Commit 47c91b55 authored by Alvaro Herrera's avatar Alvaro Herrera

Restore partition_prune's usage of parallel workers

This reverts commit 4d0f6d3f ("Attempt to stabilize partition_prune
test output (2)"), and attempts to stabilize the test by using string
replacement to hide any loop count difference in parallel nodes.

parent b15e8f71
......@@ -360,6 +360,29 @@ execute ab_q3 (1, 8);
explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) execute ab_q3 (2, 2);
-- Parallel append
-- Suppress the number of loops each parallel node runs for. This is because
-- more than one worker may run the same parallel node if timing conditions
-- are just right, which destabilizes the test.
create function explain_parallel_append(text, int[]) returns setof text
language plpgsql as
ln text;
args text := string_agg(u::text, ', ') from unnest($2) u;
for ln in
execute format('explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) execute %s(%s)',
$1, args)
if ln like '%Parallel%' then
ln := regexp_replace(ln, 'loops=\d*', 'loops=N');
end if;
return next ln;
end loop;
prepare ab_q4 (int, int) as
select avg(a) from ab where a between $1 and $2 and b < 4;
......@@ -367,13 +390,8 @@ select avg(a) from ab where a between $1 and $2 and b < 4;
set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-- set this so we get a parallel plan
set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-- and zero this so that workers don't destabilize the explain output
set max_parallel_workers = 0;
-- Execute query 5 times to allow choose_custom_plan
-- to start considering a generic plan.
execute ab_q4 (1, 8);
......@@ -381,8 +399,7 @@ execute ab_q4 (1, 8);
execute ab_q4 (1, 8);
execute ab_q4 (1, 8);
execute ab_q4 (1, 8);
explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) execute ab_q4 (2, 2);
select explain_parallel_append('ab_q4', '{2, 2}');
-- Test run-time pruning with IN lists.
prepare ab_q5 (int, int, int) as
......@@ -396,12 +413,12 @@ execute ab_q5 (1, 2, 3);
execute ab_q5 (1, 2, 3);
execute ab_q5 (1, 2, 3);
explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) execute ab_q5 (1, 1, 1);
explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) execute ab_q5 (2, 3, 3);
select explain_parallel_append('ab_q5', '{1, 1, 1}');
select explain_parallel_append('ab_q5', '{2, 3, 3}');
-- Try some params whose values do not belong to any partition.
-- We'll still get a single subplan in this case, but it should not be scanned.
explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) execute ab_q5 (33, 44, 55);
select explain_parallel_append('ab_q5', '{33, 44, 55}');
-- Test parallel Append with IN list and parameterized nested loops
create table lprt_a (a int not null);
......@@ -434,7 +451,7 @@ execute ab_q6 (1, 2, 3);
execute ab_q6 (1, 2, 3);
execute ab_q6 (1, 2, 3);
explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) execute ab_q6 (0, 0, 1);
select explain_parallel_append('ab_q6', '{0, 0, 1}');
insert into lprt_a values(3),(3);
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