Commit 682ce911 authored by Robert Haas's avatar Robert Haas

Allow parallel query for prepared statements with generic plans.

This was always intended to work, but due to an oversight in
max_parallel_hazard_walker, it didn't.  In testing, we missed the
fact that it was only working for custom plans, where the parameter
value has been substituted for the parameter itself early enough
that everything worked.  In a generic plan, the Param node survives
and must be treated as parallel-safe.  SerializeParamList provides
for the transmission of parameter values to workers.

Amit Kapila with help from Kuntal Ghosh.  Some changes by me.

parent 6784d7a1
......@@ -1223,13 +1223,17 @@ max_parallel_hazard_walker(Node *node, max_parallel_hazard_context *context)
* We can't pass Params to workers at the moment either, so they are also
* parallel-restricted, unless they are PARAM_EXEC Params listed in
* safe_param_ids, meaning they could be generated within the worker.
* parallel-restricted, unless they are PARAM_EXTERN Params or are
* PARAM_EXEC Params listed in safe_param_ids, meaning they could be
* generated within the worker.
else if (IsA(node, Param))
Param *param = (Param *) node;
if (param->paramkind == PARAM_EXTERN)
return false;
if (param->paramkind != PARAM_EXEC ||
!list_member_int(context->safe_param_ids, param->paramid))
......@@ -6588,8 +6588,8 @@ exec_save_simple_expr(PLpgSQL_expr *expr, CachedPlan *cplan)
* force_parallel_mode is on, the planner might've stuck a Gather node
* atop that. The simplest way to deal with this is to look through the
* Gather node. The Gather node's tlist would normally contain a Var
* referencing the child node's output ... but setrefs.c might also have
* copied a Const as-is.
* referencing the child node's output, but it could also be a Param, or
* it could be a Const that setrefs.c copied as-is.
plan = stmt->planTree;
for (;;)
......@@ -6616,9 +6616,9 @@ exec_save_simple_expr(PLpgSQL_expr *expr, CachedPlan *cplan)
/* If setrefs.c copied up a Const, no need to look further */
if (IsA(tle_expr, Const))
/* Otherwise, it better be an outer Var */
Assert(IsA(tle_expr, Var));
Assert(((Var *) tle_expr)->varno == OUTER_VAR);
/* Otherwise, it had better be a Param or an outer Var */
Assert(IsA(tle_expr, Param) || (IsA(tle_expr, Var) &&
((Var *) tle_expr)->varno == OUTER_VAR));
/* Descend to the child node */
plan = plan->lefttree;
......@@ -101,6 +101,26 @@ explain (costs off)
-> Parallel Index Only Scan using tenk1_unique1 on tenk1
(5 rows)
-- test prepared statement
prepare tenk1_count(integer) As select count((unique1)) from tenk1 where hundred > $1;
explain (costs off) execute tenk1_count(1);
Finalize Aggregate
-> Gather
Workers Planned: 4
-> Partial Aggregate
-> Parallel Seq Scan on tenk1
Filter: (hundred > 1)
(6 rows)
execute tenk1_count(1);
(1 row)
deallocate tenk1_count;
-- test parallel plans for queries containing un-correlated subplans.
alter table tenk2 set (parallel_workers = 0);
explain (costs off)
......@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ explain (costs off)
select sum(parallel_restricted(unique1)) from tenk1
group by(parallel_restricted(unique1));
-- test prepared statement
prepare tenk1_count(integer) As select count((unique1)) from tenk1 where hundred > $1;
explain (costs off) execute tenk1_count(1);
execute tenk1_count(1);
deallocate tenk1_count;
-- test parallel plans for queries containing un-correlated subplans.
alter table tenk2 set (parallel_workers = 0);
explain (costs off)
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