLUDING { $$ = make_str("including"); }
| INCREMENT { $$ = make_str("increment"); }
| INDEX { $$ = make_str("index"); }
| INDEXES { $$ = make_str("indexes"); }
| INHERIT { $$ = make_str("inherit"); }
| INHERITS { $$ = make_str("inherits"); }
| INLINE_P { $$ = make_str("inline"); }
| INSENSITIVE { $$ = make_str("insensitive"); }
| INSERT { $$ = make_str("insert"); }
| INSTEAD { $$ = make_str("instead"); }
| ISOLATION { $$ = make_str("isolation"); }
| KEY { $$ = make_str("key"); }
| LANGUAGE { $$ = make_str("language"); }
| LARGE_P { $$ = make_str("large"); }
| LAST_P { $$ = make_str("last"); }
| LC_COLLATE_P { $$ = make_str("lc_collate"); }
| LC_CTYPE_P { $$ = make_str("lc_ctype"); }
| LEVEL { $$ = make_str("level"); }
| LISTEN { $$ = make_str("listen"); }
| LOAD { $$ = make_str("load"); }
| LOCAL { $$ = make_str("local"); }
| LOCATION { $$ = make_str("location"); }
| LOCK_P { $$ = make_str("lock"); }
| LOGIN_P { $$ = make_str("login"); }
| MAPPING { $$ = make_str("mapping"); }
| MATCH { $$ = make_str("match"); }
| MAXVALUE { $$ = make_str("maxvalue"); }
/* | MINUTE_P { $$ = make_str("minute"); }*/
| MINVALUE { $$ = make_str("minvalue"); }
| MODE { $$ = make_str("mode"); }
/* | MONTH_P { $$ = make_str("month"); }*/
| MOVE { $$ = make_str("move"); }
| NAME_P { $$ = make_str("name"); }
| NAMES { $$ = make_str("names"); }
| NEXT { $$ = make_str("next"); }
| NO { $$ = make_str("no"); }
| NOCREATEDB { $$ = make_str("nocreatedb"); }
| NOCREATEROLE { $$ = make_str("nocreaterole"); }
| NOCREATEUSER { $$ = make_str("nocreateuser"); }
| NOINHERIT { $$ = make_str("noinherit"); }
| NOLOGIN_P { $$ = make_str("nologin"); }
| NOSUPERUSER { $$ = make_str("nosuperuser"); }
| NOTHING { $$ = make_str("nothing"); }
| NOTIFY { $$ = make_str("notify"); }
| NOWAIT { $$ = make_str("nowait"); }
| NULLS_P { $$ = make_str("nulls"); }
| OBJECT_P { $$ = make_str("object"); }
| OF { $$ = make_str("of"); }
| OIDS { $$ = make_str("oids"); }
| OPERATOR { $$ = make_str("operator"); }
| OPTION { $$ = make_str("option"); }
| OWNED { $$ = make_str("owned"); }
| OWNER { $$ = make_str("owner"); }
| PARSER { $$ = make_str("parser"); }
| PARTIAL { $$ = make_str("partial"); }
| PASSWORD { $$ = make_str("password"); }
| PLANS { $$ = make_str("plans"); }
| PREPARE { $$ = make_str("prepare"); }
| PREPARED { $$ = make_str("prepared"); }
| PRESERVE { $$ = make_str("preserver"); }
| PRIOR { $$ = make_str("prior"); }
| PRIVILEGES { $$ = make_str("privileges"); }
| PROCEDURAL { $$ = make_str("procedural"); }
| PROCEDURE { $$ = make_str("procedure"); }
| QUOTE { $$ = make_str("quote"); }
| READ { $$ = make_str("read"); }
| REASSIGN { $$ = make_str("reassign"); }
| RECHECK { $$ = make_str("recheck"); }
| RECURSIVE { $$ = make_str("recursive"); }
| REINDEX { $$ = make_str("reindex"); }
| RELATIVE_P { $$ = make_str("relative"); }
| RELEASE { $$ = make_str("release"); }
| RENAME { $$ = make_str("rename"); }
| REPEATABLE { $$ = make_str("repeatable"); }
| REPLACE { $$ = make_str("replace"); }
| REPLICA { $$ = make_str("replica"); }
| RESET { $$ = make_str("reset"); }
| RESTART { $$ = make_str("restart"); }
| RESTRICT { $$ = make_str("restrict"); }
| RETURNS { $$ = make_str("returns"); }
| REVOKE { $$ = make_str("revoke"); }
| ROLE { $$ = make_str("role"); }
| ROLLBACK { $$ = make_str("rollback"); }
| ROWS { $$ = make_str("rows"); }
| RULE { $$ = make_str("rule"); }
| SAVEPOINT { $$ = make_str("savepoint"); }
| SCHEMA { $$ = make_str("schema"); }
| SCROLL { $$ = make_str("scroll"); }
| SEARCH { $$ = make_str("search"); }
/* | SECOND_P { $$ = make_str("second"); }*/
| SEQUENCE { $$ = make_str("sequence"); }
| SERIALIZABLE { $$ = make_str("serializable"); }
| SESSION { $$ = make_str("session"); }
| SET { $$ = make_str("set"); }
| SHARE { $$ = make_str("share"); }
| SHOW { $$ = make_str("show"); }
| SIMPLE { $$ = make_str("simple"); }
| STABLE { $$ = make_str("stable"); }
| STANDALONE_P { $$ = make_str("standalone"); }
| START { $$ = make_str("start"); }
| STATEMENT { $$ = make_str("statement"); }
| STATISTICS { $$ = make_str("statistics"); }
| STDIN { $$ = make_str("stdin"); }
| STDOUT { $$ = make_str("stdout"); }
| STORAGE { $$ = make_str("storage"); }
| STRICT_P { $$ = make_str("strict"); }
| STRIP_P { $$ = make_str("strip"); }
| SUPERUSER_P { $$ = make_str("superuser"); }
| SYSTEM_P { $$ = make_str("system"); }
| SYSID { $$ = make_str("sysid"); }
| TABLESPACE { $$ = make_str("tablespace"); }
| TEMP { $$ = make_str("temp"); }
| TEMPLATE { $$ = make_str("template"); }
| TEMPORARY { $$ = make_str("temporary"); }
| TEXT_P { $$ = make_str("text"); }
| TRANSACTION { $$ = make_str("transaction"); }
| TRIGGER { $$ = make_str("trigger"); }
| TRUNCATE { $$ = make_str("truncate"); }
| TRUSTED { $$ = make_str("trusted"); }
| TYPE_P { $$ = make_str("type"); }
| UNCOMMITTED { $$ = make_str("uncommitted"); }
| UNENCRYPTED { $$ = make_str("unencrypted"); }
| UNKNOWN { $$ = make_str("unknown"); }
| UNLISTEN { $$ = make_str("unlisten"); }
| UNTIL { $$ = make_str("until"); }
| UPDATE { $$ = make_str("update"); }
| VACUUM { $$ = make_str("vacuum"); }
| VALID { $$ = make_str("valid"); }
| VALIDATOR { $$ = make_str("validator"); }
| VALUE_P { $$ = make_str("value"); }
| VARYING { $$ = make_str("varying"); }
| VERSION_P { $$ = make_str("version"); }
| VIEW { $$ = make_str("view"); }
| VOLATILE { $$ = make_str("volatile"); }
| WHITESPACE_P { $$ = make_str("whitespace"); }
| WITHOUT { $$ = make_str("without"); }
| WORK { $$ = make_str("work"); }
| WRITE { $$ = make_str("write"); }
| XML_P { $$ = make_str("xml"); }
| YES_P { $$ = make_str("yes"); }
/* | YEAR_P { $$ = make_str("year"); }*/
| ZONE { $$ = make_str("zone"); }
into_list : coutputvariable | into_list ',' coutputvariable
/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.type,v 1.2 2009/11/05 23:24:27 tgl Exp $ */
/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.type,v 1.3 2009/11/21 05:44:05 tgl Exp $ */
%type <str> ECPGAllocateDescr
%type <str> ECPGCKeywords
%type <str> ECPGColId
......@@ -30,11 +30,10 @@
%type <str> ECPGVar
%type <str> ECPGVarDeclaration
%type <str> ECPGWhenever
%type <str> ECPGunreserved
%type <str> ECPGunreserved_con
%type <str> ECPGunreserved_interval
%type <str> UsingConst
%type <str> UsingValue
%type <str> all_unreserved_keyword
%type <str> c_anything
%type <str> c_args
%type <str> c_list
......@@ -45,6 +44,7 @@
%type <str> char_variable
%type <str> civar
%type <str> civarind
%type <str> ColId
%type <str> ColLabel
%type <str> connect_options
%type <str> connection_object
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
%type <str> struct_union_type_with_symbol
%type <str> symbol
%type <str> type_declaration
%type <str> unreserved_keyword
%type <str> type_function_name
%type <str> user_name
%type <str> using_descriptor
%type <str> var_declaration
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/,v 1.4 2009/11/05 23:24:27 tgl Exp $
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/,v 1.5 2009/11/21 05:44:05 tgl Exp $
# parser generater for ecpg
# call with backend parser as stdin
......@@ -51,18 +51,31 @@ $replace_types{'stmtblock'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'stmtmulti'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'CreateAsStmt'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'DeallocateStmt'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'ColId'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'type_function_name'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'ColLabel'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'unreserved_keyword'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'Sconst'} = 'ignore';
# some production rules have to be ignored or replaced
$replace_line{'fetch_direction'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{"opt_array_boundsopt_array_bounds'['Iconst']'"} = 'ignore';
# these replace_line commands excise certain keywords from the core keyword
# lists. Be sure to account for these in ColLabel and related productions.
$replace_line{'unreserved_keywordCONNECTION'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'unreserved_keywordCURRENT_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'unreserved_keywordDAY_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'unreserved_keywordHOUR_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'unreserved_keywordINPUT_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'unreserved_keywordMINUTE_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'unreserved_keywordMONTH_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'unreserved_keywordSECOND_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'unreserved_keywordYEAR_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'col_name_keywordCHAR_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'col_name_keywordINT_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'col_name_keywordVALUES'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'reserved_keywordTO'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'reserved_keywordUNION'} = 'ignore';
# some other production rules have to be ignored or replaced
$replace_line{'fetch_direction'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{"opt_array_boundsopt_array_bounds'['Iconst']'"} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'VariableShowStmtSHOWvar_name'} = 'SHOW var_name ecpg_into';
$replace_line{'VariableShowStmtSHOWTIMEZONE'} = 'SHOW TIME ZONE ecpg_into';
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