Commit e67e399f authored by Marc G. Fournier's avatar Marc G. Fournier

Add man page for oracle compatibility functions

By Edmund
parent e2ab435e
.\" This is -*-nroff-*-
.\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here....
.\" $Id: oracle_compat.3,v 1.1 1997/03/07 00:47:41 scrappy Exp $
.TH ORACLE_COMPAT SQL 03/06/97 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
This is a set of single row character functions, defined for the datatype
text. They are supposed to behave exactly as their Oracle counterparts.
The following functions have been implemented:
.B LOWER(string)
Returns string, with all letters forced to lowercase.
.B UPPER(string)
Returns string, with all letters forced to uppercase.
.B INITCAP(string)
Returns string, with first letter of each word in uppercase,
all other letters in lowercase. A word is delimited by white
.B LPAD(string1, len [,string2])
Returns string1, left-padded to length len with the sequence
of characters in string2. string2 defaults to blanks.
.B RPAD(string1, len [,string2])
Returns string1, right-padded to length len with the sequence
of characters in string2. string2 defaults to blanks.
.B LTRIM(string [,set])
Returns string with initial characters removed up to the first
character not in set. set defaults to blanks.
.B RTRIM(string [,set])
Returns string with final characters removed after the last
character not in set. set defaults to blanks.
.B SUBSTR(string, m [,n])
Returns a portion of string, beginning at character m, n
characters long. If n is omitted, to the end of the string.
The first position of string is 1.
.B TRANSLATE(string, from, to)
Returns string after replacing all occurences of from with
the corresponding character in to. TRANSLATE will not remove
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