Commit 1b9dea04 authored by Heikki Linnakangas's avatar Heikki Linnakangas

Remove useless 'needlock' argument from GetXLogInsertRecPtr. It was always

passed as 'true'.
parent 9c808f89
......@@ -9411,15 +9411,13 @@ GetStandbyFlushRecPtr(void)
* Get latest WAL insert pointer
GetXLogInsertRecPtr(bool needlock)
XLogCtlInsert *Insert = &XLogCtl->Insert;
XLogRecPtr current_recptr;
if (needlock)
LWLockAcquire(WALInsertLock, LW_SHARED);
INSERT_RECPTR(current_recptr, Insert, Insert->curridx);
if (needlock)
return current_recptr;
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ pg_current_xlog_insert_location(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
errmsg("recovery is in progress"),
errhint("WAL control functions cannot be executed during recovery.")));
current_recptr = GetXLogInsertRecPtr(true);
current_recptr = GetXLogInsertRecPtr();
snprintf(location, sizeof(location), "%X/%X",
current_recptr.xlogid, current_recptr.xrecoff);
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ extern bool XLogInsertAllowed(void);
extern void GetXLogReceiptTime(TimestampTz *rtime, bool *fromStream);
extern XLogRecPtr GetXLogReplayRecPtr(XLogRecPtr *restoreLastRecPtr);
extern XLogRecPtr GetStandbyFlushRecPtr(void);
extern XLogRecPtr GetXLogInsertRecPtr(bool needlock);
extern XLogRecPtr GetXLogInsertRecPtr(void);
extern XLogRecPtr GetXLogWriteRecPtr(void);
extern bool RecoveryIsPaused(void);
extern void SetRecoveryPause(bool recoveryPause);
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