Commit 1891f0e9 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Update rules test for extra quoting in rule deparser.

parent 53311358
......@@ -1066,13 +1066,13 @@ sl8 | 21|brown | 40|inch | 101.6
QUERY: SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views ORDER BY viewname;
viewname |definition
iexit |SELECT, ih.thepath, interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit FROM ihighway ih, ramp r WHERE (ih.thepath ## r.thepath);
pg_indexes |SELECT c.relname AS tablename, i.relname AS indexname, pg_get_indexdef(x.indexrelid) AS indexdef FROM pg_index x, pg_class c, pg_class i WHERE ((c.oid = x.indrelid) AND (i.oid = x.indexrelid));
pg_rules |SELECT c.relname AS tablename, r.rulename, pg_get_ruledef(r.rulename) AS definition FROM pg_rewrite r, pg_class c WHERE ((r.rulename !~ '^_RET'::text) AND (c.oid = r.ev_class));
pg_tables |SELECT c.relname AS tablename, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS tableowner, c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relhasrules AS hasrules, (c.reltriggers > 0) AS hastriggers FROM pg_class c WHERE (((c.relkind = 'r'::char) OR (c.relkind = 's'::char)) AND (NOT (EXISTS (SELECT pg_rewrite.rulename FROM pg_rewrite WHERE ((pg_rewrite.ev_class = c.oid) AND (pg_rewrite.ev_type = '1'::char))))));
pg_tables |SELECT c.relname AS tablename, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS tableowner, c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relhasrules AS hasrules, (c.reltriggers > 0) AS hastriggers FROM pg_class c WHERE (((c.relkind = 'r'::"char") OR (c.relkind = 's'::"char")) AND (NOT (EXISTS (SELECT pg_rewrite.rulename FROM pg_rewrite WHERE ((pg_rewrite.ev_class = c.oid) AND (pg_rewrite.ev_type = '1'::"char"))))));
pg_user |SELECT pg_shadow.usename, pg_shadow.usesysid, pg_shadow.usecreatedb, pg_shadow.usetrace, pg_shadow.usesuper, pg_shadow.usecatupd, '********'::text AS passwd, pg_shadow.valuntil FROM pg_shadow;
pg_views |SELECT c.relname AS viewname, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner, pg_get_viewdef(c.relname) AS definition FROM pg_class c WHERE (c.relhasrules AND (EXISTS (SELECT r.rulename FROM pg_rewrite r WHERE ((r.ev_class = c.oid) AND (r.ev_type = '1'::char)))));
pg_views |SELECT c.relname AS viewname, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner, pg_get_viewdef(c.relname) AS definition FROM pg_class c WHERE (c.relhasrules AND (EXISTS (SELECT r.rulename FROM pg_rewrite r WHERE ((r.ev_class = c.oid) AND (r.ev_type = '1'::"char")))));
rtest_v1 |SELECT rtest_t1.a, rtest_t1.b FROM rtest_t1;
rtest_vcomp |SELECT x.part, (x.size * y.factor) AS size_in_cm FROM rtest_comp x, rtest_unitfact y WHERE (x.unit = y.unit);
rtest_vview1 |SELECT x.a, x.b FROM rtest_view1 x WHERE (0 < (SELECT count(1) AS count FROM rtest_view2 y WHERE (y.a = x.a)));
......@@ -1086,16 +1086,16 @@ shoelace |SELECT s.sl_name, s.sl_avail, s.sl_color, s.sl_len, s.sl_unit
shoelace_candelete|SELECT shoelace_obsolete.sl_name, shoelace_obsolete.sl_avail, shoelace_obsolete.sl_color, shoelace_obsolete.sl_len, shoelace_obsolete.sl_unit, shoelace_obsolete.sl_len_cm FROM shoelace_obsolete WHERE (shoelace_obsolete.sl_avail = 0);
shoelace_obsolete |SELECT shoelace.sl_name, shoelace.sl_avail, shoelace.sl_color, shoelace.sl_len, shoelace.sl_unit, shoelace.sl_len_cm FROM shoelace WHERE (NOT (EXISTS (SELECT shoe.shoename FROM shoe WHERE (shoe.slcolor = shoelace.sl_color))));
street |SELECT, r.thepath, c.cname FROM road r, real_city c WHERE (c.outline ## r.thepath);
toyemp |SELECT, emp.age, emp.location, (12 * emp.salary) AS annualsal FROM emp;
toyemp |SELECT, emp.age, emp."location", (12 * emp.salary) AS annualsal FROM emp;
(20 rows)
QUERY: SELECT tablename, rulename, definition FROM pg_rules
ORDER BY tablename, rulename;
tablename |rulename |definition
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_del |CREATE RULE rtest_emp_del AS ON DELETE TO rtest_emp DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, action, newsal, oldsal) VALUES (old.ename, getpgusername(), 'fired'::bpchar, '$0.00'::money, old.salary);
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_ins |CREATE RULE rtest_emp_ins AS ON INSERT TO rtest_emp DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, action, newsal, oldsal) VALUES (new.ename, getpgusername(), 'hired'::bpchar, new.salary, '$0.00'::money);
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_upd |CREATE RULE rtest_emp_upd AS ON UPDATE TO rtest_emp WHERE (new.salary <> old.salary) DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, action, newsal, oldsal) VALUES (new.ename, getpgusername(), 'honored'::bpchar, new.salary, old.salary);
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_del |CREATE RULE rtest_emp_del AS ON DELETE TO rtest_emp DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, "action", newsal, oldsal) VALUES (old.ename, getpgusername(), 'fired'::bpchar, '$0.00'::money, old.salary);
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_ins |CREATE RULE rtest_emp_ins AS ON INSERT TO rtest_emp DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, "action", newsal, oldsal) VALUES (new.ename, getpgusername(), 'hired'::bpchar, new.salary, '$0.00'::money);
rtest_emp |rtest_emp_upd |CREATE RULE rtest_emp_upd AS ON UPDATE TO rtest_emp WHERE (new.salary <> old.salary) DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, "action", newsal, oldsal) VALUES (new.ename, getpgusername(), 'honored'::bpchar, new.salary, old.salary);
rtest_nothn1 |rtest_nothn_r1 |CREATE RULE rtest_nothn_r1 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_nothn1 WHERE ((new.a >= 10) AND (new.a < 20)) DO INSTEAD SELECT 1;
rtest_nothn1 |rtest_nothn_r2 |CREATE RULE rtest_nothn_r2 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_nothn1 WHERE ((new.a >= 30) AND (new.a < 40)) DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
rtest_nothn2 |rtest_nothn_r3 |CREATE RULE rtest_nothn_r3 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_nothn2 WHERE (new.a >= 100) DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO rtest_nothn3 (a, b) VALUES (new.a, new.b);
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