Commit 5251e7b3 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

CREATE TABLE foo (x,y,z) AS SELECT ... can't apply target column names

to the target list in gram.y; it must wait till after expansion of the
target list in analyze.c.  Per bug report 4-Nov:
lx=# CREATE TABLE abc (a char, b char, c char);
lx=# CREATE TABLE xyz (x, y, z) AS SELECT * FROM abc;
ERROR:  CREATE TABLE/AS SELECT has mismatched column count
parent d556920a
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c,v 1.159 2001/10/25 05:49:30 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c,v 1.160 2001/11/05 05:00:14 tgl Exp $
......@@ -1835,6 +1835,7 @@ _copySelectStmt(SelectStmt *from)
if (from->into)
newnode->into = pstrdup(from->into);
newnode->istemp = from->istemp;
Node_Copy(from, newnode, intoColNames);
Node_Copy(from, newnode, targetList);
Node_Copy(from, newnode, fromClause);
Node_Copy(from, newnode, whereClause);
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.c,v 1.107 2001/10/25 05:49:30 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.c,v 1.108 2001/11/05 05:00:14 tgl Exp $
......@@ -681,6 +681,8 @@ _equalSelectStmt(SelectStmt *a, SelectStmt *b)
return false;
if (a->istemp != b->istemp)
return false;
if (!equal(a->intoColNames, b->intoColNames))
return false;
if (!equal(a->targetList, b->targetList))
return false;
if (!equal(a->fromClause, b->fromClause))
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/analyze.c,v 1.209 2001/11/04 03:08:11 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/analyze.c,v 1.210 2001/11/05 05:00:14 tgl Exp $
......@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ static void transformFKConstraints(ParseState *pstate,
CreateStmtContext *cxt);
static Node *transformTypeRefs(ParseState *pstate, Node *stmt);
static void applyColumnNames(List *dst, List *src);
static void transformTypeRefsList(ParseState *pstate, List *l);
static void transformTypeRef(ParseState *pstate, TypeName *tn);
static List *getSetColTypes(ParseState *pstate, Node *node);
......@@ -1942,9 +1943,13 @@ transformSelectStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
/* process the FROM clause */
transformFromClause(pstate, stmt->fromClause);
/* transform targetlist and WHERE */
/* transform targetlist */
qry->targetList = transformTargetList(pstate, stmt->targetList);
if (stmt->intoColNames)
applyColumnNames(qry->targetList, stmt->intoColNames);
/* transform WHERE */
qual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause);
......@@ -2003,6 +2008,7 @@ transformSetOperationStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
SetOperationStmt *sostmt;
char *into;
bool istemp;
List *intoColNames;
char *portalname;
bool binary;
List *sortClause;
......@@ -2031,12 +2037,14 @@ transformSetOperationStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
leftmostSelect->larg == NULL);
into = leftmostSelect->into;
istemp = leftmostSelect->istemp;
intoColNames = leftmostSelect->intoColNames;
portalname = stmt->portalname;
binary = stmt->binary;
/* clear them to prevent complaints in transformSetOperationTree() */
leftmostSelect->into = NULL;
leftmostSelect->istemp = false;
leftmostSelect->intoColNames = NIL;
stmt->portalname = NULL;
stmt->binary = false;
......@@ -2149,6 +2157,9 @@ transformSetOperationStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
qry->isBinary = FALSE;
if (intoColNames)
applyColumnNames(qry->targetList, intoColNames);
* As a first step towards supporting sort clauses that are
* expressions using the output columns, generate a namespace entry
......@@ -2377,6 +2388,27 @@ getSetColTypes(ParseState *pstate, Node *node)
/* Attach column names from a ColumnDef list to a TargetEntry list */
static void
applyColumnNames(List *dst, List *src)
if (length(src) > length(dst))
elog(ERROR,"CREATE TABLE AS specifies too many column names");
while (src != NIL && dst != NIL)
TargetEntry *d = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(dst);
ColumnDef *s = (ColumnDef *) lfirst(src);
Assert(d->resdom && !d->resdom->resjunk);
d->resdom->resname = pstrdup(s->colname);
dst = lnext(dst);
src = lnext(src);
* transformUpdateStmt -
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/gram.y,v 2.271 2001/10/31 04:49:43 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/gram.y,v 2.272 2001/11/05 05:00:14 tgl Exp $
......@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ static Node *makeTypeCast(Node *arg, TypeName *typename);
static Node *makeStringConst(char *str, TypeName *typename);
static Node *makeFloatConst(char *str);
static Node *makeRowExpr(char *opr, List *largs, List *rargs);
static void mapTargetColumns(List *source, List *target);
static SelectStmt *findLeftmostSelect(SelectStmt *node);
static void insertSelectOptions(SelectStmt *stmt,
List *sortClause, List *forUpdate,
......@@ -1611,11 +1610,10 @@ CreateAsStmt: CREATE OptTemp TABLE relation_name OptCreateAs AS SelectStmt
SelectStmt *n = findLeftmostSelect((SelectStmt *) $7);
if (n->into != NULL)
elog(ERROR,"CREATE TABLE / AS SELECT may not specify INTO");
elog(ERROR,"CREATE TABLE AS may not specify INTO");
n->istemp = $2;
n->into = $4;
if ($5 != NIL)
mapTargetColumns($5, n->targetList);
n->intoColNames = $5;
$$ = $7;
......@@ -3552,6 +3550,7 @@ simple_select: SELECT opt_distinct target_list
n->targetList = $3;
n->istemp = (bool) ((Value *) lfirst($4))->val.ival;
n->into = (char *) lnext($4);
n->intoColNames = NIL;
n->fromClause = $5;
n->whereClause = $6;
n->groupClause = $7;
......@@ -6106,28 +6105,6 @@ makeRowExpr(char *opr, List *largs, List *rargs)
return expr;
static void
mapTargetColumns(List *src, List *dst)
ColumnDef *s;
ResTarget *d;
if (length(src) != length(dst))
elog(ERROR,"CREATE TABLE / AS SELECT has mismatched column count");
while ((src != NIL) && (dst != NIL))
s = (ColumnDef *)lfirst(src);
d = (ResTarget *)lfirst(dst);
d->name = s->colname;
src = lnext(src);
dst = lnext(dst);
} /* mapTargetColumns() */
/* findLeftmostSelect()
* Find the leftmost component SelectStmt in a set-operation parsetree.
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: parsenodes.h,v 1.149 2001/10/28 06:26:07 momjian Exp $
* $Id: parsenodes.h,v 1.150 2001/11/05 05:00:14 tgl Exp $
......@@ -881,6 +881,7 @@ typedef struct SelectStmt
char *into; /* name of table (for select into table) */
bool istemp; /* into is a temp table? */
List *intoColNames; /* column names for into table */
List *targetList; /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
List *fromClause; /* the FROM clause */
Node *whereClause; /* WHERE qualification */
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