Commit 8f1911d5 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane


Careless coding added by commit 07cacba9 could result in a crash
or a bizarre error message if someone tried to select an index on the
OID column as the replica identity index for a table.  Back-patch to 9.4
where the feature was introduced.


David Rowley
parent da7d44b6
......@@ -11052,10 +11052,20 @@ ATExecReplicaIdentity(Relation rel, ReplicaIdentityStmt *stmt, LOCKMODE lockmode
int16 attno = indexRel->rd_index->indkey.values[key];
Form_pg_attribute attr;
/* Of the system columns, only oid is indexable. */
if (attno <= 0 && attno != ObjectIdAttributeNumber)
elog(ERROR, "internal column %u in unique index \"%s\"",
attno, RelationGetRelationName(indexRel));
/* Allow OID column to be indexed; it's certainly not nullable */
if (attno == ObjectIdAttributeNumber)
* Reject any other system columns. (Going forward, we'll disallow
* indexes containing such columns in the first place, but they might
* exist in older branches.)
if (attno <= 0)
errmsg("index \"%s\" cannot be used as replica identity because column %d is a system column",
RelationGetRelationName(indexRel), attno)));
attr = rel->rd_att->attrs[attno - 1];
if (!attr->attnotnull)
......@@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ CREATE TABLE test_replica_identity (
nonkey text,
CONSTRAINT test_replica_identity_unique_defer UNIQUE (keya, keyb) DEFERRABLE,
CONSTRAINT test_replica_identity_unique_nondefer UNIQUE (keya, keyb)
CREATE TABLE test_replica_identity_othertable (id serial primary key);
CREATE INDEX test_replica_identity_keyab ON test_replica_identity (keya, keyb);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_replica_identity_keyab_key ON test_replica_identity (keya, keyb);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_replica_identity_oid_idx ON test_replica_identity (oid);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_replica_identity_nonkey ON test_replica_identity (keya, nonkey);
CREATE INDEX test_replica_identity_hash ON test_replica_identity USING hash (nonkey);
WARNING: hash indexes are not WAL-logged and their use is discouraged
......@@ -88,12 +89,15 @@ Indexes:
"test_replica_identity_expr" UNIQUE, btree (keya, keyb, (3))
"test_replica_identity_keyab_key" UNIQUE, btree (keya, keyb)
"test_replica_identity_nonkey" UNIQUE, btree (keya, nonkey)
"test_replica_identity_oid_idx" UNIQUE, btree (oid)
"test_replica_identity_partial" UNIQUE, btree (keya, keyb) WHERE keyb <> '3'::text
"test_replica_identity_unique_defer" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (keya, keyb) DEFERRABLE
"test_replica_identity_unique_nondefer" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (keya, keyb)
"test_replica_identity_hash" hash (nonkey)
"test_replica_identity_keyab" btree (keya, keyb)
-- succeed, oid unique index
ALTER TABLE test_replica_identity REPLICA IDENTITY USING INDEX test_replica_identity_oid_idx;
-- succeed, nondeferrable unique constraint over nonullable cols
ALTER TABLE test_replica_identity REPLICA IDENTITY USING INDEX test_replica_identity_unique_nondefer;
-- succeed unique index over nonnullable cols
......@@ -118,6 +122,7 @@ Indexes:
"test_replica_identity_expr" UNIQUE, btree (keya, keyb, (3))
"test_replica_identity_keyab_key" UNIQUE, btree (keya, keyb) REPLICA IDENTITY
"test_replica_identity_nonkey" UNIQUE, btree (keya, nonkey)
"test_replica_identity_oid_idx" UNIQUE, btree (oid)
"test_replica_identity_partial" UNIQUE, btree (keya, keyb) WHERE keyb <> '3'::text
"test_replica_identity_unique_defer" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (keya, keyb) DEFERRABLE
"test_replica_identity_unique_nondefer" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (keya, keyb)
......@@ -166,12 +171,14 @@ Indexes:
"test_replica_identity_expr" UNIQUE, btree (keya, keyb, (3))
"test_replica_identity_keyab_key" UNIQUE, btree (keya, keyb)
"test_replica_identity_nonkey" UNIQUE, btree (keya, nonkey)
"test_replica_identity_oid_idx" UNIQUE, btree (oid)
"test_replica_identity_partial" UNIQUE, btree (keya, keyb) WHERE keyb <> '3'::text
"test_replica_identity_unique_defer" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (keya, keyb) DEFERRABLE
"test_replica_identity_unique_nondefer" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (keya, keyb)
"test_replica_identity_hash" hash (nonkey)
"test_replica_identity_keyab" btree (keya, keyb)
Replica Identity: FULL
Has OIDs: yes
SELECT relreplident FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'test_replica_identity'::regclass;
......@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ CREATE TABLE test_replica_identity (
nonkey text,
CONSTRAINT test_replica_identity_unique_defer UNIQUE (keya, keyb) DEFERRABLE,
CONSTRAINT test_replica_identity_unique_nondefer UNIQUE (keya, keyb)
CREATE TABLE test_replica_identity_othertable (id serial primary key);
CREATE INDEX test_replica_identity_keyab ON test_replica_identity (keya, keyb);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_replica_identity_keyab_key ON test_replica_identity (keya, keyb);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_replica_identity_oid_idx ON test_replica_identity (oid);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_replica_identity_nonkey ON test_replica_identity (keya, nonkey);
CREATE INDEX test_replica_identity_hash ON test_replica_identity USING hash (nonkey);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_replica_identity_expr ON test_replica_identity (keya, keyb, (3));
......@@ -52,6 +53,9 @@ ALTER TABLE test_replica_identity REPLICA IDENTITY USING INDEX test_replica_iden
SELECT relreplident FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'test_replica_identity'::regclass;
\d test_replica_identity
-- succeed, oid unique index
ALTER TABLE test_replica_identity REPLICA IDENTITY USING INDEX test_replica_identity_oid_idx;
-- succeed, nondeferrable unique constraint over nonullable cols
ALTER TABLE test_replica_identity REPLICA IDENTITY USING INDEX test_replica_identity_unique_nondefer;
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