Enables Native Language Support (<acronym>NLS</acronym>),
todisplayaprogram's messages in a language other than
that is, the ability to display a program's messages in a
English. <replaceable>LANGUAGES</replaceable> is a space
language other than English.
separated list of codes of the languages that you want
<replaceable>LANGUAGES</replaceable> is a space separated
supported, for example <literal>--enable-nls='defr'</>.
list of codes of the languages that you want supported, for
(The intersection between your list and the set
example <literal>--enable-nls='de fr'</>. (The intersection
of actually provided translations will be computed
between your list and the set of actually provided
automatically.) If you do not specify a list, then all available
translations will be computed automatically.) If you do not
translations are installed.
specify a list, then all available translations are
The list of provided translations should be shown somewhere.
To use this option, you will need an implementation of the
To use this option, you will need an implementation of the
<application>gettext</> API. Some operating systems have this built-in
<application>gettext</> API; see above.
(e.g., <systemitem class="osname">Linux</>, <systemitem class="osname">NetBSD</>, <systemitem class="osname">Solaris</>), for other systems you can download