Commit 8bd42fe5 authored by Robert Haas's avatar Robert Haas

Remove unused expected-output file.

parent 5243a358
Parsed test spec with 2 sessions
starting permutation: s1d s1c s2i s2c
step s1d: DELETE FROM A WHERE AID = 1;
step s1c: COMMIT;
step s2i: INSERT INTO B (BID,AID,Col2) VALUES (2,1,0);
ERROR: insert or update on table "b" violates foreign key constraint "b_aid_fkey"
step s2c: COMMIT;
starting permutation: s1d s2i s1c s2c
step s1d: DELETE FROM A WHERE AID = 1;
step s2i: INSERT INTO B (BID,AID,Col2) VALUES (2,1,0); <waiting ...>
step s1c: COMMIT;
step s2i: <... completed>
error in steps s1c s2i: ERROR: insert or update on table "b" violates foreign key constraint "b_aid_fkey"
step s2c: COMMIT;
starting permutation: s1d s2i s2c s1c
step s1d: DELETE FROM A WHERE AID = 1;
step s2i: INSERT INTO B (BID,AID,Col2) VALUES (2,1,0); <waiting ...>
invalid permutation detected
starting permutation: s2i s1d s1c s2c
step s2i: INSERT INTO B (BID,AID,Col2) VALUES (2,1,0);
step s1d: DELETE FROM A WHERE AID = 1; <waiting ...>
invalid permutation detected
starting permutation: s2i s1d s2c s1c
step s2i: INSERT INTO B (BID,AID,Col2) VALUES (2,1,0);
step s1d: DELETE FROM A WHERE AID = 1; <waiting ...>
step s2c: COMMIT;
step s1d: <... completed>
error in steps s2c s1d: ERROR: update or delete on table "a" violates foreign key constraint "b_aid_fkey" on table "b"
step s1c: COMMIT;
starting permutation: s2i s2c s1d s1c
step s2i: INSERT INTO B (BID,AID,Col2) VALUES (2,1,0);
step s2c: COMMIT;
step s1d: DELETE FROM A WHERE AID = 1;
ERROR: update or delete on table "a" violates foreign key constraint "b_aid_fkey" on table "b"
step s1c: COMMIT;
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