Commit 9a78cfc1 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Add new file.

parent 484a0fa4
No related merge requests found
-- drop function digest(bytea, text);
-- drop function digest_exists(text);
-- drop function hmac(bytea, bytea, text);
-- drop function hmac_exists(text);
-- drop function crypt(text, text);
-- drop function gen_salt(text);
-- drop function gen_salt(text, int4);
-- drop function encrypt(bytea, bytea, text);
-- drop function decrypt(bytea, bytea, text);
-- drop function encrypt_iv(bytea, bytea, bytea, text);
-- drop function decrypt_iv(bytea, bytea, bytea, text);
-- drop function cipher_exists(text);
CREATE FUNCTION digest(bytea, text) RETURNS bytea
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_digest' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION digest_exists(text) RETURNS bool
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_digest_exists' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION hmac(bytea, bytea, text) RETURNS bytea
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_hmac' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION hmac_exists(text) RETURNS bool
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_hmac_exists' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION crypt(text, text) RETURNS text
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_crypt' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION gen_salt(text) RETURNS text
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_gen_salt' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION gen_salt(text, int4) RETURNS text
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_gen_salt_rounds' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION encrypt(bytea, bytea, text) RETURNS bytea
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_encrypt' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION decrypt(bytea, bytea, text) RETURNS bytea
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_decrypt' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION encrypt_iv(bytea, bytea, bytea, text) RETURNS bytea
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_encrypt_iv' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION decrypt_iv(bytea, bytea, bytea, text) RETURNS bytea
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_decrypt_iv' LANGUAGE 'C';
CREATE FUNCTION cipher_exists(text) RETURNS bool
AS '$libdir/pgcrypto',
'pg_cipher_exists' LANGUAGE 'C';
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