Commit 640c1986 authored by Michael Paquier's avatar Michael Paquier

Add dummy_index_am to src/test/modules/

This includes more tests dedicated to relation options, bringing the
coverage of this code close to 100%, and the module can be used for
other purposes, like a base template for an index AM implementation.

Author: Nikolay Sharplov, Michael Paquier
Reviewed-by: Álvaro Herrera, Dent John
parent 69f94108
...@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ include $(top_builddir)/src/ ...@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ include $(top_builddir)/src/
brin \ brin \
commit_ts \ commit_ts \
dummy_index_am \
dummy_seclabel \ dummy_seclabel \
snapshot_too_old \ snapshot_too_old \
test_bloomfilter \ test_bloomfilter \
# Generated subdirectories
# src/test/modules/dummy_index_am/Makefile
MODULES = dummy_index_am
EXTENSION = dummy_index_am
DATA = dummy_index_am--1.0.sql
PGFILEDESC = "dummy_index_am - index access method template"
REGRESS = reloptions
ifdef USE_PGXS
PG_CONFIG = pg_config
PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs)
include $(PGXS)
subdir = src/test/modules/dummy_index_am
top_builddir = ../../../..
include $(top_builddir)/src/
include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/
Dummy Index AM
Dummy index AM is a module for testing any facility usable by an index
access method, whose code is kept a maximum simple.
This includes tests for all relation option types:
- boolean
- integer
- real
- strings (with and without NULL as default)
/* src/test/modules/dummy_index_am/dummy_index_am--1.0.sql */
-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION dummy_index_am" to load this file. \quit
CREATE FUNCTION dihandler(internal)
RETURNS index_am_handler
-- Access method
COMMENT ON ACCESS METHOD dummy_index_am IS 'dummy index access method';
-- Operator classes
DEFAULT FOR TYPE int4 USING dummy_index_am AS
OPERATOR 1 = (int4, int4),
FUNCTION 1 hashint4(int4);
* dummy_index_am.c
* Index AM template main file.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/test/modules/dummy_index_am/dummy_index_am.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/amapi.h"
#include "access/reloptions.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "nodes/pathnodes.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
void _PG_init(void);
/* parse table for fillRelOptions */
relopt_parse_elt di_relopt_tab[5];
/* Kind of relation options for dummy index */
relopt_kind di_relopt_kind;
/* Dummy index options */
typedef struct DummyIndexOptions
int32 vl_len_; /* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
int option_int;
double option_real;
bool option_bool;
int option_string_val_offset;
int option_string_null_offset;
} DummyIndexOptions;
/* Handler for index AM */
* Validation function for string relation options.
static void
validate_string_option(const char *value)
(errmsg("new option value for string parameter %s",
value ? value : "NULL")));
* This function creates a full set of relation option types,
* with various patterns.
static void
di_relopt_kind = add_reloption_kind();
add_int_reloption(di_relopt_kind, "option_int",
"Integer option for dummy_index_am",
10, -10, 100, AccessExclusiveLock);
di_relopt_tab[0].optname = "option_int";
di_relopt_tab[0].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_INT;
di_relopt_tab[0].offset = offsetof(DummyIndexOptions, option_int);
add_real_reloption(di_relopt_kind, "option_real",
"Real option for dummy_index_am",
3.1415, -10, 100, AccessExclusiveLock);
di_relopt_tab[1].optname = "option_real";
di_relopt_tab[1].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_REAL;
di_relopt_tab[1].offset = offsetof(DummyIndexOptions, option_real);
add_bool_reloption(di_relopt_kind, "option_bool",
"Boolean option for dummy_index_am",
true, AccessExclusiveLock);
di_relopt_tab[2].optname = "option_bool";
di_relopt_tab[2].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_BOOL;
di_relopt_tab[2].offset = offsetof(DummyIndexOptions, option_bool);
add_string_reloption(di_relopt_kind, "option_string_val",
"String option for dummy_index_am with non-NULL default",
"DefaultValue", &validate_string_option,
di_relopt_tab[3].optname = "option_string_val";
di_relopt_tab[3].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_STRING;
di_relopt_tab[3].offset = offsetof(DummyIndexOptions,
* String option for dummy_index_am with NULL default, and without
* description.
add_string_reloption(di_relopt_kind, "option_string_null",
NULL, /* description */
NULL, &validate_string_option,
di_relopt_tab[4].optname = "option_string_null";
di_relopt_tab[4].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_STRING;
di_relopt_tab[4].offset = offsetof(DummyIndexOptions,
* Build a new index.
static IndexBuildResult *
dibuild(Relation heap, Relation index, IndexInfo *indexInfo)
IndexBuildResult *result;
result = (IndexBuildResult *) palloc(sizeof(IndexBuildResult));
/* let's pretend that no tuples were scanned */
result->heap_tuples = 0;
/* and no index tuples were created (that is true) */
result->index_tuples = 0;
return result;
* Build an empty index for the initialiation fork.
static void
dibuildempty(Relation index)
/* No need to build an init fork for a dummy index */
* Insert new tuple to index AM.
static bool
diinsert(Relation index, Datum *values, bool *isnull,
ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel,
IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique,
IndexInfo *indexInfo)
/* nothing to do */
return false;
* Bulk deletion of all index entries pointing to a set of table tuples.
static IndexBulkDeleteResult *
dibulkdelete(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats,
IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)
* There is nothing to delete. Return NULL as there is nothing to pass to
* amvacuumcleanup.
return NULL;
* Post-VACUUM cleanup for index AM.
static IndexBulkDeleteResult *
divacuumcleanup(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats)
/* Index has not been modified, so returning NULL is fine */
return NULL;
* Estimate cost of index AM.
static void
dicostestimate(PlannerInfo *root, IndexPath *path, double loop_count,
Cost *indexStartupCost, Cost *indexTotalCost,
Selectivity *indexSelectivity, double *indexCorrelation,
double *indexPages)
/* Tell planner to never use this index! */
*indexStartupCost = 1.0e10;
*indexTotalCost = 1.0e10;
/* Do not care about the rest */
*indexSelectivity = 1;
*indexCorrelation = 0;
*indexPages = 1;
* Parse relation options for index AM, returning a DummyIndexOptions
* structure filled with option values.
static bytea *
dioptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate)
relopt_value *options;
int numoptions;
DummyIndexOptions *rdopts;
/* Parse the user-given reloptions */
options = parseRelOptions(reloptions, validate, di_relopt_kind, &numoptions);
rdopts = allocateReloptStruct(sizeof(DummyIndexOptions), options, numoptions);
fillRelOptions((void *) rdopts, sizeof(DummyIndexOptions), options, numoptions,
validate, di_relopt_tab, lengthof(di_relopt_tab));
return (bytea *) rdopts;
* Validator for index AM.
static bool
divalidate(Oid opclassoid)
/* Index is dummy so we are happy with any opclass */
return true;
* Begin scan of index AM.
static IndexScanDesc
dibeginscan(Relation r, int nkeys, int norderbys)
IndexScanDesc scan;
/* Let's pretend we are doing something */
scan = RelationGetIndexScan(r, nkeys, norderbys);
return scan;
* Rescan of index AM.
static void
direscan(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey scankey, int nscankeys,
ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys)
/* nothing to do */
* End scan of index AM.
static void
diendscan(IndexScanDesc scan)
/* nothing to do */
* Index AM handler function: returns IndexAmRoutine with access method
* parameters and callbacks.
IndexAmRoutine *amroutine = makeNode(IndexAmRoutine);
amroutine->amstrategies = 0;
amroutine->amsupport = 1;
amroutine->amcanorder = false;
amroutine->amcanorderbyop = false;
amroutine->amcanbackward = false;
amroutine->amcanunique = false;
amroutine->amcanmulticol = false;
amroutine->amoptionalkey = false;
amroutine->amsearcharray = false;
amroutine->amsearchnulls = false;
amroutine->amstorage = false;
amroutine->amclusterable = false;
amroutine->ampredlocks = false;
amroutine->amcanparallel = false;
amroutine->amcaninclude = false;
amroutine->amkeytype = InvalidOid;
amroutine->ambuild = dibuild;
amroutine->ambuildempty = dibuildempty;
amroutine->aminsert = diinsert;
amroutine->ambulkdelete = dibulkdelete;
amroutine->amvacuumcleanup = divacuumcleanup;
amroutine->amcanreturn = NULL;
amroutine->amcostestimate = dicostestimate;
amroutine->amoptions = dioptions;
amroutine->amproperty = NULL;
amroutine->ambuildphasename = NULL;
amroutine->amvalidate = divalidate;
amroutine->ambeginscan = dibeginscan;
amroutine->amrescan = direscan;
amroutine->amgettuple = NULL;
amroutine->amgetbitmap = NULL;
amroutine->amendscan = diendscan;
amroutine->ammarkpos = NULL;
amroutine->amrestrpos = NULL;
amroutine->amestimateparallelscan = NULL;
amroutine->aminitparallelscan = NULL;
amroutine->amparallelrescan = NULL;
# dummy_index_am extension
comment = 'dummy_index_am - index access method template'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/dummy_index_am'
relocatable = true
-- Tests for relation options
CREATE EXTENSION dummy_index_am;
CREATE TABLE dummy_test_tab (i int4);
-- Test with default values.
CREATE INDEX dummy_test_idx ON dummy_test_tab
USING dummy_index_am (i);
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
(0 rows)
DROP INDEX dummy_test_idx;
-- Test with full set of options.
CREATE INDEX dummy_test_idx ON dummy_test_tab
USING dummy_index_am (i) WITH (
option_bool = false,
option_int = 5,
option_real = 3.1,
option_string_val = NULL,
option_string_null = 'val');
NOTICE: new option value for string parameter null
NOTICE: new option value for string parameter val
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
(5 rows)
-- Silence validation checks for strings
SET client_min_messages TO 'warning';
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_int = 10);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = true);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_real = 3.2);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_val = 'val2');
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_null = NULL);
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
(5 rows)
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_int);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_bool);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_real);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_string_val);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_string_null);
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
(0 rows)
-- Cross-type checks for reloption values
-- Integer
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_int = 3.3); -- ok
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_int = true); -- error
ERROR: invalid value for integer option "option_int": true
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_int = 'val3'); -- error
ERROR: invalid value for integer option "option_int": val3
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
(1 row)
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_int);
-- Boolean
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = 4); -- error
ERROR: invalid value for boolean option "option_bool": 4
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = 1); -- ok, as true
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = 3.4); -- error
ERROR: invalid value for boolean option "option_bool": 3.4
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = 'val4'); -- error
ERROR: invalid value for boolean option "option_bool": val4
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
(1 row)
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_bool);
-- Float
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_real = 4); -- ok
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_real = true); -- error
ERROR: invalid value for floating point option "option_real": true
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_real = 'val5'); -- error
ERROR: invalid value for floating point option "option_real": val5
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
(1 row)
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_real);
-- String
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_val = 4); -- ok
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_val = 3.5); -- ok
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_val = true); -- ok, as "true"
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
(1 row)
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_string_val);
DROP INDEX dummy_test_idx;
-- Tests for relation options
CREATE EXTENSION dummy_index_am;
CREATE TABLE dummy_test_tab (i int4);
-- Test with default values.
CREATE INDEX dummy_test_idx ON dummy_test_tab
USING dummy_index_am (i);
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
DROP INDEX dummy_test_idx;
-- Test with full set of options.
CREATE INDEX dummy_test_idx ON dummy_test_tab
USING dummy_index_am (i) WITH (
option_bool = false,
option_int = 5,
option_real = 3.1,
option_string_val = NULL,
option_string_null = 'val');
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
-- Silence validation checks for strings
SET client_min_messages TO 'warning';
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_int = 10);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = true);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_real = 3.2);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_val = 'val2');
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_null = NULL);
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_int);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_bool);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_real);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_string_val);
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_string_null);
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
-- Cross-type checks for reloption values
-- Integer
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_int = 3.3); -- ok
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_int = true); -- error
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_int = 'val3'); -- error
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_int);
-- Boolean
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = 4); -- error
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = 1); -- ok, as true
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = 3.4); -- error
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_bool = 'val4'); -- error
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_bool);
-- Float
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_real = 4); -- ok
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_real = true); -- error
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_real = 'val5'); -- error
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_real);
-- String
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_val = 4); -- ok
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_val = 3.5); -- ok
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx SET (option_string_val = true); -- ok, as "true"
SELECT unnest(reloptions) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dummy_test_idx';
ALTER INDEX dummy_test_idx RESET (option_string_val);
DROP INDEX dummy_test_idx;
...@@ -535,6 +535,7 @@ DropSubscriptionStmt ...@@ -535,6 +535,7 @@ DropSubscriptionStmt
DropTableSpaceStmt DropTableSpaceStmt
DropUserMappingStmt DropUserMappingStmt
DropdbStmt DropdbStmt
DumpComponents DumpComponents
DumpId DumpId
DumpOptions DumpOptions
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