Commit 22347d69 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Update to pgaccess 0.91.

parent f4590995
......@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
# Makefile for src/bin/pgaccess
# Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pgaccess/Attic/Makefile,v 1.17 2002/06/20 20:29:42 momjian Exp $
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pgaccess/Attic/Makefile,v 1.18 2002/07/02 06:11:23 momjian Exp $
Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
I've made a few changes in the pgaccess source to make it work with overloaded functions too.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.
The files that I changed are:
pgaccess: to run the modified version from the actual directory
/lib/functions.old: bugfix for working with overloaded functions, and another one: if somebody has made a mistake
in the editing process, the function was deleted, and recreation was not possibble, because the
program returned an error message. Now the error message is still persists, but the procedure
doesn't take this into consideration.
Added "Save as" button to create a new function with the same source. Very usefull when one needs
a new function with slight modification to the source code.
Then default window size is increased to let the larger source code visible without resizing.
/lib/mainlib.tcl: for the same bugfix, now the functionnames are represented with the parameters too, I think, that
the structure is more visible now. Bugfix for the introduced functionalities, at deleteing object
/lib/tables.tcl: I don't know how, but there is a difference. Maybe this is one of the misteries of the universe :)
So, in spite of the fact that this "hacking" is my first juorney in the tcl scripting language, I think
I've made a good job after all. I hope, this changes will be reflected in the future release of the pgaccess.
There can be several hidden bugs introduced by the changes, if you find one of them please let me know.
At this time I am using the changed software that helps me much more in the actual project.
PGACCESS 0.98.7 27 January 2001
I dedicate this program to my little daughters Ana-Maria and Emilia and to my
wife for their understanding. I hope they will forgive me for spending so many
time far from them.
1. How to INSTALL ?
You will need a Tcl/Tk package greater than 8.0
For Unix users, unpack the pgaccess-xxx.tar.gz archieve in you preferred
directory (usually /usr/local).
Check where your "wish" program is and modify (if needed) the file
/usr/local/pgaccess/pgaccess and set variables PGACCESS_HOME and
PATH_TO_WISH to the appropriate directories.
Include the /usr/local/pgaccess directory into your PATH or make a
symbolic link to it wherever you want (in PATH directories).
$ ln -s /usr/local/pgaccess/pgaccess /usr/bin/pgaccess
You will find also some documentation and FAQ in the doc directory.
2. Usage
You run it with the command:
pgaccess [database]
[database] is optional.
3. Bug reporting
First of all : operating system, PostgreSQL version,Tcl/Tk version.
A more detailed story of what have you done when error occurred.
Tcl/Tk stops usually with a error message and there is a button there
"Stack Trace" and if you press it, you will see a detailed information
about the procedure containing the error. Please send it to me.
Some information about table structure, no. of fields, records would
be also good.
You would find always the latest version at
Please feel free to e-mail me with any suggestion or bug description
that will help to improve it.
Constantin Teodorescu <>
Best regards,
Bartus Levente (bartus.l at
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
<P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group</TT>
<P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California</TT>
<P><TT>Copyright (c) 1994-7 Regents of the University of California</TT><TT></TT>
<P><TT>Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
......@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ its</TT>
<BR><TT>is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and
<BR><TT>paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.</TT>
<BR><TT>paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.</TT><TT></TT>
......@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ INCLUDING</TT>
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group</TT>
<P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group</TT>
<P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California</TT>
<P><TT>Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group</TT>
<P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group</TT>
<P><TT>Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California</TT>
<P><TT>Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ a text file named <samp>newref.txt</samp> that starts like this:<p>
Notice that there are two consecutive tildes to allow for the fact that this
particular entry doesn't have anything in the <b>Editor</b> field.
You can then perform a <em>Query</em> as follows:<p>
<samp>COPY psyref FROM '/home/jim/newref.txt' WITH DELIMITER
<samp>COPY psyref FROM '/home/jim/newref.txt' USING DELIMITERS
This will read the records from <samp>newref.txt</samp> and insert them into the
table <samp>psyref</samp>. See the PostgreSQL documentation under the headings
namespace eval Database {
# i have no idea why views were being discriminated against here
# when i first touched the code you could only make reports from tables
# i just commented out two lines below
# -cmaj
proc {getTablesList} {} {
global CurrentDB PgAcVar
set tlist {}
......@@ -16,10 +21,10 @@ global CurrentDB PgAcVar
} else {
set sysconstraint ""
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select relname from pg_class where (relkind='r') $sysconstraint order by relname" rec {
if {![info exists itsaview($rec(relname))]} {
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select relname from pg_class where (relkind='r') or (relkind='v') $sysconstraint order by relname" rec {
# if {![info exists itsaview($rec(relname))]} {
lappend tlist $rec(relname)
# }
} gterrmsg]} {
showError $gterrmsg
......@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ and the name must be specified from the viewpoint of the backend. If stdin or st
" {} "
COPY \[ BINARY \] table \[ WITH OIDS \]
FROM { 'filename' | stdin }
\[ WITH DELIMITER 'delimiter' \]
\[ USING DELIMITERS 'delimiter' \]
COPY \[ BINARY \] table \[ WITH OIDS \]
TO { 'filename' | stdout }
\[ WITH DELIMITER 'delimiter' \]
\[ USING DELIMITERS 'delimiter' \]
" {code} "Inputs" {bold} "
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ COPY \[ BINARY \] table \[ WITH OIDS \]
" {} "Usage" {bold} "
The following example copies a table to standard output, using a vertical bar \(\"|\"\) as the field delimiter:
COPY country TO stdout WITH DELIMITER '|';
COPY country TO stdout USING DELIMITERS '|';
To copy data from a Unix file into a table \"country\":
COPY country FROM '/usr1/proj/bray/sql/country_data';
......@@ -93,12 +93,13 @@ The format for each instance in the file is as follows. Note that this format mu
The " {} "BINARY" {bold} " keyword will force all data to be stored/read as binary objects rather than as text. It is somewhat faster than the normal copy command, but is not generally portable, and the files \
generated are somewhat larger, although this factor is highly dependent on the data itself. By default, a text copy uses a tab \
\(\"\\t\"\) character as a delimiter. The delimiter may also be changed to any other single character with the keyword phrase WITH DELIMITER. Characters in data fields which happen to match the delimiter character will be quoted.
\(\"\\t\"\) character as a delimiter. The delimiter may also be changed to any other single character with the keyword phrase USING DELIMITERS. Characters in data fields which happen to match the delimiter character will be quoted.
You must have select access on any table whose values are read by " {} "COPY" {bold} ", and either insert or update access to a table into which values are being inserted by \
" {} "COPY" {bold} ". The backend also needs appropriate Unix permissions for any file read or written by \
" {} "COPY" {bold} ".
The keyword phrase " {} "WITH DELIMITER" {bold} " specifies a single character to be used for all delimiters between columns.
The keyword phrase " {} "USING DELIMITERS" {bold} " specifies a single character to be used for all delimiters between columns. If multiple characters are specified in the delimiter string, only the first \
character is used.
Tip: Do not confuse " {} "COPY" {bold} " with the psql instruction \\copy. "
.pgaw:Help.f.t insert end \
"Copyrights\n\n" {title} \
PostgreSQL is Copyright © 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group.
PostgreSQL is Copyright © 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group.
Postgres95 is Copyright © 1994, Regents of the University of California.
.pgaw:Help.f.t insert end "The Reports module is still in alpha stage.
The module should be able to design and execute a report based on a table\
or from an existing query.
# Allows for reports based on tables or views.
# Formulas are just Tcl evals, where column names are available as variables.
Try: concat \$colname1 \$colname2
# Pictures must be gif or bmp files (and not stored in the database).
# Page header is the first record on a page, page footer is the last.
# Detail section is all the records that can fit on a page, row by row.
# Multiple pages.
# Printing puts the report into a Postscript file.\
The pages printed are the ones in and between the boxes on preview mode.
You can also pipe the output by entering it in the dialog when prompted.\
Try: |lpr
# Page resizing can be done by typing in the Page size boxes.
# Report resizing can be done by typing in the Report size boxes and hitting\
enter or dragging the window and clicking in it with the mouse.
Grouping, sorting, subtotals, expressions should be implemented.
Report output can be printed as a Postscript file.
# Allow for reports based on queries.
# Report headers and footers.
# Grouping, sorting, subtotals.
# Drawing simple shapes like lines or circles.
# Font choice needs expanding.
# Putting stuff into columns when the page is wider than the report.
For the moment I have no time to do that so volunteers are welcome.
Also, there are a couple Postscript items to be addressed:
# Since the Tk canvas widget outputs Encapsulated Postscript,\
each page printed is a separate piece of Encapsulated Postscript.\
Putting all those pieces together into one Postscript file was\
a bit of a kluge, so right now you get every other page blank. Doh.
# Each time a picture is displayed, the Postscript grows by about 10 times\
the size of the picture. It seems in general Postscript gets enormous\
fast, at least with the Tk canvas widget's method of outputting it.
Please send patches, proposals, problems, pickles, etc., to Chris Maj <> or visit
......@@ -105,20 +105,14 @@ global CurrentDB
proc {cmd_Functions} {} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
global CurrentDB
set maxim 16384
setCursor CLOCK
set dbname $PgAcVar(opendb,dbname)
if [catch {wpg_select $CurrentDB "select datlastsysoid from pg_database where datname='$dbname'" rec {
set maxim $rec(datlastsysoid)
}] {
catch {
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select oid from pg_database where datname='template1'" rec {
set maxim $rec(oid)
} delete 0 end
catch {
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select proname from pg_proc where oid>$maxim order by proname" rec {
......@@ -301,17 +295,19 @@ catch {
proc {cmd_Views} {} {
global CurrentDB PgAcVar
global CurrentDB
setCursor CLOCK delete 0 end
catch {
if {! $PgAcVar(pref,systemtables)} {
set sysconstraint "where (viewname !~ '^pg_') and (viewname !~ '^pga_')"
} else {
set sysconstraint ""
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select c.relname,count(c.relname) from pg_class C, pg_rewrite R where (relname !~ '^pg_') and (r.ev_class = C.oid) and (r.ev_type = '1') group by relname" rec {
if {$rec(count)!=0} {
set itsaview($rec(relname)) 1
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select relname from pg_class where (relname !~ '^pg_') and (relkind='r') and (relhasrules) order by relname" rec {
if {[info exists itsaview($rec(relname))]} { insert end $rec(relname)
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select viewname from pg_views $sysconstraint order by viewname" rec { insert end $rec(viewname)
setCursor DEFAULT
......@@ -636,8 +632,6 @@ proc vTclWindow.pgaw:ImportExport {base} {
if {$PgAcVar(impexp,delimiter)==""} {
set sup ""
} else {
# now we use WITH DELIMITER, but keep old syntax for
# backward compatibility. 2002-06-15
set sup " USING DELIMITERS '$PgAcVar(impexp,delimiter)'"
if {[.pgaw:ImportExport.expbtn cget -text]=="Import"} {
......@@ -695,6 +689,7 @@ proc vTclWindow.pgaw:RenameObject {base} {
showError [intlmsg "You must give object a new name!"]
} elseif {$PgAcVar(activetab)=="Tables"} {
set retval [sql_exec noquiet "alter table \"$PgAcVar(Old_Object_Name)\" rename to \"$PgAcVar(New_Object_Name)\""]
Schema::tbl_rename $PgAcVar(Old_Object_Name) $PgAcVar(New_Object_Name)
if {$retval} {
sql_exec quiet "update pga_layout set tablename='$PgAcVar(New_Object_Name)' where tablename='$PgAcVar(Old_Object_Name)'"
......@@ -909,11 +904,11 @@ proc vTclWindow.pgaw:About {base} {
wm title $base [intlmsg "About"]
label $base.l1 -borderwidth 3 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-* -relief ridge -text PgAccess
label $base.l2 -relief groove -text [intlmsg "A Tcl/Tk interface to\nPostgreSQL\nby Constantin Teodorescu"]
label $base.l3 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken -text {v 0.98.7}
label $base.l3 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken -text {v 0.99.1}
label $base.l4 -relief groove -text "[intlmsg {You will always get the latest version at:}]
[intlmsg {Suggestions at}] :"
[intlmsg {Suggestions at}] :"
button $base.b1 -borderwidth 1 -command {Window destroy .pgaw:About} -text Ok
place $base.l1 -x 10 -y 10 -width 196 -height 103 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.l2 -x 10 -y 115 -width 198 -height 55 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ global PgAcVar
set PgAcVar(pref,autoload) 1
set PgAcVar(pref,systemtables) 0
set PgAcVar(pref,lastdb) {}
set PgAcVar(pref,lasthost) {}
set PgAcVar(pref,lastport) {}
set PgAcVar(pref,lasthost) localhost
set PgAcVar(pref,lastport) 5432
set PgAcVar(pref,username) {}
set PgAcVar(pref,password) {}
set PgAcVar(pref,language) english
namespace eval Reports {
proc {new} {} {
global PgAcVar
Window show .pgaw:ReportBuilder
tkwait visibility .pgaw:ReportBuilder
Window show .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft
tkwait visibility .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft
Window show .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu
tkwait visibility .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu
set PgAcVar(report,reportname) {}
set PgAcVar(report,justpreview) 0
focus .pgaw:ReportBuilder.e2
focus .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.e2
proc {open} {reportname} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
Window show .pgaw:ReportBuilder
#tkwait visibility .pgaw:ReportBuilder
Window hide .pgaw:ReportBuilder
Window show .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft
#tkwait visibility .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft
Window hide .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft
Window show .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu
Window hide .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu
Window show .pgaw:ReportPreview
set PgAcVar(report,reportname) $reportname
tkwait visibility .pgaw:ReportPreview
set PgAcVar(report,justpreview) 1
proc {design} {reportname} {
global PgAcVar
Window show .pgaw:ReportBuilder
tkwait visibility .pgaw:ReportBuilder
Window show .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft
tkwait visibility .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft
Window show .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu
tkwait visibility .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu
set PgAcVar(report,reportname) $reportname
set PgAcVar(report,justpreview) 0
proc {drawReportAreas} {} {
proc {design:close} {} {
global PgAcVar
catch {Window destroy .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft}
catch {Window destroy .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu}
proc {design:drawReportAreas} {} {
global PgAcVar
foreach rg $PgAcVar(report,regions) {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c delete bg_$rg
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c create line 0 $PgAcVar(report,y_$rg) 5000 $PgAcVar(report,y_$rg) -tags [subst {bg_$rg}]
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c create rectangle 6 [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_$rg)-3] 12 [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_$rg)+3] -fill black -tags [subst {bg_$rg mov reg}]
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c lower bg_$rg
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c delete bg_$rg
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c create line 0 $PgAcVar(report,y_$rg) 5000 $PgAcVar(report,y_$rg) -tags [subst {bg_$rg}]
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c create rectangle 6 [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_$rg)-3] 12 [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_$rg)+3] -fill black -tags [subst {bg_$rg mov reg}]
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c lower bg_$rg
proc {toggleAlignMode} {} {
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c bbox hili]
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.balign cget -text]=="left"} then {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.balign configure -text right
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemconfigure hili -anchor ne
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c move hili [expr [lindex $bb 2]-[lindex $bb 0]-3] 0
proc {design:toggleAlignMode} {} {
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c bbox hili]
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.balign cget -text]=="left"} then {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.balign configure -text right
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemconfigure hili -anchor ne
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c move hili [expr [lindex $bb 2]-[lindex $bb 0]-3] 0
} else {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.balign configure -text left
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemconfigure hili -anchor nw
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c move hili [expr [lindex $bb 0]-[lindex $bb 2]+3] 0
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.balign configure -text left
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemconfigure hili -anchor nw
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c move hili [expr [lindex $bb 0]-[lindex $bb 2]+3] 0
proc {getBoldStatus} {} {
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lbold cget -relief]=="raised"} then {return Medium} else {return Bold}
proc {design:getBoldStatus} {} {
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lbold cget -relief]=="raised"} then {return Medium} else {return Bold}
proc {getItalicStatus} {} {
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lita cget -relief]=="raised"} then {return R} else {return O}
proc {design:getItalicStatus} {} {
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lita cget -relief]=="raised"} then {return R} else {return O}
proc {toggleBold} {} {
if {[getBoldStatus]=="Bold"} {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lbold configure -relief raised
proc {design:toggleBold} {} {
if {[design:getBoldStatus]=="Bold"} {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lbold configure -relief raised
} else {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lbold configure -relief sunken
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lbold configure -relief sunken
proc {toggleItalic} {} {
if {[getItalicStatus]=="O"} {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lita configure -relief raised
proc {design:toggleItalic} {} {
if {[design:getItalicStatus]=="O"} {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lita configure -relief raised
} else {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lita configure -relief sunken
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lita configure -relief sunken
proc {setFont} {} {
set temp [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.bfont cget -text]
if {$temp=="Courier"} then {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.bfont configure -text Helvetica
} else {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.bfont configure -text Courier
# fonts remain an issue to be dealt with
proc {design:setFont} {} {
set temp [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.bfont cget -text]
switch $temp {
{.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.bfont configure -text Helvetica}
{.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.bfont configure -text Times}
{.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.bfont configure -text Newcenturyschlbk}
#{.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.bfont configure -text Palatino}
#{.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.bfont configure -text Utopia}
{.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.bfont configure -text Courier}
# fills in an array with columns so formulas can access them
proc {design:getSourceFieldsForPreview} {} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
set PgAcVar(report,source_fields) {}
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select attnum,attname from pg_class,pg_attribute where (pg_class.relname='$PgAcVar(report,tablename)') and (pg_class.oid=pg_attribute.attrelid) and (attnum>0) order by attnum" rec {
lappend PgAcVar(report,source_fields) $rec(attname)
proc {getSourceFields} {} {
# fills in the drop box with column names
proc {design:getSourceFields} {} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB delete 0 end delete 0 end
if {$PgAcVar(report,tablename)==""} return ;
#setCursor CLOCK
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select attnum,attname from pg_class,pg_attribute where (pg_class.relname='$PgAcVar(report,tablename)') and (pg_class.oid=pg_attribute.attrelid) and (attnum>0) order by attnum" rec { insert end $rec(attname) insert end $rec(attname)
#setCursor DEFAULT
proc {hasTag} {id tg} {
if {[lsearch [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $id -tags] $tg]==-1} then {return 0 } else {return 1}
proc {design:hasTag} {id tg} {
if {[lsearch [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $id -tags] $tg]==-1} then {return 0 } else {return 1}
proc {init} {} {
proc {design:init} {} {
global PgAcVar
set PgAcVar(report,xl_auto) 10
set PgAcVar(report,xf_auto) 10
set PgAcVar(report,xp_auto) 10
set PgAcVar(report,xo_auto) 10
set PgAcVar(report,regions) {rpthdr pghdr detail pgfoo rptfoo}
set PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr) 30
set PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr) 60
......@@ -132,81 +173,262 @@ global PgAcVar
set PgAcVar(report,e_detail) [intlmsg {Detail record}]
set PgAcVar(report,e_pgfoo) [intlmsg {Page footer}]
set PgAcVar(report,e_rptfoo) [intlmsg {Report footer}]
proc {loadReport} {} {
proc {design:loadReport} {} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c delete all
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c delete all
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select * from pga_reports where reportname='$PgAcVar(report,reportname)'" rcd {
eval $rcd(reportbody)
# get the preview cranking
proc {design:preview} {} {
global PgAcVar
set PgAcVar(report,curr_page) 1
if {$PgAcVar(report,last_page)>0} {
# finds the record and page counts
proc {design:previewInit} {} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
Window show .pgaw:ReportPreview
set ol [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c find withtag ro]
set PgAcVar(report,prev_fields) {}
# set up the fields we need to fill with data
foreach objid $ol {
set tags [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $objid -tags]
lappend PgAcVar(report,prev_fields) [string range [lindex $tags [lsearch -glob $tags f-*]] 2 64]
lappend PgAcVar(report,prev_fields) [lindex [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c coords $objid] 0]
lappend PgAcVar(report,prev_fields) [lindex [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c coords $objid] 1]
lappend PgAcVar(report,prev_fields) $objid
lappend PgAcVar(report,prev_fields) [lindex $tags [lsearch -glob $tags t_*]]
# set up all the source fields - needed for formulas
# get number of records (thus the number of detail sections)
set res [pg_exec $CurrentDB "select * from \"$PgAcVar(report,tablename)\""]
set PgAcVar(report,prev_num_recs) [pg_result $res -numTuples]
# get number of detail sections per page (screw report head/foot for now)
# first: page height - (page header height + page footer height)
set pgdiff [expr {$PgAcVar(report,ph)-(($PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)-$PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr))+($PgAcVar(report,y_pgfoo)-$PgAcVar(report,y_detail)))}]
# second: result of first / detail height
set PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page) [expr {round(double($pgdiff)/double($PgAcVar(report,y_detail)-$PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)))}]
# get number of pages
set PgAcVar(report,last_page) [expr {int(ceil(double($PgAcVar(report,prev_num_recs))/double($PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page))))}]
set PgAcVar(report,total_page) $PgAcVar(report,last_page)
# displays one section
proc {design:previewSection} {x y objid objtype py recfield} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
# for fields
if {$objtype=="t_f"} { create text $x [expr $py+$y] -text $recfield -font [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $objid -font] -anchor [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $objid -anchor]
# for labels
if {$objtype=="t_l"} { create text $x [expr $py+$y] -text [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $objid -text] -font [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $objid -font] -anchor nw
# for pictures
if {$objtype=="t_p"} { create image $x [expr $py+$y] -image [image create photo -file [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $objid -image]] -anchor nw
# for formulas
if {$objtype=="t_o"} {
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select * from \"$PgAcVar(report,tablename)\" limit $PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page) offset [expr {(($PgAcVar(report,curr_page)-1)*$PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page))}]" frec {
# assign each source field to a variable
foreach {ffield} $PgAcVar(report,source_fields) {
variable $ffield $frec($ffield)
# now flesh out and evaluate the formula create text $x [expr $py+$y] -text [eval [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $objid -text]] -font [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $objid -font] -anchor nw
proc {preview} {} {
# displays the current page
# for now we worry about the page head/foot and detail, not report head/foot
proc {design:previewPage} {} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
Window show .pgaw:ReportPreview
set sql ""
set recfield "" delete all
set ol [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c find withtag ro]
set fields {}
foreach objid $ol {
set tags [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $objid -tags]
lappend fields [string range [lindex $tags [lsearch -glob $tags f-*]] 2 64]
lappend fields [lindex [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c coords $objid] 0]
lappend fields [lindex [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c coords $objid] 1]
lappend fields $objid
lappend fields [lindex $tags [lsearch -glob $tags t_*]]
# Parsing page header
set py 10
foreach {field x y objid objtype} $fields {
if {$objtype=="t_l"} { create text $x [expr $py+$y] -text [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $objid -text] -font [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $objid -font] -anchor nw
incr py [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)-$PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr)]
# Parsing detail group
set di [lsearch $PgAcVar(report,regions) detail]
set y_hi $PgAcVar(report,y_detail)
set y_lo $PgAcVar(report,y_[lindex $PgAcVar(report,regions) [expr $di-1]])
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select * from \"$PgAcVar(report,tablename)\"" rec {
foreach {field x y objid objtype} $fields {
if {($y>=$y_lo) && ($y<=$y_hi)} then {
# parse the page header
set py $PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr)
# now get the data for the section, which is the first record on the page
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select * from \"$PgAcVar(report,tablename)\" limit 1 offset [expr {(($PgAcVar(report,curr_page)-1)*$PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page))}]" rec {
foreach {field x y objid objtype} $PgAcVar(report,prev_fields) {
if {$y < $PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)} {
# make sure we line up the section where it was designed to go
set y [expr $y-$PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr)]
# looking for formulas
if {$objtype=="t_f"} { create text $x [expr $py+$y] -text $rec($field) -font [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $objid -font] -anchor [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $objid -anchor]
set recfield $rec($field)
} else {
set recfield ""
if {$objtype=="t_l"} { create text $x [expr $py+$y] -text [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $objid -text] -font [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $objid -font] -anchor nw
design:previewSection $x $y $objid $objtype $py $recfield
# Parsing detail group
set shownrecs 1
set py $PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)
# keep the records on the page
# and do not repeat the last record on the last page
while {($py < [expr ($PgAcVar(report,rh)-($PgAcVar(report,y_detail)-$PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)))]) && ([expr $shownrecs*$PgAcVar(report,last_page)]<=$PgAcVar(report,prev_num_recs))} {
# now lets get some data for a record
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select * from \"$PgAcVar(report,tablename)\" limit $PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page) offset [expr {(($PgAcVar(report,curr_page)-1)*$PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page))}]" rec {
foreach {field x y objid objtype} $PgAcVar(report,prev_fields) {
if {$y > $PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr) && $y < $PgAcVar(report,y_detail)} {
set y [expr $y-$PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)]
if {$objtype=="t_f"} {
set recfield $rec($field)
} else {
set recfield ""
design:previewSection $x $y $objid $objtype $py $recfield
incr py [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_detail)-$PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)]
incr shownrecs
} configure -scrollregion [subst {0 0 1000 $py}]
# parse the page footer
# put it in the same place on each page
set py [expr {(($PgAcVar(report,y_detail)-$PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr))*$PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page))+$PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)}]
# get the data for the section, which is the last record on the page
# pay attention to the case when we are looking at the last page
if {$PgAcVar(report,curr_page)==$PgAcVar(report,last_page)} {
set sql "select * from \"$PgAcVar(report,tablename)\" limit 1 offset [expr {$PgAcVar(report,prev_num_recs)-1}]"
} else {
set sql "select * from \"$PgAcVar(report,tablename)\" limit 1 offset [expr {(($PgAcVar(report,curr_page)-1)*$PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page))+($PgAcVar(report,prev_recs_page)-1)}]"
wpg_select $CurrentDB $sql rec {
foreach {field x y objid objtype} $PgAcVar(report,prev_fields) {
if {$y > $PgAcVar(report,y_detail) && $y < $PgAcVar(report,y_pgfoo)} {
set y [expr $y-$PgAcVar(report,y_detail)]
if {$objtype=="t_f"} {
set recfield $rec($field)
} else {
set recfield ""
design:previewSection $x $y $objid $objtype $py $recfield
design:changePreviewCoords $py
# this postscript stuff needs some work but it sort of works
# since the tk canvas widget produces encapsulated postscript
# we need to wrap it inside of regular postscript
proc {design:printPostscriptStart} {c} {
global PgAcVar
puts $c "%!PS-Adobe-3.0"
puts $c "%%Creator: PgAccess"
puts $c "%%LanguageLevel: 2"
puts $c "%%Title: Report"
puts $c "%%CreationDate: [clock format [clock seconds]]"
puts -nonewline $c "%%Pages: "
puts $c "[expr $PgAcVar(report,last_page)-$PgAcVar(report,curr_page)+1]"
puts $c "%%PageOrder: Ascend"
puts $c "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 $PgAcVar(report,pw) $PgAcVar(report,ph)"
puts $c "%%EndComments"
puts $c "%%BeginProlog"
puts $c "%%EndProlog"
puts $c "%%BeginSetup"
puts $c "%%EndSetup"
puts $c ""
proc {design:printPostscriptStop} {c} {
global PgAcVar
puts $c "%%EOF"
proc {print} {} {
set bb [ bbox all] postscript -file "" -width [expr 10+[lindex $bb 2]-[lindex $bb 0]] -height [expr 10+[lindex $bb 3]-[lindex $bb 1]]
tk_messageBox -title Information -parent .pgaw:ReportBuilder -message "The printed image in Postscript is in the file"
proc {design:printPostscriptStartPage} {c} {
global PgAcVar
puts $c "%%Page: $PgAcVar(report,curr_page) $PgAcVar(report,curr_page)"
puts $c "%%BeginPageSetup"
puts $c "/pagesave save def"
puts $c "%%EndPageSetup"
puts $c "%%BeginDocument"
proc {design:printPostscriptStopPage} {c} {
global PgAcVar
puts $c "%%EndDocument"
puts $c "pagesave restore"
proc {save} {} {
# prints all pages between and including those in the entry boxes
# opens a stream and just starts feeding it postscript from the canvas
# there must be a cleaner way to do this
proc {design:print} {} {
global PgAcVar
set rpt [parameter "Enter file name or pipe for Postscript output:"]
set fid [::open $rpt w]
design:printPostscriptStart $fid
set start_page $PgAcVar(report,curr_page)
for {} {$PgAcVar(report,curr_page)<=$PgAcVar(report,last_page)} {incr PgAcVar(report,curr_page)} {
design:printPostscriptStartPage $fid postscript -channel $fid -width $PgAcVar(report,pw) -height $PgAcVar(report,ph) -pagex 0 -pagey 0 -pageanchor sw
design:printPostscriptStopPage $fid
design:printPostscriptStop $fid
::close $fid
# reset current page to the page we started printing on
set PgAcVar(report,curr_page) $start_page
tk_messageBox -title Information -parent .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft -message "Done printing $rpt"
proc {design:save} {} {
global PgAcVar
set prog "set PgAcVar(report,tablename) \"$PgAcVar(report,tablename)\""
set prog "$prog ; set PgAcVar(report,rw) $PgAcVar(report,rw)"
set prog "$prog ; set PgAcVar(report,rh) $PgAcVar(report,rh)"
set prog "$prog ; set PgAcVar(report,pw) $PgAcVar(report,pw)"
set prog "$prog ; set PgAcVar(report,ph) $PgAcVar(report,ph)"
foreach region $PgAcVar(report,regions) {
set prog "$prog ; set PgAcVar(report,y_$region) $PgAcVar(report,y_$region)"
foreach obj [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c find all] {
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c type $obj]=="text"} {
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c bbox $obj]
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $obj -anchor]=="nw"} then {set x [expr [lindex $bb 0]+1]} else {set x [expr [lindex $bb 2]-2]}
set prog "$prog ; .pgaw:ReportBuilder.c create text $x [lindex $bb 1] -font [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $obj -font] -anchor [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $obj -anchor] -text {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $obj -text]} -tags {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $obj -tags]}"
foreach obj [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c find all] {
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c type $obj]=="text"} {
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c bbox $obj]
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -anchor]=="nw"} then {set x [expr [lindex $bb 0]+1]} else {set x [expr [lindex $bb 2]-2]}
set prog "$prog ; .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c create text $x [lindex $bb 1] -font [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -font] -anchor [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -anchor] -text {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -text]} -tags {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -tags]}"
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c type $obj]=="image"} {
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c bbox $obj]
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -anchor]=="nw"} then {set x [expr [lindex $bb 0]+1]} else {set x [expr [lindex $bb 2]-2]}
set prog "$prog ; image create photo [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -image] -file [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -image] ; .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c create image $x [lindex $bb 1] -anchor [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -anchor] -image {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -image]} -tags {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -tags]}"
sql_exec noquiet "delete from pga_reports where reportname='$PgAcVar(report,reportname)'"
......@@ -214,38 +436,56 @@ sql_exec noquiet "insert into pga_reports (reportname,reportsource,reportbody) v
proc {addField} {} {
proc {design:addField} {} {
global PgAcVar
set fldname [ get [ curselection]]
set newid [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c create text $PgAcVar(report,xf_auto) [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr)+5] -text $fldname -tags [subst {t_l mov ro}] -anchor nw -font $PgAcVar(pref,font_normal)]
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c create text $PgAcVar(report,xf_auto) [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)+5] -text $fldname -tags [subst {f-$fldname t_f rg_detail mov ro}] -anchor nw -font $PgAcVar(pref,font_normal)
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c bbox $newid]
set fldname [ get [ curselection]]
set newid [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c create text $PgAcVar(report,xf_auto) [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr)+5] -text $fldname -tags [subst {t_l mov ro}] -anchor nw -font $PgAcVar(pref,font_normal)]
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c create text $PgAcVar(report,xf_auto) [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_pghdr)+5] -text $fldname -tags [subst {f-$fldname t_f rg_detail mov ro}] -anchor nw -font $PgAcVar(pref,font_normal)
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c bbox $newid]
incr PgAcVar(report,xf_auto) [expr 5+[lindex $bb 2]-[lindex $bb 0]]
proc {addLabel} {} {
proc {design:addLabel} {} {
global PgAcVar
set fldname $PgAcVar(report,labeltext)
set newid [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c create text $PgAcVar(report,xl_auto) [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr)+5] -text $fldname -tags [subst {t_l mov ro}] -anchor nw -font $PgAcVar(pref,font_normal)]
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c bbox $newid]
set newid [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c create text $PgAcVar(report,xl_auto) [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr)+5] -text $fldname -tags [subst {t_l mov ro}] -anchor nw -font $PgAcVar(pref,font_normal)]
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c bbox $newid]
incr PgAcVar(report,xl_auto) [expr 5+[lindex $bb 2]-[lindex $bb 0]]
# pictures are from files and not the database, maybe this should be different
proc {design:addPicture} {} {
global PgAcVar
set fldname $PgAcVar(report,picture)
set newid [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c create image $PgAcVar(report,xp_auto) [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr)+5] -image [image create photo $fldname -file $fldname] -tags [subst {t_p mov ro}] -anchor nw]
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c bbox $newid]
incr PgAcVar(report,xp_auto) [expr 5+[lindex $bb 2]-[lindex $bb 0]]
proc {setObjectFont} {} {
# formulas are tcl snippets right now, but should allow scripts in the future
proc {design:addFormula} {} {
global PgAcVar
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemconfigure hili -font -Adobe-[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.bfont cget -text]-[getBoldStatus]-[getItalicStatus]-Normal--*-$PgAcVar(report,pointsize)-*-*-*-*-*-*
set fldname $PgAcVar(report,formula)
set newid [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c create text $PgAcVar(report,xo_auto) [expr $PgAcVar(report,y_rpthdr)+5] -text $fldname -tags [subst {t_o mov ro}] -anchor nw -font $PgAcVar(pref,font_normal)]
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c bbox $newid]
incr PgAcVar(report,xo_auto) [expr 5+[lindex $bb 2]-[lindex $bb 0]]
proc {deleteObject} {} {
if {[tk_messageBox -title [intlmsg Warning] -parent .pgaw:ReportBuilder -message "Delete current report object?" -type yesno -default no]=="no"} return;
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c delete hili
proc {design:setObjectFont} {} {
global PgAcVar
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemconfigure hili -font -Adobe-[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.bfont cget -text]-[design:getBoldStatus]-[design:getItalicStatus]-Normal--*-$PgAcVar(report,pointsize)-*-*-*-*-*-*
proc {dragMove} {w x y} {
proc {design:deleteObject} {} {
if {[tk_messageBox -title [intlmsg Warning] -parent .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft -message "Delete current report object?" -type yesno -default no]=="no"} return;
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c delete hili
proc {design:dragMove} {w x y} {
global PgAcVar
# Showing current region
foreach rg $PgAcVar(report,regions) {
......@@ -268,54 +508,68 @@ global PgAcVar
proc {dragStart} {w x y} {
proc {design:dragStart} {w x y} {
global PgAcVar
focus .pgaw:ReportBuilder.c
focus .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c
catch {unset draginfo}
set obj {}
# Only movable objects start dragging
foreach id [$w find overlapping $x $y $x $y] {
if {[hasTag $id mov]} {
if {[design:hasTag $id mov]} {
set obj $id
if {$obj==""} return;
# mouse resize does update after a click
if {$obj==""} {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft configure -cursor watch
set c [split [winfo geometry .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft] x+]
set PgAcVar(report,rw) [lindex $c 0]
set PgAcVar(report,rh) [lindex $c 1]
set PgAcVar(draginfo,obj) $obj
set taglist [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $obj -tags]
set taglist [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -tags]
set i [lsearch -glob $taglist bg_*]
if {$i==-1} {
set PgAcVar(draginfo,region) {}
} else {
set PgAcVar(draginfo,region) [string range [lindex $taglist $i] 3 64]
.pgaw:ReportBuilder configure -cursor hand1
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemconfigure [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c find withtag hili] -fill black
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c dtag [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c find withtag hili] hili
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c addtag hili withtag $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj)
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemconfigure hili -fill blue
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft configure -cursor hand1
# dont highlight pictures when moving them, it just wont work
if {![design:hasTag [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c find withtag hili] t_p]} {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemconfigure [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c find withtag hili] -fill black
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c dtag [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c find withtag hili] hili
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c addtag hili withtag $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj)
if {![design:hasTag $obj t_p]} {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemconfigure hili -fill blue
set PgAcVar(draginfo,x) $x
set PgAcVar(draginfo,y) $y
set PgAcVar(draginfo,sx) $x
set PgAcVar(draginfo,sy) $y
# Setting font information
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c type hili]=="text"} {
set fnta [split [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget hili -font] -]
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.bfont configure -text [lindex $fnta 2]
if {[lindex $fnta 3]=="Medium"} then {.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lbold configure -relief raised} else {.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lbold configure -relief sunken}
if {[lindex $fnta 4]=="R"} then {.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lita configure -relief raised} else {.pgaw:ReportBuilder.lita configure -relief sunken}
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c type hili]=="text"} {
set fnta [split [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget hili -font] -]
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.bfont configure -text [lindex $fnta 2]
if {[lindex $fnta 3]=="Medium"} then {.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lbold configure -relief raised} else {.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lbold configure -relief sunken}
if {[lindex $fnta 4]=="R"} then {.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lita configure -relief raised} else {.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.lita configure -relief sunken}
set PgAcVar(report,pointsize) [lindex $fnta 8]
if {[hasTag $obj t_f]} {set PgAcVar(report,info) "Database field"}
if {[hasTag $obj t_l]} {set PgAcVar(report,info) "Label"}
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c itemcget $obj -anchor]=="nw"} then {.pgaw:ReportBuilder.balign configure -text left} else {.pgaw:ReportBuilder.balign configure -text right}
if {[design:hasTag $obj t_f]} {set PgAcVar(report,info) "Database field"}
if {[design:hasTag $obj t_l]} {set PgAcVar(report,info) "Label"}
if {[design:hasTag $obj t_o]} {set PgAcVar(report,info) "Formula"}
if {[.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c itemcget $obj -anchor]=="nw"} then {.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.balign configure -text left} else {.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.balign configure -text right}
proc {dragStop} {x y} {
proc {design:dragStop} {x y} {
global PgAcVar
# when click Close, ql window is destroyed but event ButtonRelease-1 is fired
if {![winfo exists .pgaw:ReportBuilder]} return;
.pgaw:ReportBuilder configure -cursor left_ptr
if {![winfo exists .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft]} return;
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft configure -cursor left_ptr
set este {}
catch {set este $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj)}
if {$este==""} return
......@@ -323,20 +577,20 @@ if {$este==""} return
if {$PgAcVar(draginfo,region)!=""} {
set dy 0
foreach rg $PgAcVar(report,regions) {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c move rg_$rg 0 $dy
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c move rg_$rg 0 $dy
if {$rg==$PgAcVar(draginfo,region)} {
set dy [expr $y-$PgAcVar(report,y_$PgAcVar(draginfo,region))]
incr PgAcVar(report,y_$rg) $dy
# .pgaw:ReportBuilder.c move det 0 [expr $y-$PgAcVar(report,y_$PgAcVar(draginfo,region))]
# .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.c move det 0 [expr $y-$PgAcVar(report,y_$PgAcVar(draginfo,region))]
set PgAcVar(report,y_$PgAcVar(draginfo,region)) $y
} else {
# Check if object beeing dragged is inside the canvas
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c bbox $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj)]
set bb [.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c bbox $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj)]
if {[lindex $bb 0] < 5} {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c move $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj) [expr 5-[lindex $bb 0]] 0
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c move $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj) [expr 5-[lindex $bb 0]] 0
set PgAcVar(draginfo,obj) {}
......@@ -344,73 +598,143 @@ PgAcVar:clean draginfo,*
proc {deleteAllObjects} {} {
if {[tk_messageBox -title [intlmsg Warning] -parent .pgaw:ReportBuilder -message [intlmsg "All report information will be deleted.\n\nProceed ?"] -type yesno -default no]=="yes"} then {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder.c delete all
proc {design:deleteAllObjects} {} {
if {[tk_messageBox -title [intlmsg Warning] -parent .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft -message [intlmsg "All report information will be deleted.\n\nProceed ?"] -type yesno -default no]=="yes"} then {
.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c delete all
proc {design:changeDraftCoords} {} {
global PgAcVar
wm geometry .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft $PgAcVar(report,rw)x$PgAcVar(report,rh)
place .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft.c -x 0 -y 0 -width $PgAcVar(report,rw) -height $PgAcVar(report,rh) -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
proc {design:changePreviewCoords} {scroller} {
global PgAcVar
wm geometry .pgaw:ReportPreview $PgAcVar(report,rw)x$PgAcVar(report,rh)
place -x 0 -y 0 -width $PgAcVar(report,rw) -height $PgAcVar(report,rh) -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
proc vTclWindow.pgaw:ReportBuilder {base} {
# handmade but call it vTcl for continuity, someday use visualtcl again
proc vTclWindow.pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft {base} {
global PgAcVar
if {$base == ""} {
set base .pgaw:ReportBuilder
set base .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft
if {[winfo exists $base]} {
wm deiconify $base; return
toplevel $base -class Toplevel
wm focusmodel $base passive
wm geometry $base 652x426+96+120
wm geometry $base 508x345+406+120
wm maxsize $base 1280 1024
wm minsize $base 1 1
wm overrideredirect $base 0
wm resizable $base 0 0
wm resizable $base 1 1
wm deiconify $base
wm title $base [intlmsg "Report builder"]
label $base.l1 \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief raised -text [intlmsg {Report fields}]
listbox $ \
-background #fefefe -foreground #000000 -borderwidth 1 \
-selectbackground #c3c3c3 \
-highlightthickness 1 -selectborderwidth 0 \
-yscrollcommand { set}
bind $ <ButtonRelease-1> {
wm title $base [intlmsg "Report draft"]
canvas $base.c \
-background #fffeff -borderwidth 2 -height 207 -highlightthickness 0 \
-relief ridge -takefocus 1 -width 295
place $base.c \
-x 0 -y 0 -width 508 -height 345 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
bind $base.c <Button-1> {
Reports::dragStart %W %x %y
Reports::design:dragStart %W %x %y
bind $base.c <ButtonRelease-1> {
Reports::dragStop %x %y
Reports::design:dragStop %x %y
bind $base.c <Key-Delete> {
bind $base.c <Motion> {
Reports::dragMove %W %x %y
Reports::design:dragMove %W %x %y
proc vTclWindow.pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu {base} {
global PgAcVar
if {$base == ""} {
set base .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu
if {[winfo exists $base]} {
wm deiconify $base; return
toplevel $base -class Toplevel
wm focusmodel $base passive
wm geometry $base 307x426+96+120
wm maxsize $base 1280 1024
wm minsize $base 1 1
wm overrideredirect $base 0
wm resizable $base 0 0
wm deiconify $base
wm title $base [intlmsg "Report menu"]
# report size
label $base.lrsize \
-borderwidth 0 \
-text [intlmsg {Report size}]
entry $base.erw \
-background #fefefe -highlightthickness 0 -relief groove \
-textvariable PgAcVar(report,rw)
label $base.lrwbyh \
-borderwidth 0 \
-text x
entry $base.erh \
-background #fefefe -highlightthickness 0 -relief groove \
-textvariable PgAcVar(report,rh)
bind $base.erw <Key-Return> {
bind $base.erh <Key-Return> {
# page size
label $base.lpsize \
-borderwidth 0 \
-text [intlmsg {Page size}]
entry $base.epw \
-background #fefefe -highlightthickness 0 -relief groove \
-textvariable PgAcVar(report,pw)
label $base.lpwbyh \
-borderwidth 0 \
-text x
entry $base.eph \
-background #fefefe -highlightthickness 0 -relief groove \
-textvariable PgAcVar(report,ph)
label $base.l1 \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief raised -text [intlmsg {Report fields}]
scrollbar $ \
-borderwidth 1 -command { yview} -orient vert
listbox $ \
-background #fefefe -foreground #000000 -borderwidth 1 \
-selectbackground #c3c3c3 \
-highlightthickness 1 -selectborderwidth 0 \
-yscrollcommand { set}
bind $ <ButtonRelease-1> {
button $base.bt2 \
-command Reports::deleteAllObjects \
-command Reports::design:deleteAllObjects \
-text [intlmsg {Delete all}]
button $base.bt4 \
-command Reports::preview \
-command Reports::design:preview \
-text [intlmsg Preview]
button $base.bt5 \
-borderwidth 1 -command {Window destroy .pgaw:ReportBuilder} \
-borderwidth 1 \
-command Reports::design:close \
-text [intlmsg Close]
scrollbar $ \
-borderwidth 1 -command { yview} -orient vert
label $base.lmsg \
-anchor w \
-relief groove -text [intlmsg {Report header}] -textvariable PgAcVar(report,msg)
......@@ -418,31 +742,31 @@ global PgAcVar
-background #fefefe -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 \
-textvariable PgAcVar(report,tablename)
bind $base.e2 <Key-Return> {
entry $base.elab \
-background #fefefe -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 \
-textvariable PgAcVar(report,labeltext)
button $base.badl \
-borderwidth 1 -command Reports::addLabel \
-borderwidth 1 -command Reports::design:addLabel \
-text [intlmsg {Add label}]
label $base.lbold \
-borderwidth 1 -relief raised -text B
bind $base.lbold <Button-1> {
label $base.lita \
-borderwidth 1 \
-font $PgAcVar(pref,font_italic) \
-relief raised -text i
bind $base.lita <Button-1> {
entry $base.eps \
-background #fefefe -highlightthickness 0 -relief groove \
-textvariable PgAcVar(report,pointsize)
bind $base.eps <Key-Return> {
label $base.linfo \
-anchor w \
......@@ -450,30 +774,30 @@ global PgAcVar
label $base.llal \
-borderwidth 0 -text Align
button $base.balign \
-borderwidth 0 -command Reports::toggleAlignMode \
-borderwidth 0 -command Reports::design:toggleAlignMode \
-relief groove -text right
button $base.savebtn \
-borderwidth 1 -command Reports::save \
-borderwidth 1 -command Reports::design:save \
-text [intlmsg Save]
label $base.lfn \
-borderwidth 0 -text Font
button $base.bfont \
-borderwidth 0 \
-command Reports::setFont \
-command Reports::design:setFont \
-relief groove -text Courier
button $base.bdd \
-borderwidth 1 \
-command {if {[winfo exists .pgaw:ReportBuilder.ddf]} {
destroy .pgaw:ReportBuilder.ddf
-command {if {[winfo exists .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.ddf]} {
destroy .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.ddf
} else {
create_drop_down .pgaw:ReportBuilder 405 22 200
foreach tbl [Database::getTablesList] { insert end $tbl}
bind <ButtonRelease-1> {
set i [ curselection]
if {$i!=""} {set PgAcVar(report,tablename) [ get $i]}
destroy .pgaw:ReportBuilder.ddf
create_drop_down .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu 100 45 200
foreach tbl [Database::getTablesList] { insert end $tbl}
bind <ButtonRelease-1> {
set i [ curselection]
if {$i!=""} {set PgAcVar(report,tablename) [ get $i]}
destroy .pgaw:ReportBuilder:menu.ddf
}} \
......@@ -494,14 +818,37 @@ global PgAcVar
-background #fefefe -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 \
-textvariable PgAcVar(report,formula)
button $base.baf \
-borderwidth 1 \
-borderwidth 1 -command Reports::design:addFormula \
-text [intlmsg {Add formula}]
entry $base.ep \
-background #fefefe -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 \
-textvariable PgAcVar(report,picture)
button $base.bap \
-borderwidth 1 -command Reports::design:addPicture \
-text [intlmsg {Add picture}]
place $base.lrsize \
-x 142 -y 58 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.erw \
-x 142 -y 75 -width 35 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.lrwbyh \
-x 177 -y 75 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.erh \
-x 186 -y 75 -width 35 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.lpsize \
-x 225 -y 58 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.epw \
-x 225 -y 75 -width 35 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.lpwbyh \
-x 260 -y 75 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.eph \
-x 269 -y 75 -width 35 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.l1 \
-x 5 -y 55 -width 131 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $ \
-x 5 -y 70 -width 118 -height 121 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.c \
-x 140 -y 75 -width 508 -height 345 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.bt2 \
-x 5 -y 365 -width 64 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.bt4 \
......@@ -511,48 +858,51 @@ global PgAcVar
place $ \
-x 120 -y 70 -width 18 -height 122 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.lmsg \
-x 142 -y 55 -width 151 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 142 -y 95 -width 151 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.e2 \
-x 405 -y 4 -width 129 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.elab \
-x 5 -y 225 -width 130 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.badl \
-x 5 -y 243 -width 132 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 120 -y 25 -width 159 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.lbold \
-x 535 -y 55 -width 18 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 252 -y 165 -width 18 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.lita \
-x 555 -y 55 -width 18 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 272 -y 165 -width 18 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.eps \
-x 500 -y 55 -width 30 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 252 -y 140 -width 40 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.linfo \
-x 295 -y 55 -width 91 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 142 -y 115 -width 151 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.llal \
-x 575 -y 56 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 142 -y 165 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.balign \
-x 610 -y 54 -width 35 -height 21 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 182 -y 165 -width 35 -height 21 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.savebtn \
-x 5 -y 395 -width 64 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.lfn \
-x 405 -y 56 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 142 -y 140 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.bfont \
-x 435 -y 54 -width 65 -height 21 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 182 -y 140 -width 65 -height 21 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.bdd \
-x 535 -y 4 -width 15 -height 20 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 280 -y 25 -width 15 -height 20 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.lrn \
-x 5 -y 5 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.ern \
-x 80 -y 4 -width 219 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.lrs \
-x 320 -y 5 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $ \
-x 5 -y 30 -width 641 -height 2 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 5 -y 25 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.elab \
-x 5 -y 200 -width 297 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.badl \
-x 5 -y 218 -width 132 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.ef \
-x 5 -y 280 -width 130 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 5 -y 255 -width 297 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.baf \
-x 5 -y 298 -width 132 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
-x 5 -y 273 -width 132 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.ep \
-x 5 -y 310 -width 297 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $base.bap \
-x 5 -y 328 -width 132 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
proc vTclWindow.pgaw:ReportPreview {base} {
global PgAcVar
if {$base == ""} {
set base .pgaw:ReportPreview
......@@ -576,24 +926,66 @@ proc vTclWindow.pgaw:ReportPreview {base} {
scrollbar $ \
-borderwidth 1 -command { yview} -highlightthickness 0 \
-orient vert -width 12
frame $base.f1 \
frame $base.fp \
-borderwidth 2 -height 75 -width 125
button $base.f1.button18 \
-borderwidth 1 -command {if {$PgAcVar(report,justpreview)} then {Window destroy .pgaw:ReportBuilder} ; Window destroy .pgaw:ReportPreview} \
button $base.fp.bclose \
-borderwidth 1 -command {if {$PgAcVar(report,justpreview)} then {Window destroy .pgaw:ReportBuilder:draft} ; Window destroy .pgaw:ReportPreview} \
-text [intlmsg Close]
button $base.f1.button17 \
-borderwidth 1 -command Reports::print \
button $base.fp.bprint \
-borderwidth 1 -command Reports::design:print \
-text Print
label $base.fp.ltexttotal -text "pages "
label $base.fp.ltotal -textvariable PgAcVar(report,total_page)
button $base.fp.bprev -text <
bind $base.fp.bprev <Button-1> {
if {$PgAcVar(report,curr_page)>1} {
set PgAcVar(report,curr_page) [expr $PgAcVar(report,curr_page)-1]
button $base.fp.bnext -text >
bind $base.fp.bnext <Button-1> {
if {$PgAcVar(report,curr_page)<$PgAcVar(report,last_page)} {
set PgAcVar(report,curr_page) [expr $PgAcVar(report,curr_page)+1]
entry $base.fp.estart -width 5 -textvariable PgAcVar(report,curr_page)
bind $base.fp.estart <Key-Return> {
label $base.fp.lthru -text -
entry $base.fp.estop -width 5 -textvariable PgAcVar(report,last_page)
bind $base.fp.estop <Key-Return> {
pack $ \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview -anchor center -expand 1 -fill both -side top
pack $ \
-in -anchor center -expand 1 -fill both -side left
pack $ \
-in -anchor center -expand 0 -fill y -side right
pack $base.f1 \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side top
pack $base.f1.button18 \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.f1 -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side right
pack $base.f1.button17 \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.f1 -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.fp \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side bottom
pack $base.fp.ltotal \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.fp -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.fp.ltexttotal \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.fp -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.fp.bprev \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.fp -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.fp.bnext \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.fp -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.fp.estart \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.fp -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.fp.lthru \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.fp -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.fp.estop \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.fp -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.fp.bprint \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.fp -expand 0 -fill none -side left
pack $base.fp.bclose \
-in .pgaw:ReportPreview.fp -expand 0 -fill none -side left
namespace eval Schema {
proc {clm_rename} {{tbl_name} {old_name} {new_name}} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
catch {
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select schemaname from pga_schema where (schematables like '%$tbl_name %') order by schemaname" rec {
set Names $rec(schemaname)
do_clm_rename $tbl_name $old_name $new_name $Names
proc {do_clm_rename} {{tbl_name} {old_name} {new_name} {schema}} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
set PgAcVar(schema,name) $schema
if {[set pgres [wpg_exec $CurrentDB "select schematables,schemalinks,oid from pga_schema where schemaname='$PgAcVar(schema,name)'"]]==0} then {
showError [intlmsg "Error retrieving schema definition"]
if {[pg_result $pgres -numTuples]==0} {
showError [format [intlmsg "Schema '%s' was not found!"] $PgAcVar(schema,name)]
pg_result $pgres -clear
set tuple [pg_result $pgres -getTuple 0]
set links [lindex $tuple 1]
pg_result $pgres -clear
set linkslist {}
set PgAcVar(schema,links) $links
foreach link $PgAcVar(schema,links) {
set linklist { }
foreach {tbl fld} $link {
if {$tbl==$tbl_name} {
if {$fld==$old_name} { set fld $new_name}
lappend linklist $tbl $fld
lappend linkslist $linklist
sql_exec noquiet "update pga_schema set schemalinks='$linkslist' where schemaname='$schema'"
proc {tbl_rename} {{old_name} {new_name}} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
catch {
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select schemaname from pga_schema where (schematables like '$old_name %') or (schematables like '% $old_name %') order by schemaname" rec {
set Names $rec(schemaname)
do_tbl_rename $old_name $new_name $Names
proc {do_tbl_rename} {{old_name} {new_name} {schema}} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
set PgAcVar(schema,name) $schema
if {[set pgres [wpg_exec $CurrentDB "select schematables,schemalinks,oid from pga_schema where schemaname='$PgAcVar(schema,name)'"]]==0} then {
showError [intlmsg "Error retrieving schema definition"]
if {[pg_result $pgres -numTuples]==0} {
showError [format [intlmsg "Schema '%s' was not found!"] $PgAcVar(schema,name)]
pg_result $pgres -clear
set tuple [pg_result $pgres -getTuple 0]
set tables [lindex $tuple 0]
set links [lindex $tuple 1]
pg_result $pgres -clear
set tablelist {}
foreach {t x y} $tables {
if {$t==$old_name} { set t $new_name}
lappend tablelist $t $x $y
set linkslist {}
set PgAcVar(schema,links) $links
foreach link $PgAcVar(schema,links) {
set linklist { }
foreach {tbl fld} $link {
if {$tbl==$old_name} { set tbl $new_name}
lappend linklist $tbl $fld
lappend linkslist $linklist
sql_exec noquiet "update pga_schema set schematables='$tablelist', schemalinks='$linkslist' where schemaname='$schema'"
proc {new} {} {
global PgAcVar
......@@ -39,8 +125,10 @@ global PgAcVar CurrentDB
set PgAcVar(schema,links) $links
#### This makes new page size
foreach {ulx uly lrx lry} [.pgaw:Schema.c bbox all] {
wm geometry .pgaw:Schema [expr $lrx+30]x[expr $lry+30]
# wm geometry .pgaw:Schema [expr $lrx+30]x[expr $lry+30]
......@@ -89,6 +177,7 @@ if {$PgAcVar(schema,ntables)==1} {
} else {
drawTable [expr $PgAcVar(schema,ntables)-1]
#lappend PgAcVar(schema,tables) $PgAcVar(schema,newtablename) $PgAcVar(schema,tablex[expr $PgAcVar(schema,ntables)-1]) $PgAcVar(schema,tabley[expr $PgAcVar(schema,ntables)-1])
lappend PgAcVar(schema,tables) $PgAcVar(schema,newtablename) $PgAcVar(schema,tablex[expr $PgAcVar(schema,ntables)-1]) $PgAcVar(schema,tabley[expr $PgAcVar(schema,ntables)-1])
set PgAcVar(schema,newtablename) {}
focus .pgaw:Schema.f.e
......@@ -116,8 +205,11 @@ proc {drawTable} {it} {
global PgAcVar
if {$PgAcVar(schema,tablex$it)==0} {
set posy $PgAcVar(schema,nexty)
set posx $PgAcVar(schema,nextx)
set posx 380
set posy 265
# set posy $PgAcVar(schema,nexty)
# set posx $PgAcVar(schema,nextx)
set PgAcVar(schema,tablex$it) $posx
set PgAcVar(schema,tabley$it) $posy
} else {
......@@ -149,7 +241,11 @@ if {$nextx > [winfo width .pgaw:Schema.c] } {
set PgAcVar(schema,nextx) $nextx
set PgAcVar(schema,nexty) $nexty
proc {drawCoord} {} {
global PgAcVar
.pgaw:Schema.c create line 365 265 395 265 -fill "#ff0000" -width "1.0" -tags .pgaw:Schema.c
.pgaw:Schema.c create line 380 250 380 280 -fill "#ff0000" -width "1.0" -tags .pgaw:Schema.c
proc {deleteObject} {} {
......@@ -207,6 +303,7 @@ global PgAcVar
} else {
$w move $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj) $dx $dy
# showError [intlmsg "$dx\n$dy"]
set PgAcVar(draginfo,x) $x
set PgAcVar(draginfo,y) $y
......@@ -268,8 +365,11 @@ set PgAcVar(schema,panstarted) 0
if {$PgAcVar(draginfo,is_a_table)} {
set tabnum [getTagInfo $PgAcVar(draginfo,obj) tab]
foreach w [.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag $PgAcVar(draginfo,tabletag)] {
# $PgAcVar(schema,coordx)\n$PgAcVar(schema,coordy)
if {[lsearch [.pgaw:Schema.c gettags $w] outer] != -1} {
foreach [list PgAcVar(schema,tablex$tabnum) PgAcVar(schema,tabley$tabnum) x1 y1] [.pgaw:Schema.c coords $w] {}
set PgAcVar(schema,tablex$tabnum) [expr $PgAcVar(schema,tablex$tabnum)+$PgAcVar(schema,coordx)+1]
set PgAcVar(schema,tabley$tabnum) [expr $PgAcVar(schema,tabley$tabnum)+$PgAcVar(schema,coordy)-1]
......@@ -408,6 +508,8 @@ global PgAcVar
set PgAcVar(schema,links) {}
set PgAcVar(schema,ntables) 0
set PgAcVar(schema,newtablename) {}
set PgAcVar(schema,coordx) 0
set PgAcVar(schema,coordy) 0
......@@ -431,6 +533,8 @@ global PgAcVar
set dy [expr $y-$PgAcVar(schema,panstarty)]
set PgAcVar(schema,panstartx) $x
set PgAcVar(schema,panstarty) $y
set PgAcVar(schema,coordx) [expr $PgAcVar(schema,coordx)-$dx]
set PgAcVar(schema,coordy) [expr $PgAcVar(schema,coordy)-$dy]
if {$PgAcVar(schema,panobject)=="tables"} {
.pgaw:Schema.c move mov $dx $dy
.pgaw:Schema.c move links $dx $dy
......@@ -461,7 +565,7 @@ proc print {c} {
proc {canvasClick} {x y w} {
global PgAcVar
set PgAcVar(schema,panstarted) 0
if {$w==".pgaw:Schema.c"} {
if {$w==".pgaw:Schema.c"} {
set canpan 1
if {[llength [.pgaw:Schema.c find overlapping $x $y $x $y]]!=0} {set canpan 0}
set PgAcVar(schema,panobject) tables
......@@ -469,6 +573,8 @@ if {$w==".pgaw:Schema.c"} {
if {[.pgaw:Schema.c find withtag hili]!=""} {
.pgaw:Schema.c itemconfigure hili -fill black
.pgaw:Schema.c dtag hili
.pgaw:Schema.c dtag dragme
.pgaw:Schema configure -cursor hand1
......@@ -476,7 +582,7 @@ if {$w==".pgaw:Schema.c"} {
set PgAcVar(schema,panstarty) $y
set PgAcVar(schema,panstarted) 1
......@@ -491,25 +597,27 @@ global PgAcVar
toplevel $base -class Toplevel
wm focusmodel $base passive
wm geometry $base 759x530+10+13
wm geometry $base 760x530+10+13
wm maxsize $base [winfo screenwidth .] [winfo screenheight .]
wm minsize $base 1 1
wm overrideredirect $base 0
wm resizable $base 1 1
wm title $base [intlmsg "Visual schema designer"]
bind $base <B1-Motion> {
canvas $base.c -background #fefefe -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge -takefocus 0 -width 295 -height 300
bind $base.c <B1-Motion> {
Schema::canvasPanning %x %y
bind $base <Button-1> {
bind $base.c <Button-1> {
Schema::canvasClick %x %y %W
bind $base <ButtonRelease-1> {
bind $base.c <ButtonRelease-1> {
Schema::dragStop %x %y
bind $base <Key-Delete> {
bind $base.c <Key-Delete> {
canvas $base.c -background #fefefe -borderwidth 2 -height 207 -relief ridge -takefocus 0 -width 295
frame $base.f \
-height 75 -relief groove -width 125
label $base.f.l -text [intlmsg {Add table}]
......@@ -523,7 +631,7 @@ global PgAcVar
-command {if {[winfo exists .pgaw:Schema.ddf]} {
destroy .pgaw:Schema.ddf
} else {
create_drop_down .pgaw:Schema 70 27 200
create_drop_down .pgaw:Schema 50 27 200
foreach tbl [Database::getTablesList] { insert end $tbl}
bind <ButtonRelease-1> {
......@@ -553,6 +661,7 @@ Window destroy .pgaw:Schema} -padx 2 -pady 3 -text [intlmsg Close]
set pgres [wpg_exec $CurrentDB "insert into pga_schema values ('$PgAcVar(schema,name)','$tables','$PgAcVar(schema,links)')"]
} else {
set pgres [wpg_exec $CurrentDB "update pga_schema set schemaname='$PgAcVar(schema,name)',schematables='$tables',schemalinks='$PgAcVar(schema,links)' where oid=$PgAcVar(schema,oid)"]
# showError [intlmsg "$tables"]
setCursor DEFAULT
if {$PgAcVar(pgsql,status)!="PGRES_COMMAND_OK"} then {
......@@ -586,9 +695,6 @@ Window destroy .pgaw:Schema} -padx 2 -pady 3 -text [intlmsg Close]
-in .pgaw:Schema.f -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side right
pack $base.f.lsn \
-in .pgaw:Schema.f -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side right
pack $base.f -side top -anchor ne -expand 0 -fill x
pack $base.c -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
......@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ global PgAcVar CurrentDB
set PgAcVar(tblinfo,indexlist) {}
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select indexrelid from pg_index, pg_class where (pg_class.relname='$PgAcVar(tblinfo,tablename)') and (pg_class.oid=pg_index.indrelid)" rec {
lappend PgAcVar(tblinfo,indexlist) $rec(indexrelid)
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select oid,indexrelid from pg_index where (pg_class.relname='$PgAcVar(tblinfo,tablename)') and (pg_class.oid=pg_index.indrelid)" rec {
lappend PgAcVar(tblinfo,indexlist) $rec(oid)
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select relname from pg_class where oid=$rec(indexrelid)" rec1 {
.pgaw:TableInfo.f2.fl.ilb insert end $rec1(relname)
......@@ -544,8 +544,7 @@ if {$PgAcVar(mw,$wn,row_edited)==$PgAcVar(mw,$wn,last_rownum)} {
set PgAcVar(mw,$wn,newrec_values) [lreplace $PgAcVar(mw,$wn,newrec_values) $sfp $sfp]
lappend PgAcVar(mw,$wn,newrec_fields) "\"$fld\""
regsub -all {'} $fldval '' fldvalfixed
lappend PgAcVar(mw,$wn,newrec_values) '$fldvalfixed'
lappend PgAcVar(mw,$wn,newrec_values) '$fldval'
# Remove the untouched tag from the object
$wn.c dtag $PgAcVar(mw,$wn,id_edited) unt
$wn.c itemconfigure $PgAcVar(mw,$wn,id_edited) -fill red
......@@ -814,10 +813,6 @@ set PgAcVar(mw,$wn,toprec) 0
setScrollbar $wn
if {$PgAcVar(mw,$wn,updatable)} then {
$wn.c bind q <Key> "Tables::editText $wn %A %K"
if {[info commands kanjiInput] == "kanjiInput"} then {
$wn.c bind q <Control-backslash> "pgaccess_kinput_start %W";
$wn.c bind q <Control-Kanji> "pgaccess_kinput_start %W";
} else {
$wn.c bind q <Key> {}
......@@ -1029,6 +1024,7 @@ global PgAcVar CurrentDB
if {[sql_exec noquiet "alter table \"$PgAcVar(tblinfo,tablename)\" rename column \"$old_name\" to \"$PgAcVar(tblinfo,new_cn)\""]} {
Schema::clm_rename $PgAcVar(tblinfo,tablename) $old_name $PgAcVar(tblinfo,new_cn)
Window destroy .pgaw:RenameField
......@@ -2176,7 +2172,7 @@ proc vTclWindow.pgaw:Permissions {base} {
# This file contains Tcl procedures used to input Japanese text.
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pgaccess/lib/Attic/tables.tcl,v 1.12 2002/04/04 06:27:45 momjian Exp $
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pgaccess/lib/Attic/tables.tcl,v 1.13 2002/07/02 06:11:23 momjian Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1993 Software Research Associates, Inc.
......@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ global PgAcVar CurrentDB
foreach module {mainlib database tables queries visualqb forms views functions reports scripts users sequences schema help preferences} {
source [file join $PgAcVar(PGACCESS_HOME) lib $module.tcl]
set PgAcVar(currentdb,host) [default_pg_host]
set PgAcVar(currentdb,pgport) [default_pg_port]
set PgAcVar(currentdb,host) localhost
set PgAcVar(currentdb,pgport) 5432
set CurrentDB {}
set PgAcVar(tablist) [list Tables Queries Views Sequences Functions Reports Forms Scripts Users Schema]
set PgAcVar(activetab) {}
......@@ -73,19 +73,6 @@ global PgAcVar CurrentDB
proc default_pg_host {} {
return localhost
proc default_pg_port {} {
global env
if {[info exists env(PGPORT)]} {
return $env(PGPORT)
} else {
return 5432
proc {wpg_exec} {db cmd} {
global PgAcVar
set PgAcVar(pgsql,cmd) "never executed"
......@@ -178,20 +165,15 @@ global PgAcVar CurrentDB
proc {main} {argc argv} {
global PgAcVar CurrentDB tcl_platform env
if {[info exists env(PGLIB)]} {
set libpgtclpath [file join $env(PGLIB) libpgtcl]
} else {
set libpgtclpath {libpgtcl}
load ${libpgtclpath}[info sharedlibextension]
global PgAcVar CurrentDB tcl_platform
load libpgtcl[info sharedlibextension]
catch {Mainlib::draw_tabs}
set PgAcVar(opendb,username) {}
set PgAcVar(opendb,password) {}
if {$argc>0} {
set PgAcVar(opendb,dbname) [lindex $argv 0]
set PgAcVar(opendb,host) [default_pg_host]
set PgAcVar(opendb,pgport) [default_pg_port]
set PgAcVar(opendb,host) localhost
set PgAcVar(opendb,pgport) 5432
} elseif {$PgAcVar(pref,autoload) && ($PgAcVar(pref,lastdb)!="")} {
set PgAcVar(opendb,dbname) $PgAcVar(pref,lastdb)
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