DATA(insertOID=1215(obj_descriptionPGNSPPGUID14fftfs225"26 19""select description from pg_description where objoid = $1 and classoid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = $2 and relnamespace = PGNSP) and objsubid = 0"-_null_));
DATA(insertOID=1215(obj_descriptionPGNSPPGUID14fftfs225"26 19""select description from pg_catalog.pg_description where objoid = $1 and classoid = (select oid from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = $2 and relnamespace = PGNSP) and objsubid = 0"-_null_));
DESCR("get description for object id and catalog name");
DATA(insertOID=1216(col_descriptionPGNSPPGUID14fftfs225"26 23""select description from pg_description where objoid = $1 and classoid = \'pg_catalog.pg_class\'::regclass and objsubid = $2"-_null_));
DATA(insertOID=1216(col_descriptionPGNSPPGUID14fftfs225"26 23""select description from pg_catalog.pg_description where objoid = $1 and classoid = \'pg_catalog.pg_class\'::regclass and objsubid = $2"-_null_));
* This form of obj_description is now deprecated, since it will fail if
* OIDs are not unique across system catalogs. Use the other forms instead.
DATA(insertOID=1348(obj_descriptionPGNSPPGUID14fftfs125"26""select description from pg_description where objoid = $1 and objsubid = 0"-_null_));
DATA(insertOID=1348(obj_descriptionPGNSPPGUID14fftfs125"26""select description from pg_catalog.pg_description where objoid = $1 and objsubid = 0"-_null_));
DESCR("get description for object id (deprecated)");