Commit d03a933e authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Fix performance problems with pg_index lookups (see, for example,

discussion of 5/19/00).  pg_index is now searched for indexes of a
relation using an indexscan.  Moreover, this is done once and cached
in the relcache entry for the relation, in the form of a list of OIDs
for the indexes.  This list is used by the parser and executor to drive
lookups in the pg_index syscache when they want to know the properties
of the indexes.  Net result: index information will be fully cached
for repetitive operations such as inserts.
parent 9cf80f2f
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/catalog/index.c,v 1.116 2000/06/17 04:56:36 tgl Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/catalog/index.c,v 1.117 2000/06/17 21:48:39 tgl Exp $
......@@ -1105,6 +1105,7 @@ index_create(char *heapRelationName,
index_drop(Oid indexId)
Oid heapId;
Relation userHeapRelation;
Relation userIndexRelation;
Relation indexRelation;
......@@ -1125,8 +1126,8 @@ index_drop(Oid indexId)
* else other backends will still see this index in pg_index.
* ----------------
userHeapRelation = heap_open(IndexGetRelation(indexId),
heapId = IndexGetRelation(indexId);
userHeapRelation = heap_open(heapId, AccessExclusiveLock);
userIndexRelation = index_open(indexId);
LockRelation(userIndexRelation, AccessExclusiveLock);
......@@ -1158,6 +1159,7 @@ index_drop(Oid indexId)
relationRelation = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
/* Remove the pg_class tuple for the index itself */
tuple = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(RELOID,
0, 0, 0);
......@@ -1166,6 +1168,23 @@ index_drop(Oid indexId)
heap_delete(relationRelation, &tuple->t_self, NULL);
* Find the pg_class tuple for the owning relation. We do not attempt
* to clear relhasindex, since we are too lazy to test whether any other
* indexes remain (the next VACUUM will fix it if necessary). But we
* must send out a shared-cache-inval notice on the owning relation
* to ensure other backends update their relcache lists of indexes.
tuple = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(RELOID,
0, 0, 0);
ImmediateInvalidateSharedHeapTuple(relationRelation, tuple);
heap_close(relationRelation, RowExclusiveLock);
/* ----------------
......@@ -1447,9 +1466,6 @@ setRelhasindexInplace(Oid relid, bool hasindex, bool immediate)
if (pg_class_scan)
if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
ImmediateInvalidateSharedHeapTuple(pg_class, tuple);
rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
rd_rel->relhasindex = hasindex;
......@@ -1461,12 +1477,18 @@ setRelhasindexInplace(Oid relid, bool hasindex, bool immediate)
htup.t_self = tuple->t_self;
heap_fetch(pg_class, SnapshotNow, &htup, &buffer);
ImmediateInvalidateSharedHeapTuple(pg_class, tuple);
rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(&htup);
rd_rel->relhasindex = hasindex;
* Send out a shared-cache-inval message so other backends notice the
* update and fix their syscaches/relcaches.
if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
ImmediateInvalidateSharedHeapTuple(pg_class, tuple);
if (!pg_class_scan)
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/copy.c,v 1.114 2000/06/15 03:32:07 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/copy.c,v 1.115 2000/06/17 21:48:42 tgl Exp $
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
......@@ -1081,78 +1082,43 @@ IsTypeByVal(Oid type)
* Space for the array itself is palloc'ed.
typedef struct rel_list
Oid index_rel_oid;
struct rel_list *next;
} RelationList;
static void
GetIndexRelations(Oid main_relation_oid,
int *n_indices,
Relation **index_rels)
RelationList *head,
Relation pg_index_rel;
HeapScanDesc scandesc;
Oid index_relation_oid;
HeapTuple tuple;
TupleDesc tupDesc;
Relation relation;
List *indexoidlist,
int i;
bool isnull;
pg_index_rel = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);
scandesc = heap_beginscan(pg_index_rel, 0, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
tupDesc = RelationGetDescr(pg_index_rel);
relation = heap_open(main_relation_oid, AccessShareLock);
indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);
*n_indices = 0;
head = (RelationList *) palloc(sizeof(RelationList));
scan = head;
head->next = NULL;
while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scandesc, 0)))
index_relation_oid = (Oid) DatumGetInt32(heap_getattr(tuple, 2,
tupDesc, &isnull));
if (index_relation_oid == main_relation_oid)
scan->index_rel_oid = (Oid) DatumGetInt32(heap_getattr(tuple,
tupDesc, &isnull));
scan->next = (RelationList *) palloc(sizeof(RelationList));
scan = scan->next;
heap_close(pg_index_rel, AccessShareLock);
/* We cannot trust to relhasindex of the main_relation now, so... */
if (*n_indices == 0)
*n_indices = length(indexoidlist);
if (*n_indices > 0)
*index_rels = (Relation *) palloc(*n_indices * sizeof(Relation));
*index_rels = NULL;
for (i = 0, scan = head; i < *n_indices; i++, scan = scan->next)
i = 0;
foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist)
(*index_rels)[i] = index_open(scan->index_rel_oid);
Oid indexoid = lfirsti(indexoidscan);
Relation index = index_open(indexoid);
/* see comments in ExecOpenIndices() in execUtils.c */
if ((*index_rels)[i] != NULL &&
((*index_rels)[i])->rd_rel->relam != BTREE_AM_OID &&
((*index_rels)[i])->rd_rel->relam != HASH_AM_OID)
LockRelation((*index_rels)[i], AccessExclusiveLock);
if (index != NULL &&
index->rd_rel->relam != BTREE_AM_OID &&
index->rd_rel->relam != HASH_AM_OID)
LockRelation(index, AccessExclusiveLock);
(*index_rels)[i] = index;
for (i = 0, scan = head; i < *n_indices + 1; i++)
scan = head->next;
head = scan;
heap_close(relation, AccessShareLock);
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/indexcmds.c,v 1.29 2000/06/15 03:32:07 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/indexcmds.c,v 1.30 2000/06/17 21:48:42 tgl Exp $
......@@ -221,6 +221,13 @@ DefineIndex(char *heapRelationName,
lossy, unique, primary);
* We update the relation's pg_class tuple even if it already has
* relhasindex = true. This is needed to cause a shared-cache-inval
* message to be sent for the pg_class tuple, which will cause other
* backends to flush their relcache entries and in particular their
* cached lists of the indexes for this relation.
setRelhasindexInplace(relationId, true, false);
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/vacuum.c,v 1.159 2000/05/29 17:40:43 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/vacuum.c,v 1.160 2000/06/17 21:48:43 tgl Exp $
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ static void update_relstats(Oid relid, int num_pages, int num_tuples, bool hasin
static VacPage tid_reaped(ItemPointer itemptr, VacPageList vacpagelist);
static void reap_page(VacPageList vacpagelist, VacPage vacpage);
static void vpage_insert(VacPageList vacpagelist, VacPage vpnew);
static void get_indices(Oid relid, int *nindices, Relation **Irel);
static void get_indices(Relation relation, int *nindices, Relation **Irel);
static void close_indices(int nindices, Relation *Irel);
static void get_index_desc(Relation onerel, int nindices, Relation *Irel, IndDesc **Idesc);
static void *vac_find_eq(void *bot, int nelem, int size, void *elm,
......@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ vacuum_rel(Oid relid, bool analyze)
/* Now open indices */
nindices = 0;
Irel = (Relation *) NULL;
get_indices(vacrelstats->relid, &nindices, &Irel);
get_indices(onerel, &nindices, &Irel);
if (!Irel)
reindex = false;
else if (!RelationGetForm(onerel)->relhasindex)
......@@ -2331,80 +2331,33 @@ CommonSpecialPortalIsOpen(void)
return CommonSpecialPortalInUse;
static void
get_indices(Oid relid, int *nindices, Relation **Irel)
get_indices(Relation relation, int *nindices, Relation **Irel)
Relation pgindex;
Relation irel;
TupleDesc tupdesc;
HeapTuple tuple;
HeapScanDesc scan;
Datum d;
int i,
bool n;
ScanKeyData key;
Oid *ioid;
*nindices = i = 0;
ioid = (Oid *) palloc(10 * sizeof(Oid));
/* prepare a heap scan on the pg_index relation */
pgindex = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);
tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(pgindex);
ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0x0, Anum_pg_index_indrelid,
scan = heap_beginscan(pgindex, false, SnapshotNow, 1, &key);
while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
d = heap_getattr(tuple, Anum_pg_index_indexrelid,
tupdesc, &n);
if (i % 10 == 0)
ioid = (Oid *) repalloc(ioid, (i + 10) * sizeof(Oid));
ioid[i - 1] = DatumGetObjectId(d);
heap_close(pgindex, AccessShareLock);
List *indexoidlist,
int i;
if (i == 0)
{ /* No one index found */
indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);
if (Irel != (Relation **) NULL)
*Irel = (Relation *) palloc(i * sizeof(Relation));
*nindices = length(indexoidlist);
for (k = 0; i > 0;)
irel = index_open(ioid[--i]);
if (irel != (Relation) NULL)
if (Irel != (Relation **) NULL)
(*Irel)[k] = irel;
if (*nindices > 0)
*Irel = (Relation *) palloc(*nindices * sizeof(Relation));
elog(NOTICE, "CAN'T OPEN INDEX %u - SKIP IT", ioid[i]);
*nindices = k;
*Irel = NULL;
if (Irel != (Relation **) NULL && *nindices == 0)
i = 0;
foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist)
*Irel = (Relation *) NULL;
Oid indexoid = lfirsti(indexoidscan);
(*Irel)[i] = index_open(indexoid);
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/execMain.c,v 1.117 2000/06/15 04:09:50 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/execMain.c,v 1.118 2000/06/17 21:48:47 tgl Exp $
......@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ InitPlan(CmdType operation, Query *parseTree, Plan *plan, EState *estate)
if (resultRelationDesc->rd_rel->relhasindex &&
operation != CMD_DELETE)
ExecOpenIndices(resultRelationOid, resultRelationInfo);
estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelationInfo;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/nodeAppend.c,v 1.33 2000/06/15 04:09:52 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/nodeAppend.c,v 1.34 2000/06/17 21:48:49 tgl Exp $
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ ExecInitAppend(Append *node, EState *estate, Plan *parent)
* indices, but how to tell that here?
if (rri->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relhasindex)
ExecOpenIndices(reloid, rri);
......@@ -9,11 +9,7 @@
<<<<<<< plancat.c
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/util/plancat.c,v 1.56 2000/06/15 03:32:16 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/util/plancat.c,v 1.56 2000/06/15 03:32:16 momjian Exp $
>>>>>>> 1.53
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/util/plancat.c,v 1.57 2000/06/17 21:48:51 tgl Exp $
......@@ -32,6 +28,7 @@
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
......@@ -81,33 +78,40 @@ relation_info(Query *root, Index relid,
List *
find_secondary_indexes(Query *root, Index relid)
List *indexes = NIL;
List *indexinfos = NIL;
List *indexoidlist,
Oid indrelid = getrelid(relid, root->rtable);
Relation relation;
HeapScanDesc scan;
ScanKeyData indexKey;
HeapTuple indexTuple;
/* Scan pg_index for tuples describing indexes of this rel */
relation = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);
ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&indexKey, 0,
scan = heap_beginscan(relation, 0, SnapshotNow,
1, &indexKey);
* We used to scan pg_index directly, but now the relcache offers
* a cached list of OID indexes for each relation. So, get that list
* and then use the syscache to obtain pg_index entries.
relation = heap_open(indrelid, AccessShareLock);
indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);
while (HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist)
Form_pg_index index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);
IndexOptInfo *info = makeNode(IndexOptInfo);
Oid indexoid = lfirsti(indexoidscan);
HeapTuple indexTuple;
Form_pg_index index;
IndexOptInfo *info;
int i;
Relation indexRelation;
Oid relam;
uint16 amorderstrategy;
indexTuple = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(INDEXRELID,
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple))
elog(ERROR, "find_secondary_indexes: index %u not found",
index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);
info = makeNode(IndexOptInfo);
* Need to make these arrays large enough to be sure there is a
* terminating 0 at the end of each one.
......@@ -172,13 +176,17 @@ find_secondary_indexes(Query *root, Index relid)
indexes = lcons(info, indexes);
indexinfos = lcons(info, indexinfos);
/* XXX keep the lock here? */
heap_close(relation, AccessShareLock);
return indexes;
return indexinfos;
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: analyze.c,v 1.147 2000/06/12 19:40:40 momjian Exp $
* $Id: analyze.c,v 1.148 2000/06/17 21:48:40 tgl Exp $
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
#include "parser/parse_type.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
void CheckSelectForUpdate(Query *qry); /* no points for style... */
......@@ -2003,13 +2005,9 @@ transformFkeyGetPrimaryKey(FkConstraint *fkconstraint)
Relation pkrel;
Form_pg_attribute *pkrel_attrs;
Relation indexRd;
HeapScanDesc indexSd;
ScanKeyData key;
HeapTuple indexTup;
List *indexoidlist,
Form_pg_index indexStruct = NULL;
Ident *pkattr;
int pkattno;
int i;
/* ----------
......@@ -2023,37 +2021,37 @@ transformFkeyGetPrimaryKey(FkConstraint *fkconstraint)
pkrel_attrs = pkrel->rd_att->attrs;
/* ----------
* Open pg_index and begin a scan for all indices defined on
* the referenced table
* Get the list of index OIDs for the table from the relcache,
* and look up each one in the pg_index syscache until we find one
* marked primary key (hopefully there isn't more than one such).
* ----------
indexRd = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);
ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0, Anum_pg_index_indrelid,
indexSd = heap_beginscan(indexRd, /* scan desc */
false, /* scan backward flag */
SnapshotNow, /* NOW snapshot */
1, /* number scan keys */
&key); /* scan keys */
indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(pkrel);
/* ----------
* Fetch the index with indisprimary == true
* ----------
while (HeapTupleIsValid(indexTup = heap_getnext(indexSd, 0)))
foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist)
indexStruct = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTup);
Oid indexoid = lfirsti(indexoidscan);
HeapTuple indexTuple;
indexTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(INDEXRELID,
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple))
elog(ERROR, "transformFkeyGetPrimaryKey: index %u not found",
indexStruct = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);
if (indexStruct->indisprimary)
indexStruct = NULL;
/* ----------
* Check that we found it
* ----------
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTup))
if (indexStruct == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "PRIMARY KEY for referenced table \"%s\" not found",
......@@ -2064,8 +2062,9 @@ transformFkeyGetPrimaryKey(FkConstraint *fkconstraint)
for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS && indexStruct->indkey[i] != 0; i++)
pkattno = indexStruct->indkey[i];
pkattr = (Ident *) makeNode(Ident);
int pkattno = indexStruct->indkey[i];
Ident *pkattr = makeNode(Ident);
pkattr->name = nameout(&(pkrel_attrs[pkattno - 1]->attname));
pkattr->indirection = NIL;
pkattr->isRel = false;
......@@ -2073,12 +2072,6 @@ transformFkeyGetPrimaryKey(FkConstraint *fkconstraint)
fkconstraint->pk_attrs = lappend(fkconstraint->pk_attrs, pkattr);
/* ----------
* End index scan and close relations
* ----------
heap_close(indexRd, AccessShareLock);
heap_close(pkrel, AccessShareLock);
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/cache/relcache.c,v 1.100 2000/06/17 04:56:32 tgl Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/cache/relcache.c,v 1.101 2000/06/17 21:48:55 tgl Exp $
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "catalog/indexing.h"
#include "catalog/pg_attrdef.h"
#include "catalog/pg_index.h"
#include "catalog/pg_log.h"
#include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
#include "catalog/pg_relcheck.h"
......@@ -1063,16 +1064,14 @@ formrdesc(char *relationName,
FormData_pg_attribute *att)
Relation relation;
Size len;
u_int i;
/* ----------------
* allocate new relation desc
* ----------------
len = sizeof(RelationData);
relation = (Relation) palloc(len);
MemSet((char *) relation, 0, len);
relation = (Relation) palloc(sizeof(RelationData));
MemSet((char *) relation, 0, sizeof(RelationData));
/* ----------------
* don't open the unix file yet..
......@@ -1090,9 +1089,8 @@ formrdesc(char *relationName,
* initialize relation tuple form
* ----------------
relation->rd_rel = (Form_pg_class)
palloc((Size) (sizeof(*relation->rd_rel)));
MemSet(relation->rd_rel, 0, sizeof(FormData_pg_class));
relation->rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) palloc(CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
MemSet(relation->rd_rel, 0, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE);
strcpy(RelationGetPhysicalRelationName(relation), relationName);
/* ----------------
......@@ -1414,6 +1412,7 @@ RelationClearRelation(Relation relation, bool rebuildIt)
if (relation->rd_support)
* If we're really done with the relcache entry, blow it away. But if
......@@ -2075,6 +2074,125 @@ RelCheckFetch(Relation relation)
heap_close(rcrel, AccessShareLock);
* RelationGetIndexList -- get a list of OIDs of indexes on this relation
* The index list is created only if someone requests it. We scan pg_index
* to find relevant indexes, and add the list to the relcache entry so that
* we won't have to compute it again. Note that shared cache inval of a
* relcache entry will delete the old list and set rd_indexfound to false,
* so that we must recompute the index list on next request. This handles
* creation or deletion of an index.
* Since shared cache inval causes the relcache's copy of the list to go away,
* we return a copy of the list palloc'd in the caller's context. The caller
* may freeList() the returned list after scanning it. This is necessary
* since the caller will typically be doing syscache lookups on the relevant
* indexes, and syscache lookup could cause SI messages to be processed!
List *
RelationGetIndexList(Relation relation)
Relation indrel;
Relation irel = (Relation) NULL;
ScanKeyData skey;
IndexScanDesc sd = (IndexScanDesc) NULL;
HeapScanDesc hscan = (HeapScanDesc) NULL;
bool hasindex;
List *result;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
/* Quick exit if we already computed the list. */
if (relation->rd_indexfound)
return listCopy(relation->rd_indexlist);
/* Prepare to scan pg_index for entries having indrelid = this rel. */
indrel = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);
hasindex = (indrel->rd_rel->relhasindex && !IsIgnoringSystemIndexes());
if (hasindex)
irel = index_openr(IndexIndrelidIndex);
(bits16) 0x0,
(AttrNumber) 1,
(RegProcedure) F_OIDEQ,
sd = index_beginscan(irel, false, 1, &skey);
(bits16) 0x0,
(AttrNumber) Anum_pg_index_indrelid,
(RegProcedure) F_OIDEQ,
hscan = heap_beginscan(indrel, false, SnapshotNow, 1, &skey);
* We build the list we intend to return (in the caller's context) while
* doing the scan. After successfully completing the scan, we copy that
* list into the relcache entry. This avoids cache-context memory leakage
* if we get some sort of error partway through.
result = NIL;
for (;;)
HeapTupleData tuple;
HeapTuple htup;
Buffer buffer;
Form_pg_index index;
if (hasindex)
RetrieveIndexResult indexRes;
indexRes = index_getnext(sd, ForwardScanDirection);
if (!indexRes)
tuple.t_self = indexRes->heap_iptr;
tuple.t_datamcxt = NULL;
tuple.t_data = NULL;
heap_fetch(indrel, SnapshotNow, &tuple, &buffer);
if (tuple.t_data == NULL)
htup = &tuple;
htup = heap_getnext(hscan, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htup))
index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(htup);
result = lappendi(result, index->indexrelid);
if (hasindex)
if (hasindex)
heap_close(indrel, AccessShareLock);
/* Now we can save the completed list in the relcache entry. */
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) CacheCxt);
relation->rd_indexlist = listCopy(result);
relation->rd_indexfound = true;
return result;
* init_irels(), write_irels() -- handle special-case initialization of
* index relation descriptors.
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: executor.h,v 1.43 2000/05/29 01:59:11 tgl Exp $
* $Id: executor.h,v 1.44 2000/06/17 21:48:56 tgl Exp $
......@@ -142,8 +142,7 @@ extern void ExecAssignScanTypeFromOuterPlan(Plan *node,
CommonScanState *csstate);
extern Form_pg_attribute ExecGetTypeInfo(Relation relDesc);
extern void ExecOpenIndices(Oid resultRelationOid,
RelationInfo *resultRelationInfo);
extern void ExecOpenIndices(RelationInfo *resultRelationInfo);
extern void ExecCloseIndices(RelationInfo *resultRelationInfo);
extern void ExecInsertIndexTuples(TupleTableSlot *slot, ItemPointer tupleid,
EState *estate, bool is_update);
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: rel.h,v 1.36 2000/04/12 17:16:55 momjian Exp $
* $Id: rel.h,v 1.37 2000/06/17 21:49:02 tgl Exp $
......@@ -92,14 +92,15 @@ typedef struct RelationData
bool rd_isnailed; /* rel is nailed in cache */
bool rd_isnoname; /* rel has no name */
bool rd_unlinked; /* rel already unlinked or not created yet */
bool rd_indexfound; /* true if rd_indexlist is valid */
Form_pg_am rd_am; /* AM tuple */
Form_pg_class rd_rel; /* RELATION tuple */
Oid rd_id; /* relation's object id */
LockInfoData rd_lockInfo; /* lock manager's info for locking
* relation */
List *rd_indexlist; /* list of OIDs of indexes on relation */
LockInfoData rd_lockInfo; /* lock mgr's info for locking relation */
TupleDesc rd_att; /* tuple descriptor */
RuleLock *rd_rules; /* rewrite rules */
IndexStrategy rd_istrat;
IndexStrategy rd_istrat; /* info needed if rel is an index */
RegProcedure *rd_support;
TriggerDesc *trigdesc; /* Trigger info, or NULL if rel has none */
} RelationData;
......@@ -138,13 +139,15 @@ typedef Relation *RelationPtr;
* RelationSetReferenceCount
* Sets relation reference count.
#define RelationSetReferenceCount(relation,count) ((relation)->rd_refcnt = (count))
#define RelationSetReferenceCount(relation,count) \
((relation)->rd_refcnt = (count))
* RelationIncrementReferenceCount
* Increments relation reference count.
#define RelationIncrementReferenceCount(relation) ((relation)->rd_refcnt += 1)
#define RelationIncrementReferenceCount(relation) \
((relation)->rd_refcnt += 1)
* RelationDecrementReferenceCount
......@@ -199,7 +202,8 @@ typedef Relation *RelationPtr;
* Returns a Relation Name
#define RelationGetPhysicalRelationName(relation) (NameStr((relation)->rd_rel->relname))
#define RelationGetPhysicalRelationName(relation) \
* RelationGetNumberOfAttributes
......@@ -224,7 +228,9 @@ typedef Relation *RelationPtr;
#define RelationGetIndexStrategy(relation) ((relation)->rd_istrat)
* Routines in utils/cache/rel.c
extern void RelationSetIndexSupport(Relation relation,
IndexStrategy strategy,
RegProcedure *support);
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: relcache.h,v 1.19 2000/01/31 04:35:57 tgl Exp $
* $Id: relcache.h,v 1.20 2000/06/17 21:49:04 tgl Exp $
......@@ -19,13 +19,20 @@
* relation lookup routines
extern Relation RelationIdCacheGetRelation(Oid relationId);
extern Relation RelationIdGetRelation(Oid relationId);
extern Relation RelationNameGetRelation(const char *relationName);
/* finds an existing cache entry, but won't make a new one */
extern Relation RelationIdCacheGetRelation(Oid relationId);
extern void RelationClose(Relation relation);
extern void RelationForgetRelation(Oid rid);
* Routines to compute/retrieve additional cached information
extern List *RelationGetIndexList(Relation relation);
* Routines for flushing/rebuilding relcache entries in various scenarios
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