Commit c50d8474 authored by Vadim B. Mikheev's avatar Vadim B. Mikheev

Changes for GROUP BY func_results.

parent cc11cfdd
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planmain.c,v 1.2 1996/10/31 10:59:14 scrappy Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planmain.c,v 1.3 1997/04/05 06:37:37 vadim Exp $
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "nodes/relation.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/planmain.h"
#include "optimizer/internal.h"
......@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/keys.h"
#include "optimizer/tlist.h"
#include "optimizer/var.h"
#include "optimizer/xfunc.h"
#include "optimizer/cost.h"
......@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@
static Plan *subplanner(Query *root, List *flat_tlist, List *qual);
static Result *make_result(List *tlist, Node *resconstantqual, Plan *subplan);
static Plan *make_groupPlan(List *tlist, bool tuplePerGroup,
static Plan *make_groupPlan(List **tlist, bool tuplePerGroup,
List *groupClause, Plan *subplan);
......@@ -110,20 +112,6 @@ query_planner(Query *root,
level_tlist = tlist;
* Needs to add the group attribute(s) to the target list so that they
* are available to either the Group node or the Agg node. (The target
* list may not contain the group attribute(s).)
if (root->groupClause) {
AddGroupAttrToTlist(level_tlist, root->groupClause);
if (root->qry_aggs) {
aggplan = make_agg(tlist, root->qry_numAgg, root->qry_aggs);
tlist = level_tlist;
* A query may have a non-variable target list and a non-variable
* qualification only under certain conditions:
......@@ -170,7 +158,7 @@ query_planner(Query *root,
subplan = subplanner(root, level_tlist, qual);
* If we have a GROUP BY clause, insert a group node (with the appropriate
* sort node.)
......@@ -184,23 +172,20 @@ query_planner(Query *root,
* present. Otherwise, need every tuple from the group to do the
* aggregation.)
tuplePerGroup = (aggplan == NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE;
tuplePerGroup = ( root->qry_aggs ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
subplan =
make_groupPlan(tlist, tuplePerGroup, root->groupClause, subplan);
make_groupPlan(&tlist, tuplePerGroup, root->groupClause, subplan);
/* XXX fake it: this works for the Group node too! very very ugly,
please change me -ay 2/95 */
* If aggregate is present, insert the agg node
if (aggplan != NULL) {
if ( root->qry_aggs )
aggplan = make_agg(tlist, root->qry_numAgg, root->qry_aggs);
aggplan->plan.lefttree = subplan;
subplan = (Plan*)aggplan;
* set the varno/attno entries to the appropriate references to
* the result tuple of the subplans. (We need to set those in the
......@@ -208,8 +193,10 @@ query_planner(Query *root,
* pointers, after a few dozen's of copying, they're not the same as
* those in the target list.)
set_agg_tlist_references (aggplan);
set_agg_agglist_references (aggplan);
subplan = (Plan*)aggplan;
tlist = aggplan->plan.targetlist;
......@@ -238,9 +225,17 @@ query_planner(Query *root,
* the very last stage of query execution. this could be bad.
* but it is joey's responsibility to optimally push these
* expressions down the plan tree. -- Wei
* But now nothing to do if there are GroupBy and/or Aggregates:
* 1. make_groupPlan fixes tlist; 2. flatten_tlist_vars does nothing
* with aggregates fixing only other entries (i.e. - GroupBy-ed and
* so fixed by make_groupPlan). - vadim 04/05/97
subplan->targetlist = flatten_tlist_vars(tlist,
if ( root->groupClause == NULL && aggplan == NULL )
subplan->targetlist = flatten_tlist_vars(tlist,
* Destructively modify the query plan's targetlist to add fjoin
......@@ -356,58 +351,130 @@ make_result(List *tlist,
static Plan *
make_groupPlan(List *tlist,
make_groupPlan(List **tlist,
bool tuplePerGroup,
List *groupClause,
Plan *subplan)
List *sort_tlist;
List *gl;
int keyno;
List *sl, *gl;
List *glc = listCopy (groupClause);
List *aggvals = NIL; /* list of vars of aggregates */
int aggvcnt;
Sort *sortplan;
Group *grpplan;
int numCols;
AttrNumber *grpColIdx;
int keyno = 1;
int last_resno = 1;
numCols = length(groupClause);
grpColIdx = (AttrNumber *)palloc(sizeof(AttrNumber)*numCols);
sort_tlist = new_unsorted_tlist(*tlist); /* it's copy */
* first, make a sort node. Group node expects the tuples it gets
* from the subplan is in the order as specified by the group columns.
* Make template TL for subplan, Sort & Group:
* 1. Take away Aggregates and re-set resno-s accordantly.
* 2. Make grpColIdx
* Note: we assume that TLEs in *tlist are ordered in accordance
* with their resdom->resno.
keyno = 1;
sort_tlist = new_unsorted_tlist(subplan->targetlist);
foreach (sl, sort_tlist)
/* if this is a mergejoin node, varno could be OUTER/INNER */
List *l;
foreach(l, sort_tlist) {
TargetEntry *tle;
tle = lfirst(l);
((Var*)tle->expr)->varno = 1;
Resdom *resdom = NULL;
TargetEntry *te = (TargetEntry *) lfirst (sl);
foreach (gl, glc)
GroupClause *grpcl = (GroupClause*)lfirst(gl);
if ( grpcl->resdom->resno == te->resdom->resno )
resdom = te->resdom;
resdom->reskey = keyno;
resdom->reskeyop = get_opcode (grpcl->grpOpoid);
resdom->resno = last_resno; /* re-set */
grpColIdx[keyno-1] = last_resno++;
glc = lremove (lfirst (gl), glc); /* TLE found for it */
if ( resdom == NULL ) /* Not GroupBy-ed entry: remove */
{ /* aggregate(s) from Group/Sort TL */
if ( IsA (te->expr, Aggreg) )
{ /* save Aggregate' Vars */
aggvals = nconc (aggvals, pull_var_clause (te->expr));
sort_tlist = lremove (lfirst (sl), sort_tlist);
resdom->resno = last_resno++; /* re-set */
if ( length (glc) != 0 )
elog(WARN, "group attribute disappeared from target list");
foreach (gl, groupClause) {
GroupClause *grpcl = (GroupClause*)lfirst(gl);
TargetEntry *tle;
* Aggregates were removed from TL - we are to add Vars for them
* to the end of TL if there are no such Vars in TL already.
tle = match_varid(grpcl->grpAttr, sort_tlist);
* the parser should have checked to make sure the group attribute
* is valid but the optimizer might have screwed up and hence we
* check again.
if (tle==NULL) {
elog(WARN, "group attribute disappeared from target list");
aggvcnt = length (aggvals);
foreach (gl, aggvals)
Var *v = (Var*)lfirst (gl);
if ( tlist_member (v, sort_tlist) == NULL )
sort_tlist = lappend (sort_tlist,
create_tl_element (v, last_resno));
tle->resdom->reskey = keyno;
tle->resdom->reskeyop = get_opcode(grpcl->grpOpoid);
else /* already in TL */
/* Now aggvcnt is number of Vars added in TL for Aggregates */
/* Make TL for subplan: substitute Vars from subplan TL into new TL */
sl = flatten_tlist_vars (sort_tlist, subplan->targetlist);
subplan->targetlist = new_unsorted_tlist (sl); /* there */
grpColIdx[keyno-1] = tle->resdom->resno;
* Make Sort/Group TL :
* 1. make Var nodes (with varno = 1 and varnoold = -1) for all
* functions, 'couse they will be evaluated by subplan;
* 2. for real Vars: set varno = 1 and varattno to its resno in subplan
foreach (sl, sort_tlist)
TargetEntry *te = (TargetEntry *) lfirst (sl);
Resdom *resdom = te->resdom;
Node *expr = te->expr;
if ( IsA (expr, Var) )
#if 0 /* subplanVar->resdom->resno expected to be = te->resdom->resno */
TargetEntry *subplanVar;
subplanVar = match_varid ((Var*)expr, subplan->targetlist);
((Var*)expr)->varattno = subplanVar->resdom->resno;
((Var*)expr)->varattno = te->resdom->resno;
((Var*)expr)->varno = 1;
te->expr = (Node*) makeVar (1, resdom->resno,
-1, resdom->resno);
sortplan = make_sort(sort_tlist,
......@@ -417,8 +484,41 @@ make_groupPlan(List *tlist,
* make the Group node
tlist = copyObject(tlist); /* make a copy */
grpplan = make_group(tlist, tuplePerGroup, numCols, grpColIdx, sortplan);
sort_tlist = copyObject (sort_tlist);
grpplan = make_group(sort_tlist, tuplePerGroup, numCols,
grpColIdx, sortplan);
* Make TL for parent: "restore" Aggregates and
* resno-s of others accordantly.
sl = sort_tlist;
sort_tlist = NIL; /* to be new parent TL */
foreach (gl, *tlist)
TargetEntry *te = (TargetEntry *) lfirst (gl);
if ( !IsA (te->expr, Aggreg) ) /* It's "our" TLE - we're to return */
{ /* it from Sort/Group plans */
TargetEntry *my = (TargetEntry *) lfirst (sl); /* get it */
sl = sl->next; /* prepare for the next "our" */
my = copyObject (my);
my->resdom->resno = te->resdom->resno; /* order of parent TL */
sort_tlist = lappend (sort_tlist, my);
/* TLE of an aggregate */
sort_tlist = lappend (sort_tlist, copyObject(te));
* Pure aggregates Vars were at the end of Group' TL.
* They shouldn't appear in parent TL, all others shouldn't
* disappear.
Assert ( aggvcnt == length (sl) );
*tlist = sort_tlist;
return (Plan*)grpplan;
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