Commit 500b62b0 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

pg_dump patch from Philip Warner

parent 20c01ef1
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/Makefile,v 1.17 2000/07/03 16:35:39 petere Exp $
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/Makefile,v 1.18 2000/07/04 14:25:26 momjian Exp $
......@@ -12,21 +12,19 @@ subdir = src/bin/pg_dump
top_builddir = ../../..
include ../../
OBJS= pg_dump.o common.o $(STRDUP)
OBJS= pg_backup_archiver.o pg_backup_custom.o pg_backup_files.o \
pg_backup_plain_text.o $(STRDUP)
all: submake pg_dump$(X) pg_restore$(X)
all: submake pg_dump pg_dumpall
pg_dump$(X): pg_dump.o common.o $(OBJS) $(LIBPQDIR)/libpq.a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ pg_dump.o common.o $(OBJS) $(LIBPQ) $(LDFLAGS)
pg_dump: $(OBJS) $(LIBPQDIR)/libpq.a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBPQ) $(LDFLAGS)
sed -e 's:__VERSION__:$(VERSION):g' \
-e 's:__MULTIBYTE__:$(MULTIBYTE):g' \
-e 's:__bindir__:$(bindir):g' \
< $< > $@
pg_restore$(X): pg_restore.o $(OBJS) $(LIBPQDIR)/libpq.a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ pg_restore.o $(OBJS) $(LIBPQ) $(LDFLAGS)
$(MAKE) -C ../../utils strdup.o
......@@ -37,6 +35,7 @@ submake:
install: all installdirs
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) pg_dump$(X) $(bindir)/pg_dump$(X)
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) pg_restore$(X) $(bindir)/pg_restore$(X)
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) pg_dumpall $(bindir)/pg_dumpall
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) pg_upgrade $(bindir)/pg_upgrade
......@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ depend dep:
$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) *.c >depend
clean distclean maintainer-clean:
rm -f pg_dump$(X) $(OBJS) pg_dumpall
rm -f pg_dump$(X) pg_restore$(X) $(OBJS) pg_dump.o common.o pg_restore.o
ifeq (depend,$(wildcard depend))
include depend
Notes on pg_dump
pg_dump, by default, still outputs text files.
pg_dumpall forces all pg_dump output to be text, since it also outputs text into the same output stream.
The plain text output format can not be used as input into pg_restore.
To dump a database into the next custom format, type:
pg_dump <db-name> -Fc > <backup-file>
To restore, try
To list contents:
pg_restore -l <backup-file> | less
or to list tables:
pg_restore <backup-file> --table | less
or to list in a differnet orderL
pg_restore <backup-file> -l --oid --rearrange | less
Once you are happy with the list, just remove the '-l', and an SQL script will be output.
You can also dump a listing:
pg_restore -l <backup-file> > toc.lis
pg_restore -l <backup-file> -f toc.lis
edit it, and rearrange the lines (or delete some):
vi toc.lis
then use it to restore selected items:
pg_restore <backup-file> --use=toc.lis -l | less
When you like the list, type
pg_restore backup.bck --use=toc.lis > script.sql
or, simply:
createdb newdbname
pg_restore backup.bck --use=toc.lis | psql newdbname
Philip Warner, 3-Jul-2000
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/common.c,v 1.43 2000/06/14 18:17:50 petere Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/common.c,v 1.44 2000/07/04 14:25:27 momjian Exp $
* Modifications - 6/12/96 - - version 1.13.dhb.2
......@@ -232,10 +232,13 @@ strInArray(const char *pattern, char **arr, int arr_size)
TableInfo *
dumpSchema(FILE *fout,
dumpSchema(Archive *fout,
int *numTablesPtr,
const char *tablename,
const bool aclsSkip)
const bool aclsSkip,
const bool oids,
const bool schemaOnly,
const bool dataOnly)
int numTypes;
int numFuncs;
......@@ -290,7 +293,7 @@ dumpSchema(FILE *fout,
g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
flagInhAttrs(tblinfo, numTables, inhinfo, numInherits);
if (!tablename && fout)
if (!tablename && !dataOnly)
if (g_verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out database comment %s\n",
......@@ -306,16 +309,13 @@ dumpSchema(FILE *fout,
dumpTypes(fout, finfo, numFuncs, tinfo, numTypes);
if (fout)
if (g_verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out tables %s\n",
g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
dumpTables(fout, tblinfo, numTables, inhinfo, numInherits,
tinfo, numTypes, tablename, aclsSkip);
tinfo, numTypes, tablename, aclsSkip, oids, schemaOnly, dataOnly);
if (!tablename && fout)
if (!tablename && !dataOnly)
if (g_verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out user-defined procedural languages %s\n",
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ dumpSchema(FILE *fout,
dumpProcLangs(fout, finfo, numFuncs, tinfo, numTypes);
if (!tablename && fout)
if (!tablename && !dataOnly)
if (g_verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out user-defined functions %s\n",
......@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ dumpSchema(FILE *fout,
dumpFuncs(fout, finfo, numFuncs, tinfo, numTypes);
if (!tablename && fout)
if (!tablename && !dataOnly)
if (g_verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out user-defined aggregates %s\n",
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ dumpSchema(FILE *fout,
dumpAggs(fout, agginfo, numAggregates, tinfo, numTypes);
if (!tablename && fout)
if (!tablename && !dataOnly)
if (g_verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out user-defined operators %s\n",
......@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ dumpSchema(FILE *fout,
extern void
dumpSchemaIdx(FILE *fout, const char *tablename,
dumpSchemaIdx(Archive *fout, const char *tablename,
TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
int numIndices;
* pg_backup.h
* Public interface to the pg_dump archiver routines.
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version.
#ifndef PG_BACKUP__
#include "config.h"
#include "c.h"
#define PG_BACKUP__
typedef enum _archiveFormat {
archUnknown = 0,
archCustom = 1,
archFiles = 2,
archTar = 3,
archPlainText = 4
} ArchiveFormat;
* We may want to have so user-readbale data, but in the mean
* time this gives us some abstraction and type checking.
typedef struct _Archive {
/* Nothing here */
} Archive;
typedef int (*DataDumperPtr)(Archive* AH, char* oid, void* userArg);
typedef struct _restoreOptions {
int dataOnly;
int dropSchema;
char *filename;
int schemaOnly;
int verbose;
int aclsSkip;
int tocSummary;
char *tocFile;
int oidOrder;
int origOrder;
int rearrange;
int format;
char *formatName;
int selTypes;
int selIndex;
int selFunction;
int selTrigger;
int selTable;
char *indexNames;
char *functionNames;
char *tableNames;
char *triggerNames;
int *idWanted;
int limitToList;
int compression;
} RestoreOptions;
* Main archiver interface.
/* Called to add a TOC entry */
extern void ArchiveEntry(Archive* AH, const char* oid, const char* name,
const char* desc, const char* (deps[]), const char* defn,
const char* dropStmt, const char* owner,
DataDumperPtr dumpFn, void* dumpArg);
/* Called to write *data* to the archive */
extern int WriteData(Archive* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
extern void CloseArchive(Archive* AH);
extern void RestoreArchive(Archive* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
/* Open an existing archive */
extern Archive* OpenArchive(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt);
/* Create a new archive */
extern Archive* CreateArchive(const char* FileSpec, ArchiveFormat fmt, int compression);
/* The --list option */
extern void PrintTOCSummary(Archive* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
extern RestoreOptions* NewRestoreOptions(void);
/* Rearrange TOC entries */
extern void MoveToStart(Archive* AH, char *oType);
extern void MoveToEnd(Archive* AH, char *oType);
extern void SortTocByOID(Archive* AH);
extern void SortTocByID(Archive* AH);
extern void SortTocFromFile(Archive* AH, RestoreOptions *ropt);
/* Convenience functions used only when writing DATA */
extern int archputs(const char *s, Archive* AH);
extern int archputc(const char c, Archive* AH);
extern int archprintf(Archive* AH, const char *fmt, ...);
This diff is collapsed.
* pg_backup_archiver.h
* Private interface to the pg_dump archiver routines.
* It is NOT intended that these routines be called by any
* dumper directly.
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version.
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
#include <zlib.h>
#define GZCLOSE(fh) gzclose(fh)
#define GZWRITE(p, s, n, fh) gzwrite(fh, p, n * s)
#define GZREAD(p, s, n, fh) gzread(fh, p, n * s)
#define GZCLOSE(fh) fclose(fh)
#define GZWRITE(p, s, n, fh) fwrite(p, s, n, fh)
#define GZREAD(p, s, n, fh) fread(p, s, n, fh)
typedef struct _z_stream {
void *next_in;
void *next_out;
int avail_in;
int avail_out;
} z_stream;
typedef z_stream *z_streamp;
#include "pg_backup.h"
#define K_VERS_MAJOR 1
#define K_VERS_MINOR 2
#define K_VERS_REV 0
/* Some important version numbers (checked in code) */
#define K_VERS_1_0 (( (1 * 256 + 0) * 256 + 0) * 256 + 0)
#define K_VERS_1_2 (( (1 * 256 + 2) * 256 + 0) * 256 + 0)
#define K_VERS_MAX (( (1 * 256 + 2) * 256 + 255) * 256 + 0)
struct _archiveHandle;
struct _tocEntry;
struct _restoreList;
typedef void (*ClosePtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH);
typedef void (*ArchiveEntryPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef void (*StartDataPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef int (*WriteDataPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
typedef void (*EndDataPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef int (*WriteBytePtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, const int i);
typedef int (*ReadBytePtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH);
typedef int (*WriteBufPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, const void* c, int len);
typedef int (*ReadBufPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len);
typedef void (*SaveArchivePtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH);
typedef void (*WriteExtraTocPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef void (*ReadExtraTocPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef void (*PrintExtraTocPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te);
typedef void (*PrintTocDataPtr) (struct _archiveHandle* AH, struct _tocEntry* te,
RestoreOptions *ropt);
typedef int (*TocSortCompareFn) (const void* te1, const void *te2);
typedef enum _archiveMode {
} ArchiveMode;
typedef struct _outputContext {
void *OF;
int gzOut;
} OutputContext;
typedef struct _archiveHandle {
char vmaj; /* Version of file */
char vmin;
char vrev;
int version; /* Conveniently formatted version */
int intSize; /* Size of an integer in the archive */
ArchiveFormat format; /* Archive format */
int readHeader; /* Used if file header has been read already */
ArchiveEntryPtr ArchiveEntryPtr; /* Called for each metadata object */
StartDataPtr StartDataPtr; /* Called when table data is about to be dumped */
WriteDataPtr WriteDataPtr; /* Called to send some table data to the archive */
EndDataPtr EndDataPtr; /* Called when table data dump is finished */
WriteBytePtr WriteBytePtr; /* Write a byte to output */
ReadBytePtr ReadBytePtr; /* */
WriteBufPtr WriteBufPtr;
ReadBufPtr ReadBufPtr;
ClosePtr ClosePtr; /* Close the archive */
WriteExtraTocPtr WriteExtraTocPtr; /* Write extra TOC entry data associated with */
/* the current archive format */
ReadExtraTocPtr ReadExtraTocPtr; /* Read extr info associated with archie format */
PrintExtraTocPtr PrintExtraTocPtr; /* Extra TOC info for format */
PrintTocDataPtr PrintTocDataPtr;
int lastID; /* Last internal ID for a TOC entry */
char* fSpec; /* Archive File Spec */
FILE *FH; /* General purpose file handle */
void *OF;
int gzOut; /* Output file */
struct _tocEntry* toc; /* List of TOC entries */
int tocCount; /* Number of TOC entries */
struct _tocEntry* currToc; /* Used when dumping data */
char *currUser; /* Restore: current username in script */
int compression; /* Compression requested on open */
ArchiveMode mode; /* File mode - r or w */
void* formatData; /* Header data specific to file format */
} ArchiveHandle;
typedef struct _tocEntry {
struct _tocEntry* prev;
struct _tocEntry* next;
int id;
int hadDumper; /* Archiver was passed a dumper routine (used in restore) */
char* oid;
int oidVal;
char* name;
char* desc;
char* defn;
char* dropStmt;
char* owner;
char** depOid;
int printed; /* Indicates if entry defn has been dumped */
DataDumperPtr dataDumper; /* Routine to dump data for object */
void* dataDumperArg; /* Arg for above routine */
void* formatData; /* TOC Entry data specific to file format */
int _moved; /* Marker used when rearranging TOC */
} TocEntry;
extern void die_horribly(const char *fmt, ...);
extern void WriteTOC(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void ReadTOC(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void WriteHead(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void ReadHead(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void WriteToc(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void ReadToc(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void WriteDataChunks(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern int TocIDRequired(ArchiveHandle* AH, int id, RestoreOptions *ropt);
* Mandatory routines for each supported format
extern int WriteInt(ArchiveHandle* AH, int i);
extern int ReadInt(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern char* ReadStr(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern int WriteStr(ArchiveHandle* AH, char* s);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_Custom(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_Files(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern void InitArchiveFmt_PlainText(ArchiveHandle* AH);
extern OutputContext SetOutput(ArchiveHandle* AH, char *filename, int compression);
extern void ResetOutput(ArchiveHandle* AH, OutputContext savedContext);
int ahwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, ArchiveHandle* AH);
int ahprintf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const char *fmt, ...);
This diff is collapsed.
* pg_backup_files.c
* This file is copied from the 'custom' format file, but dumps data into
* separate files, and the TOC into the 'main' file.
* (and could probably be used as a basis for writing a tar file)
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 28-Jun-2000 -
* Initial version.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i);
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* );
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len);
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len);
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt);
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
typedef struct {
int hasSeek;
int filePos;
} lclContext;
typedef struct {
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
gzFile *FH;
char *filename;
} lclTocEntry;
* Initializer
void InitArchiveFmt_Files(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx;
/* Assuming static functions, this can be copied for each format. */
AH->ArchiveEntryPtr = _ArchiveEntry;
AH->StartDataPtr = _StartData;
AH->WriteDataPtr = _WriteData;
AH->EndDataPtr = _EndData;
AH->WriteBytePtr = _WriteByte;
AH->ReadBytePtr = _ReadByte;
AH->WriteBufPtr = _WriteBuf;
AH->ReadBufPtr = _ReadBuf;
AH->ClosePtr = _CloseArchive;
AH->PrintTocDataPtr = _PrintTocData;
AH->ReadExtraTocPtr = _ReadExtraToc;
AH->WriteExtraTocPtr = _WriteExtraToc;
AH->PrintExtraTocPtr = _PrintExtraToc;
* Set up some special context used in compressing data.
ctx = (lclContext*)malloc(sizeof(lclContext));
AH->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->filePos = 0;
* Now open the TOC file
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_W);
} else {
AH->FH = stdout;
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
if (AH->compression < 0 || AH->compression > 9) {
} else {
if (AH->fSpec && strcmp(AH->fSpec,"") != 0) {
AH->FH = fopen(AH->fSpec, PG_BINARY_R);
} else {
AH->FH = stdin;
ctx->hasSeek = (fseek(AH->FH, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0);
fclose(AH->FH); /* Nothing else in the file... */
* - Start a new TOC entry
* Setup the output file name.
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx;
char fn[1024];
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(lclTocEntry));
if (te->dataDumper) {
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
if (AH->compression == 0) {
sprintf(fn, "%d.dat", te->id);
} else {
sprintf(fn, "%d.dat.gz", te->id);
sprintf(fn, "%d.dat", te->id);
ctx->filename = strdup(fn);
} else {
ctx->filename = NULL;
ctx->FH = NULL;
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
static void _WriteExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
if (ctx->filename) {
WriteStr(AH, ctx->filename);
} else {
WriteStr(AH, "");
static void _ReadExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
if (ctx == NULL) {
ctx = (lclTocEntry*)malloc(sizeof(lclTocEntry));
te->formatData = (void*)ctx;
ctx->filename = ReadStr(AH);
if (strlen(ctx->filename) == 0) {
ctx->filename = NULL;
ctx->FH = NULL;
static void _PrintExtraToc(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* ctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
ahprintf(AH, "-- File: %s\n", ctx->filename);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)te->formatData;
char fmode[10];
sprintf(fmode, "wb%d", AH->compression);
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
tctx->FH = gzopen(tctx->filename, fmode);
tctx->FH = fopen(tctx->filename, PG_BINARY_W);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*)AH->currToc->formatData;
GZWRITE((void*)data, 1, dLen, tctx->FH);
return dLen;
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
/* Close the file */
tctx->FH = NULL;
* Print data for a given TOC entry
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
lclTocEntry* tctx = (lclTocEntry*) te->formatData;
char buf[4096];
int cnt;
if (!tctx->filename)
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
AH->FH = gzopen(tctx->filename,"rb");
AH->FH = fopen(tctx->filename,PG_BINARY_R);
ahprintf(AH, "--\n-- Data for TOC Entry ID %d (OID %s) %s %s\n--\n\n",
te->id, te->oid, te->desc, te->name);
while ( (cnt = GZREAD(buf, 1, 4096, AH->FH)) > 0) {
ahwrite(buf, 1, cnt, AH);
ahprintf(AH, "\n\n");
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fputc(i, AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
static int _ReadByte(ArchiveHandle* AH)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fgetc(AH->FH);
if (res != EOF) {
ctx->filePos += 1;
return res;
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fwrite(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
static int _ReadBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void* buf, int len)
lclContext* ctx = (lclContext*)AH->formatData;
int res;
res = fread(buf, 1, len, AH->FH);
ctx->filePos += res;
return res;
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH)
if (AH->mode == archModeWrite) {
* pg_backup_plain_text.c
* This file is copied from the 'custom' format file, but dumps data into
* directly to a text file, and the TOC into the 'main' file.
* See the headers to pg_restore for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2000, Philip Warner
* Rights are granted to use this software in any way so long
* as this notice is not removed.
* The author is not responsible for loss or damages that may
* result from it's use.
* Modifications - 01-Jul-2000 -
* Initial version.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* for dup */
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pg_backup_archiver.h"
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen);
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i);
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len);
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH);
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt);
* Initializer
void InitArchiveFmt_PlainText(ArchiveHandle* AH)
/* Assuming static functions, this can be copied for each format. */
AH->ArchiveEntryPtr = _ArchiveEntry;
AH->StartDataPtr = _StartData;
AH->WriteDataPtr = _WriteData;
AH->EndDataPtr = _EndData;
AH->WriteBytePtr = _WriteByte;
AH->WriteBufPtr = _WriteBuf;
AH->ClosePtr = _CloseArchive;
AH->PrintTocDataPtr = _PrintTocData;
* Now prevent reading...
if (AH->mode == archModeRead)
die_horribly("%s: This format can not be read\n");
* - Start a new TOC entry
static void _ArchiveEntry(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
/* Don't need to do anything */
static void _StartData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
ahprintf(AH, "--\n-- Data for TOC Entry ID %d (OID %s) %s %s\n--\n\n",
te->id, te->oid, te->desc, te->name);
static int _WriteData(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* data, int dLen)
ahwrite(data, 1, dLen, AH);
return dLen;
static void _EndData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te)
ahprintf(AH, "\n\n");
* Print data for a given TOC entry
static void _PrintTocData(ArchiveHandle* AH, TocEntry* te, RestoreOptions *ropt)
if (*te->dataDumper)
(*te->dataDumper)((Archive*)AH, te->oid, te->dataDumperArg);
static int _WriteByte(ArchiveHandle* AH, const int i)
/* Don't do anything */
return 0;
static int _WriteBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, const void* buf, int len)
/* Don't do anything */
return len;
static void _CloseArchive(ArchiveHandle* AH)
/* Nothing to do */
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_dump.h,v 1.48 2000/04/12 17:16:15 momjian Exp $
* $Id: pg_dump.h,v 1.49 2000/07/04 14:25:28 momjian Exp $
* Modifications - 6/12/96 - - version 1.13.dhb.2
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "pqexpbuffer.h"
#include "catalog/pg_index.h"
#include "pg_backup.h"
/* The data structures used to store system catalog information */
......@@ -64,6 +65,15 @@ typedef struct _funcInfo
int dumped; /* 1 if already dumped */
} FuncInfo;
typedef struct _trigInfo
char *oid;
char *tgname;
char *tgsrc;
char *tgdel;
char *tgcomment;
} TrigInfo;
typedef struct _tableInfo
char *oid;
......@@ -94,9 +104,7 @@ typedef struct _tableInfo
int ncheck; /* # of CHECK expressions */
char **check_expr; /* [CONSTRAINT name] CHECK expressions */
int ntrig; /* # of triggers */
char **triggers; /* CREATE TRIGGER ... */
char **trcomments; /* COMMENT ON TRIGGER ... */
char **troids; /* TRIGGER oids */
TrigInfo *triggers; /* Triggers on the table */
char *primary_key; /* PRIMARY KEY of the table, if any */
} TableInfo;
......@@ -162,7 +170,7 @@ typedef struct _oprInfo
extern bool g_force_quotes; /* double-quotes for identifiers flag */
extern bool g_verbose; /* verbose flag */
extern int g_last_builtin_oid; /* value of the last builtin oid */
extern FILE *g_fout; /* the script file */
extern Archive *g_fout; /* the script file */
/* placeholders for comment starting and ending delimiters */
extern char g_comment_start[10];
......@@ -179,11 +187,14 @@ extern char g_opaque_type[10]; /* name for the opaque type */
* common utility functions
extern TableInfo *dumpSchema(FILE *fout,
extern TableInfo *dumpSchema(Archive *fout,
int *numTablesPtr,
const char *tablename,
const bool acls);
extern void dumpSchemaIdx(FILE *fout,
const bool acls,
const bool oids,
const bool schemaOnly,
const bool dataOnly);
extern void dumpSchemaIdx(Archive *fout,
const char *tablename,
TableInfo *tblinfo,
int numTables);
......@@ -215,22 +226,23 @@ extern TableInfo *getTables(int *numTables, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs);
extern InhInfo *getInherits(int *numInherits);
extern void getTableAttrs(TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables);
extern IndInfo *getIndices(int *numIndices);
extern void dumpDBComment(FILE *outfile);
extern void dumpTypes(FILE *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs,
extern void dumpDBComment(Archive *outfile);
extern void dumpTypes(Archive *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs,
TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes);
extern void dumpProcLangs(FILE *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs,
extern void dumpProcLangs(Archive *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs,
TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes);
extern void dumpFuncs(FILE *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs,
extern void dumpFuncs(Archive *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs,
TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes);
extern void dumpAggs(FILE *fout, AggInfo *agginfo, int numAggregates,
extern void dumpAggs(Archive *fout, AggInfo *agginfo, int numAggregates,
TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes);
extern void dumpOprs(FILE *fout, OprInfo *agginfo, int numOperators,
extern void dumpOprs(Archive *fout, OprInfo *agginfo, int numOperators,
TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes);
extern void dumpTables(FILE *fout, TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables,
extern void dumpTables(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables,
InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits,
TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes, const char *tablename,
const bool acls);
extern void dumpIndices(FILE *fout, IndInfo *indinfo, int numIndices,
const bool acls, const bool oids,
const bool schemaOnly, const bool dataOnly);
extern void dumpIndices(Archive *fout, IndInfo *indinfo, int numIndices,
TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables, const char *tablename);
extern const char *fmtId(const char *identifier, bool force_quotes);
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# and "pg_group" tables, which belong to the whole installation rather
# than any one individual database.
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/Attic/,v 1.1 2000/07/03 16:35:39 petere Exp $
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/Attic/,v 1.2 2000/07/04 14:25:28 momjian Exp $
CMDNAME=`basename $0`
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ fi
PSQL="${PGPATH}/psql $connectopts"
PGDUMP="${PGPATH}/pg_dump $connectopts $pgdumpextraopts"
PGDUMP="${PGPATH}/pg_dump $connectopts $pgdumpextraopts -Fp"
echo "--"
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