Commit ba920e1c authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Rename contains/contained-by operators to @> and <@, per discussion that

agreed these symbols are less easily confused.  I made new pg_operator
entries (with new OIDs) for the old names, so as to provide backward
compatibility while making it pretty easy to remove the old names in
some future release cycle.  This commit only touches the core datatypes,
contrib will be fixed separately.
parent 9cea5a82
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/func.sgml,v 1.334 2006/09/05 21:08:33 tgl Exp $ -->
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/func.sgml,v 1.335 2006/09/10 00:29:33 tgl Exp $ -->
<chapter id="functions">
<title>Functions and Operators</title>
......@@ -6498,14 +6498,14 @@ SELECT pg_sleep(1.5);
<entry><literal>lseg '((-1,0),(1,0))' ?|| lseg '((-1,2),(1,2))'</literal></entry>
<entry> <literal>~</literal> </entry>
<entry> <literal>@&gt;</literal> </entry>
<entry><literal>circle '((0,0),2)' ~ point '(1,1)'</literal></entry>
<entry><literal>circle '((0,0),2)' @&gt; point '(1,1)'</literal></entry>
<entry> <literal>@</literal> </entry>
<entry> <literal>&lt;@</literal> </entry>
<entry>Contained in or on?</entry>
<entry><literal>point '(1,1)' @ circle '((0,0),2)'</literal></entry>
<entry><literal>point '(1,1)' &lt;@ circle '((0,0),2)'</literal></entry>
<entry> <literal>~=</literal> </entry>
......@@ -6516,6 +6516,15 @@ SELECT pg_sleep(1.5);
Before <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 8.2, the containment
operators <literal>@&gt;</> and <literal>&lt;@</> were respectively
called <literal>~</> and <literal>@</>. These names are still
available, but are deprecated and will eventually be retired.
......@@ -7051,10 +7060,7 @@ SELECT pg_sleep(1.5);
available for use with the <type>macaddr</type> type. The function
<literal><function>trunc</function>(<type>macaddr</type>)</literal> returns a MAC
address with the last 3 bytes set to zero. This can be used to
associate the remaining prefix with a manufacturer. The directory
<filename>contrib/mac</filename> in the source distribution
contains some utilities to create and maintain such an association
associate the remaining prefix with a manufacturer.
<table id="macaddr-functions-table">
......@@ -7613,6 +7619,20 @@ SELECT NULLIF(value, '(none)') ...
<entry> <literal>@&gt;</literal> </entry>
<entry><literal>ARRAY[1,4,3] @&gt; ARRAY[3,1]</literal></entry>
<entry> <literal>&lt;@</literal> </entry>
<entry>is contained by</entry>
<entry><literal>ARRAY[2,7] &lt;@ ARRAY[1,7,4,2,6]</literal></entry>
<entry> <literal>||</literal> </entry>
<entry>array-to-array concatenation</entry>
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/indices.sgml,v 1.59 2006/09/04 19:58:02 momjian Exp $ -->
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/indices.sgml,v 1.60 2006/09/10 00:29:34 tgl Exp $ -->
<chapter id="indexes">
<title id="indexes-title">Indexes</title>
......@@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ CREATE INDEX <replaceable>name</replaceable> ON <replaceable>table</replaceable>
......@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ Gin comes with built-in support for one-dimensional arrays (eg. integer[],
text[]), but no support for NULL elements. The following operations are
* contains: value_array @ query_array
* overlap: value_array && query_array
* contained: value_array ~ query_array
* contains: value_array @> query_array
* overlaps: value_array && query_array
* is contained by: value_array <@ query_array
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/access/gist/gistproc.c,v 1.7 2006/07/14 14:52:16 momjian Exp $
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/access/gist/gistproc.c,v 1.8 2006/09/10 00:29:34 tgl Exp $
......@@ -542,11 +542,13 @@ gist_box_leaf_consistent(BOX *key, BOX *query, StrategyNumber strategy)
case RTContainsStrategyNumber:
case RTOldContainsStrategyNumber:
retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_contain,
case RTContainedByStrategyNumber:
case RTOldContainedByStrategyNumber:
retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_contained,
......@@ -631,11 +633,13 @@ rtree_internal_consistent(BOX *key, BOX *query, StrategyNumber strategy)
case RTSameStrategyNumber:
case RTContainsStrategyNumber:
case RTOldContainsStrategyNumber:
retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_contain,
case RTContainedByStrategyNumber:
case RTOldContainedByStrategyNumber:
retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overlap,
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2006, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/access/gist.h,v 1.54 2006/06/28 12:00:14 teodor Exp $
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/access/gist.h,v 1.55 2006/09/10 00:29:34 tgl Exp $
......@@ -44,12 +44,14 @@
#define RTOverRightStrategyNumber 4
#define RTRightStrategyNumber 5
#define RTSameStrategyNumber 6
#define RTContainsStrategyNumber 7
#define RTContainedByStrategyNumber 8
#define RTContainsStrategyNumber 7 /* for @> */
#define RTContainedByStrategyNumber 8 /* for <@ */
#define RTOverBelowStrategyNumber 9
#define RTBelowStrategyNumber 10
#define RTAboveStrategyNumber 11
#define RTOverAboveStrategyNumber 12
#define RTOldContainsStrategyNumber 13 /* for old spelling of @> */
#define RTOldContainedByStrategyNumber 14 /* for old spelling of <@ */
* Page opaque data in a GiST index page.
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2006, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/catalog/catversion.h,v 1.354 2006/09/05 21:08:36 tgl Exp $
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/catalog/catversion.h,v 1.355 2006/09/10 00:29:34 tgl Exp $
......@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@
/* yyyymmddN */
#define CATALOG_VERSION_NO 200609051
#define CATALOG_VERSION_NO 200609091
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2006, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_amop.h,v 1.73 2006/07/21 20:51:33 tgl Exp $
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_amop.h,v 1.74 2006/09/10 00:29:34 tgl Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
......@@ -611,6 +611,8 @@ DATA(insert ( 2593 0 9 f 2571 ));
DATA(insert ( 2593 0 10 f 2570 ));
DATA(insert ( 2593 0 11 f 2573 ));
DATA(insert ( 2593 0 12 f 2572 ));
DATA(insert ( 2593 0 13 f 2863 ));
DATA(insert ( 2593 0 14 f 2862 ));
* gist poly_ops (supports polygons)
......@@ -628,6 +630,8 @@ DATA(insert ( 2594 0 9 t 2575 ));
DATA(insert ( 2594 0 10 t 2574 ));
DATA(insert ( 2594 0 11 t 2577 ));
DATA(insert ( 2594 0 12 t 2576 ));
DATA(insert ( 2594 0 13 t 2861 ));
DATA(insert ( 2594 0 14 t 2860 ));
* gist circle_ops
......@@ -645,6 +649,8 @@ DATA(insert ( 2595 0 9 t 2589 ));
DATA(insert ( 2595 0 10 t 1515 ));
DATA(insert ( 2595 0 11 t 1514 ));
DATA(insert ( 2595 0 12 t 2590 ));
DATA(insert ( 2595 0 13 t 2865 ));
DATA(insert ( 2595 0 14 t 2864 ));
* gin _int4_ops
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2006, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_operator.h,v 1.144 2006/07/21 20:51:33 tgl Exp $
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_operator.h,v 1.145 2006/09/10 00:29:34 tgl Exp $
* the script reads this file and generates .bki
......@@ -159,16 +159,16 @@ DATA(insert OID = 485 ( "<<" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 po
DATA(insert OID = 486 ( "&<" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 poly_overleft positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 487 ( "&>" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 poly_overright positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 488 ( ">>" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 poly_right positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 489 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 490 0 0 0 0 0 poly_contained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 490 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 489 0 0 0 0 0 poly_contain contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 489 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 490 0 0 0 0 0 poly_contained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 490 ( "@>" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 489 0 0 0 0 0 poly_contain contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 491 ( "~=" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 491 0 0 0 0 0 poly_same eqsel eqjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 492 ( "&&" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 492 0 0 0 0 0 poly_overlap areasel areajoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 493 ( "<<" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 box_left positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 494 ( "&<" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 box_overleft positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 495 ( "&>" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 box_overright positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 496 ( ">>" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 box_right positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 497 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 498 0 0 0 0 0 box_contained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 498 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 497 0 0 0 0 0 box_contain contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 497 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 498 0 0 0 0 0 box_contained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 498 ( "@>" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 497 0 0 0 0 0 box_contain contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 499 ( "~=" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 499 0 0 0 0 0 box_same eqsel eqjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 500 ( "&&" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 500 0 0 0 0 0 box_overlap areasel areajoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 501 ( ">=" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 505 504 0 0 0 0 box_ge areasel areajoinsel ));
......@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ DATA(insert OID = 507 ( "<<" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 600 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 po
DATA(insert OID = 508 ( ">>" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 600 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 point_right positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 509 ( "<^" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 600 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 point_below positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 510 ( "~=" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 600 16 510 713 0 0 0 0 point_eq eqsel eqjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 511 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_pb - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 512 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 602 16 755 0 0 0 0 0 on_ppath - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 511 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_pb - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 512 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 602 16 755 0 0 0 0 0 on_ppath - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 513 ( "@@" PGNSP PGUID l f 0 603 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 box_center - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 514 ( "*" PGNSP PGUID b f 23 23 23 514 0 0 0 0 0 int4mul - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 517 ( "<->" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 600 701 517 0 0 0 0 0 point_distance - - ));
......@@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ DATA(insert OID = 736 ( "+" PGNSP PGUID b f 602 600 602 0 0 0 0 0 0 pat
DATA(insert OID = 737 ( "-" PGNSP PGUID b f 602 600 602 0 0 0 0 0 0 path_sub_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 738 ( "*" PGNSP PGUID b f 602 600 602 0 0 0 0 0 0 path_mul_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 739 ( "/" PGNSP PGUID b f 602 600 602 0 0 0 0 0 0 path_div_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 755 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 602 600 16 512 0 0 0 0 0 path_contain_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 756 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 604 16 757 0 0 0 0 0 pt_contained_poly - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 757 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 600 16 756 0 0 0 0 0 poly_contain_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 758 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 718 16 759 0 0 0 0 0 pt_contained_circle - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 759 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 600 16 758 0 0 0 0 0 circle_contain_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 755 ( "@>" PGNSP PGUID b f 602 600 16 512 0 0 0 0 0 path_contain_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 756 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 604 16 757 0 0 0 0 0 pt_contained_poly - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 757 ( "@>" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 600 16 756 0 0 0 0 0 poly_contain_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 758 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 718 16 759 0 0 0 0 0 pt_contained_circle - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 759 ( "@>" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 600 16 758 0 0 0 0 0 circle_contain_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 773 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID l f 0 23 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 int4abs - - ));
......@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ DATA(insert OID = 918 ( "*" PGNSP PGUID b f 21 790 790 914 0 0 0 0
DATA(insert OID = 965 ( "^" PGNSP PGUID b f 701 701 701 0 0 0 0 0 0 dpow - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 966 ( "+" PGNSP PGUID b f 1034 1033 1034 0 0 0 0 0 0 aclinsert - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 967 ( "-" PGNSP PGUID b f 1034 1033 1034 0 0 0 0 0 0 aclremove - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 968 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 1034 1033 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 aclcontains - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 968 ( "@>" PGNSP PGUID b f 1034 1033 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 aclcontains - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 974 ( "=" PGNSP PGUID b t 1033 1033 16 974 0 0 0 0 0 aclitemeq eqsel eqjoinsel ));
/* additional geometric operators - thomas 1997-07-09 */
......@@ -572,8 +572,8 @@ DATA(insert OID = 1506 ( "<<" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 0 0 0 0 0 0
DATA(insert OID = 1507 ( "&<" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 circle_overleft positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 1508 ( "&>" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 circle_overright positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 1509 ( ">>" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 circle_right positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 1510 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 1511 0 0 0 0 0 circle_contained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 1511 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 1510 0 0 0 0 0 circle_contain contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 1510 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 1511 0 0 0 0 0 circle_contained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 1511 ( "@>" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 1510 0 0 0 0 0 circle_contain contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 1512 ( "~=" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 1512 0 0 0 0 0 circle_same eqsel eqjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 1513 ( "&&" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 1513 0 0 0 0 0 circle_overlap areasel areajoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 1514 ( "|>>" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 circle_above positionsel positionjoinsel ));
......@@ -603,10 +603,10 @@ DATA(insert OID = 1537 ( "?#" PGNSP PGUID b f 601 628 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 inte
DATA(insert OID = 1538 ( "?#" PGNSP PGUID b f 601 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 inter_sb - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1539 ( "?#" PGNSP PGUID b f 628 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 inter_lb - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1546 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 628 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_pl - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1547 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 601 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_ps - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1548 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 601 628 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_sl - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1549 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 601 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_sb - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1546 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 628 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_pl - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1547 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 601 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_ps - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1548 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 601 628 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_sl - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1549 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 601 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_sb - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1557 ( "##" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 628 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 close_pl - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 1558 ( "##" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 601 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 close_ps - - ));
......@@ -878,10 +878,30 @@ DATA(insert OID = 2577 ( "|>>" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 0 0 0 0 0 0
DATA(insert OID = 2589 ( "&<|" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 circle_overbelow positionsel positionjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2590 ( "|&>" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 circle_overabove positionsel positionjoinsel ));
/* overlap/contains/contained from arrays */
/* overlap/contains/contained for arrays */
DATA(insert OID = 2750 ( "&&" PGNSP PGUID b f 2277 2277 16 2750 0 0 0 0 0 arrayoverlap areasel areajoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2751 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 2277 2277 16 2752 0 0 0 0 0 arraycontains contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2752 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 2277 2277 16 2751 0 0 0 0 0 arraycontained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2751 ( "@>" PGNSP PGUID b f 2277 2277 16 2752 0 0 0 0 0 arraycontains contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2752 ( "<@" PGNSP PGUID b f 2277 2277 16 2751 0 0 0 0 0 arraycontained contsel contjoinsel ));
/* obsolete names for contains/contained-by operators; remove these someday */
DATA(insert OID = 2860 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 2861 0 0 0 0 0 poly_contained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2861 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 604 16 2860 0 0 0 0 0 poly_contain contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2862 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 2863 0 0 0 0 0 box_contained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2863 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 603 603 16 2862 0 0 0 0 0 box_contain contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2864 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 2865 0 0 0 0 0 circle_contained contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2865 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 718 16 2864 0 0 0 0 0 circle_contain contsel contjoinsel ));
DATA(insert OID = 2866 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_pb - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2867 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 602 16 2868 0 0 0 0 0 on_ppath - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2868 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 602 600 16 2867 0 0 0 0 0 path_contain_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2869 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 604 16 2870 0 0 0 0 0 pt_contained_poly - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2870 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 604 600 16 2869 0 0 0 0 0 poly_contain_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2871 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 718 16 2872 0 0 0 0 0 pt_contained_circle - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2872 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 718 600 16 2871 0 0 0 0 0 circle_contain_pt - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2873 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 628 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_pl - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2874 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 600 601 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_ps - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2875 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 601 628 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_sl - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2876 ( "@" PGNSP PGUID b f 601 603 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 on_sb - - ));
DATA(insert OID = 2877 ( "~" PGNSP PGUID b f 1034 1033 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 aclcontains - - ));
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2006, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h,v 1.422 2006/08/19 01:36:33 tgl Exp $
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h,v 1.423 2006/09/10 00:29:34 tgl Exp $
* The script catalog/ reads this file and generates .bki
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ DESCR("overlaps or is right of");
DATA(insert OID = 191 ( box_right PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "603 603" _null_ _null_ _null_ box_right - _null_ ));
DESCR("is right of");
DATA(insert OID = 192 ( box_contained PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "603 603" _null_ _null_ _null_ box_contained - _null_ ));
DESCR("contained in?");
DESCR("is contained by?");
/* OIDS 200 - 299 */
......@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ DESCR("greater-than-or-equal");
DATA(insert OID = 263 ( tintervalsame PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "704 704" _null_ _null_ _null_ tintervalsame - _null_ ));
DESCR("same as?");
DATA(insert OID = 264 ( tintervalct PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "704 704" _null_ _null_ _null_ tintervalct - _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 265 ( tintervalov PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "704 704" _null_ _null_ _null_ tintervalov - _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 266 ( tintervalleneq PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "704 703" _null_ _null_ _null_ tintervalleneq - _null_ ));
......@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ DESCR("overlaps or is right of");
DATA(insert OID = 344 ( poly_right PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "604 604" _null_ _null_ _null_ poly_right - _null_ ));
DESCR("is right of");
DATA(insert OID = 345 ( poly_contained PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "604 604" _null_ _null_ _null_ poly_contained - _null_ ));
DESCR("contained in?");
DESCR("is contained by?");
DATA(insert OID = 346 ( poly_overlap PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "604 604" _null_ _null_ _null_ poly_overlap - _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 347 ( poly_in PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 1 604 "2275" _null_ _null_ _null_ poly_in - _null_ ));
......@@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ DESCR("add/update ACL item");
DATA(insert OID = 1036 ( aclremove PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 1034 "1034 1033" _null_ _null_ _null_ aclremove - _null_ ));
DESCR("remove ACL item");
DATA(insert OID = 1037 ( aclcontains PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "1034 1033" _null_ _null_ _null_ aclcontains - _null_ ));
DESCR("does ACL contain item?");
DESCR("ACL contains item?");
DATA(insert OID = 1062 ( aclitemeq PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "1033 1033" _null_ _null_ _null_ aclitem_eq - _null_ ));
DESCR("equality operator for ACL items");
DATA(insert OID = 1365 ( makeaclitem PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 4 1033 "26 26 25 16" _null_ _null_ _null_ makeaclitem - _null_ ));
......@@ -1934,7 +1934,7 @@ DESCR("overlaps or is right of");
DATA(insert OID = 1457 ( circle_right PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "718 718" _null_ _null_ _null_ circle_right - _null_ ));
DESCR("is right of");
DATA(insert OID = 1458 ( circle_contained PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "718 718" _null_ _null_ _null_ circle_contained - _null_ ));
DESCR("contained in?");
DESCR("is contained by?");
DATA(insert OID = 1459 ( circle_overlap PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "718 718" _null_ _null_ _null_ circle_overlap - _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1460 ( circle_below PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "718 718" _null_ _null_ _null_ circle_below - _null_ ));
......@@ -1974,7 +1974,7 @@ DESCR("distance between point and circle");
DATA(insert OID = 1477 ( circle_contain_pt PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "718 600" _null_ _null_ _null_ circle_contain_pt - _null_ ));
DESCR("circle contains point?");
DATA(insert OID = 1478 ( pt_contained_circle PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "600 718" _null_ _null_ _null_ pt_contained_circle - _null_ ));
DESCR("point inside circle?");
DESCR("point contained in circle?");
DATA(insert OID = 1479 ( circle PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 1 718 "603" _null_ _null_ _null_ box_circle - _null_ ));
DESCR("convert box to circle");
DATA(insert OID = 1480 ( box PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 1 603 "718" _null_ _null_ _null_ circle_box - _null_ ));
......@@ -3934,11 +3934,11 @@ DESCR("GIN array support");
/* overlap/contains/contained */
DATA(insert OID = 2747 ( arrayoverlap PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "2277 2277" _null_ _null_ _null_ arrayoverlap - _null_ ));
DESCR("anyarray overlap");
DATA(insert OID = 2748 ( arraycontains PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "2277 2277" _null_ _null_ _null_ arraycontains - _null_ ));
DESCR("anyarray contains");
DATA(insert OID = 2749 ( arraycontained PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 16 "2277 2277" _null_ _null_ _null_ arraycontained - _null_ ));
DESCR("anyarray contained");
DESCR("is contained by");
* Symbolic values for provolatile column: these indicate whether the result
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ SELECT 0 || ARRAY[1,2] || 3 AS "{0,1,2,3}";
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @ '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @> '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
6 | {39,35,5,94,17,92,60,32} | {AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA35875,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA23657}
......@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i && '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
100 | {85,32,57,39,49,84,32,3,30} | {AAAAAAA80240,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1729,AAAAA60038,AAAAAAAAAAA92631,AAAAAAAA9523}
(6 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @ '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @> '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
6 | {39,35,5,94,17,92,60,32} | {AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA35875,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA23657}
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i && '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
(8 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @ '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @> '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
6 | {39,35,5,94,17,92,60,32} | {AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA35875,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA23657}
......@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i && '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
100 | {85,32,57,39,49,84,32,3,30} | {AAAAAAA80240,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1729,AAAAA60038,AAAAAAAAAAA92631,AAAAAAAA9523}
(11 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i ~ '{38,34,32,89}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i <@ '{38,34,32,89}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i ~ '{38,34,32,89}' ORDER BY seqno;
(3 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
22 | {11,6,56,62,53,30} | {AAAAAAAA72908}
......@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
(4 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
15 | {17,14,16,63,67} | {AA6416,AAAAAAAAAA646,AAAAA95309}
......@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
96 | {23,97,43} | {AAAAAAAAAA646,A87088}
(3 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
......@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY
96 | {23,97,43} | {AAAAAAAAAA646,A87088}
(6 rows)
seqno | i | t
22 | {11,6,56,62,53,30} | {AAAAAAAA72908}
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ SELECT '' AS two, b.f1
-- contained in
SELECT '' AS three, b.f1
WHERE b.f1 @ box '(0,0,3,3)';
WHERE b.f1 <@ box '(0,0,3,3)';
three | f1
| (2,2),(0,0)
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ SELECT '' AS three, b.f1
-- contains
SELECT '' AS three, b.f1
WHERE box '(0,0,3,3)' ~ b.f1;
WHERE box '(0,0,3,3)' @> b.f1;
three | f1
| (2,2),(0,0)
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ SELECT '' AS four, @@(b1.f1) AS p
-- wholly-contained
SELECT '' AS one, b1.*, b2.*
WHERE b1.f1 ~ b2.f1 and not b1.f1 ~= b2.f1;
WHERE b1.f1 @> b2.f1 and not b1.f1 ~= b2.f1;
one | f1 | f1
| (3,3),(1,1) | (3,3),(3,3)
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
SET enable_indexscan = ON;
SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
CREATE INDEX intarrayidx ON array_index_op_test USING gin (i);
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @ '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @> '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
6 | {39,35,5,94,17,92,60,32} | {AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA35875,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA23657}
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i && '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
100 | {85,32,57,39,49,84,32,3,30} | {AAAAAAA80240,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1729,AAAAA60038,AAAAAAAAAAA92631,AAAAAAAA9523}
(6 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @ '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @> '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
6 | {39,35,5,94,17,92,60,32} | {AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA35875,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA23657}
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i && '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
(8 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @ '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @> '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
6 | {39,35,5,94,17,92,60,32} | {AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA35875,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA23657}
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i && '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
100 | {85,32,57,39,49,84,32,3,30} | {AAAAAAA80240,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1729,AAAAA60038,AAAAAAAAAAA92631,AAAAAAAA9523}
(11 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i ~ '{38,34,32,89}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i <@ '{38,34,32,89}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i = '{47,77}' ORDER BY seqno;
(1 row)
CREATE INDEX textarrayidx ON array_index_op_test USING gin (t);
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
22 | {11,6,56,62,53,30} | {AAAAAAAA72908}
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
(4 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
15 | {17,14,16,63,67} | {AA6416,AAAAAAAAAA646,AAAAA95309}
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
96 | {23,97,43} | {AAAAAAAAAA646,A87088}
(3 rows)
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
seqno | i | t
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORD
96 | {23,97,43} | {AAAAAAAAAA646,A87088}
(6 rows)
seqno | i | t
22 | {11,6,56,62,53,30} | {AAAAAAAA72908}
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ RESET geqo;
-- Polygons
-- containment
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 ~ p.f1 AS contains
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 @> p.f1 AS contains
twentyfour | f1 | f1 | contains
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 ~ p.f1 AS contains
| (10,10) | ((0,1),(0,1)) | f
(24 rows)
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, p.f1 @ poly.f1 AS contained
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, p.f1 <@ poly.f1 AS contained
twentyfour | f1 | f1 | contained
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ RESET geqo;
-- Polygons
-- containment
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 ~ p.f1 AS contains
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 @> p.f1 AS contains
twentyfour | f1 | f1 | contains
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 ~ p.f1 AS contains
| (10,10) | ((0,1),(0,1)) | f
(24 rows)
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, p.f1 @ poly.f1 AS contained
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, p.f1 <@ poly.f1 AS contained
twentyfour | f1 | f1 | contained
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ RESET geqo;
-- Polygons
-- containment
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 ~ p.f1 AS contains
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 @> p.f1 AS contains
twentyfour | f1 | f1 | contains
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 ~ p.f1 AS contains
| (10,10) | ((0,1),(0,1)) | f
(24 rows)
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, p.f1 @ poly.f1 AS contained
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, p.f1 <@ poly.f1 AS contained
twentyfour | f1 | f1 | contained
......@@ -17,25 +17,26 @@
-- Helper functions to deal with cases where binary-coercible matches are
-- allowed.
-- This should match IsBinaryCoercible() in parse_coerce.c.
create function binary_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as
'SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_cast where
create function binary_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as $$
SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_cast where
castsource = $1 and casttarget = $2 and
castfunc = 0 and castcontext = ''i'') OR
( EXISTS(select 1 from pg_type source where
source.oid = $1 and source.typelem != 0 )
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_type target where
target.oid = $2 and target.typname = ''anyarray'' ) )'
language sql;
castfunc = 0 and castcontext = 'i') OR
($2 = 'pg_catalog.anyarray'::pg_catalog.regtype AND
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_type where
oid = $1 and typelem != 0 and typlen = -1))
$$ language sql strict stable;
-- This one ignores castcontext, so it considers only physical equivalence
-- and not whether the coercion can be invoked implicitly.
create function physically_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as
'SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_cast where
create function physically_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as $$
SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_cast where
castsource = $1 and casttarget = $2 and
castfunc = 0)'
language sql;
castfunc = 0) OR
($2 = 'pg_catalog.anyarray'::pg_catalog.regtype AND
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_type where
oid = $1 and typelem != 0 and typlen = -1))
$$ language sql strict stable;
-- **************** pg_proc ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_proc fields.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
......@@ -780,8 +781,8 @@ WHERE p1.amopclaid = p3.oid AND p3.opcamid = p2.oid AND
-- Detect missing pg_amop entries: should have as many strategy operators
-- as AM expects for each opclass for the AM. When nondefault subtypes are
-- present, enforce condition separately for each subtype.
-- We have to exclude GiST and GIN, unfortunately, since its havn't got any fixed
-- requirements about strategy operators.
-- We have to exclude GiST and GIN, unfortunately, since they haven't got
-- any fixed requirements about strategy operators.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.amname, p2.oid, p2.opcname, p3.amopsubtype
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_opclass AS p2, pg_amop AS p3
WHERE p2.opcamid = p1.oid AND p3.amopclaid = p2.oid AND
......@@ -831,17 +832,19 @@ ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
783 | 4 | &>
783 | 5 | >>
783 | 6 | ~=
783 | 7 | ~
783 | 8 | @
783 | 7 | @>
783 | 8 | <@
783 | 9 | &<|
783 | 10 | <<|
783 | 11 | |>>
783 | 12 | |&>
783 | 13 | ~
783 | 14 | @
2742 | 1 | &&
2742 | 2 | @
2742 | 3 | ~
2742 | 2 | @>
2742 | 3 | <@
2742 | 4 | =
(28 rows)
(30 rows)
-- Check that all operators linked to by opclass entries have selectivity
-- estimators. This is not absolutely required, but it seems a reasonable
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(5.1, 34.5)';
-- point in box
SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p
WHERE p.f1 @ box '(0,0,100,100)';
WHERE p.f1 <@ box '(0,0,100,100)';
three | f1
| (0,0)
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p
(3 rows)
SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p
WHERE not p.f1 @ box '(0,0,100,100)';
WHERE not p.f1 <@ box '(0,0,100,100)';
three | f1
| (-10,0)
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p
(3 rows)
WHERE p.f1 @ path '[(0,0),(-10,0),(-10,10)]';
WHERE p.f1 <@ path '[(0,0),(-10,0),(-10,10)]';
two | f1
| (0,0)
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ SELECT '' AS zero, p.*
-- contained
SELECT '' AS one, p.*
WHERE p.f1 @ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)';
WHERE p.f1 <@ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)';
one | f1
| ((3,1),(3,3),(1,0))
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ SELECT '' AS one, p.*
-- contains
SELECT '' AS one, p.*
WHERE p.f1 ~ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)';
WHERE p.f1 @> polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)';
one | f1
| ((3,1),(3,3),(1,0))
......@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' >> polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(
(1 row)
-- contained in
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' @ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' <@ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
(1 row)
-- contains
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' ~ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' @> polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
......@@ -157,21 +157,21 @@ SELECT ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]] || ARRAY[5,6] AS "{{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}";
SELECT ARRAY[0,0] || ARRAY[1,1] || ARRAY[2,2] AS "{0,0,1,1,2,2}";
SELECT 0 || ARRAY[1,2] || 3 AS "{0,1,2,3}";
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @ '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @> '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i && '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @ '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @> '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i && '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @ '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i @> '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i && '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i ~ '{38,34,32,89}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE i <@ '{38,34,32,89}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
-- array casts
SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3]::text[]::int[]::float8[] AS "{1,2,3}";
......@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ SELECT '' AS two, b.f1
-- contained in
SELECT '' AS three, b.f1
WHERE b.f1 @ box '(0,0,3,3)';
WHERE b.f1 <@ box '(0,0,3,3)';
-- contains
SELECT '' AS three, b.f1
WHERE box '(0,0,3,3)' ~ b.f1;
WHERE box '(0,0,3,3)' @> b.f1;
-- box equality
SELECT '' AS one, b.f1
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ SELECT '' AS four, @@(b1.f1) AS p
-- wholly-contained
SELECT '' AS one, b1.*, b2.*
WHERE b1.f1 ~ b2.f1 and not b1.f1 ~= b2.f1;
WHERE b1.f1 @> b2.f1 and not b1.f1 ~= b2.f1;
SELECT '' AS four, height(f1), width(f1) FROM BOX_TBL;
......@@ -143,24 +143,24 @@ SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
CREATE INDEX intarrayidx ON array_index_op_test USING gin (i);
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @ '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @> '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i && '{32}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @ '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @> '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i && '{17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @ '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i @> '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i && '{32,17}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i ~ '{38,34,32,89}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i <@ '{38,34,32,89}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE i = '{47,77}' ORDER BY seqno;
CREATE INDEX textarrayidx ON array_index_op_test USING gin (t);
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAA72908}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @ '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t @> '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t && '{AAAAAAAA72908,AAAAAAAAAA646}' ORDER BY seqno;
SELECT * FROM array_index_op_test WHERE t = '{AAAAAAAAAA646,A87088}' ORDER BY seqno;
......@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ RESET geqo;
-- containment
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 ~ p.f1 AS contains
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, poly.f1 @> p.f1 AS contains
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, p.f1 @ poly.f1 AS contained
SELECT '' AS twentyfour, p.f1, poly.f1, p.f1 <@ poly.f1 AS contained
SELECT '' AS four, npoints(f1) AS npoints, f1 AS polygon
......@@ -20,26 +20,27 @@
-- allowed.
-- This should match IsBinaryCoercible() in parse_coerce.c.
create function binary_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as
'SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_cast where
create function binary_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as $$
SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_cast where
castsource = $1 and casttarget = $2 and
castfunc = 0 and castcontext = ''i'') OR
( EXISTS(select 1 from pg_type source where
source.oid = $1 and source.typelem != 0 )
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_type target where
target.oid = $2 and target.typname = ''anyarray'' ) )'
language sql;
castfunc = 0 and castcontext = 'i') OR
($2 = 'pg_catalog.anyarray'::pg_catalog.regtype AND
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_type where
oid = $1 and typelem != 0 and typlen = -1))
$$ language sql strict stable;
-- This one ignores castcontext, so it considers only physical equivalence
-- and not whether the coercion can be invoked implicitly.
create function physically_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as
'SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_cast where
create function physically_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as $$
SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_cast where
castsource = $1 and casttarget = $2 and
castfunc = 0)'
language sql;
castfunc = 0) OR
($2 = 'pg_catalog.anyarray'::pg_catalog.regtype AND
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_type where
oid = $1 and typelem != 0 and typlen = -1))
$$ language sql strict stable;
-- **************** pg_proc ****************
......@@ -646,8 +647,8 @@ WHERE p1.amopclaid = p3.oid AND p3.opcamid = p2.oid AND
-- Detect missing pg_amop entries: should have as many strategy operators
-- as AM expects for each opclass for the AM. When nondefault subtypes are
-- present, enforce condition separately for each subtype.
-- We have to exclude GiST and GIN, unfortunately, since its havn't got any fixed
-- requirements about strategy operators.
-- We have to exclude GiST and GIN, unfortunately, since they haven't got
-- any fixed requirements about strategy operators.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.amname, p2.oid, p2.opcname, p3.amopsubtype
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_opclass AS p2, pg_amop AS p3
......@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(5.1, 34.5)';
-- point in box
SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p
WHERE p.f1 @ box '(0,0,100,100)';
WHERE p.f1 <@ box '(0,0,100,100)';
SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p
WHERE not p.f1 @ box '(0,0,100,100)';
WHERE not p.f1 <@ box '(0,0,100,100)';
WHERE p.f1 @ path '[(0,0),(-10,0),(-10,10)]';
WHERE p.f1 <@ path '[(0,0),(-10,0),(-10,10)]';
SELECT '' AS six, p.f1, p.f1 <-> point '(0,0)' AS dist
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ SELECT '' AS zero, p.*
-- contained
SELECT '' AS one, p.*
WHERE p.f1 @ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)';
WHERE p.f1 <@ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)';
-- same
SELECT '' AS one, p.*
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ SELECT '' AS one, p.*
-- contains
SELECT '' AS one, p.*
WHERE p.f1 ~ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)';
WHERE p.f1 @> polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)';
-- polygon logic
......@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' &> polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' >> polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
-- contained in
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' @ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' <@ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
-- contains
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' ~ polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' @> polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
-- same
SELECT polygon '(2.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0),(0.0,0.0)' ~= polygon '(3.0,1.0),(3.0,3.0),(1.0,0.0)' AS false;
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