Commit 78d72563 authored by Stephen Frost's avatar Stephen Frost

Fix CreatePolicy, pg_dump -v; psql and doc updates

Peter G pointed out that valgrind was, rightfully, complaining about
CreatePolicy() ending up copying beyond the end of the parsed policy
name.  Name is a fixed-size type and we need to use namein (through
DirectFunctionCall1()) to flush out the entire array before we pass
it down to heap_form_tuple.

Michael Paquier pointed out that pg_dump --verbose was missing a
newline and Fabrízio de Royes Mello further pointed out that the
schema was also missing from the messages, so fix those also.

Also, based on an off-list comment from Kevin, rework the psql \d
output to facilitate copy/pasting into a new CREATE or ALTER POLICY

Lastly, improve the pg_policies view and update the documentation for
it, along with a few other minor doc corrections based on an off-list
discussion with Adam Brightwell.
parent 59685704
......@@ -5396,6 +5396,13 @@
<entry>The command type to which the row-security policy is applied.</entry>
<entry>The roles to which the row-security policy is applied.</entry>
......@@ -5417,8 +5424,8 @@
True if the table has row-security enabled.
Must be true if the table has a row-security policy in this catalog.
True if the table has row-security enabled. Policies will not be applied
unless row-security is enabled on the table.
......@@ -7299,6 +7306,11 @@
<entry>materialized views</entry>
<entry><link linkend="view-pg-policies"><structname>pg_policies</structname></link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="view-pg-prepared-statements"><structname>pg_prepared_statements</structname></link></entry>
<entry>prepared statements</entry>
......@@ -8146,6 +8158,81 @@ SELECT * FROM pg_locks pl LEFT JOIN pg_prepared_xacts ppx
<sect1 id="view-pg-policies">
<indexterm zone="view-pg-policies">
The view <structname>pg_policies</structname> provides access to
useful information about each policy in the database.
<title><structname>pg_policies</> Columns</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry><literal><link linkend="catalog-pg-namespace"><structname>pg_namespace</structname></link>.nspname</literal></entry>
<entry>Name of schema containing table policy is on</entry>
<entry><literal><link linkend="catalog-pg-class"><structname>pg_class</structname></link>.relname</literal></entry>
<entry>Name of table policy is on</entry>
<entry><literal><link linkend="catalog-pg-class"><structname>pg_class</structname></link>.relname</literal></entry>
<entry>Name of policy</entry>
<entry>The command type to which the policy is applied.</entry>
<entry>The roles to which this policy applies.</entry>
<entry>The expression added to the security barrier qualifications for
queries which this policy applies to.</entry>
<entry>The expression added to the with check qualifications for
queries which attempt to add rows to this table.</entry>
<sect1 id="view-pg-prepared-statements">
......@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ CREATE VIEW pg_user AS
CREATE VIEW pg_policies AS
N.nspname AS schemaname,
C.relname AS tablename,
rs.rsecpolname AS policyname,
(SELECT relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE oid = rs.rsecrelid) AS tablename,
WHEN rs.rsecroles = '{0}' THEN
string_to_array('public', '')
......@@ -89,7 +90,8 @@ CREATE VIEW pg_policies AS
pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(rs.rsecqual, rs.rsecrelid) AS qual,
pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(rs.rsecwithcheck, rs.rsecrelid) AS with_check
FROM pg_catalog.pg_rowsecurity rs
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class C ON (C.oid = rs.rsecrelid)
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace);
......@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ CreatePolicy(CreatePolicyStmt *stmt)
values[Anum_pg_rowsecurity_rsecrelid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(table_id);
values[Anum_pg_rowsecurity_rsecpolname - 1]
= CStringGetDatum(stmt->policy_name);
= DirectFunctionCall1(namein, CStringGetDatum(stmt->policy_name));
if (rseccmd)
values[Anum_pg_rowsecurity_rseccmd - 1] = CharGetDatum(rseccmd);
......@@ -2803,7 +2803,8 @@ getRowSecurity(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables)
if (g_verbose)
write_msg(NULL, "reading row-security enabled for table \"%s\"",
write_msg(NULL, "reading row-security enabled for table \"%s\".\"%s\"\n",
......@@ -2833,7 +2834,8 @@ getRowSecurity(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables)
if (g_verbose)
write_msg(NULL, "reading row-security policies for table \"%s\"\n",
write_msg(NULL, "reading row-security policies for table \"%s\".\"%s\"\n",
......@@ -2011,10 +2011,15 @@ describeOneTableDetails(const char *schemaname,
"SELECT rs.rsecpolname,\n"
"CASE WHEN rs.rsecroles = '{0}' THEN NULL ELSE array(select rolname from pg_roles where oid = any (rs.rsecroles) order by 1) END,\n"
"CASE WHEN rs.rsecroles = '{0}' THEN NULL ELSE array_to_string(array(select rolname from pg_roles where oid = any (rs.rsecroles) order by 1),',') END,\n"
"pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(rs.rsecqual, rs.rsecrelid),\n"
"pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(rs.rsecwithcheck, rs.rsecrelid),\n"
"rs.rseccmd AS cmd\n"
"CASE rs.rseccmd \n"
"END AS cmd\n"
"FROM pg_catalog.pg_rowsecurity rs\n"
"WHERE rs.rsecrelid = '%s' ORDER BY 1;",
......@@ -2046,26 +2051,25 @@ describeOneTableDetails(const char *schemaname,
PQgetvalue(result, i, 0));
if (!PQgetisnull(result, i, 4))
appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, " (%s)",
appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, " FOR %s",
PQgetvalue(result, i, 4));
if (!PQgetisnull(result, i, 1))
appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, "\n TO %s",
PQgetvalue(result, i, 1));
if (!PQgetisnull(result, i, 2))
appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, " EXPRESSION %s",
appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, "\n USING %s",
PQgetvalue(result, i, 2));
if (!PQgetisnull(result, i, 3))
appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, " WITH CHECK %s",
appendPQExpBuffer(&buf, "\n WITH CHECK %s",
PQgetvalue(result, i, 3));
if (!PQgetisnull(result, i, 1))
printfPQExpBuffer(&buf, " APPLIED TO %s",
PQgetvalue(result, i, 1));
......@@ -1353,10 +1353,9 @@ pg_matviews| SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname,
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON ((n.oid = c.relnamespace)))
LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON ((t.oid = c.reltablespace)))
WHERE (c.relkind = 'm'::"char");
pg_policies| SELECT rs.rsecpolname AS policyname,
( SELECT pg_class.relname
FROM pg_class
WHERE (pg_class.oid = rs.rsecrelid)) AS tablename,
pg_policies| SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname,
c.relname AS tablename,
rs.rsecpolname AS policyname,
WHEN (rs.rsecroles = '{0}'::oid[]) THEN (string_to_array('public'::text, ''::text))::name[]
ELSE ARRAY( SELECT pg_authid.rolname
......@@ -1377,8 +1376,9 @@ pg_policies| SELECT rs.rsecpolname AS policyname,
END AS cmd,
pg_get_expr(rs.rsecqual, rs.rsecrelid) AS qual,
pg_get_expr(rs.rsecwithcheck, rs.rsecrelid) AS with_check
FROM pg_rowsecurity rs
ORDER BY rs.rsecpolname;
FROM ((pg_rowsecurity rs
JOIN pg_class c ON ((c.oid = rs.rsecrelid)))
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON ((n.oid = c.relnamespace)));
pg_prepared_statements| SELECT,
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