Commit 28b6ec1d authored by Alvaro Herrera's avatar Alvaro Herrera

Replace genetic algorithm ASCII-art with a real figure

Author: Jürgen Purtz
parent a407012c
...@@ -84,9 +84,19 @@ ...@@ -84,9 +84,19 @@
Through simulation of the evolutionary operations <firstterm>recombination</firstterm>, Through simulation of the evolutionary operations <firstterm>recombination</firstterm>,
<firstterm>mutation</firstterm>, and <firstterm>mutation</firstterm>, and
<firstterm>selection</firstterm> new generations of search points are found <firstterm>selection</firstterm> new generations of search points are found
that show a higher average fitness than their ancestors. that show a higher average fitness than their ancestors. <xref linkend="geqo-figure"/>
illustrates these steps.
</para> </para>
<figure id="geqo-figure">
<title>Structure of a Genetic Algorithm</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/genetic-algorithm.svg" format="SVG" width="100%"/>
<para> <para>
According to the <systemitem class="resource"></systemitem> <acronym>FAQ</acronym> it cannot be stressed too According to the <systemitem class="resource"></systemitem> <acronym>FAQ</acronym> it cannot be stressed too
strongly that a <acronym>GA</acronym> is not a pure random search for a solution to a strongly that a <acronym>GA</acronym> is not a pure random search for a solution to a
...@@ -94,49 +104,6 @@ ...@@ -94,49 +104,6 @@
non-random (better than random). non-random (better than random).
</para> </para>
<figure id="geqo-diagram">
<title>Structured Diagram of a Genetic Algorithm</title>
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>generation of ancestors at a time t</entry>
<entry>generation of descendants at a time t</entry>
<literallayout class="monospaced">
|&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Algorithm GA &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;|
| INITIALIZE t := 0 |
| evaluate FITNESS of P(t) |
| while not STOPPING CRITERION do |
| +-------------------------------------+
| | P'(t) := RECOMBINATION{P(t)} |
| +-------------------------------------+
| | P''(t) := MUTATION{P'(t)} |
| +-------------------------------------+
| | P(t+1) := SELECTION{P''(t) + P(t)} |
| +-------------------------------------+
| | evaluate FITNESS of P''(t) |
| +-------------------------------------+
| | t := t + 1 |
</sect1> </sect1>
<sect1 id="geqo-pg-intro"> <sect1 id="geqo-pg-intro">
...@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ ...@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# see README in this directory about image handling # see README in this directory about image handling
genetic-algorithm.svg \
gin.svg \ gin.svg \
pagelayout.svg pagelayout.svg
digraph {
// default values
node [shape=box, label="", fontname="sans-serif", style=filled, fillcolor=white, fontsize=8];
graph [fontname="sans-serif"]; // must be specified separately
edge [fontname="sans-serif"]; // must be specified separately
// an unobtrusive background color
pad="1.0, 0.5";
// layout of edges and nodes
// nodes
a1[label="INITIALIZE t := 0"];
a2[label="INITIALIZE P(t)"];
a3[label="evaluate FITNESS of P(t)"];
a4[shape="diamond", label="STOPPING CRITERION"; width=4];
// connect 'end' node with 'a9' node (bottom of figure)
a9[label="t := t + 1"];
// end-symbol similar to UML notation
end[shape=doublecircle, label="end", width=0.5];
a5[label="P'(t) := RECOMBINATION{P(t)}"];
a6[label="P''(t) := MUTATION{P'(t)}"];
a7[label="P(t+1) := SELECTION{P''(t) + P(t)}"];
a8[label="evaluate FITNESS of P''(t)"];
// edges
a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4;
a4 -> a5[xlabel="false ", fontsize=10];
a4 -> end[xlabel="true ", fontsize=10];
a5 -> a6 -> a7 -> a8 -> a9;
a4 -> a9 [dir=back];
// explain the notation
expl [shape=plaintext, fontsize=10, width=3.2, fillcolor=whitesmoke,
label="P(t): generation of ancestors at a time t\lP''(t): generation of descendants at a time t\l"];
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="144" y="-488.4026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="8.00" fill="#000000">INITIALIZE t := 0</text>
<!-- a2 -->
<g id="node2" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" points="182,-450.3026 106,-450.3026 106,-414.3026 182,-414.3026 182,-450.3026"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="144" y="-430.4026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="8.00" fill="#000000">INITIALIZE P(t)</text>
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<g id="edge1" class="edge">
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="144" y="-372.4026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="8.00" fill="#000000">evaluate FITNESS of P(t)</text>
<!-- a2&#45;&gt;a3 -->
<g id="edge2" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M144,-414.269C144,-414.269 144,-402.5248 144,-402.5248"/>
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="144" y="-314.4026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="8.00" fill="#000000">STOPPING CRITERION</text>
<!-- a3&#45;&gt;a4 -->
<g id="edge3" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M144,-356.269C144,-356.269 144,-344.5248 144,-344.5248"/>
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="78" y="-20.2513" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="8.00" fill="#000000">t := t + 1</text>
<!-- a4&#45;&gt;a9 -->
<g id="edge10" class="edge">
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="246" y="-186.6212" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="10.00" fill="#000000">true  </text>
<!-- a5 -->
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="144" y="-256.4026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="8.00" fill="#000000">P'(t) := RECOMBINATION{P(t)}</text>
<!-- a4&#45;&gt;a5 -->
<g id="edge4" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M144,-298.269C144,-298.269 144,-286.5248 144,-286.5248"/>
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<g id="node8" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" points="204.5,-218.3026 83.5,-218.3026 83.5,-182.3026 204.5,-182.3026 204.5,-218.3026"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="144" y="-198.4026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="8.00" fill="#000000">P''(t) := MUTATION{P'(t)}</text>
<!-- a5&#45;&gt;a6 -->
<g id="edge6" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M144,-240.269C144,-240.269 144,-228.5248 144,-228.5248"/>
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<!-- a7 -->
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<polygon fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" points="224.5,-160.3026 63.5,-160.3026 63.5,-124.3026 224.5,-124.3026 224.5,-160.3026"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="144" y="-140.4026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="8.00" fill="#000000">P(t+1) := SELECTION{P''(t) + P(t)}</text>
<!-- a6&#45;&gt;a7 -->
<g id="edge7" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M144,-182.269C144,-182.269 144,-170.5248 144,-170.5248"/>
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<!-- a8 -->
<g id="node10" class="node">
<polygon fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" points="196.5,-102.3026 73.5,-102.3026 73.5,-66.3026 196.5,-66.3026 196.5,-102.3026"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="135" y="-82.4026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="8.00" fill="#000000">evaluate FITNESS of P''(t)</text>
<!-- a7&#45;&gt;a8 -->
<g id="edge8" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M135,-124.269C135,-124.269 135,-112.5248 135,-112.5248"/>
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<!-- expl -->
<g id="node11" class="node">
<polygon fill="#f5f5f5" stroke="none" points="439,-508.3026 209,-508.3026 209,-472.3026 439,-472.3026 439,-508.3026"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="217" y="-493.3026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="10.00" fill="#000000">P(t): generation of ancestors at a time t</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="217" y="-482.3026" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="10.00" fill="#000000">P''(t): generation of descendants at a time t</text>
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