Commit 97e2446b authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Add new versions DLL lists, from Karl Waclawek

parent 7b4aa310
; DEF file for Borland C++ Builder
DESCRIPTION "PostgreSQL Client Library"
_PQconnectdb @ 1
_PQsetdbLogin @ 2
......@@ -95,3 +97,101 @@ EXPORTS
_pg_utf_mblen @ 93
_PQunescapeBytea @ 94
_PQfreeMem @ 95
; Aliases for MS compatible names
PQconnectdb = _PQconnectdb
PQsetdbLogin = _PQsetdbLogin
PQconndefaults = _PQconndefaults
PQfinish = _PQfinish
PQreset = _PQreset
PQrequestCancel = _PQrequestCancel
PQdb = _PQdb
PQuser = _PQuser
PQpass = _PQpass
PQhost = _PQhost
PQport = _PQport
PQtty = _PQtty
PQoptions = _PQoptions
PQstatus = _PQstatus
PQerrorMessage = _PQerrorMessage
PQsocket = _PQsocket
PQbackendPID = _PQbackendPID
PQtrace = _PQtrace
PQuntrace = _PQuntrace
PQsetNoticeProcessor = _PQsetNoticeProcessor
PQexec = _PQexec
PQnotifies = _PQnotifies
PQsendQuery = _PQsendQuery
PQgetResult = _PQgetResult
PQisBusy = _PQisBusy
PQconsumeInput = _PQconsumeInput
PQgetline = _PQgetline
PQputline = _PQputline
PQgetlineAsync = _PQgetlineAsync
PQputnbytes = _PQputnbytes
PQendcopy = _PQendcopy
PQfn = _PQfn
PQresultStatus = _PQresultStatus
PQntuples = _PQntuples
PQnfields = _PQnfields
PQbinaryTuples = _PQbinaryTuples
PQfname = _PQfname
PQfnumber = _PQfnumber
PQftype = _PQftype
PQfsize = _PQfsize
PQfmod = _PQfmod
PQcmdStatus = _PQcmdStatus
PQoidStatus = _PQoidStatus
PQcmdTuples = _PQcmdTuples
PQgetvalue = _PQgetvalue
PQgetlength = _PQgetlength
PQgetisnull = _PQgetisnull
PQclear = _PQclear
PQmakeEmptyPGresult = _PQmakeEmptyPGresult
PQprint = _PQprint
PQdisplayTuples = _PQdisplayTuples
PQprintTuples = _PQprintTuples
lo_open = _lo_open
lo_close = _lo_close
lo_read = _lo_read
lo_write = _lo_write
lo_lseek = _lo_lseek
lo_creat = _lo_creat
lo_tell = _lo_tell
lo_unlink = _lo_unlink
lo_import = _lo_import
lo_export = _lo_export
pgresStatus = _pgresStatus
PQmblen = _PQmblen
PQresultErrorMessage = _PQresultErrorMessage
PQresStatus = _PQresStatus
termPQExpBuffer = _termPQExpBuffer
appendPQExpBufferChar = _appendPQExpBufferChar
initPQExpBuffer = _initPQExpBuffer
resetPQExpBuffer = _resetPQExpBuffer
PQoidValue = _PQoidValue
PQclientEncoding = _PQclientEncoding
PQenv2encoding = _PQenv2encoding
appendBinaryPQExpBuffer = _appendBinaryPQExpBuffer
appendPQExpBufferStr = _appendPQExpBufferStr
destroyPQExpBuffer = _destroyPQExpBuffer
createPQExpBuffer = _createPQExpBuffer
PQconninfoFree = _PQconninfoFree
PQconnectPoll = _PQconnectPoll
PQconnectStart = _PQconnectStart
PQflush = _PQflush
PQisnonblocking = _PQisnonblocking
PQresetPoll = _PQresetPoll
PQresetStart = _PQresetStart
PQsetClientEncoding = _PQsetClientEncoding
PQsetnonblocking = _PQsetnonblocking
PQfreeNotify = _PQfreeNotify
PQescapeString = _PQescapeString
PQescapeBytea = _PQescapeBytea
printfPQExpBuffer = _printfPQExpBuffer
appendPQExpBuffer = _appendPQExpBuffer
pg_encoding_to_char = _pg_encoding_to_char
pg_utf_mblen = _pg_utf_mblen
PQunescapeBytea = _PQunescapeBytea
PQfreeMem = _PQfreeMem
; DEF file for MS VC++
DESCRIPTION "PostgreSQL Client Library"
PQconnectdb @ 1
PQsetdbLogin @ 2
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