Commit 4405a85d authored by Thomas G. Lockhart's avatar Thomas G. Lockhart

Include tests for new 8-byte integer (minimal).

Include tests for HAVING clause.
parent 33dd5c44
QUERY: CREATE TABLE INT8_TBL(q1 int8, q2 int8);
QUERY: INSERT INTO INT8_TBL VALUES('123','4567890123456789');
QUERY: INSERT INTO INT8_TBL VALUES('4567890123456789','123');
QUERY: INSERT INTO INT8_TBL VALUES('4567890123456789','4567890123456789');
QUERY: INSERT INTO INT8_TBL VALUES('4567890123456789','-4567890123456789');
q1| q2
123| 456
123| 4567890123456789
4567890123456789| 123
4567890123456789| 4567890123456789
(5 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, q1 AS plus, -q1 AS minus FROM INT8_TBL;
five| plus| minus
| 123| -123
| 123| -123
(5 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, q1, q2, q1 + q2 AS plus FROM INT8_TBL;
five| q1| q2| plus
| 123| 456| 579
| 123| 4567890123456789|4567890123456912
|4567890123456789| 123|4567890123456912
|4567890123456789| 4567890123456789|9135780246913578
|4567890123456789|-4567890123456789| 0
(5 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, q1, q2, q1 - q2 AS minus FROM INT8_TBL;
five| q1| q2| minus
| 123| 456| -333
| 123| 4567890123456789|-4567890123456666
|4567890123456789| 123| 4567890123456666
|4567890123456789| 4567890123456789| 0
|4567890123456789|-4567890123456789| 9135780246913578
(5 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, q1, q2, q1 * q2 AS multiply FROM INT8_TBL
WHERE q1 < 1000 or (q2 > 0 and q2 < 1000);
three| q1| q2| multiply
| 123| 456| 56088
| 123|4567890123456789|561850485185185047
|4567890123456789| 123|561850485185185047
(3 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, q1, q2, q1 / q2 AS divide FROM INT8_TBL;
five| q1| q2| divide
| 123| 456| 0
| 123| 4567890123456789| 0
|4567890123456789| 123|37137318076884
|4567890123456789| 4567890123456789| 1
|4567890123456789|-4567890123456789| -1
(5 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, q1, float8(q1) FROM INT8_TBL;
five| q1|float8
| 123|123
| 123|123
(5 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, q2, float8(q2) FROM INT8_TBL;
five| q2|float8
| 456|456
| 4567890123456789|4.56789012345679e+15
| 123|123
| 4567890123456789|4.56789012345679e+15
(5 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, q1, int8(float8(q1)) AS "two coercions" FROM INT8_TBL;
five| q1| two coercions
| 123| 123
| 123| 123
(5 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, 2 * q1 AS "twice int4" FROM INT8_TBL;
five| twice int4
| 246
| 246
(5 rows)
QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, q1 * 2 AS "twice int4" FROM INT8_TBL;
five| twice int4
| 246
| 246
(5 rows)
GROUP BY d1 HAVING count(*) > 1;
d1 |count
Thu Jun 13 00:00:00 1957 PDT| 2
Mon Feb 10 09:32:01 1997 PST| 3
Mon Feb 10 17:32:01 1997 PST| 13
Sun Feb 16 17:32:01 1997 PST| 2
Sat Mar 01 17:32:01 1997 PST| 2
invalid | 2
(6 rows)
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