rtest_emp |rtest_emp_del |CREATE RULE "rtest_emp_del" AS ON DELETE TO "rtest_emp" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_emplog" ("ename", "who", "action", "newsal", "oldsal") VALUES (old."ename", "getpgusername"(), 'fired'::"bpchar", '$0.00'::"money", old."salary");
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_del |CREATE RULE "rtest_emp_del" AS ON DELETE TO "rtest_emp" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_emplog" ("ename", "who", "action", "newsal", "oldsal") VALUES (old."ename", "getpgusername"(), 'fired'::"bpchar", '$0.00'::"money", old."salary");
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_ins |CREATE RULE "rtest_emp_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_emp" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_emplog" ("ename", "who", "action", "newsal", "oldsal") VALUES (new."ename", "getpgusername"(), 'hired'::"bpchar", new."salary", '$0.00'::"money");
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_ins |CREATE RULE "rtest_emp_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_emp" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_emplog" ("ename", "who", "action", "newsal", "oldsal") VALUES (new."ename", "getpgusername"(), 'hired'::"bpchar", new."salary", '$0.00'::"money");
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_upd |CREATE RULE "rtest_emp_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "rtest_emp" WHERE new."salary" <> old."salary" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_emplog" ("ename", "who", "action", "newsal", "oldsal") VALUES (new."ename", "getpgusername"(), 'honored'::"bpchar", new."salary", old."salary");
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_upd |CREATE RULE "rtest_emp_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "rtest_emp" WHERE new."salary" <> old."salary" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_emplog" ("ename", "who", "action", "newsal", "oldsal") VALUES (new."ename", "getpgusername"(), 'honored'::"bpchar", new."salary", old."salary");
rtest_nothn1 |rtest_nothn_r1 |CREATE RULE "rtest_nothn_r1" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_nothn1" WHERE (new."a" >= '10'::"int4") AND (new."a" < '20'::"int4") DO INSTEAD SELECT '1'::"int4";
rtest_nothn1 |rtest_nothn_r1 |CREATE RULE "rtest_nothn_r1" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_nothn1" WHERE (new."a" >= '10'::"int4") AND (new."a" < '20'::"int4") DO INSTEAD SELECT '1'::"int4";
rtest_nothn1 |rtest_nothn_r2 |CREATE RULE "rtest_nothn_r2" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_nothn1" WHERE (new."a" >= '30'::"int4") AND (new."a" < '40'::"int4") DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
rtest_nothn1 |rtest_nothn_r2 |CREATE RULE "rtest_nothn_r2" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_nothn1" WHERE (new."a" >= '30'::"int4") AND (new."a" < '40'::"int4") DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
rtest_nothn2 |rtest_nothn_r3 |CREATE RULE "rtest_nothn_r3" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_nothn2" WHERE new."a" >= '100'::"int4" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_nothn3" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_nothn2 |rtest_nothn_r3 |CREATE RULE "rtest_nothn_r3" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_nothn2" WHERE new."a" >= '100'::"int4" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_nothn3" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_nothn2 |rtest_nothn_r4 |CREATE RULE "rtest_nothn_r4" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_nothn2" DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
rtest_nothn2 |rtest_nothn_r4 |CREATE RULE "rtest_nothn_r4" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_nothn2" DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
rtest_order1 |rtest_order_r1 |CREATE RULE "rtest_order_r1" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_order1" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_order2" ("a", "b", "c") VALUES (new."a", "nextval"('rtest_seq'::"text"), 'rule 1 - this should run 3rd or 4th'::"text");
rtest_order1 |rtest_order_r1 |CREATE RULE "rtest_order_r1" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_order1" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_order2" ("a", "b", "c") VALUES (new."a", "nextval"('rtest_seq'::"text"), 'rule 1 - this should run 3rd or 4th'::"text");
rtest_order1 |rtest_order_r2 |CREATE RULE "rtest_order_r2" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_order1" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_order2" ("a", "b", "c") VALUES (new."a", "nextval"('rtest_seq'::"text"), 'rule 2 - this should run 1st'::"text");
rtest_order1 |rtest_order_r2 |CREATE RULE "rtest_order_r2" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_order1" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_order2" ("a", "b", "c") VALUES (new."a", "nextval"('rtest_seq'::"text"), 'rule 2 - this should run 1st'::"text");
rtest_order1 |rtest_order_r3 |CREATE RULE "rtest_order_r3" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_order1" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_order2" ("a", "b", "c") VALUES (new."a", "nextval"('rtest_seq'::"text"), 'rule 3 - this should run 3rd or 4th'::"text");
rtest_order1 |rtest_order_r3 |CREATE RULE "rtest_order_r3" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_order1" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_order2" ("a", "b", "c") VALUES (new."a", "nextval"('rtest_seq'::"text"), 'rule 3 - this should run 3rd or 4th'::"text");
rtest_order1 |rtest_order_r4 |CREATE RULE "rtest_order_r4" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_order1" WHERE "a" < '100'::"int4" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_order2" ("a", "b", "c") VALUES (new."a", "nextval"('rtest_seq'::"text"), 'rule 4 - this should run 2nd'::"text");
rtest_order1 |rtest_order_r4 |CREATE RULE "rtest_order_r4" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_order1" WHERE "a" < '100'::"int4" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_order2" ("a", "b", "c") VALUES (new."a", "nextval"('rtest_seq'::"text"), 'rule 4 - this should run 2nd'::"text");
rtest_person |rtest_pers_del |CREATE RULE "rtest_pers_del" AS ON DELETE TO "rtest_person" DO DELETE FROM "rtest_admin" WHERE "pname" = old."pname";
rtest_person |rtest_pers_del |CREATE RULE "rtest_pers_del" AS ON DELETE TO "rtest_person" DO DELETE FROM "rtest_admin" WHERE "pname" = old."pname";
rtest_person |rtest_pers_upd |CREATE RULE "rtest_pers_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "rtest_person" DO UPDATE rtest_admin SET "pname" = new."pname" WHERE "pname" = old."pname";
rtest_person |rtest_pers_upd |CREATE RULE "rtest_pers_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "rtest_person" DO UPDATE rtest_admin SET "pname" = new."pname" WHERE "pname" = old."pname";
rtest_system |rtest_sys_del |CREATE RULE "rtest_sys_del" AS ON DELETE TO "rtest_system" DO (DELETE FROM "rtest_interface" WHERE "sysname" = old."sysname"; DELETE FROM "rtest_admin" WHERE "sysname" = old."sysname"; );
rtest_system |rtest_sys_del |CREATE RULE "rtest_sys_del" AS ON DELETE TO "rtest_system" DO (DELETE FROM "rtest_interface" WHERE "sysname" = old."sysname"; DELETE FROM "rtest_admin" WHERE "sysname" = old."sysname"; );
rtest_system |rtest_sys_upd |CREATE RULE "rtest_sys_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "rtest_system" DO (UPDATE rtest_interface SET "sysname" = new."sysname" WHERE "sysname" = old."sysname"; UPDATE rtest_admin SET "sysname" = new."sysname" WHERE "sysname" = old."sysname"; );
rtest_system |rtest_sys_upd |CREATE RULE "rtest_sys_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "rtest_system" DO (UPDATE rtest_interface SET "sysname" = new."sysname" WHERE "sysname" = old."sysname"; UPDATE rtest_admin SET "sysname" = new."sysname" WHERE "sysname" = old."sysname"; );
rtest_t4 |rtest_t4_ins1 |CREATE RULE "rtest_t4_ins1" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_t4" WHERE (new."a" >= '10'::"int4") AND (new."a" < '20'::"int4") DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_t5" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_t4 |rtest_t4_ins1 |CREATE RULE "rtest_t4_ins1" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_t4" WHERE (new."a" >= '10'::"int4") AND (new."a" < '20'::"int4") DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_t5" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_t4 |rtest_t4_ins2 |CREATE RULE "rtest_t4_ins2" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_t4" WHERE (new."a" >= '20'::"int4") AND (new."a" < '30'::"int4") DO INSERT INTO "rtest_t6" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_t4 |rtest_t4_ins2 |CREATE RULE "rtest_t4_ins2" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_t4" WHERE (new."a" >= '20'::"int4") AND (new."a" < '30'::"int4") DO INSERT INTO "rtest_t6" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_t5 |rtest_t5_ins |CREATE RULE "rtest_t5_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_t5" WHERE new."a" > '15'::"int4" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_t7" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_t5 |rtest_t5_ins |CREATE RULE "rtest_t5_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_t5" WHERE new."a" > '15'::"int4" DO INSERT INTO "rtest_t7" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_t6 |rtest_t6_ins |CREATE RULE "rtest_t6_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_t6" WHERE new."a" > '25'::"int4" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_t8" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_t6 |rtest_t6_ins |CREATE RULE "rtest_t6_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_t6" WHERE new."a" > '25'::"int4" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_t8" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_v1 |rtest_v1_del |CREATE RULE "rtest_v1_del" AS ON DELETE TO "rtest_v1" DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM "rtest_t1" WHERE "a" = old."a";
rtest_v1 |rtest_v1_del |CREATE RULE "rtest_v1_del" AS ON DELETE TO "rtest_v1" DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM "rtest_t1" WHERE "a" = old."a";
rtest_v1 |rtest_v1_ins |CREATE RULE "rtest_v1_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_v1" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_t1" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_v1 |rtest_v1_ins |CREATE RULE "rtest_v1_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "rtest_v1" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "rtest_t1" ("a", "b") VALUES (new."a", new."b");
rtest_v1 |rtest_v1_upd |CREATE RULE "rtest_v1_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "rtest_v1" DO INSTEAD UPDATE rtest_t1 SET "a" = new."a", "b" = new."b" WHERE "a" = old."a";
rtest_v1 |rtest_v1_upd |CREATE RULE "rtest_v1_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "rtest_v1" DO INSTEAD UPDATE rtest_t1 SET "a" = new."a", "b" = new."b" WHERE "a" = old."a";
shoelace |shoelace_del |CREATE RULE "shoelace_del" AS ON DELETE TO "shoelace" DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM "shoelace_data" WHERE "sl_name" = old."sl_name";
shoelace |shoelace_del |CREATE RULE "shoelace_del" AS ON DELETE TO "shoelace" DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM "shoelace_data" WHERE "sl_name" = old."sl_name";
shoelace |shoelace_ins |CREATE RULE "shoelace_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "shoelace" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "shoelace_data" ("sl_name", "sl_avail", "sl_color", "sl_len", "sl_unit") VALUES (new."sl_name", new."sl_avail", new."sl_color", new."sl_len", new."sl_unit");
shoelace |shoelace_ins |CREATE RULE "shoelace_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "shoelace" DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO "shoelace_data" ("sl_name", "sl_avail", "sl_color", "sl_len", "sl_unit") VALUES (new."sl_name", new."sl_avail", new."sl_color", new."sl_len", new."sl_unit");
shoelace |shoelace_upd |CREATE RULE "shoelace_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "shoelace" DO INSTEAD UPDATE shoelace_data SET "sl_name" = new."sl_name", "sl_avail" = new."sl_avail", "sl_color" = new."sl_color", "sl_len" = new."sl_len", "sl_unit" = new."sl_unit" WHERE "sl_name" = old."sl_name";
shoelace |shoelace_upd |CREATE RULE "shoelace_upd" AS ON UPDATE TO "shoelace" DO INSTEAD UPDATE shoelace_data SET "sl_name" = new."sl_name", "sl_avail" = new."sl_avail", "sl_color" = new."sl_color", "sl_len" = new."sl_len", "sl_unit" = new."sl_unit" WHERE "sl_name" = old."sl_name";
shoelace_data|log_shoelace |CREATE RULE "log_shoelace" AS ON UPDATE TO "shoelace_data" WHERE new."sl_avail" <> old."sl_avail" DO INSERT INTO "shoelace_log" ("sl_name", "sl_avail", "log_who", "log_when") VALUES (new."sl_name", new."sl_avail", 'Al Bundy'::"name", "datetime"('epoch'::"text"));
shoelace_data|log_shoelace |CREATE RULE "log_shoelace" AS ON UPDATE TO "shoelace_data" WHERE new."sl_avail" <> old."sl_avail" DO INSERT INTO "shoelace_log" ("sl_name", "sl_avail", "log_who", "log_when") VALUES (new."sl_name", new."sl_avail", 'Al Bundy'::"name", 'epoch'::"datetime");
shoelace_ok |shoelace_ok_ins|CREATE RULE "shoelace_ok_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "shoelace_ok" DO INSTEAD UPDATE shoelace SET "sl_avail" = "sl_avail" + new."ok_quant" WHERE "sl_name" = new."ok_name";
shoelace_ok |shoelace_ok_ins|CREATE RULE "shoelace_ok_ins" AS ON INSERT TO "shoelace_ok" DO INSTEAD UPDATE shoelace SET "sl_avail" = "sl_avail" + new."ok_quant" WHERE "sl_name" = new."ok_name";