Commit 95d737ff authored by Stephen Frost's avatar Stephen Frost

Add 'ignore_nulls' option to row_to_json

Provide an option to skip NULL values in a row when generating a JSON
object from that row with row_to_json.  This can reduce the size of the
JSON object in cases where columns are NULL without really reducing the
information in the JSON object.

This also makes row_to_json into a single function with default values,
rather than having multiple functions.  In passing, change array_to_json
to also be a single function with default values (we don't add an
'ignore_nulls' option yet- it's not clear that there is a sensible
use-case there, and it hasn't been asked for in any case).

Pavel Stehule
parent c3c75fcd
......@@ -10309,11 +10309,13 @@ table2-mapping
<literal>row_to_json(record [, pretty_bool])</literal>
<literal>row_to_json(rowval record [, pretty bool [, ignore_nulls bool] ])</literal>
Returns the row as a JSON object. Line feeds will be added between
level-1 elements if <parameter>pretty_bool</parameter> is true.
level-1 elements if <parameter>pretty_bool</parameter> is true. Elements
with NULL values will be skipped when <parameter>ignore_nulls</parameter>
is true.
......@@ -867,3 +867,17 @@ RETURNS interval
AS 'make_interval';
row_to_json(rowval record, pretty boolean DEFAULT false, ignore_nulls boolean DEFAULT false)
AS 'row_to_json';
array_to_json(arrayval anyarray, pretty boolean DEFAULT false)
AS 'array_to_json';
......@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ static void report_invalid_token(JsonLexContext *lex);
static int report_json_context(JsonLexContext *lex);
static char *extract_mb_char(char *s);
static void composite_to_json(Datum composite, StringInfo result,
bool use_line_feeds);
bool use_line_feeds,
bool ignore_nulls);
static void array_dim_to_json(StringInfo result, int dim, int ndims, int *dims,
Datum *vals, bool *nulls, int *valcount,
JsonTypeCategory tcategory, Oid outfuncoid,
......@@ -1362,7 +1363,7 @@ datum_to_json(Datum val, bool is_null, StringInfo result,
array_to_json_internal(val, result, false);
composite_to_json(val, result, false);
composite_to_json(val, result, false, false);
outputstr = DatumGetBool(val) ? "true" : "false";
......@@ -1591,7 +1592,8 @@ array_to_json_internal(Datum array, StringInfo result, bool use_line_feeds)
* Turn a composite / record into JSON.
static void
composite_to_json(Datum composite, StringInfo result, bool use_line_feeds)
composite_to_json(Datum composite, StringInfo result, bool use_line_feeds,
bool ignore_nulls)
HeapTupleHeader td;
Oid tupType;
......@@ -1630,6 +1632,12 @@ composite_to_json(Datum composite, StringInfo result, bool use_line_feeds)
if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped)
val = heap_getattr(tuple, i + 1, tupdesc, &isnull);
/* Don't serialize NULL field when we don't want it */
if (isnull && ignore_nulls)
if (needsep)
appendStringInfoString(result, sep);
needsep = true;
......@@ -1638,8 +1646,6 @@ composite_to_json(Datum composite, StringInfo result, bool use_line_feeds)
escape_json(result, attname);
appendStringInfoChar(result, ':');
val = heap_getattr(tuple, i + 1, tupdesc, &isnull);
if (isnull)
tcategory = JSONTYPE_NULL;
......@@ -1687,27 +1693,11 @@ add_json(Datum val, bool is_null, StringInfo result,
datum_to_json(val, is_null, result, tcategory, outfuncoid, key_scalar);
* SQL function array_to_json(row)
extern Datum
Datum array = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
StringInfo result;
result = makeStringInfo();
array_to_json_internal(array, result, false);
PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text_with_len(result->data, result->len));
* SQL function array_to_json(row, prettybool)
extern Datum
Datum array = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
bool use_line_feeds = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1);
......@@ -1721,34 +1711,19 @@ array_to_json_pretty(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
* SQL function row_to_json(row)
* SQL function row_to_json(rowval record, pretty bool, ignore_nulls bool)
extern Datum
Datum array = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
StringInfo result;
result = makeStringInfo();
composite_to_json(array, result, false);
PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text_with_len(result->data, result->len));
* SQL function row_to_json(row, prettybool)
extern Datum
Datum array = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
bool use_line_feeds = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1);
bool ignore_nulls = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);
StringInfo result;
result = makeStringInfo();
composite_to_json(array, result, use_line_feeds);
composite_to_json(array, result, use_line_feeds, ignore_nulls);
PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text_with_len(result->data, result->len));
......@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@
/* yyyymmddN */
#define CATALOG_VERSION_NO 201409101
#define CATALOG_VERSION_NO 201409111
......@@ -4203,14 +4203,10 @@ DATA(insert OID = 323 ( json_recv PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f t f i 1 0
DATA(insert OID = 324 ( json_send PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f t f i 1 0 17 "114" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ json_send _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 3153 ( array_to_json PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f t f s 1 0 114 "2277" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ array_to_json _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 3153 ( array_to_json PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f t f s 2 0 114 "2277 16" _null_ _null_ "{arrayval,pretty}" _null_ array_to_json _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DESCR("map array to json");
DATA(insert OID = 3154 ( array_to_json PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f t f s 2 0 114 "2277 16" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ array_to_json_pretty _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DESCR("map array to json with optional pretty printing");
DATA(insert OID = 3155 ( row_to_json PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f t f s 1 0 114 "2249" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ row_to_json _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 3155 ( row_to_json PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f t f s 3 0 114 "2249 16 16" _null_ _null_ "{rowval,pretty,ignore_nulls}" _null_ row_to_json _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DESCR("map row to json");
DATA(insert OID = 3156 ( row_to_json PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f t f s 2 0 114 "2249 16" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ row_to_json_pretty _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DESCR("map row to json with optional pretty printing");
DATA(insert OID = 3173 ( json_agg_transfn PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f f f i 2 0 2281 "2281 2283" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ json_agg_transfn _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DESCR("json aggregate transition function");
DATA(insert OID = 3174 ( json_agg_finalfn PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f f f i 1 0 114 "2281" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ json_agg_finalfn _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
......@@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ extern Datum json_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum json_recv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum json_send(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum array_to_json(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum array_to_json_pretty(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum row_to_json(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum row_to_json_pretty(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum to_json(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum json_agg_transfn(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
......@@ -397,12 +397,70 @@ FROM rows q;
(3 rows)
SELECT row_to_json(q,pretty := true)
FROM rows q;
{"x":1, +
{"x":2, +
{"x":3, +
(3 rows)
SELECT row_to_json(row((select array_agg(x) as d from generate_series(5,10) x)),false);
(1 row)
WITH x AS (SELECT a,b,c FROM (VALUES(10,20,30),
(10,NULL, NULL),
(NULL, NULL, NULL)) g(a,b,c))
SELECT row_to_json(x, false, false) FROM x;
(3 rows)
WITH x AS (SELECT a,b,c FROM (VALUES(10,20,30),
(10,NULL, NULL),
(NULL, NULL, NULL)) g(a,b,c))
SELECT row_to_json(x, false, true) FROM x;
(3 rows)
WITH x AS (SELECT a,b,c FROM (VALUES(10,20,30),
(10,NULL, NULL),
(NULL, NULL, NULL)) g(a,b,c))
SELECT row_to_json(x, ignore_nulls := true) FROM x;
(3 rows)
WITH x AS (SELECT a,b,c FROM (VALUES(10,20,30),
(10,NULL, NULL),
(NULL, NULL, NULL)) g(a,b,c))
SELECT row_to_json(x, ignore_nulls := true, pretty := true) FROM x;
{"a":10, +
"b":20, +
(3 rows)
-- to_json, timestamps
select to_json(timestamp '2014-05-28 12:22:35.614298');
......@@ -98,8 +98,32 @@ FROM generate_series(1,3) AS x;
SELECT row_to_json(q,true)
FROM rows q;
SELECT row_to_json(q,pretty := true)
FROM rows q;
SELECT row_to_json(row((select array_agg(x) as d from generate_series(5,10) x)),false);
WITH x AS (SELECT a,b,c FROM (VALUES(10,20,30),
(10,NULL, NULL),
(NULL, NULL, NULL)) g(a,b,c))
SELECT row_to_json(x, false, false) FROM x;
WITH x AS (SELECT a,b,c FROM (VALUES(10,20,30),
(10,NULL, NULL),
(NULL, NULL, NULL)) g(a,b,c))
SELECT row_to_json(x, false, true) FROM x;
WITH x AS (SELECT a,b,c FROM (VALUES(10,20,30),
(10,NULL, NULL),
(NULL, NULL, NULL)) g(a,b,c))
SELECT row_to_json(x, ignore_nulls := true) FROM x;
WITH x AS (SELECT a,b,c FROM (VALUES(10,20,30),
(10,NULL, NULL),
(NULL, NULL, NULL)) g(a,b,c))
SELECT row_to_json(x, ignore_nulls := true, pretty := true) FROM x;
-- to_json, timestamps
select to_json(timestamp '2014-05-28 12:22:35.614298');
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