Commit d1eb9fed authored by Teodor Sigaev's avatar Teodor Sigaev

Use regprocedure type instead of oid. Usefull for human read and dump/restore

parent 573aaa52
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ BEGIN;
--dict conf
CREATE TABLE pg_ts_dict (
dict_name text not null primary key,
dict_init oid,
dict_init regprocedure,
dict_initoption text,
dict_lexize oid not null,
dict_lexize regprocedure not null,
dict_comment text
) with oids;
......@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ insert into pg_ts_dict select
--dict conf
CREATE TABLE pg_ts_parser (
prs_name text not null primary key,
prs_start oid not null,
prs_nexttoken oid not null,
prs_end oid not null,
prs_headline oid not null,
prs_lextype oid not null,
prs_start regprocedure not null,
prs_nexttoken regprocedure not null,
prs_end regprocedure not null,
prs_headline regprocedure not null,
prs_lextype regprocedure not null,
prs_comment text
) with oids;
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