Commit bc411f25 authored by Peter Eisentraut's avatar Peter Eisentraut

Table function support for PL/Python

This allows functions with multiple OUT parameters returning both one
or multiple records (RECORD or SETOF RECORD).

Jan Urbański, reviewed by Hitoshi Harada
parent 772dcfe7
......@@ -390,18 +390,6 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
return type and the Python data type of the actual return object
are not flagged; the value will be converted in any case.
<application>PL/Python</application> functions cannot return
either type <type>RECORD</type> or <type>SETOF RECORD</type>. A
workaround is to write a <application>PL/pgSQL</application>
function that creates a temporary table, have it call the
<application>PL/Python</application> function to fill the table,
and then have the <application>PL/pgSQL</application> function
return the generic <type>RECORD</type> from the temporary table.
......@@ -593,6 +581,17 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
Functions with <literal>OUT</literal> parameters are also supported. For example:
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_simple(OUT i integer, OUT j integer) AS $$
return (1, 2)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_simple();
......@@ -692,6 +691,19 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
Set-returning functions with <literal>OUT</literal> parameters
(using <literal>RETURNS SETOF record</literal>) are also
supported. For example:
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_simple_setof(n integer, OUT integer, OUT integer) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
return [(1, 2)] * n
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_simple_setof(3);
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ REGRESS = \
plpython_error \
plpython_unicode \
plpython_quote \
plpython_composite \
# where to find psql for running the tests
PSQLDIR = $(bindir)
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_simple(OUT i integer, OUT j integer) AS $$
return (1, 2)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT multiout_simple();
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM multiout_simple();
i | j
1 | 2
(1 row)
SELECT i, j + 2 FROM multiout_simple();
i | ?column?
1 | 4
(1 row)
SELECT (multiout_simple()).j + 3;
(1 row)
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_simple_setof(n integer = 1, OUT integer, OUT integer) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
return [(1, 2)] * n
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT multiout_simple_setof();
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM multiout_simple_setof();
column1 | column2
1 | 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM multiout_simple_setof(3);
column1 | column2
1 | 2
1 | 2
1 | 2
(3 rows)
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_record_as(typ text,
first text, OUT first text,
second integer, OUT second integer,
retnull boolean) RETURNS record AS $$
if retnull:
return None
if typ == 'dict':
return { 'first': first, 'second': second, 'additionalfield': 'must not cause trouble' }
elif typ == 'tuple':
return ( first, second )
elif typ == 'list':
return [ first, second ]
elif typ == 'obj':
class type_record: pass
type_record.first = first
type_record.second = second
return type_record
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_record_as('dict', 'foo', 1, 'f');
first | second
foo | 1
(1 row)
SELECT multiout_record_as('dict', 'foo', 1, 'f');
(1 row)
SELECT *, s IS NULL AS snull FROM multiout_record_as('tuple', 'xxx', NULL, 'f') AS f(f, s);
f | s | snull
xxx | | t
(1 row)
SELECT *, f IS NULL AS fnull, s IS NULL AS snull FROM multiout_record_as('tuple', 'xxx', 1, 't') AS f(f, s);
f | s | fnull | snull
| | t | t
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM multiout_record_as('obj', NULL, 10, 'f');
first | second
| 10
(1 row)
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_setof(n integer,
OUT power_of_2 integer,
OUT length integer) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
for i in range(n):
power = 2 ** i
length = plpy.execute("select length('%d')" % power)[0]['length']
yield power, length
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_setof(3);
power_of_2 | length
1 | 1
2 | 1
4 | 1
(3 rows)
SELECT multiout_setof(5);
(5 rows)
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_return_table() RETURNS TABLE (x integer, y text) AS $$
return [{'x': 4, 'y' :'four'},
{'x': 7, 'y' :'seven'},
{'x': 0, 'y' :'zero'}]
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_return_table();
x | y
4 | four
7 | seven
0 | zero
(3 rows)
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_array(OUT integer[], OUT text) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
yield [[1], 'a']
yield [[1,2], 'b']
yield [[1,2,3], None]
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_array();
column1 | column2
{1} | a
{1,2} | b
{1,2,3} |
(3 rows)
CREATE FUNCTION singleout_composite(OUT type_record) AS $$
return {'first': 1, 'second': 2}
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_composite(OUT type_record) RETURNS SETOF type_record AS $$
return [{'first': 1, 'second': 2},
{'first': 3, 'second': 4 }]
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM singleout_composite();
first | second
1 | 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM multiout_composite();
first | second
1 | 2
3 | 4
(2 rows)
-- composite OUT parameters in functions returning RECORD not supported yet
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_composite(INOUT n integer, OUT type_record) AS $$
return (n, (n * 2, n * 3))
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_table_type_setof(typ text, returnnull boolean, INOUT n integer, OUT table_record) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
if returnnull:
d = None
elif typ == 'dict':
d = {'first': n * 2, 'second': n * 3, 'extra': 'not important'}
elif typ == 'tuple':
d = (n * 2, n * 3)
elif typ == 'obj':
class d: pass
d.first = n * 2
d.second = n * 3
for i in range(n):
yield (i, d)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_composite(2);
n | column2
2 | (4,6)
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM multiout_table_type_setof('dict', 'f', 3);
n | column2
0 | (6,9)
1 | (6,9)
2 | (6,9)
(3 rows)
SELECT * FROM multiout_table_type_setof('tuple', 'f', 2);
n | column2
0 | (4,6)
1 | (4,6)
(2 rows)
SELECT * FROM multiout_table_type_setof('obj', 'f', 4);
n | column2
0 | (8,12)
1 | (8,12)
2 | (8,12)
3 | (8,12)
(4 rows)
SELECT * FROM multiout_table_type_setof('dict', 't', 3);
n | column2
0 |
1 |
2 |
(3 rows)
-- check what happens if a type changes under us
CREATE TABLE changing (
i integer,
j integer
CREATE FUNCTION changing_test(OUT n integer, OUT changing) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
return [(1, {'i': 1, 'j': 2}),
(1, (3, 4))]
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM changing_test();
n | column2
1 | (1,2)
1 | (3,4)
(2 rows)
SELECT * FROM changing_test();
ERROR: length of returned sequence did not match number of columns in row
CONTEXT: while creating return value
PL/Python function "changing_test"
SELECT * FROM changing_test();
ERROR: length of returned sequence did not match number of columns in row
CONTEXT: while creating return value
PL/Python function "changing_test"
ALTER TABLE changing ADD COLUMN j integer;
SELECT * FROM changing_test();
n | column2
1 | (1,2)
1 | (3,4)
(2 rows)
-- tables of composite types (not yet implemented)
CREATE FUNCTION composite_types_table(OUT tab table_record[], OUT typ type_record[] ) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
yield {'tab': [['first', 1], ['second', 2]],
'typ': [{'first': 'third', 'second': 3},
{'first': 'fourth', 'second': 4}]}
yield {'tab': [['first', 1], ['second', 2]],
'typ': [{'first': 'third', 'second': 3},
{'first': 'fourth', 'second': 4}]}
yield {'tab': [['first', 1], ['second', 2]],
'typ': [{'first': 'third', 'second': 3},
{'first': 'fourth', 'second': 4}]}
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM composite_types_table();
ERROR: PL/Python functions cannot return type table_record[]
DETAIL: PL/Python does not support conversion to arrays of row types.
CONTEXT: PL/Python function "composite_types_table"
-- check what happens if the output record descriptor changes
CREATE FUNCTION return_record(t text) RETURNS record AS $$
return {'t': t, 'val': 10}
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t text, val integer);
t | val
abc | 10
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t text, val bigint);
t | val
abc | 10
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t text, val integer);
t | val
abc | 10
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t varchar(30), val integer);
t | val
abc | 10
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t varchar(100), val integer);
t | val
abc | 10
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM return_record('999') AS r(val text, t integer);
val | t
10 | 999
(1 row)
CREATE FUNCTION return_record_2(t text) RETURNS record AS $$
return {'v1':1,'v2':2,t:3}
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v3') AS (v3 int, v2 int, v1 int);
v3 | v2 | v1
3 | 2 | 1
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v3') AS (v2 int, v3 int, v1 int);
v2 | v3 | v1
2 | 3 | 1
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v4') AS (v1 int, v4 int, v2 int);
v1 | v4 | v2
1 | 3 | 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v4') AS (v1 int, v4 int, v2 int);
v1 | v4 | v2
1 | 3 | 2
(1 row)
-- error
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v4') AS (v1 int, v3 int, v2 int);
ERROR: key "v3" not found in mapping
HINT: To return null in a column, add the value None to the mapping with the key named after the column.
CONTEXT: while creating return value
PL/Python function "return_record_2"
-- works
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v3') AS (v1 int, v3 int, v2 int);
v1 | v3 | v2
1 | 3 | 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v3') AS (v1 int, v2 int, v3 int);
v1 | v2 | v3
1 | 2 | 3
(1 row)
......@@ -42,12 +42,10 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_in_out_params(first in text, second out text) AS $$
return first + '_in_to_out';
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- this doesn't work yet :-(
CREATE FUNCTION test_in_out_params_multi(first in text,
second out text, third out text) AS $$
return first + '_record_in_to_out';
return (first + '_record_in_to_out_1', first + '_record_in_to_out_2');
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
ERROR: PL/Python functions cannot return type record
CREATE FUNCTION test_inout_params(first inout text) AS $$
return first + '_inout';
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
......@@ -298,12 +296,12 @@ SELECT * FROM test_in_out_params('test_in');
(1 row)
-- this doesn't work yet :-(
SELECT * FROM test_in_out_params_multi('test_in');
ERROR: function test_in_out_params_multi(unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM test_in_out_params_multi('test_in');
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
second | third
test_in_record_in_to_out_1 | test_in_record_in_to_out_2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_inout_params('test_in');
......@@ -549,3 +549,21 @@ SELECT * FROM pb;
b | 2010-10-13 21:57:29
(1 row)
-- triggers for tables with composite types
CREATE TABLE comp1 (i integer, j boolean);
CREATE TYPE comp2 AS (k integer, l boolean);
CREATE TABLE composite_trigger_test (f1 comp1, f2 comp2);
CREATE FUNCTION composite_trigger_f() RETURNS trigger AS $$
TD['new']['f1'] = (3, False)
TD['new']['f2'] = {'k': 7, 'l': 'yes', 'ignored': 10}
return 'MODIFY'
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE TRIGGER composite_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON composite_trigger_test
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE composite_trigger_f();
INSERT INTO composite_trigger_test VALUES (NULL, NULL);
SELECT * FROM composite_trigger_test;
f1 | f2
(3,f) | (7,t)
(1 row)
......@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ typedef struct PLyDatumToOb
PLyDatumToObFunc func;
FmgrInfo typfunc; /* The type's output function */
Oid typoid; /* The OID of the type */
int32 typmod; /* The typmod of the type */
Oid typioparam;
bool typbyval;
int16 typlen;
......@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ typedef struct PLyObToDatum
PLyObToDatumFunc func;
FmgrInfo typfunc; /* The type's input function */
Oid typoid; /* The OID of the type */
int32 typmod; /* The typmod of the type */
Oid typioparam;
bool typbyval;
int16 typlen;
......@@ -348,6 +350,7 @@ static void PLy_input_datum_func(PLyTypeInfo *, Oid, HeapTuple);
static void PLy_input_datum_func2(PLyDatumToOb *, Oid, HeapTuple);
static void PLy_output_tuple_funcs(PLyTypeInfo *, TupleDesc);
static void PLy_input_tuple_funcs(PLyTypeInfo *, TupleDesc);
static void PLy_output_record_funcs(PLyTypeInfo *, TupleDesc);
/* conversion functions */
static PyObject *PLyBool_FromBool(PLyDatumToOb *arg, Datum d);
......@@ -365,12 +368,14 @@ static PyObject *PLyDict_FromTuple(PLyTypeInfo *, HeapTuple, TupleDesc);
static Datum PLyObject_ToBool(PLyObToDatum *, int32, PyObject *);
static Datum PLyObject_ToBytea(PLyObToDatum *, int32, PyObject *);
static Datum PLyObject_ToComposite(PLyObToDatum *, int32, PyObject *);
static Datum PLyObject_ToDatum(PLyObToDatum *, int32, PyObject *);
static Datum PLySequence_ToArray(PLyObToDatum *, int32, PyObject *);
static HeapTuple PLyMapping_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *, PyObject *);
static HeapTuple PLySequence_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *, PyObject *);
static HeapTuple PLyObject_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *, PyObject *);
static HeapTuple PLyObject_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *, TupleDesc, PyObject *);
static HeapTuple PLyMapping_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *, TupleDesc, PyObject *);
static HeapTuple PLySequence_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *, TupleDesc, PyObject *);
static HeapTuple PLyGenericObject_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *, TupleDesc, PyObject *);
* Currently active plpython function
......@@ -1165,17 +1170,19 @@ PLy_function_handler(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, PLyProcedure *proc)
else if (proc->result.is_rowtype >= 1)
TupleDesc desc;
HeapTuple tuple = NULL;
if (PySequence_Check(plrv))
/* composite type as sequence (tuple, list etc) */
tuple = PLySequence_ToTuple(&proc->result, plrv);
else if (PyMapping_Check(plrv))
/* composite type as mapping (currently only dict) */
tuple = PLyMapping_ToTuple(&proc->result, plrv);
/* returned as smth, must provide method __getattr__(name) */
tuple = PLyObject_ToTuple(&proc->result, plrv);
/* make sure it's not an unnamed record */
Assert((proc->result.out.d.typoid == RECORDOID &&
proc->result.out.d.typmod != -1) ||
(proc->result.out.d.typoid != RECORDOID &&
proc->result.out.d.typmod == -1));
desc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(proc->result.out.d.typoid,
tuple = PLyObject_ToTuple(&proc->result, desc, plrv);
if (tuple != NULL)
......@@ -1307,6 +1314,21 @@ PLy_function_build_args(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, PLyProcedure *proc)
PLy_elog(ERROR, "PyDict_SetItemString() failed, while setting up arguments");
arg = NULL;
/* Set up output conversion for functions returning RECORD */
if (proc->result.out.d.typoid == RECORDOID)
TupleDesc desc;
if (get_call_result_type(fcinfo, NULL, &desc) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE)
errmsg("function returning record called in context "
"that cannot accept type record")));
/* cache the output conversion functions */
PLy_output_record_funcs(&(proc->result), desc);
......@@ -1508,32 +1530,37 @@ PLy_procedure_create(HeapTuple procTup, Oid fn_oid, bool is_trigger)
rvTypeStruct = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(rvTypeTup);
/* Disallow pseudotype result, except for void */
if (rvTypeStruct->typtype == TYPTYPE_PSEUDO &&
procStruct->prorettype != VOIDOID)
/* Disallow pseudotype result, except for void or record */
if (rvTypeStruct->typtype == TYPTYPE_PSEUDO)
if (procStruct->prorettype == TRIGGEROID)
errmsg("trigger functions can only be called as triggers")));
else if (procStruct->prorettype != VOIDOID &&
procStruct->prorettype != RECORDOID)
errmsg("PL/Python functions cannot return type %s",
if (rvTypeStruct->typtype == TYPTYPE_COMPOSITE)
if (rvTypeStruct->typtype == TYPTYPE_COMPOSITE ||
procStruct->prorettype == RECORDOID)
* Tuple: set up later, during first call to
* PLy_function_handler
proc->result.out.d.typoid = procStruct->prorettype;
proc->result.out.d.typmod = -1;
proc->result.is_rowtype = 2;
/* do the real work */
PLy_output_datum_func(&proc->result, rvTypeTup);
......@@ -1842,6 +1869,29 @@ PLy_input_tuple_funcs(PLyTypeInfo *arg, TupleDesc desc)
static void
PLy_output_record_funcs(PLyTypeInfo *arg, TupleDesc desc)
* If the output record functions are already set, we just have to check
* if the record descriptor has not changed
if ((arg->is_rowtype == 1) &&
(arg->out.d.typmod != -1) &&
(arg->out.d.typmod == desc->tdtypmod))
/* bless the record to make it known to the typcache lookup code */
/* save the freshly generated typmod */
arg->out.d.typmod = desc->tdtypmod;
/* proceed with normal I/O function caching */
PLy_output_tuple_funcs(arg, desc);
/* it should change is_rowtype to 1, so we won't go through this again
* unless the the output record description changes */
Assert(arg->is_rowtype == 1);
static void
PLy_output_tuple_funcs(PLyTypeInfo *arg, TupleDesc desc)
......@@ -1898,6 +1948,7 @@ PLy_output_datum_func2(PLyObToDatum *arg, HeapTuple typeTup)
perm_fmgr_info(typeStruct->typinput, &arg->typfunc);
arg->typoid = HeapTupleGetOid(typeTup);
arg->typmod = -1;
arg->typioparam = getTypeIOParam(typeTup);
arg->typbyval = typeStruct->typbyval;
......@@ -1920,6 +1971,12 @@ PLy_output_datum_func2(PLyObToDatum *arg, HeapTuple typeTup)
/* Composite types need their own input routine, though */
if (typeStruct->typtype == TYPTYPE_COMPOSITE)
arg->func = PLyObject_ToComposite;
if (element_type)
char dummy_delim;
......@@ -1937,6 +1994,7 @@ PLy_output_datum_func2(PLyObToDatum *arg, HeapTuple typeTup)
arg->func = PLySequence_ToArray;
arg->elm->typoid = element_type;
arg->elm->typmod = -1;
get_type_io_data(element_type, IOFunc_input,
&arg->elm->typlen, &arg->elm->typbyval, &arg->elm->typalign, &dummy_delim,
&arg->elm->typioparam, &funcid);
......@@ -1962,6 +2020,7 @@ PLy_input_datum_func2(PLyDatumToOb *arg, Oid typeOid, HeapTuple typeTup)
/* Get the type's conversion information */
perm_fmgr_info(typeStruct->typoutput, &arg->typfunc);
arg->typoid = HeapTupleGetOid(typeTup);
arg->typmod = -1;
arg->typioparam = getTypeIOParam(typeTup);
arg->typbyval = typeStruct->typbyval;
arg->typlen = typeStruct->typlen;
......@@ -2008,6 +2067,7 @@ PLy_input_datum_func2(PLyDatumToOb *arg, Oid typeOid, HeapTuple typeTup)
arg->elm->func = arg->func;
arg->func = PLyList_FromArray;
arg->elm->typoid = element_type;
arg->elm->typmod = -1;
get_type_io_data(element_type, IOFunc_output,
&arg->elm->typlen, &arg->elm->typbyval, &arg->elm->typalign, &dummy_delim,
&arg->elm->typioparam, &funcid);
......@@ -2213,6 +2273,29 @@ PLyDict_FromTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc desc)
return dict;
* Convert a Python object to a PostgreSQL tuple, using all supported
* conversion methods: tuple as a sequence, as a mapping or as an object that
* has __getattr__ support.
static HeapTuple
PLyObject_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, TupleDesc desc, PyObject *plrv)
HeapTuple tuple;
if (PySequence_Check(plrv))
/* composite type as sequence (tuple, list etc) */
tuple = PLySequence_ToTuple(info, desc, plrv);
else if (PyMapping_Check(plrv))
/* composite type as mapping (currently only dict) */
tuple = PLyMapping_ToTuple(info, desc, plrv);
/* returned as smth, must provide method __getattr__(name) */
tuple = PLyGenericObject_ToTuple(info, desc, plrv);
return tuple;
* Convert a Python object to a PostgreSQL bool datum. This can't go
* through the generic conversion function, because Python attaches a
......@@ -2276,6 +2359,50 @@ PLyObject_ToBytea(PLyObToDatum *arg, int32 typmod, PyObject *plrv)
return rv;
* Convert a Python object to a composite type. First look up the type's
* description, then route the Python object through the conversion function
* for obtaining PostgreSQL tuples.
static Datum
PLyObject_ToComposite(PLyObToDatum *arg, int32 typmod, PyObject *plrv)
HeapTuple tuple = NULL;
Datum rv;
PLyTypeInfo info;
TupleDesc desc;
if (typmod != -1)
elog(ERROR, "received unnamed record type as input");
/* Create a dummy PLyTypeInfo */
MemSet(&info, 0, sizeof(PLyTypeInfo));
/* Mark it as needing output routines lookup */
info.is_rowtype = 2;
desc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(arg->typoid, arg->typmod);
* This will set up the dummy PLyTypeInfo's output conversion routines,
* since we left is_rowtype as 2. A future optimisation could be caching
* that info instead of looking it up every time a tuple is returned from
* the function.
tuple = PLyObject_ToTuple(&info, desc, plrv);
if (tuple != NULL)
rv = HeapTupleGetDatum(tuple);
rv = (Datum) NULL;
return rv;
* Generic conversion function: Convert PyObject to cstring and
* cstring into PostgreSQL type.
......@@ -2379,9 +2506,8 @@ PLySequence_ToArray(PLyObToDatum *arg, int32 typmod, PyObject *plrv)
static HeapTuple
PLyMapping_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, PyObject *mapping)
PLyMapping_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, TupleDesc desc, PyObject *mapping)
TupleDesc desc;
HeapTuple tuple;
Datum *values;
bool *nulls;
......@@ -2389,7 +2515,6 @@ PLyMapping_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, PyObject *mapping)
desc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(info->out.d.typoid, -1);
if (info->is_rowtype == 2)
PLy_output_tuple_funcs(info, desc);
Assert(info->is_rowtype == 1);
......@@ -2450,9 +2575,8 @@ PLyMapping_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, PyObject *mapping)
static HeapTuple
PLySequence_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, PyObject *sequence)
PLySequence_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, TupleDesc desc, PyObject *sequence)
TupleDesc desc;
HeapTuple tuple;
Datum *values;
bool *nulls;
......@@ -2466,7 +2590,6 @@ PLySequence_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, PyObject *sequence)
* can ignore exceeding items or assume missing ones as null but to avoid
* plpython developer's errors we are strict here
desc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(info->out.d.typoid, -1);
idx = 0;
for (i = 0; i < desc->natts; i++)
......@@ -2534,15 +2657,13 @@ PLySequence_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, PyObject *sequence)
static HeapTuple
PLyObject_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, PyObject *object)
PLyGenericObject_ToTuple(PLyTypeInfo *info, TupleDesc desc, PyObject *object)
TupleDesc desc;
HeapTuple tuple;
Datum *values;
bool *nulls;
volatile int i;
desc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(info->out.d.typoid, -1);
if (info->is_rowtype == 2)
PLy_output_tuple_funcs(info, desc);
Assert(info->is_rowtype == 1);
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_simple(OUT i integer, OUT j integer) AS $$
return (1, 2)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT multiout_simple();
SELECT * FROM multiout_simple();
SELECT i, j + 2 FROM multiout_simple();
SELECT (multiout_simple()).j + 3;
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_simple_setof(n integer = 1, OUT integer, OUT integer) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
return [(1, 2)] * n
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT multiout_simple_setof();
SELECT * FROM multiout_simple_setof();
SELECT * FROM multiout_simple_setof(3);
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_record_as(typ text,
first text, OUT first text,
second integer, OUT second integer,
retnull boolean) RETURNS record AS $$
if retnull:
return None
if typ == 'dict':
return { 'first': first, 'second': second, 'additionalfield': 'must not cause trouble' }
elif typ == 'tuple':
return ( first, second )
elif typ == 'list':
return [ first, second ]
elif typ == 'obj':
class type_record: pass
type_record.first = first
type_record.second = second
return type_record
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_record_as('dict', 'foo', 1, 'f');
SELECT multiout_record_as('dict', 'foo', 1, 'f');
SELECT *, s IS NULL AS snull FROM multiout_record_as('tuple', 'xxx', NULL, 'f') AS f(f, s);
SELECT *, f IS NULL AS fnull, s IS NULL AS snull FROM multiout_record_as('tuple', 'xxx', 1, 't') AS f(f, s);
SELECT * FROM multiout_record_as('obj', NULL, 10, 'f');
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_setof(n integer,
OUT power_of_2 integer,
OUT length integer) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
for i in range(n):
power = 2 ** i
length = plpy.execute("select length('%d')" % power)[0]['length']
yield power, length
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_setof(3);
SELECT multiout_setof(5);
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_return_table() RETURNS TABLE (x integer, y text) AS $$
return [{'x': 4, 'y' :'four'},
{'x': 7, 'y' :'seven'},
{'x': 0, 'y' :'zero'}]
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_return_table();
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_array(OUT integer[], OUT text) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
yield [[1], 'a']
yield [[1,2], 'b']
yield [[1,2,3], None]
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_array();
CREATE FUNCTION singleout_composite(OUT type_record) AS $$
return {'first': 1, 'second': 2}
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_composite(OUT type_record) RETURNS SETOF type_record AS $$
return [{'first': 1, 'second': 2},
{'first': 3, 'second': 4 }]
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM singleout_composite();
SELECT * FROM multiout_composite();
-- composite OUT parameters in functions returning RECORD not supported yet
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_composite(INOUT n integer, OUT type_record) AS $$
return (n, (n * 2, n * 3))
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION multiout_table_type_setof(typ text, returnnull boolean, INOUT n integer, OUT table_record) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
if returnnull:
d = None
elif typ == 'dict':
d = {'first': n * 2, 'second': n * 3, 'extra': 'not important'}
elif typ == 'tuple':
d = (n * 2, n * 3)
elif typ == 'obj':
class d: pass
d.first = n * 2
d.second = n * 3
for i in range(n):
yield (i, d)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM multiout_composite(2);
SELECT * FROM multiout_table_type_setof('dict', 'f', 3);
SELECT * FROM multiout_table_type_setof('tuple', 'f', 2);
SELECT * FROM multiout_table_type_setof('obj', 'f', 4);
SELECT * FROM multiout_table_type_setof('dict', 't', 3);
-- check what happens if a type changes under us
CREATE TABLE changing (
i integer,
j integer
CREATE FUNCTION changing_test(OUT n integer, OUT changing) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
return [(1, {'i': 1, 'j': 2}),
(1, (3, 4))]
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM changing_test();
SELECT * FROM changing_test();
SELECT * FROM changing_test();
ALTER TABLE changing ADD COLUMN j integer;
SELECT * FROM changing_test();
-- tables of composite types (not yet implemented)
CREATE FUNCTION composite_types_table(OUT tab table_record[], OUT typ type_record[] ) RETURNS SETOF record AS $$
yield {'tab': [['first', 1], ['second', 2]],
'typ': [{'first': 'third', 'second': 3},
{'first': 'fourth', 'second': 4}]}
yield {'tab': [['first', 1], ['second', 2]],
'typ': [{'first': 'third', 'second': 3},
{'first': 'fourth', 'second': 4}]}
yield {'tab': [['first', 1], ['second', 2]],
'typ': [{'first': 'third', 'second': 3},
{'first': 'fourth', 'second': 4}]}
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM composite_types_table();
-- check what happens if the output record descriptor changes
CREATE FUNCTION return_record(t text) RETURNS record AS $$
return {'t': t, 'val': 10}
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t text, val integer);
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t text, val bigint);
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t text, val integer);
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t varchar(30), val integer);
SELECT * FROM return_record('abc') AS r(t varchar(100), val integer);
SELECT * FROM return_record('999') AS r(val text, t integer);
CREATE FUNCTION return_record_2(t text) RETURNS record AS $$
return {'v1':1,'v2':2,t:3}
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v3') AS (v3 int, v2 int, v1 int);
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v3') AS (v2 int, v3 int, v1 int);
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v4') AS (v1 int, v4 int, v2 int);
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v4') AS (v1 int, v4 int, v2 int);
-- error
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v4') AS (v1 int, v3 int, v2 int);
-- works
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v3') AS (v1 int, v3 int, v2 int);
SELECT * FROM return_record_2('v3') AS (v1 int, v2 int, v3 int);
......@@ -49,10 +49,9 @@ CREATE FUNCTION test_in_out_params(first in text, second out text) AS $$
return first + '_in_to_out';
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- this doesn't work yet :-(
CREATE FUNCTION test_in_out_params_multi(first in text,
second out text, third out text) AS $$
return first + '_record_in_to_out';
return (first + '_record_in_to_out_1', first + '_record_in_to_out_2');
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_inout_params(first inout text) AS $$
......@@ -110,7 +109,6 @@ SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', 'three', 3, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', null, null, true);
SELECT * FROM test_in_out_params('test_in');
-- this doesn't work yet :-(
SELECT * FROM test_in_out_params_multi('test_in');
SELECT * FROM test_inout_params('test_in');
......@@ -326,3 +326,23 @@ INSERT INTO pb VALUES ('a', '2010-10-09 21:57:33.930486');
UPDATE pb SET a = 'b';
-- triggers for tables with composite types
CREATE TABLE comp1 (i integer, j boolean);
CREATE TYPE comp2 AS (k integer, l boolean);
CREATE TABLE composite_trigger_test (f1 comp1, f2 comp2);
CREATE FUNCTION composite_trigger_f() RETURNS trigger AS $$
TD['new']['f1'] = (3, False)
TD['new']['f2'] = {'k': 7, 'l': 'yes', 'ignored': 10}
return 'MODIFY'
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE TRIGGER composite_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON composite_trigger_test
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE composite_trigger_f();
INSERT INTO composite_trigger_test VALUES (NULL, NULL);
SELECT * FROM composite_trigger_test;
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