Commit bbe3c02d authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Revise postmaster startup/shutdown logic to eliminate the problem that a

constant flow of new connection requests could prevent the postmaster from
completing a shutdown or crash restart.  This is done by labeling child
processes that are "dead ends", that is, we know that they were launched only
to tell a client that it can't connect.  These processes are managed
separately so that they don't confuse us into thinking that we can't advance
to the next stage of a shutdown or restart sequence, until the very end
where we must wait for them to drain out so we can delete the shmem segment.
Per discussion of a misbehavior reported by Keaton Adams.

Since this code was baroque already, and my first attempt at fixing the
problem made it entirely impenetrable, I took the opportunity to rewrite it
in a state-machine style.  That eliminates some duplicated code sections and
hopefully makes everything a bit clearer.
parent c556b29a
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c,v 1.539 2007/08/04 03:15:49 tgl Exp $
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c,v 1.540 2007/08/09 01:18:43 tgl Exp $
......@@ -131,22 +131,31 @@
* "Special" children such as the startup, bgwriter and autovacuum launcher
* tasks are not in this list. Autovacuum worker processes are in it.
* Also, "dead_end" children are in it: these are children launched just
* for the purpose of sending a friendly rejection message to a would-be
* client. We must track them because they are attached to shared memory,
* but we know they will never become live backends.
typedef struct bkend
pid_t pid; /* process id of backend */
long cancel_key; /* cancel key for cancels for this backend */
bool is_autovacuum; /* is it an autovacuum process? */
bool dead_end; /* is it going to send an error and quit? */
} Backend;
static Dllist *BackendList;
* Number of entries in the backend table. Twice the number of backends,
* plus five other subprocesses (stats, bgwriter, walwriter, autovac, logger).
* Number of entries in the shared-memory backend table. This table is used
* only for sending cancels, and therefore only includes children we allow
* cancels on: regular backends and autovac workers. In particular we exclude
* dead_end children, allowing the table to have a known maximum size, to wit
* the same too-many-children limit enforced by canAcceptConnections().
#define NUM_BACKENDARRAY_ELEMS (2*MaxBackends + 5)
#define NUM_BACKENDARRAY_ELEMS (2*MaxBackends)
static Backend *ShmemBackendArray;
......@@ -180,7 +189,7 @@ static char ExtraOptions[MAXPGPATH];
* backend dumps core. Normally, it kills all peers of the dead backend
* and reinitializes shared memory. By specifying -s or -n, we can have
* the postmaster stop (rather than kill) peers and not reinitialize
* shared data structures.
* shared data structures. (Reinit is currently dead code, though.)
static bool Reinit = true;
static int SendStop = false;
......@@ -216,10 +225,45 @@ static int Shutdown = NoShutdown;
static bool FatalError = false; /* T if recovering from backend crash */
* We use a simple state machine to control startup, shutdown, and
* crash recovery (which is rather like shutdown followed by startup).
* Normal child backends can only be launched when we are in PM_RUN state.
* In other states we handle connection requests by launching "dead_end"
* child processes, which will simply send the client an error message and
* quit. (We track these in the BackendList so that we can know when they
* are all gone; this is important because they're still connected to shared
* memory, and would interfere with an attempt to destroy the shmem segment,
* possibly leading to SHMALL failure when we try to make a new one.)
* In PM_WAIT_DEAD_END state we are waiting for all the dead_end children
* to drain out of the system, and therefore stop accepting connection
* requests at all until the last existing child has quit (which hopefully
* will not be very long).
* Notice that this state variable does not distinguish *why* we entered
* PM_WAIT_BACKENDS or later states --- Shutdown and FatalError must be
* consulted to find that out. FatalError is never true in PM_RUN state, nor
* in PM_SHUTDOWN state (because we don't enter that state when trying to
* recover from a crash). It can be true in PM_STARTUP state, because we
* don't clear it until we've successfully recovered.
typedef enum {
PM_INIT, /* postmaster starting */
PM_STARTUP, /* waiting for startup subprocess */
PM_RUN, /* normal "database is alive" state */
PM_WAIT_BACKENDS, /* waiting for live backends to exit */
PM_SHUTDOWN, /* waiting for bgwriter to do shutdown ckpt */
PM_WAIT_DEAD_END, /* waiting for dead_end children to exit */
PM_NO_CHILDREN /* all important children have exited */
} PMState;
static PMState pmState = PM_INIT;
bool ClientAuthInProgress = false; /* T during new-client
* authentication */
bool redirection_done = false;
bool redirection_done = false; /* stderr redirected for syslogger? */
/* received START_AUTOVAC_LAUNCHER signal */
static volatile sig_atomic_t start_autovac_launcher = false;
......@@ -262,6 +306,7 @@ static void CleanupBackend(int pid, int exitstatus);
static void HandleChildCrash(int pid, int exitstatus, const char *procname);
static void LogChildExit(int lev, const char *procname,
int pid, int exitstatus);
static void PostmasterStateMachine(void);
static void BackendInitialize(Port *port);
static int BackendRun(Port *port);
static void ExitPostmaster(int status);
......@@ -275,8 +320,9 @@ static enum CAC_state canAcceptConnections(void);
static long PostmasterRandom(void);
static void RandomSalt(char *cryptSalt, char *md5Salt);
static void signal_child(pid_t pid, int signal);
static void SignalChildren(int signal);
static void SignalSomeChildren(int signal, bool only_autovac);
#define SignalChildren(sig) SignalSomeChildren(sig, false)
#define SignalAutovacWorkers(sig) SignalSomeChildren(sig, true)
static int CountChildren(void);
static bool CreateOptsFile(int argc, char *argv[], char *fullprogname);
static pid_t StartChildProcess(AuxProcType type);
......@@ -888,6 +934,7 @@ PostmasterMain(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Write out nondefault GUC settings for child processes to use */
......@@ -974,6 +1021,8 @@ PostmasterMain(int argc, char *argv[])
* We're ready to rock and roll...
StartupPID = StartupDataBase();
Assert(StartupPID != 0);
pmState = PM_STARTUP;
status = ServerLoop();
......@@ -1078,7 +1127,6 @@ checkDataDir(void)
static void
reg_reply(DNSServiceRegistrationReplyErrorType errorCode, void *context)
#endif /* USE_BONJOUR */
......@@ -1110,9 +1158,10 @@ pmdaemonize(void)
MyStartTime = time(NULL);
/* GH: If there's no setsid(), we hopefully don't need silent mode.
* Until there's a better solution.
* GH: If there's no setsid(), we hopefully don't need silent mode.
* Until there's a better solution.
if (setsid() < 0)
......@@ -1150,26 +1199,38 @@ ServerLoop(void)
for (;;)
Port *port;
fd_set rmask;
struct timeval timeout;
int selres;
int i;
* Wait for something to happen.
* Wait for a connection request to arrive.
* We wait at most one minute, to ensure that the other background
* tasks handled below get done even when no requests are arriving.
* If we are in PM_WAIT_DEAD_END state, then we don't want to
* accept any new connections, so we don't call select() at all;
* just sleep for a little bit with signals unblocked.
memcpy((char *) &rmask, (char *) &readmask, sizeof(fd_set));
timeout.tv_sec = 60;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
selres = select(nSockets, &rmask, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if (pmState == PM_WAIT_DEAD_END)
pg_usleep(100000L); /* 100 msec seems reasonable */
selres = 0;
/* must set timeout each time; some OSes change it! */
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 60;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
selres = select(nSockets, &rmask, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
* Block all signals until we wait again. (This makes it safe for our
......@@ -1177,6 +1238,7 @@ ServerLoop(void)
/* Now check the select() result */
if (selres < 0)
if (errno != EINTR && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
......@@ -1194,12 +1256,16 @@ ServerLoop(void)
if (selres > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXLISTEN; i++)
if (ListenSocket[i] == -1)
if (FD_ISSET(ListenSocket[i], &rmask))
Port *port;
port = ConnCreate(ListenSocket[i]);
if (port)
......@@ -1225,27 +1291,20 @@ ServerLoop(void)
* state that prevents it, start one. It doesn't matter if this
* fails, we'll just try again later.
if (BgWriterPID == 0 && StartupPID == 0 && !FatalError)
if (BgWriterPID == 0 && pmState == PM_RUN)
BgWriterPID = StartBackgroundWriter();
/* If shutdown is pending, set it going */
if (Shutdown > NoShutdown && BgWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(BgWriterPID, SIGUSR2);
* Likewise, if we have lost the walwriter process, try to start a
* new one. We don't need walwriter to complete a shutdown, so
* don't start it if shutdown already initiated.
* new one.
if (WalWriterPID == 0 &&
StartupPID == 0 && !FatalError && Shutdown == NoShutdown)
if (WalWriterPID == 0 && pmState == PM_RUN)
WalWriterPID = StartWalWriter();
/* If we have lost the autovacuum launcher, try to start a new one */
if (AutoVacPID == 0 &&
(AutoVacuumingActive() || start_autovac_launcher) &&
StartupPID == 0 && !FatalError && Shutdown == NoShutdown)
pmState == PM_RUN)
AutoVacPID = StartAutoVacLauncher();
if (AutoVacPID != 0)
......@@ -1253,13 +1312,11 @@ ServerLoop(void)
/* If we have lost the archiver, try to start a new one */
if (XLogArchivingActive() && PgArchPID == 0 &&
StartupPID == 0 && !FatalError && Shutdown == NoShutdown)
if (XLogArchivingActive() && PgArchPID == 0 && pmState == PM_RUN)
PgArchPID = pgarch_start();
/* If we have lost the stats collector, try to start a new one */
if (PgStatPID == 0 &&
StartupPID == 0 && !FatalError && Shutdown == NoShutdown)
if (PgStatPID == 0 && pmState == PM_RUN)
PgStatPID = pgstat_start();
......@@ -1285,7 +1342,7 @@ ServerLoop(void)
static int
initMasks(fd_set *rmask)
int nsocks = -1;
int maxsock = -1;
int i;
......@@ -1297,16 +1354,16 @@ initMasks(fd_set *rmask)
if (fd == -1)
FD_SET(fd, rmask);
if (fd > nsocks)
nsocks = fd;
if (fd > maxsock)
maxsock = fd;
return nsocks + 1;
return maxsock + 1;
* Read the startup packet and do something according to it.
* Read a client's startup packet and do something according to it.
* Returns STATUS_OK or STATUS_ERROR, or might call ereport(FATAL) and
* not return at all.
......@@ -1594,7 +1651,6 @@ retry1:
errmsg("sorry, too many clients already")));
case CAC_OK:
......@@ -1670,12 +1726,14 @@ static enum CAC_state
/* Can't start backends when in startup/shutdown/recovery state. */
if (Shutdown > NoShutdown)
if (StartupPID)
if (FatalError)
if (pmState != PM_RUN)
if (Shutdown > NoShutdown)
return CAC_SHUTDOWN; /* shutdown is pending */
if (pmState == PM_STARTUP && !FatalError)
return CAC_STARTUP; /* normal startup */
return CAC_RECOVERY; /* else must be crash recovery */
* Don't start too many children.
......@@ -1685,6 +1743,9 @@ canAcceptConnections(void)
* backend might exit before the auth cycle is completed. The exact
* MaxBackends limit is enforced when a new backend tries to join the
* shared-inval backend array.
* In the EXEC_BACKEND case, the limit here must match the size of the
* ShmemBackendArray, since all these processes will have cancel codes.
if (CountChildren() >= 2 * MaxBackends)
......@@ -1895,36 +1956,24 @@ pmdie(SIGNAL_ARGS)
(errmsg("received smart shutdown request")));
/* autovacuum workers are told to shut down immediately */
if (DLGetHead(BackendList))
SignalSomeChildren(SIGTERM, true);
/* and the autovac launcher too */
if (AutoVacPID != 0)
signal_child(AutoVacPID, SIGTERM);
/* and the walwriter too */
if (WalWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(WalWriterPID, SIGTERM);
if (DLGetHead(BackendList) || AutoVacPID != 0 || WalWriterPID != 0)
break; /* let reaper() handle this */
if (pmState == PM_RUN)
/* autovacuum workers are told to shut down immediately */
/* and the autovac launcher too */
if (AutoVacPID != 0)
signal_child(AutoVacPID, SIGTERM);
/* and the walwriter too */
if (WalWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(WalWriterPID, SIGTERM);
* No children left. Begin shutdown of data base system.
* Now wait for backends to exit. If there are none,
* PostmasterStateMachine will take the next step.
if (StartupPID != 0 || FatalError)
break; /* let reaper() handle this */
/* Start the bgwriter if not running */
if (BgWriterPID == 0)
BgWriterPID = StartBackgroundWriter();
/* And tell it to shut down */
if (BgWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(BgWriterPID, SIGUSR2);
/* Tell pgarch to shut down too; nothing left for it to do */
if (PgArchPID != 0)
signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGQUIT);
/* Tell pgstat to shut down too; nothing left for it to do */
if (PgStatPID != 0)
signal_child(PgStatPID, SIGQUIT);
case SIGINT:
......@@ -1941,48 +1990,28 @@ pmdie(SIGNAL_ARGS)
(errmsg("received fast shutdown request")));
if (DLGetHead(BackendList) || AutoVacPID != 0 || WalWriterPID != 0)
if (StartupPID != 0)
signal_child(StartupPID, SIGTERM);
if (pmState == PM_RUN)
if (!FatalError)
(errmsg("aborting any active transactions")));
if (AutoVacPID != 0)
signal_child(AutoVacPID, SIGTERM);
if (WalWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(WalWriterPID, SIGTERM);
/* reaper() does the rest */
(errmsg("aborting any active transactions")));
/* shut down all backends and autovac workers */
/* and the autovac launcher too */
if (AutoVacPID != 0)
signal_child(AutoVacPID, SIGTERM);
/* and the walwriter too */
if (WalWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(WalWriterPID, SIGTERM);
* No children left. Begin shutdown of data base system.
* Note: if we previously got SIGTERM then we may send SIGUSR2 to
* the bgwriter a second time here. This should be harmless.
* Ditto for the signals to the other special children.
* Now wait for backends to exit. If there are none,
* PostmasterStateMachine will take the next step.
if (StartupPID != 0)
signal_child(StartupPID, SIGTERM);
break; /* let reaper() do the rest */
if (FatalError)
break; /* let reaper() handle this case */
/* Start the bgwriter if not running */
if (BgWriterPID == 0)
BgWriterPID = StartBackgroundWriter();
/* And tell it to shut down */
if (BgWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(BgWriterPID, SIGUSR2);
/* Tell pgarch to shut down too; nothing left for it to do */
if (PgArchPID != 0)
signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGQUIT);
/* Tell pgstat to shut down too; nothing left for it to do */
if (PgStatPID != 0)
signal_child(PgStatPID, SIGQUIT);
......@@ -1995,6 +2024,7 @@ pmdie(SIGNAL_ARGS)
(errmsg("received immediate shutdown request")));
if (StartupPID != 0)
signal_child(StartupPID, SIGQUIT);
if (BgWriterPID != 0)
......@@ -2007,8 +2037,6 @@ pmdie(SIGNAL_ARGS)
signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGQUIT);
if (PgStatPID != 0)
signal_child(PgStatPID, SIGQUIT);
if (DLGetHead(BackendList))
......@@ -2019,55 +2047,54 @@ pmdie(SIGNAL_ARGS)
* Reaper -- signal handler to cleanup after a backend (child) dies.
* Reaper -- signal handler to cleanup after a child process dies.
static void
int save_errno = errno;
int pid; /* process id of dead child process */
int exitstatus; /* its exit status */
/* These macros hide platform variations in getting child status */
int status; /* backend exit status */
int status; /* child exit status */
#define LOOPTEST() ((pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0)
#define LOOPHEADER() (exitstatus = status)
#else /* !HAVE_WAITPID */
#ifndef WIN32
union wait status; /* backend exit status */
int exitstatus;
int pid; /* process id of dead backend */
union wait status; /* child exit status */
#define LOOPTEST() ((pid = wait3(&status, WNOHANG, NULL)) > 0)
#define LOOPHEADER() (exitstatus = status.w_status)
#else /* WIN32 */
#define LOOPTEST() ((pid = win32_waitpid(&exitstatus)) > 0)
* We need to do this here, and not in CleanupBackend, since this is
* to be called on all children when we are done with them. Could move
* to LogChildExit, but that seems like asking for future trouble...
#define LOOPHEADER() (win32_RemoveChild(pid))
#endif /* WIN32 */
#endif /* HAVE_WAITPID */
(errmsg_internal("reaping dead processes")));
while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0)
exitstatus = status;
#ifndef WIN32
while ((pid = wait3(&status, WNOHANG, NULL)) > 0)
exitstatus = status.w_status;
while ((pid = win32_waitpid(&exitstatus)) > 0)
while (LOOPTEST())
* We need to do this here, and not in CleanupBackend, since this is
* to be called on all children when we are done with them. Could move
* to LogChildExit, but that seems like asking for future trouble...
#endif /* WIN32 */
#endif /* HAVE_WAITPID */
* Check if this child was a startup process.
if (StartupPID != 0 && pid == StartupPID)
if (pid == StartupPID)
StartupPID = 0;
/* Note: FATAL exit of startup is treated as catastrophic */
Assert(pmState == PM_STARTUP);
/* FATAL exit of startup is treated as catastrophic */
if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
LogChildExit(LOG, _("startup process"),
......@@ -2083,6 +2110,21 @@ reaper(SIGNAL_ARGS)
FatalError = false;
* Go to shutdown mode if a shutdown request was pending.
if (Shutdown > NoShutdown)
/* PostmasterStateMachine logic does the rest */
* Otherwise, commence normal operations.
pmState = PM_RUN;
* Load the flat authorization file into postmaster's cache. The
* startup process has recomputed this from the database contents,
......@@ -2098,26 +2140,21 @@ reaper(SIGNAL_ARGS)
BgWriterPID = StartBackgroundWriter();
* Go to shutdown mode if a shutdown request was pending.
* Otherwise, try to start the other special children.
* Likewise, start other special children as needed. In a restart
* situation, some of them may be alive already.
if (Shutdown > NoShutdown && BgWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(BgWriterPID, SIGUSR2);
else if (Shutdown == NoShutdown)
if (WalWriterPID == 0)
WalWriterPID = StartWalWriter();
if (XLogArchivingActive() && PgArchPID == 0)
PgArchPID = pgarch_start();
if (PgStatPID == 0)
PgStatPID = pgstat_start();
if (AutoVacuumingActive() && AutoVacPID == 0)
AutoVacPID = StartAutoVacLauncher();
/* at this point we are really open for business */
(errmsg("database system is ready to accept connections")));
if (WalWriterPID == 0)
WalWriterPID = StartWalWriter();
if (AutoVacuumingActive() && AutoVacPID == 0)
AutoVacPID = StartAutoVacLauncher();
if (XLogArchivingActive() && PgArchPID == 0)
PgArchPID = pgarch_start();
if (PgStatPID == 0)
PgStatPID = pgstat_start();
/* at this point we are really open for business */
(errmsg("database system is ready to accept connections")));
......@@ -2125,50 +2162,34 @@ reaper(SIGNAL_ARGS)
* Was it the bgwriter?
if (BgWriterPID != 0 && pid == BgWriterPID)
if (pid == BgWriterPID)
BgWriterPID = 0;
if (EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) &&
Shutdown > NoShutdown && !FatalError &&
!DLGetHead(BackendList) &&
WalWriterPID == 0 && AutoVacPID == 0)
if (EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) && pmState == PM_SHUTDOWN)
* Normal postmaster exit is here: we've seen normal exit of
* the bgwriter after it's been told to shut down. We expect
* that it wrote a shutdown checkpoint. (If for some reason
* it didn't, recovery will occur on next postmaster start.)
* OK, we saw normal exit of the bgwriter after it's been
* told to shut down. We expect that it wrote a shutdown
* checkpoint. (If for some reason it didn't, recovery will
* occur on next postmaster start.)
* Note: we do not wait around for exit of the archiver or
* stats processes. They've been sent SIGQUIT by this point,
* and in any case contain logic to commit hara-kiri if they
* notice the postmaster is gone.
* At this point we should have no normal children left
* (else we'd not be in PM_SHUTDOWN state) but we might have
* dead_end children.
Assert(Shutdown > NoShutdown);
* Any unexpected exit of the bgwriter (including FATAL exit)
* is treated as a crash.
HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus,
_("background writer process"));
* If the bgwriter crashed while trying to write the shutdown
* checkpoint, we may as well just stop here; any recovery
* required will happen on next postmaster start.
if (Shutdown > NoShutdown &&
!DLGetHead(BackendList) &&
WalWriterPID == 0 && AutoVacPID == 0)
(errmsg("abnormal database system shutdown")));
* Any unexpected exit of the bgwriter (including FATAL exit)
* is treated as a crash.
HandleChildCrash(pid, exitstatus,
_("background writer process"));
/* Else, proceed as in normal crash recovery */
......@@ -2177,7 +2198,7 @@ reaper(SIGNAL_ARGS)
* start a new one at the next iteration of the postmaster's main loop,
* if necessary. Any other exit condition is treated as a crash.
if (WalWriterPID != 0 && pid == WalWriterPID)
if (pid == WalWriterPID)
WalWriterPID = 0;
if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
......@@ -2191,7 +2212,7 @@ reaper(SIGNAL_ARGS)
* start a new one at the next iteration of the postmaster's main loop,
* if necessary. Any other exit condition is treated as a crash.
if (AutoVacPID != 0 && pid == AutoVacPID)
if (pid == AutoVacPID)
AutoVacPID = 0;
if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
......@@ -2205,14 +2226,13 @@ reaper(SIGNAL_ARGS)
* to force reset of the rest of the system. (If fail, we'll try
* again in future cycles of the main loop.)
if (PgArchPID != 0 && pid == PgArchPID)
if (pid == PgArchPID)
PgArchPID = 0;
if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
LogChildExit(LOG, _("archiver process"),
pid, exitstatus);
if (XLogArchivingActive() &&
StartupPID == 0 && !FatalError && Shutdown == NoShutdown)
if (XLogArchivingActive() && pmState == PM_RUN)
PgArchPID = pgarch_start();
......@@ -2222,19 +2242,19 @@ reaper(SIGNAL_ARGS)
* one; no need to force reset of the rest of the system. (If fail,
* we'll try again in future cycles of the main loop.)
if (PgStatPID != 0 && pid == PgStatPID)
if (pid == PgStatPID)
PgStatPID = 0;
if (!EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus))
LogChildExit(LOG, _("statistics collector process"),
pid, exitstatus);
if (StartupPID == 0 && !FatalError && Shutdown == NoShutdown)
if (pmState == PM_RUN)
PgStatPID = pgstat_start();
/* Was it the system logger? try to start a new one */
if (SysLoggerPID != 0 && pid == SysLoggerPID)
/* Was it the system logger? If so, try to start a new one */
if (pid == SysLoggerPID)
SysLoggerPID = 0;
/* for safety's sake, launch new logger *first* */
......@@ -2251,48 +2271,13 @@ reaper(SIGNAL_ARGS)
CleanupBackend(pid, exitstatus);
} /* loop over pending child-death reports */
if (FatalError)
* Wait for all important children to exit, then reset shmem and
* StartupDataBase. (We can ignore the archiver and stats processes
* here since they are not connected to shmem.)
if (DLGetHead(BackendList) || StartupPID != 0 ||
BgWriterPID != 0 || WalWriterPID != 0 ||
AutoVacPID != 0)
goto reaper_done;
(errmsg("all server processes terminated; reinitializing")));
StartupPID = StartupDataBase();
goto reaper_done;
if (Shutdown > NoShutdown)
if (DLGetHead(BackendList) || StartupPID != 0 || AutoVacPID != 0 ||
WalWriterPID != 0)
goto reaper_done;
/* Start the bgwriter if not running */
if (BgWriterPID == 0)
BgWriterPID = StartBackgroundWriter();
/* And tell it to shut down */
if (BgWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(BgWriterPID, SIGUSR2);
/* Tell pgarch to shut down too; nothing left for it to do */
if (PgArchPID != 0)
signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGQUIT);
/* Tell pgstat to shut down too; nothing left for it to do */
if (PgStatPID != 0)
signal_child(PgStatPID, SIGQUIT);
* After cleaning out the SIGCHLD queue, see if we have any state changes
* or actions to make.
/* Done with signal handler */
errno = save_errno;
......@@ -2330,12 +2315,13 @@ CleanupBackend(int pid,
if (bp->pid == pid)
if (!bp->dead_end)
......@@ -2376,12 +2362,13 @@ HandleChildCrash(int pid, int exitstatus, const char *procname)
* Found entry for freshly-dead backend, so remove it.
if (!bp->dead_end)
/* Keep looping so we can signal remaining backends */
......@@ -2394,6 +2381,9 @@ HandleChildCrash(int pid, int exitstatus, const char *procname)
* and let the user know what's going on. But if SendStop is set
* (-s on command line), then we send SIGSTOP instead, so that we
* can get core dumps from all backends by hand.
* We could exclude dead_end children here, but at least in the
* SIGSTOP case it seems better to include them.
if (!FatalError)
......@@ -2442,8 +2432,12 @@ HandleChildCrash(int pid, int exitstatus, const char *procname)
signal_child(AutoVacPID, (SendStop ? SIGSTOP : SIGQUIT));
/* Force a power-cycle of the pgarch process too */
/* (Shouldn't be necessary, but just for luck) */
* Force a power-cycle of the pgarch process too. (This isn't absolutely
* necessary, but it seems like a good idea for robustness, and it
* simplifies the state-machine logic in the case where a shutdown
* request arrives during crash processing.)
if (PgArchPID != 0 && !FatalError)
......@@ -2453,8 +2447,12 @@ HandleChildCrash(int pid, int exitstatus, const char *procname)
signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGQUIT);
/* Force a power-cycle of the pgstat process too */
/* (Shouldn't be necessary, but just for luck) */
* Force a power-cycle of the pgstat process too. (This isn't absolutely
* necessary, but it seems like a good idea for robustness, and it
* simplifies the state-machine logic in the case where a shutdown
* request arrives during crash processing.)
if (PgStatPID != 0 && !FatalError)
......@@ -2468,6 +2466,9 @@ HandleChildCrash(int pid, int exitstatus, const char *procname)
/* We do NOT restart the syslogger */
FatalError = true;
/* We now transit into a state of waiting for children to die */
if (pmState == PM_RUN || pmState == PM_SHUTDOWN)
......@@ -2523,6 +2524,151 @@ LogChildExit(int lev, const char *procname, int pid, int exitstatus)
procname, pid, exitstatus)));
* Advance the postmaster's state machine and take actions as appropriate
* This is common code for pmdie() and reaper(), which receive the signals
* that might mean we need to change state.
static void
* If we are in a state-machine state that implies waiting for backends
* to exit, see if they're all gone, and change state if so.
if (pmState == PM_WAIT_BACKENDS)
* PM_WAIT_BACKENDS state ends when we have no regular backends
* (including autovac workers) and no walwriter or autovac launcher.
* If we are doing crash recovery then we expect the bgwriter to
* exit too, otherwise not. The archiver, stats, and syslogger
* processes are disregarded since they are not connected to shared
* memory; we also disregard dead_end children here.
if (CountChildren() == 0 &&
StartupPID == 0 &&
(BgWriterPID == 0 || !FatalError) &&
WalWriterPID == 0 &&
AutoVacPID == 0)
if (FatalError)
* Start waiting for dead_end children to die. This state
* change causes ServerLoop to stop creating new ones.
* If we get here, we are proceeding with normal shutdown.
* All the regular children are gone, and it's time to tell
* the bgwriter to do a shutdown checkpoint.
Assert(Shutdown > NoShutdown);
/* Start the bgwriter if not running */
if (BgWriterPID == 0)
BgWriterPID = StartBackgroundWriter();
/* And tell it to shut down */
if (BgWriterPID != 0)
signal_child(BgWriterPID, SIGUSR2);
pmState = PM_SHUTDOWN;
* If we failed to fork a bgwriter, just shut down.
* Any required cleanup will happen at next restart.
* We set FatalError so that an "abnormal shutdown"
* message gets logged when we exit.
FatalError = true;
/* Tell pgarch to shut down too; nothing left for it to do */
if (PgArchPID != 0)
signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGQUIT);
/* Tell pgstat to shut down too; nothing left for it to do */
if (PgStatPID != 0)
signal_child(PgStatPID, SIGQUIT);
if (pmState == PM_WAIT_DEAD_END)
* PM_WAIT_DEAD_END state ends when the BackendList is entirely
* empty (ie, no dead_end children remain).
if (!DLGetHead(BackendList))
/* These other guys should be dead already */
Assert(StartupPID == 0);
Assert(BgWriterPID == 0);
Assert(WalWriterPID == 0);
Assert(AutoVacPID == 0);
/* archiver, stats, and syslogger are not considered here */
* If we've been told to shut down, we exit as soon as there are no
* remaining children. If there was a crash, cleanup will occur at the
* next startup. (Before PostgreSQL 8.3, we tried to recover from the
* crash before exiting, but that seems unwise if we are quitting because
* we got SIGTERM from init --- there may well not be time for recovery
* before init decides to SIGKILL us.)
* Note: we do not wait around for exit of the archiver or stats
* processes. They've been sent SIGQUIT by this point (either when we
* entered PM_SHUTDOWN state, or when we set FatalError, and at least one
* of those must have happened by now). In any case they contain logic to
* commit hara-kiri if they notice the postmaster is gone. Since they
* aren't connected to shared memory, they pose no problem for shutdown.
* The syslogger is not considered either, since it's intended to survive
* till the postmaster exits.
if (Shutdown > NoShutdown && pmState == PM_NO_CHILDREN)
if (FatalError)
ereport(LOG, (errmsg("abnormal database system shutdown")));
/* Normal exit from the postmaster is here */
* If we need to recover from a crash, wait for all shmem-connected
* children to exit, then reset shmem and StartupDataBase. (We can ignore
* the archiver and stats processes here since they are not connected to
* shmem.)
if (FatalError && pmState == PM_NO_CHILDREN)
(errmsg("all server processes terminated; reinitializing")));
StartupPID = StartupDataBase();
Assert(StartupPID != 0);
pmState = PM_STARTUP;
* Send a signal to a postmaster child process
......@@ -2561,19 +2707,9 @@ signal_child(pid_t pid, int signal)
* Send a signal to all backend children, including autovacuum workers (but NOT
* special children).
static void
SignalChildren(int signal)
SignalSomeChildren(signal, false);
* Send a signal to all backend children, including autovacuum workers (but NOT
* special children). If only_autovac is TRUE, only the autovacuum worker
* processes are signalled.
* Send a signal to all backend children, including autovacuum workers
* (but NOT special children; dead_end children are never signaled, either).
* If only_autovac is TRUE, only the autovacuum worker processes are signalled.
static void
SignalSomeChildren(int signal, bool only_autovac)
......@@ -2584,6 +2720,8 @@ SignalSomeChildren(int signal, bool only_autovac)
Backend *bp = (Backend *) DLE_VAL(curr);
if (bp->dead_end)
if (only_autovac && !bp->is_autovacuum)
......@@ -2688,9 +2826,11 @@ BackendStartup(Port *port)
bn->pid = pid;
bn->cancel_key = MyCancelKey;
bn->is_autovacuum = false;
bn->dead_end = (port->canAcceptConnections != CAC_OK);
DLAddHead(BackendList, DLNewElem(bn));
if (!bn->dead_end)
return STATUS_OK;
......@@ -3647,7 +3787,7 @@ sigusr1_handler(SIGNAL_ARGS)
if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_WAKEN_ARCHIVER) &&
PgArchPID != 0 && Shutdown == NoShutdown)
PgArchPID != 0 && Shutdown <= SmartShutdown)
* Send SIGUSR1 to archiver process, to wake it up and begin archiving
......@@ -3790,7 +3930,8 @@ PostmasterRandom(void)
* Count up number of child processes (regular backends only)
* Count up number of child processes (excluding special children and
* dead_end children)
static int
......@@ -3799,7 +3940,12 @@ CountChildren(void)
int cnt = 0;
for (curr = DLGetHead(BackendList); curr; curr = DLGetSucc(curr))
Backend *bp = (Backend *) DLE_VAL(curr);
if (!bp->dead_end)
return cnt;
......@@ -3918,52 +4064,61 @@ StartAutovacuumWorker(void)
Backend *bn;
* do nothing if not in condition to run a process. This should not
* actually happen, since the signal is only supposed to be sent by
* autovacuum launcher when it's OK to do it, but test for it just in case.
* If not in condition to run a process, don't try, but handle it like a
* fork failure. This does not normally happen, since the signal is only
* supposed to be sent by autovacuum launcher when it's OK to do it, but
* we have to check to avoid race-condition problems during DB state
* changes.
if (StartupPID != 0 || FatalError || Shutdown != NoShutdown)
* Compute the cancel key that will be assigned to this session.
* We probably don't need cancel keys for autovac workers, but we'd
* better have something random in the field to prevent unfriendly
* people from sending cancels to them.
MyCancelKey = PostmasterRandom();
bn = (Backend *) malloc(sizeof(Backend));
if (bn)
if (canAcceptConnections() == CAC_OK)
bn->pid = StartAutoVacWorker();
if (bn->pid > 0)
* Compute the cancel key that will be assigned to this session.
* We probably don't need cancel keys for autovac workers, but we'd
* better have something random in the field to prevent unfriendly
* people from sending cancels to them.
MyCancelKey = PostmasterRandom();
bn = (Backend *) malloc(sizeof(Backend));
if (bn)
bn->cancel_key = MyCancelKey;
bn->is_autovacuum = true;
DLAddHead(BackendList, DLNewElem(bn));
bn->pid = StartAutoVacWorker();
if (bn->pid > 0)
bn->cancel_key = MyCancelKey;
bn->is_autovacuum = true;
bn->dead_end = false;
DLAddHead(BackendList, DLNewElem(bn));
/* all OK */
/* all OK */
* fork failed, fall through to report -- actual error message was
* logged by StartAutoVacWorker
* fork failed, fall through to report -- actual error message was
* logged by StartAutoVacWorker
errmsg("out of memory")));
errmsg("out of memory")));
/* report the failure to the launcher */
* Report the failure to the launcher, if it's running. (If it's not,
* we might not even be connected to shared memory, so don't try to
* call AutoVacWorkerFailed.)
if (AutoVacPID != 0)
kill(AutoVacPID, SIGUSR1);
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