Commit 33d71e30 authored by Michael Meskes's avatar Michael Meskes

*** empty log message ***

parent 5633e22e
......@@ -755,3 +755,8 @@ Thu Dec 23 13:25:05 CET 1999
- Fixed command line parsing.
- Set ecpg version to 2.6.13.
Thu Jan 6 09:52:27 CET 2000
- Synced preproc.y with gram.y.
- Made sure Bruce's additions also make it into my source tree.
- Set ecpg version to 2.6.14.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include $(SRCDIR)/
......@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ static char *connection = NULL;
static int QueryIsRule = 0, ForUpdateNotAllowed = 0, FoundInto = 0;
static struct this_type actual_type[STRUCT_DEPTH];
static char *actual_storage[STRUCT_DEPTH];
static char *actual_startline[STRUCT_DEPTH];
/* temporarily store struct members while creating the data structure */
struct ECPGstruct_member *struct_member_list[STRUCT_DEPTH] = { NULL };
......@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ void
if (input_filename)
fprintf(yyout, "\n#line %d \"%s\"\n", yylineno, input_filename);
fprintf(yyout, "\n#line %d \"%s\"\n", yylineno + 1, input_filename);
static void
......@@ -480,20 +479,6 @@ make_name(void)
static char *
if (input_filename)
char* line = mm_alloc(strlen("\n#line %d \"%s\"\n") + 21 + strlen(input_filename));
sprintf(line, "\n#line %d \"%s\"\n", yylineno, input_filename);
return line;
return EMPTY;
static void
output_statement(char * stmt, int mode)
......@@ -772,7 +757,7 @@ adjust_array(enum ECPGttype type_enum, int *dimension, int *length, int type_dim
%type <str> columnList DeleteStmt LockStmt UpdateStmt CursorStmt
%type <str> NotifyStmt columnElem copy_dirn UnlistenStmt copy_null
%type <str> copy_delimiter ListenStmt CopyStmt copy_file_name opt_binary
%type <str> opt_with_copy FetchStmt direction fetch_how_many portal_name
%type <str> opt_with_copy FetchStmt opt_direction fetch_how_many opt_portal_name
%type <str> ClosePortalStmt DropStmt VacuumStmt opt_verbose
%type <str> opt_analyze opt_va_list va_list ExplainStmt index_params
%type <str> index_list func_index index_elem opt_type opt_class access_method_clause
......@@ -803,11 +788,12 @@ adjust_array(enum ECPGttype type_enum, int *dimension, int *length, int type_dim
%type <str> select_offset_value table_list using_expr join_expr
%type <str> using_list from_expr table_expr join_clause join_type
%type <str> join_qual update_list join_clause join_clause_with_union
%type <str> opt_level opt_lock lock_type,
%type <str> opt_level opt_lock lock_type users_in_new_group_clause
%type <str> OptConstrFromTable comment_op ConstraintAttributeSpec
%type <str> constraints_set_list constraints_set_namelist comment_fn
%type <str> constraints_set_mode comment_type comment_cl comment_ag
%type <str> ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec ConstraintTimeSpec
%type <str> CreateGroupStmt, AlterGroupStmt, DropGroupStmt
%type <str> ECPGWhenever ECPGConnect connection_target ECPGOpen
%type <str> indicator ECPGExecute ECPGPrepare ecpg_using
......@@ -822,7 +808,7 @@ adjust_array(enum ECPGttype type_enum, int *dimension, int *length, int type_dim
%type <str> enum_type civariableonly ECPGCursorStmt ECPGDeallocate
%type <str> ECPGFree ECPGDeclare ECPGVar sql_variable_declarations
%type <str> sql_declaration sql_variable_list sql_variable opt_at
%type <str> struct_type s_struct declaration declarations variable_declarations
%type <str> struct_type s_struct declaration variable_declarations
%type <str> s_struct s_union union_type ECPGSetAutocommit on_off
%type <type_enum> simple_type varchar_type
......@@ -851,12 +837,14 @@ statement: ecpgstart opt_at stmt ';' { connection = NULL; }
opt_at: SQL_AT connection_target { connection = $2; }
stmt: AddAttrStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| AlterGroupStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| AlterUserStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| ClosePortalStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| CommentStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| CopyStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| CreateStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| CreateAsStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| CreateGroupStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| CreateSeqStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| CreatePLangStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| CreateTrigStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
......@@ -865,6 +853,7 @@ stmt: AddAttrStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| DefineStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| DropStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| TruncateStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| DropGroupStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| DropPLangStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| DropTrigStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
| DropUserStmt { output_statement($1, 0); }
......@@ -1111,10 +1100,6 @@ user_group_list: user_group_list ',' UserId
user_group_clause: IN GROUP user_group_list
/* the backend doesn't actually process this,
* so an warning message is probably fairer */
mmerror(ET_WARN, "IN GROUP is not implemented");
$$ = cat2_str(make_str("in group"), $3);
| /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; }
......@@ -1124,6 +1109,63 @@ user_valid_clause: VALID UNTIL Sconst { $$ = cat2_str(make_str("valid until")
| /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; }
* Create a postresql group
CreateGroupStmt: CREATE GROUP UserId
$$ = cat2_str(make_str("create group"), $3);
| CREATE GROUP UserId WITH sysid_clause users_in_new_group_clause
$$ = cat_str(5, make_str("create group"), $3, make_str("with"), $5, $6);
users_in_new_group_clause: USER user_group_list { $$ = cat2_str(make_str("user"), $2); }
| /* EMPTY */ { $$ = EMPTY; }
* Alter a postresql group
AlterGroupStmt: ALTER GROUP UserId WITH SYSID Iconst
$$ = cat_str(4, make_str("alter group"), $3, make_str("with sysid"), $6);
ALTER GROUP UserId ADD USER user_group_list
$$ = cat_str(4, make_str("alter group"), $3, make_str("add user"), $6);
ALTER GROUP UserId DROP USER user_group_list
$$ = cat_str(4, make_str("alter group"), $3, make_str("drop user"), $6);
* Drop a postresql group
DropGroupStmt: DROP GROUP UserId
$$ = cat2_str(make_str("drop group"), $3);
* Set PG internal variable
......@@ -1885,36 +1927,20 @@ TruncateStmt: TRUNCATE TABLE relation_name
FetchStmt: FETCH direction fetch_how_many portal_name INTO into_list
FetchStmt: FETCH opt_direction fetch_how_many opt_portal_name INTO into_list
if (strcmp($2, "relative") == 0 && atol($3) == 0L)
mmerror(ET_ERROR, "FETCH/RELATIVE at current position is not supported");
$$ = cat_str(4, make_str("fetch"), $2, $3, $4);
| FETCH fetch_how_many portal_name INTO into_list
$$ = cat_str(3, make_str("fetch"), $2, $3);
| FETCH portal_name INTO into_list
| MOVE opt_direction fetch_how_many opt_portal_name
$$ = cat_str(2, make_str("fetch"), $2);
| MOVE direction fetch_how_many portal_name
$$ = cat_str(4, make_str("move"), $2, $3, $4);
| MOVE fetch_how_many portal_name
$$ = cat_str(3, make_str("move"), $2, $3);
| MOVE portal_name
$$ = cat_str(2, make_str("move"), $2);
$$ = cat_str(4, make_str("fetch"), $2, $3, $4);
direction: FORWARD { $$ = make_str("forward"); }
opt_direction: FORWARD { $$ = make_str("forward"); }
| BACKWARD { $$ = make_str("backward"); }
| RELATIVE { $$ = make_str("relative"); }
......@@ -1922,6 +1948,7 @@ direction: FORWARD { $$ = make_str("forward"); }
mmerror(ET_WARN, "FETCH/ABSOLUTE not supported, backend will use RELATIVE");
$$ = make_str("absolute");
| /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; /* default */ }
fetch_how_many: Iconst { $$ = $1; }
......@@ -1929,11 +1956,13 @@ fetch_how_many: Iconst { $$ = $1; }
| ALL { $$ = make_str("all"); }
| NEXT { $$ = make_str("next"); }
| PRIOR { $$ = make_str("prior"); }
| /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; /*default*/ }
portal_name: IN name { $$ = cat2_str(make_str("in"), $2); }
opt_portal_name: IN name { $$ = cat2_str(make_str("in"), $2); }
| FROM name { $$ = cat2_str(make_str("from"), $2); }
| name { $$ = cat2_str(make_str("in"), $1); }
/* | name { $$ = cat2_str(make_str("in"), $1); }*/
| /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; }
......@@ -4503,6 +4532,7 @@ ECPGDeallocate: SQL_DEALLOCATE SQL_PREPARE ident { $$ = cat_str(3, make_str("ECP
ECPGDeclaration: sql_startdeclare
fputs("/* exec sql begin declare section */", yyout);
variable_declarations sql_enddeclare
......@@ -4515,16 +4545,18 @@ sql_startdeclare : ecpgstart BEGIN_TRANS DECLARE SQL_SECTION ';' {}
sql_enddeclare: ecpgstart END_TRANS DECLARE SQL_SECTION ';' {}
variable_declarations: /* empty */ { $$ = EMPTY; }
| declarations { $$ = $1; }
declarations: declaration { $$ = $1; }
| declarations declaration { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); }
variable_declarations: /* empty */
$$ = EMPTY;
| declaration variable_declarations
$$ = cat2_str($1, $2);
declaration: storage_clause
actual_storage[struct_level] = mm_strdup($1);
actual_startline[struct_level] = hashline_number();
......@@ -4534,7 +4566,7 @@ declaration: storage_clause
variable_list ';'
$$ = cat_str(5, actual_startline[struct_level], $1, $3.type_str, $5, make_str(";\n"));
$$ = cat_str(4, $1, $3.type_str, $5, make_str(";\n"));
storage_clause : S_EXTERN { $$ = make_str("extern"); }
......@@ -5441,7 +5473,7 @@ c_stuff: c_anything { $$ = $1; }
c_list: c_term { $$ = $1; }
| c_list ',' c_term { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, make_str(","), $3); }
| c_term ',' c_list { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, make_str(","), $3); }
c_term: c_stuff { $$ = $1; }
| '{' c_list '}' { $$ = cat_str(3, make_str("{"), $2, make_str("}")); }
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ exec sql end declare section;
for (i=0, j=sqlca.sqlerrd[2]; i<j; i++)
printf("name[%d]=%8.8s\tamount[%d]=%d\tletter[%d]=%c\n", i, name[i], i, amount[i],i, letter[i][0]);
exec sql at pm select name, amount, letter into :name, :amount, :letter from "Test";
exec sql at pm select * into :name, :amount, :letter from "Test";
for (i=0, j=sqlca.sqlerrd[2]; i<j; i++)
printf("name[%d]=%8.8s\tamount[%d]=%d\tletter[%d]=%c\n", i, name[i], i, amount[i],i, letter[i][0]);
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ exec sql begin declare section;
int ind_children;
str *married = NULL;
char *wifesname="Petra";
char *query="select name, born, age, married, children from meskes where name = :var1";
char *query="select * from meskes where name = :var1";
exec sql end declare section;
exec sql declare cur cursor for
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ exec sql end declare section;
exec sql insert into meskes(name, married, children) values (:wifesname, '19900404', 3);
exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age, married, children) values ('Michael', 19660117, 33, '19900404', 3);
exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age) values ('Carsten', 19910103, 8);
exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age) values ('Marc', 19930907, 5);
exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age) values ('Chris', 19970923, 1);
exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age) values ('Marc', 19930907, 6);
exec sql insert into meskes(name, born, age) values ('Chris', 19970923, 2);
strcpy(msg, "commit");
exec sql commit;
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