Commit 8b4da404 authored by Peter Eisentraut's avatar Peter Eisentraut

Change this script to Perl 5 style. Add support for multiple refnames.

Sort the output by command name.  This previously only worked by source
file name, which doesn't always match the command name exactly.  And it
certainly won't work for multiple refnames.
parent 89ad92a2
#! /usr/bin/perl
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# -- converts SGML docs to internal psql help
# Copyright (c) 2000-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/bin/psql/,v 1.17 2008/01/20 21:13:55 tgl Exp $
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/bin/psql/,v 1.18 2008/11/19 09:51:55 petere Exp $
......@@ -19,9 +19,12 @@
# sure does matter to the rest of the source.
$docdir = $ARGV[0] || die "$0: missing required argument: docdir\n";
$outputfile = $ARGV[1] || die "$0: missing required argument: output file\n";
use strict;
my $docdir = $ARGV[0] or die "$0: missing required argument: docdir\n";
my $outputfile = $ARGV[1] or die "$0: missing required argument: output file\n";
my $outputfilebasename;
if ($outputfile =~ m!.*/([^/]+)$!) {
$outputfilebasename = $1;
......@@ -29,14 +32,14 @@ else {
$outputfilebasename = $outputfile;
$define = $outputfilebasename;
my $define = $outputfilebasename;
$define =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$define =~ s/\W/_/g;
opendir(DIR, $docdir)
|| die "$0: could not open documentation source dir '$docdir': $!\n";
or die "$0: could not open documentation source dir '$docdir': $!\n";
open(OUT, ">$outputfile")
|| die "$0: could not open output file '$outputfile': $!\n";
or die "$0: could not open output file '$outputfile': $!\n";
print OUT
......@@ -64,46 +67,29 @@ struct _helpStruct
static const struct _helpStruct QL_HELP[] = {
$count = 0;
$maxlen = 0;
my $maxlen = 0;
my %entries;
foreach $file (sort readdir DIR) {
local ($cmdname, $cmddesc, $cmdsynopsis);
$file =~ /\.sgml$/ || next;
foreach my $file (sort readdir DIR) {
my (@cmdnames, $cmddesc, $cmdsynopsis);
$file =~ /\.sgml$/ or next;
open(FILE, "$docdir/$file") || next;
$filecontent = join('', <FILE>);
open(FILE, "$docdir/$file") or next;
my $filecontent = join('', <FILE>);
close FILE;
# Ignore files that are not for SQL language statements
$filecontent =~ m!<refmiscinfo>\s*SQL - Language Statements\s*</refmiscinfo>!i
|| next;
# Extract <refname>, <refpurpose>, and <synopsis> fields, taking the
# first one if there are more than one. NOTE: we cannot just say
# "<synopsis>(.*)</synopsis>", because that will match the first
# occurrence of <synopsis> and the last one of </synopsis>! Under
# Perl 5 we could use a non-greedy wildcard, .*?, to ensure we match
# the first </synopsis>, but we want this script to run under Perl 4
# too, and Perl 4 hasn't got that feature. So, do it the hard way.
# Also, use [\000-\377] where we want to match anything including
# newline --- Perl 4 does not have Perl 5's /s modifier.
$filecontent =~ m!<refname>\s*([a-z ]*[a-z])\s*</refname>!i && ($cmdname = $1);
if ($filecontent =~ m!<refpurpose>\s*([\000-\377]+)$!i) {
$tmp = $1; # everything after first <refpurpose>
if ($tmp =~ s!\s*</refpurpose>[\000-\377]*$!!i) {
$cmddesc = $tmp;
if ($filecontent =~ m!<synopsis>\s*([\000-\377]+)$!i) {
$tmp = $1; # everything after first <synopsis>
if ($tmp =~ s!\s*</synopsis>[\000-\377]*$!!i) {
$cmdsynopsis = $tmp;
or next;
# Collect multiple refnames
LOOP: { $filecontent =~ m!\G.*?<refname>\s*([a-z ]+?)\s*</refname>!cgis and push @cmdnames, $1 and redo LOOP; }
$filecontent =~ m!<refpurpose>\s*(.+?)\s*</refpurpose>!is and $cmddesc = $1;
$filecontent =~ m!<synopsis>\s*(.+?)\s*</synopsis>!is and $cmdsynopsis = $1;
if ($cmdname && $cmddesc && $cmdsynopsis) {
$cmdname =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
if (@cmdnames && $cmddesc && $cmdsynopsis) {
s/\"/\\"/g foreach @cmdnames;
$cmddesc =~ s/<[^>]+>//g;
$cmddesc =~ s/\s+/ /g;
......@@ -113,22 +99,24 @@ foreach $file (sort readdir DIR) {
$cmdsynopsis =~ s/\r?\n/\\n/g;
$cmdsynopsis =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
print OUT " { \"$cmdname\",\n N_(\"$cmddesc\"),\n N_(\"$cmdsynopsis\") },\n\n";
foreach my $cmdname (@cmdnames) {
$entries{$cmdname} = { cmddesc => $cmddesc, cmdsynopsis => $cmdsynopsis };
$maxlen = ($maxlen >= length $cmdname) ? $maxlen : length $cmdname;
else {
print STDERR "$0: parsing file '$file' failed (N='$cmdname' D='$cmddesc')\n";
die "$0: parsing file '$file' failed (N='@cmdnames' D='$cmddesc')\n";
print OUT " { \"$_\",\n N_(\"".$entries{$_}{cmddesc}."\"),\n N_(\"".$entries{$_}{cmdsynopsis}."\") },\n\n" foreach (sort keys %entries);
print OUT "
{ NULL, NULL, NULL } /* End of list marker */
#define QL_HELP_COUNT $count /* number of help items */
#define QL_HELP_COUNT ".scalar(keys %entries)." /* number of help items */
#define QL_MAX_CMD_LEN $maxlen /* largest strlen(cmd) */
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