Commit 3b40fd9e authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Update manual

parent b411e26a
.\" This is -*-nroff-*-
.\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here....
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/create_rule.l,v 1.3 1998/01/11 22:17:16 momjian Exp $
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/create_rule.l,v 1.4 1998/03/26 21:01:44 momjian Exp $
.TH "CREATE RULE" SQL 11/05/95 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
create rule - define a new rule
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ create rule - define a new rule
[action | nothing | \fB[\fPactions...\fB]\fP]
.IR "The current rule system implementation is very brittle and is unstable. Users are discouraged from using rules at this time."
.BR "Create rule"
is used to define a new rule.
.\" This is -*-nroff-*-
.\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here....
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/grant.l,v 1.3 1998/01/11 22:17:36 momjian Exp $
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/grant.l,v 1.4 1998/03/26 21:01:47 momjian Exp $
.TH GRANT SQL 11/05/95 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
grant - grant access control to a user or group
......@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ grant - grant access control to a user or group
.B Grant
allows you to give specified permissions to all users or
a certain user or group.
By default, a table grants read-only (\fBSELECT\fR) to all Postgres users.
You must specifically revoke this privilege if this is not desired.
By default, only the table owner has rights.
......@@ -30,4 +29,3 @@ grant insert
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