Commit 4607c5ca authored by Michael Meskes's avatar Michael Meskes

Adding script that generates preproc.y from gram.y to CVS.

parent 81e11f2d
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/,v 1.1 2008/11/14 10:01:04 meskes Exp $
# parser generater for ecpg
# call with backend parser as stdin
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Written by Mike Aubury <>
# Michael Meskes <>
# Placed under the same license as PostgreSQL.
if (@ARGV) {
$path = $ARGV[0];
shift @ARGV;
if ($path eq '') { $path = "."; }
$[ = 1; # set array base to 1
$, = ' '; # set output field separator
$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
$copymode = 'off';
$brace_indent = 0;
$yaccmode = 0;
$header_included = 0;
$feature_not_supported = 0;
$tokenmode = 0;
# some token have to be replaced by other symbols
# either in the rule
$replace_token{'BCONST'} = 'ecpg_bconst';
$replace_token{'FCONST'} = 'ecpg_fconst';
$replace_token{'Sconst'} = 'ecpg_sconst';
$replace_token{'IDENT'} = 'ecpg_ident';
$replace_token{'PARAM'} = 'ecpg_param';
# or in the block
$replace_string{'WITH_TIME'} = 'with time';
$replace_string{'NULLS_FIRST'} = 'nulls first';
$replace_string{'NULLS_LAST'} = 'nulls last';
$replace_string{'TYPECAST'} = '::';
# specific replace_types for specific non-terminals - never include the ':'
# ECPG-only replace_types are defined in ecpg-replace_types
$replace_types{'PrepareStmt'} = '<prep>';
$replace_types{'opt_array_bounds'} = '<index>';
# "ignore" means: do not create type and rules for this non-term-id
$replace_types{'stmtblock'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'stmtmulti'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'CreateAsStmt'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'DeallocateStmt'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'RuleStmt'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'ColLabel'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'unreserved_keyword'} = 'ignore';
$replace_types{'Sconst'} = 'ignore';
# some production rules have to be ignored or replaced
$replace_line{'fetch_direction'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{"opt_array_boundsopt_array_bounds'['Iconst']'"} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'col_name_keywordCHAR_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'col_name_keywordINT_P'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'col_name_keywordVALUES'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'reserved_keywordTO'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'reserved_keywordUNION'} = 'ignore';
$replace_line{'VariableShowStmtSHOWvar_name'} = 'SHOW var_name ecpg_into';
$replace_line{'VariableShowStmtSHOWTIMEZONE'} = 'SHOW TIME ZONE ecpg_into';
$replace_line{'ExecuteStmtEXECUTEnameexecute_param_clause'} = 'EXECUTE prepared_name execute_param_clause execute_rest';
$replace_line{'ExecuteStmtCREATEOptTempTABLEcreate_as_targetASEXECUTEnameexecute_param_clause'} = 'CREATE OptTemp TABLE create_as_target AS EXECUTE prepared_name execute_param_clause';
$replace_line{'PrepareStmtPREPAREnameprep_type_clauseASPreparableStmt'} = 'PREPARE prepared_name prep_type_clause AS PreparableStmt';
$replace_line{'var_nameColId'} = 'ECPGColId';
line: while (<>) {
chomp; # strip record separator
@Fld = split(' ', $_, -1);
# Dump the action for a rule -
# mode indicates if we are processing the 'stmt:' rule (mode==0 means normal, mode==1 means stmt:)
# flds are the fields to use. These may start with a '$' - in which case they are the result of a previous non-terminal
# if they dont start with a '$' then they are token name
# len is the number of fields in flds...
# leadin is the padding to apply at the beginning (just use for formatting)
$feature_not_supported = 1;
next line;
if (/^%%/) {
$tokenmode = 2;
$copymode = 'on';
$infield = 0;
$fieldcount = 0;
$S = $_;
$prec = 0;
# Make sure any braces are split
$s = '{', $S =~ s/$s/ { /g;
$s = '}', $S =~ s/$s/ } /g;
# Any comments are split
$s = '[/][*]', $S =~ s#$s# /* #g;
$s = '[*][/]', $S =~ s#$s# */ #g;
# Now split the line into individual fields
$n = (@arr = split(' ', $S));
if ($arr[1] eq '%token' && $tokenmode == 0) {
$tokenmode = 1;
&include_stuff('tokens', 'ecpg.tokens', '', 1, 0);
$type = 1;
elsif ($arr[1] eq '%type' && $header_included == 0) {
&include_stuff('header', 'ecpg.header', '', 1, 0);
&include_stuff('ecpgtype', 'ecpg.type', '', 1, 0);
$header_included = 1;
if ($tokenmode == 1) {
$str = '';
for ($a = 1; $a <= $n; $a++) {
if ($arr[$a] eq '/*') {
if ($arr[$a] eq '*/') {
if ($comment) {
if (substr($arr[$a], 1, 1) eq '<') {
# its a type
$tokens{$arr[$a]} = 1;
$str = $str . ' ' . $arr[$a];
if ($arr[$a] eq 'IDENT' && $arr[$a - 1] eq '%nonassoc') {
# add two more tokens to the list
$str = $str . "\n%nonassoc CSTRING\n%nonassoc UIDENT";
&add_to_buffer('orig_tokens', $str);
next line;
# Dont worry about anything if we're not in the right section of gram.y
if ($yaccmode != 1) {
next line;
# Go through each field in turn
for ($fieldIndexer = 1; $fieldIndexer <= $n; $fieldIndexer++) {
if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '*/' && $comment) {
$comment = 0;
elsif ($comment) {
elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '/*') {
# start of a multiline comment
$comment = 1;
elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '//') {
next line;
elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '}') {
elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '{') {
if ($brace_indent > 0) {
if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq ';') {
if ($copymode eq 'on') {
if ($infield && $includetype eq '') {
&dump_line($stmt_mode, $fields, $field_count);
&add_to_buffer('rules', ";\n\n");
else {
$copymode = 'on';
$field_count = 0;
$infield = 0;
$line = '';
$includetype = '';
if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '|') {
if ($copymode eq 'on') {
if ($infield && $includetype eq '') {
$infield = $infield + &dump_line($stmt_mode, $fields, $field_count);
if ($infield > 1) {
$line = '| ';
$field_count = 0;
$includetype = '';
if ($replace_token{$arr[$fieldIndexer]}) {
$arr[$fieldIndexer] = $replace_token{$arr[$fieldIndexer]};
# Are we looking at a declaration of a non-terminal ?
if (($arr[$fieldIndexer] =~ '[A-Za-z0-9]+:') || $arr[$fieldIndexer + 1] eq ':') {
$non_term_id = $arr[$fieldIndexer];
$s = ':', $non_term_id =~ s/$s//g;
if ($replace_types{$non_term_id} eq '') {
$replace_types{$non_term_id} = '<str>';
if ($replace_types{$non_term_id} eq 'ignore') {
$copymode = ';';
$line = '';
next line;
else {
$copymode = 'on';
$line = $line . ' ' . $arr[$fieldIndexer];
# Do we have the : attached already ?
# If yes, we'll have already printed the ':'
if (!($arr[$fieldIndexer] =~ '[A-Za-z0-9]+:')) {
# Consume the ':' which is next...
$line = $line . ':';
# Special mode?
if ($non_term_id eq 'stmt') {
$stmt_mode = 1;
else {
$stmt_mode = 0;
$tstr = '%type ' . $replace_types{$non_term_id} . ' ' . $non_term_id;
&add_to_buffer('types', $tstr);
if ($copymode eq 'on') {
&add_to_buffer('rules', $line);
$line = '';
$field_count = 0;
$infield = 1;
elsif ($copymode eq 'on') {
$line = $line . ' ' . $arr[$fieldIndexer];
if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '%prec') {
$prec = 1;
if ($copymode eq 'on' && !$prec && !$comment && $arr[$fieldIndexer] ne '/*EMPTY*/' && length($arr[$fieldIndexer]) && $infield) {
$nfield = $field_count + 1;
if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] ne 'Op' && ($tokens{$arr[$fieldIndexer]} > 0 || $arr[$fieldIndexer] =~ "'.+'") || $stmt_mode == 1) {
if ($replace_string{$arr[$fieldIndexer]}) {
$S = $replace_string{$arr[$fieldIndexer]};
else {
$S = $arr[$fieldIndexer];
$s = '_P', $S =~ s/$s//g;
$s = "'", $S =~ s/$s//g;
if ($stmt_mode == 1) {
$fields{$field_count++} = $S;
else {
$fields{$field_count++} = lc($S);
else {
$fields{$field_count++} = "\$" . $nfield;
print '%%';
print 'prog: statements;';
&include_stuff('trailer', 'ecpg.trailer', '', 1, 0);
sub include_stuff {
local($includestream, $includefilename, $includeblock, $copy, $field_count) = @_;
$copied = 0;
$inblock = 0;
$filename = $path . "/" . $includefilename;
while (($_ = &Getline2($filename),$getline_ok)) {
if ($includeblock ne '' && $Fld[1] eq 'ECPG:' && $inblock == 0) {
if ($Fld[2] eq $includeblock) {
$copy = 1;
$inblock = 1;
$includetype = $Fld[3];
if ($includetype eq 'rule') {
&dump_fields($stmt_mode, *fields, $field_count, ' { ');
elsif ($includetype eq 'addon') {
&add_to_buffer('rules', ' { ');
else {
$copy = 0;
else {
if ($copy == 1 && $Fld[1] ne 'ECPG:') {
&add_to_buffer($includestream, $_);
$copied = 1;
$inblock = 0;
delete $opened{$filename} && close($filename);
if ($includetype eq 'addon') {
&dump_fields($stmt_mode, *fields, $field_count, '');
if ($copied == 1) {
$field_count = 0;
$line = '';
sub add_to_buffer {
local($buffer, $str) = @_;
$buff{$buffer, $buffcnt{$buffer}++} = $str;
sub dump {
local($buffer) = @_;
print '/* ' . $buffer . ' */';
for ($a = 0; $a < $buffcnt{$buffer}; $a++) {
print $buff{$buffer, $a};
sub dump_fields {
local($mode, *flds, $len, $ln) = @_;
if ($mode == 0) {
&add_to_buffer('rules', $ln);
if ($feature_not_supported == 1) {
# we found an unsupported feature, but we have to
# filter out ExecuteStmt: CREATE OptTemp TABLE ...
# because the warning there is only valid in some situations
if ($flds{0} ne 'create' || $flds{2} ne 'table') {
&add_to_buffer('rules', "mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, \"unsupported feature will be passed to backend\\n\");");
$feature_not_supported = 0;
if ($len == 0) {
# We have no fields ?
&add_to_buffer('rules', " \$\$=EMPTY; }");
else {
# Go through each field and try to 'aggregate' the tokens into a single 'make_str' where possible
$cnt = 0;
for ($z = 0; $z < $len; $z++) {
if (substr($flds{$z}, 1, 1) eq "\$") {
$flds_new{$cnt++} = $flds{$z};
$str = $flds{$z};
while (1) {
if ($z >= $len - 1 || substr($flds{$z + 1}, 1, 1) eq "\$") {
# We're at the end...
$flds_new{$cnt++} = "make_str(\"" . $str . "\")";
$str = $str . ' ' . $flds{$z};
# So - how many fields did we end up with ?
if ($cnt == 1) {
# Straight assignement
$str = " \$\$ = " . $flds_new{0} . ';';
&add_to_buffer('rules', $str);
else {
# Need to concatenate the results to form
# our final string
$str = " \$\$ = cat_str(" . $cnt;
for ($z = 0; $z < $cnt; $z++) {
$str = $str . ',' . $flds_new{$z};
$str = $str . ');';
&add_to_buffer('rules', $str);
if ($literal_mode == 0) {
&add_to_buffer('rules', '}');
else {
# we're in the stmt: rule
if ($len) {
# or just the statement ...
&add_to_buffer('rules', " { output_statement(\$1, 0, ECPGst_normal); }");
else {
&add_to_buffer('rules', " { \$\$ = NULL; }");
sub generate_block {
local($line) = @_;
$block = $non_term_id . $line;
$s = ' ', $block =~ s/$s//g;
$s = "\\|", $block =~ s/$s//g;
return $block;
sub dump_line {
local($stmt_mode, $fields, $field_count) = @_;
$block = &generate_block($line);
if ($replace_line{$block} eq 'ignore') {
return 0;
elsif ($replace_line{$block}) {
if (index($line, '|') != 0) {
$line = '| ' . $replace_line{$block};
else {
$line = $replace_line{$block};
$block = &generate_block($line);
&add_to_buffer('rules', $line);
$i = &include_stuff('rules', 'ecpg.addons', $block, 0, $field_count);
if ($i == 0) {
&dump_fields($stmt_mode, *fields, $field_count, ' { ');
return 1;
sub Getline2 {
if ($getline_ok = (($_ = <$fh>) ne '')) {
chomp; # strip record separator
@Fld = split(' ', $_, -1);
sub Pick {
local($mode,$name,$pipe) = @_;
$fh = $name;
open($name,$mode.$name.$pipe) unless $opened{$name}++;
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