Commit 1ade4b33 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Triggers should return TRIGGER not OPAQUE. Looks like this script got

overlooked in 7.3 updates.  Not a critical fix but avoids a notice when
the resulting SQL script is executed.
parent 96ecf9d5
......@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ print STDERR "Add triggers definition...\n" if ($self->{debug});
if ($self->{export_schema}) {
$sql_output .= "SET search_path = $self->{schema}, pg_catalog;\n\n";
$sql_output .= "CREATE FUNCTION pg_fct_\L$trig->[0]\E () RETURNS OPAQUE AS '\n$trig->[4]\n' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'\n\n";
$sql_output .= "CREATE FUNCTION pg_fct_\L$trig->[0]\E () RETURNS TRIGGER AS '\n$trig->[4]\n' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'\n\n";
$sql_output .= "CREATE TRIGGER \L$trig->[0]\E\n\t$trig->[1] $trig->[2] ON \"\L$trig->[3]\E\" FOR EACH ROW\n\tEXECUTE PROCEDURE pg_fct_\L$trig->[0]\E();\n\n";
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