Commit 6666ee49 authored by Alvaro Herrera's avatar Alvaro Herrera

Fix state reversal after partition tuple routing

We make some changes to ModifyTableState and the EState it uses whenever
we route tuples to partitions; but we weren't restoring properly in all
cases, possibly causing crashes when partitions with different tuple
descriptors are targeted by tuples inserted in the same command.
Refactor some code, creating ExecPrepareTupleRouting, to encapsulate the
needed state changing logic, and have it invoked one level above its
current place (ie. put it in ExecModifyTable instead of ExecInsert);
this makes it all more readable.

Add a test case to exercise this.

We don't support having views as partitions; and since only views can
have INSTEAD OF triggers, there is no point in testing for INSTEAD OF
when processing insertions into a partitioned table.  Remove code that
appears to support this (but which is actually never relevant.)

In passing, fix location of some very confusing comments in

Reported-by: Amit Langote
Author: Etsuro Fujita, Amit Langote
Discussion: https://postgr/es/m/
parent c596fadb
......@@ -2633,13 +2633,12 @@ CopyFrom(CopyState cstate)
if (cstate->transition_capture != NULL)
if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
(resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_before_row ||
* If there are any BEFORE or INSTEAD triggers on the
* partition, we'll have to be ready to convert their
* result back to tuplestore format.
* If there are any BEFORE triggers on the partition,
* we'll have to be ready to convert their result back to
* tuplestore format.
cstate->transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = NULL;
cstate->transition_capture->tcs_map =
......@@ -2768,14 +2767,15 @@ CopyFrom(CopyState cstate)
* tuples inserted by an INSERT command.
/* Restore the saved ResultRelInfo */
if (saved_resultRelInfo)
resultRelInfo = saved_resultRelInfo;
estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
/* Flush any remaining buffered tuples */
if (nBufferedTuples > 0)
......@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ static bool ExecOnConflictUpdate(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
EState *estate,
bool canSetTag,
TupleTableSlot **returning);
static TupleTableSlot *ExecPrepareTupleRouting(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
EState *estate,
PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
ResultRelInfo *targetRelInfo,
TupleTableSlot *slot);
static ResultRelInfo *getTargetResultRelInfo(ModifyTableState *node);
static void ExecSetupChildParentMapForTcs(ModifyTableState *mtstate);
static void ExecSetupChildParentMapForSubplan(ModifyTableState *mtstate);
......@@ -265,7 +270,6 @@ ExecInsert(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
HeapTuple tuple;
ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
ResultRelInfo *saved_resultRelInfo = NULL;
Relation resultRelationDesc;
Oid newId;
List *recheckIndexes = NIL;
......@@ -282,100 +286,6 @@ ExecInsert(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
* get information on the (current) result relation
resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;
/* Determine the partition to heap_insert the tuple into */
if (mtstate->mt_partition_tuple_routing)
int leaf_part_index;
PartitionTupleRouting *proute = mtstate->mt_partition_tuple_routing;
* Away we go ... If we end up not finding a partition after all,
* ExecFindPartition() does not return and errors out instead.
* Otherwise, the returned value is to be used as an index into arrays
* proute->partitions[] and proute->partition_tupconv_maps[] that will
* get us the ResultRelInfo and TupleConversionMap for the partition,
* respectively.
leaf_part_index = ExecFindPartition(resultRelInfo,
Assert(leaf_part_index >= 0 &&
leaf_part_index < proute->num_partitions);
* Save the old ResultRelInfo and switch to the one corresponding to
* the selected partition. (We might need to initialize it first.)
saved_resultRelInfo = resultRelInfo;
resultRelInfo = proute->partitions[leaf_part_index];
if (resultRelInfo == NULL)
resultRelInfo = ExecInitPartitionInfo(mtstate,
proute, estate,
Assert(resultRelInfo != NULL);
/* We do not yet have a way to insert into a foreign partition */
if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine)
errmsg("cannot route inserted tuples to a foreign table")));
/* For ExecInsertIndexTuples() to work on the partition's indexes */
estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
* If we're capturing transition tuples, we might need to convert from
* the partition rowtype to parent rowtype.
if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture != NULL)
if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
(resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_before_row ||
* If there are any BEFORE or INSTEAD triggers on the
* partition, we'll have to be ready to convert their result
* back to tuplestore format.
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = NULL;
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map =
TupConvMapForLeaf(proute, saved_resultRelInfo,
* Otherwise, just remember the original unconverted tuple, to
* avoid a needless round trip conversion.
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = tuple;
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map = NULL;
if (mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture != NULL)
mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture->tcs_map =
TupConvMapForLeaf(proute, saved_resultRelInfo,
* We might need to convert from the parent rowtype to the partition
* rowtype.
tuple = ConvertPartitionTupleSlot(proute->parent_child_tupconv_maps[leaf_part_index],
resultRelationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
......@@ -495,7 +405,7 @@ ExecInsert(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
* No need though if the tuple has been routed, and a BR trigger
* doesn't exist.
if (saved_resultRelInfo != NULL &&
if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot != NULL &&
!(resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
check_partition_constr = false;
......@@ -686,9 +596,6 @@ ExecInsert(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
if (resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning)
result = ExecProcessReturning(resultRelInfo, slot, planSlot);
if (saved_resultRelInfo)
estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;
return result;
......@@ -1209,27 +1116,22 @@ lreplace:;
* For ExecInsert(), make it look like we are inserting into the
* root.
/* Prepare for tuple routing */
Assert(mtstate->rootResultRelInfo != NULL);
estate->es_result_relation_info = mtstate->rootResultRelInfo;
slot = ExecPrepareTupleRouting(mtstate, estate, proute,
mtstate->rootResultRelInfo, slot);
ret_slot = ExecInsert(mtstate, slot, planSlot, NULL,
ONCONFLICT_NONE, estate, canSetTag);
* Revert back the active result relation and the active
* transition capture map that we changed above.
/* Revert ExecPrepareTupleRouting's node change. */
estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture)
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = NULL;
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map = saved_tcs_map;
return ret_slot;
......@@ -1710,6 +1612,108 @@ ExecSetupTransitionCaptureState(ModifyTableState *mtstate, EState *estate)
* ExecPrepareTupleRouting --- prepare for routing one tuple
* Determine the partition in which the tuple in slot is to be inserted,
* and modify mtstate and estate to prepare for it.
* Caller must revert the estate changes after executing the insertion!
* In mtstate, transition capture changes may also need to be reverted.
* Returns a slot holding the tuple of the partition rowtype.
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecPrepareTupleRouting(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
EState *estate,
PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
ResultRelInfo *targetRelInfo,
TupleTableSlot *slot)
int partidx;
ResultRelInfo *partrel;
HeapTuple tuple;
* Determine the target partition. If ExecFindPartition does not find
* a partition after all, it doesn't return here; otherwise, the returned
* value is to be used as an index into the arrays for the ResultRelInfo
* and TupleConversionMap for the partition.
partidx = ExecFindPartition(targetRelInfo,
Assert(partidx >= 0 && partidx < proute->num_partitions);
* Get the ResultRelInfo corresponding to the selected partition; if not
* yet there, initialize it.
partrel = proute->partitions[partidx];
if (partrel == NULL)
partrel = ExecInitPartitionInfo(mtstate, targetRelInfo,
proute, estate,
/* We do not yet have a way to insert into a foreign partition */
if (partrel->ri_FdwRoutine)
errmsg("cannot route inserted tuples to a foreign table")));
* Make it look like we are inserting into the partition.
estate->es_result_relation_info = partrel;
/* Get the heap tuple out of the given slot. */
tuple = ExecMaterializeSlot(slot);
* If we're capturing transition tuples, we might need to convert from the
* partition rowtype to parent rowtype.
if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture != NULL)
if (partrel->ri_TrigDesc &&
* If there are any BEFORE triggers on the partition, we'll have
* to be ready to convert their result back to tuplestore format.
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = NULL;
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map =
TupConvMapForLeaf(proute, targetRelInfo, partidx);
* Otherwise, just remember the original unconverted tuple, to
* avoid a needless round trip conversion.
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = tuple;
mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map = NULL;
if (mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture != NULL)
mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture->tcs_map =
TupConvMapForLeaf(proute, targetRelInfo, partidx);
* Convert the tuple, if necessary.
return slot;
* Initialize the child-to-root tuple conversion map array for UPDATE subplans.
......@@ -1846,6 +1850,7 @@ static TupleTableSlot *
ExecModifyTable(PlanState *pstate)
ModifyTableState *node = castNode(ModifyTableState, pstate);
PartitionTupleRouting *proute = node->mt_partition_tuple_routing;
EState *estate = node->ps.state;
CmdType operation = node->operation;
ResultRelInfo *saved_resultRelInfo;
......@@ -2051,9 +2056,16 @@ ExecModifyTable(PlanState *pstate)
switch (operation)
/* Prepare for tuple routing if needed. */
if (proute)
slot = ExecPrepareTupleRouting(node, estate, proute,
resultRelInfo, slot);
slot = ExecInsert(node, slot, planSlot,
node->mt_arbiterindexes, node->mt_onconflict,
estate, node->canSetTag);
/* Revert ExecPrepareTupleRouting's state change. */
if (proute)
estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;
slot = ExecUpdate(node, tupleid, oldtuple, slot, planSlot,
......@@ -995,14 +995,18 @@ typedef struct ModifyTableState
TupleTableSlot *mt_existing; /* slot to store existing target tuple in */
List *mt_excludedtlist; /* the excluded pseudo relation's tlist */
TupleTableSlot *mt_conflproj; /* CONFLICT ... SET ... projection target */
struct PartitionTupleRouting *mt_partition_tuple_routing;
/* Tuple-routing support info */
struct TransitionCaptureState *mt_transition_capture;
struct PartitionTupleRouting *mt_partition_tuple_routing;
/* controls transition table population for specified operation */
struct TransitionCaptureState *mt_oc_transition_capture;
struct TransitionCaptureState *mt_transition_capture;
/* controls transition table population for INSERT...ON CONFLICT UPDATE */
TupleConversionMap **mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps;
struct TransitionCaptureState *mt_oc_transition_capture;
/* Per plan map for tuple conversion from child to root */
TupleConversionMap **mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps;
} ModifyTableState;
/* ----------------
......@@ -748,6 +748,32 @@ drop role regress_coldesc_role;
drop table inserttest3;
drop table brtrigpartcon;
drop function brtrigpartcon1trigf();
-- check that "do nothing" BR triggers work with tuple-routing (this checks
-- that estate->es_result_relation_info is appropriately set/reset for each
-- routed tuple)
create table donothingbrtrig_test (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
create table donothingbrtrig_test1 (b text, a int);
create table donothingbrtrig_test2 (c text, b text, a int);
alter table donothingbrtrig_test2 drop column c;
create or replace function donothingbrtrig_func() returns trigger as $$begin raise notice 'b: %', new.b; return NULL; end$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger donothingbrtrig1 before insert on donothingbrtrig_test1 for each row execute procedure donothingbrtrig_func();
create trigger donothingbrtrig2 before insert on donothingbrtrig_test2 for each row execute procedure donothingbrtrig_func();
alter table donothingbrtrig_test attach partition donothingbrtrig_test1 for values in (1);
alter table donothingbrtrig_test attach partition donothingbrtrig_test2 for values in (2);
insert into donothingbrtrig_test values (1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar');
NOTICE: b: foo
NOTICE: b: bar
copy donothingbrtrig_test from stdout;
NOTICE: b: baz
NOTICE: b: qux
select tableoid::regclass, * from donothingbrtrig_test;
tableoid | a | b
(0 rows)
-- cleanup
drop table donothingbrtrig_test;
drop function donothingbrtrig_func();
-- check multi-column range partitioning with minvalue/maxvalue constraints
create table mcrparted (a text, b int) partition by range(a, b);
create table mcrparted1_lt_b partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, minvalue) to ('b', minvalue);
......@@ -489,6 +489,29 @@ drop table inserttest3;
drop table brtrigpartcon;
drop function brtrigpartcon1trigf();
-- check that "do nothing" BR triggers work with tuple-routing (this checks
-- that estate->es_result_relation_info is appropriately set/reset for each
-- routed tuple)
create table donothingbrtrig_test (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
create table donothingbrtrig_test1 (b text, a int);
create table donothingbrtrig_test2 (c text, b text, a int);
alter table donothingbrtrig_test2 drop column c;
create or replace function donothingbrtrig_func() returns trigger as $$begin raise notice 'b: %', new.b; return NULL; end$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger donothingbrtrig1 before insert on donothingbrtrig_test1 for each row execute procedure donothingbrtrig_func();
create trigger donothingbrtrig2 before insert on donothingbrtrig_test2 for each row execute procedure donothingbrtrig_func();
alter table donothingbrtrig_test attach partition donothingbrtrig_test1 for values in (1);
alter table donothingbrtrig_test attach partition donothingbrtrig_test2 for values in (2);
insert into donothingbrtrig_test values (1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar');
copy donothingbrtrig_test from stdout;
1 baz
2 qux
select tableoid::regclass, * from donothingbrtrig_test;
-- cleanup
drop table donothingbrtrig_test;
drop function donothingbrtrig_func();
-- check multi-column range partitioning with minvalue/maxvalue constraints
create table mcrparted (a text, b int) partition by range(a, b);
create table mcrparted1_lt_b partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, minvalue) to ('b', minvalue);
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