Commit c360477d authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Follow the rule that regression-test-created roles are named "regress_xxx".

Commit 1c5d9270 had not gotten the word about this.  (For previous
context, see 18555b13.)
parent d993e0fb
......@@ -4599,9 +4599,9 @@ last error message: division by zero
last error code: 22012
create schema testpart;
create role testrole_partitioning;
alter schema testpart owner to testrole_partitioning;
set role to testrole_partitioning;
create role regress_partitioning_role;
alter schema testpart owner to regress_partitioning_role;
set role to regress_partitioning_role;
-- run test inside own schema and hide other partitions
set search_path to testpart;
create table testtable_apple(logdate date);
......@@ -4616,23 +4616,23 @@ create index testpart_orange_index on testpart_orange(logdate);
\dP test*apple*
List of partitioned relations
Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table
testpart | testpart_apple | testrole_partitioning | partitioned table | |
testpart | testpart_apple_index | testrole_partitioning | partitioned index | | testpart_apple
testpart | testpart_apple | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | |
testpart | testpart_apple_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | | testpart_apple
(2 rows)
\dPt test*apple*
List of partitioned tables
Schema | Name | Owner | Parent name
testpart | testpart_apple | testrole_partitioning |
testpart | testpart_apple | regress_partitioning_role |
(1 row)
\dPi test*apple*
List of partitioned indexes
Schema | Name | Owner | Parent name | Table
testpart | testpart_apple_index | testrole_partitioning | | testpart_apple
testpart | testpart_apple_index | regress_partitioning_role | | testpart_apple
(1 row)
drop table testtable_apple;
......@@ -4659,73 +4659,73 @@ insert into parent_tab values (generate_series(30,39));
List of partitioned tables
Schema | Name | Owner
testpart | parent_tab | testrole_partitioning
testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role
(1 row)
List of partitioned indexes
Schema | Name | Owner | Table
testpart | parent_index | testrole_partitioning | parent_tab
testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | parent_tab
(1 row)
\dP testpart.*
List of partitioned relations
Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table
testpart | parent_tab | testrole_partitioning | partitioned table | |
testpart | child_30_40 | testrole_partitioning | partitioned table | parent_tab |
testpart | parent_index | testrole_partitioning | partitioned index | | parent_tab
testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | testrole_partitioning | partitioned index | parent_index | child_30_40
testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | |
testpart | child_30_40 | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | parent_tab |
testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | | parent_tab
testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | parent_index | child_30_40
(4 rows)
List of partitioned relations
Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Table
testpart | parent_tab | testrole_partitioning | partitioned table |
testpart | parent_index | testrole_partitioning | partitioned index | parent_tab
testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table |
testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | parent_tab
(2 rows)
List of partitioned tables
Schema | Name | Owner | Parent name
testpart | parent_tab | testrole_partitioning |
testpart | child_30_40 | testrole_partitioning | parent_tab
testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role |
testpart | child_30_40 | regress_partitioning_role | parent_tab
(2 rows)
List of partitioned indexes
Schema | Name | Owner | Parent name | Table
testpart | parent_index | testrole_partitioning | | parent_tab
testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | testrole_partitioning | parent_index | child_30_40
testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | | parent_tab
testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | regress_partitioning_role | parent_index | child_30_40
(2 rows)
List of partitioned relations
Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table
testpart | parent_tab | testrole_partitioning | partitioned table | |
testpart | child_30_40 | testrole_partitioning | partitioned table | parent_tab |
testpart | parent_index | testrole_partitioning | partitioned index | | parent_tab
testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | testrole_partitioning | partitioned index | parent_index | child_30_40
testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | |
testpart | child_30_40 | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | parent_tab |
testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | | parent_tab
testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | parent_index | child_30_40
(4 rows)
\dPn testpart.*
List of partitioned relations
Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table
testpart | parent_tab | testrole_partitioning | partitioned table | |
testpart | child_30_40 | testrole_partitioning | partitioned table | parent_tab |
testpart | parent_index | testrole_partitioning | partitioned index | | parent_tab
testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | testrole_partitioning | partitioned index | parent_index | child_30_40
testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | |
testpart | child_30_40 | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | parent_tab |
testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | | parent_tab
testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | parent_index | child_30_40
(4 rows)
drop table parent_tab cascade;
drop schema testpart;
set search_path to default;
set role to default;
drop role testrole_partitioning;
drop role regress_partitioning_role;
......@@ -1048,11 +1048,11 @@ select 1/(15-unique2) from tenk1 order by unique2 limit 19;
create schema testpart;
create role testrole_partitioning;
create role regress_partitioning_role;
alter schema testpart owner to testrole_partitioning;
alter schema testpart owner to regress_partitioning_role;
set role to testrole_partitioning;
set role to regress_partitioning_role;
-- run test inside own schema and hide other partitions
set search_path to testpart;
......@@ -1114,4 +1114,4 @@ drop schema testpart;
set search_path to default;
set role to default;
drop role testrole_partitioning;
drop role regress_partitioning_role;
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