Commit b1953e67 authored by Alexander Korotkov's avatar Alexander Korotkov

Improve ordering for \dAo and \dAp psql commands

This commit changes ORDER BY clause for \dAo and \dAp psql commands in
the following way.
 * Operators for the same types are grouped together.
 * Same-class operators and procedures are listed before cross-class operators
   and procedures.

Modification of ORDER BY clause for \dAp required removing DISTINCT clause,
which doesn't seem to affect anything.

Author: Alvaro Herrera revised by me
Reviewed-by: Alexander Korotkov, Nikita Glukhov
parent eeba6c7e
......@@ -6288,7 +6288,11 @@ listOpFamilyOperators(const char *access_method_pattern,
processSQLNamePattern(pset.db, &buf, family_pattern, have_where, false,
"nsf.nspname", "of.opfname", NULL, NULL);
appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, "ORDER BY 1, 2, o.amopstrategy, 3;");
appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, "ORDER BY 1, 2,\n"
" o.amoplefttype = o.amoprighttype DESC,\n"
" pg_catalog.format_type(o.amoplefttype, NULL),\n"
" pg_catalog.format_type(o.amoprighttype, NULL),\n"
" o.amopstrategy;");
res = PSQLexec(;
......@@ -6327,7 +6331,7 @@ listOpFamilyProcedures(const char *access_method_pattern,
" am.amname AS \"%s\",\n"
" CASE\n"
" WHEN pg_catalog.pg_opfamily_is_visible(of.oid)\n"
......@@ -6360,8 +6364,9 @@ listOpFamilyProcedures(const char *access_method_pattern,
processSQLNamePattern(pset.db, &buf, family_pattern, have_where, false,
"ns.nspname", "of.opfname", NULL, NULL);
"ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;");
appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, "ORDER BY 1, 2,\n"
" ap.amproclefttype = ap.amprocrighttype DESC,\n"
" 3, 4, 5;");
res = PSQLexec(;
......@@ -4952,16 +4952,31 @@ List of access methods
btree | integer_ops | smallint, integer, bigint
(1 row)
\dAo brin uuid_minmax_ops
\dAo+ btree float_ops
List of operators of operator families
AM | Opfamily Name | Operator
brin | uuid_minmax_ops | < (uuid, uuid)
brin | uuid_minmax_ops | <= (uuid, uuid)
brin | uuid_minmax_ops | = (uuid, uuid)
brin | uuid_minmax_ops | >= (uuid, uuid)
brin | uuid_minmax_ops | > (uuid, uuid)
(5 rows)
AM | Opfamily Name | Operator | Strategy | Purpose | Sort opfamily
btree | float_ops | < (double precision, double precision) | 1 | search |
btree | float_ops | <= (double precision, double precision) | 2 | search |
btree | float_ops | = (double precision, double precision) | 3 | search |
btree | float_ops | >= (double precision, double precision) | 4 | search |
btree | float_ops | > (double precision, double precision) | 5 | search |
btree | float_ops | < (real, real) | 1 | search |
btree | float_ops | <= (real, real) | 2 | search |
btree | float_ops | = (real, real) | 3 | search |
btree | float_ops | >= (real, real) | 4 | search |
btree | float_ops | > (real, real) | 5 | search |
btree | float_ops | < (double precision, real) | 1 | search |
btree | float_ops | <= (double precision, real) | 2 | search |
btree | float_ops | = (double precision, real) | 3 | search |
btree | float_ops | >= (double precision, real) | 4 | search |
btree | float_ops | > (double precision, real) | 5 | search |
btree | float_ops | < (real, double precision) | 1 | search |
btree | float_ops | <= (real, double precision) | 2 | search |
btree | float_ops | = (real, double precision) | 3 | search |
btree | float_ops | >= (real, double precision) | 4 | search |
btree | float_ops | > (real, double precision) | 5 | search |
(20 rows)
\dAo * pg_catalog.jsonb_path_ops
List of operators of operator families
......@@ -4972,15 +4987,19 @@ List of access methods
gin | jsonb_path_ops | @@ (jsonb, jsonpath)
(3 rows)
\dAp brin uuid_minmax_ops
\dAp btree float_ops
List of procedures of operator families
AM | Operator family | Left arg type | Right arg type | Number | Proc name
brin | uuid_minmax_ops | uuid | uuid | 1 | brin_minmax_opcinfo
brin | uuid_minmax_ops | uuid | uuid | 2 | brin_minmax_add_value
brin | uuid_minmax_ops | uuid | uuid | 3 | brin_minmax_consistent
brin | uuid_minmax_ops | uuid | uuid | 4 | brin_minmax_union
(4 rows)
btree | float_ops | double precision | double precision | 1 | btfloat8cmp
btree | float_ops | double precision | double precision | 2 | btfloat8sortsupport
btree | float_ops | double precision | double precision | 3 | in_range
btree | float_ops | real | real | 1 | btfloat4cmp
btree | float_ops | real | real | 2 | btfloat4sortsupport
btree | float_ops | double precision | real | 1 | btfloat84cmp
btree | float_ops | real | double precision | 1 | btfloat48cmp
btree | float_ops | real | double precision | 3 | in_range
(8 rows)
\dAp * pg_catalog.uuid_ops
List of procedures of operator families
......@@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ drop role regress_partitioning_role;
\dAc brin pg*.oid*
\dAf spgist
\dAf btree int4
\dAo brin uuid_minmax_ops
\dAo+ btree float_ops
\dAo * pg_catalog.jsonb_path_ops
\dAp brin uuid_minmax_ops
\dAp btree float_ops
\dAp * pg_catalog.uuid_ops
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