diff --git a/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile b/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile
index ba9d327f918ea94a243067c7d571a15dc71b19f3..160c2900c5dd05f47cb81402b4b70279c79e4cb9 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile
+++ b/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-#    $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile,v 1.2 1997/04/05 21:24:06 scrappy Exp $
+#    $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/test/regress/GNUmakefile,v 1.3 1997/04/05 21:33:24 scrappy Exp $
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ DLOBJS= regress$(DLSUFFIX)
 # INFILES is the files the regression test uses for input.
-         create.sql queries.sql errors.sql destroy.sql security.sql \
+         queries.sql errors.sql destroy.sql security.sql \
 # plus exports files
diff --git a/src/test/regress/create.source b/src/test/regress/create.source
deleted file mode 100644
index bdc02196fecd483d2d91a76d2c64a55db5e5c30a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/test/regress/create.source
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,765 +0,0 @@
--- create.source
-CREATE FUNCTION circle_in(opaque)
-   RETURNS circle
-   AS '_OBJWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-CREATE FUNCTION circle_out(opaque)
-   RETURNS opaque
-   AS '_OBJWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-CREATE TYPE circle (
-   internallength = 24, 
-   input = circle_in,
-   output = circle_out,
-   alignment = double
-CREATE TYPE city_budget ( 
-   internallength = 16, 
-   input = int44in, 
-   output = int44out, 
-   element = int4
-CREATE TABLE hobbies_r (
-	name		text, 
-	person 		text
-CREATE TABLE equipment_r (
-	name 		text,
-	hobby		text
-	unique1		int4,
-	unique2		int4,
-	two		int4,
-	four		int4,
-	ten		int4,
-	twenty		int4,
-	hundred		int4,
-	thousand	int4,
-	twothousand	int4,
-	fivethous	int4,
-	tenthous	int4,
-	odd		int4,
-	even		int4,
-	stringu1	char16,
-	stringu2	char16,
-	string4		char16
-	unique1		int4,
-	unique2		int4,
-	two		int4,
-	four		int4,
-	ten		int4,
-	twenty		int4,
-	hundred		int4,
-	thousand	int4,
-	twothousand	int4,
-	fivethous	int4,
-	tenthous	int4,
-	odd		int4,
-	even		int4,
-	stringu1	char16,
-	stringu2	char16,
-	string4		char16
-	unique1 	int4,
-	unique2 	int4,
-	two 	 	int4,
-	four 		int4,
-	ten		int4,
-	twenty 		int4,
-	hundred 	int4,
-	thousand 	int4,
-	twothousand 	int4,
-	fivethous 	int4,
-	tenthous	int4,
-	odd		int4,
-	even		int4,
-	stringu1	char16,
-	stringu2	char16,
-	string4		char16
-CREATE TABLE person (
-	name 		text,
-	age		int4,
-	location 	point
-	salary 		int4,
-	manager 	char16
-) INHERITS (person);
-CREATE TABLE student (
-	gpa 		float8
-) INHERITS (person);
-CREATE TABLE stud_emp (
-	percent 	int4
-) INHERITS (emp, student);
-	name		char16,
-	location 	box,
-	budget 		city_budget
-	dname		char16,
-	mgrname 	text
-CREATE TABLE slow_emp4000 (
-	home_base	 box
-CREATE TABLE fast_emp4000 (
-	home_base	 box
-	name		text,
-	thepath 	path
-CREATE TABLE ihighway () INHERITS (road);
-CREATE TABLE shighway (
-	surface		text
-) INHERITS (road);
-CREATE TABLE real_city (
-	pop		int4,
-	cname		text,
-	outline 	path
--- test the "star" operators a bit more thoroughly -- this time,
--- throw in lots of NULL fields...
--- a is the type root
--- b and c inherit from a (one-level single inheritance)
--- d inherits from b and c (two-level multiple inheritance)
--- e inherits from c (two-level single inheritance)
--- f inherits from e (three-level single inheritance)
-CREATE TABLE a_star (
-	class		char, 
-	a 		int4
-CREATE TABLE b_star (
-	b 		text
-) INHERITS (a_star);
-CREATE TABLE c_star (
-	c 		char16
-) INHERITS (a_star);
-CREATE TABLE d_star (
-	d 		float8
-) INHERITS (b_star, c_star);
-CREATE TABLE e_star (
-	e 		int2
-) INHERITS (c_star);
-CREATE TABLE f_star (
-	f 		polygon
-) INHERITS (e_star);
-CREATE TABLE aggtest (
-	a 		int2,
-	b		float4
-CREATE TABLE arrtest (
-	a 		int2[],
-	b 		int4[][][],
-	c 		char16[],
-	d		text[][], 
-	e 		float8[]
-CREATE TABLE hash_i4_heap (
-	seqno 		int4,
-	random 		int4
-CREATE TABLE hash_c16_heap (
-	seqno 		int4,
-	random 		char16
-CREATE TABLE hash_txt_heap (
-	seqno 		int4,
-	random 		text
-CREATE TABLE hash_f8_heap (
-	seqno		int4,
-	random 		float8
--- don't include the hash_ovfl_heap stuff in the distribution
--- the data set is too large for what it's worth
--- CREATE TABLE hash_ovfl_heap (
---	x		int4,
---	y		int4
--- );
-CREATE TABLE bt_i4_heap (
-	seqno 		int4,
-	random 		int4
-CREATE TABLE bt_c16_heap (
-	seqno 		char16,
-	random 		int4
-CREATE TABLE bt_txt_heap (
-	seqno 		text,
-	random 		int4
-CREATE TABLE bt_f8_heap (
-	seqno 		float8, 
-	random 		int4
-CREATE FUNCTION hobbies(person)
-   RETURNS setof hobbies_r 
-   AS 'select * from hobbies_r where person = $1.name'
-   LANGUAGE 'sql';
-CREATE FUNCTION hobby_construct(text, text)
-   RETURNS hobbies_r
-   AS 'select $1 as name, $2 as hobby'
-   LANGUAGE 'sql';
-CREATE FUNCTION equipment(hobbies_r)
-   RETURNS setof equipment_r
-   AS 'select * from equipment_r where hobby = $1.name'
-   LANGUAGE 'sql';
-CREATE FUNCTION user_relns()
-   RETURNS setof name
-   AS 'select relname 
-       from pg_class 
-       where relname !~ ''pg_.*'' and
-             relkind <> ''i'' '
-   LANGUAGE 'sql';
-CREATE FUNCTION pt_in_circle(point, circle)
-   RETURNS int4
-   AS '_OBJWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-CREATE FUNCTION overpaid(emp)
-   RETURNS bool
-   AS '_OBJWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-CREATE FUNCTION boxarea(box)
-   RETURNS int4
-   AS '_OBJWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-CREATE FUNCTION interpt_pp(path, path)
-   RETURNS point
-   AS '_OBJWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-CREATE FUNCTION reverse_c16(char16)
-   RETURNS char16
-   AS '_OBJWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-LOAD '_OBJWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_';
---	(any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental)
-COPY onek FROM '_CWD_/data/onek.data';
-COPY tenk1 FROM '_CWD_/data/tenk.data';
-INSERT INTO tenk2 VALUES (tenk1.*);
-COPY slow_emp4000 FROM '_CWD_/data/rect.data';
-INSERT INTO fast_emp4000 VALUES (slow_emp4000.*);
-COPY person FROM '_CWD_/data/person.data';
-COPY emp FROM '_CWD_/data/emp.data';
-COPY student FROM '_CWD_/data/student.data';
-COPY stud_emp FROM '_CWD_/data/stud_emp.data';
-   INTO TABLE Bprime
-   FROM tenk1
-   WHERE unique2 < 1000;
-INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name, person)
-   SELECT 'posthacking', p.name
-   FROM person* p
-   WHERE p.name = 'mike' or p.name = 'jeff';
-INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name, person)
-   SELECT 'basketball', p.name
-   FROM person p
-   WHERE p.name = 'joe' or p.name = 'sally';
-INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name) VALUES ('skywalking');
-INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('advil', 'posthacking');
-INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('peet''s coffee', 'posthacking');
-INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('hightops', 'basketball');
-INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('guts', 'skywalking');
-COPY road FROM '_CWD_/data/streets.data';
-COPY real_city FROM '_CWD_/data/real_city.data';
-   INTO TABLE ramp
-   FROM road
-   WHERE name ~ '.*Ramp';
-INSERT INTO ihighway 
-   SELECT * 
-   FROM road 
-   WHERE name ~ 'I- .*';
-INSERT INTO shighway 
-   SELECT * 
-   FROM road 
-   WHERE name ~ 'State Hwy.*';
-UPDATE shighway
-   SET surface = 'asphalt';
-INSERT INTO a_star (class, a) VALUES ('a', 1);
-INSERT INTO a_star (class, a) VALUES ('a', 2);
-INSERT INTO a_star (class) VALUES ('a');
-INSERT INTO b_star (class, a, b) VALUES ('b', 3, 'mumble'::text);
-INSERT INTO b_star (class, a) VALUES ('b', 4);
-INSERT INTO b_star (class, b) VALUES ('b', 'bumble'::text);
-INSERT INTO b_star (class) VALUES ('b');
-INSERT INTO c_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('c', 5, 'hi mom'::char16);
-INSERT INTO c_star (class, a) VALUES ('c', 6);
-INSERT INTO c_star (class, c) VALUES ('c', 'hi paul'::char16);
-INSERT INTO c_star (class) VALUES ('c');
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, c, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 7, 'grumble'::text, 'hi sunita'::char16, '0.0'::float8);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, c)
-   VALUES ('d', 8, 'stumble'::text, 'hi koko'::char16);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 9, 'rumble'::text, '1.1'::float8);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, c, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 10, 'hi kristin'::char16, '10.01'::float8);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, c, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 'crumble'::text, 'hi boris'::char16, '100.001'::float8);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b)
-   VALUES ('d', 11, 'fumble'::text);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, c)
-   VALUES ('d', 12, 'hi avi'::char16);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 13, '1000.0001'::float8);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, c)
-   VALUES ('d', 'tumble'::text, 'hi andrew'::char16);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 'humble'::text, '10000.00001'::float8);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, c, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 'hi ginger'::char16, '100000.000001'::float8);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, a) VALUES ('d', 14);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, b) VALUES ('d', 'jumble'::text);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, c) VALUES ('d', 'hi jolly'::char16);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class, d) VALUES ('d', '1000000.0000001'::float8);
-INSERT INTO d_star (class) VALUES ('d');
-INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, c, e)
-   VALUES ('e', 15, 'hi carol'::char16, '-1'::int2);
-INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, c)
-   VALUES ('e', 16, 'hi bob'::char16);
-INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, e)
-   VALUES ('e', 17, '-2'::int2);
-INSERT INTO e_star (class, c, e)
-   VALUES ('e', 'hi michelle'::char16, '-3'::int2);
-INSERT INTO e_star (class, a)
-   VALUES ('e', 18);
-INSERT INTO e_star (class, c)
-   VALUES ('e', 'hi elisa'::char16);
-INSERT INTO e_star (class, e)
-   VALUES ('e', '-4'::int2);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, e, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 19, 'hi claire'::char16, '-5'::int2, '(1,2,3,4)'::polygon);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, e)
-   VALUES ('f', 20, 'hi mike'::char16, '-6'::int2);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 21, 'hi marcel'::char16, '(11,22,33,44,55,66)'::polygon);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, e, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 22, '-7'::int2, '(111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888)'::polygon);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, e, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 'hi keith'::char16, '-8'::int2, 
-	   '(1111,2222,3333,4444)'::polygon);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c)
-   VALUES ('f', 24, 'hi marc'::char16);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, e)
-   VALUES ('f', 25, '-9'::int2);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 26, '(11111,22222,33333,44444)'::polygon); 
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, e)
-   VALUES ('f', 'hi allison'::char16, '-10'::int2);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 'hi jeff'::char16,
-           '(111111,222222,333333,444444)'::polygon);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, e, f)
-   VALUES ('f', '-11'::int2, '(1111111,2222222,3333333,4444444)'::polygon);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, a) VALUES ('f', 27);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, c) VALUES ('f', 'hi carl'::char16);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, e) VALUES ('f', '-12'::int2);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class, f) 
-   VALUES ('f', '(11111111,22222222,33333333,44444444)'::polygon);
-INSERT INTO f_star (class) VALUES ('f');
-COPY hash_i4_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-COPY hash_c16_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-COPY hash_txt_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-COPY hash_f8_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
--- the data in this file has a lot of duplicates in the index key
--- fields, leading to long bucket chains and lots of table expansion.
--- this is therefore a stress test of the bucket overflow code (unlike
--- the data in hash.data, which has unique index keys).
--- COPY hash_ovfl_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hashovfl.data';
-COPY bt_i4_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/desc.data';
-COPY bt_c16_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-COPY bt_txt_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/desc.data';
-COPY bt_f8_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
--- only this array as a 0-based 'e', the others are 1-based.
--- 'e' is also a large object.
-INSERT INTO arrtest (a[5], b[2][1][2], c, d)
-   VALUES ('{1,2,3,4,5}', '{{{},{1,2}}}', '{}', '{}');
-UPDATE arrtest SET e[0] = '1.1';
-UPDATE arrtest SET e[1] = '2.2';
-INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[2][2][1], c, d, e)
-   VALUES ('{11,12,23}', '{{3,4},{4,5}}', '{"foobar"}', 
-           '{{"elt1", "elt2"}}', '{"3.4", "6.7"}');
-INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[1][2][2], c, d[2][1])
-   VALUES ('{}', '{3,4}', '{foo,bar}', '{bar,foo}');
--- for internal portal (cursor) tests
-CREATE TABLE iportaltest (
-	i		int4, 
-	d		float4, 
-	p		polygon
-INSERT INTO iportaltest (i, d, p)
-   VALUES (1, 3.567, '(3.0,4.0,1.0,2.0)'::polygon);
-INSERT INTO iportaltest (i, d, p)
-   VALUES (2, 89.05, '(4.0,3.0,2.0,1.0)'::polygon);
--- CREATE ancillary data structures (i.e. indices)
-CREATE INDEX onek_unique1 ON onek USING btree(unique1 int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX onek_unique2 ON onek USING btree(unique2 int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX onek_hundred ON onek USING btree(hundred int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX onek_stringu1 ON onek USING btree(stringu1 char16_ops);
-CREATE INDEX tenk1_unique1 ON tenk1 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX tenk1_unique2 ON tenk1 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX tenk1_hundred ON tenk1 USING btree(hundred int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX tenk2_unique1 ON tenk2 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX tenk2_unique2 ON tenk2 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX tenk2_hundred ON tenk2 USING btree(hundred int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX rix ON road USING btree (name text_ops);
-CREATE INDEX iix ON ihighway USING btree (name text_ops);
-CREATE INDEX six ON shighway USING btree (name text_ops);
--- BTREE ascending/descending cases
--- we load int4/text from pure descending data (each key is a new
--- low key) and c16/f8 from pure ascending data (each key is a new
--- high key).  we had a bug where new low keys would sometimes be
--- "lost".
-CREATE INDEX bt_i4_index ON bt_i4_heap USING btree (seqno int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX bt_c16_index ON bt_c16_heap USING btree (seqno char16_ops);
-CREATE INDEX bt_txt_index ON bt_txt_heap USING btree (seqno text_ops);
-CREATE INDEX bt_f8_index ON bt_f8_heap USING btree (seqno float8_ops);
--- BTREE partial indices
--- partial indices are not supported in postgres95
---CREATE INDEX onek2_u1_prtl ON onek2 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops)
---	where onek2.unique1 < 20 or onek2.unique1 > 980;
---CREATE INDEX onek2_u2_prtl ON onek2 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops)
---	where onek2.stringu1 < 'B';
--- EXTEND INDEX onek2_u2_prtl where onek2.stringu1 < 'C';
--- EXTEND INDEX onek2_u2_prtl;
--- CREATE INDEX onek2_stu1_prtl ON onek2 USING btree(stringu1 char16_ops)
---	where onek2.stringu1 >= 'J' and onek2.stringu1 < 'K';
--- rtrees use a quadratic page-splitting algorithm that takes a
--- really, really long time.  we don't test all rtree opclasses
--- in the regression test (we check them USING the sequoia 2000
--- benchmark).
-CREATE INDEX rect2ind ON fast_emp4000 USING rtree (home_base bigbox_ops);
--- HASH
-CREATE INDEX hash_i4_index ON hash_i4_heap USING hash (random int4_ops);
-CREATE INDEX hash_c16_index ON hash_c16_heap USING hash (random char16_ops);
-CREATE INDEX hash_txt_index ON hash_txt_heap USING hash (random text_ops);
-CREATE INDEX hash_f8_index ON hash_f8_heap USING hash (random float8_ops);
--- CREATE INDEX hash_ovfl_index ON hash_ovfl_heap USING hash (x int4_ops);
-   leftarg = path,
-   rightarg = path,
-   procedure = path_inter,
-   commutator = ## 
-   leftarg = point,
-   rightarg = circle,
-   procedure = pt_in_circle,
-   commutator = >=% 
-   rightarg = int4,		-- left unary 
-   procedure = int4fac 
-   leftarg = int4,		-- right unary
-   procedure = int4fac 
-   leftarg = int4,		-- right unary 
-   procedure = int4fac 
---	(this also tests the query rewrite system)
-   SELECT r.name, r.thepath, c.cname AS cname 
-   FROM road r, real_city c
-   WHERE c.outline ## r.thepath;
-   SELECT ih.name, ih.thepath, 
-	interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit
-   FROM ihighway ih, ramp r
-   WHERE ih.thepath ## r.thepath;
-   SELECT name, age, location, 12*salary AS annualsal
-   FROM emp;
--- RULES ???
--- all functions CREATEd
-   sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, 
-   sfunc2 = int4inc, stype2 = int4,
-   finalfunc = int4div,
-   initcond1 = '0', initcond2 = '0'
--- sfunc1 (value-dependent) only 
-   sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, 
-   initcond1 = '0'
--- sfunc2 (value-independent) only 
-   sfunc2 = int4inc, basetype = int4, stype2 = int4, 
-   initcond2 = '0'
--- sanity check, if we don't have indices the test will take years to
--- complete.
-SELECT relname, relhasindex
-   FROM pg_class
-   WHERE relhasindex
-   ORDER BY relname;