From 31b9e3fc683bdbcdc063791e427b00e23c0bb1f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Thomas G. Lockhart" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 06:35:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Temporarily back out fixes for unary minus parsing. Will
 re-introduce for v6.4 but requires fixes for automatic type  conversion

 src/backend/parser/scan.c | 379 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/backend/parser/scan.l |  14 +-
 2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 199 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/backend/parser/scan.c b/src/backend/parser/scan.c
index 8c1f8ea3ae..69c3952aeb 100644
--- a/src/backend/parser/scan.c
+++ b/src/backend/parser/scan.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /* A lexical scanner generated by flex */
 /* Scanner skeleton version:
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/Attic/scan.c,v 1.16 1998/03/18 16:50:24 thomas Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/Attic/scan.c,v 1.17 1998/04/08 06:35:02 thomas Exp $
@@ -308,22 +308,22 @@ static yyconst short int yy_acclist[168] =
         2,    2,    2, 8227,   37,16419,    2
     } ;
-static yyconst short int yy_accept[129] =
+static yyconst short int yy_accept[128] =
     {   0,
         1,    1,    1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,
         9,   10,   11,   12,   13,   14,   16,   19,   21,   24,
        27,   31,   34,   37,   41,   45,   49,   53,   57,   61,
        65,   69,   71,   73,   76,   79,   81,   83,   85,   87,
        89,   91,   92,   94,   96,   98,  100,  101,  102,  103,
-      103,  104,  105,  105,  106,  107,  109,  111,  112,  112,
-      112,  112,  114,  114,  114,  116,  117,  118,  119,  119,
-      119,  120,  121,  121,  121,  122,  123,  124,  124,  124,
-      125,  126,  126,  126,  127,  128,  130,  131,  133,  136,
-      137,  137,  138,  139,  140,  142,  142,  144,  146,  148,
-      149,  151,  152,  152,  152,  153,  154,  154,  154,  155,
-      155,  155,  156,  157,  157,  160,  161,  161,  161,  161,
-      162,  163,  164,  165,  165,  167,  168,  168
+      104,  105,  105,  106,  107,  109,  111,  112,  112,  112,
+      112,  114,  114,  114,  116,  117,  118,  119,  119,  119,
+      120,  121,  121,  121,  122,  123,  124,  124,  124,  125,
+      126,  126,  126,  127,  128,  130,  131,  133,  136,  137,
+      137,  138,  139,  140,  142,  142,  144,  146,  148,  149,
+      151,  152,  152,  152,  153,  154,  154,  154,  155,  155,
+      155,  156,  157,  157,  160,  161,  161,  161,  161,  162,
+      163,  164,  165,  165,  167,  168,  168
     } ;
 static yyconst int yy_ec[256] =
@@ -365,154 +365,152 @@ static yyconst int yy_meta[22] =
     } ;
-static yyconst short int yy_base[147] =
+static yyconst short int yy_base[146] =
     {   0,
-        0,    0,  331,  330,   18,   31,  326,  325,  228,  220,
-       46,   48,   18,   31,  224,  446,  446,  446,  209,  446,
-       58,  446,   51,   12,   44,   23,   71,  198,   64,   84,
-      197,    0,   61,    0,   92,   67,    0,    0,  446,    0,
-       68,  446,   75,  446,    0,   86,  193,  180,   98,  111,
-       31,  147,   67,  138,  122,    0,  140,   78,  155,    0,
-      131,  100,  157,    0,   90,  446,  446,    0,   97,  113,
-        0,    0,  108,   85,  145,    0,    0,  116,  160,  162,
-        0,  167,  169,  446,  446,  446,  446,  446,   70,  446,
-      173,  446,  186,   92,    0,   59,  199,   52,  161,  446,
-      214,  446,  191,  204,  446,  178,  216,  219,  446,  227,
-      229,  446,    0,  165,  235,   47,  237,    0,  231,  241,
-      244,  249,  446,   16,  235,  253,  446,  256,  268,  280,
-      292,  304,  316,  325,  333,  344,  356,  365,  374,  386,
-      398,  409,  421,  426,  430,  434
+        0,    0,  332,  325,   18,   31,  325,  324,  321,  320,
+       46,   48,   18,   31,  326,  435,  435,  435,  309,  435,
+       12,  435,  308,  213,   42,   49,   61,   21,   63,   74,
+      209,    0,   52,    0,   82,   58,    0,    0,  435,    0,
+       66,  435,   76,  435,    0,   80,  206,  198,   88,   31,
+      188,   82,  179,  102,    0,  120,  113,  135,    0,  175,
+      169,  137,    0,  149,  435,  435,    0,   87,  140,    0,
+        0,   71,  132,  142,    0,    0,  147,  150,  152,    0,
+      156,  158,  435,  435,  435,  435,  435,  114,  435,  162,
+      435,  175,  120,    0,   92,  188,   57,  150,  435,  203,
+      435,  180,  193,  435,  167,  205,  208,  435,  216,  218,
+      435,    0,  154,  224,   52,  226,    0,  220,  230,  233,
+      238,  435,   16,  224,  242,  435,  245,  257,  269,  281,
+      293,  305,  314,  322,  333,  345,  354,  363,  375,  387,
+      398,  410,  415,  419,  423
     } ;
-static yyconst short int yy_def[147] =
+static yyconst short int yy_def[146] =
     {   0,
-      127,    1,  128,  128,  129,  129,  130,  130,  131,  131,
-      132,  132,  133,  133,  127,  127,  127,  127,  134,  127,
-      134,  127,  127,   21,   21,   24,  127,   24,  135,  135,
-       30,  136,  127,  137,  137,  138,   35,  139,  127,  140,
-      127,  127,  127,  127,  141,  127,  142,  134,  134,  127,
-       49,  127,  127,   51,  127,   27,  143,   55,  127,  144,
-      127,  134,  127,  145,   30,  127,  127,  136,  127,  127,
-      137,   35,  138,  138,  138,  139,  140,  127,  127,  127,
-      141,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,
-       55,  127,   91,   93,   91,  143,  143,   97,   97,  127,
-      127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,
-      127,  127,   91,  143,   97,  143,  127,  146,  127,  143,
-      143,  127,  127,  127,  101,  127,    0,  127,  127,  127,
-      127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,
-      127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127
+      126,    1,  127,  127,  128,  128,  129,  129,  130,  130,
+      131,  131,  132,  132,  126,  126,  126,  126,  133,  126,
+      133,  126,  126,  133,  133,  133,  126,  133,  134,  134,
+       30,  135,  126,  136,  136,  137,   35,  138,  126,  139,
+      126,  126,  126,  126,  140,  126,  141,  133,  133,   49,
+      126,  126,   50,  126,   27,  142,   54,  126,  143,  126,
+      133,  126,  144,   30,  126,  126,  135,  126,  126,  136,
+       35,  137,  137,  137,  138,  139,  126,  126,  126,  140,
+      126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,   54,
+      126,   90,   92,   90,  142,  142,   96,   96,  126,  126,
+      126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,
+      126,   90,  142,   96,  142,  126,  145,  126,  142,  142,
+      126,  126,  126,  100,  126,    0,  126,  126,  126,  126,
+      126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,
+      126,  126,  126,  126,  126
     } ;
-static yyconst short int yy_nxt[468] =
+static yyconst short int yy_nxt[457] =
     {   0,
        16,   17,   18,   19,   20,   21,   22,   23,   24,   24,
        25,   23,   26,   27,   28,   24,   29,   30,   29,   31,
-       16,   35,   54,   35,   46,  127,   36,   35,   35,  125,
-       37,   57,   35,   35,   35,   58,   35,   46,   47,   36,
-       35,   35,   88,   37,   89,   35,   35,   43,   43,   43,
-       43,   47,   50,   50,   55,  114,   44,   56,   44,   50,
-       50,   53,   69,   70,  115,   63,   63,  114,   51,   78,
-       79,   52,   59,   59,   64,   73,   80,   80,   90,   75,
-       90,   60,   61,   52,   56,   63,   63,   82,   83,   91,
-       66,   91,   84,   73,   64,   72,  127,   72,   69,   70,
-       73,   72,   72,  113,   72,  113,   72,   72,   49,   87,
-       49,   87,   50,   50,  103,  104,   73,   78,   79,  105,
-       75,   53,   91,   91,   92,   93,   91,   93,   91,   91,
-       93,   93,   94,   95,   93,   95,   93,   93,   91,   91,
-       91,   91,   91,   97,  101,   97,  106,  106,   98,   97,
-       99,   88,   97,   73,   97,   97,   59,   59,   63,   63,
-       52,  107,  108,   80,   80,   60,  109,   64,   82,   83,
-      110,  111,  116,  114,  116,  112,   91,  120,   91,  106,
-      106,   91,   91,   91,   91,   91,   91,   91,   91,   93,
-       49,   93,  103,  104,   93,   93,   94,  105,   93,   86,
-       93,   93,   97,   67,   97,  103,  104,   98,   97,   99,
-      105,   97,   62,   97,   97,  117,  117,  107,  108,   49,
-      107,  108,  109,  127,  118,  109,   41,  101,  110,  111,
-      110,  111,  119,  112,   41,  112,  121,  122,  117,  117,
-      124,  124,  121,  122,  125,  121,  122,  118,  125,  114,
-      126,  122,  114,  127,  126,  122,   32,   32,   32,   32,
-       32,   32,   32,   32,   32,   32,   32,   32,   34,   34,
-       34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34,
+       16,   35,   50,   35,   46,   51,   36,   35,   35,  124,
+       37,   53,   35,   35,   35,   61,   35,   46,   47,   36,
+       35,   35,   87,   37,   88,   35,   35,   43,   43,   43,
+       43,   47,   54,   68,   69,   55,   44,   56,   44,   53,
+      113,   57,   58,   58,   62,   62,   72,   77,   78,  114,
+       74,   59,   60,   63,   55,   62,   62,   79,   79,   72,
+       65,   81,   82,   74,   63,   71,   83,   71,   68,   69,
+       72,   71,   71,   89,   71,   89,   71,   71,   49,   86,
+      113,   86,   90,   90,   91,   92,   90,   92,   90,   90,
+       92,   92,   93,   94,   92,   94,   92,   92,   90,   90,
+       90,   90,   90,   96,   90,   96,   90,   51,   97,   96,
+       98,  112,   96,  112,   96,   96,   58,   58,   62,   62,
+       72,  102,  103,  105,  105,   59,  104,   63,   77,   78,
+       72,  106,  107,   79,   79,  126,  108,   81,   82,  109,
+      110,  115,  113,  115,  111,   90,  119,   90,  105,  105,
+       90,   90,   90,   90,   90,   90,   90,   90,   92,   49,
+       92,  102,  103,   92,   92,   93,  104,   92,  100,   92,
+       92,   96,   87,   96,  102,  103,   97,   96,   98,  104,
+       96,   51,   96,   96,  116,  116,  106,  107,   49,  106,
+      107,  108,   85,  117,  108,   66,  100,  109,  110,  109,
+      110,  118,  111,   53,  111,  120,  121,  116,  116,  123,
+      123,  120,  121,  124,  120,  121,  117,  124,  113,  125,
+      121,  113,  126,  125,  121,   32,   32,   32,   32,   32,
+       32,   32,   32,   32,   32,   32,   32,   34,   34,   34,
+       34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   34,   38,
        38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,   38,
-       38,   38,   40,   40,   40,   40,   40,   40,   40,   40,
-       40,   40,   40,   40,   42,   42,   42,   42,   42,   42,
-       42,   42,   42,   42,   42,   42,   45,   45,   45,   45,
-       45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   48,   39,
-       39,   48,   48,   48,   65,   65,   33,   33,  127,  127,
-      127,   65,  127,   65,   68,   68,   68,   68,   68,  127,
-       68,   68,   68,   68,   68,   68,   71,   71,   71,   71,
-       71,   71,  127,   71,   71,   71,   71,   71,   74,  127,
-      127,   74,   74,   74,   76,   76,   76,   76,  127,   76,
-       76,   76,   76,   76,   76,   76,   77,   77,   77,   77,
-       77,  127,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   81,   81,
-       81,   81,   81,  127,   81,   81,   81,   81,   81,   85,
-       85,   85,   85,   85,   85,   85,   85,   85,   85,   85,
-       85,   96,   96,  127,   96,   96,   96,   96,   96,   96,
-       96,   96,   96,  100,  100,  100,  100,  102,  102,  102,
-      102,  123,  123,  123,  123,   15,  127,  127,  127,  127,
-      127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,
-      127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127
+       38,   40,   40,   40,   40,   40,   40,   40,   40,   40,
+       40,   40,   40,   42,   42,   42,   42,   42,   42,   42,
+       42,   42,   42,   42,   42,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,
+       45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   48,   52,   49,
+       48,   48,   48,   64,   64,  126,   41,   41,   39,   39,
+       64,   33,   64,   67,   67,   67,   67,   67,   33,   67,
+       67,   67,   67,   67,   67,   70,   70,   70,   70,   70,
+       70,  126,   70,   70,   70,   70,   70,   73,  126,  126,
+       73,   73,   73,   75,   75,   75,   75,  126,   75,   75,
+       75,   75,   75,   75,   75,   76,   76,   76,   76,   76,
+      126,   76,   76,   76,   76,   76,   76,   80,   80,   80,
+       80,   80,  126,   80,   80,   80,   80,   80,   84,   84,
+       84,   84,   84,   84,   84,   84,   84,   84,   84,   84,
+       95,   95,  126,   95,   95,   95,   95,   95,   95,   95,
+       95,   95,   99,   99,   99,   99,  101,  101,  101,  101,
+      122,  122,  122,  122,   15,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,
+      126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,
+      126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126
     } ;
-static yyconst short int yy_chk[468] =
+static yyconst short int yy_chk[457] =
     {   0,
         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    5,   24,    5,   13,   24,    5,    5,    5,  124,
-        5,   26,    5,    5,    6,   26,    6,   14,   13,    6,
-        6,    6,   51,    6,   51,    6,    6,   11,   11,   12,
-       12,   14,   23,   23,   25,  116,   11,   25,   12,   21,
-       21,   23,   33,   33,   98,   29,   29,   96,   21,   41,
-       41,   21,   27,   27,   29,   36,   43,   43,   53,   36,
-       53,   27,   27,   89,   27,   30,   30,   46,   46,   58,
-       30,   58,   46,   74,   30,   35,   65,   35,   69,   69,
-       35,   35,   35,   94,   35,   94,   35,   35,   49,   49,
-       62,   49,   50,   50,   70,   70,   73,   78,   78,   70,
-       73,   50,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,
-       55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,
-       55,   55,   55,   57,   61,   57,   75,   75,   57,   57,
-       57,   54,   57,   75,   57,   57,   59,   59,   63,   63,
-       52,   79,   79,   80,   80,   59,   79,   63,   82,   82,
-       83,   83,   99,  114,   99,   83,   91,  114,   91,  106,
-      106,   91,   91,   91,   91,   91,   91,   91,   91,   93,
-       48,   93,  103,  103,   93,   93,   93,  103,   93,   47,
-       93,   93,   97,   31,   97,  104,  104,   97,   97,   97,
-      104,   97,   28,   97,   97,  101,  101,  107,  107,   19,
-      108,  108,  107,   15,  101,  108,   10,  101,  110,  110,
-      111,  111,  101,  110,    9,  111,  115,  115,  117,  117,
-      119,  119,  120,  120,  119,  121,  121,  117,  125,  120,
-      122,  122,  121,  125,  126,  126,  128,  128,  128,  128,
-      128,  128,  128,  128,  128,  128,  128,  128,  129,  129,
+        1,    5,   21,    5,   13,   21,    5,    5,    5,  123,
+        5,   28,    5,    5,    6,   28,    6,   14,   13,    6,
+        6,    6,   50,    6,   50,    6,    6,   11,   11,   12,
+       12,   14,   25,   33,   33,   25,   11,   26,   12,   26,
+      115,   26,   27,   27,   29,   29,   36,   41,   41,   97,
+       36,   27,   27,   29,   27,   30,   30,   43,   43,   72,
+       30,   46,   46,   72,   30,   35,   46,   35,   68,   68,
+       35,   35,   35,   52,   35,   52,   35,   35,   49,   49,
+       95,   49,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,
+       54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,
+       54,   54,   54,   56,   57,   56,   57,   88,   56,   56,
+       56,   93,   56,   93,   56,   56,   58,   58,   62,   62,
+       73,   69,   69,   74,   74,   58,   69,   62,   77,   77,
+       74,   78,   78,   79,   79,   64,   78,   81,   81,   82,
+       82,   98,  113,   98,   82,   90,  113,   90,  105,  105,
+       90,   90,   90,   90,   90,   90,   90,   90,   92,   61,
+       92,  102,  102,   92,   92,   92,  102,   92,   60,   92,
+       92,   96,   53,   96,  103,  103,   96,   96,   96,  103,
+       96,   51,   96,   96,  100,  100,  106,  106,   48,  107,
+      107,  106,   47,  100,  107,   31,  100,  109,  109,  110,
+      110,  100,  109,   24,  110,  114,  114,  116,  116,  118,
+      118,  119,  119,  118,  120,  120,  116,  124,  119,  121,
+      121,  120,  124,  125,  125,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,
+      127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  127,  128,  128,  128,
+      128,  128,  128,  128,  128,  128,  128,  128,  128,  129,
       129,  129,  129,  129,  129,  129,  129,  129,  129,  129,
-      130,  130,  130,  130,  130,  130,  130,  130,  130,  130,
-      130,  130,  131,  131,  131,  131,  131,  131,  131,  131,
-      131,  131,  131,  131,  132,  132,  132,  132,  132,  132,
-      132,  132,  132,  132,  132,  132,  133,  133,  133,  133,
-      133,  133,  133,  133,  133,  133,  133,  133,  134,    8,
-        7,  134,  134,  134,  135,  135,    4,    3,    0,    0,
-        0,  135,    0,  135,  136,  136,  136,  136,  136,    0,
-      136,  136,  136,  136,  136,  136,  137,  137,  137,  137,
-      137,  137,    0,  137,  137,  137,  137,  137,  138,    0,
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-      139,  139,  139,  139,  139,  139,  140,  140,  140,  140,
-      140,    0,  140,  140,  140,  140,  140,  140,  141,  141,
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+      140,  140,    0,  140,  140,  140,  140,  140,  141,  141,
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+      142,  142,    0,  142,  142,  142,  142,  142,  142,  142,
+      142,  142,  143,  143,  143,  143,  144,  144,  144,  144,
+      145,  145,  145,  145,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,
+      126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126,
+      126,  126,  126,  126,  126,  126
     } ;
 static yy_state_type yy_state_buf[YY_BUF_SIZE + 2], *yy_state_ptr;
@@ -549,7 +547,7 @@ char *yytext;
- *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/Attic/scan.c,v 1.16 1998/03/18 16:50:24 thomas Exp $
+ *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/Attic/scan.c,v 1.17 1998/04/08 06:35:02 thomas Exp $
@@ -661,7 +659,7 @@ char literal[MAX_PARSE_BUFFER];
  * Other embedded escaped characters are matched explicitly and the leading
  *  backslash is dropped from the string. - thomas 1997-09-24
-#line 665 "lex.yy.c"
+#line 663 "lex.yy.c"
 /* Macros after this point can all be overridden by user definitions in
  * section 1.
@@ -812,9 +810,9 @@ YY_DECL
 	register char *yy_cp, *yy_bp;
 	register int yy_act;
-#line 176 "scan.l"
+#line 178 "scan.l"
-#line 818 "lex.yy.c"
+#line 816 "lex.yy.c"
 	if ( yy_init )
@@ -862,14 +860,14 @@ yy_match:
 			while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
 				yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
-				if ( yy_current_state >= 128 )
+				if ( yy_current_state >= 127 )
 					yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
 			yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
 			*yy_state_ptr++ = yy_current_state;
-		while ( yy_base[yy_current_state] != 446 );
+		while ( yy_base[yy_current_state] != 435 );
 		yy_current_state = *--yy_state_ptr;
@@ -920,34 +918,34 @@ do_action:	/* This label is used only to access EOF actions. */
 	{ /* beginning of action switch */
 case 1:
-#line 177 "scan.l"
+#line 179 "scan.l"
 { /* ignore */ }
 case 2:
-#line 179 "scan.l"
+#line 181 "scan.l"
 { /* ignore */ }
 case 3:
-#line 182 "scan.l"
+#line 184 "scan.l"
 case 4:
-#line 182 "scan.l"
+#line 184 "scan.l"
 { BEGIN(xc); }
 case 5:
-#line 184 "scan.l"
+#line 186 "scan.l"
 case 6:
-#line 186 "scan.l"
+#line 188 "scan.l"
 { /* ignore */ }
 case 7:
-#line 188 "scan.l"
+#line 190 "scan.l"
 					llen = 0;
@@ -956,7 +954,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 8:
-#line 193 "scan.l"
+#line 195 "scan.l"
 					char* endptr;
@@ -969,10 +967,10 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 9:
-#line 204 "scan.l"
+#line 206 "scan.l"
 case 10:
-#line 204 "scan.l"
+#line 206 "scan.l"
 					if ((llen+yyleng) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
 						elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
@@ -981,16 +979,16 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 11:
-#line 211 "scan.l"
+#line 213 "scan.l"
 case 12:
-#line 211 "scan.l"
+#line 213 "scan.l"
 case 13:
-#line 214 "scan.l"
+#line 216 "scan.l"
 					llen = 0;
@@ -999,7 +997,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 14:
-#line 219 "scan.l"
+#line 221 "scan.l"
 					char* endptr;
@@ -1013,7 +1011,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 15:
-#line 230 "scan.l"
+#line 232 "scan.l"
 					llen = 0;
@@ -1022,7 +1020,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 16:
-#line 235 "scan.l"
+#line 237 "scan.l"
 					yylval.str = pstrdup(scanstr(literal));
@@ -1030,10 +1028,10 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 17:
-#line 241 "scan.l"
+#line 243 "scan.l"
 case 18:
-#line 241 "scan.l"
+#line 243 "scan.l"
 					if ((llen+yyleng) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
 						elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
@@ -1043,7 +1041,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 19:
-#line 247 "scan.l"
+#line 249 "scan.l"
 					if ((llen+yyleng-1) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
 						elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
@@ -1054,7 +1052,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 20:
-#line 255 "scan.l"
+#line 257 "scan.l"
 					if ((llen+yyleng-1) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
 						elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
@@ -1064,13 +1062,13 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 21:
-#line 261 "scan.l"
+#line 263 "scan.l"
 case 22:
-#line 265 "scan.l"
+#line 267 "scan.l"
 					llen = 0;
@@ -1079,7 +1077,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 23:
-#line 270 "scan.l"
+#line 272 "scan.l"
 					yylval.str = pstrdup(literal);
@@ -1088,7 +1086,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 24:
-#line 275 "scan.l"
+#line 277 "scan.l"
 					if ((llen+yyleng) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
 						elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
@@ -1098,12 +1096,12 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 25:
-#line 283 "scan.l"
+#line 285 "scan.l"
 { /* ignore */ }
 case 26:
-#line 284 "scan.l"
+#line 286 "scan.l"
 					return (yytext[0]);
@@ -1111,7 +1109,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 27:
-#line 290 "scan.l"
+#line 292 "scan.l"
 { return TYPECAST; }
 case 28:
@@ -1119,15 +1117,14 @@ case 28:
 yy_c_buf_p = yy_cp = yy_bp + 1;
 YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */
-#line 292 "scan.l"
+#line 294 "scan.l"
-					BEGIN(xm);
 					return (yytext[0]);
 case 29:
-#line 296 "scan.l"
+#line 297 "scan.l"
 { 	return (yytext[0]); }
 case 30:
@@ -1135,7 +1132,7 @@ case 30:
 yy_c_buf_p = yy_cp -= 2;
 YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */
-#line 297 "scan.l"
+#line 298 "scan.l"
 					yylval.str = pstrdup((char*)yytext);
 					return (Op);
@@ -1143,7 +1140,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 31:
-#line 301 "scan.l"
+#line 302 "scan.l"
 					if (strcmp((char*)yytext,"!=") == 0)
 						yylval.str = pstrdup("<>"); /* compatability */
@@ -1154,7 +1151,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 32:
-#line 308 "scan.l"
+#line 309 "scan.l"
 					yylval.ival = atoi((char*)&yytext[1]);
 					return (PARAM);
@@ -1257,7 +1254,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 38:
-#line 391 "scan.l"
+#line 389 "scan.l"
 					int i;
 					ScanKeyword		*keyword;
@@ -1279,20 +1276,20 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 39:
-#line 409 "scan.l"
+#line 407 "scan.l"
 { /* ignore */ }
 case 40:
-#line 411 "scan.l"
+#line 409 "scan.l"
 { return (yytext[0]); }
 case 41:
-#line 413 "scan.l"
+#line 411 "scan.l"
-#line 1296 "lex.yy.c"
+#line 1293 "lex.yy.c"
 			case YY_STATE_EOF(xb):
 			case YY_STATE_EOF(xc):
@@ -1587,7 +1584,7 @@ static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state()
 		while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
 			yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
-			if ( yy_current_state >= 128 )
+			if ( yy_current_state >= 127 )
 				yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
 		yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
@@ -1617,11 +1614,11 @@ yy_state_type yy_current_state;
 	while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
 		yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
-		if ( yy_current_state >= 128 )
+		if ( yy_current_state >= 127 )
 			yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
 	yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
-	yy_is_jam = (yy_current_state == 127);
+	yy_is_jam = (yy_current_state == 126);
 	if ( ! yy_is_jam )
 		*yy_state_ptr++ = yy_current_state;
@@ -2178,7 +2175,7 @@ int main()
 	return 0;
-#line 413 "scan.l"
+#line 411 "scan.l"
 void yyerror(char message[])
diff --git a/src/backend/parser/scan.l b/src/backend/parser/scan.l
index 49631e51f3..8b0952103e 100644
--- a/src/backend/parser/scan.l
+++ b/src/backend/parser/scan.l
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/scan.l,v 1.37 1998/03/18 16:50:25 thomas Exp $
+ *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/scan.l,v 1.38 1998/04/08 06:35:00 thomas Exp $
@@ -148,10 +148,12 @@ self			[,()\[\].;$\:\+\-\*\/\<\>\=\|]
 op_and_self		[\~\!\@\#\%\^\&\|\`\?\$\:\+\-\*\/\<\>\=]
 operator		{op_and_self}+
+xminteger		{integer}/-
+xmreal			{real}/{space}*-{digit}
 xmstop			-
-integer			[\-]?{digit}+
-real			[\-]?{digit}+\.{digit}+([Ee][-+]?{digit}+)?
+integer			-?{digit}+
+real			-?{digit}+\.{digit}+([Ee][-+]?{digit}+)?
 param			\${integer}
@@ -289,8 +291,7 @@ other			.
 {typecast}		{ return TYPECAST; }
-{self}/{space}*-[\.0-9]	{
-					BEGIN(xm);
+{self}/-[\.0-9]	{
 					return (yytext[0]);
 {self}			{ 	return (yytext[0]); }
@@ -310,7 +311,6 @@ other			.
 					return (PARAM);
 {identifier}/{space}*-{number}	{
 					int i;
 					ScanKeyword		*keyword;
@@ -386,8 +386,6 @@ other			.
 					return (FCONST);
 {identifier}	{
 					int i;
 					ScanKeyword		*keyword;