Commit 55450687 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

KNNGIST, otherwise known as order-by-operator support for GIST.

This commit represents a rather heavily editorialized version of
Teodor's builtin_knngist_itself-0.8.2 and builtin_knngist_proc-0.8.1
patches.  I redid the opclass API to add a separate Distance method
instead of turning the Consistent method into an illogical mess,
fixed some bit-rot in the rbtree interfaces, and generally worked over
the code style and comments.

There's still no non-code documentation to speak of, but I'll work on
that separately.  Some contrib-module changes are also yet to come
(right now, point <-> point is the only KNN-ified operator).

Teodor Sigaev and Tom Lane
parent c0a4d3e0
......@@ -1030,6 +1030,9 @@ gistnewroot(Relation r, Buffer buffer, IndexTuple *itup, int len, ItemPointer ke
* Fill a GISTSTATE with information about the index
initGISTstate(GISTSTATE *giststate, Relation index)
......@@ -1064,6 +1067,13 @@ initGISTstate(GISTSTATE *giststate, Relation index)
index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_EQUAL_PROC),
/* opclasses are not required to provide a Distance method */
if (OidIsValid(index_getprocid(index, i + 1, GIST_DISTANCE_PROC)))
index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_DISTANCE_PROC),
giststate->distanceFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
......@@ -20,504 +20,553 @@
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
static OffsetNumber gistfindnext(IndexScanDesc scan, OffsetNumber n);
static int64 gistnext(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm);
static bool gistindex_keytest(IndexTuple tuple, IndexScanDesc scan,
OffsetNumber offset);
static void
killtuple(Relation r, GISTScanOpaque so, ItemPointer iptr)
* gistindex_keytest() -- does this index tuple satisfy the scan key(s)?
* The index tuple might represent either a heap tuple or a lower index page,
* depending on whether the containing page is a leaf page or not.
* On success return for a heap tuple, *recheck_p is set to indicate
* whether recheck is needed. We recheck if any of the consistent() functions
* request it. recheck is not interesting when examining a non-leaf entry,
* since we must visit the lower index page if there's any doubt.
* If we are doing an ordered scan, so->distances[] is filled with distance
* data from the distance() functions before returning success.
* We must decompress the key in the IndexTuple before passing it to the
* sk_funcs (which actually are the opclass Consistent or Distance methods).
* Note that this function is always invoked in a short-lived memory context,
* so we don't need to worry about cleaning up allocated memory, either here
* or in the implementation of any Consistent or Distance methods.
static bool
gistindex_keytest(IndexScanDesc scan,
IndexTuple tuple,
Page page,
OffsetNumber offset,
bool *recheck_p)
Page p;
OffsetNumber offset;
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
GISTSTATE *giststate = so->giststate;
ScanKey key = scan->keyData;
int keySize = scan->numberOfKeys;
double *distance_p;
Relation r = scan->indexRelation;
LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_SHARE);
gistcheckpage(r, so->curbuf);
p = (Page) BufferGetPage(so->curbuf);
*recheck_p = false;
if (XLByteEQ(so->stack->lsn, PageGetLSN(p)))
* If it's a leftover invalid tuple from pre-9.1, treat it as a match
* with minimum possible distances. This means we'll always follow it
* to the referenced page.
if (GistTupleIsInvalid(tuple))
/* page unchanged, so all is simple */
offset = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(iptr);
ItemIdMarkDead(PageGetItemId(p, offset));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfOrderBys; i++)
so->distances[i] = -get_float8_infinity();
*recheck_p = true; /* probably unnecessary */
return true;
OffsetNumber maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(p);
for (offset = FirstOffsetNumber; offset <= maxoff; offset = OffsetNumberNext(offset))
/* Check whether it matches according to the Consistent functions */
while (keySize > 0)
IndexTuple ituple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(p, PageGetItemId(p, offset));
Datum datum;
bool isNull;
if (ItemPointerEquals(&(ituple->t_tid), iptr))
datum = index_getattr(tuple,
if (key->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
/* found */
ItemIdMarkDead(PageGetItemId(p, offset));
* On non-leaf page we can't conclude that child hasn't NULL
* values because of assumption in GiST: union (VAL, NULL) is VAL.
* But if on non-leaf page key IS NULL, then all children are
if (key->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNULL)
if (GistPageIsLeaf(page) && !isNull)
return false;
Assert(key->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNOTNULL);
if (isNull)
return false;
else if (isNull)
return false;
Datum test;
bool recheck;
LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_UNLOCK);
gistdentryinit(giststate, key->sk_attno - 1, &de,
datum, r, page, offset,
FALSE, isNull);
* gistgettuple() -- Get the next tuple in the scan
* Call the Consistent function to evaluate the test. The
* arguments are the index datum (as a GISTENTRY*), the comparison
* datum, the comparison operator's strategy number and subtype
* from pg_amop, and the recheck flag.
* (Presently there's no need to pass the subtype since it'll
* always be zero, but might as well pass it for possible future
* use.)
* We initialize the recheck flag to true (the safest assumption)
* in case the Consistent function forgets to set it.
IndexScanDesc scan = (IndexScanDesc) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
ScanDirection dir = (ScanDirection) PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
GISTScanOpaque so;
bool res;
recheck = true;
so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
test = FunctionCall5(&key->sk_func,
if (dir != ForwardScanDirection)
elog(ERROR, "GiST doesn't support other scan directions than forward");
if (!DatumGetBool(test))
return false;
*recheck_p |= recheck;
* If we have produced an index tuple in the past and the executor has
* informed us we need to mark it as "killed", do so now.
if (scan->kill_prior_tuple && ItemPointerIsValid(&(so->curpos)))
killtuple(scan->indexRelation, so, &(so->curpos));
/* OK, it passes --- now let's compute the distances */
key = scan->orderByData;
distance_p = so->distances;
keySize = scan->numberOfOrderBys;
while (keySize > 0)
Datum datum;
bool isNull;
datum = index_getattr(tuple,
if ((key->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL) || isNull)
/* Assume distance computes as null and sorts to the end */
*distance_p = get_float8_infinity();
Datum dist;
gistdentryinit(giststate, key->sk_attno - 1, &de,
datum, r, page, offset,
FALSE, isNull);
* Get the next tuple that matches the search key.
* Call the Distance function to evaluate the distance. The
* arguments are the index datum (as a GISTENTRY*), the comparison
* datum, and the ordering operator's strategy number and subtype
* from pg_amop.
* (Presently there's no need to pass the subtype since it'll
* always be zero, but might as well pass it for possible future
* use.)
* Note that Distance functions don't get a recheck argument.
* We can't tolerate lossy distance calculations on leaf tuples;
* there is no opportunity to re-sort the tuples afterwards.
res = (gistnext(scan, NULL) > 0);
dist = FunctionCall4(&key->sk_func,
IndexScanDesc scan = (IndexScanDesc) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
TIDBitmap *tbm = (TIDBitmap *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
int64 ntids;
*distance_p = DatumGetFloat8(dist);
ntids = gistnext(scan, tbm);
return true;
* Fetch tuple(s) that match the search key; this can be invoked
* either to fetch the first such tuple or subsequent matching tuples.
* Scan all items on the GiST index page identified by *pageItem, and insert
* them into the queue (or directly to output areas)
* scan: index scan we are executing
* pageItem: search queue item identifying an index page to scan
* myDistances: distances array associated with pageItem, or NULL at the root
* tbm: if not NULL, gistgetbitmap's output bitmap
* ntids: if not NULL, gistgetbitmap's output tuple counter
* This function is used by both gistgettuple and gistgetbitmap. When
* invoked from gistgettuple, tbm is null and the next matching tuple
* is returned in scan->xs_ctup.t_self. When invoked from getbitmap,
* tbm is non-null and all matching tuples are added to tbm before
* returning. In both cases, the function result is the number of
* returned tuples.
* If tbm/ntids aren't NULL, we are doing an amgetbitmap scan, and heap
* tuples should be reported directly into the bitmap. If they are NULL,
* we're doing a plain or ordered indexscan. For a plain indexscan, heap
* tuple TIDs are returned into so->pageData[]. For an ordered indexscan,
* heap tuple TIDs are pushed into individual search queue items.
* If scan specifies to skip killed tuples, continue looping until we find a
* non-killed tuple that matches the search key.
* If we detect that the index page has split since we saw its downlink
* in the parent, we push its new right sibling onto the queue so the
* sibling will be processed next.
static int64
gistnext(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm)
static void
gistScanPage(IndexScanDesc scan, GISTSearchItem *pageItem, double *myDistances,
TIDBitmap *tbm, int64 *ntids)
Page p;
OffsetNumber n;
GISTScanOpaque so;
GISTSearchStack *stk;
IndexTuple it;
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
Buffer buffer;
Page page;
GISTPageOpaque opaque;
int64 ntids = 0;
OffsetNumber maxoff;
OffsetNumber i;
GISTSearchTreeItem *tmpItem = so->tmpTreeItem;
bool isNew;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
if (so->qual_ok == false)
return 0;
buffer = ReadBuffer(scan->indexRelation, pageItem->blkno);
LockBuffer(buffer, GIST_SHARE);
gistcheckpage(scan->indexRelation, buffer);
page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
opaque = GistPageGetOpaque(page);
if (so->curbuf == InvalidBuffer)
if (ItemPointerIsValid(&so->curpos) == false)
/* check if page split occurred since visit to parent */
if (!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(pageItem->data.parentlsn) &&
XLByteLT(pageItem->data.parentlsn, opaque->nsn) &&
opaque->rightlink != InvalidBlockNumber /* sanity check */ )
/* Being asked to fetch the first entry, so start at the root */
Assert(so->curbuf == InvalidBuffer);
Assert(so->stack == NULL);
/* There was a page split, follow right link to add pages */
GISTSearchItem *item;
so->curbuf = ReadBuffer(scan->indexRelation, GIST_ROOT_BLKNO);
/* This can't happen when starting at the root */
Assert(myDistances != NULL);
stk = so->stack = (GISTSearchStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTSearchStack));
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->queueCxt);
stk->next = NULL;
stk->block = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
/* Create new GISTSearchItem for the right sibling index page */
item = palloc(sizeof(GISTSearchItem));
item->next = NULL;
item->blkno = opaque->rightlink;
item->data.parentlsn = pageItem->data.parentlsn;
/* scan is finished */
return 0;
/* Insert it into the queue using same distances as for this page */
tmpItem->head = item;
tmpItem->lastHeap = NULL;
memcpy(tmpItem->distances, myDistances,
sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
(void) rb_insert(so->queue, (RBNode *) tmpItem, &isNew);
so->nPageData = so->curPageData = 0;
* check stored pointers from last visit
* check all tuples on page
if (so->nPageData > 0)
maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
IndexTuple it = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, i));
bool match;
bool recheck;
* gistgetmulti never should go here
* Must call gistindex_keytest in tempCxt, and clean up any leftover
* junk afterward.
Assert(tbm == NULL);
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->tempCxt);
if (so->curPageData < so->nPageData)
scan->xs_ctup.t_self = so->pageData[so->curPageData].heapPtr;
scan->xs_recheck = so->pageData[so->curPageData].recheck;
match = gistindex_keytest(scan, it, page, i, &recheck);
/* Ignore tuple if it doesn't match */
if (!match)
return 1;
if (tbm && GistPageIsLeaf(page))
* getbitmap scan, so just push heap tuple TIDs into the bitmap
* without worrying about ordering
tbm_add_tuples(tbm, &it->t_tid, 1, recheck);
else if (scan->numberOfOrderBys == 0 && GistPageIsLeaf(page))
* Non-ordered scan, so report heap tuples in so->pageData[]
so->pageData[so->nPageData].heapPtr = it->t_tid;
so->pageData[so->nPageData].recheck = recheck;
* Go to the next page
* Must push item into search queue. We get here for any lower
* index page, and also for heap tuples if doing an ordered
* search.
stk = so->stack->next;
so->stack = stk;
GISTSearchItem *item;
/* If we're out of stack entries, we're done */
if (so->stack == NULL)
so->curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
return 0;
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->queueCxt);
so->curbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(so->curbuf,
/* Create new GISTSearchItem for this item */
item = palloc(sizeof(GISTSearchItem));
item->next = NULL;
for (;;)
if (GistPageIsLeaf(page))
/* First of all, we need lock buffer */
Assert(so->curbuf != InvalidBuffer);
LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_SHARE);
gistcheckpage(scan->indexRelation, so->curbuf);
p = BufferGetPage(so->curbuf);
opaque = GistPageGetOpaque(p);
/* remember lsn to identify page changed for tuple's killing */
so->stack->lsn = PageGetLSN(p);
/* check page split, occured since visit to parent */
if (!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(so->stack->parentlsn) &&
XLByteLT(so->stack->parentlsn, opaque->nsn) &&
opaque->rightlink != InvalidBlockNumber /* sanity check */ &&
(so->stack->next == NULL || so->stack->next->block != opaque->rightlink) /* check if already
added */ )
/* Creating heap-tuple GISTSearchItem */
item->blkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
item->data.heap.heapPtr = it->t_tid;
item->data.heap.recheck = recheck;
/* detect page split, follow right link to add pages */
stk = (GISTSearchStack *) palloc(sizeof(GISTSearchStack));
stk->next = so->stack->next;
stk->block = opaque->rightlink;
stk->parentlsn = so->stack->parentlsn;
memset(&(stk->lsn), 0, sizeof(GistNSN));
so->stack->next = stk;
/* Creating index-page GISTSearchItem */
item->blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&it->t_tid);
/* lsn of current page is lsn of parent page for child */
item->data.parentlsn = PageGetLSN(page);
/* if page is empty, then just skip it */
if (PageIsEmpty(p))
LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_UNLOCK);
stk = so->stack->next;
so->stack = stk;
/* Insert it into the queue using new distance data */
tmpItem->head = item;
tmpItem->lastHeap = GISTSearchItemIsHeap(*item) ? item : NULL;
memcpy(tmpItem->distances, so->distances,
sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
if (so->stack == NULL)
so->curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
return ntids;
(void) rb_insert(so->queue, (RBNode *) tmpItem, &isNew);
so->curbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(so->curbuf, scan->indexRelation,
n = FirstOffsetNumber;
/* wonderful, we can look at page */
so->nPageData = so->curPageData = 0;
* Extract next item (in order) from search queue
* Returns a GISTSearchItem or NULL. Caller must pfree item when done with it.
* NOTE: on successful return, so->curTreeItem is the GISTSearchTreeItem that
* contained the result item. Callers can use so->curTreeItem->distances as
* the distances value for the item.
static GISTSearchItem *
getNextGISTSearchItem(GISTScanOpaque so)
for (;;)
n = gistfindnext(scan, n);
GISTSearchItem *item;
if (!OffsetNumberIsValid(n))
* If we was called from gistgettuple and current buffer
* contains something matched then make a recursive call - it
* will return ItemPointer from so->pageData. But we save
* buffer pinned to support tuple's killing
if (!tbm && so->nPageData > 0)
/* Update curTreeItem if we don't have one */
if (so->curTreeItem == NULL)
LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_UNLOCK);
return gistnext(scan, NULL);
so->curTreeItem = (GISTSearchTreeItem *) rb_leftmost(so->queue);
/* Done when tree is empty */
if (so->curTreeItem == NULL)
* We ran out of matching index entries on the current page,
* so pop the top stack entry and use it to continue the
* search.
LockBuffer(so->curbuf, GIST_UNLOCK);
stk = so->stack->next;
so->stack = stk;
/* If we're out of stack entries, we're done */
if (so->stack == NULL)
item = so->curTreeItem->head;
if (item != NULL)
so->curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
return ntids;
/* Delink item from chain */
so->curTreeItem->head = item->next;
/* Return item; caller is responsible to pfree it */
return item;
so->curbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(so->curbuf,
/* XXX go up */
/* curTreeItem is exhausted, so remove it from rbtree */
rb_delete(so->queue, (RBNode *) so->curTreeItem);
so->curTreeItem = NULL;
if (GistPageIsLeaf(p))
* We've found a matching index entry in a leaf page, so
* return success. Note that we keep "curbuf" pinned so that
* we can efficiently resume the index scan later.
return NULL;
* Fetch next heap tuple in an ordered search
static bool
getNextNearest(IndexScanDesc scan)
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
bool res = false;
if (!(scan->ignore_killed_tuples &&
ItemIdIsDead(PageGetItemId(p, n))))
it = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(p, PageGetItemId(p, n));
if (tbm != NULL)
tbm_add_tuples(tbm, &it->t_tid, 1, scan->xs_recheck);
GISTSearchItem *item = getNextGISTSearchItem(so);
if (!item)
if (GISTSearchItemIsHeap(*item))
so->pageData[so->nPageData].heapPtr = it->t_tid;
so->pageData[so->nPageData].pageOffset = n;
so->pageData[so->nPageData].recheck = scan->xs_recheck;
/* found a heap item at currently minimal distance */
scan->xs_ctup.t_self = item->data.heap.heapPtr;
scan->xs_recheck = item->data.heap.recheck;
res = true;
* We've found an entry in an internal node whose key is
* consistent with the search key, so push it to stack
stk = (GISTSearchStack *) palloc(sizeof(GISTSearchStack));
it = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(p, PageGetItemId(p, n));
stk->block = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(it->t_tid));
memset(&(stk->lsn), 0, sizeof(GistNSN));
stk->parentlsn = so->stack->lsn;
/* visit an index page, extract its items into queue */
stk->next = so->stack->next;
so->stack->next = stk;
gistScanPage(scan, item, so->curTreeItem->distances, NULL, NULL);
n = OffsetNumberNext(n);
} while (!res);
return ntids;
return res;
* gistindex_keytest() -- does this index tuple satisfy the scan key(s)?
* On success return for a leaf tuple, scan->xs_recheck is set to indicate
* whether recheck is needed. We recheck if any of the consistent() functions
* request it.
* We must decompress the key in the IndexTuple before passing it to the
* sk_func (and we have previously overwritten the sk_func to use the
* user-defined Consistent method, so we actually are invoking that).
* Note that this function is always invoked in a short-lived memory context,
* so we don't need to worry about cleaning up allocated memory, either here
* or in the implementation of any Consistent methods.
* gistgettuple() -- Get the next tuple in the scan
static bool
gistindex_keytest(IndexTuple tuple,
IndexScanDesc scan,
OffsetNumber offset)
int keySize = scan->numberOfKeys;
ScanKey key = scan->keyData;
Relation r = scan->indexRelation;
GISTScanOpaque so;
Page p;
GISTSTATE *giststate;
IndexScanDesc scan = (IndexScanDesc) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
giststate = so->giststate;
p = BufferGetPage(so->curbuf);
if (!so->qual_ok)
scan->xs_recheck = false;
if (so->firstCall)
/* Begin the scan by processing the root page */
GISTSearchItem fakeItem;
* Tuple doesn't restore after crash recovery because of incomplete insert
if (!GistPageIsLeaf(p) && GistTupleIsInvalid(tuple))
return true;
while (keySize > 0)
Datum datum;
bool isNull;
Datum test;
bool recheck;
so->firstCall = false;
so->curTreeItem = NULL;
so->curPageData = so->nPageData = 0;
datum = index_getattr(tuple,
fakeItem.blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
memset(&, 0, sizeof(GistNSN));
gistScanPage(scan, &fakeItem, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (key->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
if (scan->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
* On non-leaf page we can't conclude that child hasn't NULL
* values because of assumption in GiST: union (VAL, NULL) is VAL.
* But if on non-leaf page key IS NULL, then all children are
if (key->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNULL)
if (GistPageIsLeaf(p) && !isNull)
return false;
/* Must fetch tuples in strict distance order */
Assert(key->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNOTNULL);
if (isNull)
return false;
else if (isNull)
/* Fetch tuples index-page-at-a-time */
for (;;)
return false;
if (so->curPageData < so->nPageData)
/* continuing to return tuples from a leaf page */
scan->xs_ctup.t_self = so->pageData[so->curPageData].heapPtr;
scan->xs_recheck = so->pageData[so->curPageData].recheck;
/* find and process the next index page */
gistdentryinit(giststate, key->sk_attno - 1, &de,
datum, r, p, offset,
FALSE, isNull);
GISTSearchItem *item = getNextGISTSearchItem(so);
if (!item)
* Call the Consistent function to evaluate the test. The
* arguments are the index datum (as a GISTENTRY*), the comparison
* datum, the comparison operator's strategy number and subtype
* from pg_amop, and the recheck flag.
* (Presently there's no need to pass the subtype since it'll
* always be zero, but might as well pass it for possible future
* use.)
* We initialize the recheck flag to true (the safest assumption)
* in case the Consistent function forgets to set it.
* While scanning a leaf page, ItemPointers of matching heap
* tuples are stored in so->pageData. If there are any on
* this page, we fall out of the inner "do" and loop around
* to return them.
recheck = true;
test = FunctionCall5(&key->sk_func,
gistScanPage(scan, item, so->curTreeItem->distances, NULL, NULL);
if (!DatumGetBool(test))
return false;
scan->xs_recheck |= recheck;
} while (so->nPageData == 0);
return true;
PG_RETURN_BOOL(false); /* keep compiler quiet */
* Return the offset of the first index entry that is consistent with
* the search key after offset 'n' in the current page. If there are
* no more consistent entries, return InvalidOffsetNumber.
* On success, scan->xs_recheck is set correctly, too.
* Page should be locked....
* gistgetbitmap() -- Get a bitmap of all heap tuple locations
static OffsetNumber
gistfindnext(IndexScanDesc scan, OffsetNumber n)
OffsetNumber maxoff;
IndexTuple it;
GISTScanOpaque so;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
Page p;
IndexScanDesc scan = (IndexScanDesc) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
TIDBitmap *tbm = (TIDBitmap *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
int64 ntids = 0;
GISTSearchItem fakeItem;
if (!so->qual_ok)
so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
p = BufferGetPage(so->curbuf);
maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(p);
/* Begin the scan by processing the root page */
so->curTreeItem = NULL;
so->curPageData = so->nPageData = 0;
fakeItem.blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
memset(&, 0, sizeof(GistNSN));
gistScanPage(scan, &fakeItem, NULL, tbm, &ntids);
* Make sure we're in a short-lived memory context when we invoke a
* user-supplied GiST method in gistindex_keytest(), so we don't leak
* memory
* While scanning a leaf page, ItemPointers of matching heap tuples will
* be stored directly into tbm, so we don't need to deal with them here.
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->tempCxt);
while (n >= FirstOffsetNumber && n <= maxoff)
for (;;)
it = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(p, PageGetItemId(p, n));
if (gistindex_keytest(it, scan, n))
GISTSearchItem *item = getNextGISTSearchItem(so);
if (!item)
n = OffsetNumberNext(n);
gistScanPage(scan, item, so->curTreeItem->distances, tbm, &ntids);
* If we found a matching entry, return its offset; otherwise return
* InvalidOffsetNumber to inform the caller to go to the next page.
if (n >= FirstOffsetNumber && n <= maxoff)
return n;
return InvalidOffsetNumber;
......@@ -904,6 +904,76 @@ gist_point_compress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
#define point_point_distance(p1,p2) \
DatumGetFloat8(DirectFunctionCall2(point_distance, \
PointPGetDatum(p1), PointPGetDatum(p2)))
static double
computeDistance(bool isLeaf, BOX *box, Point *point)
double result = 0.0;
if (isLeaf)
/* simple point to point distance */
result = point_point_distance(point, &box->low);
else if (point->x <= box->high.x && point->x >= box->low.x &&
point->y <= box->high.y && point->y >= box->low.y)
/* point inside the box */
result = 0.0;
else if (point->x <= box->high.x && point->x >= box->low.x)
/* point is over or below box */
Assert(box->low.y <= box->high.y);
if (point->y > box->high.y)
result = point->y - box->high.y;
else if (point->y < box->low.y)
result = box->low.y - point->y;
elog(ERROR, "inconsistent point values");
else if (point->y <= box->high.y && point->y >= box->low.y)
/* point is to left or right of box */
Assert(box->low.x <= box->high.x);
if (point->x > box->high.x)
result = point->x - box->high.x;
else if (point->x < box->low.x)
result = box->low.x - point->x;
elog(ERROR, "inconsistent point values");
/* closest point will be a vertex */
Point p;
double subresult;
result = point_point_distance(point, &box->low);
subresult = point_point_distance(point, &box->high);
if (result > subresult)
result = subresult;
p.x = box->low.x;
p.y = box->high.y;
subresult = point_point_distance(point, &p);
if (result > subresult)
result = subresult;
p.x = box->high.x;
p.y = box->low.y;
subresult = point_point_distance(point, &p);
if (result > subresult)
result = subresult;
return result;
static bool
gist_point_consistent_internal(StrategyNumber strategy,
bool isLeaf, BOX *key, Point *query)
......@@ -954,8 +1024,8 @@ gist_point_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2);
bool result;
bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4);
bool result;
StrategyNumber strategyGroup = strategy / GeoStrategyNumberOffset;
switch (strategyGroup)
......@@ -1034,9 +1104,32 @@ gist_point_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
result = false; /* silence compiler warning */
elog(ERROR, "unknown strategy number: %d", strategy);
result = false; /* keep compiler quiet */
StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2);
double distance;
StrategyNumber strategyGroup = strategy / GeoStrategyNumberOffset;
switch (strategyGroup)
case PointStrategyNumberGroup:
distance = computeDistance(GIST_LEAF(entry),
elog(ERROR, "unknown strategy number: %d", strategy);
distance = 0.0; /* keep compiler quiet */
......@@ -20,8 +20,84 @@
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
static void gistfreestack(GISTSearchStack *s);
* RBTree support functions for the GISTSearchTreeItem queue
static int
GISTSearchTreeItemComparator(const RBNode *a, const RBNode *b, void *arg)
const GISTSearchTreeItem *sa = (const GISTSearchTreeItem *) a;
const GISTSearchTreeItem *sb = (const GISTSearchTreeItem *) b;
IndexScanDesc scan = (IndexScanDesc) arg;
int i;
/* Order according to distance comparison */
for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfOrderBys; i++)
if (sa->distances[i] != sb->distances[i])
return (sa->distances[i] > sb->distances[i]) ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
static void
GISTSearchTreeItemCombiner(RBNode *existing, const RBNode *newrb, void *arg)
GISTSearchTreeItem *scurrent = (GISTSearchTreeItem *) existing;
const GISTSearchTreeItem *snew = (const GISTSearchTreeItem *) newrb;
GISTSearchItem *newitem = snew->head;
/* snew should have just one item in its chain */
Assert(newitem && newitem->next == NULL);
* If new item is heap tuple, it goes to front of chain; otherwise insert
* it before the first index-page item, so that index pages are visited
* in LIFO order, ensuring depth-first search of index pages. See
* comments in gist_private.h.
if (GISTSearchItemIsHeap(*newitem))
newitem->next = scurrent->head;
scurrent->head = newitem;
if (scurrent->lastHeap == NULL)
scurrent->lastHeap = newitem;
else if (scurrent->lastHeap == NULL)
newitem->next = scurrent->head;
scurrent->head = newitem;
newitem->next = scurrent->lastHeap->next;
scurrent->lastHeap->next = newitem;
static RBNode *
GISTSearchTreeItemAllocator(void *arg)
IndexScanDesc scan = (IndexScanDesc) arg;
return palloc(GSTIHDRSZ + sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
static void
GISTSearchTreeItemDeleter(RBNode *rb, void *arg)
* Index AM API functions for scanning GiST indexes
......@@ -32,18 +108,22 @@ gistbeginscan(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
IndexScanDesc scan;
GISTScanOpaque so;
/* no order by operators allowed */
Assert(norderbys == 0);
scan = RelationGetIndexScan(r, nkeys, norderbys);
/* initialize opaque data */
so = (GISTScanOpaque) palloc(sizeof(GISTScanOpaqueData));
so->stack = NULL;
so = (GISTScanOpaque) palloc0(sizeof(GISTScanOpaqueData));
so->queueCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
"GiST queue context",
so->tempCxt = createTempGistContext();
so->curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
so->giststate = (GISTSTATE *) palloc(sizeof(GISTSTATE));
initGISTstate(so->giststate, scan->indexRelation);
/* workspaces with size dependent on numberOfOrderBys: */
so->tmpTreeItem = palloc(GSTIHDRSZ + sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
so->distances = palloc(sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
so->qual_ok = true; /* in case there are zero keys */
scan->opaque = so;
......@@ -55,27 +135,27 @@ gistrescan(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
IndexScanDesc scan = (IndexScanDesc) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
ScanKey key = (ScanKey) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
/* remaining arguments are ignored */
ScanKey orderbys = (ScanKey) PG_GETARG_POINTER(3);
/* nkeys and norderbys arguments are ignored */
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
int i;
MemoryContext oldCxt;
/* rescan an existing indexscan --- reset state */
so->stack = NULL;
/* drop pins on buffers -- no locks held */
if (BufferIsValid(so->curbuf))
so->curbuf = InvalidBuffer;
so->curTreeItem = NULL;
* Clear all the pointers.
so->nPageData = so->curPageData = 0;
/* create new, empty RBTree for search queue */
oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->queueCxt);
so->queue = rb_create(GSTIHDRSZ + sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys,
so->qual_ok = true;
so->firstCall = true;
/* Update scan key, if a new one is given */
if (key && scan->numberOfKeys > 0)
......@@ -84,7 +164,7 @@ gistrescan(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
scan->numberOfKeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));
* Modify the scan key so that all the Consistent method is called for
* Modify the scan key so that the Consistent method is called for
* all comparisons. The original operator is passed to the Consistent
* function in the form of its strategy number, which is available
* from the sk_strategy field, and its subtype from the sk_subtype
......@@ -94,9 +174,11 @@ gistrescan(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
* SK_SEARCHNULL/SK_SEARCHNOTNULL then nothing can be found (ie, we
* assume all indexable operators are strict).
so->qual_ok = true;
for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfKeys; i++)
ScanKey skey = &(scan->keyData[i]);
ScanKey skey = scan->keyData + i;
skey->sk_func = so->giststate->consistentFn[skey->sk_attno - 1];
......@@ -108,6 +190,33 @@ gistrescan(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
/* Update order-by key, if a new one is given */
if (orderbys && scan->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
memmove(scan->orderByData, orderbys,
scan->numberOfOrderBys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));
* Modify the order-by key so that the Distance method is called for
* all comparisons. The original operator is passed to the Distance
* function in the form of its strategy number, which is available
* from the sk_strategy field, and its subtype from the sk_subtype
* field.
for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfOrderBys; i++)
ScanKey skey = scan->orderByData + i;
skey->sk_func = so->giststate->distanceFn[skey->sk_attno - 1];
/* Check we actually have a distance function ... */
if (!OidIsValid(skey->sk_func.fn_oid))
elog(ERROR, "missing support function %d for attribute %d of index \"%s\"",
GIST_DISTANCE_PROC, skey->sk_attno,
......@@ -131,26 +240,12 @@ gistendscan(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
IndexScanDesc scan = (IndexScanDesc) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
if (so->giststate != NULL)
/* drop pins on buffers -- we aren't holding any locks */
if (BufferIsValid(so->curbuf))
static void
gistfreestack(GISTSearchStack *s)
while (s != NULL)
GISTSearchStack *p = s->next;
s = p;
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
#define GISTNProcs 7
#define GISTNProcs 8
* strategy numbers for GiST opclasses that want to implement the old
......@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
#define RTOverAboveStrategyNumber 12
#define RTOldContainsStrategyNumber 13 /* for old spelling of @> */
#define RTOldContainedByStrategyNumber 14 /* for old spelling of <@ */
#define RTKNNSearchStrategyNumber 15
* Page opaque data in a GiST index page.
......@@ -131,13 +133,13 @@ typedef struct GISTENTRY
#define GistClearTuplesDeleted(page) ( GistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags &= ~F_TUPLES_DELETED)
* Vector of GISTENTRY structs; user-defined methods union and pick
* split takes it as one of their arguments
* Vector of GISTENTRY structs; user-defined methods union and picksplit
* take it as one of their arguments
typedef struct
int32 n; /* number of elements */
GISTENTRY vector[1];
GISTENTRY vector[1]; /* variable-length array */
} GistEntryVector;
#define GEVHDRSZ (offsetof(GistEntryVector, vector))
......@@ -17,34 +17,19 @@
#include "access/gist.h"
#include "access/itup.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "utils/rbtree.h"
/* Buffer lock modes */
* XXX old comment!!!
* When we descend a tree, we keep a stack of parent pointers. This
* allows us to follow a chain of internal node points until we reach
* a leaf node, and then back up the stack to re-examine the internal
* nodes.
* GISTSTATE: information needed for any GiST index operation
* 'parent' is the previous stack entry -- i.e. the node we arrived
* from. 'block' is the node's block number. 'offset' is the offset in
* the node's page that we stopped at (i.e. we followed the child
* pointer located at the specified offset).
* This struct retains call info for the index's opclass-specific support
* functions (per index column), plus the index's tuple descriptor.
typedef struct GISTSearchStack
struct GISTSearchStack *next;
BlockNumber block;
/* to identify page changed */
GistNSN lsn;
/* to recognize split occured */
GistNSN parentlsn;
} GISTSearchStack;
typedef struct GISTSTATE
FmgrInfo consistentFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
......@@ -54,38 +39,96 @@ typedef struct GISTSTATE
FmgrInfo penaltyFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
FmgrInfo picksplitFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
FmgrInfo equalFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
FmgrInfo distanceFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
TupleDesc tupdesc;
typedef struct ItemResult
* During a GiST index search, we must maintain a queue of unvisited items,
* which can be either individual heap tuples or whole index pages. If it
* is an ordered search, the unvisited items should be visited in distance
* order. Unvisited items at the same distance should be visited in
* depth-first order, that is heap items first, then lower index pages, then
* upper index pages; this rule avoids doing extra work during a search that
* ends early due to LIMIT.
* To perform an ordered search, we use an RBTree to manage the distance-order
* queue. Each GISTSearchTreeItem stores all unvisited items of the same
* distance; they are GISTSearchItems chained together via their next fields.
* In a non-ordered search (no order-by operators), the RBTree degenerates
* to a single item, which we use as a queue of unvisited index pages only.
* In this case matched heap items from the current index leaf page are
* remembered in GISTScanOpaqueData.pageData[] and returned directly from
* there, instead of building a separate GISTSearchItem for each one.
/* Individual heap tuple to be visited */
typedef struct GISTSearchHeapItem
ItemPointerData heapPtr;
OffsetNumber pageOffset; /* offset in index page */
bool recheck;
} ItemResult;
bool recheck; /* T if quals must be rechecked */
} GISTSearchHeapItem;
/* Unvisited item, either index page or heap tuple */
typedef struct GISTSearchItem
struct GISTSearchItem *next; /* list link */
BlockNumber blkno; /* index page number, or InvalidBlockNumber */
GistNSN parentlsn; /* parent page's LSN, if index page */
/* we must store parentlsn to detect whether a split occurred */
GISTSearchHeapItem heap; /* heap info, if heap tuple */
} data;
} GISTSearchItem;
#define GISTSearchItemIsHeap(item) ((item).blkno == InvalidBlockNumber)
* When we're doing a scan, we need to keep track of the parent stack
* for the marked and current items.
* Within a GISTSearchTreeItem's chain, heap items always appear before
* index-page items, since we want to visit heap items first. lastHeap points
* to the last heap item in the chain, or is NULL if there are none.
typedef struct GISTSearchTreeItem
RBNode rbnode; /* this is an RBTree item */
GISTSearchItem *head; /* first chain member */
GISTSearchItem *lastHeap; /* last heap-tuple member, if any */
double distances[1]; /* array with numberOfOrderBys entries */
} GISTSearchTreeItem;
#define GSTIHDRSZ offsetof(GISTSearchTreeItem, distances)
* GISTScanOpaqueData: private state for a scan of a GiST index
typedef struct GISTScanOpaqueData
GISTSearchStack *stack;
GISTSearchStack *markstk;
GISTSTATE *giststate; /* index information, see above */
RBTree *queue; /* queue of unvisited items */
MemoryContext queueCxt; /* context holding the queue */
MemoryContext tempCxt; /* workspace context for calling functions */
bool qual_ok; /* false if qual can never be satisfied */
GISTSTATE *giststate;
MemoryContext tempCxt;
Buffer curbuf;
ItemPointerData curpos;
ItemResult pageData[BLCKSZ / sizeof(IndexTupleData)];
OffsetNumber nPageData;
OffsetNumber curPageData;
bool firstCall; /* true until first gistgettuple call */
GISTSearchTreeItem *curTreeItem; /* current queue item, if any */
/* pre-allocated workspace arrays */
GISTSearchTreeItem *tmpTreeItem; /* workspace to pass to rb_insert */
double *distances; /* workspace for computeKeyTupleDistance */
/* In a non-ordered search, returnable heap items are stored here: */
GISTSearchHeapItem pageData[BLCKSZ / sizeof(IndexTupleData)];
OffsetNumber nPageData; /* number of valid items in array */
OffsetNumber curPageData; /* next item to return */
} GISTScanOpaqueData;
typedef GISTScanOpaqueData *GISTScanOpaque;
/* XLog stuff */
......@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@
/* yyyymmddN */
#define CATALOG_VERSION_NO 201012021
#define CATALOG_VERSION_NO 201012031
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ DESCR("b-tree index access method");
DATA(insert OID = 405 ( hash 1 1 f f t f f f f f f f 23 hashinsert hashbeginscan hashgettuple hashgetbitmap hashrescan hashendscan hashmarkpos hashrestrpos hashbuild hashbulkdelete hashvacuumcleanup hashcostestimate hashoptions ));
DESCR("hash index access method");
#define HASH_AM_OID 405
DATA(insert OID = 783 ( gist 0 7 f f f f t t t t t t 0 gistinsert gistbeginscan gistgettuple gistgetbitmap gistrescan gistendscan gistmarkpos gistrestrpos gistbuild gistbulkdelete gistvacuumcleanup gistcostestimate gistoptions ));
DATA(insert OID = 783 ( gist 0 8 f t f f t t t t t t 0 gistinsert gistbeginscan gistgettuple gistgetbitmap gistrescan gistendscan gistmarkpos gistrestrpos gistbuild gistbulkdelete gistvacuumcleanup gistcostestimate gistoptions ));
DESCR("GiST index access method");
#define GIST_AM_OID 783
DATA(insert OID = 2742 ( gin 0 5 f f f f t t f f t f 0 gininsert ginbeginscan - gingetbitmap ginrescan ginendscan ginmarkpos ginrestrpos ginbuild ginbulkdelete ginvacuumcleanup gincostestimate ginoptions ));
......@@ -604,6 +604,7 @@ DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 1 s 507 783 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 5 s 508 783 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 10 s 509 783 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 6 s 510 783 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 15 o 517 783 1970 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 603 600 27 s 433 783 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 600 603 28 s 511 783 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 604 600 47 s 757 783 0 ));
......@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 4 2580 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 5 2581 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 6 2582 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 7 2584 ));
DATA(insert ( 1029 600 600 8 3064 ));
/* gin */
......@@ -4325,7 +4325,9 @@ DATA(insert OID = 2592 ( gist_circle_compress PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 f f f t f i
DESCR("GiST support");
DATA(insert OID = 1030 ( gist_point_compress PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 f f f t f i 1 0 2281 "2281" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ gist_point_compress _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DESCR("GiST support");
DATA(insert OID = 2179 ( gist_point_consistent PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 f f f t f i 5 0 16 "2281 603 23 26 2281" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ gist_point_consistent _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 2179 ( gist_point_consistent PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 f f f t f i 5 0 16 "2281 600 23 26 2281" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ gist_point_consistent _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DESCR("GiST support");
DATA(insert OID = 3064 ( gist_point_distance PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 f f f t f i 4 0 701 "2281 600 23 26" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ gist_point_distance _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
DESCR("GiST support");
/* GIN */
......@@ -424,6 +424,7 @@ extern Datum gist_circle_compress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum gist_circle_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum gist_point_compress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum gist_point_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Datum gist_point_distance(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
/* geo_selfuncs.c */
extern Datum areasel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ CREATE INDEX onek2_stu1_prtl ON onek2 USING btree(stringu1 name_ops)
CREATE INDEX grect2ind ON fast_emp4000 USING gist (home_base);
CREATE INDEX gpolygonind ON polygon_tbl USING gist (f1);
CREATE INDEX gcircleind ON circle_tbl USING gist (f1);
CREATE INDEX gpointind ON point_tbl USING gist (f1);
SELECT polygon(home_base) AS f1 FROM slow_emp4000;
......@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ CREATE TEMP TABLE gcircle_tbl AS
SELECT circle(home_base) AS f1 FROM slow_emp4000;
CREATE INDEX ggpolygonind ON gpolygon_tbl USING gist (f1);
CREATE INDEX ggcircleind ON gcircle_tbl USING gist (f1);
-- get non-indexed results for comparison purposes
SET enable_seqscan = ON;
SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;
......@@ -167,6 +169,44 @@ SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(-5, -12)';
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
(7 rows)
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
(6 rows)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
(4 rows)
SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
SET enable_indexscan = ON;
SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
......@@ -435,6 +475,102 @@ SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(-5, -12)';
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
Index Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point)
(2 rows)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
(7 rows)
Index Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
Index Cond: (f1 IS NULL)
(2 rows)
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
Index Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
Index Cond: (f1 IS NOT NULL)
Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point)
(3 rows)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
(6 rows)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
Index Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(10,10),(-10,-10)'::box)
Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point)
(3 rows)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
(4 rows)
SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
Sort Key: ((f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point))
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on point_tbl
Recheck Cond: (f1 <@ '(10,10),(-10,-10)'::box)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on gpointind
Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(10,10),(-10,-10)'::box)
(6 rows)
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
(4 rows)
RESET enable_seqscan;
RESET enable_indexscan;
RESET enable_bitmapscan;
......@@ -991,6 +991,7 @@ ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
783 | 12 | |&>
783 | 13 | ~
783 | 14 | @
783 | 15 | <->
783 | 27 | @>
783 | 28 | <@
783 | 47 | @>
......@@ -1003,7 +1004,7 @@ ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
2742 | 2 | @@@
2742 | 3 | <@
2742 | 4 | =
(39 rows)
(40 rows)
-- Check that all opclass search operators have selectivity estimators.
-- This is not absolutely required, but it seems a reasonable thing
......@@ -1136,11 +1137,11 @@ WHERE p1.amprocfamily = p3.oid AND p3.opfmethod = p2.oid AND
-- Detect missing pg_amproc entries: should have as many support functions
-- as AM expects for each datatype combination supported by the opfamily.
-- GIN is a special case because it has an optional support function.
-- GIST/GIN are special cases because each has an optional support function.
SELECT p1.amname, p2.opfname, p3.amproclefttype, p3.amprocrighttype
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_opfamily AS p2, pg_amproc AS p3
WHERE p2.opfmethod = p1.oid AND p3.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p1.amname <> 'gin' AND
p1.amname <> 'gist' AND p1.amname <> 'gin' AND
p1.amsupport != (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_amproc AS p4
WHERE p4.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p4.amproclefttype = p3.amproclefttype AND
......@@ -1149,26 +1150,27 @@ WHERE p2.opfmethod = p1.oid AND p3.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
(0 rows)
-- Similar check for GIN, allowing one optional proc
-- Similar check for GIST/GIN, allowing one optional proc
SELECT p1.amname, p2.opfname, p3.amproclefttype, p3.amprocrighttype
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_opfamily AS p2, pg_amproc AS p3
WHERE p2.opfmethod = p1.oid AND p3.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p1.amname = 'gin' AND
p1.amsupport - 1 > (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_amproc AS p4
(p1.amname = 'gist' OR p1.amname = 'gin') AND
(SELECT count(*) FROM pg_amproc AS p4
WHERE p4.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p4.amproclefttype = p3.amproclefttype AND
p4.amprocrighttype = p3.amprocrighttype);
p4.amprocrighttype = p3.amprocrighttype)
NOT IN (p1.amsupport, p1.amsupport - 1);
amname | opfname | amproclefttype | amprocrighttype
(0 rows)
-- Also, check if there are any pg_opclass entries that don't seem to have
-- pg_amproc support. Again, GIN has to be checked separately.
-- pg_amproc support. Again, GIST/GIN have to be checked specially.
SELECT amname, opcname, count(*)
FROM pg_am am JOIN pg_opclass op ON opcmethod = am.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_amproc p ON amprocfamily = opcfamily AND
amproclefttype = amprocrighttype AND amproclefttype = opcintype
WHERE am.amname <> 'gin'
WHERE am.amname <> 'gist' AND am.amname <> 'gin'
GROUP BY amname, amsupport, opcname, amprocfamily
HAVING count(*) != amsupport OR amprocfamily IS NULL;
amname | opcname | count
......@@ -1179,9 +1181,10 @@ SELECT amname, opcname, count(*)
FROM pg_am am JOIN pg_opclass op ON opcmethod = am.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_amproc p ON amprocfamily = opcfamily AND
amproclefttype = amprocrighttype AND amproclefttype = opcintype
WHERE am.amname = 'gin'
WHERE am.amname = 'gist' OR am.amname = 'gin'
GROUP BY amname, amsupport, opcname, amprocfamily
HAVING count(*) < amsupport - 1 OR amprocfamily IS NULL;
HAVING (count(*) != amsupport AND count(*) != amsupport - 1)
OR amprocfamily IS NULL;
amname | opcname | count
(0 rows)
......@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ CREATE INDEX gpolygonind ON polygon_tbl USING gist (f1);
CREATE INDEX gcircleind ON circle_tbl USING gist (f1);
CREATE INDEX gpointind ON point_tbl USING gist (f1);
......@@ -90,6 +92,8 @@ CREATE INDEX ggpolygonind ON gpolygon_tbl USING gist (f1);
CREATE INDEX ggcircleind ON gcircle_tbl USING gist (f1);
-- get non-indexed results for comparison purposes
SET enable_seqscan = ON;
SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;
......@@ -130,6 +134,14 @@ SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 >^ '(0.0, 0.0)';
SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(-5, -12)';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
SET enable_indexscan = ON;
SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
......@@ -206,6 +218,30 @@ EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF)
SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(-5, -12)';
SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(-5, -12)';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
RESET enable_seqscan;
RESET enable_indexscan;
RESET enable_bitmapscan;
......@@ -888,36 +888,37 @@ WHERE p1.amprocfamily = p3.oid AND p3.opfmethod = p2.oid AND
-- Detect missing pg_amproc entries: should have as many support functions
-- as AM expects for each datatype combination supported by the opfamily.
-- GIN is a special case because it has an optional support function.
-- GIST/GIN are special cases because each has an optional support function.
SELECT p1.amname, p2.opfname, p3.amproclefttype, p3.amprocrighttype
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_opfamily AS p2, pg_amproc AS p3
WHERE p2.opfmethod = p1.oid AND p3.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p1.amname <> 'gin' AND
p1.amname <> 'gist' AND p1.amname <> 'gin' AND
p1.amsupport != (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_amproc AS p4
WHERE p4.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p4.amproclefttype = p3.amproclefttype AND
p4.amprocrighttype = p3.amprocrighttype);
-- Similar check for GIN, allowing one optional proc
-- Similar check for GIST/GIN, allowing one optional proc
SELECT p1.amname, p2.opfname, p3.amproclefttype, p3.amprocrighttype
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_opfamily AS p2, pg_amproc AS p3
WHERE p2.opfmethod = p1.oid AND p3.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p1.amname = 'gin' AND
p1.amsupport - 1 > (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_amproc AS p4
(p1.amname = 'gist' OR p1.amname = 'gin') AND
(SELECT count(*) FROM pg_amproc AS p4
WHERE p4.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p4.amproclefttype = p3.amproclefttype AND
p4.amprocrighttype = p3.amprocrighttype);
p4.amprocrighttype = p3.amprocrighttype)
NOT IN (p1.amsupport, p1.amsupport - 1);
-- Also, check if there are any pg_opclass entries that don't seem to have
-- pg_amproc support. Again, GIN has to be checked separately.
-- pg_amproc support. Again, GIST/GIN have to be checked specially.
SELECT amname, opcname, count(*)
FROM pg_am am JOIN pg_opclass op ON opcmethod = am.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_amproc p ON amprocfamily = opcfamily AND
amproclefttype = amprocrighttype AND amproclefttype = opcintype
WHERE am.amname <> 'gin'
WHERE am.amname <> 'gist' AND am.amname <> 'gin'
GROUP BY amname, amsupport, opcname, amprocfamily
HAVING count(*) != amsupport OR amprocfamily IS NULL;
......@@ -925,9 +926,10 @@ SELECT amname, opcname, count(*)
FROM pg_am am JOIN pg_opclass op ON opcmethod = am.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_amproc p ON amprocfamily = opcfamily AND
amproclefttype = amprocrighttype AND amproclefttype = opcintype
WHERE am.amname = 'gin'
WHERE am.amname = 'gist' OR am.amname = 'gin'
GROUP BY amname, amsupport, opcname, amprocfamily
HAVING count(*) < amsupport - 1 OR amprocfamily IS NULL;
HAVING (count(*) != amsupport AND count(*) != amsupport - 1)
OR amprocfamily IS NULL;
-- Unfortunately, we can't check the amproc link very well because the
-- signature of the function may be different for different support routines
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