open(TRACE, ">$trace") || die "can not open $trace: $!";
######################### check PGconn
# 5-8
$db = $conn->db;
cmp_eq($dbname, $db);
$user = $conn->user;
cmp_ne("", $user);
$host = $conn->host;
cmp_ne("", $host);
$port = $conn->port;
cmp_ne("", $port);
######################### create and insert into table
# 9-20
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE TABLE person (id int4, name char16)");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_eq("CREATE", $result->cmdStatus);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
$result = $conn->exec("INSERT INTO person VALUES ($i, 'Edmund Mergl')");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_ne(0, $result->oidStatus);
######################### copy to stdout, PQgetline
# 21-27
$result = $conn->exec("COPY person TO STDOUT");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COPY_OUT, $result->resultStatus);
$i = 1;
while (-1 != $ret) {
$ret = $conn->getline($string, 256);
last if $string eq "\\.";
cmp_eq("$i Edmund Mergl", $string);
$i ++;
cmp_eq(0, $conn->endcopy);
######################### delete and copy from stdin, PQputline
# 28-33
$result = $conn->exec("BEGIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
$result = $conn->exec("DELETE FROM person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_eq("DELETE", $result->cmdStatus);
$result = $conn->exec("COPY person FROM STDIN");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COPY_IN, $result->resultStatus);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
# watch the tabs and do not forget the newlines
$conn->putline("$i Edmund Mergl\n");
cmp_eq(0, $conn->endcopy);
$result = $conn->exec("END");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
######################### select from person, PQgetvalue
# 34-47
$result = $conn->exec("SELECT * FROM person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_TUPLES_OK, $result->resultStatus);
for ($k = 0; $k < $result->nfields; $k++) {
$fname = $result->fname($k);
$ftype = $result->ftype($k);
$fsize = $result->fsize($k);
if (0 == $k) {
cmp_eq("id", $fname);
cmp_eq(23, $ftype);
cmp_eq(4, $fsize);
} else {
cmp_eq("name", $fname);
cmp_eq(20, $ftype);
cmp_eq(16, $fsize);
$fnumber = $result->fnumber($fname);
cmp_eq($k, $fnumber);
for ($k = 0; $k < $result->ntuples; $k++) {
$string = "";
for ($l = 0; $l < $result->nfields; $l++) {
$string .= $result->getvalue($k, $l) . " ";
$i = $k + 1;
cmp_eq("$i Edmund Mergl ", $string);
######################### PQnotifies
# 48-50
if (! defined($pid = fork)) {
die "can not fork: $!";
} elsif (! $pid) {
# i'm the child
sleep 2;
bless $conn;
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $dbname");
$result = $conn->exec("NOTIFY person");
$result = $conn->exec("LISTEN person");
cmp_eq(PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus);
cmp_eq("LISTEN", $result->cmdStatus);
while (1) {
$result = $conn->exec(" ");
($table, $pid) = $conn->notifies;
last if $pid;
cmp_eq("person", $table);
######################### PQprint
# 51-52
$result = $conn->exec("SELECT name FROM person WHERE id = 2");
cmp_eq(PGRES_TUPLES_OK, $result->resultStatus);
open(PRINT, "| read IN; read IN; if [ \"\$IN\" = \"myName Edmund Mergl\" ]; then echo \"ok $cnt\"; else echo \"not ok $cnt\"; fi ") || die "can not fork: $|";
$result = PQexec($conn, "SELECT name FROM person WHERE id = 2");
cmp_eq(PGRES_TUPLES_OK, PQresultStatus($result));
open(PRINT, "| read IN; read IN; if [ \"\$IN\" = \"myName Edmund Mergl\" ]; then echo \"ok $cnt\"; else echo \"not ok $cnt\"; fi ") || die "can not fork: $|";