Commit 384d4f6e authored by Thomas G. Lockhart's avatar Thomas G. Lockhart

Update catalog lists for v6.2.

Add documentation of some text functions.
Add descriptions of some new SQL/92-compatible string functions.
parent c19bd8c7
.\" This is -*-nroff-*-
.\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here....
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/pgbuiltin.3,v 1.4 1997/09/16 03:01:43 momjian Exp $
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/pgbuiltin.3,v 1.5 1997/09/27 04:37:33 thomas Exp $
.TH PGBUILTIN INTRO 04/01/97 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
This section describes the data types, functions and operators
......@@ -37,12 +37,9 @@ described in this section.
date ANSI SQL date type
datetime general-use date and time
filename large object filename
int alias for int4
integer alias for int4
int2 two-byte signed integer
int28 array of 8 int2
int4 four-byte signed integer
float alias for float4
float4 single-precision floating-point number
float8 double-precision floating-point number
lseg 2-dimensional line segment
......@@ -57,11 +54,9 @@ described in this section.
point 2-dimensional geometric point
polygon 2-dimensional polygon (same as a closed path)
circle 2-dimensional circle (center and radius)
real alias for float4
regproc registered procedure
reltime (relative) date and time span (duration)
smgr storage manager
smallint alias for int2
text variable length array of characters
tid tuple identifier type
time ANSI SQL time type
......@@ -71,6 +66,52 @@ described in this section.
varchar variable-length characters
xid transaction identifier type
There are some data types defined by SQL/92 syntax which are mapped directly
into native Postgres types. Note that the "exact numerics"
.IR decimal
.IR numeric
have fully implemented syntax but currently (postgres v6.2) support only a limited
range of the values allowed by SQL/92.
.SH "List of SQL/92 types"
.if n .ta 5 +15 +25 +40
.if t .ta 0.5i +1.5i +3.0i
.in 0
\fBPOSTGRES Type\fP \fBSQL/92 Type\fP \fBMeaning\fP
char(n) character(n) fixed-length character string
varchar(n) character varying(n) variable-length character string
float4/8 float(p) floating-point number with precision p
float8 double precision double-precision floating-point number
float8 real double-precision floating-point number
int2 smallint signed two-byte integer
int4 int signed 4-byte integer
int4 integer signed 4-byte integer
int4 decimal(p,s) exact numeric for p <= 9, s = 0
int4 numeric(p,s) exact numeric for p == 9, s = 0
timestamp timestamp with time zone date/time
timespan interval general-use time span
There are some constants and functions defined in SQL/92.
.SH "List of SQL/92 constants"
.if n .ta 5 +20 +40
.if t .ta 0.5i +1.5i +3.0i +4.0i
.in 0
\fBSQL/92 Function\fP \fBMeaning\fP
current_date date of current transaction
current_time time of current transaction
current_timestamp date and time of current transaction
......@@ -83,8 +124,11 @@ Most date and time types share code for data input. For those types (
.IR datetime ,
.IR abstime ,
.IR timestamp ,
.IR timespan and
.IR reltime )
.IR timespan ,
.IR reltime ,
.IR date ,
.IR time )
the input can have any of a wide variety of styles. For numeric date representations,
European and US conventions can differ, and the proper interpretation is obtained
by using the
......@@ -97,6 +141,11 @@ Postgres (see section on
with the SQL style having European and US variants (see
.IR set (l)).
In future releases, the number of date/time types will decrease, with the current
implementation of datetime becoming timestamp, timespan becoming interval,
and (possibly) abstime
and reltime being deprecated in favor of timestamp and interval.
General-use date and time is input using a wide range of
styles, including ISO-compatible, SQL-compatible, traditional
......@@ -531,7 +580,11 @@ tinterval
Many data types have functions available for conversion to other related types.
In addition, there are some type-specific functions.
In addition, there are some type-specific functions. Functions which are also
available through operators are documented as operators only.
Some functions defined for text are also available for char() and varchar().
For the
date_part() and date_trunc()
......@@ -546,6 +599,23 @@ to return day of week and `epoch' to return seconds since 1970.
float8 float(int) convert integer to floating point
float4 float4(int) convert integer to floating point
int integer(float) convert floating point to integer
text lower(text) convert text to lower case
text lpad(text,int,text) left pad string to specified length
text ltrim(text,text) left trim characters from text
text position(text,text) extract specified substring
text rpad(text,int,text) right pad string to specified length
text rtrim(text,text) right trim characters from text
text substr(text,int[,int]) extract specified substring
text upper(text) convert text to upper case
bool isfinite(abstime) TRUE if this is a finite time
datetime datetime(abstime) convert to datetime
......@@ -587,6 +657,22 @@ circle
float8 radius(circle) radius of circle
float8 diameter(circle) diameter of circle
float8 area(circle) area of circle
SQL/92 defines functions with specific syntax. Some of these
are implemented using other Postgres functions.
SQL/92 Functions:
text position(text in text) extract specified substring
text substring(text [from int] [for int])
extract specified substring
text trim([leading|trailing|both] [text] from text)
trim characters from text
......@@ -819,8 +905,8 @@ bool |lseg |line |?# |inter_sl
bool |lseg |line |@ |on_sl
bool |lseg |lseg |= |lseg_eq
bool |lseg |lseg |?# |lseg_intersect
bool |lseg |lseg |?-\| |lseg_perp
bool |lseg |lseg |?\|\| |lseg_parallel
bool |lseg |lseg |?-| |lseg_perp
bool |lseg |lseg |?|| |lseg_parallel
bool |money |money |< |cash_lt
bool |money |money |<= |cash_le
bool |money |money |<> |cash_ne
......@@ -876,14 +962,14 @@ bool |point |box |@ |on_pb
bool |point |circle |@ |pt_contained_circle
bool |point |line |@ |on_pl
bool |point |lseg |@ |on_ps
bool |point |path |@ |pt_contained_path
bool |point |path |@ |on_ppath
bool |point |path |@ |pt_contained_path
bool |point |point |<< |point_left
bool |point |point |<^ |point_below
bool |point |point |>> |point_right
bool |point |point |>^ |point_above
bool |point |point |?- |point_horiz
bool |point |point |?\| |point_vert
bool |point |point |?| |point_vert
bool |point |point |~= |point_eq
bool |point |polygon |@ |pt_contained_poly
bool |polygon |point |~ |poly_contain_pt
......@@ -939,8 +1025,14 @@ bool |tinterval |reltime |#> |intervallengt
bool |tinterval |reltime |#>= |intervallenge
bool |tinterval |tinterval |&& |intervalov
bool |tinterval |tinterval |< |intervalct
bool |tinterval |tinterval |< |intervallt
bool |tinterval |tinterval |<< |intervalct
bool |tinterval |tinterval |<= |intervalle
bool |tinterval |tinterval |<> |intervalne
bool |tinterval |tinterval |= |intervaleq
bool |tinterval |tinterval |> |intervalgt
bool |tinterval |tinterval |>= |intervalge
bool |tinterval |tinterval |~= |intervalsame
bool |varchar |text |!~ |textregexne
bool |varchar |text |!~* |texticregexne
bool |varchar |text |!~~ |textnlike
......@@ -996,8 +1088,8 @@ float8 |lseg |box |<-> |dist_sb
float8 |lseg |line |<-> |dist_sl
float8 |lseg |lseg |<-> |lseg_distance
float8 |path |path |<-> |path_distance
float8 |point |box |<-> |dist_pl
float8 |point |box |<-> |dist_pb
float8 |point |box |<-> |dist_pl
float8 |point |lseg |<-> |dist_ps
float8 |point |path |<-> |dist_ppath
float8 |point |point |<-> |point_distance
......@@ -1035,8 +1127,18 @@ int4 |int4 |int4 |* |int4mul
int4 |int4 |int4 |+ |int4pl
int4 |int4 |int4 |- |int4mi
int4 |int4 |int4 |/ |int4div
money |money |float8 |* |cash_mul
money |money |float8 |/ |cash_div
money |float4 |money |* |flt4_mul_cash
money |float8 |money |* |flt8_mul_cash
money |int2 |money |* |int2_mul_cash
money |int4 |money |* |int4_mul_cash
money |money |float4 |* |cash_mul_flt4
money |money |float4 |/ |cash_div_flt4
money |money |float8 |* |cash_mul_flt8
money |money |float8 |/ |cash_div_flt8
money |money |int2 |* |cash_mul_int2
money |money |int2 |/ |cash_div_int2
money |money |int4 |* |cash_mul_int4
money |money |int4 |/ |cash_div_int4
money |money |money |+ |cash_pl
money |money |money |- |cash_mi
path |path |path |+ |path_add
......@@ -1064,7 +1166,7 @@ timespan |timespan |timespan |+ |timespan_pl
timespan |timespan |timespan |- |timespan_mi
timespan |timespan |timespan |/ |timespan_div
tinterval|abstime |abstime |<#> |mktinterval
(446 rows)
(462 rows)
......@@ -1089,28 +1191,28 @@ left_unary|operand |return_type
@@ |box |point
@@ |circle |point
@ |float4 |float4
- |float4 |float4
\|/ |float8 |float8
@ |float4 |float4
- |float8 |float8
@ |float8 |float8
; |float8 |float8
: |float8 |float8
|/ |float8 |float8
||/ |float8 |float8
% |float8 |float8
\|\|/ |float8 |float8
- |float8 |float8
: |float8 |float8
; |float8 |float8
- |int2 |int2
- |int4 |int4
!! |int4 |int4
?- |lseg |bool
?\| |lseg |bool
- |int4 |int4
@@ |lseg |point
?? |path |float8
?- |lseg |bool
?| |lseg |bool
# |path |int4
?? |path |float8
@@ |path |point
@@ |polygon |point
# |polygon |int4
- |timespan |timespan
\| |tinterval|abstime
| |tinterval|abstime
(24 rows)
......@@ -1150,7 +1252,8 @@ This list was generated from the Postgres system catalogs with the query:
SELECT a.aggname, t.typname
SELECT a.aggname AS aggname,
t.typname AS typname
FROM pg_aggregate a, pg_type t
WHERE a.aggbasetype = t.oid
ORDER BY aggname, typname;
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