Commit 67c26c12 authored by Tatsuo Ishii's avatar Tatsuo Ishii

Fix expected files.

parent 8ebdac0e
drop table 廠商資料; drop table 廠商資料;
ERROR: table "廠商資料" does not exist
create table 廠商資料 (行業別 text, 公司抬頭 varchar, 地址 varchar(16)); create table 廠商資料 (行業別 text, 公司抬頭 varchar, 地址 varchar(16));
create index 廠商資料index1 on 廠商資料 using btree (行業別); create index 廠商資料index1 on 廠商資料 using btree (行業別);
create index 廠商資料index2 on 廠商資料 using hash (公司抬頭); create index 廠商資料index2 on 廠商資料 using hash (公司抬頭);
drop table 计算机术语; drop table 计算机术语;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "(" ERROR: table "计算机术语" does not exist
create table 计算机术语(术语 text, 分类号 varchar, 备注1A char(16)); create table 计算机术语(术语 text, 分类号 varchar, 备注1A char(16));
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
create index 计算机术语index1 on 计算机术语 using btree(术语); create index 计算机术语index1 on 计算机术语 using btree(术语);
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
create index 计算机术语index2 on 计算机术语 using btree(分类号); create index 计算机术语index2 on 计算机术语 using btree(分类号);
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
insert into 计算机术语 values('电脑显示屏','机A01上'); insert into 计算机术语 values('电脑显示屏','机A01上');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
insert into 计算机术语 values('电脑图形','分B01中'); insert into 计算机术语 values('电脑图形','分B01中');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
insert into 计算机术语 values('电脑程序员','人Z01下'); insert into 计算机术语 values('电脑程序员','人Z01下');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
vacuum 计算机术语; vacuum 计算机术语;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
select * from 计算机术语; select * from 计算机术语;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a
电脑显示屏 | 机A01上 |
电脑图形 | 分B01中 |
电脑程序员 | 人Z01下 |
(3 rows)
select * from 计算机术语 where 分类号 = '人Z01下'; select * from 计算机术语 where 分类号 = '人Z01下';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a
电脑程序员 | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
select * from 计算机术语 where 分类号 ~* '人z01下'; select * from 计算机术语 where 分类号 ~* '人z01下';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a
电脑程序员 | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
select * from 计算机术语 where 分类号 like '_Z01_'; select * from 计算机术语 where 分类号 like '_Z01_';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a
电脑程序员 | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
select * from 计算机术语 where 分类号 like '_Z%'; select * from 计算机术语 where 分类号 like '_Z%';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a
电脑程序员 | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
select * from 计算机术语 where 术语 ~ '电脑[显图]'; select * from 计算机术语 where 术语 ~ '电脑[显图]';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a
电脑显示屏 | 机A01上 |
电脑图形 | 分B01中 |
(2 rows)
select * from 计算机术语 where 术语 ~* '电脑[显图]'; select * from 计算机术语 where 术语 ~* '电脑[显图]';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a
电脑显示屏 | 机A01上 |
电脑图形 | 分B01中 |
(2 rows)
select *,character_length(术语) from 计算机术语; select *,character_length(术语) from 计算机术语;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "caf5" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a | char_length
电脑显示屏 | 机A01上 | | 5
电脑图形 | 分B01中 | | 4
电脑程序员 | 人Z01下 | | 5
(3 rows)
select *,octet_length(术语) from 计算机术语; select *,octet_length(术语) from 计算机术语;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "caf5" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a | octet_length
电脑显示屏 | 机A01上 | | 10
电脑图形 | 分B01中 | | 8
电脑程序员 | 人Z01下 | | 10
(3 rows)
select *,position('显' in 术语) from 计算机术语; select *,position('显' in 术语) from 计算机术语;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "caf5" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a | position
电脑显示屏 | 机A01上 | | 3
电脑图形 | 分B01中 | | 0
电脑程序员 | 人Z01下 | | 0
(3 rows)
select *,substring(术语 from 3 for 4) from 计算机术语; select *,substring(术语 from 3 for 4) from 计算机术语;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "caf5" 术语 | 分类号 | 备注1a | substring
电脑显示屏 | 机A01上 | | 显示屏
电脑图形 | 分B01中 | | 图形
电脑程序员 | 人Z01下 | | 程序员
(3 rows)
drop table 計算機용어; drop table 計算機용어;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "(" ERROR: table "計算機용어" does not exist
create table 計算機용어 (용어 text, 分類코드 varchar, 비고1A라구 char(16)); create table 計算機용어 (용어 text, 分類코드 varchar, 비고1A라구 char(16));
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
create index 計算機용어index1 on 計算機용어 using btree (용어); create index 計算機용어index1 on 計算機용어 using btree (용어);
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
create index 計算機용어index2 on 計算機용어 using hash (分類코드); create index 計算機용어index2 on 計算機용어 using hash (分類코드);
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
insert into 計算機용어 values('컴퓨터디스플레이', '機A01上'); insert into 計算機용어 values('컴퓨터디스플레이', '機A01上');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
insert into 計算機용어 values('컴퓨터그래픽스', '分B10中'); insert into 計算機용어 values('컴퓨터그래픽스', '分B10中');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
insert into 計算機용어 values('컴퓨터프로그래머', '人Z01下'); insert into 計算機용어 values('컴퓨터프로그래머', '人Z01下');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
vacuum 計算機용어; vacuum 計算機용어;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
select * from 計算機용어; select * from 計算機용어;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구
컴퓨터디스플레이 | 機A01上 |
컴퓨터그래픽스 | 分B10中 |
컴퓨터프로그래머 | 人Z01下 |
(3 rows)
select * from 計算機용어 where 分類코드 = '人Z01下'; select * from 計算機용어 where 分類코드 = '人Z01下';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구
컴퓨터프로그래머 | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
select * from 計算機용어 where 分類코드 ~* '人z01下'; select * from 計算機용어 where 分類코드 ~* '人z01下';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구
컴퓨터프로그래머 | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
select * from 計算機용어 where 分類코드 like '_Z01_'; select * from 計算機용어 where 分類코드 like '_Z01_';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구
컴퓨터프로그래머 | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
select * from 計算機용어 where 分類코드 like '_Z%'; select * from 計算機용어 where 分類코드 like '_Z%';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구
컴퓨터프로그래머 | 人Z01下 |
(1 row)
select * from 計算機용어 where 용어 ~ '컴퓨터[디그]'; select * from 計算機용어 where 용어 ~ '컴퓨터[디그]';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구
컴퓨터디스플레이 | 機A01上 |
컴퓨터그래픽스 | 分B10中 |
(2 rows)
select * from 計算機용어 where 용어 ~* '컴퓨터[디그]'; select * from 計算機용어 where 용어 ~* '컴퓨터[디그]';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구
컴퓨터디스플레이 | 機A01上 |
컴퓨터그래픽스 | 分B10中 |
(2 rows)
select *,character_length(용어) from 計算機용어; select *,character_length(용어) from 計算機용어;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "bfeb" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구 | char_length
컴퓨터디스플레이 | 機A01上 | | 8
컴퓨터그래픽스 | 分B10中 | | 7
컴퓨터프로그래머 | 人Z01下 | | 8
(3 rows)
select *,octet_length(용어) from 計算機용어; select *,octet_length(용어) from 計算機용어;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "bfeb" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구 | octet_length
컴퓨터디스플레이 | 機A01上 | | 16
컴퓨터그래픽스 | 分B10中 | | 14
컴퓨터프로그래머 | 人Z01下 | | 16
(3 rows)
select *,position('디' in 용어) from 計算機용어; select *,position('디' in 용어) from 計算機용어;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "bfeb" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구 | position
컴퓨터디스플레이 | 機A01上 | | 4
컴퓨터그래픽스 | 分B10中 | | 0
컴퓨터프로그래머 | 人Z01下 | | 0
(3 rows)
select *,substring(용어 from 3 for 4) from 計算機용어; select *,substring(용어 from 3 for 4) from 計算機용어;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "bfeb" 용어 | 分類코드 | 비고1a라구 | substring
컴퓨터디스플레이 | 機A01上 | | 터디스플
컴퓨터그래픽스 | 分B10中 | | 터그래픽
컴퓨터프로그래머 | 人Z01下 | | 터프로그
(3 rows)
drop table 燹俑骜砧; drop table 燹俑骜砧;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "(" ERROR: table "燹俑骜砧" does not exist
create table 燹俑骜砧 (如淦杀 text, 狞瞥婉螭 varchar, 氢蛇 varchar(16)); create table 燹俑骜砧 (如淦杀 text, 狞瞥婉螭 varchar, 氢蛇 varchar(16));
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
create index 燹俑骜砧index1 on 燹俑骜砧 using btree (如淦杀); create index 燹俑骜砧index1 on 燹俑骜砧 using btree (如淦杀);
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
create index 燹俑骜砧index2 on 燹俑骜砧 using hash (狞瞥婉螭); create index 燹俑骜砧index2 on 燹俑骜砧 using hash (狞瞥婉螭);
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
insert into 燹俑骜砧 values ('缳妾淦', '绠绠绎世', '啤A01念'); insert into 燹俑骜砧 values ('缳妾淦', '绠绠绎世', '啤A01念');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
insert into 燹俑骜砧 values ('犒葸淦', '芈溷却宇狞瞥', '你B10你'); insert into 燹俑骜砧 values ('犒葸淦', '芈溷却宇狞瞥', '你B10你');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
insert into 燹俑骜砧 values ('螫悖淦', '印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥', '仨Z01摩'); insert into 燹俑骜砧 values ('螫悖淦', '印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥', '仨Z01摩');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
vacuum 燹俑骜砧; vacuum 燹俑骜砧;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
select * from 燹俑骜砧; select * from 燹俑骜砧;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇
缳妾淦 | 绠绠绎世 | 啤A01念
犒葸淦 | 芈溷却宇狞瞥 | 你B10你
螫悖淦 | 印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥 | 仨Z01摩
(3 rows)
select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 氢蛇 = '仨Z01摩'; select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 氢蛇 = '仨Z01摩';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇
螫悖淦 | 印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥 | 仨Z01摩
(1 row)
select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 氢蛇 ~* '仨z01摩'; select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 氢蛇 ~* '仨z01摩';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇
螫悖淦 | 印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥 | 仨Z01摩
(1 row)
select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 氢蛇 like '_Z01_'; select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 氢蛇 like '_Z01_';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇
螫悖淦 | 印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥 | 仨Z01摩
(1 row)
select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 氢蛇 like '_Z%'; select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 氢蛇 like '_Z%';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇
螫悖淦 | 印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥 | 仨Z01摩
(1 row)
select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 狞瞥婉螭 ~ '绠绠绎[凫卮世]'; select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 狞瞥婉螭 ~ '绠绠绎[凫卮世]';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇
缳妾淦 | 绠绠绎世 | 啤A01念
(1 row)
select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 狞瞥婉螭 ~* '绠绠绎[凫卮世]'; select * from 燹俑骜砧 where 狞瞥婉螭 ~* '绠绠绎[凫卮世]';
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "92" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇
缳妾淦 | 绠绠绎世 | 啤A01念
(1 row)
select *, character_length(如淦杀) from 燹俑骜砧; select *, character_length(如淦杀) from 燹俑骜砧;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "c8e7" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇 | char_length
缳妾淦 | 绠绠绎世 | 啤A01念 | 3
犒葸淦 | 芈溷却宇狞瞥 | 你B10你 | 3
螫悖淦 | 印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥 | 仨Z01摩 | 3
(3 rows)
select *, octet_length(如淦杀) from 燹俑骜砧; select *, octet_length(如淦杀) from 燹俑骜砧;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "c8e7" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇 | octet_length
缳妾淦 | 绠绠绎世 | 啤A01念 | 6
犒葸淦 | 芈溷却宇狞瞥 | 你B10你 | 6
螫悖淦 | 印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥 | 仨Z01摩 | 6
(3 rows)
select *, position('却宇' in 狞瞥婉螭) from 燹俑骜砧; select *, position('却宇' in 狞瞥婉螭) from 燹俑骜砧;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "c4fc" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇 | position
缳妾淦 | 绠绠绎世 | 啤A01念 | 0
犒葸淦 | 芈溷却宇狞瞥 | 你B10你 | 3
螫悖淦 | 印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥 | 仨Z01摩 | 5
(3 rows)
select *, substring(狞瞥婉螭 from 3 for 6 ) from 燹俑骜砧; select *, substring(狞瞥婉螭 from 3 for 6 ) from 燹俑骜砧;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "c4fc" 如淦杀 | 狞瞥婉螭 | 氢蛇 | substring
缳妾淦 | 绠绠绎世 | 啤A01念 | 绎世
犒葸淦 | 芈溷却宇狞瞥 | 你B10你 | 却宇狞瞥
螫悖淦 | 印汤洗枪却宇狞瞥 | 仨Z01摩 | 洗枪却宇狞瞥
(3 rows)
...@@ -22,66 +22,67 @@ select * from ...@@ -22,66 +22,67 @@ select * from
(1 row) (1 row)
select * from גђ where ʬ ~* 'z01'; select * from גђ where ʬ ~* 'z01';
ђ | ʬ | 1a ђ | ʬ | 1a
--------+-----------------+---------------- --------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
(0 rows) Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 |
(1 row)
select * from גђ where ʬ like '_Z01_'; select * from גђ where ʬ like '_Z01_';
ђ | ʬ | 1a ђ | ʬ | 1a
--------+-----------------+---------------- --------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
(0 rows) Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 |
(1 row)
select * from גђ where ʬ like '_Z%'; select * from גђ where ʬ like '_Z%';
ђ | ʬ | 1a ђ | ʬ | 1a
--------+-----------------+---------------- --------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
(0 rows) Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 |
(1 row)
select * from גђ where ђ ~ 'Ԓ咡[ǒ]'; select * from גђ where ђ ~ 'Ԓ咡[ǒ]';
ђ | ʬ | 1a ђ | ʬ | 1a
-----------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------- -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 |
Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 |
Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | (2 rows)
(3 rows)
select * from גђ where ђ ~* 'Ԓ咡[ǒ]'; select * from גђ where ђ ~* 'Ԓ咡[ǒ]';
ђ | ʬ | 1a ђ | ʬ | 1a
-----------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------- -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 |
Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 |
Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | (2 rows)
(3 rows)
select *,character_length(ђ) from גђ; select *,character_length(ђ) from גђ;
ђ | ʬ | 1a | char_length ђ | ʬ | 1a | char_length
-----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+------------- -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+-------------
Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | | 18 Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | | 12
Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | | 20 Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | | 13
Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | | 18 Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | | 12
(3 rows) (3 rows)
select *,octet_length(ђ) from גђ; select *,octet_length(ђ) from גђ;
ђ | ʬ | 1a | octet_length ђ | ʬ | 1a | octet_length
-----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+-------------- -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------
Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | | 54 Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | | 36
Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | | 59 Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | | 39
Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | | 54 Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | | 36
(3 rows) (3 rows)
select *,position('' in ђ) from גђ; select *,position('' in ђ) from גђ;
ђ | ʬ | 1a | position ђ | ʬ | 1a | position
-----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+---------- -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+----------
Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | | 0 Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | | 7
Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | | 0 Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | | 0
Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | | 0 Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | | 0
(3 rows) (3 rows)
select *,substring(ђ from 10 for 4) from גђ; select *,substring(ђ from 10 for 4) from גђ;
ђ | ʬ | 1a | substring ђ | ʬ | 1a | substring
-----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+----------- -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------
Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | | ǒ Ԓ咡ǒג쒥 | A01 | | ג쒥
Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | | Ԓ咡钥ՒÒ | ʬB10 | | Ò
Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | | ג풥 Ԓ咡ג풥钥ޒ | Z01 | | 钥ޒ
(3 rows) (3 rows)
drop table Ƒ㑻; drop table Ƒ㑻;
...@@ -108,52 +109,57 @@ select * from ...@@ -108,52 +109,57 @@ select * from
(1 row) (1 row)
select * from Ƒ㑻 where ֑ ~* 'z01'; select * from Ƒ㑻 where ֑ ~* 'z01';
| ֑ | ע1a | ֑ | ע1a
--------+-----------+---------- -----------------+-----------+----------
(0 rows) ԑ̑Ա | Z01 |
(1 row)
select * from Ƒ㑻 where ֑ like '_Z01_'; select * from Ƒ㑻 where ֑ like '_Z01_';
| ֑ | ע1a | ֑ | ע1a
--------+-----------+---------- -----------------+-----------+----------
(0 rows) ԑ̑Ա | Z01 |
(1 row)
select * from Ƒ㑻 where ֑ like '_Z%'; select * from Ƒ㑻 where ֑ like '_Z%';
| ֑ | ע1a | ֑ | ע1a
--------+-----------+---------- -----------------+-----------+----------
(0 rows) ԑ̑Ա | Z01 |
(1 row)
select * from Ƒ㑻 where ~ '[ԑͼ]'; select * from Ƒ㑻 where ~ '[ԑͼ]';
| ֑ | ע1a | ֑ | ע1a
-----------------+-----------+---------- -----------------+-----------+----------
ԑԑʾ | A01 | ԑԑʾ | A01 |
(1 row) ԑͼ | B01 |
(2 rows)
select * from Ƒ㑻 where ~* '[ԑͼ]'; select * from Ƒ㑻 where ~* '[ԑͼ]';
| ֑ | ע1a | ֑ | ע1a
-----------------+-----------+---------- -----------------+-----------+----------
ԑԑʾ | A01 | ԑԑʾ | A01 |
(1 row) ԑͼ | B01 |
(2 rows)
select *,character_length() from Ƒ㑻; select *,character_length() from Ƒ㑻;
| ֑ | ע1a | char_length | ֑ | ע1a | char_length
-----------------+-----------+----------+------------- -----------------+-----------+----------+-------------
ԑԑʾ | A01 | | 8 ԑԑʾ | A01 | | 5
ԑͼ | B01 | | 6 ԑͼ | B01 | | 4
ԑ̑Ա | Z01 | | 8 ԑ̑Ա | Z01 | | 5
(3 rows) (3 rows)
select *,octet_length() from Ƒ㑻; select *,octet_length() from Ƒ㑻;
| ֑ | ע1a | octet_length | ֑ | ע1a | octet_length
-----------------+-----------+----------+-------------- -----------------+-----------+----------+--------------
ԑԑʾ | A01 | | 23 ԑԑʾ | A01 | | 15
ԑͼ | B01 | | 18 ԑͼ | B01 | | 12
ԑ̑Ա | Z01 | | 23 ԑ̑Ա | Z01 | | 15
(3 rows) (3 rows)
select *,position('' in ) from Ƒ㑻; select *,position('' in ) from Ƒ㑻;
| ֑ | ע1a | position | ֑ | ע1a | position
-----------------+-----------+----------+---------- -----------------+-----------+----------+----------
ԑԑʾ | A01 | | 0 ԑԑʾ | A01 | | 3
ԑͼ | B01 | | 0 ԑͼ | B01 | | 0
ԑ̑Ա | Z01 | | 0 ԑ̑Ա | Z01 | | 0
(3 rows) (3 rows)
...@@ -161,9 +167,9 @@ select *,position(' ...@@ -161,9 +167,9 @@ select *,position('
select *,substring( from 3 for 4) from Ƒ㑻; select *,substring( from 3 for 4) from Ƒ㑻;
| ֑ | ע1a | substring | ֑ | ע1a | substring
-----------------+-----------+----------+----------- -----------------+-----------+----------+-----------
ԑԑʾ | A01 | | ԑԑʾ ԑԑʾ | A01 | | ԑʾ
ԑͼ | B01 | | ԑͼ ԑͼ | B01 | | ͼ
ԑ̑Ա | Z01 | | ԑ̑ ԑ̑Ա | Z01 | | ̑Ա
(3 rows) (3 rows)
drop table ͪߩѦ듾; drop table ͪߩѦ듾;
...@@ -190,60 +196,67 @@ select * from ...@@ -190,60 +196,67 @@ select * from
(1 row) (1 row)
select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where “׾ړ ~* 'z01'; select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where “׾ړ ~* 'z01';
듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸
--------+--------------+---------------- --------------------------+--------------+----------------
(0 rows) ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 |
(1 row)
select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where “׾ړ like '_Z01_'; select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where “׾ړ like '_Z01_';
듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸
--------+--------------+---------------- --------------------------+--------------+----------------
(0 rows) ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 |
(1 row)
select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where “׾ړ like '_Z%'; select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where “׾ړ like '_Z%';
듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸
--------+--------------+---------------- --------------------------+--------------+----------------
(0 rows) ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 |
(1 row)
select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where 듾 ~ 'ēǻ[]'; select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where 듾 ~ 'ēǻ[]';
듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸
--------+--------------+---------------- --------------------------+--------------+----------------
(0 rows) ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ |
ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 |
(2 rows)
select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where 듾 ~* 'ēǻ[]'; select * from ͪߩѦ듾 where 듾 ~* 'ēǻ[]';
듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸
--------+--------------+---------------- --------------------------+--------------+----------------
(0 rows) ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ |
ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 |
(2 rows)
select *,character_length(듾) from ͪߩѦ듾; select *,character_length(듾) from ͪߩѦ듾;
듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 | char_length 듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 | char_length
--------------------------+--------------+----------------+------------- --------------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------
ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ | | 12 ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ | | 8
ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 | | 11 ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 | | 7
ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 | | 12 ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 | | 8
(3 rows) (3 rows)
select *,octet_length(듾) from ͪߩѦ듾; select *,octet_length(듾) from ͪߩѦ듾;
듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 | octet_length 듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 | octet_length
--------------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------- --------------------------+--------------+----------------+--------------
ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ | | 36 ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ | | 24
ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 | | 32 ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 | | 21
ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 | | 36 ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 | | 24
(3 rows) (3 rows)
select *,position('' in 듾) from ͪߩѦ듾; select *,position('' in 듾) from ͪߩѦ듾;
듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 | position 듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 | position
--------------------------+--------------+----------------+---------- --------------------------+--------------+----------------+----------
ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ | | 0 ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ | | 4
ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 | | 0 ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 | | 0
ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 | | 0 ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 | | 0
(3 rows) (3 rows)
select *,substring(듾 from 3 for 4) from ͪߩѦ듾; select *,substring(듾 from 3 for 4) from ͪߩѦ듾;
듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 | substring 듾 | “׾ړ | 1a󓱸 | substring
--------------------------+--------------+----------------+----------- --------------------------+--------------+----------------+--------------
ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ | | ǻ͓ ēǻ͓𓽺Ó | ѦA01߾ | | ͓𓽺
ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 | | ǻ͓ ēǻ͓דȓ | B10 | | ͓ד
ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 | | ǻ͓ ēǻ͓Γד | Z01 | | ͓Γ
(3 rows) (3 rows)
drop table test; drop table test;
...@@ -292,10 +305,10 @@ select *,octet_length(t) from test; ...@@ -292,10 +305,10 @@ select *,octet_length(t) from test;
t | octet_length t | octet_length
--------------------------------------+-------------- --------------------------------------+--------------
(5 rows) (5 rows)
select *,position('L' in t) from test; select *,position('L' in t) from test;
drop table 計算機用語; drop table 計算機用語;
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored ERROR: table "計算機用語" does not exist
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e3b) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: table "" does not exist
create table 計算機用語 (用語 text, 分類コード varchar, 備考1Aだよ char(16)); create table 計算機用語 (用語 text, 分類コード varchar, 備考1Aだよ char(16));
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe794) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa8e8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xaa9e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe588) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x86e9) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa19e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83bc) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8920) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe582) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x99e8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8083) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe381) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa0e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8288) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "1"
create index 計算機用語index1 on 計算機用語 using btree (用語); create index 計算機用語index1 on 計算機用語 using btree (用語);
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e69) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe794) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa8e8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xaa9e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "btree"
create index 計算機用語index2 on 計算機用語 using hash (分類コード); create index 計算機用語index2 on 計算機用語 using hash (分類コード);
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e69) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe588) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x86e9) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa19e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83bc) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8929) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "hash"
insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータディスプレイ','機A01上'); insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータディスプレイ','機A01上');
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83b3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83a5) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82bf) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x87e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82a3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8397) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xace3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82a4) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9f41) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8a27) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "'"
insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータグラフィックス','分B10中'); insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータグラフィックス','分B10中');
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83b3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83a5) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82bf) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83a9) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x95e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82a3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82af) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xb927) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe588) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8642) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xad27) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "'"
insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータプログラマー','人Z01下'); insert into 計算機用語 values('コンピュータプログラマー','人Z01下');
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83b3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83a5) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82bf) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x97e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83ad) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83a9) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9ee3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83bc) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xba5a) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8b27) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "'"
vacuum 計算機用語; vacuum 計算機用語;
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e3b) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: Vacuum: table not found
select * from 計算機用語; select * from 計算機用語;
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e3b) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
ERROR: Relation '' does not exist (3 rows)
select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード = '人Z01下'; select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード = '人Z01下';
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored --------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (1 row)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe588) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x86e9) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa19e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83bc) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8920) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xba5a) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8b27) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "="
select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード ~* '人z01下'; select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード ~* '人z01下';
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored --------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (1 row)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe588) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x86e9) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa19e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83bc) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8920) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xba7a) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8b27) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "~*"
select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード like '_Z01_'; select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード like '_Z01_';
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored --------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (1 row)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe588) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x86e9) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa19e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83bc) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8920) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "'"
select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード like '_Z%'; select * from 計算機用語 where 分類コード like '_Z%';
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored --------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (1 row)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe588) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x86e9) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa19e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83bc) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8920) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "'"
select * from 計算機用語 where 用語 ~ 'コンピュータ[デグ]'; select * from 計算機用語 where 用語 ~ 'コンピュータ[デグ]';
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (2 rows)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe794) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa8e8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xaa9e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83b3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83a5) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82bf) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x87e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82b0) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "~"
select * from 計算機用語 where 用語 ~* 'コンピュータ[デグ]'; select * from 計算機用語 where 用語 ~* 'コンピュータ[デグ]';
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 |
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e20) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (2 rows)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe794) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa8e8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xaa9e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe382) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83b3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x83a5) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82bf) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x87e3) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x82b0) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "~*"
select *,character_length(用語) from 計算機用語; select *,character_length(用語) from 計算機用語;
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe794) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ | char_length
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa8e8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+-------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xaa9e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 | | 12
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 | | 13
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 | | 12
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (3 rows)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e3b) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: Relation '' does not exist
select *,octet_length(用語) from 計算機用語; select *,octet_length(用語) from 計算機用語;
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe794) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ | octet_length
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa8e8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xaa9e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 | | 36
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 | | 39
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 | | 36
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (3 rows)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e3b) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: Relation '' does not exist
select *,position('デ' in 用語) from 計算機用語; select *,position('デ' in 用語) from 計算機用語;
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe383) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ | position
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x8727) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+----------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe794) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 | | 7
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa8e8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 | | 0
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xaa9e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 | | 0
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (3 rows)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e3b) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: Unterminated quoted string
select *,substring(用語 from 10 for 4) from 計算機用語; select *,substring(用語 from 10 for 4) from 計算機用語;
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xe794) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored 用語 | 分類コード | 備考1aだよ | substring
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xa8e8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored -----------------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xaa9e) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータディスプレイ | 機A01上 | | プレイ
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x88e7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータグラフィックス | 分B10中 | | ィックス
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0xae97) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored コンピュータプログラマー | 人Z01下 | | ラマー
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9fe7) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored (3 rows)
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x94a8) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
NOTICE: local_to_utf: could not convert (0x9e3b) EUC_JP to UTF-8. Ignored
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "from"
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