From cdd84ccd56fef11e9b1e366b6ddb580cdee4777a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bruce Momjian <> Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 19:56:49 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>PostgreSQL TODO list</TITLE> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#A00000"\ ALINK="#0000FF"> <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="txt2html v1.25"> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1><A NAME="section-1">TODO list for PostgreSQL</A></H1> Last updated: Tue Sep 28 00:34:21 EDT 1999 <P> Current maintainer: Bruce Momjian (<A HREF=""></A>) <P> The most recent version of this document can be viewed at<BR> the PostgreSQL web site, <A HREF=""></A>. <P> A dash(-) marks changes that will appear in the next release. <P> Names in brackets "[<A HREF=""></A>]" indicate more detailed information is available in<BR> the directory pgsql/doc/TODO.detail/ under that name. <H2><A NAME="section-1.1">RELIABILITY</A></H2> <P> <STRONG>RESOURCES</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Elog() does not free all its memory(Jan) <LI> spinlock stuck problem when elog(FATAL) and elog(ERROR) inside bufmgr <LI> Recover or force failure when disk space is exhausted </UL> <P> <STRONG>PARSER</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Disallow inherited columns with the same name as new columns <LI> INSERT INTO ... SELECT with AS columns matching result columns problem <LI> SELECT pg<U>class FROM pg</U>class generates strange error <LI> Alter TABLE ADD COLUMN does not honor DEFAULT, add CONSTRAINT <LI> Do not allow bpchar column creation without length <LI> -Select a[<A HREF="">1</A>] FROM test fails, it needs test.a[<A HREF="">1</A>] <LI> -Array index references without table name cause problems [<A HREF="">array</A>] <LI> Update table SET table.value = 3 fails(SQL standard says this is OK) <LI> Creating index of TIMESTAMP & RELTIME fails, or rename to DATETIME(Thomas) <LI> SELECT foo UNION SELECT foo is incorrectly simplified to SELECT foo <LI> -INSERT ... SELECT ... GROUP BY groups by target columns not source columns <LI> -CREATE TABLE test (a char(5) DEFAULT text '', b int4) fails on INSERT <LI> UNION with LIMIT fails <LI> Unique index on base column not honored on inserts from inherited table INSERT INTO inherit_table (unique<U>index</U>col) VALUES (dup) should fail [<A HREF="">inherit</A>] <LI> CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 fails <LI> CREATE TABLE test(col char(2) DEFAULT user) fails in length restriction <LI> mismatched types in CREATE TABLE ... DEFAULT causes problems [<A HREF="">default</A>] <LI> SELECT ... UNION ... ORDER BY fails when sort expr not in result list <LI> Be smarter about promoting types when UNION merges different data types <LI> SELECT ... UNION ... GROUP BY fails if column types disagree <LI> redesign INSERT ... SELECT to have two levels of target list <LI> -select * from pg_class where oid in (0,-1) <LI> have INTERSECT/EXCEPT prevent duplicates unless ALL is specified <LI> prevent primary key of nine columns [<A HREF="">primary</A>] <LI> SELECT COUNT('asdf') FROM pg_class WHERE oid=12 crashes <LI> SELECT DISTINCT ON col1 col1 col2 FROM tab1 is broken [<A HREF="">distinct</A>] <LI> -When using aggregates + GROUP BY, no rows in should yield no rows out </UL> <P> <STRONG>VIEWS</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Views containing aggregates sometimes fail(Jan) <LI> Views with spaces in view name fail when referenced <LI> Creating view and inheriting the view causes view* to show duplicates(inherit) </UL> <P> <STRONG>MISC</STRONG> <UL> <LI> User who can create databases can modify pg_database table <LI> Plpgsql does not handle quoted mixed-case identifiers <LI> Fix btree to give a useful elog when key > 1/2 (page - overhead) <LI> pg_dump should preserve primary key information <LI> plpgsql regression tests fail on BSD/OS </UL> <H2><A NAME="section-1.2">ENHANCEMENTS</A></H2> <P> <STRONG>URGENT</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Add referential integrity(Jan?)[<A HREF="">primary</A>] <LI> Add OUTER joins, left and right[<A HREF="">outer</A>](Thomas, Bruce) <LI> Allow long tuples by chaining or auto-storing outside db (chaining,large objs) <LI> Eliminate limits on query length <LI> Fix memory leak for expressions?[<A HREF="">memory</A>](Tom?) <LI> -Fix memory leak for aggregates? </UL> <P> <STRONG>ADMIN</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Better interface for adding to pg_group <LI> More access control over who can create tables and access the database <LI> Test syslog functionality <LI> Allow elog() to return error codes, not just messages <LI> Allow international error message support and add error codes <LI> Generate postmaster pid file and remove flock/fcntl lock code [<A HREF="">flock</A>] <LI> Add ability to specifiy location of lock/socket files [<A HREF="">flock</A>] </UL> <P> <STRONG>TYPES</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Add BIT, BIT VARYING <LI> Nchar (as distinguished from ordinary varchar), <LI> Domain capability <LI> Add STDDEV/VARIANCE() function for standard deviation computation/variance <LI> Allow compression of large fields or a compressed field type <LI> Large objects <UL> <LI> Fix large object mapping scheme, own typeid or reltype(Peter) <LI> Allow large text type to use large objects(Peter) <LI> Not to stuff everything as files in a single directory, hash dirs <LI> Allow large object vacuuming <LI> Tables that start with xinv confused to be large objects </UL> <LI> Allow pg_descriptions when creating types, tables, columns, and functions <LI> Add IPv6 capability to INET/CIDR types <LI> Make a separate SERIAL type? <LI> Store binary-compatible type information in the system <LI> Allow user to define char1 column <LI> Add support for & operator <LI> Allow LOCALE on a per-column basis, default to ASCII <LI> Allow array on int8[<A HREF=""></A>] <LI> Allow nulls in arrays <LI> Allow arrays to be ORDER'ed <LI> Remove Money type, add money formatting for decimal type <LI> Declare typein/out functions in pg_proc with a special "C string" data type <LI> Add non-large-object binary field <LI> Add index on NUMERIC/DECIMAL type <LI> Make Absolutetime/Relativetime int4 because time_t can be int8 on some ports <LI> Functions returning sets don't really work right[<A HREF="">function</A>] </UL> <P> <STRONG>VIEWS</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Allow DISTINCT on views <LI> Allow views of aggregate columns <LI> Allow views with subselects </UL> <P> <STRONG>INDEXES</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Allow CREATE INDEX zman_index ON test (date_trunc( 'day', zman ) datetime_ops) fails index can't store constant parameters <LI> Allow creation of functional indexes to use default types <LI> Permissions on indexes - prevent them? <LI> Allow SQL function indexes <LI> Add FILLFACTOR to index creation <LI> Allow indexing of LIKE with localle character sets <LI> Allow indexing of more than eight columns </UL> <P> <STRONG>COMMANDS</STRONG> <UL> <LI> ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN to inherited table put column in wrong place [<A HREF="">inherit</A>] <LI> Add ALTER TABLE DROP/ALTER COLUMN feature <LI> Allow CLUSTER on all tables at once, and improve CLUSTER, loses NOT <P> NULL specification on table [<A HREF="">cluster</A>] <LI> Add SIMILAR TO to allow character classes, 'pg_[<A HREF="">a-c</A>]%' <LI> Auto-destroy sequence on DROP of table with SERIAL(Ryan) <LI> Allow LOCK TABLE tab1, tab2, tab3 so all tables locked in unison <LI> Allow INSERT/UPDATE of system-generated oid value for a row <LI> Allow ESCAPE '\' at the end of LIKE for ANSI compliance [<A HREF="">like</A>] <LI> Rewrite the LIKE handling by rewriting the user string with the supplied ESCAPE [<A HREF="">like</A>] <LI> -Move LIKE index optimization handling to the optimizer <LI> Allow RULE recompilation <LI> Support UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT in sub-selects <LI> Allow DELETE and UPDATE to use inheritance using tablename* </UL> <P> <STRONG>CLIENTS</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Make NULL's come out at the beginning or end depending on the ORDER BY direction <LI> Allow flag to control COPY input/output of NULLs <LI> Update reltuples from COPY command <LI> Allow psql \copy to allow delimiters <LI> Add a function to return the last inserted oid, for use in psql scripts <LI> Allow psql to print nulls as distinct from "" [<A HREF="">null</A>] </UL> <P> <STRONG>EXOTIC FEATURES</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Add sql3 recursive unions <LI> Add the concept of dataspaces <LI> Add replication of distributed databases <LI> Allow queries across multiple databases </UL> <P> <STRONG>MISC</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Increase identifier length(NAMEDATALEN) if small performance hit <LI> Allow row re-use without vacuum(Vadim) <LI> Create a background process for each database that runs while database is idle, finding superceeded rows, gathering stats and vacuuming <LI> Add UNIQUE capability to non-btree indexes <LI> -Certain indexes will not shrink, i.e. oid indexes with many inserts <LI> Restore unused oid's on backend exit if no one else has gotten oids <LI> Have UPDATE/DELETE clean out indexes <LI> Allow WHERE restriction on ctid <LI> Allow cursors to be DECLAREd/OPENed/CLOSEed outside transactions <LI> Allow PQrequestCancel() to terminate when in waiting-for-lock state <LI> -Transaction log, so re-do log can be on a separate disk by with after-row images(Vadim) [<A HREF="">logging</A>] <LI> Populate backend status area and write program to dump status data <LI> Make oid use unsigned int more reliably, pg_atoi() <LI> Allow subqueries in target list <LI> Put sort files, large objects in their own directory <LI> Do autocommit so always in a transaction block(?) <LI> Show location of syntax error in query [<A HREF="">yacc</A>] <LI> Redesign the function call interface to handle NULLs better [<A HREF="">function</A>] <LI> Document/trigger/rule so changes to pg<U>shadow recreate pg</U>pwd [<A HREF="">pg_shadow</A>] <LI> Missing optimizer selectivities for date, r-tree, etc. [<A HREF="">optimizer</A>] <LI> Overhaul mdmgr/smgr to fix double unlinking and double opens, cleanup <LI> Overhaul bufmgr/lockmgr/transaction manager <LI> Add PL/Perl(Mark Hollomon) <LI> Make postgres user have a password by default <LI> Add configure test to check for C++ need for *.h and namespaces <LI> Allow BLCKSZ <= 64k, not <= 32k <LI> redesign UNION structures to have separarate target lists <LI> Allow multi-level query trees for INSERT INTO ... SELECT </UL> <H2><A NAME="section-1.3">PERFORMANCE</A></H2> <P> <STRONG>FSYNC</STRONG> <UL> <LI> -Allow transaction commits with rollback with no-fsync performance [<A HREF="">fsync</A>] <LI> -Prevent fsync in SELECT-only queries </UL> <P> <STRONG>INDEXES</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Use indexes in ORDER BY for restrictive data sets, min(), max() <LI> Pull requested data directly from indexes, bypassing heap data <LI> Use index to restrict rows returned by multi-key index when used with non-consecutive keys or OR clauses, so fewer heap accesses <LI> -Convert function(constant) into a constant for index use <LI> Allow LIMIT ability on single-table queries that have no ORDER BY to use a matching index [<A HREF="">limit</A>] <LI> Improve LIMIT processing by using index to limit rows processed [<A HREF="">limit</A>] <LI> Have optimizer take LIMIT into account when considering index scans [<A HREF="">limit</A>] <LI> Make index creation use psort code, because it is now faster(Vadim) <LI> Allow creation of sort temp tables > 1 Gig <LI> Create more system table indexes for faster cache lookups <LI> fix indexscan() so it does leak memory by not requiring caller to free <LI> Improve <U>bt</U>binsrch() to handle equal keys better, remove <U>bt</U>firsteq()(Tom) <LI> Allow SELECT * FROM tab WHERE int2col = 4 use int2col index, int8, float4, numeric/decimal too [<A HREF="">optimizer</A>] <LI> -Allow optimizer to prefer plans that match ORDER BY </UL> <P> <STRONG>CACHE</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Cache most recent query plan(s) [<A HREF="">prepare</A>] <LI> Shared catalog cache, reduce lseek()'s by caching table size in shared area <LI> elog() flushes cache, try invalidating just entries from current xact, perhaps using invalidation cache </UL> <P> <STRONG>MISC</STRONG> <UL> <LI> Allow compression of log and meta data <LI> Allow char() not to use variable-sized header to reduce disk size <LI> Do async I/O to do better read-ahead of data <LI> -Fix memory exhaustion when using many OR's [<A HREF="">cnfify</A>] <LI> Get faster regex() code from Henry Spencer <<A HREF=""></A>> when it is available <LI> Use mmap() rather than SYSV shared memory(?) <LI> -Process const = const parts of OR clause in separate pass <LI> Make oid use oidin/oidout not int4in/int4out in pg_type.h <LI> Improve Subplan list handling <LI> Allow Subplans to use efficient joins(hash, merge) with upper variable [<A HREF="">subquery</A>] <LI> use fmgr_info()/fmgr_faddr() instead of fmgr() calls in high-traffic places, like GROUP BY, UNIQUE, index processing, etc. <LI> improve dynamic memory allocation by introducing tuple-context memory allocation [<A HREF="">memory</A>] <LI> fix memory leak in cache code when non-existant table is referenced <LI> In WHERE tab1.x=3 AND tab1.x=tab2.y, add tab2.y=3 <LI> pass atttypmod through parser in more cases [<A HREF="">atttypmod</A>] <LI> remove duplicate type in/out functions for disk and net <LI> Allow persistent backends [<A HREF="">persistent</A>] <LI> Misc [<A HREF="">performance</A>] </UL> <H2><A NAME="section-1.4">SOURCE CODE</A></H2> <UL> <LI> Add use of 'const' for varibles in source tree <LI> Fix C optimizer problem where fmgr_ptr calls return different types [<A HREF="">alpha</A>] <LI> -Add needed includes and removed unneeded include files(Bruce) <LI> Make configure --enable-debug add -g on compile line <LI> Does Mariposa source contain any other bug fixes? <LI> Remove SET KSQO option if OR processing is improved(Tom) </UL> <HR> <H3><A NAME="section-1.4.1">Developers who have claimed items are:</A></H3> <UL> <LI> Billy is Billy G. Allie <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Brook is Brook Milligan <<A HREF="mailto:brook@trillium.NMSU.Edu">brook@trillium.NMSU.Edu</A>> <LI> Bruce is Bruce Momjian<<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Bryan is Bryan Henderson<<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> D'Arcy is D'Arcy J.M. Cain <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> David is David Hartwig <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Edmund is Edmund Mergl <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Goran is Goran Thyni <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Hiroshi is Hiroshi Inoue<<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Jan is Jan Wieck <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Marc is Marc Fournier <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Massimo Dal Zotto <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Michael is Michael Meskes <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Oleg is Oleg Bartunov <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Peter is Peter T Mount <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Ryan is Ryan Bradetich <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Stefan Simkovics <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Tatsuo is Tatsuo Ishii <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Tom is Tom Lane <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> Thomas is Thomas Lockhart <<A HREF=""></A>> <LI> TomH is Tom I Helbekkmo <<A HREF="mailto:tih@Hamartun.Priv.NO">tih@Hamartun.Priv.NO</A>> <LI> Vadim is "Vadim B. Mikheev" <<A HREF=""></A>> </UL> </BODY> </HTML> --- doc/TODO | 2 + doc/TODO.detail/inherit | 125 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 127 insertions(+) diff --git a/doc/TODO b/doc/TODO index ca1b1a289f..d35938afe9 100644 --- a/doc/TODO +++ b/doc/TODO @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ VIEWS * Views containing aggregates sometimes fail(Jan) * Views with spaces in view name fail when referenced +* Creating view and inheriting the view causes view* to show + duplicates(inherit) MISC diff --git a/doc/TODO.detail/inherit b/doc/TODO.detail/inherit index b5211bb46d..3a4d1cc902 100644 --- a/doc/TODO.detail/inherit +++ b/doc/TODO.detail/inherit @@ -142,3 +142,128 @@ INSERT 54425 1 +From Tue Apr 20 10:34:34 1999 +Received: from ( []) + by (8.9.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id KAA28480 + for <>; Tue, 20 Apr 1999 10:34:31 -0400 (EDT) +Received: from localhost (majordom@localhost) + by (8.9.3/8.9.1) with SMTP id KAA12281; + Tue, 20 Apr 1999 10:33:22 -0400 (EDT) + (envelope-from +Received: by (TLB v0.10a (1.23 tibbs 1997/01/09 00:29:32)); Tue, 20 Apr 1999 10:32:04 +0000 (EDT) +Received: (from majordom@localhost) + by (8.9.3/8.9.1) id KAA11432 + for pgsql-hackers-outgoing; Tue, 20 Apr 1999 10:32:01 -0400 (EDT) + (envelope-from +Received: from ( []) + by (8.9.3/8.9.1) with ESMTP id KAA11378 + for <>; Tue, 20 Apr 1999 10:31:52 -0400 (EDT) + (envelope-from +Received: from (chris@localhost []) + by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id AAA21255 + for <>; Wed, 21 Apr 1999 00:31:32 +1000 +Message-ID: <> +Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 14:31:31 +0000 +From: Chris Bitmead <> +X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i686) +X-Accept-Language: en +MIME-Version: 1.0 +To: +Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Heads up: does RULES regress test still work for you? +References: <> <> +Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit +Sender: +Precedence: bulk +Status: RO + + +Does the following indicate a bug? It sure is wierd. Maybe some of these +statements aren't supported by postgresql (??), but the outcome doesn't +make sense to me. + +httpd=> CREATE TABLE x (y text); +CREATE +httpd=> CREATE VIEW z AS select * from x; +CREATE +httpd=> CREATE TABLE a (b text) INHERITS(z); +CREATE +httpd=> INSERT INTO x VALUES ('foo'); +INSERT 168602 1 +httpd=> select * from z*; +y +--- +foo +foo +(2 rows) + +How did we suddenly get two rows?? + +-- +Chris Bitmead + + + +From Tue May 25 11:01:16 1999 +Received: from ( []) + by (8.9.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id LAA15867 + for <>; Tue, 25 May 1999 11:01:16 -0400 (EDT) +Received: from ( []) by (o1/$ Revision: 1.18 $) with ESMTP id KAA10712 for <>; Tue, 25 May 1999 10:55:17 -0400 (EDT) +Received: from ( []) + by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id KAA07206; + Tue, 25 May 1999 10:45:50 -0400 (EDT) + (envelope-from +Received: by (TLB v0.10a (1.23 tibbs 1997/01/09 00:29:32)); Tue, 25 May 1999 10:43:02 +0000 (EDT) +Received: (from majordom@localhost) + by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id KAA06706 + for pgsql-hackers-outgoing; Tue, 25 May 1999 10:43:01 -0400 (EDT) + (envelope-from +X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to using -f +Received: from ( []) + by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id KAA06690 + for <>; Tue, 25 May 1999 10:42:57 -0400 (EDT) + (envelope-from +Received: from (localhost []) + by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with ESMTP id KAA02984 + for <>; Tue, 25 May 1999 10:42:39 -0400 (EDT) +To: +Subject: [HACKERS] INSERT INTO view means what exactly? +Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:42:39 -0400 +Message-ID: <> +From: Tom Lane <> +Sender: +Precedence: bulk +Status: ROr + +With current sources: + +regression=> CREATE TABLE x (y text); +CREATE +regression=> CREATE VIEW z AS select * from x; +CREATE +regression=> INSERT INTO x VALUES ('foo'); +INSERT 411635 1 +regression=> INSERT INTO z VALUES ('bar'); +INSERT 411636 1 +regression=> select * from x; +y +--- +foo +(1 row) + +regression=> select * from z; +y +--- +foo +(1 row) + +OK, where'd tuple 411636 go? Seems to me that the insert should either +have been rejected or caused an insert into x, depending on how +transparent you think views are (I always thought they were +read-only?). Dropping the data into never-never land and giving a +misleading success response code is not my idea of proper behavior. + + regards, tom lane + + -- 2.24.1