Commit c94fb8e8 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Standardize some more loops that chase down parallel lists.

We have forboth() and forthree() macros that simplify iterating
through several parallel lists, but not everyplace that could
reasonably use those was doing so.  Also invent forfour() and
forfive() macros to do the same for four or five parallel lists,
and use those where applicable.

The immediate motivation for doing this is to reduce the number
of ad-hoc lnext() calls, to reduce the footprint of a WIP patch.
However, it seems like good cleanup and error-proofing anyway;
the places that were combining forthree() with a manually iterated
loop seem particularly illegible and bug-prone.

There was some speculation about restructuring related parsetree
representations to reduce the need for parallel list chasing of
this sort.  Perhaps that's a win, or perhaps not, but in any case
it would be considerably more invasive than this patch; and it's
not particularly related to my immediate goal of improving the
List infrastructure.  So I'll leave that question for another day.

Patch by me; thanks to David Rowley for review.

parent 0a271df7
......@@ -902,23 +902,12 @@ BuildDescFromLists(List *names, List *types, List *typmods, List *collations)
desc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(natts);
attnum = 0;
l2 = list_head(types);
l3 = list_head(typmods);
l4 = list_head(collations);
foreach(l1, names)
forfour(l1, names, l2, types, l3, typmods, l4, collations)
char *attname = strVal(lfirst(l1));
Oid atttypid;
int32 atttypmod;
Oid attcollation;
atttypid = lfirst_oid(l2);
l2 = lnext(l2);
atttypmod = lfirst_int(l3);
l3 = lnext(l3);
attcollation = lfirst_oid(l4);
l4 = lnext(l4);
Oid atttypid = lfirst_oid(l2);
int32 atttypmod = lfirst_int(l3);
Oid attcollation = lfirst_oid(l4);
......@@ -1683,7 +1683,6 @@ ExecInitExprRec(Expr *node, ExprState *state,
ListCell *lc;
int off;
* Iterate over each field, prepare comparisons. To handle
......@@ -1695,20 +1694,11 @@ ExecInitExprRec(Expr *node, ExprState *state,
Assert(list_length(rcexpr->opfamilies) == nopers);
Assert(list_length(rcexpr->inputcollids) == nopers);
off = 0;
for (off = 0,
l_left_expr = list_head(rcexpr->largs),
l_right_expr = list_head(rcexpr->rargs),
l_opno = list_head(rcexpr->opnos),
l_opfamily = list_head(rcexpr->opfamilies),
l_inputcollid = list_head(rcexpr->inputcollids);
off < nopers;
l_left_expr = lnext(l_left_expr),
l_right_expr = lnext(l_right_expr),
l_opno = lnext(l_opno),
l_opfamily = lnext(l_opfamily),
l_inputcollid = lnext(l_inputcollid))
forfive(l_left_expr, rcexpr->largs,
l_right_expr, rcexpr->rargs,
l_opno, rcexpr->opnos,
l_opfamily, rcexpr->opfamilies,
l_inputcollid, rcexpr->inputcollids)
Expr *left_expr = (Expr *) lfirst(l_left_expr);
Expr *right_expr = (Expr *) lfirst(l_right_expr);
......@@ -1332,12 +1332,12 @@ ExecIndexBuildScanKeys(PlanState *planstate, Relation index,
/* (indexkey, indexkey, ...) op (expression, expression, ...) */
RowCompareExpr *rc = (RowCompareExpr *) clause;
ListCell *largs_cell = list_head(rc->largs);
ListCell *rargs_cell = list_head(rc->rargs);
ListCell *opnos_cell = list_head(rc->opnos);
ListCell *collids_cell = list_head(rc->inputcollids);
ScanKey first_sub_key;
int n_sub_key;
ListCell *largs_cell;
ListCell *rargs_cell;
ListCell *opnos_cell;
ListCell *collids_cell;
......@@ -1346,19 +1346,22 @@ ExecIndexBuildScanKeys(PlanState *planstate, Relation index,
n_sub_key = 0;
/* Scan RowCompare columns and generate subsidiary ScanKey items */
while (opnos_cell != NULL)
forfour(largs_cell, rc->largs, rargs_cell, rc->rargs,
opnos_cell, rc->opnos, collids_cell, rc->inputcollids)
ScanKey this_sub_key = &first_sub_key[n_sub_key];
int flags = SK_ROW_MEMBER;
Datum scanvalue;
Oid inputcollation;
leftop = (Expr *) lfirst(largs_cell);
rightop = (Expr *) lfirst(rargs_cell);
opno = lfirst_oid(opnos_cell);
inputcollation = lfirst_oid(collids_cell);
* leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled
leftop = (Expr *) lfirst(largs_cell);
largs_cell = lnext(largs_cell);
if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType))
leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg;
......@@ -1374,9 +1377,6 @@ ExecIndexBuildScanKeys(PlanState *planstate, Relation index,
* We have to look up the operator's associated btree support
* function
opno = lfirst_oid(opnos_cell);
opnos_cell = lnext(opnos_cell);
if (index->rd_rel->relam != BTREE_AM_OID ||
varattno < 1 || varattno > indnkeyatts)
elog(ERROR, "bogus RowCompare index qualification");
......@@ -1398,15 +1398,9 @@ ExecIndexBuildScanKeys(PlanState *planstate, Relation index,
elog(ERROR, "missing support function %d(%u,%u) in opfamily %u",
BTORDER_PROC, op_lefttype, op_righttype, opfamily);
inputcollation = lfirst_oid(collids_cell);
collids_cell = lnext(collids_cell);
* rightop is the constant or variable comparison value
rightop = (Expr *) lfirst(rargs_cell);
rargs_cell = lnext(rargs_cell);
if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType))
rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg;
......@@ -1680,9 +1680,7 @@ convert_EXISTS_to_ANY(PlannerInfo *root, Query *subselect,
tlist = testlist = paramids = NIL;
resno = 1;
/* there's no "forfour" so we have to chase one of the lists manually */
cc = list_head(opcollations);
forthree(lc, leftargs, rc, rightargs, oc, opids)
forfour(lc, leftargs, rc, rightargs, oc, opids, cc, opcollations)
Node *leftarg = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
Node *rightarg = (Node *) lfirst(rc);
......@@ -1690,7 +1688,6 @@ convert_EXISTS_to_ANY(PlannerInfo *root, Query *subselect,
Oid opcollation = lfirst_oid(cc);
Param *param;
cc = lnext(cc);
param = generate_new_exec_param(root,
......@@ -1130,17 +1130,14 @@ generate_setop_tlist(List *colTypes, List *colCollations,
TargetEntry *tle;
Node *expr;
/* there's no forfour() so we must chase one list manually */
rtlc = list_head(refnames_tlist);
forthree(ctlc, colTypes, cclc, colCollations, itlc, input_tlist)
forfour(ctlc, colTypes, cclc, colCollations,
itlc, input_tlist, rtlc, refnames_tlist)
Oid colType = lfirst_oid(ctlc);
Oid colColl = lfirst_oid(cclc);
TargetEntry *inputtle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(itlc);
TargetEntry *reftle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(rtlc);
rtlc = lnext(rtlc);
Assert(inputtle->resno == resno);
Assert(reftle->resno == resno);
......@@ -831,18 +831,14 @@ transformInsertStmt(ParseState *pstate, InsertStmt *stmt)
rte = pstate->p_target_rangetblentry;
qry->targetList = NIL;
icols = list_head(icolumns);
attnos = list_head(attrnos);
foreach(lc, exprList)
Assert(list_length(exprList) <= list_length(icolumns));
forthree(lc, exprList, icols, icolumns, attnos, attrnos)
Expr *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
ResTarget *col;
AttrNumber attr_num;
ResTarget *col = lfirst_node(ResTarget, icols);
AttrNumber attr_num = (AttrNumber) lfirst_int(attnos);
TargetEntry *tle;
col = lfirst_node(ResTarget, icols);
attr_num = (AttrNumber) lfirst_int(attnos);
tle = makeTargetEntry(expr,
......@@ -851,9 +847,6 @@ transformInsertStmt(ParseState *pstate, InsertStmt *stmt)
rte->insertedCols = bms_add_member(rte->insertedCols,
attr_num - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber);
icols = lnext(icols);
attnos = lnext(attnos);
/* Process ON CONFLICT, if any. */
......@@ -950,19 +943,16 @@ transformInsertRow(ParseState *pstate, List *exprlist,
* Prepare columns for assignment to target table.
result = NIL;
icols = list_head(icolumns);
attnos = list_head(attrnos);
foreach(lc, exprlist)
forthree(lc, exprlist, icols, icolumns, attnos, attrnos)
Expr *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
ResTarget *col;
col = lfirst_node(ResTarget, icols);
ResTarget *col = lfirst_node(ResTarget, icols);
int attno = lfirst_int(attnos);
expr = transformAssignedExpr(pstate, expr,
......@@ -991,9 +981,6 @@ transformInsertRow(ParseState *pstate, List *exprlist,
result = lappend(result, expr);
icols = lnext(icols);
attnos = lnext(attnos);
return result;
......@@ -1699,11 +1686,11 @@ transformSetOperationStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
qry->targetList = NIL;
targetvars = NIL;
targetnames = NIL;
left_tlist = list_head(leftmostQuery->targetList);
forthree(lct, sostmt->colTypes,
forfour(lct, sostmt->colTypes,
lcm, sostmt->colTypmods,
lcc, sostmt->colCollations)
lcc, sostmt->colCollations,
left_tlist, leftmostQuery->targetList)
Oid colType = lfirst_oid(lct);
int32 colTypmod = lfirst_int(lcm);
......@@ -1729,7 +1716,6 @@ transformSetOperationStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
qry->targetList = lappend(qry->targetList, tle);
targetvars = lappend(targetvars, var);
targetnames = lappend(targetnames, makeString(colName));
left_tlist = lnext(left_tlist);
......@@ -2201,10 +2187,9 @@ determineRecursiveColTypes(ParseState *pstate, Node *larg, List *nrtargetlist)
* dummy result expressions of the non-recursive term.
targetList = NIL;
left_tlist = list_head(leftmostQuery->targetList);
next_resno = 1;
foreach(nrtl, nrtargetlist)
forboth(nrtl, nrtargetlist, left_tlist, leftmostQuery->targetList)
TargetEntry *nrtle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(nrtl);
TargetEntry *lefttle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(left_tlist);
......@@ -2218,7 +2203,6 @@ determineRecursiveColTypes(ParseState *pstate, Node *larg, List *nrtargetlist)
targetList = lappend(targetList, tle);
left_tlist = lnext(left_tlist);
/* Now build CTE's output column info using dummy targetlist */
......@@ -2124,13 +2124,12 @@ LookupFuncWithArgs(ObjectType objtype, ObjectWithArgs *func, bool noError)
args_item = list_head(func->objargs);
for (i = 0; i < argcount; i++)
i = 0;
foreach(args_item, func->objargs)
TypeName *t = (TypeName *) lfirst(args_item);
argoids[i] = LookupTypeNameOid(NULL, t, noError);
args_item = lnext(args_item);
argoids[i++] = LookupTypeNameOid(NULL, t, noError);
......@@ -9811,31 +9811,18 @@ get_tablefunc(TableFunc *tf, deparse_context *context, bool showimplicit)
ListCell *l5;
int colnum = 0;
l2 = list_head(tf->coltypes);
l3 = list_head(tf->coltypmods);
l4 = list_head(tf->colexprs);
l5 = list_head(tf->coldefexprs);
appendStringInfoString(buf, " COLUMNS ");
foreach(l1, tf->colnames)
forfive(l1, tf->colnames, l2, tf->coltypes, l3, tf->coltypmods,
l4, tf->colexprs, l5, tf->coldefexprs)
char *colname = strVal(lfirst(l1));
Oid typid;
int32 typmod;
Node *colexpr;
Node *coldefexpr;
bool ordinality = tf->ordinalitycol == colnum;
Oid typid = lfirst_oid(l2);
int32 typmod = lfirst_int(l3);
Node *colexpr = (Node *) lfirst(l4);
Node *coldefexpr = (Node *) lfirst(l5);
bool ordinality = (tf->ordinalitycol == colnum);
bool notnull = bms_is_member(colnum, tf->notnulls);
typid = lfirst_oid(l2);
l2 = lnext(l2);
typmod = lfirst_int(l3);
l3 = lnext(l3);
colexpr = (Node *) lfirst(l4);
l4 = lnext(l4);
coldefexpr = (Node *) lfirst(l5);
l5 = lnext(l5);
if (colnum > 0)
appendStringInfoString(buf, ", ");
......@@ -10349,12 +10336,11 @@ get_from_clause_coldeflist(RangeTblFunction *rtfunc,
appendStringInfoChar(buf, '(');
/* there's no forfour(), so must chase one list the hard way */
i = 0;
l4 = list_head(rtfunc->funccolnames);
forthree(l1, rtfunc->funccoltypes,
forfour(l1, rtfunc->funccoltypes,
l2, rtfunc->funccoltypmods,
l3, rtfunc->funccolcollations)
l3, rtfunc->funccolcollations,
l4, rtfunc->funccolnames)
Oid atttypid = lfirst_oid(l1);
int32 atttypmod = lfirst_int(l2);
......@@ -10378,7 +10364,6 @@ get_from_clause_coldeflist(RangeTblFunction *rtfunc,
appendStringInfo(buf, " COLLATE %s",
l4 = lnext(l4);
......@@ -205,6 +205,32 @@ list_length(const List *l)
(cell1) != NULL && (cell2) != NULL && (cell3) != NULL; \
(cell1) = lnext(cell1), (cell2) = lnext(cell2), (cell3) = lnext(cell3))
* forfour -
* the same for four lists
#define forfour(cell1, list1, cell2, list2, cell3, list3, cell4, list4) \
for ((cell1) = list_head(list1), (cell2) = list_head(list2), \
(cell3) = list_head(list3), (cell4) = list_head(list4); \
(cell1) != NULL && (cell2) != NULL && \
(cell3) != NULL && (cell4) != NULL; \
(cell1) = lnext(cell1), (cell2) = lnext(cell2), \
(cell3) = lnext(cell3), (cell4) = lnext(cell4))
* forfive -
* the same for five lists
#define forfive(cell1, list1, cell2, list2, cell3, list3, cell4, list4, cell5, list5) \
for ((cell1) = list_head(list1), (cell2) = list_head(list2), \
(cell3) = list_head(list3), (cell4) = list_head(list4), \
(cell5) = list_head(list5); \
(cell1) != NULL && (cell2) != NULL && (cell3) != NULL && \
(cell4) != NULL && (cell5) != NULL; \
(cell1) = lnext(cell1), (cell2) = lnext(cell2), \
(cell3) = lnext(cell3), (cell4) = lnext(cell4), \
(cell5) = lnext(cell5))
extern List *lappend(List *list, void *datum);
extern List *lappend_int(List *list, int datum);
extern List *lappend_oid(List *list, Oid datum);
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